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Which of the following improved communication between India and Britain?

All are correct completion of the Suez Canal use of steamships laying of submarine cables

Improvements in transportation, such as the railroads and steamships,

All are correct lowered transportation costs. linked industrial centers with overseas resources. facilitated the movement of people as well as goods. facilitated delivery of manufactured products to consumers

By the end of the sixteenth century, which European countries had become Protestant and which had remained Catholic? Why did they either convert or remain Catholic?

By the end of the 16th century, the European countries that became Protestant were Germany, Switzerland, England, Scandinavia, and Holland. The European countries that remained Catholic were Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, and Sicily. England converted to become Protestant by Martin Luther's ideas spreading and also by the king of England, King Henry VIII, severing his ties from the Roman Catholic church when the pop refused to allow him to divorce his wife. King Henry VIII became Supreme Head of the Anglican Church, but began adopting Protestant ideas. Therefore, England permanently left the Roman Catholic community.

What was Karl Marx's criticism of industrial capitalism? What solutions did he envision? Did the proletariat overthrow the bourgeoisie as he predicted?

Karl Marx claimed that industrial capitalism was the cause of the oppression of the lower classes and that capitalism's only purpose was to keep the rich wealthy and the poor enslaved. Marx claimed that the only way to upset this system and free the lower class was for the lower class to revolt against the capitalist system and participate in the more equal system of communism.

Compare the French model of direct rule with the British model of indirect rule. What are the relative advantages and disadvantages for both the rulers and their African subjects? Consider this: Under which system would an African find the most opportunities for personal advancement?

The French did not allow the indigenous peoples to keep their governments when they had been colonized while on the other hand, Britain did allow this. For the French, this gave them more control over the people and kept their holdings in Africa for longer. For the British, however, the people in Africa were able to keep more of their cultural identities because they were allowed to keep their parts of their original governments. The people of Africa would be able to advance greater under British control because they were able to keep their old governments and benefit from the new technologies from the British.

The German Schlieffen plan called for

a swift knockout of France, combined with defensive action against Russia

Smallpox, influenza, and measles spread rapidly in the Americas because of

lack of previous exposure that would build natural immunity

Compared to the western front, fighting on the eastern front was

more fluid, as the Germans made inroads into Russia.

One striking difference between the British and the French imperial models in Africa is that

the British preferred to use local institutions to control subject populations.

In Spain, the process of state building and political centralization was accelerated by

the marriage of Fernando of Aragon and Isabel of Castile.

Portugal led Europe in maritime exploration for all the following reasons except

they had more people and a more advanced economy than the other states of Europe.

Proponents of "scientific racism" argued tha

All are correct race could be biologically defined and characterized. western dominance was justified on the basis on racial superiority. the theories of Charles Darwin supported world dominance by the "fittest" races. people of European descent were morally superior to other races.

By 1900, birthrates had sharply declined in most industrialized countries because

All are correct raising children was more expensive in an industrial society than in an agricultural one. declining infant mortality meant that more of the children born were likely to survive. improved health and nutrition reduced overall death rates. married couples actively practiced birth control.

In response to socialist demands for social and economic reform, most governments

All are correct treated trade unions as illegal organizations. supported business and prosecuted strikers. passed laws restricting child labor. extended the vote to the working class.

The rivalry between Germany and Britain up to 1914 included

All are correct an expensive naval race. competition for foreign markets. tariff wars. competition for colonies in east and southwest Africa

The Peace of Westphalia, which ended of the Thirty Years' War, ensured that

All of the above Germany remained fragmented the nations of Europe would no longer go to war over religion each nation was permitted to direct its own internal affairs the balance of power was the new principle of European diplomacy

Sunni Ali's administration of the Songhay was strengthened by

All of the above a system of provincial governors. an effective chain of military command. an imperial navy to patrol the Niger River. the profitable trans-Saharan traffic

Richelieu and his absolutist theory heir, Louis XIV, managed to control the nobles of France and their activities by

All of the above crushing the most powerful nobles in a civil war early in his reign. heavily taxing the nobles' estates so they could no longer fund private armies. requiring the nobility to live at Versailles where he could distract them and keep an eye on them. appointing hundreds of new nobles from the merchant class, who were loyal to him.

Martin Luther's work had an enthusiastic popular support because

All of the above he attacked the sale of indulgences that the poor could not afford. many Christians shared his concern about the corruption of the Church. many German princes saw this as a way to break away from the Church. he supported the translation of the Bible from Latin into the vernacular languages.

Ibn Battuta was able to travel extensively across Asia and Africa in the early fourteenth century because

All of the above he was welcomed as an Islamic judge in many Muslim kingdoms. new maritime technology made long-distance travel more common. he was able to take advantage of existing trade routes. the Mongol kingdoms provided safe passage for merchants and travelers.

African slaves were in demand for the New World because

All of the above so many Native Americans died from imported diseases. native peoples frequently escaped into the hinterlands. sugar plantations in the Caribbean required considerable labor. Spanish and Portuguese conquerors disdained manual labor.

In the New World, the Columbian Exchange generally resulted in

All of the above the introduction of infectious diseases. the staggering loss of indigenous populations. the introduction of domesticated animals such as cattle and horses. the introduction of food crops such as wheat.

What might be a feature or effect of cultural nationalism?

All of the above the study of your culture's language the study of your culture's history collecting folk songs and fairy tales of your culture anti-Semitism

The most significant impacts of sugarcane production on global economies was

All of the above widespread deterioration in diet and nutrition. the increased demand for slave labor. increased demand for tea and coffee. increased demand for other luxury goods, such as porcelain

Compare the positions of a conservative and a liberal in the nineteenth century on the nature of political authority and political change. What would each ideology say about abolition of slavery? What about women's rights?

The conservative position in the nineteenth century focused on the slow gradual change of nations over time from generation to generation, like the American Revolution. The conservative position claimed that anything other than the slow change would result in anarchy. Their views on slavery and women's rights were to be addressed slowly over time, but not to be either freed or given rights quickly as it would upset the status quo. The liberal position in the nineteenth century argued that it was quick change that was needed and that it was important to right the wrongs as quickly as possible. An example of liberal position is the French Revolution which developed quickly and quickly spun out of control. This group believed that slaves should be freed right away and that women should be given the same rights as men as quickly as possible to make society better.

Although he called himself a Marxist, Lenin, unlike Marx, believed that the revolution

would be led by a small, highly-disciplined party acting on behalf of the workers.

The indigenous religions of sub-Saharan African were essentially

polytheistic, recognizing numerous local gods as well as a single creator god.

This was not a major motivations for European exploration of the world's oceans

population pressures in Europe.

Dreadnoughts were designed primarily to

protect merchant shipping and conduct high-seas battles.

Most African slaves went

to the tropical and subtropical plantations of the Americas

The German people united behind King Wilhelm I because

The wars engineered by Bismarck generated strong nationalist sentiment.

The "white man's burden" proposed by Rudyard Kipling referred to the

the moral duty of the west to work to "civilize" the rest of the world.

The battle of Gallipoli was significant in that

this British-directed debacle cost the lives of many Canadian, Australian, and New Zealander troops.

British rule undermined the Indian cotton industry by

undercutting the cost of Indian cloth with cheap British textiles.

In spite of the isolation and harsh climate, Russians ventured over the Urals into Siberia in search of


The ideas of the Enlightenment challenged the long-term assumptions about sovereignty, and instead proposed that

governments are bound to the will of the people.

The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand was the catalyst that started World War I because

his death brought to a head the tensions underlying the alliances in eastern and western Europe.

Theodor Herzl's Zionism was the direct result of

his shock at the army's persecution of Alfred Dreyfus

One advantage of the industrial corporation over the older joint-stock company was the

limited liability for investors

What was NOT an economic advantage enjoyed by Britain in the eighteenth century?

local sources of raw cotton

Chinese naval expeditions were abruptly ended in 1433 because

maintaining the fleet was considered a needless waste of national resources.

The Luddites were threatened by industrialization of what industry in particular?


The Berlin West Africa Conference in 1884-1885 established

that, if a European power indicated its intention to colonize and then proceeded to occupy an African territory, it could claim that colony.

An example of a syncretic cult combining elements of Christianity and African beliefs is

the Antonian movment.

What could be considered an expression of enlightened ideas about government?

the Declaration of Independence

One significant difference between the Portuguese settlement of Angola and the Dutch settlement of Cape Town was that

the Portuguese came to Angola as traders while in South Africa the Dutch settled on the land as farmers.

One reason for the hysterical witch-hunts of the sixteenth century was that

the conflicts of the Reformation contributed to a climate of suspicion and violence and unusual natural phenomena suggested supernatural causes

In spite of the ravages of the slave trade, the population of Africa actually increased in the eighteenth century due to

the introduction of new staple foods from the Americas.

Spanish forces were able to conquer the Philippines because of

the lack of a centralized, powerful state to organize resistance.

At the Paris Peace Conference,

Britain and France were determined to strip Germany of military power.

Cecil Rhodes was

A leading British imperialist who founded a colony in Africa

In addition to fighting off Allied forces, the Ottoman empire faced insurrection from the


By 1750, all of the following regions were linked by trade and commerce except


The first European power to abolish the slave trade was


This was something that the British did not gain in the Seven Years' War

Cape Town from the Dutch.

John Calvin's contribution to the furthering of the Protestant Reformation came from

Codifying Protestantism into a coherent and organized manner

By the end of the nineteenth century, nationalistic movements resulted in independent sovereignty for all of the following EXCEPT


The Battle of Omdurman clearly demonstrated that

European troops with modern weapons could subdue a vast native army

T/F: In contrast to modern stereotypes, nearly half of all accused witches were men


T/F: Sufi Islam advocated a more rigid and dogmatic interpretation of true religious devotion than traditionally orthodox interpretations of Islam.


This government gave the most workers' rights, pensions, and social security than other industrializing nations of the in the late nineteenth century?


The key factor in the decision of the U.S. to enter World War I was

Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare against the United States.

Choose the order in which these African empires arose:

Ghana, Mali, Songhay

One region that was unaffected by the plague was


The population of the industrial world grew dramatically in the nineteenth century, in part because

Improved transportation networks resulted in cheaper food and therefore better diets.

Which region is incorrectly paired with a primary trade good?

Japan and spices

The dynasty that succeeded the Yuan was the


The Yuan dynasty was dominated by which foreign culture?


The Songhay Empire was toppled by


What was a well-traveled trade route in the 13th and 14th centuries?

Portugal down the West coast of Africa

The Portuguese slave trade began in the mid-fifteenth century with Portuguese raiders capturing African men and selling them in Europe. How had this trade changed by the mid-sixteenth century?

Portuguese merchants bought slaves from African raiders and sold them to Europe and the Americas.

How was the kingdom of Kongo transformed by its contacts with the Portuguese?

Portuguese merchants established a political and diplomatic relationship with the kings of Kongo. The kings converted to Christianity to establish closer relationships with Portuguese

Although relations between Portugal and the Kongo were initially friendly, the Kongo was ultimately destroyed because

Portuguese slave traders undermined the authority of the kings.

Which individual is incorrectly paired with a scientific discovery?

Ptolemy and the moons of Jupiter.

What factors led to the Seven Years' War in the eighteenth century? What was the outcome, globally, of that conflict?

Some of the factors of the Seven Years' War were the fight for trading rights both in Asia and in the New World; another factor was the trade rights of ocean routes. The outcome for the Seven Years' War was that it proved that Great Britain would be the dominating force in worldwide trade for over 100 years.

Match the two kingdoms involved in the Spanish Armada

Spain v. England

The Thirty Years' War began when

The Holy Roman Emperor tried to force his Bohemian subjects to return to Catholicism

What was not considered to be part of the Catholic Reformation

The Institutes of the Christian Religion

The last country to abolish slavery was

The United States

Why had most European governments abandoned concessionary companies in Africa by the early twentieth century?

The brutal use of forced African labor by companies provoked a public outcry in Europe.

The example of Thomas Peters establishing the slave refuge in West Africa called Sierra Leone illustrates

The extensive linkages between lands in the Atlantic Ocean basin.

Describe the social and economic outcomes of the plague.

The plague affected social outcomes because the disease affected all classes. The death toll also weakened the power the nobles and clergy had on the serfs, and in the end caused the breakdown of the feudal system. The economic outcomes was an abundance of wealth because of the decrease in population. With the decrease in population, the serfs and merchant class could demand higher wages for their labor.

What was NOT a correct explanation of why the Haitian revolution succeeded

The revolutionaries had the support of British and Spanish forces.

Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power as

a military hero

What effect did World War I have on the status of women?

Women in many countries received the vote in the years after the war.

The sea route to the Indian Ocean discovered by Vasca da Gama offered European merchants

a chance to buy goods directly from Indian merchants.

Portuguese sailors were able to tack against the prevailing winds by using

a combination of square and lateen sails

What was NOT one of the causes of the French revolution of 1789?

accusation of treason against Louis XVI

The first military use of gunpowder was mainly for

bombs lobbed by catapults into cities under siege

The colonization of the Belgian Congo is noted for the

brutal treatment of the Congolese people by King Leopold II

The British maintained their head start in industrialization

by forbidding the export of machinery and expertise

In World War I, "no man's land" was the

deadly territory between opposing trenches.

Olaudah Equiano's experience contributed to the abolishment of slavery because he

exposed the horrors of slavery, particularly the middle passage, to a European audience

Unlike the British in India, the French in Indochina

encouraged conversion to Christianity

In general, Napoleon championed

equality under the law but not political freedom

One social goal of the British authorities in India was to

establish English-style schools for children of Indian elites.

In their critique of industrial capitalism, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels claimed that

only a communist revolution would overcome the abuses of capitalism and create a just and equal society.

The purpose of alliances such as the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente was to

provide mutual defense and support in case of attack.

The purpose of the Twenty-One Demands was to

reduce China to the status of a Japanese protectorate.

What was NOT a military technology used in World War I?

rocket-powered missiles

A Renaissance humanist is one who

seeks to reconcile Christian contemplation with public responsibilities.

In response to the challenges raised by the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church

summoned a council to clarify doctrine and strengthen their spiritual commitment

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