Hist1001 Exam 2

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"Founder of Medicine" During the Golden Age in Greece he was a scientist that believed all diseases came from natural causes. He also had high ideals for physicians & an oath was made that is still used today.


(470-399 BCE) An Athenian philosopher who thought that human beings could lead honest lives and that honor was far more important than wealth, fame, or other superficial attributes.

First Triumvirate

60 BCE, unofficial coalition between Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus

Heracles (Hercules)

A divine hero and son of Zeus. The greatest of the Greek heroes, god of strength


A military unit of the ancient Roman army, made up of about 5,000 foot soldiers and a group of soldiers on horseback.


An officer of ancient Rome elected by the plebeians to protect their rights from arbitrary acts of the patrician magistrates.


Belief that objects, such as plants and stones, or natural events, like thunderstorms and earthquakes, have a discrete spirit and conscious life.


Carthaginian military commander who, in the Second Punic War, attempted a surprise attack on Rome, crossing the Alps with a large group of soldiers, horses, and elephants.


Early Greek leader who brought democratic reforms such as his formation of the Council of Four Hundred

Draco (Greece)

First recorded legislator of Athens in ancient Greece he replace the prevailing system of oral law in blood feud by a written code to be enforced only by a court of law

In your opinion, please cite and explain 2 detailed examples of why the Western Roman Empire crumbled by 476 AD. Your evidence may be political, economic, or military in nature and can be of any combination that you choose.

I believe the Western Roman Empire tumbled because of the continuous attacks from the barbarians. I also believe that their was an internal decay over time that gradually got worse to the point where the empire crumbled. Christianity also could have been a reason for their fall because they were "idle and unproductive people". Over all they just became unproductive and could not help themselves.


King of the gods or called Jupiter

Lauren Reed 121424 UNIV1000.25

Lauren Reed 121424 UNIV1000.25

According to Machevelli, is the use of cruelty when administering a state ever justified from a practical point of view?why?Please provide two specific examples when defending your answer to this question.

Machevell does believe that cruelty can be administered and be justified. In "The Prince" he says "Those cruelties are well used, if it is permitted to speak well of evil, that are carried out in a single stroke, done out of necessity to protect oneself and then are not continued, but are instead converted into the greatest possible benefits for the subjects". This shows the ways that cruelty can be well used and what Machevelli believes is justified. He also says "Those cruelties are badly used that, although few at the outset, increase with the passing of time, instead of disappearing". This shows what he does not think is justified because later on he says the people who well use cruelty "Can remedy their standing both with God and with men".


Members of the lower class of Ancient Rome including farmers, merchants, artisans and traders

How did "Patricus" according to Cahill, begin his journey toward sainthood as St. Patrick? What special obstacles/temptations were his to overcome? Please be as specific as possible in your response to both parts of this question.

Patricus started his journey to sainthood when he returned to his homeland. The obstacles he went through were when he was captured by the Irish and he kept praying and after years he was finally freed because a ship came and took him back to his homeland. This is when he decided to become a priest and a bishop. He returned to Ireland to convert the Irish to christianity and he usually used the clover to explain it.

Julius Ceaser

Roman general and statesman whose dictatorship was pivotal in Rome's transition from republic to empire

Pater familias "father of the family"

Roman term- gave the eldest male (head of family) almost unlimited authority

Why did The Romans/Greeks feel that they were pawns of the mythological gods that they worshipped? Provide three detailed examples in your analysis of this question.

Romans and Greeks felt like they were pawns of the mythological gods they worshipped because they were obedient to there gods and believed they had to do things for the gods to get something in return or to not be punished in the afterlife. (DO NOT USE THIS QUESTION FOR TEST!!!)

Describe and Evaluate the Athenian concept of direct democracy. How is it different from the current form of representative democracy used in the US?

The Athenian concept of direct democracy is that the citizens would be members of the legislature and that is how they ruled. Women did not have voting, slavery was allowed and you had to have a Athenian ancestry. This is different from modern America because today we have a representative democracy and the citizens choose the representatives in the legislature. Citizenship was only grants if you were born in America or went through naturalization. Slavery is not allowed and women and men are equal in America.


The Mediterranean society that formed on the island of Crete and who were a big maritime society.

Why is the Socratic method of inquiry such an invaluable form of questioning today? How did it lead to the ultimately death of its originator, Socrates?

The Socratic Method of inquiry is invaluable because it puts fear in students but not always in a positive way. It is meant to "strike fear in the hearts of students that they either cannot articulate clearly the values that guide their lives, or that their values and beliefs do not withstand scrutiny." This method is not always effective in different lessons or subjects. This ultimately led to the death of Socrates because he was accused of "corrupting the young" with his teachings and he had to drink a poison drink and die.

How did Geography influence the development of Greek monotheism and city-states? Examine the impact of isolation upon the personality and development of distinct communities such as those developed within the city-states of Athens and Sparta providing two specific examples for each city state mentioned.

The geography shaped the nature of communication for the Greeks because the Cretan and Phoenician merchants. These merchants taught them about writing, navigation, and many other things. This impacted the personality of the Greeks because they wrote in the writing they were taught and used the navigations from these merchants. If they would not have been located here they probably would have written in another language and navigated different. The isolation of the city-states in them being completely opposite. The Athenian city-state focused more on the development of arts and mind over "the perfect solider" because they were a democracy and believed this would be the most effective way to go. They flourished in the aspects of science and art but were not that good in the military ways. They actually formed a type of trade for their city state.

Jupiter(Roman god)

The king of the gods, and the son of Saturn. While the gods often struggle against one another in battles of will, Jupiter's will reigns supreme and becomes identified with the more impersonal force of fate. Therefore, Jupiter (also known as Jove, and called Zeus in Greek mythology) directs the general progress of Aeneas's destiny, ensuring that Aeneas is never permanently thrown off his course toward Italy. Jupiter's demeanor is controlled and levelheaded compared to the volatility of Juno and Venus.

Romulus and Remus

Traditional story of how Rome began. Twins abandoned and rescued by a wolf, raised by a shepherd . Grew to build Rome. Romulus later killed Remus

Describe "a day in the life of" a Roman gladiator (a) in training and (b) in the arena. Ultimately, did the gladiators have any hope for survival, or were they just animals trained for the entertainment of a blood thirsty Roman population? Give at least 3 detailed responses in your answer to this question.

When a Roman gladiator was in training they were checked by a doctor to see if they were good enough to become a gladiator. They had to learn how to die in the training because they were not supposed to show fear when they died. "Roman spectators expected gladiators to die bravely, showing no fear, offering themselves to cold blooded murder by their opponents" They used wooden swords in training to not hurt each other and training resulted them Into being at the peak of their fitness. "Gladiator Training commenced with getting the new gladiator to the peak of fitness. Their training did not initially involve using real weapons, as this would be dangerous for the trainers and staff of the schools." The gladiators could survive but ultimately someone would die in the duel and some where slaves and captured and forced to be a gladiator for entertainment purposes.

Twelve Tables of Rome

codified Roman laws; included concept of "innocent until proven guilty"; the codification of Roman law during the republic


huge estates bought up by newly wealthy Roman citizens


watercolor paintings done on wet plaster, these artist were widely patronize by royalty in the wealthier members of society

Patricians were

wealthy landowners, they made laws on most of the lands in with some of the generals over the armies

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