Historical Books of the Bible Quiz 2

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What was the book of 1 Samuel about and why was it written?

What: History of Events Why: to record how Israel got a king

What was the book of Ezra about and why was it written?

What: History of Reconstruction Why: Provide details of the exiles return and the rebuilding of the temple

What was the book of Nehemiah about and why was it written?

What: History of Reconstruction Why: Rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem

What was the book of 1 Chronicles about and why was it written?

What: Review of David's reign Why: To encourage the remnant

What was the book of Esther about and why was it written?

What: Story of Redemption Why: To demonstrate that in all circumstances, God is in control

What was the book of Ruth about and why was it written?

What: Story of a Faithful foreigner Why? To demonstrated the kid of faithfulness, godliness, loyalty and love that God desires for us.

What is the theological significance of Kings?

When the kings listen to the message of God's servants they make the right decisions and experience the blessings of God. When leaders reject the prophets' messages the entire nation suffer.

What is a major theological theme of 1 and 2 chronicles?

Worship- more than the songs we sing

What was the name of the 2nd temple built after Solomon's temple?

Zerubabbel's Temple

In the end of Judges what was the state of Israel as a nation? Why?

chaos and lawlessness, "everyone did whatever he wanted" because of religious compromise.

What lesson do the Samuel books teach?


What perspective is 1 and 2 Chronicles told in?


What is the theological concept taught by the story of Ruth and Boaz?


Real worship is the _________________________ expression of the soul set ___________________, the sinner __________________ and the Savior ___________________________.

spontaneous, free, forgiven, exalted

What did the temple represent?

the presence of God among His people

After Joshua, the Israelites started a downward spiral. What is a key phrase in Judges that shows this?

"Again Israel did evil in the eyes of the Lord"

What books of the Bible do 1 and 2 Chronicles parallel?

1-2 Samuel and 1-2 Kings

How long did David wait until he was anointed to be King?

15 years

What year was the 2nd temple (Zerubabbel's Temple) built?

515 BC

What year was the first temple (Solomon's Temple) built and destroyed? How many years did it take to build?

Built: 996 BC Destroyed : 586 BC Years to build: 20 for palace and temple; 7 for temple

Who is anointed King after Saul?


Outline of 2 Samuel

David's reign in Judah David unites Israel David and Bathsheba Family problems conclusion

Who are 2 of the most famous judges

Deborah Samson

In the book of Kings what occurs with the prophet Elijah?

Elijah vs. prophets of Baal Elijah flees The Lord appears to Elijah Calling of Elisha

What is the only OT book that the name of God does not appear?


Which is the only Biblical book not found among the Dead Sea Scrolls?


Where were the Israelites at during the Kings books?

Exile in Babylon

What are the practical concepts in the book of Joshua?

God never promises us an easy life, but teaches us the importance offish and obedience in relation to blessing. We must follow through completely and in total surrender to see great blessing and when we see that it will all be for his glory

What does Elisha request of the Lord and how did he know if he got it?

He asked for a double portion of anointing (he performed 2x the number of miracles as Elijah). he knew he got it when he saw Elijah taken up to heaven.

Who was Ezra?

He had political connection with the Persian government serious scholar from the priestly line of Aaron

What did Jehoash do when told to strike the arrow and what did this represent?

He only struck the ground 3x (it is representative of Israels partial obedience). If he struck it 5-6x they would have defeated Aram completely

Who is Ruth in relation to King David?

His great grandmother

In what way did the Lord appear to Elijah?

In the whisper not in the wind or in the earthquake

What happened to the Ark in 1 Samuel?

It was taken and returned

What was the 1st conquest of Joshua


What was the cycle of Israel's history? (3 steps)

Judgement Repentance Redemption

Outline of 1 Kings

King Solomon's reign Temple Construction Queen of Sheba Kingdom Splits Prophet Elijah

What 2 sons of Jacob did not get land and why?

Levi- they were the priestly tribe, so they were given a city in each area to live in and therefore did not have their own land allocation Joseph- His portion of land went to his two son's Ephraim and Manasseh

What type of literary format is the narrative of Solomon in 1 Kings?

Literary Inversion (alb,c,d,e,d,c,b,a) Solomon's accession Solomon's throne established Solomon's wisdom Solomon's reign Solomon''s building projects Solomon's reign characterized Solomon's folly Solomon's throne threatened Rehoboam's accession to the throne

What was the role of judges in Israel?

Most were heroes or delivers more than legal arbiters

Outline of Ruth

Naomi and Ruth Ruth meets Boaz The Threshing Floor The Marriage

What prophet confronts David about his faults?


Outline of Nehemiah

Nehemiah Returns Rebuilding of walls Threats and Persecution Renewal of the Covenant Dedication and Laws

At the end of 2 Samuel what does David do?

Purchases land that will later be used to build the temple on

Outline of Judges

Reasons for failure The Judges Days of lawlessness

What book is the lynchpin of the covenant and provides an essential key to the transition from judges to kings?

Ruth- it is through ruth that the promise of Abraham that "through him all nations will be blessed."

Outline of 1 Samuel

Samuel Saul David

Who is the 1st king Samuel anoints?


Outline of Esther

Search for new Queen Haman's plot Esther's plan Haman's downfall Esther saves the jet

What is the southern kingdom? What is the northern kingdom?

Southern- Judah Northern- Israel

What is Esther's relationship to Nehemiah?


Outline of Joshua

The Conquest Dividing the Land Joshua's farewell

Outline of Ezra

The Exiles return Rebuilding the temple The work of Ezra

What are the books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther referred to?

The Historical Books

Outline of 2 Kings

The Prophet Elisha Kings of Judah and Israel Fall of Israel King Josiah Fall of Judah: Exile

Who were the recipients of 1 and 2 Chronicles?

The did not have the Davidic king and under Persian domination. They were in need of encouragement after the 70 years of captivity expired

What did the first few chapters of Joshua emphasize to the audience?

The importance of spiritual preparation

How long is a cubit?

The length from elbow to finger tips

What causes the book of Judges to show why Israel struggled to maintain the land?

The policy of coexistence rather than FULL conquest

Who were the levites?

The priests of Israel who were the only people qualified to maintain the temples

What brings about the calling of Samuel?

The prophet Eli's sons were wicked

What was the agreement between the tribes when Reuben, Gad and 1/2 of Manasseh settled before crossing the Jordan?

They could settle, but had to send their fighting men to help in the rest of the conquests

What became the root of the problem for the Israelite nation once they conquered their land?

They did not remove or kill off all the people of the lands and allowed them to live among them causing them to stray in their beliefs

What did Joshua warn the people of Israel in his farewell speech?

They will remain in Canaan and prosper only when they comply with the Mosaic covenant.

What are 2 of Solomon's greatest accomplishments?

United the kingdom He built the temple and the Ark is brought there

What was the book of 2 Kings about and why was it written?

What: Evaluation of the Kings Why: To demonstrate the value of obeying God

What was the book of 1 Kings about and why was it written?

What: Evaluation of the Kings Why: To demonstrate the value of obeying and the danger of disobeying God

What was the book of 2 Chronicles about and why was it written?

What: Highlights kings of Judah Why: TO show the benefits that come from obedience

What was the book of Judges about and why was it written?

What: History before Kings Why: To stress the importance of remaining loyal to God

What was the book of Joshua about and why was it written?

What: History of Conquest Why: To assure the people that obedience to God is rewarded

What was the book of 2 Samuel about and why was it written?

What: History of Events Why: To demonstrate the prominence of David's line

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