history 110B #2

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+textiles were the ..... industry of the industrial revolution in terms of ...., value of .... and .... invested. The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new ... processes in the period form about ... to around ... It begins in .... Why ....? .... led to the use of a new .... source the first time .... societies began to harvest the planets mineral .... ..... provided 3x more energy .... fields are abundant in .... Location - .... mines were near the sea whale meant .... transport to manufacturing centers -.... routes cut down on ... costs -......'s colonial empire provided it with an abundance of ... materials ... in the Americas provided ... and .... Colonies became natural ... for British .... goods

+textiles were the dominant industry of the industrial revolution in terms of employment, value of output and capital invested. The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes in the period form about 1760 to around 1840 It begins in England Why Britain? Deforestation led to the use of a new fuel source the first time western societies began to harvest the planets mineral wealth Coal provided 3x more energy coal fields are abundant in Britain Location - coals mines were near the sea whale meant easier transport to manufacturing centers -water routes cut down on transportation costs -britain's colonial empire provided it with an abundance of raw materials Plantations in the Americas provided sugar and cotton Colonies became natural markets for British manufactured goods

Pre-contact Hawaii -Each of the ... inhabited islands were divided into separate ..... known as .... -..... ran from the ..... to the ... -Each ..... was then sub .... into .... -..... also ran in .... shaped pieces from the ... to the .... -Each ..... was then fashioned into .... on which resided the ..... (or extended families) who .... the land -The .... was the core .... unit in ..... society -No .... -Thus there existed no ... of .... profit from .... -Exchange between .... who lived near the .... with .... who lived ..... constituted the .... life of .... which densely .... the Hawaiian islands -Therefore, .... formed the .... base of ..... society -.... also established the complex .... of .... (Chiefs) -The .... competed with each other in terms of .... which was established by spiritual ... or ... -.... was derived from chiefly .... or from conquest in ....

-Each of the 8 inhabited islands were divided into separate districts known as Okana -Okana ran from the mountains to the sea -Each Okana was then sub divided into Ahupua'a -Ahupua'a also ran in wedge shaped pieces from the mountains to the sea -Each Ahupua'a was then fashioned into ili on which resided the Ohana (or extended families) who cultivated the land -The Ohana was the core economic unit in Hawaiian society -No currency -Thus there existed no idea of financial profit from exchange -Exchange between Ohana who lived near the sea with Ohana who lived inland constituted the economic life of communities which densely populated the Hawaiian islands -Therefore, Kinship formed the economic base of Hawaiian society -Kinship also established the complex network of Ali'i (Chiefs) -The Ali'i competed with each other in terms of rank which was established by spiritual power or MANA -Mana was derived from chiefly genealogies or from conquest in war

-For Landowners indentured servitude was a .... because it not only provided a ..... to their ..... problem but it allowed them to ..... their ..... holdings because early colonies provided those who ..... for the ..... passage with a ".... right" or ..... allotment- often 50 acres for each ..... (including oneself) transported ex: one planter John Carter imported 80 indentured servants in 1665 to work for them in ..... and he received 600 ..... Indentured servitude provide cheap ...., more ..... ( for the plantation owners) and the honor that occurred to those with authority over other humans

-For Landowners indentured servitude was a gold mine because it not only provided a solution to thier labor problem but it allowed them to increase thier land holdings because early colonies provided those who paid for the transatlantic passage with a "head right" or land allotment- often 50 acres for each person (including oneself) transported ex: one planter John Carter imported 80 indentured servants in 1665 to work for them in Virginia and he received 600 acres Indentured servitude provide cheap labor, more land ( for the plantation owners) and the honor that occurred to those with authority over other humans

-Kamehameha .... ...... the Hawaiian islands -..... the islands -Formally establishes the ...... of Hawaii in 1810 -He ruled until 18... -Kamehameha II ruled 1819-1824 -Kamehameha III ruled 1825-1854 -Kamehameha IV ruled 1855-1863 -Kamehameha V ruled 1863-1872 -.... ruled 1873-1874 -..... ruled 1874-1891 -...... ruled 1891-1893 Polynesian Triangle -Stretch of ocean between New ....., ..... Island and .... -Each of the groups residing in these areas had related ..., ..... and .... -......- first used to describe non native ....., .... and .... -Now used as a description of .... ..... .....

-Kamehameha I conquers the Hawaiian islands -Unites the islands -Formally establishes the kingdom of Hawaii in 1810 -He ruled until 1819 -Kamehameha II ruled 1819-1824 -Kamehameha III ruled 1825-1854 -Kamehameha IV ruled 1855-1863 -Kamehameha V ruled 1863-1872 -Lunahilo ruled 1873-1874 -Kalakaua ruled 1874-1891 -Liliuokalani ruled 1891-1893 Polynesian Triangle -Stretch of ocean between New Zealand, Easter Island and Hawaii -Each of the groups residing in these areas had related cultures, customs and dialects -Haole- first used to describe non native plants, animals and people -Now used as a description of non native peoples

-Later (after ....) Timber, Beef, and Grain -intellectual .... -..... valued over ... -government .... and then .... made it easier to start .... and to get ... so much coal is used that mines had to be dug deeper and deeper -.... flooded -1712 ...... developed a .... engine -The demand for cheap .... drove ..... for .... industry -... invents the flying ... 17.. -Flying ....-allowed a single weaver to weave much wider .... by hand and wide .... requested two weaver seated side by side passing a shuttle be taken them -....s steam engine 17.... -improved ....s earlier invention and made the removal of .... more efficient -It was worked by burning ... that drove a ...

-Later (after 1830) Timber, Beef, and Grain -intellectual climate -evidence valued over Dogmna -government non-interference and then assistance made it easier to start companies and to get loans so much coal is used that mines had to be dug deeper and deeper -mines flooded -1712 Thomas Newcomen developed a steam engine -The demand for cheap cotton drove mechanization for cotton industry -John Kay invents the flying shuttle 1733 -Flying shuttle-allowed a single weaver to weave much wider fabrics by hand and wide fabrics requested two weaver seated side by side passing a shuttle be taken them -James Watt's steam engine 1765 -improved newcomen's earlier invention and made the removal of water more efficient -It was worked by burning coal that drove a piston

-One side would .... when one side seized an .... the other side ... the ..... field -The losing side lost .... and ,,,, but there was very little ,,,,, _Shakda changed this ..... style _Dingiswayo influence showed in earlier years when shaka was matured During Shaka first real battle -The ..... went into battle against a rival ..... -Shaka .... everyone there -He proved himself under ... Dingiswayo and the ..... were stronger than the .... infact the .... were .... to teh .... Dingiswayo reunites with his .... , Shaka returns to ... amoung the ... with his .... then Senzagakona dies at 1816 With the help of Ding, Shaka is able to ..... ....... (Shak's older .... bro) Declare himself .... .... are still .... to ..... but ..... gives Shaka plenty of .... to expand the .... chiefdom.

-One side would charge when one side seized an advantage the other side fled the battle field -The losing side lost land and cattle but there was very little carnage _Shakda changed this fighting style _Dingiswayo influence showed in earlier years when shaka was matured During Shaka first real battle -The Mtetwa went into battle against a rival clan -Shaka surprised everyone there -He proved himself under Dingiswayo Dingiswayo and the MTETWA were stronger than the Zulu infact the zulu were vassals to teh METETWA Dingiswayo reunites with his father Shaka returns to live amoung the Zulu with his mother then Senzagakona dies at 1816 With the hlep of Ding, Shaka is able to assisnate Siguijana (Shak's older half bro) Declare himself Chieftan. Zulu are still vassals to metewa but dingiswayo gives Shaka plenty o fspace to expand the zulu chiefdom.

-The highest ranking .... were advised by a ... class or .... -THe ..... (people of the ...) made up the bulk of the .... -They were .... to their ..... caretakers but were .... in many ways -The ... neither owed ... service to the.....nor were they bound to the .... -It was a system of .... -The .... were free to move their .... to live under an .... of their choosing -An ... increased his .... and material ..... by having more ... living within his .... or ... -The result was an .... for the societies .... to provide for all their .... well being and ...- to fail to do so meant the loss of ... and thus the loss of .... for the .... -.... order, or the .... upon which determinations of ... and ... were based were part of the ... or system of .... law -The ..... determined everything from the .... of ... and .... making to the correct .... behavior among ... and ..... alike -The ..., like the natural ...., was a universe of .... relations -Human beings were but one .... link in the .... family -Thus .... had human as well as ... form and ... ancestors inhabited different .... forms after ...

-The highest ranking Ali'i were advised by a priestly class or KAHUNA -THe Maka'ainana (people of the land) made up the bulk of the population -They were subordinate to their ali'i caretakers but were independent in many ways -The Maka'ainana neither owed military service to the ali'i nor were they bound to the land -It was a system of interdependence -The Maka'ainana were free to move their ohana to live under an ali'i of their choosing -An Ali'i increased his status and material prosperity by having more people living within his Moku or domain -The result was an incentive for the societies leaders to provide for all their constituents well being and contentment- to fail to do so meant the loss of status and thus the loss of MANA for the ali'i -Moral order, or the code upon which determinations of right and wrong were based were part of the kapu or system of sacred law -The Kapu determined everything from the time of farming and war making to the correct mating behavior among ali'i and maka'ainana alike -The cosmos, like the natural world, was a universe of familial relations -Human beings were but one constituent link in the larger family -Thus gods had human as well as animal form and human ancestors inhabited different physical forms after death

-The ... of this type of .... would be a .... of the highest .... -The ..... of this type of union were called ... -Following Captain .... increased numbers of .... arrived in the islands and with them they brought ...., Western .... ideas, ..... , ...... In just over a hundred years after ....'s arrival the Hawaiian ..... changed dramatically Traditional Hawaiian ..... gave way to ..... The Hawaiian .... order ..... changed The .... form of government was .... Ultimately Hawaiian .... and ..... was lost Hawaiian .... was significantly changed and at times .... It is estimated that anywhere between ..00,000 to .... million Hawaiians .... the islands pre 1778 By 1840 ..... had taken such a toll that the population was reduced to less than ...00,000 By 1890 there were less than ...0,000 .... Hawaiians

-The offspring of this type of union would be a chief of the highest rank -The people of this type of union were called AKUA -Following Captain Cook increased numbers of westerners arrived in the islands and with them they brought Capitalism, Western political ideas, Christianity , disease In just over a hundred years after Cook's arrival the Hawaiian society changed dramatically Traditional Hawaiian religion gave way to Christianity The Hawaiian moral order KAPU changed The Chiefly form of government was lost Ultimately Hawaiian Kingdom and sovereignty was lost Hawaiian culture was significantly changed and at times suppressed It is estimated that anywhere between 300,000 to 1 million Hawaiians inhabited the islands pre 1778 By 1840 diseases had taken such a toll that the population was reduced to less than 100,000 By 1890 there were less than 40,000 native Hawaiians

After the .... Constitution, .... arguments about ..... Hawaiians cultural .... and economic ...... appeared daily in the ....controlled .... ..... inferiority was used to justify the seizure of ... and the calls for .... ..... died in 1891 and was succeeded by his sister...... Enraged by the action of the .... planters, Hawaiians ....., they were seeking to revise the ..... Constitution- once again American troops landed to restore ... ......was determined to return her people to their rightful ... in their own ... To that end the ..... decided to give her people a new and more democratic ..... - one that removed the ..... requirements for ..... and restricted the .... to subjects of the .... Foreigners would not be allowed to .... But ..... was thwarted by her .... Her ministers formed the "..... of ...." an all .... regime and sought military .... from US ... by asking them to .... and recognize the ..... .... government This was a planned ..... of the government The marines marched to ..... palace and the ".... of ...." or the .... government confronted the ..... Faced with armed troops the .... ceded her authority not to the .... government but not the .... on January 7, 1893 The Queen ceded her authority under .... Until such time as the government of the ... shall upon hearing the facts undo this .... and restore her to .... On February 1, 1893 the US .... to Hawaii proclaimed Hawaii a US .... and raised the American Flag over ... Palace But the idea of swift .... was short lived President Grover ... just 5 days after his inauguration .... the pending ... treaty from Congress On March 29 ....'s commissioner James .... arrived in Hawaii to investigate the .... ....'s report found the .... and its .... guilty on all counts President ..... upon reading the report explained to congress that he would ... again submit an .... treaty to them

After the Bayonet Constitution, racist arguments about Native Hawaiians cultural inferiority and economic inability appeared daily in the Haole controlled newspapers Racial inferiority was used to justify the seizure of power and the calls for annexation Kalakaua died in 1891 and was succeeded by his sister Lili'uokalani Enraged by the action of the Haole planters Hawaiians revolted, they were seeking to revise the Bayonet Constitution- once again American troops landed to restore order Lili'uokalani was determined to return her people to their rightful place in their own land To that end the Queen decided to give her people a new and more democratic constitution - one that removed the property requirements for voters and restricted the vote to subjects of the Kingdom Foreigners would not be allowed to vote But Lili'uokalani was thwarted by her ministers Her ministers formed the "Committee of Safety" an all Haole regime and sought military assistance from US marines by asking them to land and recognize the Haole provisional government This was a planned takeover of the government The marines marched to Iolani palace and the "Committee of safety" or the provisional government confronted the Queen Faced with armed troops the Queen ceded her authority not to the provisional government but not the United States on January 7, 1893 The Queen ceded her authority under protest Until such time as the government of the United States shall upon hearing the facts undo this action and restore her to power On February 1, 1893 the US minister to Hawaii proclaimed Hawaii a US protectorate and raised the American Flag over Iolani Palace But the idea of swift annexation was short lived President Grover Cleveland just 5 days after his inauguration withdrew the pending annexation treaty from Congress On March 29 Cleveland's commissioner James Blount arrived in Hawaii to investigate the overthrow Blount's report found the US and its minister guilty on all counts President Cleveland upon reading the report explained to congress that he would never again submit an annexation treaty to them

As cities grow- Sanitation... death rates...... birth rates for the ..... time in ..... history -parks, museum offer .... -regulation of food and housing facilities .... -...... police forces -Crime rates .... -all of these things add to the.....in quality of life for .... in .... After 1850 Birth rates ... ..... pop level (combination of ... birth rates and .... death rates) Children now seen as something other than .... that contributed to the ...., enjoy children and didn't have so many -..... conditions generally ... after 1850 By 1900, .... of ..... populations enjoyed conditions .... the .... level

As cities grow- city governments had to address problems Sanitation improves death rates fall below birth rates for the first time in urban history -parks, museum offer leisure activities -regulation of food and housing facilities improve living conditions -more effective police forces -Crime rates fall -all of these things add to the safety improvements in quality of life for urban dwellers in western Europe After 1850 Birth rates begin to drop Fairly stable pop level (combination of low birth rates and low death rates) Children now seen as something other than workers that contributed to the family income, enjoy children and didn't have so many -___conditions generally improve after 1850

Between 1848-50 King Kamehameha ... gave in to ...... advisors and institutes the .... system The .... system - or .... of lands meant that... No longer would the land be .... up into .... (districts of land running from the mountains to the sea) No longer would the .... be ..... into .... No longer would the ... cultivate the .... the same way No longer would the .... be the core .... unit in Hawaii Instead the ... system would be .... and the ... system ... MAHELE Under the .... system for the first time ... or .... were allowed to own ... Just .... to this remember that the .... shifted the monarchy to a .... monarchy to resemble a ... government As Hawaii made this shift ....'s were allowed to .... in the governance of Hawaii Around 1845 (1845-1847) Something called the .... ACTS were drawn up by newly appointed .... General JOHN ..... (A New York .... that arrived in Hawaii in 1844) The provisions of the .... Acts provided ... departments or .... under the .... to be staffed by .... government officials known as... ..... ACTS The Ministry of the ... The Ministry of .... Affairs The Ministry of Public .... The Ministry of the .... More importantly these .... replaced various functions of the executive (... or the ...) theoretically leaving the .... to oversee them all 3 of the first 4 Ministers were ... 2 of them had come to Hawaii as ....

Between 1848-50 King Kamehameha III gave in to Haole advisors and institutes the Mahele system The Mahele system - or division of lands meant that... No longer would the land be divided up into OKANA (districts of land running from the mountains to the sea) No longer would the OKANA be subdivided into AHUPUA'A No longer would the OHANA cultivate the land in the same way No longer would the OHANA be the core economic unit in Hawaii Instead the OKANA system would be dissolved and the MAHELE system instituted MAHELE Under the Mahele system for the first time HAOLE or foreigners were allowed to own land Just prior to this remember that the King shifted the monarchy to a constitutional monarchy to resemble a western government As Hawaii made this shift Haole's were allowed to participate in the governance of Hawaii Around 1845 (1845-1847) Something called the ORGANIC ACTS were drawn up by newly appointed Attorney General JOHN RICORD (A New York lawyer that arrived in Hawaii in 1844) The provisions of the Organic Acts provided separate departments or ministries under the king to be staffed by senior government officials known as... ORGANIC ACTS The Ministry of the Interior The Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Ministry of Public Education The Ministry of the Treasury More importantly these ministers replaced various functions of the executive (Moi or the King) theoretically leaving the King to oversee them all 3 of the first 4 Ministers were HAOLE 2 of them had come to Hawaii as missionaries

British ____ supremacy made bringing ___ over much ..... (1588 SPanish ....) -..... dominate ...... trade in 1..th century middle passage (....... Voyage) 1st slaves experience ..... ...... to the .... in captivity -..... to strange men who spoke a .... -..... in Dark, damp .... like forts -....., sold put on a .... to go out to larger ..... -they could barely move on board for ... weeks, if water was low.... somewhere thrown ....., video (.... middle passage) arrival in .... brought an end to teh .... passage but then they were subjected to a new terror - the ... they were poked and proddled.

British Naval supremacy made bringing slaves over much easier (1588 SPanish armada) -British dominate slave trade in 17th century middle passage (Transatlantic Voyage) 1st slaves experience capture Marched to the coast in captivity -sold to strange men who spoke a foreign language -Held in Dark, damp dungeon like forts -Examined, sold put on a canoe to go out to larger ship -they could barely move on board for 12 weeks, if water was low, somewhere thrown overboard video (amistad middle passage) arrival in americas brought an end to teh middle passage but then they were subjected to a new terror - the sale they were poked and proddled.

By ..... it is estimated that around .... mili Africans were shipped across the ..... 10-...0% died on the ships -1781, running short on ....., the captain of the slave ship .... ordered 132 Africans thrown ..... as insurance covered death form .... but not ...... -Between 10-11 .... Africans arrived in the ... -the overwhelming majority of African slaves arrive during the 1..th century -more then 7 million slaves arrive in the Americas between 1700-1800 Slaves mortality was .... and fertility was ... More ..... were brought than .... -most ..... slaves came from the .... region of west .... -..... and ..... traders dubbed this region "......." and assigned various portions of its descriptive designations such as "..... coast" -".... Coast" and "..... coast" that suggested the .... of their appeal -The only way to maintain or expand the number of slaves was to ...

By 1850 it is estimated that around 12 mili Africans were shipped across the Atlantic 10-20% died on the ships -1781, running short on water, the captain of the slave ship Zong ordered 132 Africans thrown overboard as insurance covered death form drowning but not starvation -Between 10-11 million Africans arrived in the Americas -the over whelming majority of African slaves arrive during the 18th century -more then 7 mili slaves arrive in the Americas between 1700-1800 Slaves mortality was high and fertility was low More men were brought than women -most American slaves came from the coastal region of west Africa -European and American traders dubbed this region "Gunie" and assigned various portions of its descriptive designations such as "Ivory coast" -"Gold Coast" and "Slave coast" that suggested the nature of their appeal -The only way to maintain or expand the number of slaves was to import more

By .... almost 6 million slaves worked in ....., 4 million slaves in the southern.... -The us depended more on .....than the .....in 1..th century -in .... legislation is enacted that prohibited new .... form being brought into the ..., in .... it took effect -80-90% of the population in the ... and .... caribbean were slaves -Between 1550 and 1850 .... alone imported 3.5-5 million slaves from africa Estimate Slave imports between 1519-1866 Brazil was .... million British North america- ...K Total of everyone was ... million Why were majority slaves were men? women and children were ..... because of high ... rates Slave populations in the Americas (in some location) grew .....

By 1860 almost 6 million slaves worked in the americas 4 million slaves in the southern united states -The us depended more on natural populations growth than the atlantic slave trade in 19th century -1807u legislation is enacted that prohibited new slaves form being brought into the US in 1808 it took effect -80-90% of the population in the British and french Caribbean were slaves -Between 1550 and 1850 Brazil alone imported 3.5-5 million slaves from Africa Estimate Slave imports between 1519-1866 Brazil was 3.9 milion British North america- 361K Total of everyone was 9.5 million Why were majority slaves were men? women and children were financial risk because of high mortality rates Slave populations in the Americas (in some location) grew first

Cotton Industry Between 1789 and 1850 the import of raw .... increased 11 mili pounds annually to 588 million pounds -Resort?? british production of cotton ...... rose form 40 mili yards annually to 2,025 mili yards during the same periods -Cotton __? made up of roughly ..... of Brittan .... during the fist half of the 1_th century -The industrial revolution begins in ... and spends to other parts and .... -between 18_0-18_0 (rapid .... growth-some call it the ... -later in industrial revolution, ... and ... linked cities across ... -This wide spread further .... and .... -city ... -city ... continues in the ... -Several countries starting with ... passed the ...%- mark in .... -For the first time in human history, the majority of the population live in ...

Cotton Industry Between 1789 and 1850 the import of raw cotton increased 11 mili pounds annually to 588 million pounds -Resort?? British production of cotton textiles rose form 40 mili yards annually to 2,025 mili yards during the same periods -Cotton __? made up of roughly half of Brittan exports during the fist half of the 19th century -The industrial revolution begins in England and spends to other parts and Americas -between 1840-1870 (rapid industrial growth-some call it the 2nd industrial revolution -later in industrial revolution, railroads and canals linked cities across Europe -This wide spread further industrialization and urbanization -city growth -city growth continues in the west -Several countries starting with Britain passed the 50%- mark in urbanization -For the first time in human history, the majority of the population live in cities

EXILE -Metewa (another ... people) -The metetwa are led at this time by ..... -..... is teased as a .... -No father, from a ...... line, insecurities but, he grew up 6'3, initiated into the .... -Found ..... and acceptance, ....., -First job was to tend ... for the .... -Became as far of ..... -Eventually would lead ..... regiments for the ..... -Shaka learned much form .... including a more ..... fighting .... -proved him self in .... Prior to Shakas rise to power, ... and .... amongst the Bantu was largely .... Battles were ..... 2 ..... sides (soilders) hurled ..... at each other Boasted at their ..... ..... towards each other -They launched their ...... (spears) But .... did they hit anyone On occasions solders were .... and someone was .....

EXILE -Metewa (another bantu people) -The metetwa are led at this time by dingiswayo -Shaka is teased as a boy -No father, from a chiefly line, insecurities but, he grewup 6'3, initiated into the military -Found brotherhood and acceptance, excelled, -First job was to tend cattle for the troops -Became as far of diniswayo -Eventually would lead military regiments for the Mtetwa -Shaka learned much form Diniswayo including a more aggressive fighting style -proved him self in battle Prior to Shakas rise to power battle and warfare amongst the Bantu was largely ceremonial Battles were pre-arranged 2 opposing sides (soilders) hurled insults at each other Boasted at their powerness Marching towards each other -They launched their Assegais (spears) But rarely did they hit anyone On occasions solders were injured and someone was killed.

Forms regiments by ... -.... introduced to army as porters herdman, etc -During .... season ..... soldiers are .... from the main .... -A .... could be a single .... with a cattle .... but the Royal.... had several .... huts -Shakas royal .... was 3 miles in ..... -Soldiers could only ..... with Shaka's .... and only after they reached the age of ..... and had .... themselves in .... -Even ..... soldiers here ..... from their .... during .... -...... of all ages (including old ...) -Bulls horns 1. ..... (strongest) on the sides 2. ...... (younger troops) front 3. ...... (older troops) in back Shaka preferred to .... his enemies in order to .... the enemy. the .... warriors cried out "Usu Thu" as they ran towards ...

Forms regiments by age -boys introduced to army as porters herdman, etc -During campaign season Zulu soldiers are secluded from the main Kraal -A Kraal could be a single hut with a cattle pen but the Royal Kraal had several 1,000 huts -Shakas royal Kraal was 3 miles in diameter -Soldiers could only marry with Shaka's permission and only after they reached the age of 35 and had proven themselves in battle -Even married soldiers here secluded from their wives during wartime -Regiments of all ages (including old men) -Bulls horns 1. Chest (strongest) on the sides 2. Horns (younger troops) front 3. Loins (older troops) in back Shaka preferred to annihilate his enemies in order to intimidate the enemy. the Zulu warriors cried out "Usu Thu" as they ran towards ...

Furthermore, .... Hawaiians expressed through the .... that the Hawaiians would suffer virtual .... under .... They cited the treatment of American .... and .... peoples in the United States as the prelude for what was to come if they agreed to ..... Therefore Native Hawaiians rigorously opposed any talks of ... or land .... ..... had no sooner changed his mind when he contracted ... and died in 1874 His reign lasted less than 1.. months While debates over the threat to Hawaiian .... raged in the papers and immediate menace to Native .... was posed by the constant interference of US .... forces to quell ... in the city of ... Since the early 19th century the presence of .... and .... in the towns such as Honolulu meant an increase in .... disturbances .... and .... exacerbated the ... Therefore ..... was an excuse for the continued .... presence US .... were there to protect US .... and when .... disturbances threatened to disrupt the .... industry the US military .... Just such a .... disturbance arose when .... died and David .... ran in an election against the dowager Queen ... for ... ....'s and ...'s supporters engaged in a brief .... that precipitated the landing of United States .... Ostensibly they were there to maintain .... but in reality they were there to support the pro American .... .... against the pro .... candidate .... With American .... and support, ..... became King In return for their support .... concluded forty years of negotiation of the .... Treaty ( 1875) What did this mean? It brought immediate relief to the .... industry, in fact it brought a .... ... exports to the US went from 17 million pounds in 1875 to 115 million pounds in 1883

Furthermore, Native Hawaiians expressed through the newspapers that the Hawaiians would suffer virtual enslavement under annexation They cited the treatment of American Indians and African peoples in the United States as the prelude for what was to come if they agreed to annexation Therefore Native Hawaiians rigorously opposed any talks of annexation or land cession Lunalilo had no sooner changed his mind when he contracted tuberculosis and died in 1874 His reign lasted less than 13 months While debates over the threat to Hawaiian sovereignty raged in the papers and immediate menace to Native Independence was posed by the constant interference of US naval forces to quell disturbances in the city of Honolulu Since the early 19th century the presence of whalers and merchants in the towns such as Honolulu meant an increase in civil disturbances Alcohol and prostitution exacerbated the problem Therefore peacekeeping was an excuse for the continued military presence US warships were there to protect US interests and when political disturbances threatened to disrupt the sugar industry the US military intervened Just such a political disturbance arose when Lunalilo died and David Kalakaua ran in an election against the dowager Queen Emma for Moi Kalakaua's and Emma's supporters engaged in a brief conflict that precipitated the landing of United States Marines Ostensibly they were there to maintain order but in reality they were there to support the pro American candidate Kalakaua against the pro British candidate Emma With American intervention and support Kalakaua became King In return for their support Kalakaua concluded forty years of negotiation of the Reciprocity Treaty ( 1875) What did this mean? It brought immediate relief to the sugar industry, in fact it brought a boom Sugar exports to the US went from 17 million pounds in 1875 to 115 million pounds in 1883

Hawaiian Cosmology -...... was not objectified, it was .... which resulted in an extraordinary amount of .... for the life of the ..., the ... and the .... -This is the world that Captain ... met in 1778 -James .... was a .... .... Captain -He called the Hawaiian Islands "The ..... Islands" 1778 -John ... 4th Earl -He is the first .... to reach the ..... Islands -He first landed at .... on the island of .... -He traveled to the Island of ..... on a ..... voyage -Tries to ..... a stolen ..... -Takes a high ..... ...... -Captain ..... is ........ to death in 1779

Hawaiian Cosmology -Nature was not objectified....it was personified which resulted in an extraordinary amount of respect for the life of the sea, the heavens and the earth -This is the world that Captain Cook met in 1778 - james cook was a British Naval Captain -He called the Hawaiian Islands "The Sandwich Islands" 1778 -John Montagu 4th Earl -He is the first European to reach the Hawaiian Islands -He first landed at Waimea on the island of Kauai -He traveled to the Island of Hawaii on a return voyage -Tries to recover a stolen boat -Takes a high chief hostage -Captain Cook is stabbed to death in 1779

...... ended in ..... in the US Natural..... made this ... to deal with for planters During the next ____ years- the slave population tripled to __million by 1860. Late 1__th century forward- 3 forces that contributed to changes during the late 1..th century- 1914 1. ____ 2. ongoing _____ 3. _____ _______- Scientific revolution (SR)- was the emergence of modern ______ during the early _____ period. During SR- developments in mathematics physics, astro, bio, chem, anatomy, transformed views of society and nature The SR influenced the age of ______ the age of _______ was a era from the _____ to the _____ in the which ______ and ______ forces in western _______ ___??? reason, analysis, and individualism rather than traditional lives of _____ Promoted by _____ and local ..... in urban ..... houses and ..... .........- are the intellectuals of the 1_th century ....

Importation ended in 1808 in the US Natural population growth made this easier to deal with for planters During the next 50 years- the slave population tripled to 4 million by 1860. Late 18th century forward- 3 forces that contributed to changes during the late 18th century- 1914 1. cultural 2. ongoing commercialization 3. Population revolution Cultural- Scientific revolution (SR)- was the emergence of modern science during the early modern period. During SR- developments in mathematics physics, astro, bio, chem, anatomy, transformed views of society and nature The SR influenced the age of enlightenment the age of enlightenment was a era from the 1620s to the 1780s in the which cultural and intellectual forces in western Europe ___??? reason, analysis, and individualism rather than traditional lives of authority Promoted by Philosophes and local thinkers in urban coffee houses and salons Philosophes- are the intellectuals of the 18th century enlightenment

In the 1_th Century indentured servants ____ and almost disappeared WHy? Changing ____ on both sides of the ____ were responsible for this development -In ____ after 16__ the ______ was restored after English ___ war 1640s interreganism 1644-1660 and England experienced an economic ____ Also African slaves now seemed like a better .... term ..... -the initial investment in African slaves brought a .... of service -reduced .... risk -..... born into slavery-natural ..... supply ...... -..... distinction began to facilitate ..... -The great majority of the ..... work force (indentured servants) arrived ..... -Africans slaves.....

In the 18th Century indentured servants declined and almost disappeared Why? Changing conditions on both sides of the Atlantic were responsible for this development -In England after 1660 the monarchy was restored after English civil war 1640s interreganism 1644-1660 and England experienced an economic upturn Also African slaves now seemed like a better long term investment -the initial investment in African slaves brought a lifetime of service -reduced flight risk -Offspring born into slavery-natural labor supply increase -Racial distinction began to facilitate enslavement -The great majority of the English work force (indentured servants) arrived voluntarily -Africans slaves did not

In the upper ......... Tobacco ....... in lower ..... ...... in the ...... The desire to develop _______ _________ under conditions of ______________ gave rise in _________ and ________, and __________ to forced ______ 1_th century- colonists experimented with _______ populations and _______ before their ______ importation of _______ Ex- south Carolina in 1_08 where 1,400 Indian slaves in a colonial population of 12.580 _______ numbers of _____ slaves persisted into the 1_th century European laborers- Europeans desiring to come to ...... but unable to afford ...... sold themselves into temporary ..... in exchange for ..... transportation to .....

In the upper South Tobacco Rice in lower South Sugar in the Caribbean The desire to develop commercial agriculture under conditions of population gave rise in North America and Caribbean and south America to forced labor 17th century- colonists experimented with indigenous populations and Europeans before their widespread importation of African Ex- south Carolina in 1708 where 1,400 indian slaves in a colonial population of 12.580 Small numbers of indian slaves persisted into the 19th century European laborers- Europeans desiring to come to America but unable to afford passage sold themselves into temporary slavery in exchange for free transportation to North America

Incorporated .... soldiers into his ..... and .... -When he initially gained control of the ...., there was only a couple .... warriors, in a short few years. he had an army of ..,000 ...,000 personal bodyguard Enough to form manly ..... (regiments) He Incorporated more than .... groups into the .... Nation during his .... Shaka .... people at will and ruled by .... washing of the ... Responsible at least a ... deaths -morning when his .... died, he executes ...of his own ... on the spot and 7,000 during a 3 month period Shaka placed conditions on the ... to mourn his ... 1. No .... for .. year 2. No .... to be used 3. execute all women found ..... 4. Cows are ... with his bands Shaka only ruled for a brief ... year period, he established trade with .... in 1824 when he was at the weight of ... Shaka is .... in 1828 (41 yr old) by his own ..

Incorporated enemy soldiers into his kingdom and army -When he initially gained control of the Zulu, there was only a couple hundred warriors in a short few years. he had an army of 50,000 12,000 personal bodyguard Enough to form manly Impis (regiments) He Incorporated more than 100 groups into the Zulu Nation during his reign Shaka executed people at will and ruled by fear washing of the spears Responsible at least a million death -morning when his mother died, he executes 1,000 of his own people on the spot and 7,000 during a 3 month period Shaka placed conditions on the Zulu to mourn his mom 1. No crops for 1 year 2. No milk to be used 3. all women found prego 4. Cows are executed with his bands Shaka only ruled for a brief 12 year period, he established trade with British in 1824 when he was at the weight of power Shaka is assisnated in 1828 (41 yr old) by his own bodyguard

Indentured Servants -while most indentured servants came to ..... voluntarily some where ...... or sentenced to servitude for ..... behavior -Most adults served .... years but children often served .... years or more -Indentured servants could find the years of service extended for .... behavior like ....., flight and ..... bearing -Indentured servitude- ...... because it simultaneously met the needs of .......colonial land holders and those would be European ......

Indentured Servants -while most indentured servants came to America voluntarily some where kidnapped or sentenced to servitude for criminal behavior -Most adults served 4-5 years but children often served 7 years or more -Indentured servants could find the years of service extended for criminal behavior like disobedience, flight and child bearing -Indentured servitude- flourished because it simultaneously met the needs of labor-hungry colonial land holders and those would be European migrants

James .... also sought the permanent .... of a US warship in Hawaiian waters to guard American .... interests In 1866 the USS ... was assigned to the island for an ...... period This protection of US .... interests with military might was an extension of the ..... Destiny policy that Americans had practiced on the ... The New York Times in 1868 stated that the .... was bound within a ... time to become the great ... and controlling .... in the Pacific But the biggest push for .... was not from the USA but rather from the ... ..... planters in Hawaii In 1869 Henry .... became the .... .... to Hawaii and immediately urged the cession of the .... .... as a .... station in exchange for a .... Treaty Kamehameha ... died in 1872 and his successor William ... gave in to his minsters urging and reluctantly .... to .... a ..... Treaty that included the cession of the ... The ... that pushed .... the most was Charles .... Charles .... was working with an ....- General Schofield and advocated the US ... of their .... coast relied on the establishment of a ... base in Hawaii Both ... and General ..... were disappointed when .... reversed his ... The .... Hawaiian public ... against any cession of Hawaiian land convinced the .... that he would receive no ... from the .... population for his action if he ceded the area for a ... The .... population felt that any cession of Hawaiian territory to a .... nation would simply be a prelude to .... Literacy -.... Native Hawaiians argued and felt that .... would be national ...

James McBride also sought the permanent stationing of a US warship in Hawaiian waters to guard American economic interests In 1866 the USS Lackawanna was assigned to the island for an indefinite period This protection of US economic interests with military might was an extension of the Manifest Destiny policy that Americans had practiced on the continent The New York Times in 1868 stated that the United States was bound within a short time to become the great commercial and controlling power in the Pacific But the biggest push for annexation was not from the USA but rather from the Haole sugar planters in Hawaii In 1869 Henry Pierce became the US minster to Hawaii and immediately urged the cession of the Pearl River Lagoon as a naval station in exchange for a Reciprocity Treaty Kamehameha V died in 1872 and his successor William Lunalilo gave in to his minsters urging and reluctantly agreed to negotiate a Reciprocity Treaty that included the cession of the Pearl River lagoon The advisor that pushed Lunalilo the most was Charles Bishop Charles Bishop was working with an American- General Schofield and advocated the US defense of their Pacific coast relied on the establishment of a naval base in Hawaii Both Bishop and General Schofield were disappointed when Lunalilo reversed his decision The Native Hawaiian public outcry against any cession of Hawaiian land convinced the king that he would receive no support from the native population for his action if he ceded the area for a base The Native population felt that any cession of Hawaiian territory to a foreign nation would simply be a prelude to annexation Literacy -Newspapers Native Hawaiians argued and felt that annexation would be national death

Later (after _____ returned to the _____)- he was supposed to provide .... support for the ...... who were going to ...... and subdue a rival .... -He arrived ..... -..... is captured and .... -..... still in charge of the ..... but now no longer a ..... chiefdom to the ...., eventually .... brings the mtetwa into the ...... Nation and begins to bring in many more ..... under his ruler -If a chiefdom resisted .... they were ...., their .... taken and they were driven off their ..... -.... accomplishes this ..... by transforming his own ..... through ..... -He gets rid of the Assegai and Develops the .... (a short stabbing .... with a .. inch blade) -his soldiers are not allowed to .... it or they will be .... them and also gets rid of .... Trains ... in field of .... -Forced to run ..../ cover ..... distance/ ran .... miles/ day -Enlarges the .... /transformed into a .... if any soldiers showed weakness they are .... on the spot

Later (after Shaka returned to the Zulu)- he was supposed to provide military support for the MTETWA who were going to tight and subdue a rival clan -He arrived late -Ding is captured and executed -Shaka stilll in charge of the Zulu but now no longer a vassal chiefdom to the Mtetwa, eventually shaka brings the mtetwa into the Zulu Nation and begins to bring in many more chiefdom under his rulers -If a chiefdom resisted Shak they were destroyed their cattle taken adn they were driven off their land -Shaka accomplishes this conquest by transforming his own military through reform -He gets rid of the Assegai and Develops the IKLWA (a short stabbing spear with a 6 inch blade) -his soilders are not allowed to throw it or they will be execute them and also gets rid of sandals Trains soilders in field of thorns -Forced to run everywhere/ cover great distance/ ran 50 miles/ day -Enlarges the shield /transformed into a weapon if any soldiers showed weakness they are execute on the spot

Legacy- .... transformed the .... the most .... indigenous .... force in history -By 1879 The .... are firmly entrenched along the .... and are looking to ... -.... is discovered -Britain wants more ..., invade ... land -in 1879 the Zulu leader is .... (Shaka's ....) -.... Zulu War 1879 Battle of .... 1879 -worst defeat ever experienced by ... in its ... history at the hands of an ... force -Lord ..... -However the .... learn from their .... during their initial campaign into ... land and defeat the .... to ... the war and secure .... Key to ... victory was ... including early version rapid firing machine ...- .... gun. .... would not gain its .... from .... until 1934

Legacy- military transformed the Zulu the most dominant indigenous African force in history -By 1879 The British are firmly entrenched along the coast and are looking to expand -Gold is discovered -Britain wants more land, invade Zulu land -in 1879 the Zulu leader is Cesteshwayo (Shaka's nephew) -Anglo Zulu War 1879 Battle of Islandlwana 1879 -worst defeat ever experienced by Great Britain in its imperial history at the hands of an indigenous force -Lord Chelmstord -However the British learn from their mistakes during their initial campaign into Zulu land and defeat the Zulu to win the war and secure South Africa Key to British victory was technology including early version rapid firing machine guns- Gatling gun. South Africa would not gain its independence from Great Britain until 1934

Most early servants were ...... and came ...... -severe ..... hardship in England during the 1st half of the 17th century combined with the .... disruption of the 1640s and 1650s ..... war and dictatorship of ........ ......... (military dictatorship), provided an abundant supply of would be .... Indentured servants were young ...., male servants ..... females by ... to 1 Once in the colonies indentured servants engaged in skilled ..... and in domestic ..... but the majority would up as _______ __________ -In the ....... colonies almost half of all servants ..... while still under ...... -...... servants that survived and served out the contract generally faced a ..... future than men- the surplus of males enable to most women to improve their status by marrying up

Most early servants were English and came voluntarily -severe economic hardship in England during the 1st half of the 17th century combined with teh political disruption of the 1640s and 1650s civil war and dictatorship of Oliver Cromwell (military dictatorship), provided an abundant supply of would be servants Indentured servants were young men, male servants outnumbered females by 3 to 1 Once in the colonies indentured servants engaged in skilled trades and in domestic positions but the majority would up as agricultural laborers -In the Chesapeake colonies almost half of all servants died while still under indenture -Female servants that survived and served out the contract generally faced a brighter future than men- the surplus of males enable to most women to improve their status by marrying up

Of the 32 plantations that dominated the Hawaiian economy 25 were .... or .. owned While the ... brought a boost to the .... industry it also brought a flood of foreign ..... to work the .... plantations Between 1877-1890 55,000 new .... arrived in Hawaii to work in the .... industry During the same period the ... Hawaiian population was .... By 1890 .... Hawaiians made up .... than half (45%) the population ..... and .... made up 55% Most of the ... from the .... industry went into the hands of .... planters A group formed called the Hawaiian .... (made up of all .... businessmen) They formed in order to protect the ..... of the .... property owners The Hawaiian .... forced King .... at gunpoint to sign a .... dubbed the .... Constitution in 1887 that ceded the .... to the United States in exchange for duty free .... trade for the ..... plantation owners This meant that the .... would no longer have to pay .... to the .... The ..... Constitution also stipulated that the .... was no longer responsible to the ... - instead they were responsible to the ... Then in order to ensure .... domination of the legislature the .... was severely restricted by .... qualifications You could now only .... in Hawaii if you owned $...,000 worth of ..... This was a way to exclude the .... Hawaiians from the right to .... The result was that the .... descendants (.... businessmen) secured control of the .... The most powerful group in the kingdom was now the .... minsters and the .... which were practically all ... In addition, ... or .... were granted to ... willing to swear allegiance to the new ...

Of the 32 plantations that dominated the Hawaiian economy 25 were American or Haole owned While the Treaty brought a boost to the sugar industry it also brought a flood of foreign immigrants to work the sugar plantations Between 1877-1890 55,000 new immigrants arrived in Hawaii to work in the sugar industry During the same period the Native Hawaiian population was halved By 1890 Native Hawaiians made up less than half (45%) the population Haole and Asians made up 55% Most of the profits from the sugar industry went into the hands of American planters A group formed called the Hawaiian League (made up of all Haole businessmen) They formed in order to protect the interests of the Haole property owners The Hawaiian League forced King Kalakua at gunpoint to sign a treaty dubbed the Bayonet Constitution in 1887 that ceded the Pearl River lagoon to the United States in exchange for duty free sugar trade for the Haole plantation owners This meant that the planters would no longer have to pay Tariffs to the US The Bayonet Constitution also stipulated that the ministry was no longer responsible to the king - instead they were responsible to the legislature Then in order to ensure Haole domination of the legislature the electorate was severely restricted by income qualifications You could now only vote in Hawaii if you owned $3,000 worth of property This was a way to exclude the Native Hawaiians from the right to vote The result was that the missionary descendants (Haole businessmen) secured control of the legislature The most powerful group in the kingdom was now the cabinet minsters and the legislature which were practically all Haole In addition, suffrage or voting rights were granted to foreigners willing to swear allegiance to the new government

Philosophes were _____ and __________ who applied reason to the study of many areas of learning, including phio, hist, sci, poli, econ, and social issues -challenged the _____ of _______ that were deeply routed in _____- especially________ -Enlightenment thinkers sought ways to reform ...... with ..... -Enlightenment thinkers challenged ...... privilege, called for a ...... voice in government Enlightenment thinkers -challenged ..... -called for a .... voice in .... -encouraged .... and .... change -policies that promoted .... ongoing ..... -business people with new ...., now challenge the idea that .... alone should hold the highest ...... offices -Business people interested in new ..... that might increase .....

Philosophes were philosphers and intellectuals who applied realson to teh study of many areas of learning, including phio, hist, sci, poli, econ, and social issues -challenged the authority of institutions that were deeply routed in society- especially Roman Catholic Church -Enlightenment thinkers sought ways to reform society with toleration -Enlightenment thinkers challenged Aristocratic privilege, called for a popular voice in government Enlightenment thinkers -challenged aristocratic privilege -called for a popular voice in government -encouraged economic and tech change -policies that promoted industry ongoing commercialization -business people with new wealth, now challenge the idea that aristocrats alone should hold the highest political offices -Business people interested in new technologies that might increase production.

Population Revolution -western ..... after 17... experiences a major population ..... -in .... of a century .... population rose in ...0% -population in .... and ..... to 100% in .... years -improved ..... (....... exchange) -reduced .... rate (especially among st children instead of 40% of all children dying by a 2% but by 1780s was 33% -more children meant more they will have children of their own -overall birth rate .... -By the late 1_th century, it was difficult for people that were not ___ to gain a high ____ in church or govern -population ____ also promoted a rapid ____ of domestic ____ Hundreds of thousands of people become full or part time ..... of ..... and .... products -worked at ... -produced goods for .... -worked in .... system -took work .... This is ...

Population Revolution -western Europe after 1730 experiences a major population increase -in half of a century Frances population rose in 50% -population in Brittan and russia to 100% in 50 years -improved nutrition (Colombian exchange) -reduced death rate (especially among st children instead of 40% of all children dying by a 2% but by 1780s was 33% -more children meant more they will have children of their own -overall birth rate increases -By the late 19th century, it was difficult for people that were not aristocratic to gain a high position in church or govern -population growth also promoted a rapid expansion of domestic manufacturing Hundreds of thousands of people become full or part time producers of textile and metal products -worked at home -produced goods for merchants -worked in capitalistic system -took work orders This is Proto-Industrialization

Population Upheaval Property less .... (worked for- wages) had an impact on several .... in western .... -..... began to change their dress to more .... styles (which suggest .... interest) -Pre marital sex .... -out of wed lock births ..... -among groups w lil or no p.... began to ... cus the traditional threat of denying .... had no meaning -as a result a youthful .... emerged The transition from Proto-industrization to the industrial revolution included going from ..... production method to ... As well as the Utilization of new .... manufacturing and .... production processes -it also included the ... efficiency of .... power and the increasing use of ... power and the development of .... tools and the rise of the ..... system -perhaps one of the most important aspects of the industrial revolution included the charge form .... and other .... to ...

Population Upheaval Property less wages (worked for- wages) had an impact on several behaviors in western society -villages began to change their dress to more urban styles (which suggest consumer interest) -Pre marital sex increases -out of wed lock births increase -among groups w lil or no property parental authority began to decline cus the traditional threat of denying in heritance had no meaning -as a result a youthful independence emerged The transition from Proto-industrization to the industrial revolution included going from hand production method to machines As well as the Utilization of new chemical manufacuring and iron production processes -it also included the improved efficiency of water power and the increasing use of steam power and the development of machine tools and the rise of the factory system -perhaps one of the must important aspects of the industrial revolution included the charge form wood and other bio-fuels to coal

President ..... told ..... "By an act of war committed with the ..... of a diplomatic ...... of the ..... and without ..... of ...., the government of a feeble but .... and confiding people has been ...... A substantial wrong has thus been done which a due regard for our national .... as well as the ..... of the .... people requires we should endeavor to ...." But ..... left .... after .... term ..... was never .... She was instead ..... in her palace by the .... planters The all ..... provisional ..... became an .... (A form of government which all power is vested in a ..... persons in a dominant ....) They renamed .... the .... of Hawaii In this new ..... voting was ..... to certain ...... requirements which excluded most native .... Final ..... had to ... but it came in 1898 under President ....

President Cleveland told Congress "By an act of war committed with the participation of a diplomatic representative of the USA and without authority of congress the government of a feeble but friendly and confiding people has been overthrown. A substantial wrong has thus been done which a due regard for our national character as well as the rights of the injured people requires we should endeavor to repair" But Cleveland left office after one term Lili'uokalani was never restored She was instead imprisoned in her palace by the Haole planters The all Haole provisional government became an Oligarchy (A form of government which all power is vested in a few persons in a dominant class) They renamed Hawaii the Republic of Hawaii In this new Republic voting was restricted to certain property requirements which excluded most native Hawaiians Final annexation had to wait but it came in 1898 under President William Mckinley

Prior to shakas rule the .... were a ..... clan of .... people .... people- a .... labeled for the 300-600 ethnic groups in africa who speak .... languages. They in habit a .... area stretching .... and ..... form central ..... across the African ..... region down to .... Africa .... are named after an .... that establishes the ... Ama Zulu- people of the .... Shaka born in 1787 to Senzangakons (papa), Nadi (mom) Senzangakona already had multiple ... and when shaka was born, it was considered a bit ...- perhaps because he was born out of .....- illegitimate Regardless of the circumstances it was .... for a chieftain to kill his illegitimate .... in order to eliminate future .... to their own .... Shaka is not given love or support by his .... ... fears for Shaka's ....

Prior to shakas rule the zulu were a minor clan of Bantu people Bantu people- a general labled for the 300-600 ethnic groups in africa in africa who speak Bantu languages. They in habit a geographical area stretching east and southern form central africa across the African Greatlakes region down to southern Africa Zulu are named after an individual that establishes the chiefdom Ama Zulu- people of the heavens Shaka born in 1787 to Senzangakons (papa), Nadi (mom) Senzangakona already had multiple wives and when shaka was born it was considered a bit scandalous- perhaps because he was born out of wedlock- illegitimate Regardless of teh circumstances it was common for a chieftain to kill his illegitimate sons in order to eliminate future threats to their own position Shaka is not given love or support by his father mom fears for Shaka's life

SHAKA/ZULU NATION modern south .... region of ... -... de .... calls this region ... in 14.. 1. ...... 2. .... 3. ... -By the mid 1..th Century the ... push the .... ships .... of the area -Originally a .... point before continually on to .... -Eventually .... settled in .... and become .... BOERS Theory also raised .... & ....- more ... and ... Pushed ..... from ..... to acquire new .... By the end of the 1..th century the .... supplant the .... in the area- and end ... maritime .... Therefore most of the .... in the area at the end of the 1..th century are .... By 18...the ..... controls .... town This forced the .... to push .... which in turn put more .... to further .....

SHAKA/ZULU NATION modern south Africa region of natal -Vasco de Gama calls this region Natal in 1497 1. Portuguese 2. Dutch 3. English -By the mid 17th Century the dutch push the Portuguese ships out of the area -Originally a fueling point before continually on to India -Eventually Dutch settled in Nata and become farmers BOERS Theory also raised cattle & sheep- more land and space Pushed east from cape to acquire new land By the end of the 18th century the British supplant the Dutch in the area- and end Dutch maritime domination Therefore most of the ships in the area at the end of the 18th century are British By 1806 the British Control Cape town This forced the Boers to push inland which in turn put more pressure to further inland.

Shaka-born in 1787 died 1828 Shaka is responsible for transforming the .... from a minor .... into the most .... indigenous group in sub equatioral .... -More than 100 .... were brought .... under Shaka's rule to form the expanding .... Nation A chiefdom- a form of ..... political ..... in ....societies usually based on ....., and in which formal .... is monopolized by the legitimate ..... members of select ..... or "......." and these elites form a political- ideological ... relative to the .... group.

Shaka-born in 1787 died 1828 Shaka is responsible for transforming the Zulu from a minor chiefdom into the most powerful indigenous group in sub equatioral africa -More than 100 chiefdoms were brought together under Shaka's rule to fourm the expanding Zulu Nation A chiefdom- a form of hierarchical political organization in non-industrial societies usually based on kinship, and in which formal leadership is monopolized by the legitimate senior members of select families or "houses" and these elites form a political- ideological aristocracy relative to the general group.

Slavery 3 populations: ......, ........., ....... The ...... brought slaves form ...... directly to ...... beginning in ..... After ..... African Slave Trade becomes ...... Initially the ..... procured slaves from ..... by ..... but later relieved predominantly on ...... of the .... people Slavery in ..... colonies in is now ..... and ...... 16..., ...... African slaves are brought to ....... (........) By 17... Slavery spread throughout ...... Colonies -In colonial America it is clear to many settlers that survival depended on working the ... -...... Settlers/ Colonists were in a land well suited for growing a variety of .....???? -And there was a great demand of ????? So planters could grow wealthy if they cantlized on this demand .... for these ...

Slavery 3 populations: indengious, indentured, african The Portuguese brought slaves form africa directly to portugal beginning in 1441 After 1441 African Slave Trade becomes common. Initially the Portuguese procured slaves from Africa by raiding but later relieved predominantly on trade of the African people Slavery in Brit colonies in is now US and Caribbean 1619, 20 African slaves are brought to Jamestown (Virginia) By 1776 Slavery spread throughout English Colonies -In colonial America it is clear to many settlers that survival depended on working the land -European Settlers/ Colonists were in a land well suited for growing a variety of crops....... -And there was a great demand....... So planters could grow wealthy if they cantlized on this demand abroad for these crops

.....- a .... vegetable But to ancient Hawaiians it was much more than just a plant... ...it was a ..... ...... mother mated with the ..... father They had a .... Then the .... father mates with the .... The result is as ... It is .... the first ..... plant grows in this ... It is called .... (..... being) The .... plant then takes care of all .... people by providing .... for the .... people -Just .... to the first American ..... showing up in Hawaii .... the ..... dies -His son .... becomes Kamehameha ... -The .... mother is .... (highest ranking .... in Hawaii) -Her .... were .... -Brother and sister marriages were prized for .... a clans spiritual .... or .... -Therefore a suitable .... for a Hawaiian ... was his .... -This paring is called a ... (meaning a ..., a ... or something ... in on itself)

Taro- a root vegetable But to ancient Hawaiians it was much more than just a plant... ...it was a brother Earth mother mated with the Sky father They had a daughter Then the sky father mates with the daughter The result is as still born baby It is buried and the first Taro plant grows in this spot It is called Kanaka (Human being) The Taro plant then takes care of all Hawaiian people by providing sustenance for the Hawaiian people -Just prior to the first American missionaries showing up in Hawaii Kamehameha the Great dies -His son Liholiho becomes Kamehameha II -The Queen mother is Keopuolani (highest ranking noble in Hawaii) -Her parents were siblings -Brother and sister marriages were prized for concentrating a clans spiritual power or MANA -Therefore a suitable partner for a Hawaiian Chief was his sister -This paring is called a PIO (meaning a bow, a loop or something bent in on itself)

The way that the land was .... up in the .... system each ... farmer had access to the ... that ran down from the mountains to the sea and .... their crops With the .... system they did not have this because new .... systems were ... which allowed for the .... to secure most of the .... rights This would be significant when ... land holders capitalized on the ...need for .... after the .. war began The ... fields once controlled by the ... were replaced by ... plantations owned by the ... The .... then replace the ... as the .... of the land ... .... plantation owners wanted to .... on the .... market however since Hawaii was a .... nation they had to pay the US .. Tariffs or taxes In the 1850s the ... or first .... of the ... wanted Hawaii to become part of the ..... so they would not have to pay these .... With that in mind the advisors ... an .... treaty in the 1850s However King Kamehameha ... opposed this treaty and it remained .... by him at his death His successor Prince Alexander ... (Kamehameha ...) ascended to the throne in 1855 and he ..... ongoing negotiations for .... to the United States Shortly thereafter the Hawaiian .... planters experienced a boom in ..... profits between 1857 and 1867 caused by the ban on southern .... in the northern states during the .... War This delayed the .... for the planters to have the USA ... Hawaii Kamehameha .... died in 1863 His brother Prince ... (Kamehameha ....) succeeded him and was also a strong advocate for Hawaiian ... In order to fend off US .... Kamehameha ... continued something his brother started called the .... Treaty This provided certain .... rights to the US in order for them to attain Hawaiian ... The planters were paid .... and Hawaii ensured its .... However in the 1860s the New US .... to Hawaii ( James ...) suggested that with the .... treaty Hawaii needed to ... a .... in ... to the US

The way that the land was divided up in the Okana system each Taro farmer had access to the water that ran down from the mountains to the sea and irrigated their crops With the Mahele system they did not have this because new irrigation systems were built which allowed for the Haole to secure most of the water rights This would be significant when Haole land holders capitalized on the United States need for sugar after the civil war began The Taro fields once controlled by the maka'ainana were replaced by sugar plantations owned by the Haole The Haole then replace the Maka'ainana as the owners of the land Haole sugar plantation owners wanted to capitalize on the American market however since Hawaii was a sovereign nation they had to pay the US Sugar Tariffs or taxes In the 1850s the advisors or first ministers of the king wanted Hawaii to become part of the United States so they would not have to pay these tariffs With that in mind the advisors drafted an annexation treaty in the 1850s However King Kamehameha III opposed this treaty and it remained unsigned by him at his death His successor Prince Alexander Liholiho (Kamehameha IV) ascended to the throne in 1855 and he terminated ongoing negotiations for annexations to the United States Shortly thereafter the Hawaiian sugar planters experienced a boom in sugar profits between 1857 and 1867 caused by the ban on southern sugar in the northern states during the Civil War This delayed the urgency for the planters to have the USA annex Hawaii Kamehameha IV died in 1863 His brother Prince Lot (Kamehameha V) succeeded him and was also a strong advocate for Hawaiian Independence In order to fend off US annexation Kamehameha V continued something his brother started called the Reciprocity Treaty This provided certain trading rights to the US in order for them to attain Hawaiian sugar The planters were paid handsomely and Hawaii ensured its sovereignty However in the 1860s the New US minister to Hawaii ( James McBride) suggested that with the reciprocity treaty Hawaii needed to cede a port in Honolulu to the US

Triangular Trade 1. Slaves carried to ... 2. ... and ..... carried to .... 3. ..... products sent to .... some .... believe that the practice of ..... increased in ... cus of .... trade -women's status .... as a result, Almost from the beginning America was heavenly depended on..? By the early 1__th cent. slavery, legal in all the ____ america, has teh dominant ____ system of teh ____ colonies and ___ colonies Most of the ___ fathers were ___ scale -_ of the first _ US presidents were __ holders By the end of the 1_th century, ________ could no longer fulfill the ___ demand in the ______ colonies

Triangular Trade 1. Slaves carried to America 2. Sugar and Tobacco carried to Europe 3. European products sent to Africa some scholars believe that the practice of polygamy increased in Africa cus of slave trade -women's status suffered as a result, Almost from the beginning America was heavenly depended on..? By the early 18th cent. slavery, legal in all the British america, has teh dominant labor system of teh southern colonies and north colonies Most of the founding fathers were large scale -8 of the first 12 US presidents were slave holders By the end of the 17th century indentured servants could no longer fulfill the labor demand in the southern colonies

-Until the .....s the ......... population of the ..... mainland colonies remained overwhelming ...... -As long as a ready supply of ..... servants existed- colonists saw little reason to go to the expense and bother importing large number of ..... -Beginning in the .....s the mainland colonies underwent a massive shift from ...... to ..... -between 16....-1700 the population of ..... more than ..... due to influx of ....... Additional examples" -......between 16__ and 17__ the est. proportion of African in teh population increased form ___% to ____% (Virginia) -and form 17% to 61% in south _____ during that same period

Until the 1680s the non-Indians population of the British mainland colonies remained overwhelming white -As long as a ready supply of indentured servants existed- colonists saw little reason to go to the expense and bother importing large number of Africans -Beginning in the 1680s the mainland colonies underwent a massive shift from indentured to slave labor -between 1680-1700 the population of Virginia more than triples due to influx of African slaves Additional examples" -......between 1680 and 1750 teh est. proportion of African in teh population increased form 7% to 44% (Virginia) -and form 17% to 61% in south carolina during that same period

Western .... arrive in the 1820s .... and .... interested in .... Wh... In 1839 .... ..... priests arrived and attempt to establish a .... This was opposed by the .... Calvinists (missionaries from ....) By this time the .....missionaries had become ..... to the ... or .... So the ..... priests are ... away Then in July 1839 a ..... ..... arrived in .... and made several ... 1-.... priests are to be allowed to establish a .... 2- that a land .... be established for such a .... 3- the ..... government pay ($..0,000) If the demands were not met they would declare ... on Hawaii The demands were ... This incident impressed on Kamehameha ... that Hawaii was .... to the great ..... powers ( France, Great Britain, United States) -King Kamehameha .... realized that certain steps were needed in order for Hawaiian .... to be .... and for Hawaii to be less ..... to colonization -So later in 1839 he issues the HAWAIIAN .... OF .... -Hawaii was an ..... Monarchy before this act -So this was a movement away from an ... monarchy to a .... monarchy -The Hawaiian .... of ... served as the ... to the Hawaiian .... of 1840 -The Hawaiian .... Established a House of ..... (comprised of ...) and an elected .... to pass laws in concert with the .... -Hawaiian ..... traveled to the United States, Great Britain and France to obtain recognition of Hawaiian ...

Western missionaries arrive in the 1820s Traders and merchants interested in Sandalwood Whalers In 1839 French Catholic priests arrived and attempt to establish a mission This was opposed by the anti-Catholic Calvinists (missionaries from New England) By this time the New England missionaries had become advisors to the Moi or Monarch So the Catholic priests are sent away Then in July 1839 a French Warship arrived in Honolulu and made several demands 1-French priests are to be allowed to establish a mission 2- that a land grant be established for such a mission 3- the Hawaiian government pay ($20,000) If the demands were not met they would declare war on Hawaii The demands were met This incident impressed on Kamehameha III that Hawaii was vulnerable to the great western powers ( France, Great Britain, United States) -King Kamehameha III realized that certain steps were needed in order for Hawaiian sovereignty to be recognized and for Hawaii to be less vulnerable to colonization -So later in 1839 he issues the HAWAIIAN DECLARATION OF RIGHTS -Hawaii was an absolute Monarchy before this act -So this was a movement away from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy -The Hawaiian Declaration of Rights served as the pre-amble to the Hawaiian Constitution of 1840 -The Hawaiian Constitution Established a House of Nobles (comprised of Chiefs) and an elected Legislature to pass laws in concert with the Nobles -Hawaiian Representatives traveled to the United States, Great Britain and France to obtain recognition of Hawaiian Independence

While the Hawaiian ... were on their journey to secure international .... for Hawaii the British .... became involved in a land .... Lord ..... ..... (A British .... .....) demanded .... in Hawaii and threatened .... Under protest the .... (monarch) Kamehameha ... provisionally ceded the .... of Hawaii to .... until Queen .... could be appraised of the .... When the Queen found out she disavowed .....'s actions and .... Hawaii's ..... ( July 31, 1843) For the next 50 years this was celebrated in Hawaii as .... Day Meanwhile...the Hawaiian ..... that journeyed to the ..... received a ...... (but not written) .... to respect Hawaiian .... from President..... On November 28, 1843 Hawaiian .... obtained .... of officials from both ... and .... that recognized Hawaii as an .... nation and a member of the family of .... November 28 was then officially celebrated as .... Day in Hawaii The point- the Hawaiian ..... changed the Hawaiian form of .... to resemble a .... government and sought international .... in order to suppress further acts of .... and .... -Hawaii also established .... in foreign countries including the United States, .... and France -In order to better understand .... governments Hawaiian .... began to employ the ... of .... born .... (... and their ....) in the government

While the Hawaiian representatives were on their journey to secure international recognition for Hawaii the British Consul became involved in a land dispute Lord George Paulet (A British Naval Commander) demanded land in Hawaii and threatened war Under protest the Moi (monarch) Kamehameha III provisionally ceded the sovereignty of Hawaii to Paulet until Queen Victoria could be appraised of the conflict When the Queen found out she disavowed Paulet's actions and restored Hawaii's sovereignty ( July 31, 1843) For the next 50 years this was celebrated in Hawaii as Restoration Day Meanwhile...the Hawaiian representative that journeyed to the United States received a verbal (but not written) agreement to respect Hawaiian sovereignty from President John Tyler On November 28, 1843 Hawaiian representatives obtained signatures of officials from both Great Britain and France that recognized Hawaii as an independent nation and a member of the family of nations November 28 was then officially celebrated as Independence Day in Hawaii The point- the Hawaiian Moi changed the Hawaiian form of governance to resemble a western government and sought international recognition in order to suppress further acts of colonization and Imperialism -Hawaii also established embassies in foreign countries including the United States, Great Britain and France -In order to better understand western governments Hawaiian Kings began to employ the assistance of American born advisors (missionaries and their descendants) in the government

While the ... or ....'s intentions were ... and he was employing the .... of foreign .... officials in his .... to help in the transition from an .... form of governance to a .... form... ...his decision was not trusted by the ...... Theoretically the HOUSE OF ... or .... and the elected .... were to make ... together, it became clear that the .... first .... had replaced the .... as the principle .... in government (besides the ...) When the .... system was replaced by .... land ownership the ... lost out With this change the .... possessed more than .. million acres of the kingdoms ... million acres of land 251 individual .... owned about 1 million acres The 80,000 .... owned 28,000 acres in total The remaining amount was now secured by ... In 1853 there was a .... epidemic that devastated the .... population This meant that the ... needed to maintain the ... patches began to ... During the process of selling the land to ... the .... lost out because 1-many of them .... in the 1853 epidemic 2-some ... not to make .... because it would alter their traditional ... and traditional .. (in terms of .... usage) under the .... system 3-Because they could not ... the surveyors ... which were significant and for a people who did not .... in a capitalist system with real .... - so the fees were too .... Even if they could afford to pay the surveyor the typical land award was between .. and ... acres .... acres was a significant reduction in workable land for the ...

While the Moi or King's intentions were good and he was employing the assistance of foreign born officials in his government to help in the transition from an Indigenous form of governance to a western form... ...his decision was not trusted by the MAKA'AINANA Theoretically the HOUSE OF NOBLES or ALI'I and the elected legislature were to make laws together it became clear that the Haole first ministers had replaced the Ali'I as the principle authorities in government (besides the king) When the Okana system was replaced by individual land ownership the Maka'ainana lost out With this change the Moi possessed more than 1 million acres of the kingdoms 4.2 million acres of land 251 individual Ali'I owned about 1 million acres The 80,000 Maka'ainana owned 28,000 acres in total The remaining amount was now secured by Haoles In 1853 there was a smallpox epidemic that devastated the native population This meant that the labor needed to maintain the Taro patches began to disappear During the process of selling the land to individuals the commoners lost out because 1-many of them perished in the 1853 epidemic 2-some chose not to make claims because it would alter their traditional status and traditional rights (in terms of land usage) under the Okana system 3-Because they could not pay the surveyors fees which were significant and for a people who did not operate in a capitalist system with real money - so the fees were too costly Even if they could afford to pay the surveyor the typical land award was between 3 and 10 acres 3-10 acres was a significant reduction in workable land for the OHANA

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