history 12 final exam

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______________________ was President Taft's use of the State Department to help American companies and banks invest in foreign countries. "Dollar diplomacy" "Big-stick diplomacy" Taft's Corollary Roosevelt's Corollary The Monroe Doctrine

"Dollar diplomacy"

President Theodore Roosevelt intervened personally to break which strike? 1902 coal strike 1904 Pullman strike 1900 Pinkerton strike 1876 Haymarket strike 1906 Standard Oil strike

1902 coal strike

When the Great Depression broke out, the American federal government had ________________ programs in place to deal with homelessness and joblessness. no a few some many thousands of


Partly as a result of the publication of ____________________ by Helen Hunt Jackson, U.S. policies regarding the Indians gradually _____________. A Century of Dishonor, grew worse A Decade of Dishonor, improved A Century of Dishonor, improved A Decade of Dishonor, grew worse A Day of Dishonor, improved

A Century of Dishonor, improved

Which of the following was not a cause of industrial growth in the era following the Civil War? A resurging southern economy The introduction of mass production techniques A flood of immigrants Technological innovations Mass productions

A resurging southern economy

What was a major factor in the Allies' victory in Europe? Well-maintained roads A two-front war The low morale of German troops Easy access to supplies in England Spain's switch from neutral to joining with the Allies

A two-front war

Which of the following statements regarding African Americans and the New Deal is incorrect? Eleanor Roosevelt was an outspoken champion of African Americans. President Roosevelt did little to deal with existing American racism. African Americans were greatly helped by the New Deal. New Deal programs often discriminated against African Americans. President Roosevelt was quite traditional on matters of race.

African Americans were greatly helped by the New Deal.

Which of the following statements is correct? After World War II, Stalin lived up to his promises to respect his Eastern European neighbors' borders. After World War II, presidential authority increased at the expense of congressional and state power. During World War II, the United States experienced a minor economic recession. After World War II, the United States refused to join the United Nations. After World War II, the United States experienced an economic recession.

After World War II, presidential authority increased at the expense of congressional and state power.

President Roosevelt faced four major challenges when he first took office. They included all of the following except? Reviving the industrial economy Alleviating widespread American suffering Rescuing the farming sector of the economy Aiding European governments abroad Reforming the economy to prevent another Great Depression

Aiding European governments abroad

The disputed election of 2000 involved with two presidential candidates? Bill Clinton and George Bush John McCain and Michael Dukakis Al Gore and George W. Bush Alan Keyes and Ronald Reagan Barack Obama and John McCain

Al Gore and George W. Bush

The largest territorial acquisition of the 19th century since the Louisiana Purchase was Alaska Hawaii British Columbia. Puerto Rico The Philippines.


Eugene V. Debs and the ___________ became famous during the ____________. Pinkerton Agency, Homestead Steel Strike Workingmen's Union, Sandlot Incident American Railway Union, Pullman Strike International Workers of the World, Anthracite Coal Mine Strike Knights of Labor, Haymarket Riot

American Railway Union, Pullman Strike

During the 1980s, Americans spent more than they made. Americans saved on average 10 percent of their income. Americans experienced high unemployment rates. Americans suffered the highest rates of inflation in decades. Americans feared nuclear war with the China.

Americans spent more than they made.

In 1914, what did Wilson do to anger progressives? Allowed trusts to be reformed Announced that his New Freedom plan was complete Backtracked on tariff reform Abolished segregation Enacted immigration restrictions

Announced that his New Freedom plan was complete

Native-born Americans who saw the influx of new immigrants to the United States with concern were called racists nativists the American party muckrakers mugwumps


A new group to emerge in the 1950s that rejected traditional values and materialism were the Beats Hippies Yuppies Baby boomers. Mods


For 11 months, this program provided food to the people of West Berlin while it was blockaded by Soviet forces. Jefferson airplane Berlin airlift Air America Operation Rolling Thunder Operation Havoc

Berlin airlift

In this case, the Supreme Court ruled the concept of separate but equal unconstitutional in the education setting. Plessy v. Ferguson Brown v. Board of Education Hill v. Stone Sweatt v. Painter Smith v. Allwright

Brown v. Board of Education

Perhaps the most profound work of science published during the latter half of the 19th century was Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species. Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. Alexis de Tocqueville's Thoughts on America. Carl Sagan's Cosmos. Upton Sinclair's The Jungle.

Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species.

In 1882, Congress banned further immigration to the United States from what country? China Japan England Ireland France


When the United Nations forces drew too close to the North Korean northern border, which nation attacked them? Japan Manchuria Russia China Jakarta


Which word best describes President Truman's policy to dealing with communism? Appease Confront Contain Resist Obtain


What was the name of the policy proposed by George F. Kennan to combat the growing Soviet threat after World War II? Containment Brinksmanship Mutually assured destruction Strategic defense initiative Mercantilism


In 1962, U.S. spy planes discovered what appeared to be Soviet missile sites in Panama. Hungary. Cuba. Guatemala. Puerto Rico.


United States involvement in Vietnam started at the Battle of Io Drang. Little Big Top. Dien Bien Phu. Da Nang. Kesserine Pass.

Dien Bien Phu.

The Soviet Union violated promises made at Yalta when they began to occupy Western European nations. Eastern European nations. England the Ukraine. the Crimean Peninsula.

Eastern European nations.

Which of the following statements regarding race relations in the last years of the 19th century is most accurate? Economic, legal, and social discrimination against blacks increased. Social discrimination against blacks increased, but not legal discrimination. Legal discrimination, but not social discrimination, against blacks increased. Legal, social, and economic discrimination against blacks declined Legal and social discrimination declined.

Economic, legal, and social discrimination against blacks increased.

Which statement regarding economists' interpretations of the causes of the Great Depression is most accurate? All historians agree on the factors that caused the Great Depression. Most economists believe the stock market crash of 1929 caused the Great Depression. Economists place most of the blame on American workers for the Great Depression. Economists to this day debate the various factors that caused the Great Depression.

Economists to this day debate the various factors that caused the Great Depression.

What was the outcome of the Camp David Accords? Israel returned the Golan Heights to Egypt Egypt recognized Israel's right to exist The United States promised to fund a dam in Egypt Iran ended the Iraq war Syria signed a cease-fire with Israel

Egypt recognized Israel's right to exist

What inspired FDR to set up the Manhattan Project? Einstein warned him that the Germans were working on the same project. He saw it as a way to get revenge on Japan for the bombing of Pearl Harbor. He wanted to be able to provide clean, cheap energy. He saw it as a way to scare Stalin after the war was over. He wanted to use it against the Germans to end the war quickly.

Einstein warned him that the Germans were working on the same project.

Conservatives during the 1950s were outraged by the actions of the new generation. Who best epitomized the type of behavior that was the target of their scorn? Chuck Berry Marvin Tate Little Richard Elvis Presley Jack Kerouac

Elvis Presley

Which of the following was not passed during President Nixon's administration? Equal Rights Amendment Occupational Safety and Health Act Federal Election Campaign Act Twenty-Sixth Amendment An increase to Social Security benefits.

Equal Rights Amendment

Which of the following was NOT a goal of late 19th century progressives? Honest government Effective regulation of businesses Better lives for Americans Efficient government Equality for minorities

Equality for minorities

Which of the following did not benefit from a post-World War I economic boom? Farmers Automobile manufacturers Radio companies Movie theaters Construction companies


In the _________________, Plains tribal chiefs agreed in 1851 to accept definite tribal borders and allow whites to travel west. Abilene Treaty Big Horn Treaty Fort Laramie Treaty Indian Removal Treaty Dawes Treaty

Fort Laramie Treaty

During the Great War, what countries made up the Central Powers? The United States, France, England Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy England, France, Germany Germany, Italy, Russia The United States, England, Russia

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

What was a major reason that Jimmy Carter won the presidency in 1976? He convinced voters he was incorruptible. He promised to restore the nation's credit rating. He promised to free the Iranian hostages. He ended the cold war. He negotiated a cease-fire in Vietnam.

He convinced voters he was incorruptible.

In 1937, President Roosevelt tried to add six new justices to the Supreme Court. Why? He wanted to mount a coup. He wanted to change the court's makeup to aid his policies. He did not trust the justices already in place. Congress gave him that right. He believed the existing justices were overworked.

He wanted to change the court's makeup to aid his policies.

What was the cornerstone for President Clinton's political agenda in his first term? Health care reform Desegregating the military Allowing gays in the military Lowering the deficit Raising taxes on the rich

Health care reform

In May 1947, charges were issued that this entity was a hotbed of communism. Washington, D.C. Harvard The Brookings Institute Hollywood The Civil Service Commission


In 2007, this economic "bubble" burst, leading to a loss of trillions of dollars in value for that item. Internet Oil Home Education Banking


Why did President Reagan approve selling arms to Iran? To allow them to defeat Iraq In the hopes that Iran would help free U.S. hostages held in Lebanon So that they could combat Communist forces in their government To encourage them to become a democracy and overthrow their existing government He did not.

In the hopes that Iran would help free U.S. hostages held in Lebanon

As a result of America's entry into the Great War, the federal government's power declined somewhat. declined a great deal. increased Increased a great deal. stayed the same.

Increased a great deal.

After the Civil War, what was the complaint about the federal tariff? It was not generating enough revenue. It was not forcing American companies to be competitive with their prices. It was allowing too many foreign imports into the American market. It was no longer needed. It was not high enough.

It was not forcing American companies to be competitive with their prices.

This woman established Hull House, a settlement house for immigrants in Chicago. Susan B. Anthony Elizabeth Cady Stanton Dorothea Dix Jane Addams Sojourner Truth

Jane Addams

What affected African Americans' rights to vote in the South during the Gilded Age? The passage of the Fifteenth Amendment removed their right to vote. Jim Crow Laws removed their right to vote. The passage of the Thirteenth Amendment gave them the right to vote. The Supreme Court ruled that property cannot vote. Congress passed a law giving them the right to vote for president.

Jim Crow Laws removed their right to vote.

"Open Door" policy of _________________ stated that China should remain open to European and American trade. William Seward William McKinley John Hay Samuel Gompers Grover Cleveland

John Hay

Who is best associated with the Second Red Scare's hunt for communists? Harry Truman Richard Nixon John Kennedy Joseph McCarthy William Jennings

Joseph McCarthy

What economic doctrine was typically used during the post-Civil War era? Mercantilism Laissez-faire Populism Fascism Socialism


During the collapse of the Soviet Union, which of the following did President George H. W. Bush NOT do? Take all long-range bombers off 24-hour alert Destroy all tactical nuclear missiles in the United States Destroy all tactical nuclear missiles at sea Destroy all tactical nuclear missiles in Europe Launch a pre-emptive strike into Russia to destroy their nuclear capability

Launch a pre-emptive strike into Russia to destroy their nuclear capability

The largest naval engagement in history occurred at the Battle of Midway. Leyte Gulf. Coral Sea. Pearl Harbor. Tarawa.

Leyte Gulf.

The first real test of the Obama Doctrine came in Iraq Libya Syria Iran Russia


The Reconstruction Finance Corporation was created to do what? Buy houses that had been foreclosed on Make loans to struggling banks, life-insurance companies, and railroads Aid the hungry Provide shelter to the homeless Provide jobs to the unemployed

Make loans to struggling banks, life-insurance companies, and railroads

The black power movement is best associated with Martin Luther King Jr. Marcus Garvey. George Wallace. Malcom X. Booker T. Washington.

Malcom X.

President Lyndon Johnson's plan to provide health insurance for the elderly is known as Medicaid. Medicare. Affordable Care Act. American Medical Association. Elderly American Health Insurance Act.


The group of journalists who drew attention to the abuses in society and published them in stories were known collectively as Mugwumps Yellow journalists Muckrakers. Populists Dixiecrats


The fastest growing group of Americans in 2005 categorized themselves as Anglo Hispanic Cuban African American Multiracial


Which of the following statements best describes the status of Native Americans at the end of the 19th century? Native Americans were better off than they had ever been. Native Americans were better off than they had been before the Civil War. Native Americans were valued by the U.S. government. Native American resistance to westward expansion had been crushed. Native Americans believed they could work with the U.S. government to improve their status.

Native American resistance to westward expansion had been crushed.

What was the agreement with Canada and Mexico called that abolished import taxes between the three nations? American Tariff Reduction Act North American Free Trade Agreement CAM Agreement Monroe Doctrine Kennedy Reduction Act

North American Free Trade Agreement

John D. Rockefeller is best associated with which industry? Steel Railroad Iron Oil Banking


This law gave federal authorities the right to eavesdrop on confidential conversations between inmates and their lawyers. Prison Rights Act Secret Surveillance Act Patriot Act Alien Act Sedition Act

Patriot Act

This replaced the spoils system for federal jobs with job placement on the basis of competitive testing. Sherman Anti-Trust Act Barnes-Hailey Act Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act Garfield Memorial Reform Act Civil Service Commission Testing and Placement Act

Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act

The publication of these documents showed the American public that they had never been informed of the full story on the Gulf of Tonkin incident of 1964. Mai Lai Papers White Papers Pentagon Papers War Power Resolution Watergate Papers

Pentagon Papers

Which political party during the Gilded Age promoted the plight of miners and farmers? Progressives Mugwumps Democrats Republicans Populists


Immediately following the conclusion to World War I, the ____________ divided people in regards to immigration issues. Great Depression Sacco and Vanzetti trial Red Scare Cold War Bank War

Red Scare

For the first time since the 1950s, this party captured control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate in 1994. Democrats Republicans Whigs Federalists Anarchists


In 1973 this landmark case was decided by the Supreme Court striking down state laws on abortion. Hill v. Stone The Hopwood Case Roe v. Wade Smith v. Allwright Baker v. Carr

Roe v. Wade

The ______________________ in foreign policy asserted the United States' right to intervene in Latin American nation to prevent others from doing so. Monroe Doctrine Roosevelt Corollary Roosevelt Amendment Teller Amendment Monroe Corollary

Roosevelt Corollary

The _______ Trial is a classic example of modernism versus fundamentalism. Sacco Vanzetti Plessy Ferguson Scopes Dred Scott White Primary


The increasingly bold discussions about sex that occurred during the 1920s were a result of the writings of Sigmund Freud. Alfred Lloyd Tennyson. William H. Macy. Scott Fitzgerald. William Kennedy.

Sigmund Freud.

During this event, Israel routed the armies of three invading armies, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. Yom Kippur War Ramadan War Six-Day War Mai Lai massacre Tet offensive

Six-Day War

Because the Great Depression was especially hard on American senior citizens and those with disabilities, the Second New Deal included the: Agricultural Adjustment Act. Social Security Act. Wagner Act. National Industrial Recovery Act. Wealth-Tax Act.

Social Security Act.

This belief during the Progressive Era persuaded followers to pursue their ideals to effect the coming of the "Kingdom of God." Social Darwinism Social capitalism Social gospel Social security Social engineering

Social gospel

Andrew Carnegie is best associated with which industry? Steel Railroad Iron Oil Banking


The biggest housing boom after World War II came in this area. Suburbs Inner cities Small towns Villages Rural areas


This term was used to describe the economic plan of President Reagan. Econometrics Supply-side economics HooDoo economics Recovery economics Regressive economics

Supply-side economics

The biggest scandal of the Harding administration involved the League of Nations His support for Freud's writings Teapot Dome the growth of the KKK the Scopes trial

Teapot Dome

During the Progressive Era, what was the most popular form of reform? Temperance Reforming child labor Abolishing sweatshops Providing universal female suffrage Limiting the work day to ten hours


Which of the following was NOT a method adopted during the Progressive Era to improve government? Initiative Recall Term limits Direct primary Referendum

Term limits

In Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled what? That President Roosevelt needed more federal authority That President Roosevelt should end the TVA That the AAA was unconstitutional That Congress had given Roosevelt too much authority in labor relations That the minimum wage in the United States needed to be raised

That Congress had given Roosevelt too much authority in labor relations

_____________________ is a sensationalist style of newspaper reporting that appeared during the Spanish-American War (War of 1898). Yellow journalism Purple journalism Yellow peril Muckraking Investigative reporting

Yellow journalism

What was a major stumbling block to the policy of massive retaliation? Space-based weaponry The ability to launch intercontinental missiles That both the United States and the Soviet Union had created more powerful hydrogen bombs That the CIA was infiltrating U.S. launch points That Soviet spies stole our launch codes

That both the United States and the Soviet Union had created more powerful hydrogen bombs

Which statement best describes President Eisenhower's belief on ending segregation? That it must start in the South That it must start at the state and local levels That it must start in the West That it must start at the federal level That it must come through executive action

That it must start at the state and local levels

Which of the following did NOT play a factor in securing the presidency for Ronald Reagan? The Iran hostage scandal The Iran-Contra scandal The crisis of confidence Runaway inflation Carter's inability to lead

The Iran-Contra scandal

What event helped the United States defeat the Japanese at Midway? The Japanese military code had been deciphered by the Americans. Radar alerted the forces there to the impending invasion. A flight of B-17s discovered the invasion force. Russian intelligence provided key information about the Japanese battle fleet. American submarines had discovered the flotilla and radioed Midway that they were about to be attacked.

The Japanese military code had been deciphered by the Americans.

Which of the following statements regarding the Southern economy by 1900 is untrue? The South had greatly industrialized The South was the least industrial part of the United States. The South was the least educated part of the United States. The South was the least urban part of the United States. The South was the least prosperous part of the United States.

The South had greatly industrialized

How did the cold war change in 1949? The Soviets detonated a nuclear bomb. The Soviets sent a manmade satellite into orbit. The United States developed an atomic bomb. The Soviets erected the Berlin Wall. The Soviets placed nuclear missiles in Cuba.

The Soviets detonated a nuclear bomb.

______________ killed roughly 100 million people worldwide in 1918. Typhoid The Spanish flu Malaria Smallpox Polio

The Spanish flu

What was the immediate cause of the outbreak of the Great War? The sinking of the Lusitania The Zimmerman telegram The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand The invasion of Italy by Germany The sinking of the Sussex

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

What sparked race riots in more than 100 cities in 1968? The election of Richard Nixon The beating of Rodney King The assassination of John F. Kennedy The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. The shooting at Kent State

The assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

What made immigration different in the time between 1860 and 1920 than in previous years? The immigrants tended to come from eastern and southern Europe. The immigrants tended to come from western and northern Europe. The immigrants tended to come from Central America. Fewer immigrants tended to come than before. The United States enacted restrictions to prevent what were considered undesirable individuals from immigrating.

The immigrants tended to come from eastern and southern Europe.

Which of the following statements regarding America in the immediate aftermath of the Great War is correct? Employment was on the rise. Racial tensions were declining. Americans felt they were doing better economically. The peace did not bring stability to America. Americans felt safe at home.

The peace did not bring stability to America.

Which of the following statements regarding the consequences of the War of 1898 is most accurate? The war boosted American self-confidence and reinforced racist attitudes. The war made Americans realize imperialism was not necessary. The war ushered in a period of isolationism. The war was ultimately very unpopular. Most Americans were ashamed of the country's actions toward the Philippines.

The war boosted American self-confidence and reinforced racist attitudes.

Which of the following was not a policy followed by the Soviets when they invaded other nations during and after World War II? They abolished other political parties. They established their own governments. They created a secret police. They allowed for free expression of religion. They controlled intellectual life and culture.

They allowed for free expression of religion.

Why did the Japanese often experience such high casualty rates during World War II? Americans refused to accept their surrender. They refused to surrender. They were barely trained and often ran into gunfire. They were forced to fight and did not have the heart to do so effectively They didn't; they rarely experienced losses more than the Americans did.

They refused to surrender.

How did radio and movies revolutionize the mass culture? Through marketing and advertising, people were made aware of new products. People were able to see items for the first time before they bought them. They showed people how to use items in different ways that they had not considered. They were able to break people of old stereotypes and people became more accepting. They were able to keep informed of the latest events around the world.

Through marketing and advertising, people were made aware of new products.

This legal entity allowed companies to sidestep laws that forbade them from owning stock in their competitors. Monopoly Corporation Industry Trust Intergrated


Which of the following statements regarding the Treaty of Versailles is incorrect? The United States never ratified the treaty. The treaty with Wilson's Fourteen Points was a failure. Wilson's health suffered greatly because of the treaty. The Treaty of Versailles left Germany weak and isolated. Ultimately the Treaty of Versailles was a great success.

Ultimately the Treaty of Versailles was a great success.

What book brought to light the abuses in the United States meatpacking industry in the early 20th century? Ida Tarbell's The Octopus Jane Weaver's For Whom the Bell Tolls Upton Sinclair's The Jungle Henry Adams' Not Here Elizabeth Cady Stanton's Through My Eyes

Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

What is one thing that the United States had that other nation did not that helped spur the Industrial Revolution? An intelligent workforce A universal health care system Socialized medicine Vast natural resources Government-mandated quotas

Vast natural resources

President Nixon's plan of removing U.S. troops from Vietnam was called the War Powers Resolution. Vietnamization. Detente Brinksmanship. Glasnost.


As president, Calvin Coolidge pursued a determined path to be an activist president. reparations with Germany. the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles. a determined path to not be an activist president. a strong guiding hand on American industries.

a determined path to not be an activist president.

A major reason for the tremendous growth of the U.S. economy after World War II was the superiority of American goods. the superiority of American shipping. the advance of communism in Europe. a lack of foreign competition. cheap credit.

a lack of foreign competition

Wilson's Fourteen Points for post-Great War peace contained all of the following except a new nation for Poles. open conduct of diplomacy. the removal of international trade barriers. an increase in armaments. the transformation of colonial empires.

an increase in armaments.

Henry Ford revolutionized the industrial process by perfecting the Model T. assembly line process. Corliss steam engine. Bessemer Process. Detroit Motor Park facility.

assembly line process.

The Troubled Asset Relief Program was aimed at assisting ailing banks refineries home owners stock exchanges textile mills


The main reason that Woodrow Wilson won the presidency in 1912 was the assassination of William McKinley because Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote. because the voters knew Wilson would not take them to war in Europe. because the people were tired of Republican presidents. that he ran a better campaign than his opponents.

because the voters knew Wilson would not take them to war in Europe.

In cities during the Gilded Age, the political process was usually controlled by ________, and their organizations were known as _________. kings, realms bosses, machines captains, warrens chairs, precincts leaders, organizations

bosses, machines

An excellent example of the reckless speculation of the late 1920s was: margin calls. buying stock on margin. margin loans. broker pricing. broker fees.

buying stock on margin.

Because of the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War, President Lyndon Johnson won re-election. lost re-election. was assassinated. chose not to run for re-election. was impeached and removed from office.

chose not to run for re-election.

The United States involvement in Vietnam grew from an earlier policy of decimation. reinternment. brinksmanship. mutually assured self-destruction containment.


According to Frederick Jackson Turner, the frontier defined and shaped America. hurt America's economic development delayed America's political growth. sparked the Industrial Revolution. caused Americans to be morally weak.

defined and shaped America.

In regard to the Freedom Riders, President Kennedy supported their efforts signed legislation making it illegal to segregate on buses. dismissed them as publicity seekers. abolished segregation in the North to show support. encouraged the police in southern states to attack them.

dismissed them as publicity seekers.

In working with the Russians, President Nixon pursued a policy of escalation. brinksmanship. détente. glasnost. revanche.


In 1895, historian Brooks Adams argued that for the United States to survive and thrive, it had to reduce taxes. increase tariffs. expand beyond its current borders. do away with the Electoral College. improve race relations.

expand beyond its current borders.

To apply pressure in diplomatic circles in regards to Vietnam, President Nixon increased ground units. threatened China. expanded the air war. removed troops from North Vietnam. ordered no U.S. troops north of the 36th parallel

expanded the air war

Thanks to World War II, United States workers experienced a better life than they had since the Great Depression. lost quite a few jobs. experienced a worse life than they had since the Great Depression were forced to work unpaid overtime to meet demand. were able to get raises to help with rising costs.

experienced a better life than they had since the Great Depression.

Unlike today, citizens during the Gilded Age expected the ___________ to have little to no effect on their daily lives. state government local government city government federal government municipal government

federal government

When the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization went on strike, President Reagan fired them. negotiated a settlement between managers and laborers to everyone's satisfaction. did nothing, allowing the airline industry to come to a halt. abolished the organization. forced the AFL-CIO to the table to negotiate.

fired them.

In 1919, the same year the Great War officially concluded, the United States saw all of the following except full employment. terrorist bombings. Communist radicalism. race riots. women's suffrage.

full employment.

The United States government encouraged western settlement by doing all of the following except the construction of transcontinental railroads. military conquest of the Indians. giving land to former slaves. distributing land at low cost to miners. offering low price land to railroad companies.

giving land to former slaves

At the end of his administration, President Eisenhower had removed most of the New Deal's programs. had retained most of the New Deal's programs. abolished the Fair Deal. retained the Fair Deal. enacted his own program that created more jobs than did his Democrat predecessors.

had retained most of the New Deal's programs.

According to Tom Hayden, during the 1960s, most rebellious young Americans were not political, they were just interested in changing lifestyles. wanting to not be drafted. wanting others to conform to their standards. interested in equality for all. interested in spreading the gospel to all corners of the earth.

interested in changing lifestyles.

After World War I came to an end, the United States actively practiced ______________ in its relations with the rest of the world. globalization capitalism isolationism socialism neo-conservatism


Nixon abused his presidential powers during the Watergate affair by ordering the FBI to assassinate a reporter. ordering the CIA to confuse the FBI about the case. ordering the NSA to record private conversations of the FBI. pardoning the members of his secret police force. refusing to submit to a lie detector test.

ordering the CIA to confuse the FBI about the case.

President Reagan planned on beating the Russians in the cold war by destroying their armies in the field. convincing their people to overthrow their government. containing communism and forcing it to admit it failures. overwhelming them both financially and militarily. abolishing their financial aid from other nations.

overwhelming them both financially and militarily.

In 1937, President Roosevelt announced that if a nation were to try and purchase military goods from the United States, they should expect to get a good line of credit from the United States. put a sizeable down payment on their purchases. pay cash for the items, and find a way to carry it back to their nation. run into problems with German submarines. pay a war tax, since the United States was neutral.

pay cash for the items, and find a way to carry it back to their nation.

All of the following forces supported late 19th century imperialism EXCEPT manifest destiny. social Darwinism. racism. prejudice. racial equality.

racial equality.

All of the following were motivating ideas for American imperialism according to President McKinley except national glory. racial superiority. commerce racial equality. evangelism

racial equality.

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 allowed state legislatures to make their state a _________________ state. right-to-work closed shop blue collar white collar slave labor


The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned racial segregation everywhere except bus terminals. restaurants. theaters. hotels. schools.


The landmark Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson established the legal precedent of separation of powers. judicial review. separate but equal. verticality. capital punishment.

separate but equal

Einstein's theories in the early 20th century revolutionized science by revealing that all things are static and unchanging. showing that there are no absolute standards in the world. illustrating that an object in motion tends to stay in motion. hypothesizing that energy can be stored in batteries for later use. discovering gravity.

showing that there are no absolute standards in the world.

Because of the actions of the Federal Reserve, the American money supply ________________ in the period from 1929 to 1932. doubled tripled quadrupled stayed the same shrank


During the Great War, the Espionage and Sedition Acts stifled free speech. sent convicted spies to Canada. set up detainment camps for Japanese-Americans. deported thousands of Mexicans to Mexico. was used by Wilson against Democrats.

stifled free speech.

The cash crop that made Hawaii valuable to the United States was sugar cane pineapple macadamia nuts palm oil coconuts

sugar cane

Overcrowded, filthy, and poorly maintained ___________ were where the poor of the urban areas lived. tenements government housing central housing authorities colonials skyscrapers


President Kennedy approved an attack on Cuba by CIA-trained ex-Cubans at Havana. Santiago Heights. Guantanamo Bay. the Bay of Pigs. Venezuela.

the Bay of Pigs.

World War II started when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. the Germans invaded Poland. England declared war on Germany after they invaded French. France was defeated by Germany. the United States declared war on Japan.

the Germans invaded Poland.

The Knights of Labor's decline began because of its perceived involvement in the Pinkerton Agency. the Sandlot Incident. the Great Railroad Strike of 1877. abolishing child labor. the Haymarket Riot.

the Haymarket Riot.

Upon reaching the interior of Germany, American soldiers discovered signs of Hitler's nuclear program. the Jewish concentration camps. Hitler's experimental laboratory. the Germans' last ditch effort to drive the Allies back into the sea. that the Soviets had beat them to capturing Hitler.

the Jewish concentration camps.

President Wilson believed that the keystone to ensuring lasting world peace was the United Nations. the League of Nations. the end of the Bolsheviks. the utter destruction of Germany. higher tariffs.

the League of Nations.

What was the name of the financial and technical assistance package provided to war-ravaged Europe after World War II? the Truman Doctrine the Marshall Plan the Containment Plan the Iron Curtain the Olney Corollary

the Marshall Plan

The Panic of 1893 started when the Sherman Silver Purchase Act pumped $4.5 million of silver into the market each month. the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad declared bankruptcy. the Texas cotton market collapsed because of drought. the cattle market collapsed because of the blizzard of 1892. the Populist Party was elected to Congress and their representatives passed unfavorable laws.

the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad declared bankruptcy.

President Nixon was able to improve diplomatic relations with China because at the time China was experiencing poor relations with Cuba. England. the Soviet Union. China. Japan.

the Soviet Union.

Need for reforming the workplace was brought to national attention in 1911 when a fire broke out at Union Carbide refinery. the Triangle Shirtwaist factory. McCall's magazine publisher. George Pullman's factory in Philadelphia. United States Steel manufacturing.

the Triangle Shirtwaist factory.

On September 11, 2001, terrorists flew planes into Congress the Sears Building the World Trade Center the Empire State Building the White House

the World Trade Center

Populism was based on the idea that the common man should have more of a say in politics. the rich were more qualified to be politicians. America was run by freedmen. America was under foreign influence politically. politicians were well qualified to rule.

the common man should have more of a say in politics.

The first telltale sign of the collapse of the Soviet Union was the overthrow of Communist forces in France. the destruction of the Berlin Wall. the abolishment of the Soviet Union's parliament. the overthrow of their president, Boris Yeltsin. the SALT II treaty.

the destruction of the Berlin Wall.

In his Republican nomination speech, Richard Nixon appealed to a group called the Viet Cong. the hippies. the silent majority. the military-industrial complex. the beatniks.

the silent majority.

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