History-120 Chapter-10

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Monroe's two terms marked an era of one-party government. Identify the term used to describe his tenure.

-The era of Good Feelings

John Quincy Adams announced in his first message to Congress in December 1825 that "the spirit of improvement is abroad in the land." Whom did he believe should be the patron of the "spirit of improvement"?

-the federal government

The Dorr War was a political fight in Rhode Island over the property qualifications required to vote. Place the following descriptions of this event in chronological order.

1. upset with Rhode Island's voting requirements, a group of wage-earning men met at a "people's convention" 2. The people's convention wrote and ratified a new constitution for the state of Rhode Island 3. President John Tyler sent troops to the state 4. The Rhode Island legislature eliminated the property qualification for native born man

Identify the statements that describe the life and career of Andrew Jackson.

Jackson was suspicious of banks and paper money and feared that the market revolution was a source of moral decay.

Identify the statements that describe the relationship between property and voting rights in America.

correct: -By 1860, all but one state had ended property requirements for voting. -As early as 1829, landless men argued that property owners were not the only ones with the knowledge necessary for democratic participation. -Plantation-owning politicians in Virginia resisted demands to end the property-ownership qualification until the 1850s.

Identify the causes of the economic Panic of 1819.

correct: -European demand for American farm goods returned to pre-War of 1812 levels. -The Bank of the United States began to collect on loans, but farmers and businessmen could not repay them. -Demand for western lands plummeted, bankrupting many speculators.

What does this image reveal about the important issues John Quincy Adams supported during his campaign?

correct: -It shows the promotion of domestic goods over foreign imports in order to strengthen the young country's economy. -It shows that Adams promoted an economy that balanced industry, commerce, and agriculture.

Based on your understanding of the Bank War, what does this political cartoon reveal about the conflict?

correct: -Jackson and his Democratic allies viewed bankers as evil. -Jackson hated bankers for being "non-producers" and for using their resources to influence political outcomes.

Identify the statements that describe the Latin American wars of independence.

correct: -Latin American constitutions were more democratic than the United States Constitution. -The Spanish empire in America eventually dissolved into seventeen different nations. -Many of the South American revolutions started because of unfair political and economic treatment by European imperial powers.

James Monroe's two terms as president are sometimes called the "Era of Good Feelings." Identify the statements below that correctly describe this period.

correct: -Monroe was elected almost unanimously and presided over a one-party government. -Monroe's presidency is associated with his definition of American foreign policy, called the Monroe Doctrine. -The eight years of Monroe's tenure had plenty of strife, only instead of two-party politics, controversies were sectional in nature.

Identify the statements that illustrate the complex relationship between race and voting.

correct: -North Carolina did not disenfranchise its free black community until 1835. -New York removed property qualifications for white voters but raised the requirement for blacks to $250.

Identify the statements that correctly describe the tariff of 1816 and its context.

correct: -The law admitted imported goods that could not be produced in the United States tax-free. -The law protected American-made goods by taxing similar goods from abroad.

What facts about the presidential election of 1824 are reflected in the map below?

correct: -The results reflected continued tensions between different geographic regions. -The outcome laid the groundwork for a new system of political parties.

Which of the following statements accurately describe the 1828 presidential election and its outcome?

correct: -The results represented a sea change in American political life. The campaign of 1828 was consumed with personal attacks and accusations made by supporters of both candidates.

Even though John Tyler was a Whig, Whig newspapers quickly started referring to him as "His Accidency" and "The Executive Ass." Why was Tyler so disliked by members of his own party?

correct: -Tyler vetoed the creation of a new national bank. -Tyler vetoed a higher tariff.

In McCulloch v. Maryland, Marshall declared the Second Bank of the United States a legitimate exercise of congressional authority. What was his argument to legitimize the bank?

correct:-The bank was legitimate due to the Constitution's clause that allowed Congress to pass "necessary and proper" laws.-The bank was legitimate because the legislation in this case promoted "the general welfare."

The market revolution and political democracy produced a large expansion of the public sphere and an explosion in printing called the "information revolution." Identify the outcomes of the following developments and innovations.

enabled many newspapers to expand their circulation far beyond their places of publication -low postal rates introduced a new style of journalism that appealed to mass audience by emphasizing sensationalism, crime stories, and exposés of official misconduct -New York Sun and New York Herald allowed for greater output and the rise of the mass-circulation "penny-press" -steam power

Identify the statement that describes the American System.

proposed by President Madison, the plan rested on three pillars: a new national bank, a tariff on imported manufactured goods, and federal funding of the building of canals and roads

Identify the following key terms.

represented a conflict between the federal government and South Carolina that eventually led to well-developed political philosophy -nullification crisis passed by Congress to enforce the federal tariff of 1832 -Force act raised taxes on imported manufactured goods made of wool, as well as raw materials such as iron -tariff of abominations justified South Carolina's arguments for nullification by drawing on the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of 1798 -Exposition and Protest

The painting below titled Stump Speaking (1850s) by George Caleb Bingham depicts a candidate in a county election addressing a group of voters. Place the descriptors below to the appropriate parts of the painting that illustrate aspects of political culture during the Age of Jackson. Note that not all choices may be used.

the man making the speech: -Politics had become a spectacle with popular orators hosting huge rallies, parades, and speeches. The man dressed in all black: -In the spirit of democracy, voters were invited to ask questions and make suggestions. The man sitting with the top hat: -Voters of all classes engaged in the democratic process.

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