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What accounted for the rise of Benito Mussolini in Italy and Adolph Hitler in Germany?

Despotism thrived during periods of economic distress and political unrest, and during the 1920's and 1930's mass movement led by demagogues appeared throughout Europe. In 1922 the bombastic journalist Benito Mussolini had seized power in Italy. Fascism both in Italy and Germany was driven by minority willing to use violence as a political tool. And the global depression offered Hitler the opportunity to portray himself as the nation's messianic savior

What was the impact of Blitzkrieg on Poland and France?

The Blitzkrieg was known as the lightning war strategy for the Germans. When the Germans invaded Poland and France during WWII they used quick and coordinated military skills to help with the attacks. They had access to aircrafts, tanks, and other vehicles. France and Poland were completely destroyed when it came to military. Germany had conquered France and Poland.

What was NATO? What was its purpose? Which were the original signatory nations?

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was a military alliance created in order to provide collective security against Soviet efforts at expansion into western Europe.

One way in which the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was not a total success was that the Japanese: failed to disable the American planes lined up on the ground. ignored shore installations and oil tanks. did not immediately follow up with assaults on the Philippines, Guam, Hong Kong, and other American and British possessions in the Pacific. withdrew their attack before significantly damaging any of the battleships in the harbor.


The North Atlantic Treaty: was also known as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. was originally signed by twelve nations. pledged signers to "consult immediately" in case of attack. was a response to the Communist invasion of South Korea.


All of the following were conquered by the Nazi war machine except: France. Poland. the Soviet Union. Norway.


In response to Japanese encroachments in Indochina in 1940 and 1941, Roosevelt: ordered the strategic bombing of Japanese military sites . sent 200,000 troops to China. restricted oil exports to Japan. declared a naval blockade of Japan.


The Immigration Act of 1965: resulted in a tremendous surge of European immigration to the United States. favored immigrants from southern and eastern Europe. treated all nationalities equally. favored immigrants from northern and western Europe.


The Marshall Plan of economic aid: prevented a Soviet takeover of Czechoslovakia. set up the Committee of National Liberation. was "directed not against country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos." was "to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures."


In the 1938 agreement signed at Munich, Britain and France ceded what territory to Germany? Why?

Britain and France agreed to cede the Sudeten territory in Czechoslovakia to Germany. Afraid of the new war the British and French leaders decided to please the Hitler's demand by signing this pact.

The Nye Committee: investigated the role of bankers and munitions makers in Americas entry into World War I. recommended that Europeans appease Hitler by allowing him to annex Czechoslovakia. compiled an official list of Americas international obligations under existing treaties. condemned the actions of the merchants of death, those foreign mercenaries who had committed atrocities against European civilians during World War I.


Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: were executed for supposedly giving the Russians the secret to the atomic bomb. accused Whittaker Chambers of passing secret documents to Soviet agents. were convicted of perjury in a case involving purported espionage activities. sued Richard M. Nixon for slander.


Nixon's Vietnam policy included all the following except: "Vietnamization," or the continued buildup of American armed forces in Vietnam. expansion of the air war in Vietnam. reduction of domestic unrest over the war. demands at the Paris peace talks for the withdrawal of Communist forces from South Vietnam.


Harry Truman: had been involved in the clothing business, among other things, before entering politics. was seen at first as simply a "caretaker" president. replaced much of Roosevelt's cabinet soon after becoming president. is correctly represented by all the above statements.


In Miranda v. Arizona, the Supreme Court: ordered the release of a conscientious objector who refused to fight in Vietnam for moral reasons. ruled that school prayer was unconstitutional. outlawed residential segregation by race. confirmed the obligation of police to inform arrested suspects of their rights before questioning


In response to the Watergate revelations, Congress passed several pieces of legislation designed to curb executive power. This legislation included all the following except: an act that set new limits on campaign contributions and expenditures. the War Powers Act. a strengthening of the Freedom of Information Act. the Presidential Pardon Act.


In the area of civil rights, President Truman: allowed racial segregation in the hiring of federal employees to continue. pushed through Congress a voting rights act that effectively ended barriers to black voting. refused to address the problem of racial violence. issued an Executive Order banning racial segregation in the armed forces.


In the late summer of 1940, President Roosevelt agreed to send fifty overaged destroyers to Britain in return for: Republican promises not to ask for a peacetime draft. congressional approval of a draft registration act. a renegotiated payment schedule of the Allies war debt from World War I. ninety-nine-year leases on a series of naval and air bases.


n the 1950s, teenagers became especially important as: workers. role models. churchgoers. consumers.


How did the German occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1939 affect Roosevelt's impartiality? What legislation resulted from this change?

During the late 1930s war clouds thickened over asia and europe. After adolf hitler's troops brazenly occupied czechoslovakia in 1939, Franklin roosevelt abandoned his neutral stance. Hitler and mussolini could no longer be ignored. They were madmen. Throughout the late 1938 and 1939 roosevelt sought to educate americans about the growing menace of fascism. He also convinced congress to increase military spending in anticipation of a soon possible war.

What was the impact of the attack on Pearl Harbor? Why was it not a complete success?

No one expected an attack five thousand miles away at hawaii's pearl harbor. On december 7 is when the attack on pearl harbor took place. It lasted less than 2 hours and wounded nearly 1,200 civilians and soldiers and killed about 2400. The surprise attack fulfilled the dreams of its planners but it fell short of success in two ways. The japanese bombers ignored the onshore maintenance facilities and oil tanks.They also missed the american aircraft carriers that had left the port a few days earlier.

One major motive for Japans expansionist policy was: its dream of global domination. its need for oil, rubber, and other key resources. its desire to impose Japanese culture on other Asians. its desire to liberate Asians from Western imperialism.


The Crack in the Picture Window: led many women to leave the workforce in order to raise their children properly. argued that suburbanites were living in a "homogeneous, postwar Hell." urged people to turn to God as the only hope for America in the 1950s. is correctly represented by all the above statements.


The civil rights legislation of 1964 and 1965: made the South more strongly Democratic. dramatically expanded black votes in the South. ended black protest movements. was passed by Congress over Johnson's opposition.


The main economic problem faced by Truman in his first term was: falling prices. inflation. a dwindling money supply. tight credit.


The purpose of the War Production Board was to: finance the building of war plants. direct industrial conversion to war production. publish and distribute American propaganda. oversee military scientific research and development.


The area that experienced the fastest rate of urban growth during the war years was: the upper Midwest. the South. the Far West. New England.


The economic malaise during Nixon's administration was caused by all the following except: the stiff competition American goods faced on the international market. the oil shortage. a rapid contraction of the money supply. increased government spending through the 1960s without


The philosophy of "militant nonviolence" was best seen in the work of: Eldridge Cleaver. H. Rap Brown. Martin Luther King, Jr. Huey P. Newton.


Which of the following statements about the original Levittown is not true? Each house had identical floor plans and accessories. Blacks were not allowed to buy homes there. Children were not allowed until after 1963. Homeowners were required to mow their lawns once a week.


Concerning Vietnam, President Kennedy: announced plans to withdraw US forces by the end of 1965. agreed to the removal of Ngo Dinh Diem. increased the number of American "advisers" there. is correctly described by all of the above.


Early in his presidency, Kennedy accomplished all of the following successes except: the creation of the Peace Corps. the Trade Expansion Act of 1962. his eloquent inaugural address. the Bay of Pigs invasion.


Which nations were permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations?

the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, France and the Republic of China.

The National Security Act: set up the FBI and the House Un-American Activities Committee. was passed over President Truman's veto. set up the CIA and the National Security Council. set up the OSS and the Atomic Energy Commission.


Nixon's Watergate-related downfall came with the revelation that he had: authorized the use of dirty tricks against Democratic campaigns. ordered a cover-up of the original Watergate break-in. burned his tapes of White House conversations. lied to the Senate's Ervin Committee.


When Germany began attacking American ships in 1941: Congress declared war on Germany. Congress in effect repealed the neutrality acts through new legislation lifting the ban on arms sales to belligerents. Roosevelt ordered ships to avoid combat zones. Roosevelt broke diplomatic relations with Germany.


How rapidly did post-war demobilization occur? What factors cushioned the economic impact of demobilization after World War II?

Demobilization occurred right after the summer of 1945, when Japan had surrendered. This would ultimately be the fasted/rapid demobilization of the military that world has seen. Some factors that had cushioned the economic impact of the demobilization, after WWII were federal unemployment insurance, and other Social Security benefits.

How did Eisenhower resolve the conflict in Korea?

Eisenhower took a bold step in mid-May 1953 of intensifying the aerial bombardment of North Korea. He also let it be known that he would use nuclear weapons if their was not a truce. This made the negotiation process move fairly quickly toward an armistice agreement. The Korean war finally ended.

During the 1948 presidential campaign, Truman endorsed all of the following except: a higher minimum wage. national health insurance. abolishing Social Security. black civil rights.


The health insurance bill promoted by Johnson and passed by Congress in 1965: provided medical benefits to Americans over sixty-five. was supported by Republicans and the American Medical Association. created Medicaid to help cover medical payments for the indigent. is correctly described by all of the above.


The protest tactic initiated by black students in Greensboro, North Carolina, was: street theater. the freedom ride. the March on Washington. the sit-in.


The so-called Pentagon Papers: broke the story of the My Lai massacre. quieted many critics of the Vietnam War. were published in defiance of a Supreme Court decision prohibiting such publication. revealed that Congress and the American people had not been told the full story of the Tonkin Gulf incident.


The bracero program: brought some 200,000 Mexican farmworkers into the western United States. led to the forced evacuation of over 100,000 Japanese-Americans. was a reaction to the zoot suit riots. allowed most recent immigrants to join the American armed services after a thorough background check.


Which of the following is not true of the GI Bill? It led to the creation of the Veterans Administration. Its huge cost threw the economy into a recession. It enabled many veterans to buy new homes. It caused a dramatic increase in college enrollments.


"We are the people of this generation, bred in at least moderate comfort, housed in universities, looking uncomfortably to the world we inherit." This statement was: called "the hippie's creed." written by Clark Kerr. the manifesto of the Students for a Democratic Society. written by Jerry Rubin.


The baby boom: paralleled a similar boom in consumer demand. peaked in 1957. was a large part of a 30-percent growth in American population between 1945 and 1960. is correctly represented by all the above statements.


After World War I, the American Army was how large? What did Congress authorize in response to Roosevelt's call for a build-up?

After World War one the had been decimated and reduced to a small force. By 1939 it numbered only 175,000 people. Its size ranked sixteenth in the world. Roosevelt realized that America was about to join the war. However, we could not join with such small numbers. We need to take precautionary measures and build-up. With congress Roosevelt set up the National Defense Research Committee. This would coordinate military research to aid the military

What was the Civil Rights Act of 1957? What did it accomplish?

The Civil Rights Act of 1957 was the first federal civil rights law since Reconstruction. It established the Civil Right Commission and the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice intended to prevent interference with the right to vote.

The Battle of the Atlantic involved: massive losses of Allied troopships headed to Europe. battles between fleets of rival aircraft carriers. German submarine warfare against Allied shipping. Germany's attempted invasion of Britain.


Nixon was elected in 1968 election as the voice of the "silent majority," which referred to: women. the coalition of ethnic minorities, the aged, women, and the poor. the nation's youth, defined by Abbie Hoffman to be anyone under thirty. conservative working- and middle-class citizens.


At the Teheran Conference, Truman, Atlee, and Stalin planned an invasion of Japan and the governance of Eastern Europe. Truman, Atlee, and Stalin planned an invasion of Italy and France. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin planned an invasion of France and a Russian offensive. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin planned an invasion of Africa and Italy.


Following the Cuban missile crisis, several steps were taken that eased Russian-American tensions. These included all the following except: installation of a "hot line" between Moscow and Washington. the removal of obsolete missiles from Turkey, Italy, and Britain. the halting of construction on the Berlin Wall for several years. a treaty that banned nuclear testing in the atmosphere.


The "Saturday Night Massacre": resulted in the deaths of 12 Native American demonstrators. was the name given the police assault on student demonstrators at Columbia University. involved the firing of Archibald Cox, special prosecutor for the Watergate case. resulted in the destruction of three Vietnamese villages and the killing of over 100 "suspected" Viet Cong.


Among the factors that cushioned the economic impact of demobilization after World War II were all the following except: unemployment pay and other Social Security benefits. reductions in business investments. the "GI Bill of Rights." the pent-up demand for consumer goods.


In 1972, the Christmas bombings and the mining of North Vietnamese harbors: were cheered worldwide. aroused worldwide protest. set the U.S. military back five years. brought an end to Communist rule in North Vietnam.


All the following factors promoted the growth of suburbs except: low-cost government loans. increased automobile production. laws forbidding residential segregation by races. expanded road and highway construction.


What were the results of the 1956 election? Why? With what significance for the Republicans?

The results of the 1956 election resulted in Eisenhower and Nixon being re-elected. The party platform endorsed with what Eisenhower called "modern republicanism. The significance for the republicans were promising "peace,progress, and prosperity

What was the name of the top-secret atomic bomb development program? How did Americans react to the news of the deployment of the atomic bomb? What was the reason it was used? Where was it used?

In June of 1940 roosevelt was fed up and decided to set up the National Defense Research Committee to coordinate military research. This research included a top-secret effort to develop an atomic bomb. It was created with the help of the famous albert einstein. He reached out to roosevelt and alerted him during the time of action. The Manhattan Project launched an alliance between scientific research and the united states military. Dwight D eisenhower would later call this the "military industrial complex". The effort develop the bomb was so top secret that only a few of roosevelt's administration had any idea of it.

What was the Tri-partite or Anti-Comintern Pact of 1937? Who were the signatories?

The Tripartite Pact signatories were Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Japan.Each Pledged to declare war on any nation that attacked any of them

The leader of the Chinese ----was led by a man named Kai-shek. And the leader of the Chinese -----party was Mao Zedong, which both parties have been fighting since the 1920's.

The leader of the Chinese Nationalist was led by a man named Kai-shek. And the leader of the Chinese Communist party was Mao Zedong, which both parties have been fighting since the 1920's.

Which of the following was not a major stimulant to the post-1945 economy? the virtual American monopoly over international trade the movement of women into the workforce the unleashing of pent-up consumer demand military spending


To ensure that Russia joined the war against Japan, in 1945 Roosevelt: made certain secret agreements concerning Russian territorial demands. promised to assume half of the Russian war debt. threatened to use the atomic bomb on Russian targets. gave Russia the secrets of the American atomic bomb.


When Jewish leaders proclaimed the independent state of Israel in 1948, the United States: recognized the new state within minutes. broke diplomatic relations with most of the Arab states. refused to recognize the new state until democratic elections had been held. offered military and financial aid to the Arab states.


Which of the following statements about Richard Nixon is not true? He was Catholic. He was a nationally known Republican by the early 1950s. He was from California. He was Eisenhower's vice-president.


According to David Riesman, Dr. Spock's book on child care: encouraged parents to develop the talents of their children that would enhance their chances in the "popular market." had low sales in the 1950s because parents were more interested in their own well-being than their children's. stressed the value of teaching children independence. emphasized feeding schedules and how to change a diaper rather than social values.


In the election of 1948: Democrats won majorities in both houses of Congress in addition to winning the White House. Republicans finished third in the presidential race. "Dixiecrats" carried all of the former Confederate states. liberal Republicans bolted their party and named Strom Thurmond the candidate of the new States' Rights Republican party.


The Lend-Lease Bill, introduced in Congress: authorized the president to sell, transfer, lend, lease, or otherwise dispose of other equipment and supplies to any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States. forbade the president to sell, transfer, lend, lease, or otherwise dispose of other equipment and supplies to any country whose defense the President deems vital to the defense of the United States. authorized the president to lend arms to only democratic countries. excluded communist countries from receiving any goods.


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