History 151 test

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Although Henry the Navigator did not himself see the Rio de Oro, Portuguese explorers did find the __________ in West Africa.

. Gold Coast

Iberians were convinced they needed to recapture Jerusalem for Christianity in order for

. Jesus Christ to come back.

By the eighteenth century, slave status in the Americas was defined by

. race.

In the Kongolese belief system, Portuguese Catholicism was:

Adapted to the indigenous African spiritual and cultural heritage

What did the "letters of marque" give European sailors legal permission to do?

Attack the ships of rival states.

Under Akbar the Great the Mughals built fortresses at key points in their empire, including the largest fortress at


The purpose of the Spanish Inquisition, as appointed by Ferdinand and Isabella in 1481, was to:

Ferret out any people whose beliefs were contrary to Church teachings

The average life span of a sugar plantation slave is estimated to have been:

Five or six years.

What New Scientist rediscovered the theories of Archimedes on floating bodies?


The Mughals' long-time enemy the Ahoms were, by the seventeenth century


After Vasco da Gama circumnavigated the African continent in 1498, Portugal was able to open up direct trade relations with what Asian nation?


Fought in the Eastern Mediterranean in 1571, the Battle of _________ was the first major sea battle in world history to be decided by firepower.


The caravel was developed in __________ to make travel along the Atlantic easier.


Why were Europeans pleased that Indian shipping used saltpeter as ballast?

Saltpeter was used in gunpowder

What city did Timur-i lang use as a capital, and as a base for Silk Road trade?


The vast pine forest running from southern Virginia to northern Florida supplied material primarily for ____________.


What religious group uses the Golden Temple at Amritsar?


The slave owners' greatest fear was:

That a slave revolt would begin and spread.

Mercantilism is a political/economic theory that holds that:

The security of a nation depends on the supply of precious metals it controls

When Dutch Calvinists revolted in 1565, what did they do to Catholic churches?

They stripped them of images and sculpture

The Atlantic system or the "_________" trade connected the American colonies with Africa and Europe.


Bombay was an important acquisition by the British East India Company because it gave the company

a good harbor.

Under Mughal rule, most of India's internal revenue came from taxing

agricultural production.

One factor causing the Protestant Reformation was the raising of revenue by the church through the indulgence, for

ambitious building projects

What new branch of mathematics did Newton and Leibniz simultaneously develop?


The Fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans was possible through the use of _________bombardment


In the seventeenth century, the preferred non-alcoholic drink in Western Europe was


Early in the Ottoman conquests, warriors were paid in grants of land, which allowed them to profit economically by

collecting rents from the peasants.

The Kerala School, active from the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries, determined that planets had

elliptical orbits.

During the reign of Aurangzeb, the British East India Company and other European interests expanded their ___________ in India.

fortified outposts

In 1498, the king of Portugal sent Vasco da Gama on a voyage to __________.


What were zamindars in the Mughal economic and administrative system?

local chiefs

Prior to 1800, most interregional trade was for

luxury goods

What did Fathullah Shirazi design to aid Akbar in his many wars?

multibarreled gun

To promote the Islamification of India, Aurangzeb brought back the jizya, a head-tax on


The Navigation Acts of 1651 and 1660 required all goods transported from England to American colonies to be

transported on English ships.

Hobbes speculated that humans in a state of nature would always choose to:

wage war

Mughal population increased by 1800 due to introduction of crops from America and from the expansion of what into northwest India?

wet rice

The memoir of the former slave and abolitionist __________ would help push the movement of liberating slaves forward in the nineteenth century.

. Olaudah Equiano.

Although Benin traded fewer slaves to Europe than other West African states, Benin did increase its trade of slaves for

. guns.

In elite Hindu families, the primary role of women was to bear children and to

. manage the household.

What aspect of government continued to represent a decentralizing force, even in absolute monarchies such as Louis XIV's France?

. tax collection

Although his regular capital was at Agra, Akbar used Lahore as his capital for over thirteen years because of unrest in what region?


In "chattel" slavery, the slave is, in legal terms:

An item of moveable personal property

Machiavelli's concept of virtù, of an intuitive leader, was derived in part from the political theories of


The French dominated trade in silk products in Europe because they had access to what region's silk?


In his preface, Cervantes claimed he had written Don Quixote of La Mancha to "ridicule the absurdity" of notions of ___________.


Many Ottoman sultans had concubines who were


The practice of the devșirme contradicted Islamic law, which

Forbade the enslavement of "peoples of the Book."

At the end of the Thirty Year's war, who emerged as the dominant power in Europe?


What did the Edict of Nantes in 1598, issued by King Henry IV, promise?

Freedom of religion for French Catholics.

The demand for slave labor reached new heights in Brazil when:

Gold was discovered in Minas Gerais in 1690

Islam expanded to the Central Asian Turkic peoples by the fourteenth century thanks to the ease of travel within what empire?


During the Reconquista, Iberian Christians sought to rid the peninsula of:

Muslim rule

What were moriscos in fifteenth-century Spain?

Muslims who had converted to Christianity

Akbar had the Mahabharata and Ramayana translated into


The mosque at Burhanpur was built by ________ and verses from the Quran translated into Sanskrit were engraved on it.

Shah Jahan

By the mid-sixteenth century, what was the status of the relationship between Austria and the Ottomans?

The Austrians had to pay the Ottomans tribute.

Ignorant of Hinduism when he arrived in India, Vasco da Gama mistook the Indian religion for:

The Christianity of "Prester John.

Who granted the Hohenzollern rulers of Prussia the title of "king" in 1701?

The Holy Roman Emperor

The popularity of distilled rum promoted:

The expansion of sugar planting and slavery, to their peak after 1750.

The indigo plant, which _____________, contributed to a booming economy in South Carolina starting in the 1740s.

Was processed into a dye

Blaise Pascal's theories about altitude and air pressure led to what practical application of the vacuum?


Unlike the neo-Confucian cultures of China and Japan, the Islamic and Hindu cultures of Mughal India regarded trade as

an honored profession.

Mansabdars were a class of elite bureaucrats who served the Mughal emperor by sometimes furnishing soldiers for war and by their primary function,

collecting taxes.

The king of Kongo collected a head tax, which was paid in

cowrie shells.

Charles I of England was forced to summon Parliament in 1642 when he needed

money, since his tax revenues had run out

Although Babur's forces at the battle of Panipat were outnumbered, he had what technological advantage?


In addition to the support of the Safavid Shah Tahmasp, what else did Mughal Humayun bring back with him from his exile in Persia?

poets and painters

A central doctrine of Calvin's Protestantism was his belief in

predestination to heaven or hell

How did upper caste Hindus view Muslims, including the Mughals?

ritually unclean

In 1632 Galileo was sentenced to house arrest for his support of Copernicus's heliocentric theory because it was viewed by the Inquisition as a contradiction of


The native populations of the Caribbean, the Taínos and Caribs, were wiped out soon after the arrival of Europeans, who brought with them


Eighty percent of all African slaves transported to the Americas worked on ________ plantations.


In the Persian - Hindu synthesis known as the "Mughal Style" of painting, what was the Hindu contribution?

vibrant colors

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