history 171 final exam

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15th amendment

1870; voting rights for free black men, notion all other rights are useless unless black men can vote and represent themselves in gov, women suffragists split over this amendment because it did not include them

mary wollstonecraft

1700s; English writer and early feminist who denied male supremacy and advocated equal education for women

john c calhoun

1782-1850; Leader of the Fugitive Slave Law, which forced the cooperation of Northern states in returning escaped slaves to the south. He also argued on the floor of the senate that slavery was needed in the south. He argued on the grounds that society is supposed to have an upper ruling class that enjoys the profit of a working lower class. he had anti-expansionist expansion principles with racist arguments of not wanting to include mestizo people in the expansion of the states

bank of the United States

1791-1836; chartered by Congress as part of Alexander Hamilton's financial program, the bank printed paper money and served as a depository for Treasury funds. It drew opposition from Jeffersonian Republicans, who argued that the bank was unconstitutional, it gave government a place in the bank the gov. hand trying to regulate finance in the US, became politicized with Jackson vs. head of bank, gov. supported bank shouldn't be involved in politics to support their political power, state banks printed a lot of money which led to panic and depression.

bill of rights

1791; the first ten amendments to the US constitution

little turtle's victory

1791; was the largest american defeat in western ohio, however, afterwards was another battle which defeated little turtle and created the ability to force the signing of a treaty which would produce massive land cession to the us, was essentially a battle over control for northwestern territory

Grimke sisters (Sarah and Angelina)

1792-1873; quakers who grew up in a wealthy slave owning family, they joined the philadelphia anti-slavery society, a multiracial society and sat in black pews to confront slavery, they were writers, orators, and educators and strong believers in the abolitionist movement

jay's treaty

1794; treaty with Britain granting us trade rights on the MIssissippi and in the british east indies and removing remaining british forts on american territory; Was made up by John Jay. It said that Britain was to pay for Americans ships that were seized in 1793. It said that Americans had to pay British merchants debts owed from before the revolution and Britain had agreed to remove their troops from the Ohio Valley

civilization policy

1795; sought to convert Indians in the image of Anglo-Americans it was part of ideological justification of colonialism since they were considered lesser people because their women were not like our true women, intent to change native languages, religions, economies and gender roles with a want to change gender system using ideas of true womanhood and male gender roles (true-womanhood - piety, purity, submission and domesticity)

xyz affair

1797; A commission had been sent to France in 1797 to discuss the disputes that had arisen out of the U.S.'s refusal to honor the Franco-American Treaty of 1778. President Adams had also criticized the French Revolution, so France began to break off relations with the U.S. Adams sent delegates to meet with French foreign minister Talleyrand in the hopes of working things out. Talleyrand's three agents told the American delegates that they could meet with Talleyrand only in exchange for a very large bribe. The Americans did not pay the bribe, and in 1798 Adams made the incident public, substituting the letters "X, Y and Z" for the names of the three French agents in his report to Congress, led to rise in tensions between the US and France

alien and sedition acts

1798; These consist of four laws passed by the Federalist Congress and signed by President Adams in 1798: the Naturalization Act, which increased the waiting period for an immigrant to become a citizen from 5 to 14 years; the Alien Act, which empowered the president to arrest and deport dangerous aliens; the Alien Enemy Act, which allowed for the arrest and deportation of citizens of countries at was with the US; and the Sedition Act, which made it illegal to publish defamatory statements about the federal government or its officials. The first 3 were enacted in response to the XYZ Affair, and were aimed at French and Irish immigrants, who were considered subversives. The Sedition Act was an attempt to stifle Democratic-Republican opposition, although only 25 people were ever arrested, and only 10 convicted, under the law. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, which initiated the concept of "nullification" of federal laws were written in response to the Acts.

henry clay

1800s; A northern American politician. He developed the American System as well as negotiated numerous compromises.Henry Clay was known as "The Great Compromiser." He helped our nation avoid civil war, but only for a time, He negotiated the treaty with Great Britain that ended the War of 1812. He helped produce the Missouri Compromise (1820), which kept the delicate balance of power between slave and free states, he also pioneered the american system

proslavery argument

1800s; An ideology of the justification of slavery which showed slavery in a positive and good light based off racism (scientific-human skull shapes and sizes varying; which was false science based theories used to justify inequality and enslavement) biblical justifications (passages talking about owning slaves is divinely ordained and christianizing slaves in slavery) historical precidents (slavery and unfreedom is deeply engrained in the historic past) argument of property and particularistic rights opossed to universal rights (no human rights, had no right to take away property, liberty for the few, slavery for the mass, rank system with white man in charge would be overthrown) happy slave argument (enslaved were happy in their conditions) and abolitionists were radical threat to social order (disruption of entire system, and phobia of social mixing and multi-racial families and phobia that lower class whites would be on same scale as blacks)

marbury v. madison

1803; US supreme court decision that firmly established the principle of "judicial review" the right of the US supreme court to rule on the constitutionality of legislation and executive actions

Touissant L'Ouverture

1804; leader of the slave revolt against the French in the Haitian Revolution (describe haitian revolution)

haitian revolution

1804; leader was toussaint loverture, slaves who produced sugar rose up for their freedom it was a revolution for independence not just for anti-slavery which empowered black people. some people in the US liked it because it followed their own revolutionary model with the enslaved looking at US as a model they could follow and achieve. however, some people did not like it and for that reason 50 years after the haitian revolution the US finally recognized it because they wanted to contain it and did not want it to spread insurrectionist ideals to their slaves. It undercut revolutionary thought among white americans who feared the possibility of black power.


1812; A Shawnee chief who, along with his brother, Tenskwatawa, a religious leader known as The Prophet, worked to unite the Northwestern Indian tribes against continuation of white settlement. The league of tribes was defeated by an American army led by William Henry Harrison at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. Tecumseh was killed fighting for the British during the War of 1812. his brother, the shawnee prophet thought he was going to die and when he revived he said he had visions that they should reject white culture and return to their separate ways of living by giving up white culture, invoking a spiritual renewal to preserve cultures, but tecumseh had a more political/military approach and organized people who would fight

james monroe

1817-1825; Fifth President, Led during the "Era of Good Feelings," which was marked by the domination of his political party, the Democratic-Republicans, and the decline of the Federalist Party, Established the Monroe Doctrine as a wide-ranging policy for foreign affairs, National identity grew, most notably through the westward movement of the country and various public works projects, The "Era" saw the beginnings of North-South tensions over slavery

frederick douglass

1818-1895; Prominent back abolitionist, whose autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, detailed his experience in bondage and his daring escape to the North. More practical than many of his fellow abolitionists, Douglass looked to politics to put an end to slavery. After the Civil War, he continued to write and speak on behalf of blacks, calling on the federal government to help ensure economic independence for newly freed slaves. was born enslaved, escaped to freedom, published his own narrative, and an anti-slavery newspaper

irish immigration

1820-1860; broke apart the whig party with anti-immigration sentiment, so many irish people began coming to the US because of the potato famine in ireland, upon arrival the irish had low wages and dangerous work conditions, people were racist against them because they were thought of as less than african americans, since noone owned them and they were not worth capital like slaves were, they were more disposable, although irish immigrants had potential to become close with african americans because they lived in slums close together, and both were at bottom of social spectrum, the irish immigrants werent considered white and in order to prove their whiteness they bought into the racist system that blacks were bad in order to prove that they were white in order to get opportunities and priviledges that white people had but blacks did not

missouri compromise

1820; legislation passed admitting missouri as a slave state and maine as a free state, in an effort to preserve the balance of power between free and slave states, with the exception of missouri, the law prohibited slavery in the louisiana territory north of the 36,30 latitude line, the missouri compromise was repealed by the kansas-nebraska act


1820s; Movement of people who feared for the second coming of God in response to rapid change, belief held by some Christian denominations that there will be a Golden Age or Paradise on Earth in which "Christ will reign" prior to the final judgment and future eternal state (the New Heavens and New Earth), belief organized around iminent apacolypse which makes salvation urgent

second great awakening

1820s; emphasis on egalitarianism and eradication of sin, everyone is equal before god, sin could be cured, idea of perfectability, if this is achieved there would be the second coming of Christ, benevolent empire and search for moral perfection including moral reform, temperance, utopian communities (free love and socialism), graham diet (reform through bodily practices), vegetarianism, sunday school movement, hospital and asylum reform, context for abolitionist cause

monroe doctrine

1823; policy introduced by president james monroe, who declared that the US shared common interest with other states in the western hemisphere and that the political system in europe was essentially different from that of the democratic republics in north and south america, was a foreign policy statement that said we would stay out of european business if they would stay out of ours

american system

1824; an economic regime pioneered by Henry Clay which created a high tariff to support internal improvements such as road-building. This approach was intended to allow the United States to grow and prosper by themselves This would eventually help America industrialize and become an economic power. intent to spur economic development as well as tariffs and currency regulation


1830s; A nineteenth-century movement in the Romantic tradition, which held that every individual can reach ultimate truths through spiritual intuition, which transcends reason and sensory experience, A philosophy pioneered by Ralph Waldo Emerson in the 1830's and 1840's, in which each person has direct communication with God and Nature, and there is no need for organized churches. It incorporated the ideas that mind goes beyond matter, intuition is valuable, that each soul is part of the Great Spirit, and each person is part of a reality where only the invisible is truly real. Promoted individualism, self-reliance, and freedom from social constraints, and emphasized emotions, transcendentalists wanted to know the world through emotion and intuition, an american variant of european romanticism

whig party

1830s; An American political party formed in the 1830s to oppose President Andrew Jackson and the Democrats, stood for protective tariffs, national banking, and federal aid for internal improvements, whigs opossed Jackson because they thought he was too tyrannical and king like and they adapted their whig name from whigs who previously went against royal power

black hawk

1832; war in which federal troops and Illinois militia units defeated the Indians led by Black Hawk, people were forced out of Illinois and eventually defeated, indians were trying to reclaim land in western illinois that they had lost under a treaty, after the war, US gov removed indian nations and forced removal from northern illinois, some relocated to mexico because of the promise of getting a place to call their own

american anti-slavery society (aass)

1833; founded by William Lloyd Garrison and other abolitionists with immediate abolition as its cause, it was the most prominent northern abolitionist organization of the time period. Garrison burned the Constitution as a proslavery document. Argued for "no Union with slaveholders" until they repented for their sins by freeing their slaves.


1836, essentially a mission and fort in San Antonio, Texas, where Mexican forces massacred rebellious Texans, the mexican president/ general santa anna lost soldiers but ultimately won the battle, eventually in a different battle, texans and tejano allies defeated santa anna, it was a fight for texan independence from mexico, resulted in legalized slavery and prohibited free black people from living in texas, and vigilantes forced many tejanos, including ones that fought for them, to leave

gag rule

1836-1844; rule adopted by congress after nat turner's rebellion, to block the discussion of slavery at the national and state level

santa anna

1836; dictator of Mexico, leader of Mexican Army, defeated the Texans at Alamo and Goliad, was captured at San Jacinto and forced to sign two treaties permitting the Texan their independence, later declared these treaties illegal because he had signed them under duress

martin van buren

1837-1841; Advocated lower tariffs and free trade, and by doing so maintained support of the south for the Democratic party. He succeeded in setting up a system of bonds for the national debt.

trail of tears

1838; 16,000 cherokee indians were forced/"removed" from their land and had to walk from North Carolina and Georgia through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas-more than 800 miles (1,287 km)-to the Indian Territory that was reserved for them. More than 4,000 Cherokees died of cold, disease, and lack of food during the 116-day journey, question of if Jackson was a champion of democracy or racial priviledge


1840s; anti-immigration, anti-catholic activist movement, the term nativists was given to those who strongly opposed the influx of immigrants into american society, nativists shared general goals being to restrict office holding to native born americans, to retain the bible in schools, to extend the naturalization process, established the basis for the network of secret fraternal associations known collectively as Know-Nothings

james k polk

1845-1849; best known for his territorial expansion of the nation chiefly through the Mexican-American War

potato famine

1845-1849; over one million irish people died in the potato famine because the potatoes grown in ireland had fungus on them, which is what caused so many irish to immigrate into the us, the potato famine had political factors as well because if the British were more involved with redistribution of food, the famine would not have happened, shows issues about food and security

black codes

1865-1866; tried to restrict freedom and perpetuate a system of slavery, racial segregation, and restricted the ability to organize, participate in economy, or own arms for self defense, laws enacted by the southern state legislatures after the civil war that granted limited rights to former slaves, including the right to marry, own land, and participate in the judicial process, but that also singled out black people under the law ans imposed severe restraints on their occupations, mobility, and rights as parents

13th amendment

1865; ended slavery, put on paper and in the constitution no slavery or involuntary servitude, but there was still involuntary servitude in play and many blacks still had to continue to claim freedom

seneca falls

1848; first major meeting devoted to the purpose of women's rights, antislavery activism gave rise with antislavery activists tending to be the most prominent supporters of women's rights, personal factors gave rise with personal experiences of exclusion and unhappiness, local activism gave rise, national politics gave rise with more and more white men being able to vote and more democracy for white men with these voting rights leading women and blacks to think of their own, international connections gave rise with women reaching out and networking and feeling like a part of something bigger than themselves, the declaration of sentiments was signed that designated the want to vote and wanted legal rights as well as open employment for women, wanted access to education and desired to have access to ministry and higher level activity in church life, encouraged women to recognize capacity and values claims justified through revolutionary rhetoric, biblical interpretations, priviledged argument that ignorant men are getting more rights than women

treaty of guadalupe hidalgo

1848; treaty signed by the U.S. and Mexico that officially ended the Mexican-American War; Mexico had to give up much of its northern territory to the U.S (Mexican Cession); in exchange the U.S. gave Mexico $15 million and said that Mexicans living in the lands of the Mexican Cession would be protected

compromise of 1850

1850; brokered by Henry Clay, about what to do with new territories, congressional measures created to resolve a series of regional tension in the us, admission of cali as a free state, organizing the remainder of the new mexico territory, banned the slave trade in the district of columbia, and gave the south a stronger fugitive slave law

fugitive slave act

1850; congressional act that nationalized the process of slave capture and return by requiring federal judges to appoint commissioners to hear cases of accused fugitives and by requiring the active complicity of state officers

charles sumner

1850s; A leader of the Radical republicans along with Thaddeus Stevens. He was from Massachusetts and was in the senate. His two main goals were breaking the power of wealthy planters and ensuring that freedmen could vote

know nothings

1850s; antiforeign, anti-catholic political organization consisting of a network of secret fraternal associations, the party was largely a nativist reaction against large scale european immigration, the organizations name stemmed from its secrecy if asked about it members denied knowledge of it by saying they knew nothing, these people did not like immigrants, and wanted to make it harder to naturalize, wanted to deport irish workers, and wanted to teach protestantism in schools, caused irish workers to want to claim whiteness by refusing to work with blacks and holding mob attacks against them, the irish began to favor slavery in the south because it put slaves below them and helped with pride and racial priviledge which they did not want to lose through emancipation

bleeding kansas

1854-1859; civil war for control over kansas under the doctrine of popular sovereignty where armed immigrants fought back, it was ultimately admitted as a free state

stephen douglas

1854; A democrat, who introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 and popularized the idea of popular sovereignty, which led to bleeding kansas, Lincoln oppossed his ideals, he was the leading promoter of the kansas nebraska act on the basis that slavery probably would not take hold in kansas and nebraska because of the climate, but lincoln states how slavery would take hold and then what would stop it from spreading to illinois, douglas criticized lincon for favoring black rights

kansas-nebraska act

1854; proposed by governor Stephen A. Douglass, resolved that inhabitants would determine whether they should be free or slave states, new policy of popular sovereignty which intended to allow settlers in a territory to decide the status of slavery, which initiated a debate about the future of slavery in western territiories, would repeal the missouri compromise, the result was bleeding kansas

dred scott decision

1857; supreme court decided that slaveholders had the right to take their property anywhere, they sued for freedom because they lived in free territory but court ruled against it, there was worry that there wouldnt be any free states because of this decision, it was the exact opposite of states rights, supreme court also ruled that slaves were not citizens of the us and were therefore unable to sue in a federal court of law, as a consequence, the federal gov had no authority to outlaw slavery in the territories, leaving that choice up to the states, if you bring a slave into a free state, they remain enslaved

harper's ferry

1859; John Brown's scheme to invade the South with armed slaves, backed by sponsoring, northern abolitionists; seized the federal arsenal; Brown and remnants were caught by Robert E. Lee and the US Marines; Brown was hanged, violently standing up to an institution, goes to Kansas and murdered pro-slavery setllers

john brown

1859; leader of the Harper's Ferry Raid

thaddeus stevens

1860s; A Radical Republican who believed in harsh punishments for the South. Leader of the Radical Republicans in Congress along with charles sumner, Man behind the 14th Amendment, which ends slavery. Stevens and President Johnson were absolutely opposed to each other.


1860s; civil war era nickname for the faction of the democratic party that opposed the war, A group of northern Democrats who opposed abolition and sympathized with the South during the Civil War


1860s; farmers who rented land or farmed on shares, splitting the proceeds from the yearly crop with the landlord, the thought was that as a sharecropper, you were given more autonomy and control over daily work and it eventually became a way to acquire money to pursue further freedom

william t sherman

1860s; one of the most widely renowned union generals for the civil war

homestead act

1862; law that gave 160 acres of land to citizens willing to live on and cultivate it for five years of residence, this act opened the western unites states to settlement

14th amendment

1868; granted national citizenship and equal protection of the laws, citizenship is nationally determined- if you are born in the US, you are a citizen, states rights put second to federal, huge growth of federal power, gives federal gov. more control in enforcing civil rights

frederick jackson frontier thesis

1893; people thought that expansion was not only about racial replacement and technology, but also freedom, argues that something important distinguishes US and makes it exceptional which is the frontier thought, celebration of US westward expansion with films like disney's davy crocket and stories of heroic tales of fights for freedom, new western history with imperialism being the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territiorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas, it was also a legacy of conquest, idea of progression from primitive to more prestigious, the most important effect of the frontier is promotion of democracty, in sum: emphasizes free land and natural progress, sequential development (traders, ranchers, farmers, cities, factories) and freedom, democracy and individualism

american colonization society (acs)

Established in 1817, an organization of anti-slavery whites whose mission was to return freed slaves to Africa.

whiskey rebellion

In 1794, farmers in Pennsylvania rebelled against Hamilton's excise tax on whiskey, and several federal officers were killed in the riots caused by their attempts to serve arrest warrants on the offenders. In October, 1794, the army, led by Washington, put down the rebellion. The incident showed that the new government under the Constitution could react swiftly and effectively to such a problem, in contrast to the inability of the government under the Articles of Confederation to deal with Shay's Rebellion, in summary, a violent uprising in western pennsylvania by farmers who refused to pay a federal tax on liquor

nat turner

Leader of a slave rebellion in 1831 in Virginia. Revolt led to the deaths of 20 whites and 40 blacks and led to the "gag rule' outlawing any discussion of slavery in the House of Representatives, was the largest slave uprising resulting in the most white deaths.

indian removal act of 1830

Passed by Congress under the Jackson administration, this act removed all Indians east of the Mississippi to an "Indian Territory" where they would be "permanently" housed, this nullified fifty years worth of previous treaties, it came with oppression for non-whites, Jackson's presidency became a defining force of Native American removal

andrew jackson

President from 1829-1837; who as a general in the War of 1812 where he was noted as being a war hero, defeated the British at New Orleans (1815). As president he opposed the Bank of America, objected to the right of individual states to nullify disagreeable federal laws, and increased the presidential powers, when rising tariffs led to insurrections, Jackson wanted to send troops to put down the insurrections and he was criticized for this and ppl said he had too much power. he was born of irish immigrant parents on backcountry carolina settlement but because he grew up on plantation he still benefitted from slave labor, he only had basic schooling and a dislike of books and abstract ideas, he was hot tempered, he was orphaned at 14, but the memory of his mother and her teachings helped him.were his only capital, made himself wealthy-based off war- from humble beginnings, jacksonian era was supossed to be seen as an age of democracy and opportunity for the common man, but the question was who counted as a common man

gang labor system

began in 1750s but continued through antebellum black life, one of the two forms of plantation labor, with the other being the task system, the gang system was labor without much autonomy in a group that worked continuously under supervision until the days end, focus on more deskilled labor, many sugar cane plantations used gang labor systems as they were invented on sugar plantations, point of comparison being northern factory work with lives governed by bells and debate about work practices beginning in factories or on plantations


beginning late 1700s/early 1800s; leading set of theories of what it takes for a republic to survive, assumes that you have to be a virtuous citizen in order for the republic system to work and everyone needs civic virtue, John Adams was not sure there was enough virtue for the republic to work because the citizens were too self interested with different groups of people fighting for conflicting interests (republic- power rests somewhat in the public and the public elects representatives) things like electoral college were implemented to put into office more elite people bc of the notion that they would be more virtuous citizens and separation of powers where different branches of gov. monitor eachother


early 1800s; A Shoshone woman whose language skills and knowledge of geography helped Lewis and Clark, shows how Lewis and Clark relied on indians to help them explore places unknown to them, they were not undiscovered lands as americans had made them out to be because Native Americans already knew their way around these places. also important to the debate of trafficking of women at the time, women were important in diplomacy because they were trafficked

market revolution

early 1800s; contained Drastic changes in transportation (canals, RRs), communication (telegraph), and the production of goods (more in factories as opposed to houses) but most importantly, it was a shift away from subsistence to even greater consumption of store goods, people are buying and selling rather than making, from local to wide distribution, from small-scale production to large-scale production, from personal economic relationships to impersonal relationships

stephen austin

early 1800s; known as the Father of Texas, led the second and ultimately successful colonization of the region by bringing 300 families from the United States, American who settled in Texas, one of the leaders for Texan independence from Mexico

eli whitney

late 1700s-early 1800s; american inventor who invented the cotton gin, one of the key inventions for the industrial revolution and key to shaping the economy in the antebellum south

factory system

late 1700s; the factory system radically changed the ways that workers related to business owners and to one another, it refers to the centralization of manufacturing under the ownership of one person or a corporation, instead of manufacturing goods in homes or in small family owned workshops, the factory system brought together many unrelated workers under one roof


late 1860s-early 1870s; A northerner who went to the South immediately after the Civil War; especially one who tried to gain political advantage or other advantages from the disorganized situation in southern states and tried to profit from reconstruction

klu klux klan

late 1860s; organization associated with the bitterest and most violent opponents of reconstruction and black freedom, clan members devoted themselves to denying african americans any legitimate role in the public sphere, stressing the superiority of white, protestant, anglo-saxon citizens

racial indeterminism

mid 1800s; goes along with Irish immigration, it is the idea that race is a social fiction and if race is not biologically determined, then there is a possibility of moving between categories and it is kind of ambiguous, upon arrival to the US, Irish immigrants were not seen as white, and in order to try to prove they were white they did not want to be classed with black so they developed racist prejudices


mid 1800s; person engaging in unauthorized warfare against a foreign country, american fillibusters attacked other countries almost every year between the 1830s and 1860s, William Walker- the most notorious filibuster was able to maintain nicaragua for some time, some filibusters were politically prominent figures, us gov tried to crack down on filibusters because they thought they were hurting us interests


movement emerged around 1830 after second great awakening with ideals of showing humanity of enslaved people, emphasis on hardships, misery and suffering caused by enslavement, reveals violence the institution perpetuates and rests upon, if we depend on a society that is sinless, the second coming will not occur if slavery continues to exist, religious arguments that religion of slave-holding south is not true religion, historical forces against slavery being this is the age of emancipation with britain emancipating slaves, universal rights first and foremost with property of one's self being the most important property right, abolition became a reality when abraham lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation in 1863, and concretized by the 13th amendment in 1865

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