History 22

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Events of the Revolution

-King called for an Estates-General, may 1789 -3rd estate made National Assembly, june 17 1789 -King shut down National Assembly -Tennis Court Oath, june 20 1789 -King dissolves Estates-General, june 27 1789 -Storm of the Bastille by city workers july 14 1789 -Great Fear -Declaration of Rights of man August 1789 -March on Versailles october 1789 -King & Queen move to Tuiteries -Second Revolution -Flight to Vaennes june 20 1791 -Austria declares war april 1792 -Brunswick Manifesto june 1792 -Execution of the Queen and King -Reign of Terror -The Directory

revolution results

1 democratic system 2 changed political Europe forever 3 monarchy an fuedalism die 4 inspire other countries

Reforms of National Assembly

1. declaration of rights of man 2. civil constitution of clergy--the government takes over the church, takes money and land--won't ever regain church suffered the most in the revolution

the directory

5 directors--disagreed and clashed. pleased neither radicals or conservatives, governed for 4 years and elected new members every 3 years. __ ________ came to restore France, but did the opposite. the rulers were all selfish and the unhappy citizens revolt, bankrupt. OCnstitution of 1795-bicameral with a house of 500 and a council of ancients.

Danton, Jacobin

A major ______-leader of the Cordelier's club. involved in the Storming of the Bastille, supported Jean-Paul Marat, president of the Committee of Public Safety, minster of Justice on National Convention

Reign of Terror

All throughout France there was a wave of mass executions to get rid of counter revolutionaries. the slightest word or interfence against the revolution, the person was executed. this went out of hand, and nobody could stop it. Danton was executed by Robespierre, but soon after he would fall victim to his own doings, the people turned against the Jacobins. all classes in society were executed, people were terrified to go against the government.

Execution of Marie Antoinette

Had no power, only given one day to prepare her defense, a lot of rumors and other things at her trials, incest with son, the people who put him in a dongon got him to agree to protesting against his mother, but making him drunk to sign a contract. when she was going to her trial on october 14th, she was carted through the streets so that people could throw things at her.

The Old Regime

In 1789, France was the largest and most powerful European Nation prior to the revolution. the king had lost his power to make laws, and the representatives voted for his execution. the king had an absolute monarchy, the kings will was law. France's society was organized into 3 estate which were all very unequal. the first and second estates had the least amount of people, but the most wealth, power and priviledge. Debt, Inflation, and quarrels between the estates, and the food was at short supply. bread was super, and there were droughts.

Marat, reign of terror, revolution, Corday

Jouralist, radical Jacobin of the third estate. his newspapers and writings encouraged violence and the ____ _ ____--towards anyone that was critical of the ______. killed in medicinal bath by Charlotte _____


Lead to War with _____, started because 30,000 French citizens stormed Tuileries Palace on August 9th 1792 when a prussian austrian general wrote the Brunswick Manifesto. beginning of the second revolution. the revolution had other counties scared that there would be rebellion to the monarch. Austria declared war to overthrow the revolution.

Flight to Varennes

Louis XVI and his family tried to escape Paris, they dressed as servants, and planned to meet Austrian troops at Luxemburg border to start a counter reformation. In Varennes, they were recognized by a local postman, and were arrested. the family were sent back to Paris by the national guard, they went through the streets and the people crowded around them and were hostile because the people thought the king was guilty, a traitor. the queen was already looked as a traitor, the people think she is trying to help Austria. the family was kept at Tuileries Palace, and they were not allowed to leave. Louis refused to impliment the constitution of 1791 by the girondins, and the people trusted him less, palace attacked

estates general

Louis XVI convenes it for the purpose of taxing nobles to get France out of debt. but the everyone wanted more power and more food. the three estates broke off, and clergy still dint pay taxes,the enlightened nobles paid for army. the trid estate maid an National Assembly, the king legalized it and they wanted to vote together--the third estate had the most people and they wanted toe votes to be equal between states--because they all voted separatedly and got a two:one ratio

Execution of Louis XVI

Louis XVI met opposition from people to undermine the monarchy, but no court had juristition to try him. the national assembly tries him for treason, and impingement apon French Freedom. Beheaded on January 21, 1793-the guillotine executed him, and there was no more monarchy, other countries were scared of the same thing.

Brunswick Manifesto

Louis was talking to other countries to get them to got to war with France, a Austrian commander sent a letter demanding that the King and Queen be released or Austria would destroy Paris. instead of putting fear in the people, it intimidated them. the angry people started becoming soldiers to fight off Austria, they then storm Tuileries


New execution device, clean slice


__________ Spirit of Law described what he thought was a perfect government. after studying all the government, he thought the British had the most perfect form. the power was divided equally amongst the legislative, which made the laws, the exective, which administered them, and the judicial, which interpreted and applied them. 'Balance and check' this was based on a misunderstanding. wanted a king, noble man-but wanted power to be separated so that no one group could have all the power. wanted the king to have limited power.


__________was a major/lead Jacobin that was influenced by the philosphes. he induced the Reign of Terror and chopped of hundreds of thousands of heads with the guillotine. He was killing anti-revolutionaries without a fair trial. this was disestablished in 1795-CoPS

age of reason

another term for age of the enlightenment

First estate

clergy of the roman catholic, less than one percent of the population. owned ten percent of land, and a lot of wealth, didnt have to pay taxes of the_____ _____


counter revolutionaries that tried to stope the French Revolution, nobles and royalists that didn't want a change, they lived in Versailles and thought that the king was necessary for government. they thought that the nobility should have more power


critics of society, wrote to one another, and published their ideas in books, plays, pamphlets, newspapers, and encyclopedias

tennis court oath

date, June 20, 1989. the oath- agreement to created a constitution. indoor tennis court. continued to meet in the court until the y established a new constitution. the state generals joined, and so did the clergy and nobles from the king's orders, but the king gets pressure to shut it down again

third estate

everyone else. three groups the 1 Bouigeorsie- city dwelling, were middle class, educated merchants, manufactures, doctors, lawyers, and more. 2 labors and artisans of the city. 3 peasants, most miserable lives, paid rent for the land they worked on, tithe to the church

social contract

give up some rights for protection..not signed, but implied

General Lafayette

hero of two worlds, helped in the American revolution, keeps peace after Bastille. Proposes the Declaration of Rights of Man


his novel "Candide" ridiculed everything from oppressive government to prejudice and bigotry. _____ fought against intolerance and injustice, especially cases involving religious prejudice. he made this statement, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right tp say it." thought freedom of religion and Speech was the most important, imprisoned for challenging cesersism, very popular--friends with King and Queen


in his book, "The Social Contract", _____wrote that people are born good, but the environment, education, and laws corrupted them. the good can only be preserved if they can choose and control government. popular sovereignty--created by and subject to the will of the people. social contract w/ government as long as it is with the "general will" of the people. not in favor of a majority ALL the time--mobs.


jobs- merchants, doctors, lawyers demands-more political power-share position with nobility. wanted positions open to the people of talent and ambition instead of only birth right. lead revolution, educated

city workers

jobs-manual jobs in city-labors, shop keepers. demands- more bread to the city-not bad like it was moldy. wanted good bread they could afford and better wages


lead by Marat, supported the Jacobins, Stormed Tuileries, right to survival, equal social classes, everyone has food, and taxation on rich


leading nobles and royal family members, went to other countries to try to make a counter revolution.....try to get a war

the declaration of the rights of man

made to control the neglect of people, Marcus de Lafactte, nobleman respected proposed by him, age of enlightment- ideas in this directly . declaration of rights of Women-approved by the National Assembly. preamble and 17 articals, general will and natural rights equal people

general will

majority of people agree


middle class, maximilen Robespierre, the main leader who was eventually executed by his own fault. the Jacobis were members of the Borgeoisie. they wanted the king to have No power, wanted a democracy, a republic. wanted removal of all social classes, they did acts of terrorisms. separate church and state-protect France from outside invaders that threatened the French revolution. lead to the reign of terror, conflick between the girondins and jacobins -execution of king and queen, tried to get rid of the Constitution of 1791, by the Girondins because it only limited the Kings power, and did not eliminate it.


moderates......upper middle class wanted to limit the king's power, stop monach from supporting the King, more support for the girondins,, loosly organized, wanted to use a constitution and spread the revolution, but the jacobins took over.

second estate

nobles that want religious power from absolute power of king, represented less than two percent of the population. paid fewer taxes-ifany, were thoughtless, extravagent, and irrisponsible. held hightest position in the government and the army. lived at manors or versailles-didn't have to pay taxes or do forced labor.. lived lavish lives did all the important jobs. country noble-collected fuedal due from peasants, lived in inherited manors, more independent, not much say in government. court noble-had specials priviledges and customs from fuedal times, lived at versailles, right to wear a sword, right to function as "lord of manor", limited power, ore independence

the great fear

occured after the Bastille, the people worried that the king would sent soldiers to Paris to put down the protest--thats why the collected weapons. rebeling against the lords--peasants feared that the lords would seek revenge for the storming of the bastille, even though they were not the same people that did that--fear that the lords would take it out on them.

bankrupt, debt

problems with the Old Regime before Revolution


religious registration birth marriage and death, elected tithes, censured books, moral police, operated schools and hospitals. upper ______ archbishops, bishops, and abbots-had most of the wealth. were lazy, worldly, and neglectful of spiritual duties. only church courts could try _____. lower ______ parish priest-performed most of the work, didn't receive much pay, humble and tender to the problems of educated parishiovers as well as giving religious guidance


replaced the Directory


responsible for army, 95% of population. paid ALL of the taxes-thats why they were poor. had insuffcient land-for farming--fuedal system 30-40% hard to aquire, worked for the lords--split land. paid all the hight taxes of the king, church, and lords. inflation on food--city workers low food because there is no land for the peasants to farm-drought. not allowe to hunt for food

second french revolution

revolution moving from the moderate phase to the extreme phase


supported war and international revolution


the Encyclopideia by Denis _______ criticized the church, the government, the slave trade, torture, taxes, and war. they even covered questioning style of the Enlightenment. the french imprisoned ______ and other philosophies. still the people throughout Europe brought the Encyclopedia and adopted it's ideas.

storming of the bastille

the bastille is a fortress-prision in Paris, built in 1370. "stronghold" carried weapons and amunition. thousands of workers in the city attached--third estate, demand surrender of the prison. the mob entered and set the prisioners free and killed the guards and collected the weapons. some of the guards set the cannons on the bastille, went with mob. the bastille symbolized everything that was wrong with the government--tear it apart

Committee of Public Safety

the revolutionists organized this to protect against counter revolutionists, foreign and domestic attacks. to unite the people of France. leader-Robespierre

peasant demands

they wanted more bread, more money, less taxation that was supporting the French society, need more land for farming

national assembly

third estate is unhappy with the one to two ration, so the Bourgeoisie-represents middle class broke away and formed this. they started passing laws, then the king get pressured from the first two estates to do something. the king locks them out.

Charlotte Corday, Girondin

thought the revolution was going to far, threatened the republic, killed Marat, was a ________, executed

Second revolution

tuideries, and Brunswick Manifesto, problems--counter revolutionaries

Enlightened Despot

tyrant, most philosophes favored this-a system of government in which absolute monarchs ruled according to the principles of the Enlightenment

King Louis XVI

weak, indecisive, dull, clueless


where people began to question the government. they were gathering of the social, political, and cultural elite. they had entertainment and intelligent conversation, where the philosophies could meet and discuss ideas. meet in someplace away from the rest of the house.

the march on versailles(October days)

working women-hungry lower class marched to versailles to demand bread, women rights, the removal the Queen and King. the march was directed at Marie Anntette because she was an unpopular alliance with Louis XVI, the knew the nobility had food, so they decapitaited the body guards, the soliders were out of town, the women went to the queen's chambers. she went out on the balcony and stood down as the weapons werer there this showed that the queen and king were untouchable. after they moved from versailles

thomas Hobbes

wrote "Leviathan", he explained that groups of people first lived in anarchy. life was violent and dangerous under such circumstances, so people chose a leader. to maintain a stable society people made a "covenant". this gave the monarch absolute power and only the people had the right to protect their own live. no faith in humanity. thought the revolution is bad.

john Locke

wrote "Two Treaties of Government". ____ believed Hobbes theory that people had first lived individually and then made a social contract. he believed that people had only given up some of their individual rights and had kept others. the right rights they kept were called natural rights. these include the right to live, to enjoy liberty, and to won property, and expect rulers to perserved these rights. a ruler who broke these rights violated natural law and the unwritten social contract. the people could replace the ruler. Charles was taking away their liberty, thought the revolution was good

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