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Provided an additional Php50 billion for CARP and extended its implementation for another 10 years.

Republic Act 8532, 1998 (Agrarian Reform Fund Bill

Abolished the LASEDECO and established the National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration (NARRA) to resettle dissidents and landless farmers. It was particularly aimed at rebel returnees providing home lots and farmlands in Palawan and Mindanao.

Republic Act No. 1160 of 1954

DAR will transform the agrarian reform communities (ARCs), an area focused and integrated delivery of support services, into rural economic zones that will help in the creation of job opportunities in the countryside.

Infrastructure Projects

governed the relationship between landowners and tenant farmers by organizing share-tenancy and leasehold system. The law provided the security of tenure of tenants. It also created the Court of Agrarian Relations

Republic Act No. 1199 (Agricultural Tenancy Act of 1954)

Created the Land Tenure Administration (LTA) which was responsible for the acquisition and distribution of large tenanted rice and corn lands over 200 hectares for individuals and 600 hectares for corporations.

Republic Act No. 1400 (Land Reform Act of 1955)

Established the 70-30 sharing arrangements and regulating sharetenancy contracts.

Republic Act No. 34

Abolished share tenancy, institutionalized leasehold, set retention limit at 75 hectares, invested rights of preemption and redemption for tenant farmers, provided for an administrative machinery for implementation, institutionalized a judicial system of agrarian cases, incorporated extension, marketing and supervised credit system of services of farmer beneficiaries.

Republic Act No. 3844 of August 8, 1963 (Agricultural Land Reform Code)

Provided for a more effective safeguard against arbitrary ejectment of tenants.

Republic Act No. 55

Created the Department of Agrarian Reform and the Agrarian Reform Special Account Fund. It strengthen the position of farmers and expanded the scope of agrarian reform.

Republic Act No. 6389, (Code of Agrarian Reform) and RA No. 6390 of 1971

An act which became effective June 15, 1988 and instituted a comprehensive agrarian reform program to promote social justice and industrialization providing the mechanism for its implementation and for other purposes. This law is still the one being implemented at present.

Republic Act No. 6657, June 10, 1988 (Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law)

Amended certain provisions of RA 6657 and exempted fishponds and prawns from the coverage of CARP.

Republic Act No. 7881, 1995

Strengthened the implementation of the CARP

Republic Act No. 7905, 1995

Provided small farmers and share tenants loans with low interest rates of six to eight percent.

Republic Act No. 821 (Creation of Agricultural Credit Cooperative Financing Administration)

Plugged the legal loopholes in land use conversion.

Republic Act No. 8435, 1997 (Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act AFMA)

"The Era of Hukbalahap"

Japanese Occupation

is an agribusiness venture whereby a company is organized and co-owned by an investor and the agrarian reform beneficiaries through their cooperatives or associations. The investor may provide the management and marketing skills, technology infrastructure, and capital while the ARBs' contribution/ participation in the joint venture includes labor, the usufructuary rights to the land, and capital, infusion, if available

Joint Venture Agreement

refers to the full and fair equivalent of the property taken; the fair market value of the property. It embraces not only the correct determination of the amount to be paid to the owners of the land but also the payment for the land. The measure is not the taker's gain, but the owner's loss.

Just Compensation

The KALAHI Agrarian Reform (KAR) Zones were also launched. These zones consists of one or more municipalities with concentration of ARC population to achieve greater agro-productivity.



Land Settlement Development Corporation

DAR will remain vigorous in implementing land acquisition and distribution component of CARP. The DAR will improve land tenure system through land distribution and leasehold.

Land Tenure Improvement

is an agribusiness scheme whereby the ARB's, through their cooperative or farmworkers' association, enter into a contract of lease with the landowner/investor. The lessee shall have farm control and operations within an agreed period but not to exceed ten (10) years, subject to extension upon mutual agreement of both parties. The lease rental shall not be less than the amortization to be paid by the ARBs to the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) pursuant to DAR Administrative Order No. 6, Series of 1998, and other pertinent laws, rules and regulation.

Lease Arrangement

Provided the purchase and lease of haciendas and their sale and lease to the tenants. a. · Commonwealth Act No. 178 (An Amendment to Rice Tenancy Act No. 4045), Nov. 13, 1936 b. · National Rice and Corn Corporation (NARIC), 1936 c. · Commonwealth Act. No. 461, 1937 d. Rural Program Administration created March 2, 1939

d. Rural Program Administration created March 2, 1939

The lowland peoples lived in extended kinship groups known as barangay each under the leadership of a __________

datu or a chieftain

is an agribusiness arrangement whereby the ARBs, or their cooperative/organization, hire the services of the landowner or an investor to manage and operate the farm in exchange for fixed wages or commission. Determination of Lease Rentals In order to protect and improve the tenurial and economic status of the farmers in tenanted lands under the retention limit and lands not yet acquired under this Act, the DAR is mandated to determine and fix immediately the lease rentals thereof in accordance with Section 34 of Republic Act No. 3844, as amended: provided, that the DAR shall immediately and periodically review and adjust the rental structure for different crops, including rice and corn, or different regions in order to improve progressively the conditions of the farmer, tenant or lessee.

Management Contract


National Integrated Protected Areas System


National Resettlement and Rehabilitation Administration

Established the price of rice and corn thereby help the poor tenants as well as consumers. a. · Commonwealth Act No. 178 (An Amendment to Rice Tenancy Act No. 4045), Nov. 13, 1936 b. · National Rice and Corn Corporation (NARIC), 1936 c. · Commonwealth Act. No. 461, 1937

National Rice and Corn Corporation (NARIC), 1936

"The New Republic"

Philippine Republic

"This land is Ours God gave this land to us."

Pre-Spanish Era

He continued the programs of President Ramon Magsaysay. There was no new legislation passed. President Diosdado P. Macapagal (1961-1965) enacted the following law:

President Carlos P. Garcia (1957-1961)

Proclamation No. 1081 on September 21, 1972 ushered the Period of the New Society. Five days after the proclamation of Martial Law, the entire country was proclaimed a land reform area and simultaneously the Agrarian Reform Program was decreed. President Marcos enacted the following laws:

President Ferdinand E. Marcos (1965-1986)

his administration came face-to-face with the public who have lost confidence in the agrarian reform program. His administration committed to the vision, "Fairer, faster and more meaningful implementation of the Agrarian Reform Program."

President Fidel V. Ramos

"To make the countryside economically viable for the Filipino family by building partnership and promoting social equity and new economic opportunities towards lasting peace and sustainable rural development."

President Gloria Macapacal-Arroyo Administration

President Manuel A. Roxas (1946-1948) enacted the following laws:

President Manuel A. Roxas (1946-1948) enacted the following laws:

espoused the "Social Justice" program to arrest the increasing social unrest in Central Luzon.

President Manuel L. Quezon

President Ramon Magsaysay (1953-1957) enacted the following laws:

President Ramon Magsaysay (1953-1957) enacted the following laws:

Royal Land Grants


Declared the country under land reform program. It enjoined all agencies and offices of the government to extend full cooperation and assistance to the DAR. It also activated the Agrarian Reform Coordinating Council.

Presidential Decree No. 2, September 26, 1972

Restricted land reform scope to tenanted rice and corn lands and set the retention limit at 7 hectares.

Presidential Decree No. 27, October 21, 1972

Instituted the CARP as a major program of the government. It provided for a special fund known as the Agrarian Reform Fund (ARF), with an initial amount of Php50 billion to cover the estimated cost of the program from 1987 to 992.

Proclamation No. 131, July 22,


Provincial Agrarian Reform Coordinating Committee

The Filipinos of the 15th century must have engaged primarily

hunting, fishing and cultivation

CARP not only involves the distribution of lands but also included package of support services which includes: credit assistance, extension services, irrigation facilities, roads and bridges, marketing facilities and training and technical support programs.

Provision of Support Services

also known as "The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of 1998" [as amended by Republic Act Nos. 7881, 7905, 532 and 9700]


means redistribution of lands, regardless of crops or fruits produced, to farmers and regular farmworkers who are landless, irrespective of tenurial arrangement, to include the totality of factors and support services designed to lift the economic status of the beneficiaries and all other arrangements alternative to the physical redistribution of lands, such as production or profit-sharing, labor administration, and the distribution of shares of stocks, which will allow beneficiaries to receive a just share of the fruits of the lands they work.

"Agrarian reform"

This was the battle cry that endeared President Joseph Estrada and made him very popular during the 1998 presidential election.


the resolution of cases in relation to agrarian justice delivery of the agrarian reform program to fast-track the implementation of CARP.

"Oplan Zero Backlog"

the term "Agrarian" is derived from the Latin word "ager" which means

"a field"

Lexically, the word agrarian means

"relating to land or to the ownership or division of land".

three broad classes:

1) Nobles- Datu and his family 2) the freeholders or freeman - Maharlika or Mahadika 3) the "dependents" - Alipin

"The promotion of social justice to ensure the well-being and economic security of all people should be the concern of the State".

1935 Constitution

The Second World War II started in Europe in _______ and in the Pacific in ________.

1939, 1941

"Long live America!"

Americn Regime

To help clear the backlog of agrarian cases, DAR will hire more paralegal officers to support undermanned adjudicatory boards and introduce quota system to compel adjudicators to work faster on agrarian reform cases. DAR will respect the rights of both farmers and landowners.

Agrarian Justice


Agrarian Production Credit Program


Agrarian Reform Community


Agrarian Reform Community Connectivity and Economic Support Services

Elpidio R. Quirino (1948-1953) enacted the following law:

Elpidio R. Quirino (1948-1953) enacted the following law:

Scheme is a contractual arrangement entered into, whereby the project proponent undertakes the construction, including financing, of a given infrastructure facility and the operation and maintenance thereof for an agreed period of time, but not to exceed twenty-five (25) years, subject to extension pursuant to R.A. 6947, as amended.

Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT)

an agribusiness arrangement whereby the ARBs own the land and commit, either collectively through their cooperative or individually, to produce certain crops for an investor or agribusiness firm that contracts to buy the produce at pre-arranged terms.

Contract Growing Arrangement

Spaniards who recieves royal land grants


are private agricultural lands devoted to saltbeds, fishponds and prawn ponds, fruit farms, orchards, vegetable and cut-flower farms, and cacao, coffee and rubber plantations. Acquisition of commercial farms may be done through voluntary offer to sell (VOS), Compulsory Acquisition (CA), or Direct payment scheme (DPS). Consequently, commercial farms may be distributed individually or collectively. Individual beneficiaries are entitled to three (3) hectares each or a minimum of one (10) hectare each, if the land is insufficient to accommodate them. If it is not economically feasible and sound to divide the beneficiaries will be obliged to form a worker's cooperation or association.

Commercial farm

Provided for certain controls in the landlord-tenant relationships. a. · Commonwealth Act No. 178 (An Amendment to Rice Tenancy Act No. 4045), Nov. 13, 1936 b. · National Rice and Corn Corporation (NARIC), 1936 c. · Commonwealth Act. No. 461, 1937

Commonwealth Act No. 178 (An Amendment to Rice Tenancy Act No. 4045), Nov. 13, 1936

Created the National Settlement Administration with a capital stock of P20,000,000. a. · Commonwealth Act No. 178 (An Amendment to Rice Tenancy Act No. 4045), Nov. 13, 1936 b. · National Rice and Corn Corporation (NARIC), 1936 c. Rural Program Administration created March 2, 1939 d. Commonwealth Act No. 441 enacted on June 3, 1939

Commonwealth Act No. 441 enacted on June 3, 1939

"Government for the Filipinos"

Commonwealth Period


Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law


Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program


Hukbo ng Bayan Laban sa Hapon

a large tracts of land given to Spaniards (encomendero) to manage and have the right to receive tributes from the natives tilling it. Natives within these areas became mere tillers working for a share of crops. They did not even have any rights to the land.


a system grants that encomenderos must defend his encomienda from external attack, maintain peace and order within, and support the missionaries. In turn, the encomendero acquired the right to collect tribute from the indios (native)

Encomienda system

Allowed the voluntary consolidation of small farm operation into medium and large-scale integrated enterprise that can access long-term capital.

Executive Order N0. 151, September 1999 (Farmer's Trust Fund)

streamlined and expanded the power and operations of the DAR.

Executive Order No. 129-A, July 26, 1987

Declared full ownership to qualified farmer-beneficiaries covered by PD 27. It also determined the value remaining unvalued rice and corn lands subject of PD 27 and provided for the manner of payment by the FBs and mode of compensation to landowners.

Executive Order No. 228, July 16, 1987

Provided mechanism for the implementation of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP).

Executive Order No. 229, July 22, 1987

Replaced the National Land Settlement Administration with Land Settlement Development Corporation (LASEDECO) which takes over the responsibilities of the Agricultural Machinery Equipment Corporation and the Rice and Corn Production Administration.

Executive Order No. 355 issued on October 23, 1950

Limits the type of lands that may be converted by setting conditions under which limits the type of lands that may be converted by setting conditions under which specific categories of agricultural land are either non-negotiable for conversion or highly restricted for conversion.

Executive Order No. 363, 1997

Vested in the Land Bank of the Philippines the responsibility to determine land valuation and compensation for all lands covered by CARP.

Executive Order No. 405, June 14, 1990

Accelerated the acquisition and distribution of agricultural lands, pasture lands, fishponds, agro-forestry lands and other lands of the public domain suitable for agriculture.

Executive Order No. 407, June 14, 1990

"The State shall promote comprehensive rural development and agrarian reform."

Section 21 under Article II

Alipin consist of three levels

Sharecroppers debt peons, and war captives

regulated relationships between landowners and tenants of rice (50-50 sharing) and sugar cane lands. a. Philippine Bill of 1902 b. Land Registration Act of 1902 (Act No. 496) c. Public Land Act of 1903 d. Tenancy Act of 1933 (Act No. 4054 and 4113)

Tenancy Act of 1933 (Act No. 4054 and 4113)

Americans instituted for the registration of lands, did not solve the problem completely. Either they were not aware of the law or if they did, they could not pay the survey cost and other fees required in applying for a Torrens title.

Torrens system


The Legal Case Monitoring System

The RA was hailed as one that would emancipate Filipino farmers from the bondage of tenancy.

The RA was hailed as one that would emancipate Filipino farmers from the bondage of tenancy.

introduced the homestead system in the Philippines a. Philippine Bill of 1902 b. Land Registration Act of 1902 (Act No. 496) c. Public Land Act of 1903 d. Tenancy Act of 1933 (Act No. 4054 and 4113)

c. Public Land Act of 1903

Set the ceilings on the hectarage of private individuals and corporations may acquire: 16 has. for private individuals and 1,024 has. for corporations a. Public Land Act of 1903 b. Land Registration Act of 1902 (Act No. 496) c. Philippine Bill of 1902 d. . Public Land Act of 1923

a. Philippine Bill of 1902

__________ governs and regulates the rights and relationship over agricultural lands between landowners, tenants, lessees or agricultural workers.

agrarian law

Provided for a comprehensive registration of land titles under the Torrens system. a. Philippine Bill of 1902 b. Land Registration Act of 1902 (Act No. 496) c. Public Land Act of 1903 d. Tenancy Act of 1933 (Act No. 4054 and 4113

b. Land Registration Act of 1902 (Act No. 496)

Specified reasons for the dismissal of tenants and only with the approval of the Tenancy Division of the Department of Justice. a. · Commonwealth Act No. 178 (An Amendment to Rice Tenancy Act No. 4045), Nov. 13, 1936 b. · National Rice and Corn Corporation (NARIC), 1936 c. · Commonwealth Act. No. 461, 1937

c. Commonwealth Act. No. 461, 1937

in land cultivation, the common method used is the slash and burn method also known as the ________________ where the land is cleared by burning bushes before planting the crops.

kaingin system

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