History and Geography 800: The Civil War: Quiz 1

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What were the terms of the Compromise of 1850?

A stringent fugitive slave law was passed, popular sovereignty was established for New Mexico and Utah, California was admitted as a free state, and Texas was paid by the Federal Government for the territory given to New Mexico.


An expert in economics

The Great Debate was held in the Senate over the admission of _____ to the Union



Charges on imports

Preston Brooks attacked Senator ______ because he criticized Senators Douglas and Butler for their support of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

Charles Sumner

What stated if the laws of the federal government are harmful to a state, that state has the right to declare the law null?

Doctrine of Nullification

Which of the following resulted from the Dred Scott decision?

Dred Scott remained a slave, a slave was ruled to be a non-citizen with no right to sue in federal court,freeing a slave against his master's wishes was ruled to be a violation of due process of law, The Missouri Compromise was declared unconstitutional, and the U.S. Constitution appeared to support slavery.

What were the results of John Brown's raid?

John Brown became an abolitionist martyr and the South feared a Northern plot to start a slave rebellion

Why did the South fear admitting California as a free state?

Other territories might follow their example and Non-slave states would control the Senate

Jefferson Davis

President of the Confederacy

No one but the ____ objected morally to slavery until the early 1800s



Refusing to trade with.


Regional prejudice, interests, hatred.

The principal purpose of the ____ party was to prevent the spread of slavery


After which war did slavery decline because ideas toward individual freedom were changing, and people were starting to respect human rights?

Revolutionary War

Bitter confrontations over what issue earned the new Kansas territory the name "Bleeding Kansas"?


Why was slavery a paradox?

Slavery was a paradox because slaves were considered human beings physically, but legally they were nothing more than property.

Which group proved to be more profitable because they were permanent possessions of their mast?


Before the 1830s, more emancipation societies existed in the:


The ____ opposed tariffs because it felt tariffs would hurt its foreign trade.


border states

Southern states that did not secede

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was proposed by:

Stephen Douglas

Select the four candidates in the 1860 election:

Stephen Douglas, John Breckenridge, Abraham Lincoln, and John Bell

Why was the North opposed to the cheap sale of land in the West?

The North was opposed to cheap sale of sale of land in the West because they were afraid they would not be able to sale their products at their own cost.

Describe the Underground Railroad.

The Underground Railroad extended from the slave states northward to Canada, There where stopping places no one knew of such as houses, barns, and caves. Families would make sure sure the slaves had a place to stay during the days and make sure they got to where they needed to be during the night. More than 300 slaves escaped from bondage to freedom by the way of the Underground Railroad.

What did the states of Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Texas have in common?

They seceded from the Union after the election of Lincoln

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Uncle Tom's Cabin


a plan of action or statement of a group


a rising against established authority


a sum of money or other thing being appropriated


bound by a contract to serve of work for a period of time

What was included in the 1860 Republican platform

denounced John Brown's raid, slavery could continue where it already existed, and no slavery in new terrories

Which of the following did the West specifically want?

easy bank credit, cheap public land, and internal improvements at national expense

President James Polk

extend Missouiri Compromised line

Frederick Douglass

published the North Star

David Walker

recommended the use of violence to gain freedom

What was the action of the state of Tennessee?

seceded from the Union after Fort Sumter

The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the:

Missouri Compromise

The ____ wanted high tariffs to protect its industry.


Slavery soon proved to be impractical in the _____ , but the invention of the cotton gin made it profitable in the _____

North and South

Harriet Tubman

Underground Railroad

What was the action of the state of Maryland

did not secede from the Union

Nat Turner

led a slave revolt in Virginia

Wilmot Proviso

no slavery in new territories


to compel; force


to put an end to by statisfying

South Carolina

first to secede from the Union

West Virginia

formed from five western counties

Emancipation societies wanted to do away with slavery because of their interest in slaves as:

human beings

Lewis Cass

popular sovereignty

Clay's plan to encourage an end to _______ was called the American Plan.



setting free from slavery

John C. Calhoun

slaves could be taken into any territory

The issue of _____ rights threatened the future of the Union because the relationship between state and federal government was unsettled.


What was included in Lincoln's inaugural address?

No state had a right to leave the Union, federal posts in the South would be defended, and slavery could continue where it already existed

Southerners defended slavery by stating that slaves were necessary for economic survival. T/F


The tariff of 1828 raised the amount of tax on imported goods to forty-nine cents on every dollar. T/F


People who opposed slavery were called:


William L. Garrison

called slave holders criminals

Robert Anderson

commander of Fort Sumter

Fort Sumter

first shots of the Civil War

The American Colonization Society planned to send freed slaves to:


Explain what Lincoln meant by the statement, "A House divided against itself cannot stand."

Lincoln meant by the statement, " A House divided against itself cannot stand." that if one half of the nation had different opinions from the other half of the nation then the nation all together cannot be expected to be a great country.

From you study of the Civil War, all of the following states seceded from the Union after the election of Lincoln except:


Although Lincoln lost the 1858 election, the Lincoln-Douglas debates won him wide support for the 1860 Presidential election. T/F


Calhoun believed that the tariff of 1828 was unconstitutional because the tariff was meant not to raise revenue but to protect one field of industry at the expense of another. T/F


Alexander Stephens

Vice-President of the Confederacy

John Brown could best be described as a(n):


Crittenden Compromise

extend the 36 30' line to the Pacific Ocean

What was the action of the state of Virginia?

seceded from the Union after Fort Sumter

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