History - Chapter 15

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How did the North's larger population give it an edge over the South in the 1860 election?

The North had more electoral votes even if the South had not been divided among three candidates

Graphic Organizer, pg. 444 - List the steps that led to bloodshed in Kansas.

1 - The Kansas-Nebraska Act passed 2 - Proslavery and Anti slavery groups rush supporters to Kansas 3 - Proslavery residents from Missouri vote in Kansas

Graphic organizer, pg. 445 - List the major events for each year

1846 - Dred Scott sued for his freedom 1854 - The Republican Party is formed 1856 - James Buchanan is elected president 1858 - Lincoln and Douglas met for a series of debates

What was the Dred Scott decision? What did it mean for those who opposed slavery?

A decision by the Supreme Court that stated enslaved African Americans were not to be free just because they lived on free soil. Slaves were considered property. The Constitution protected slavery


An exaggerated loyalty to a particular region of the country

Why did Northerners protest Douglas's plan to repeal the Missouri Compromise?

Because it would allow slavery into areas than had been free for more than 30 years

How did Abraham Lincoln become a national figure in politics?

Because of his debates with Stephen Douglas

List the five parts of the Compromise of 1850

California was admitted as a free state Fugitive slave law was strengthened No restrictions on slavery in New Mexico Texas and New Mexico border fight ended in favor of Texas Slave trade abolished in the District of Columbia

How did the Dred Scott decision reverse a previous decision made by congress? What was the reaction of the Republicans?

Congress had no power to prohibit slavery in any territory. Basically the constitution protected slavery. They were outraged

List three ways pro or antislavery groups changed the structure of political parties in the 1850's

Democrats decided along sectional lines; Democrats joined the Free-Soil Party to form the Republican Party; The Whig Party dissolved

Why was the balance of free and slave states in the Senate such an important issue?

If the balance was upset, one section of the country would have more decision making power than the other.

Graphic organizer, pg. 453 - Describe the events leading to the firing on Fort Sumpter

Fort Sumpter was low on supplies Lincoln sends expedition with supplies Jefferson Davis decides to attack Fort Sumpter The Civil War begins

Why did Lincoln emerge as leader after the Lincoln-Douglas debates?

He gained a national reputation

How did Lincoln plan to prevent secession?

He vowed to hold federal property in the South and enforce the laws of the United States

What role did sectionalism play in Lincoln's winning in 1860?

He won in all of the Northern states. The 3 candidates in South divided the votes

Could the violence in Kansas have been prevented if Congress had not abandoned the Missouri Compromise?

I think yes. The North and the South already had an agreement with the Missouri Compromise that both sides were fine with. By getting rid of the bill it made it look like the South was getting an unfair advantage.

What was the Wilmot Provisio? What was is controversial?

It prohibited slavery in any land acquired from Mexico Some people wanted to have slaves in these lands

Who served as president of the Confederate States of America?

Jefferson Davis

What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise?

Keep the balance between free and slave states

Graphic Organizer, pg. 448 - Describe the positions taken by Lincoln and Douglas in their debates

Lincoln's position - That slavery was wrong and all people had the right to be free Douglas's position - Exclude slavery by not passing laws that protect slavehloders

List the provisions of the Missouri Compromise

Maine was admitted as a free state. Missouri was admitted as a slave state. Slavery would not be allowed in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase north of the 36 30 line, except Missouri

How did popular sovereignty lead to violence in Kansas?

Missouri residents voted in the election and fighting broke out over the results.

Describe how the Northern abolitionists reacted to the Fugitive Slavery Act

Northerners refused to cooperate with the law. They tried to rescue African Americans who were being pursued by or they would free those who were captured.

Graphic organizer, pg. 449 - List the major events at each time

Nov. 1860 - Abraham Lincoln elected president Dec. 1860 - South Carolina secedes Feb. 1861 - Southern states become the Confederate States of America March 1861 - Lincoln gives inaugural address April 1861 - Civil War begins

Reviewing Key Facts

Reviewing Key Facts

Section 1

Section 1

Section 2

Section 2

Section 3

Section 3

Section 4

Section 4

Look at the campaign button on page 437. Compare it with modern political buttons or advertisements you have seen. In what ways are they similar? In what ways are they different?

Similar - candidates photo and name Different - logos

Graphic organizer, pg. 441 - Describe how Southerners and Northerners reacted to the Kansas-Nebraska Act

Southerners - provided solid support for the bill. Northerners - Protested strongly. Opponents of the bill demanded that Congress vote down the bill

Discuss stages in the development of the Republican Party

The Democratic Party began to divide along sectional lines The Northern Democrats left the party The Whig party was destroyed over differing views of slavery In 1854 antislavery Whigs and Democrats joined forces with Free-Soilers to for the Republican Party

Why were there four parties and candidates in the presidential election of 1860

The Democratic Party was divided into three groups because of slavery. Northern Democrats nominated Stephen Douglas; Southern Democrats nominated John C. Brekenridge; moderate democrats nominated John Bell; Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln.

Graphic Organizer, pg. 436 - Describe how these compromises answered the question of admitting new states

The Missouri Compromise - There was an even balance of slave and free states. To keep the balance Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine was admitted as a free state. The Senate also proposed prohibiting slavery in the remainder of the Louisiana purchase North of 36 degrees 30N latitude The Compromise of 1850 - There would be no slave trade in Washington D.C., and California was a free state and there would be no restrictions on slavery in the New Mexico territory.

What was Stephen Douglas's solution to the slavery issue in the Kansas and Nebraska territories?

To get rid of Missouri Compromise and let settlers in each territory decide by popular sovereignty


To leave or withdraw


To not do something; refrain

Why was the free-soil party created?

To oppose the extension of slavery in to western territories.


a person who dies for a great cause


a storage place for weapons and ammunition

Popular Sovereignty

allowing the people to decide

civil war

conflict between citizens of the same country


or runaway, slaves to their masters

Border Ruffians

pro-slavery Missourians who traveled in armed groups to vote in Kansas' election during the mid-1850's, in order to make it a pro-slavery government

states' rights

the rights and powers held by individual US states rather than by the federal government.


withdrawal from the Union

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