History Chapter 23

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John L. Lewis

1935 head of United Mine Works he formed the Committee for Industrial Organization

Francis Townsend

A California doctor that called for a system of government pensions. Under his plan retired Americans over the age of 60 would receive $200 a month as long as they spent the money. It was never approved, but set the stage for government-supported pensions.

Charles Coughlin

A Catholic priest from Michigan who used the radio to talk about his mistrust in Roosevelt's policies on banking and money.

John Steinbeck

A writer who write about the Dust Bowl in the book The Grapes of Wrath

Marian Anderson

Daughter of the American Revolution did not let this African American singer to sing at their hall. In protest Eleanor Roosevelt resigned for DAR and arranged for her to sing on the Lincoln Memorial steps on Easter Sunday.

Huey Long

Democratic senator from Louisiana that argued an end to the Depression immediately. He proposed to tax the wealthy and distribute the wealth to the poor. He had radio speeches called Share Our Wealth Plan.

Eleanor Roosevelt

FDR's wife she was the icon for a working women since FDR had polio and could not travel she did for him and spoke on behalf of him

Franklin D. Roosevelt

He ran against Herbert Hoover and won in 1932. He was stricken with polio.

Discover how the New Deal reformed labor relations.

In 1935 Congress passed the National Labor Relations Act or the Wagner Act. This guaranteed workers' rights to organize unions and prohibiting unfair business practices.

Understand how art, radio, and movies informed and entertained people during the Depression.

Media entertained people during the Depression because they used it as a outlet to express there problems and a way to inform people about what was going on. Many songs, movies, radio shows, etc where all inspired by what people were going through during the Great Depression.

Mary McLeod Bethune

One of Eleanor government appointees and friend who was a top ranking African American in the government and was part of the "Black Cabinet"

Identify the main arguments for and against the New Deal.

People who are against the New Deal argued that it gave too much power to the federal government, threatened individual freedom, and increased national debt. People who supported the New Deal argued that it employed millions of jobless people, ended the banking crisis, reformed the stock market, saved poor families from losing their homes, improved working conditions, built dams and bridges, preserved 12 million acres of national parkland, and brought electricity to rural America.

Find out how Social Security began.

President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act in 1935. This gave the federal government a major and lasting role in providing support for the needy. This gave the elderly a pension which was paid for by an imposed payroll tax. This also gave ADC or Aid to Dependent Children which helped out families whose father was unemployed, dead, or not living with the family. This granted federal money to the mothers. This also gave financial aid to the disabled and temporary payment for the unemployed. Many people however to not get support from the system because it left out many kinds of labor.

Learn about the causes and effects of the Dust Bowl.

The Dust Bowl was a drought that caused millions of acres of land to become infertile. This also made many farmers move to California where they were ridiculed and called "Okies."

Discover how the Great Depression and the New Deal affected women, African Americans, Mexican Americans, and Native Americans.

The Great Depression affected the women because it made women start working because the average family could not afford only the man working and women struggled in the workplace. It affected the African Americans because it made the majority in the South unemployed and they were more likely to get fired in the North than whites. Many Mexican Americans were deported even though most of them were citizens. The Native Americans were the poorest of them all because they lived poorly on reservations and even when they got jobs they were not paid enough.

deficit spending

a situation in which the government spends more money than it receives in taxes


a situation in which the supply if manufactured goods exceed the demand

payroll tax

a tax that removes money directly from worker's paychecks


extra payment


fail to repay their loans


financial aid failure caused by a company's inability to pay its debts

migrant workers

people who travel from farm to farm picking crops

fireside chat

radio talks


retirement payments

collective bargaining

the right of a union to negotiate wages and benefits for all of its memebers

Civil Rights

the rights guaranteed in the Constitution especially voting and equal treatment under the law

John Collier

was the commissioner of Indian Affairs embarked on the Indian New Deal He hired Native Americans to build schools, hospitals, and irrigation systems. He wanted stop sales of reservations Congress approved his Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 that restricted tribal land sales

sit-down strike

workers stay in the factory but stop production

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