History exam review

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Great Zimbabwe became the capital of a large trading state in southeastern Africa. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Many German rulers became Protestant and took over lands that had belonged to the Catholic Church. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Popular African stories focused on the deeds of famous heroes. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Pueblo Bonito was built by ____. a. A.the Anasazi B.the Toltec C.the Hopewell D.the Olmec


Slavery in Africa started with the arrival of the Europeans. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


The Bantu migrations brought common beliefs and customs to much of Africa. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


The Berber people of North Africa opened trade between North Africa and West Africa. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


The Black Death originally broke out in ______. a. A.China B.Italy C.Scandinavia D.Russia


The Hopewell were Mound Builders. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Hieroglyphs have helped us learn about the Inca. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


It was difficult for early American people to cross the Appalachians. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Muhammad was born in Madinah into a family of merchants. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


The Berber people of North Africa opened trade between North Africa and West Africa. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


The Mongols burned Baghdad in 1258, which ended the Arab Empire. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Water is available in the desert at water holes known as oases. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


A notable and unique achievement of the Iroquois League was ____ A.creating a constitution for their government B.inventing the mud-dried bricks called adobe C.developing farming based on corns, beans, and squash D.forming a union of Native American groups


African women sometimes served as both soldiers and rulers. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


At the height of its power and influence, the Mongol Empire stretched from eastern Europe to the Pacific Ocean and from Siberia to the Himalaya mountain ranges. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Egypt and Kush were the earliest civilizations to appear in Africa. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella believed Spain would remain united if the people of Spain were only allowed to practice one religion. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Martin Luther wanted to reform the Catholic Church. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Maya city-states often fought each other. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Muslim scientist al-Razi was the first scientist to categorize chemical substances as animal, vegetable, or mineral. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Muslims believe the Quran is the written word of ______. a. A.Allah B.Moses C.Muhammad D.Suleiman I


The Inuit settled along the coasts of the treeless plain south of the Arctic known as the ____. a. A.tundra B.Great Plains C.igloo D.swamp


The Iroquois League consisted of five different groups of Native Americans. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


The Maya established their civilization in the rain forests of the Yucatán Peninsula. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


The Mongols in China practiced Buddhism and respected the religions of others. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


The Mongols were a nomadic warrior people who lived in clans, or ____. a. A.family groups B.tents C.cities D.harsh environments


The Peace of Augsburg allowed German rulers to ______. a. A.choose the religion of their people B.annul their marriages C.convert to another religion D.choose the clergy of the church


To get water for their crops, the Moche built canals from the Andes foothills to their home in the coastal desert. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


What was Genghis Khan's main goal as leader of the Mongols? a. A.to unite China after years of civil war B.to conquer lands beyond Mongolia C.to establish trade relations with Europeans D.to settle his people in a more favorable environment


When he died, Muhammad left no instructions about the next leader of Islam. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Which of the following describes the Bantu people? a. A.They migrated from North Africa to Europe. B.Historians know precisely why they left their homeland. C.They invaded and conquered other kingdoms. D.They often traveled along waterways in small dugout canoes.


Which of the following statements is true? a. A.The Taj Mahal in India is a famous Muslim building. B.Architects of the Islamic Empire designed the pyramids in Egypt. C.All mosques have a dome and most also have a minaret. D.Muslim art includes portraits of famous people and beautiful lettering.


______ inspired the French troops to maintain their faith and continue their fight against England. a. A.Joan of Arc B.Isabella of Castile C.the Catholic pope D.King Charles


.____ were the earliest art forms in Africa. a. A.woodcarvings B.rock paintings C.metal figures D.brightly colored cloth garments


African music rarely included group singing. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Arab merchants carried goods across the desert in ______. a. A.carts B.caravans C.trailers D.military convoys


Erasmus believed that people would become better Christians only by participating in religious activities. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Farming in the Americas began in what is now the southwestern part of the United States. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


German princes at the Diet of Worms convinced Martin Luther to change his mind about reforming the Church. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Great Zimbabwe became the capital of a large trading state in southeastern Africa. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Historians know why the Maya civilization collapsed. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


How many Europeans did the Black Death kill between 1347 and 1351? a. A.All of them B.Nearly half C.10 million D.1 million


In the A.D. 700s, many Arab Muslim traders settled along the coast of West Africa. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Martin Luther argued that all Christians ______. a. A.could only communicate with God with the aid of a priest B.could confess their sins directly to God C.needed to buy indulgences D.should listen to Pope Leo X


Most Muslims farmed and many grew ______. a. A.indigo, tobacco, and rye B.almonds, figs, and olives C.bananas, olives, and coconuts D.potatoes, figs, apricots


North and South America are joined by ____. a. A.a land bridge B.an isthmus C.high mountains D.a desert


Predestination means that Christians go to heaven when they do good works. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


The Mongols expanded their empire by conquering Korea, Vietnam, and Japan. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


The Ottoman Turks built a large and powerful Islamic Empire mostly by a. A.preaching Islam. B.conquering lands. C.teaching people Arabic. D.forcing people to convert to Islam


The center of the Aztec Empire was Machu Picchu. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


The first four _____ were leaders of the Arab Empire who were related to or friends of Muhammad. a. A.Sunnis B.caliphs C.sultans D.sheikhs


The only continent larger than Africa is ____. a. A.Europe B.Asia C.North America D.South America


The study of astronomy helped the Maya ____. a. A.conquer neighboring territories B.develop an accurate calendar C.understand the concept of zero D.invent a written language


What did the Mongols learn from the Chinese? a. A.how to pass the civil service examination B.how to use gunpowder as a weapon C.how to rule vast lands D.how to establish trade routes


When Muhammad died in 632, the people of the Arabian peninsula ______. a. A.went to war with Rome B.were followers of Islam C.were followers of Christianity D.rejected all religion


Which of the following was Africa�s first great trading empire A.Kush B.Ghana C.Songhai D.Mali


Which of the following was Africa�s first great trading empire? a. A.Kush B.Ghana C.Songhai D.Mali


African songs of religious faith and hopes for freedom grew into a form of music called ____. a. A.jazz B.ragtime C.spirituals D.rock 'n' roll


At the top of Aztec society was the ____. a. A.head priest B.commander of the army C.emperor D.council of nobles


Axum benefited from its location on the ____. a. A.Niger River B.Zambezi River C.Red Sea D.Atlantic Ocean


Because the Mongols had their own language, laws, and customs, they ____. a. A.lived among the Chinese in order to become more like them B.insisted that the Chinese adopt Mongol ways and traditions C.did not mix socially with the Chinese D.sent their children to Chinese schools


During the Renaissance, the Catholic Church raised money by selling ______. a. A.acts of supremacy B.ninety-five theses C.indulgences D.Bibles


In the A.D. 700s, many Arab Muslim traders settled along the coast of West Africa. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Muslim ______ were the first to have to study and pass a test before practicing, and that is now a requirement around the world today. a. A.dancers B.writers C.doctors D.politicians


Muslim astronomers improved the Greek ______, used it to measure Earth, and realized Earth was round. a. A.sexton B.telescope C.astrolabe D.slide rule


Muslims made advances, which still influence our lives, in the fields of ______. a. A.medicine, genetics, and mathematics B.science, mathematics, and computer technology C.medicine, mathematics, and astronomy D.mathematics, computer technology, and medicine


Pueblo Bonito was built by ____. a. A.the Anasazi B.the Toltec C.the Hopewell D.the Olmec


The Hundred Years' War was waged between ______. a. A.Spain and Italy B.the Mongols and the Jews C.France and England D.Catholics and Muslims


The ______ were nomads and lived in the Arabian Desert. a. A.Shia B.Sunnis C.bedouin D.Mongols


The only continent larger than Africa is ____. a. A.Europe B.Asia C.North America D.South America


The southernmost point of the Americas is ____. a. A.the Equator B.the Arctic C.the Pampas D.Tierra del Fuego


The warrior king Sundiata Keita was an important ruler of ____. a. A.Egypt B.Kush C.Mali D.Ghana


Which disaster caused millions to die from starvation in the early 1300s? a. A.flooding B.fire C.plague D.famine


Which of the following became the largest empire in West Africa? a. A.Benin B.Ghana C.Mali D.Songhai


Which of the following statements about the Anglican Church is true? a. A.Queen Mary wanted England to partner with the Anglican Church. B.The Act of Supremacy appointed the pope the leader of the Anglican Church. C.Henry VIII founded the Anglican Church after being excommunicated from the Catholic Church. D.Puritans thought the Anglican Church should include more Catholic ritual.


Which of the following was an effect of the plague? a. A.Trade increased among European nations. B.The populations grew because more food was available. C.Wages rose steeply because there was a high demand for workers. D.Feudalism grew stronger as people relied more on their nobles.


Which one of the following statements is true? a. A.The Moguls conquered Persia. B.The Arabs eventually conquered India. C.Suleiman I was called the Lawgiver. D.The Safavids seized Constantinople.


Which one of the following statements is true? a. A.The shari'ah determines who will be the leader of Islam. B.The shari'ah applies the teachings of the Bible to daily life. C.The Quran forbids murder, lying, and stealing. D.Muhammad was a sultan of the Ottoman Empire.


Axum benefited from its location on the ____. a. A.Niger River B.Zambezi River C.Red Sea D.Atlantic Ocean


C�rdoba in ______ was conquered in the 700s and became a center of Muslim culture. a. A.Turkey B.Egypt C.India D.Spain


For many years, Africa�s ____ limited travel and trade. a. A.rain forests B.grasslands C.Sahel D.deserts


In Spain and Portugal, Christians struggled against ______ for control of the land. a. A.Roman Catholics B.Mongols C.Jews D.Muslims


John Wycliffe claimed that all religious truth came from ______. a. A.the Latin Bible B.the pope C.the Catholic Church D.the Christian Bible


King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella wanted ______ to be the official religion of Spain .A.Islam B.Eastern Orthodox Christianity C.Judaism D.Roman Catholicism


Mongol warriors were greatly feared for their use of ____ in fighting their enemies. a. A.maps B.fire lances C.horses D.terror


Terrace farming was an important development for the Inca because ____. a. A.invading armies could not reach these fields B.they wanted to grow rice C.roads connected the fields to the cities D.it provided more land that could be farmed


The European slave trade began with the transport of enslaved Africans to ____. a. A.Spain B.France C.England D.Portugal


The Umayyads governed the Arab Empire from ______. a. A.Madinah B.Baghdad C.Makkah D.Damascus


The oldest civilization in the Americas was most likely built by the ____. a. A.Toltec B.Moche C.Maya D.Olmec


The towers from which announcers call Muslims to prayer are called a. A.bazaars B.mosques C.keeps D.minarets


What was the cause of the Great Schism in the Catholic Church in the late 1300s? a. A.Many people left the Church because it had become too worldly. B.The Eastern Orthodox Church permanently broke away. C.The kings of Europe questioned the authority of the Church. D.More than one person claimed to be pope


Which of the following became the largest empire in West Africa? a. A.Benin B.Ghana C.Mali D.Songhai


Who was Kublai Khan? a. A.a poet B.an explorer C.the first Yuan emperor D.the son of Genghis Khan


Who was the most famous European to live in China during the period of Mongol rule? a. A.Christopher Columbus B.Genghis Khan C.Kublai Khan D.Marco Polo


Between the 700s and 1400s, Muslims controlled trade in Africa and Europe. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Muslim scholars translated Greek, Persian, and Indian writings into Latin. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


The Kaaba, a holy site of Islam, is in the city of Baghdad. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Under the Abbasid leadership of Baghdad, Muslims conquered many lands. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


After the fall of Baghdad, various groups divided up the Arab Empire. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Egypt and Kush were the earliest civilizations to appear in Africa. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Muhammad and his preaching had a great influence on future generations. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Muslim doctors discovered that blood circulates to and from the heart. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last and greatest prophet. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


Seljuk Turks conquered Baghdad in 1055. a. A.TRUE B.FALSE


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