History Exam

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About how many Athenians died from the plague that swept through Athens?

1/3 of its population

When did Hammurabi reign?

1792-1750 BCE

How many laws are there in Hammurabi's code?


In what year did the Ionians revolt against Persia?

499 BC

How many men died in the battle of Marathon on the Persian side according to Herodotus?


How many laws are in the Levitical law code in the Bible?


Approximately how tall is the stele that Hammurabi's Code is engraved on?

7' 4"

What's the difference between a contract and a covenant?

A contract is not personal and it is just a legal document that is not personal it's just the general rules that people should follow and agreed to. A covenant is more personal and deep. Often times covenants were signed in blood in the ancient world and although we don't do that anymore we still respect them and keep them because they are important promises we make to one another.

What is the difference between a quarrel and an argument?

A quarrel is just trying to prove that you are right and it only leaves everyone feeling worse and it's not productive at all. An argument is to right a wrong in a way or try to find a solution that leads to truth and it has a productive outcome.

Most historians agree that the first empire was . . .


Who could participate in the Athenian government?

All male citizens

Right after the war, what form of government was set up in Athens?

An oligarchy was set up by the SPartans called the thirty tyrants.

What is the name of the archaeologist who is credited with discovering the Minoan civilization?

Arthur Evans

Describe Assyria's communication system.

Assyria would have posts and they would use horses so people could get their messages within a week.

Ashur was the chief god of the ____________________.


Girls received little education compared to boys in regards to reading and writing.


Known for having a strong navy:


Birthplace of democracy:


Why did Darius first invade the Greek mainland?

Athens and Eretria had given support to the Ionians during their rebellion against Persia.

According to Pericles' funeral oration, name one thing that Pericles claims sets Athens apart from its neighbors.

Athens has a democracy that no other nations have.

Why did some of the other city-states become angry with Athens BEFORE the start of the Peloponnesian War?

Athens moved the Delian League treasury from Delos to Athens and was accused of misusing the treasury funds.

The war finally ended in 404 BC when _______________.

Athens surrendered due to lack of food and supplies and after a devastating naval loss.

What two strange things did the scout for Xerxes observe the Spartans doing as they prepared for battle? Why were they doing this?*

Athletics and combing their hair; they did this as a battle preparation and in particular when they knew they were likely about to die in battle

Hammurabi was the king of _____________________.


The Southern Kingdom (Judah) was conquered by __________________.


What Godly character qualities did King David demonstrate (as opposed to King Minos) when he was confronted by the prophet Nathan after he sinned? List at least 2 character qualities.

David repented and he listened when Nathan came to him. David prayed to God and he heard Nathan out which is more than King Minos can say.

Why was the period of the Dorians (and beyond) called the Dark Ages of Ancient Greece?

During this period, overseas trade stopped, poverty increased, and people lost their skills such as reading and writing and craft making.

Herodotus is known as the __________________________.

Father of History

What was the purpose of the Melian dialogue?

For the Melians to convince the Athenians to leave them alone and for Athens to convince the Melians to surrender

In Jeremiah 31:34 it says, "This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time," declares the Lord. "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people."What does Jeremiah mean by putting the law "in their minds and write it on their hearts"?

God sent us the Holy Spirit for all who believe in Jesus and the truth of God is within us via a personal relationship with God

The Persian Wars were between

Greece and Persia

Name 3 distinct and specific consequences of the Peloponnesian War on the Greek civilization overall?

Greek civilization suffered because they lost a lot of people, tensions were high and Athens lost it's democracy until later on.

Who was Socrates?

Greek philosopher put to death for his teachings. Taught that there is absolute truth; taught students to question authority

How does having a covenant relationship with God impact the way you live your life? BE SPECIFIC TO YOUR LIFE!

Having a covenant relationship with God can help us live our lives in a healthier way that is pleasing to God. When we have a covenant relationship with God we can always know that He is with us and that our way to Heaven is clear. For me I can be a better teamate and do things that would be pleasing to Him. I can spread His word to the people in my life who do not know Him, something I couldn't do without a proper relationship with God.

Overall, how were Herodotus' historical accounts different from previous Greek historical accounts?

He recorded and explained history in rational terms, focusing on the "why".

How was Herodotus' description of why wars happen different from others who went before him (ie Hebrews, Sumerians, Egyptians)?

He thought that wars happen because of political unrest and events. Typically people thought that wars were just the god's becoming upset with one nation, and sending another nation to claim it. He said that actual events and decisions by people caused the wars not supernatural beings.

Knowing Herodotus lived in ancient times without the aid of current technology, how did he gather information on the Persian Wars?

He traveled to the sites of battles, and tried to get first hand accounts of people who lived through the events. He talked to people on both sides of the battle and tried to write unbiasedly.

After the battle of Marathon, Miltiades asks and gets permission to attack the Parians. What was his secret motivation for attacking the Parians?

He wanted revenge on the Parians so he used all the resources and men he could cause he knew Athens would give them to him.

What did the Greeks call themselves as they emerged out of the Dark Ages and started to form independent cities?


Which is NOT a covenant mentioned in the Bible?

Hezekiah's Covenant

Foot soldiers in Greek armies were called


In the New Testament, some historians believe that in Matthew 5 Jesus is contradicting Old Testament laws that follow an "eye for an eye" format. Do you agree? Explain.

I agree that Jesus is contradicting the Old Testament law because He is saying here if someone slaps you turn the other cheek which is basically saying don't slap them back. the Old Testament law says to do to others what they do to you which is not what Jesus is saying here.

How does your view of happiness differ from Solon's view of happiness? If it is the same, explain the similarities.

I agree with Solon that happiness isn't just found in wealth.

Some historians believe that since Hammurabi's code predates the Levitical law in the Bible, then Moses must have gotten most of his ideas for the Hebrew law from Hammurabi. Do you agree? Why or why not?

I do not agree that Moses got his law from Hammurabi because God wrote the law through Moses as many Scriptures in the Bible state and Hammurabi cannot come close to God. Although Hammurabi's laws might resemble Moses' the Bible specifically states that Moses got his law from God.

Do you think social media helps or hinders a democratic-type government? Explain.

I think social media weakens it. When people see other people's opinions theirs might be changed because they might feel like their in the minority. A democratic government needs the people to have a voice and taking that away defeats the purpose

How do we as Christians today balance the need for justice with the command to also be merciful--to both ourselves and to others?

I think that justice isn't true justice if it doesn't show mercy. True justice may never be acheived by mankind but God shows mercy and justice to everyone. Sending Jesus to the cross to die for us and giving us a second chance was mercy but on judgement day when we stand before God He then uses justice. If we were to try and acheive this it would look like giving others a second chance before condemning them but when it comes to a certain point you need to let go. True justice is both merciful and wise, something that we as humans won't really be able to acheieve.

Where would you rather live--Athens or Sparta? Explain. You must give reasons based on facts to support your answer.

I would rather live in Athens because they are more well rounded than Sparta. Athens focuses on intelligence and war instead of just war. They also have a democracy that gives the people more of a voice.

Describe the initial fallout that occurred as a result of King Minos' greediness.

In the legend of the minotaur King Minos kept the bull instead of sacrificing it which made Poseidon angry. Poseidon then influenced his wife to sleep with the bull and the minotaur was born. The minotaur raged throughout the city and had to be kept in a labyrinth under the palace.

Why was Delphi considered the "omphalos" (navel) of the Greek world?

It hosted the oracle of Apollo, and people would come from all over to ask her a question. With the questioners came gifts to appease the priests and gods making the city rich.

Some historians believe that the Biblical story of Queen Esther takes place when the Persian King Xerxes returns from his failed attempts to conquer Greece. Based on the reading and class discussion, should the fact that the book of Esther does not mention God by name concern us as Christians? Why or why not?

It should concerne us, but it should still be included in the Bible. God is eveident in every part of the book just his name is not mentioned. It also blurrs the line between secular and sacred history, which is a little alarming.

Why do you think the Athenians were interested in helping the Ionians?

It was a fellow Greek city-state that needed help. It was also a chance to flex their power to the other Greeks. They also knew that the Persians would continue to travel west until all of Greece was under its control, so if they pushed them back at the very beginning, the Persians would slow down.

Why did Xerxes invade mainland Greece (Thermopylae)?

It was to get revenge for his father Darius, who lost to the Greeks 10 year earlier. It was an access point to the mainland of Greece. He was aiming to conquer mainland Greece to include Athens.

Name 2 differences between Judaism and Christianity.

Judaism does not believe in the trinity and Christianity does. Judaism also believes that Jesus was a prophet and Christianity believes that He was the Messiah.

The Old Testament Hebrews were the founders of what religion?


What was NOT in the Talmud?

Key war victories

Based on their conversations, how did King Croesus and Solon's views of happiness differ? Give specific evidence from the story. Your answer should be at least 1 paragraph in length.

King Croesus believed happiness was achieved by having great wealth and prestige. Solon believed it was based the totality of the events of your life and could only be determined at the end of one's life. In the stories of the brothers he showed how their love and sacrifice for their mother was a source of happiness. Also, a commoner Tellus he considered the happiest since his children were good, got to see his grandchildren grow up, died serving others in battle, and lived a modest life--neither rich or poor.

Who was the leader of the Spartan/Greek forces in the battle at Thermopylae?


If the outcome of the Battle of Marathon was different, how could that have changed the course of history?

Marathon really united the Greeks, and was also the very irst Greek victory of the Persian wars. It was the first Greek battle that teh Greeks were actually trying and they succeeded. This inspired the Greeks to keep fighting, and not dispair.

After reading Hammurabi's code, what are 4 jobs that you could conclude existed in ancient Babylonian society?

Merchants, doctors, Judges, Carpenters all exsisted in ancient times accordng to Hammurabbi's code.

What specific battle strategy did Miltiades use in the Battle of Marathon that proved to be successful?

Militades seperate the army into a middle, and then two wings on either side. It was like a funnel, and after the army had entered, the wings would collapse and help out the middle.

Civilization that had the myth of the Minotaur living in a labyrinth under their city.


Credited as the earliest Greek civilization.


Likely had running water:


Mainly lived on the island of Crete:


Most important city was Knossos.


Most known king was King Minos.


No evidence of protective walls in archaeological finds leading some historians to conclude they were a peaceful people:


They were likely wiped out by a natural disaster and/or by the Mycenaeans.


Women were likely held in high status in their culture largely due to evidence of prominent women displayed in many fresco paintings.


Bull Leaping and chariot racing were popular sports (2 acceptable answers).


Economy and trade were dependent on agriculture.


Most of the slaves in this civilization were women.


Occupied Greece from 1575 BC - 1000 BC


They were likely conquered by the Dorians.


Wives were considered property of their husbands.


Direct democracy flourished in Athens under whose leadership?


How did Pericles' funeral oration differ from the way most speeches/eulogies are given at funerals in the US today?

Pericles' funeral oration was not as sympathetic as modern speeches and today people don't need premission to mourn.

Near the end of the war, the Spartans allied with _________________.


Which of the following was the name of the Greek soldier that ran from Marathon to Athens to report the result of the battle at Marathon?


What was the ultimate cause of the Peloponnesian War?

Power struggles between the city-states

Who was the leader of the great Akkadian Empire?

Sargon the Great

List 1 difference and 1 similarity in the story of the siege of Jerusalem as written in Sennacherib's Prism and the Bible (book of Kings).

Sennacherib and the Bible both agree that there was in fact a war but they disagree on how badly the Assyrians actually lost. The Bible says that God struck down thousands of their soldiers but Sennacherib forgets this detail.

What is the name of the god of justice who is the one who inspired Hammurabi's code?


Based on what you read about Solon, what can you conclude about Solon as a leader? Give 2 examples.

Solon was a fair leader because he made the aristrocrats see the poor people as equals. Solon was also a kind leader because he relieved the poor people of their debt so that they could live better lives.

Boys were taken at age 7 to train in the art of warfare.


Girls were physically educated in running and playing sports.


Known for having a strong and fierce military, in particular their army.


Their form of government was an oligarchy.


Women could own land.


Around 3000 BC Mesopotamia was under the control of the ______________________.


Were surgeons in ancient Babylon held to a high standard? Give 1 specific example to support your answer.

Surgeons in Ancient Babylon were held to a high standard because if they killed someone they owed a lot of money to them.

What was Solon's new idea about citizenship?

That all citizens need to participate for the good of the whole. And that the citizens make the city great not the rulers.

Jesus sums up all the commandments into two commands in the New Testament. What are the commandments? What point was Jesus making to his followers in summing up all commands into two?

The 2 commandments Jesus says are the most important are love your neighbor as yourself and honor God with all your heart. Jesus was telling His followers to always show love even if they dislike the person they still deserve to be loved because God forgives you for everything that you do wrong so why can't you forgive them? We are shown love even when we don't deserve it and loving God and other people is a good way of showing God's light.

Give 1 similarity and 1 difference in Pericles' funeral address and Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

The Gettysburg address and Pericles' funeral oration both are given by respected leaders with an intention of comforting the people but the Gettysburg address focuses on the greatness of the individuals rather than the greatness of the country unlike Pericles' funeral oration.

According to the textbook excerpt read in class, what was the main difference between the Hebrew religion and the religions of the surrounding nations?

The Hebrews only worshipped one God and the other eligions worshipped many

According to the Bible, why did the Israelites want a king?

The Israelites were displeased with Samuel and his sons and they wanted someone to lead them like the other nations although they were really replacing God.

What is the name of museum in France where the Code of Hammurabi is currently located?

The Louvre

What does the Code of Hammurabi show us about Hammurabi's view on justice and law? Give at least 2 specific evidences.

The code of Hammuraabi shows us that he believed firmly in "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" in his code Hammurabbi says that if you kill someone you shall be killed as well and if someone knocks out your tooth you can knock out theirs.

Understanding the time and culture during the time of Hammurabi, does the Code of Hammurabi show that he cares for his people? Why or why not?

The code of Hammurabi shows that he did care for his people because he wanted them to be all treated equally and live a good life and if you break that law you were disturbing the peace of another person and Hammurabi would stand up for those people who couldn't stand up for themselves

What was the main point of doing tug-of-war in class following our discussion on our struggle with sin?

The main point is that we can't do anything alone. We can't just focus on worldly thngs to get us through our struggles because they will never be good enough. We need God to help us through and without him we will just keep sinning.

Give 2 arguments the Melians gave during the Melian Dialogue.

The melians said the gods are on their side and that there was no harm in allowing them to remain neutral.

In his prologue, Hammurabi states one his purposes is that the "strong might not injure the weak." What does this mean?

The phrase "that the strong might not injure the weak" means that just because you're stronger or more rich you can't hurt the people who aren't as rich as you or as strong. It's not okay to hurt people just because you can which is what Hammurabi kind of details in his code.

From a Christian worldview perspective, the similarity of Babylonian stories and Bible stories should intrigue us. What effect could these similarities have on us as Christians?

These similarities between the Babylonian stories and the Bible show that these events really did happen because there is more than one account of it. At least for me as a Christian I see it as proof that God is out there and that those stories in the Bible are true.

Why were the Spartans of no help during the Battle of Marathon?

They arrived too late to the fight, but they made sure everyone was dead, and then cheered on the Athenians.

Name 2 similarities between Judaism and Christianity.

They both believed in one God and they agreed that Jesus exsisted.

What happened to the nation of Israel after King Solomon?

They divided into 2 kingdoms.

Ultimately, how did the long walls of Athens end up being both a help and a hindrance?

They helped Athens have a secure way to import/export food and goods and protect the city overall. The downside was that everyone was in an enclosed space and when disease broke out, it spread very quickly and killed 1/3 of the people.

Overall, why were the Greeks victorious in the Persian Wars? Give at least 2 specific reasons.

They knew the territory, this was their land, and if tehy didn't win they were slaves. Also, the Persian warriors were mostly slaves of conquered nations who were forced into military service.

Although the Greeks lost the Battle at Thermopylae, in what way were they still successful?

They united all the Greeks, and inspired them to keep fighting. If only 300 Spartans could hold off the Persian army, then what would an entire Greek army do.

Below is an excerpt from an ancient Babylonian text. What Bible story is this similar to? Give 1 specific similarity and 1 specific difference compared to the Biblical text. "Pir-napistum, the Babylonian Noe, commanded by Ea, builds a ship and transfers hither his family, the beasts of the field, and the sons of the artificers, and he shuts the door. Six days and nights the wind blew, the flood overwhelmed the land. The seventh day the storm ceased; quieted, the sea shrank back; all mankind had turned to corruption. The ship stopped at the land of Nisir. Pir-napistum sends out first a dove, which returns; then a swallow, and it returns, then a raven, and it does not return. He leaves the ship, pours out a libation, makes an offering on the peak of the mountain."

This is similar to Noah's ark in the Bible. The babylonians and the Bible both agree that animals boarded the ship but they disagree on how long the storm lasted. The babylonians say it lasted 7 days whereas the Bible says it lasted 40.

The Athenians said, "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" to the Melian delegates. What does this mean?

This statement means that the strongest can do what they want and are expected to not show weakness and that tthe weak have to suffer through whatever the strongest state does.

Who was the famous general and historian who wrote at great length about the Peloponnesian Wars?


Where was Abraham born?


Pericles famous funeral oration was ______________________.

a speech given to honor all the Athenians who died in war in the past year.

The palace at Knossos also contained

a temple a storehouse for taxes a school

What was Sparta's strongest military strength?


The Battle of Salamis was mainly fought

at sea

Mycenaean pottery was ___________________________.

both functional and artistic.

What was Socrates accused of?

corrupting the youth and impiety

What Persian king was known for his wisdom, compassion, and grace not only for his people but also to the other nations under his control?


The Assyrians had no regard for the culture of their captured people, forcing them to adopt the Assyrian religion and culture.


True or False: King Darius let the Jews return to Jerusalem and rebuild the city and temple


True or False: The Northern Kingdom (Israel) was conquered by the Babylonians.


True or false: Ashurbanipal was one of Persian's greatest kings.


The development of the Greek alphabet allowed the Greeks to record their history and stories, such as the famous works of _____________________________.


Aristocracy is a form of government where the country/city __________________________.

is ruled by a small group of wealthy land owners.

The Battle of Plataea was significant because

it marked the first time that the Spartans and Athenians cooperated in battle.

What was Athens' strongest military strength?


This alliance was formed by Athens to ____________.

protect its members from attacks by the Persians

compare and contrast Athenian and US government

similarities- majority vote necessary to convict a person, constitutions, checks and balances, national rights differences- Athens had no public prosecutor, Jury had to be an odd number in Athens and it was larger, US has electoral college, In Athens the jurors decide the punishment

What was Sparta's war strategy during the Peloponnesian War?

strong army and presence on the ground; surround Athens and prevent it from growing food around the city by burning farmland

After the Persian Wars, Athens rose to leadership of the Greek alliance called _____________________.

the Delian League

Sparta was the leader of _____________________.

the Peloponnesian League

The Greeks formulated their alphabet after their interactions with __________________.

the Phoenician traders.

The prophetess at Delphi was known as __________________.

the Pythia

What is the name of the Jewish people's most sacred text?

the Torah

The biggest advantage the Dorians had over the Mycenaeans were

their iron weapons

Mesopotamia is known as the land between what 2 rivers?

tigris and Euphrates

True of False: The Talmud is the commentary of ancient rabbis elaborating on how to apply God's Law in everyday life.


True or False: Assyrians would mainly reserve extreme terror tactics for those people who rebelled.


True or False: In the ancient world, kings were often considered deities.


True or false. God's promise to Abraham was a covenant.


Name 3 activities that a productive US citizen should participate in. Which one do you believe is the most important and why?

voting, going green and education are things a productive US citizen should participate in. I think voting i the most important because people gave their lives for this democracy and using that honors them. Also voting helps put your input in to determine the winning candidate.

The Battle of Marathon

was a major defeat for the Persians.

What are 2 of the Minoans major exports?

wine and olive oil

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