History Final

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In the early twentieth century, the traditional arts and amusements of people in villages and small towns was overshadowed by: Select one: A. modern mass media such as cinema and radio B. public schools and mass education programs C. the expansion of professional sports D. the folk craft movement


The founder of the National Organization for Women was: Select one: A. Simone de Beauvoir B. Betty Friedan C. Margaret Thatcher D. Gloria Steinem.


The wave of social unrest that almost toppled de Gaulle's Fifth Republic was begun by: Select one: A. workers B. peasants C. students D. the army.


By 1890, how had Japan met the challenge of Western expansion? Select one: A. Japan selectively adopted those elements of Western society that were in keeping with Japanese tradition. B. Japan completely adopted Western forms and traditions, imposing them on the poor and uneducated. C. Japan isolated itself from the Western world, banning most foreign travel and foreign visitors. D. Japan united East Asia under its leadership to repel Western military activity.


Following the First World War, one of the most difficult domestic problems faced by governments was: Select one: A. providing care for the large number of injured veterans. B. identifying collaborators who had aided the enemy. C. adopting new expectations about women's voting rights. D. returning to peacetime economic production.


How did Muhammad Ali finance his modernization of Egyptian society? Select one: A. He forced farmers to become tenants of large, private landowners who adopted commercial agriculture. B. He invaded the Sudan to the south and established a trade in slaves from the Sudan to the Middle East. C. He seized control of the Suez Canal and established transit fees for passage through the canal. D. He established Egypt as a tourist destination and required European tourists to pay for their trips in foreign currencies.


How did the Ottoman Empire's efforts at reform in the latter half of the nineteenth century undermine the empire's stability? Select one: A. The reforms created equality before the law for all citizens, which increased religious disputes and split Muslims into secularist and traditionalist camps. B. The reforms undermined the position of the Ottoman nobility by emphasizing industrialization over agricultural concerns. C. The reforms undermined the growth of nationalism, which the Ottomans had planned to use as the basis of political loyalty and social stability. D. The reforms permitted each region of the empire to establish its own laws, which destroyed the coherence of the empire as a whole.


How did the Pied-Noirs complicate the experience of decolonization in Algeria? Select one: A. Having lived in Algeria for several generations, these European Algerians threatened revolt against France if France did not oppose the Islamic independence movement. B. They were a Islamic group in the Algerian countryside who had benefitted greatly from French rule and rejected the call of Islamic leaders to take up arms against the French. C. As recent French settlers to Algeria, they were unwilling to sacrifice in defense of French rule and instead demanded repatriation back to France. D. Having been relocated to Algeria from Vietnam, they refused further relocation and demanded that the French government honor their commitments to protect them in Algeria


In the late 1920s, how did Adolf Hitler shape the Nazi Party's message to appeal to middle-class voters? Select one: A. He deemphasized the anticapitalist elements of National Socialism and vowed to fight communism. B. He adopted a liberal, republican political agenda that guaranteed civil liberties and property rights. C. He promoted the Christian foundations of Nazism. D. He emphasized the economic advantages to the middle class of the implementation of anti-Semitic laws.


Jews made up one of the immigrant groups least likely to return to their native land, primarily because of: Select one: A. violent anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe B. laws against such repatriation C. the strength of Jewish traditional culture D. the high cost of travel back to Europe.


Stalin's theory of socialism in one country: Select one: A. argued that the Soviet Union could build socialism on its own B. maintained that the success of socialism in any one country depended on world revolution C. suggested that socialism was designed for one country only, the Soviet Union D. was a grand theory for world domination.


The German government's printing of money to pay unemployment benefits to workers striking in the Ruhr against the Franco-Belgian occupation of 1923 led to: Select one: A. hyperinflation B. French withdrawal from the Ruhr C. a rise in the Ruhr workers' standard of living D. an unexpected strengthening of the German currency.


The essence of Willy Brandt's policies toward the Eastern Bloc was: Select one: A. to seek peace and reconciliation B. to fight for the reunification of Germany C. to establish German neutrality in the Cold War D. to reassert German claims to majority-German areas of Eastern Europe.


To resolve the economic problems of Germany and international tensions in Europe, in 1924 the United States developed the: Select one: A. Dawes Plan B. Locarno Pact C. New Deal D. League of Nations.


Which statement best describes the government of Sardinia's King Victor Emmanuel? Select one: A. Victor Emmanuel retained the liberal constitution forced upon his father in 1848, which included substantial civil liberties. B. Victor Emmanuel instituted a series of reforms designed to strip the Catholic Church of most of its land and power in the region. C. Victor Emmanuel established the first systems of nationwide childhood education and free university education for those admitted. D. Victor Emmanuel passed legislation that seized land from nobles and redistributed it more equitably to the peasantry


Why did Charles de Gaulle withdraw France from NATO? Select one: A. He viewed the United States as the main threat to French independence. B. He wanted to develop a French nuclear program that the United States refused to endorse. C. He rejected the United States' efforts to promote decolonization. D. He sought to position France as a main trading partner of the Soviet Union.


As Hungary gained its independent status in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, how did it organize its domestic politics? Select one: A. A liberal constitution was created that granted universal male suffrage. B. The Magyar nobility dominated both the peasantry and minority populations through the Parliament. C. The Hungarian military established a police state in which most civil liberties were sharply curtailed. D. The Hungarians opted to remain under the direct supervision of the Austrian Emperor.


How did the Soviet Union and Eastern European communist regimes treat displaced persons returning home after the war? Select one: A. As additional burdens on already struggling societies B. As politically unreliable because of their exposure to Western European society C. As conquering heroes to be celebrated and honored D. As potential sources of support for unpopular regimes


How did the Soviet Union initially organize the Eastern European nations as it threw out pro-Nazi regimes? Select one: A. The Soviet Union established direct military rule by the Soviet army with only a few local leaders in minor positions. B. The Soviet Union created coalition governments of leftist political parties but reserved key government posts for Moscow-trained communists. C. The Soviet Union built independent governments that held free elections, all of which elected pro-Soviet political parties. D. The Soviet Union handed power directly to the national communist parties in each region.


Migration out of Europe often followed what pattern? Select one: A. Migrants sought out anonymity so that they could re-create themselves as new people with new lives. B. Families and friends would coordinate their migrations so that they would settle together in a new land. C. National governments organized random migrants to settle together in a new land in order to create their own support systems. D. Various churches sponsored migrant groups in order to increase the political clout of the churches in the new lands.


The Boxer Rebellion was: Select one: A. a revolt of Chinese military officers who supported westernization against the Qing Empress Dowager B. a rebellion of traditionalist Chinese patriots who wished to expel all Westerners from China C. an uprising of militant Muslims against British rule in Sudan D. a revolution made by patriotic samurai who overthrew the Japanese shogun.


The British political party that emerged during the 1920s as the champion of the working class and the main opposition to the Conservative party was the: Select one: A. Liberal Party B. Labour Party C. Social Democratic Party D. Christian Democratic Party.


The event that directly prompted the Great Reforms in Russia, including the emancipation of the serfs, was the: Select one: A. revolution of 1905 B. defeat in the Crimean War of 1853 - 1856 C. assassination of Alexander II in 1881 D. the revolutions of 1848


The fascist vision of society emphasized: Select one: A. a community rooted in shared warfare B. a community rooted in the bonds of nationalism C. a community rooted in commitment to a leader D. a community rooted in racial purity.


The immediate cause of British entry into the First World War was: Select one: A. the sinking of the Lusitania. B. the German invasion of neutral Belgium. C. the Austrian ultimatum to Serbia. D. German mobilization following the Austrian ultimatum to Serbia.


The long-established customs union among the German states was known as the: Select one: A. Zemstvo B. Zollverein C. Reichstag D. North German Confederation.


Throughout the First World War, what mistake did military commanders repeatedly make? Select one: A. New technologies permitted armies to advance faster and further than they could be supplied. B. They attempted to mount massive offensives designed to break through entrenched lines. C. They refused to adopt new technology that had not previously been tried in battle. D. They failed to properly prepare defensive positions after seizing new territory.


What part of Bismarck's alliance system did William II abandon? Select one: A. Germany's alliance with Austria-Hungary to resist Russian expansion into the Balkans B. Germany's non-aggression pack with Russia C. Germany's alliance with Great Britain to control the North Sea D. Germany's mutual defense agreement with France


What problem was faced by most of the underground resistance groups who opposed the Nazis? Select one: A. They had little ability to organize in the face of constant pressure from the German secret police. B. They were not well unified, for they had differing political goals. C. They were not supported by the local populations, who feared reprisals from the German military. D. They were often led by local criminals and adventurers, who had little concern for successful operations.


What was Germany's goal in the Battle of Britain? Select one: A. To destroy British naval ports so that Great Britain could not invade German-controlled land B. To gain air supremacy in anticipation of an invasion of Great Britain C. To provide a warning to the United States against entering the war D. To undermine Britain's ability to draw upon the resources of its colonies for support


What was the pattern of triangular trade that characterized the global economy in the nineteenth century? Select one: A. European traders invested in American manufacturing and railroads, then Americans sold these goods to Africa and China. B. Traders from Western Europe brought manufactured goods to trade for slaves from Africa, then brought the slaves to the Americas where they bought raw materials in return. C. Raw materials from Africa and China were brought to America, where they were processed and returned to the place of origin by merchants from Europe. D. American merchants brought goods from Africa and China to Europe.


Why did OPEC declare an oil embargo on the United States in 1973? Select one: A. The United States had attacked Iran in response to Iran's seizure of American hostages during its revolution. B. The United States had aided Israel in its war with Egypt and Syria in 1973. C. The United States had declared a war on terrorism that Muslim, oil-producing states believed was aimed at them. D. The United States had intervened in Saudi Arabian elections in order to prevent a radical Islamic party from gaining authority


Why did Stalin call for the liquidation of the kulaks? Select one: A. The kulaks had sided with the counter-revolutionary White forces during the civil war. B. He believed that as landowners they would eventually embrace conservative capitalism and become great enemies of socialist progress. C. He believed that the kulaks had hidden the assets of their banking enterprises and were seeking to undermine Soviet finances. D. He believed that the religious faith of the kulaks would prevent them from adopting communism.


Why did the Council of Europeans fail to evolve into a European parliament with sovereign rights? Select one: A. The recession of the early 1960s caused all member states to grow leery of further economic entanglements. B. Great Britain consistently opposed conceding any real political power and sovereignty to the council. C. The Soviet Union threatened Western Europe with nuclear annihilation if it unified into a single sovereign state. D. The decision of the United States to end the process of de-Nazification led other European nations to withdraw from closer ties to West Germany.


Why was West Germany allowed to build an army after 1955? Select one: A. The agreements preventing Germany from building an army expired in 1955, a decade after the war ended. B. The German army would permit Germany to defend itself from attack by the Soviet Union. C. The United States decided to withdraw troops from Germany in order to shift them to the growing conflict in Asia. D. The German nation had been completely de-Nazified and the rebuilding of an army allowed Germany to reclaim its place as a respectable nation.


Why was the Balkans considered the "tinderbox of Europe"? Select one: A. Russia had destabilized the region by claiming control over the straits to the Black Sea. B. The Ottoman Empire had been forced to give up its territory in the region, leading to growing ethnic nationalism. C. The region had failed to begin the process of modernization, leaving it backwards and extremely poor. D. Famine caused by Austro-Hungarian trade restrictions had left the region struggling for survival and furious at Austrian policies.


Why were extensive social welfare programs slow to form in Great Britain? Select one: A. Great Britain's tradition of low taxes provided no income for such programs, which would require a restructuring of government finances and additional taxation. B. The conservative, aristocratic House of Lords resisted the formation of such programs until the king threatened to appoint new nobles who would support the programs. C. Great Britain lacked the administrative system to organize such programs and the data needed to implement them. D. Social welfare programs were seen as a foreign idea that would destroy Britain's sense of its exceptionalism.


After 1860, why did foreign aggression diminish in China until near the end of the century? Select one: A. The scramble for Africa distracted Europeans from China. B. Christian missionaries influenced governments to treat China with dignity. C. Europeans had obtained their primary goal of commercial and diplomatic relations. D. The deep recession of the 1870s diminished Europeans' enthusiasm for foreign military action.


Bismarck's alliance system was designed to isolate France and: Select one: A. expand German territory eastward. B. challenge Britain's dominant world position. C. maintain peace between Russia and Austria-Hungary. D. control the Balkans.


How did Bismarck structure the North German Confederation in order to secure the authority of the Prussian Emperor? Select one: A. The parliament was permitted only a minor role in the legislation process, while all new bills had to originate from the emperor himself. B. The parliament is best described as a fig-leaf, since the ruler of the largest state (Prussia) held the most power and in essence determined all the legislation. C. The emperor controlled the army and foreign affairs and universal male suffrage permitted the emperor to go directly to the people if the middle-class liberals resisted his bills in the legislature. D. The parliament was located within Prussian territory and therefore heavily influenced by Prussian political forces.


How did Lenin respond to the peasants' seizure of land when he rose to power in 1917? Select one: A. He waged war on the peasants in order to be able to collectivize all land. B. He used the peasants' actions to coerce the nobility to support his new regime in hopes of reclaiming their lands. C. He mandated land reform in order to offer his approval for what the peasants had already done. D. He required peasants to join the Red Army in order to Aearn@ the right to their land.


How did labor unions in Germany change in the early 1900s? Select one: A. Unions became more radical as resistance to their demands by industrialists grew. B. Unions sought to organize white-collar workers rather than industrial laborers. C. Unions increasingly focused on bread-and-butter issues rather than dissemination of socialist doctrine. D. Unions became political power brokers among the competing political parties.


How did the Nazi Party seek to promote the idea of the Volksgemeinschaft? Select one: A. The Nazis argued that the German people needed more room to expand in Eastern Europe. B. The Nazis established colonies in regions of Africa and Asia in order to establish German authority across the globe. C. The Nazis created mass organizations such as the Hitler Youth and held mass rallies to spread Nazi ideology and enlist volunteers. D. The Nazis took control of German industry in order to provide employment for the poor.


In the 1890s, how did Sergei Witte seek to transform Russia? Select one: A. He tried to reestablish Russia's past Slavic culture in order for Russia to return to greatness. B. He forged a new path to economic success and adopt the radical land redistribution proposed by the socialists. C. He implemented industrial policies to catch up with the West. D. He collectivized land in order to apply modern, rational farming methods.


Lenin's New Economic Policy was a political compromise with the: Select one: A. urban workers and guaranteed higher wages B. white counter-revolutionaries which offered some minor political reforms C. Russian peasants which allowed them to buy and sell more goods D. Russian intelligentsia and eased some ideological restrictions.


Slobodan Milosevic's intent, which hastened separatism and civil war in Yugoslavia, was to create: Select one: A. the Muslim League of the Balkans B. the League of Communist States C. Greater Serbia D. the Commonwealth of Independent States.


The "principle of uncertainty" (as outlined by Werner Heisenburg) suggested that: Select one: A. because human reason is feeble and unable to plumb the depths of nature, belief in God must not be abandoned B. scientific knowledge is the most reliable because scientists accept that their ideas are uncertain theories and constantly test and reexamine them C. nature itself is ultimately unknowable and unpredictable and lacks any absolute objective reality D. God produced doubt in humans to challenge their simple belief so that it would grow into a mature faith.


The Helsinki agreement of 1975 called for: Select one: A. the scheduled elimination of all nuclear weapons B. the reunification of Eastern and Western Europe C. respect for human rights and inviolability of existing boundaries D. American de-escalation in Vietnam and Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan.


The attempted coup by the communist old guard in the Soviet Union in August 1991 failed because of: Select one: A. Gorbachev's use of the Red Army to crush the rebels B. the threat of NATO intervention C. massive popular resistance, rallied around Boris Yeltsin D. the inability of the old guard to decide on a new leader.


The goals of the Solidarity trade union in Poland in the 1980s included: Select one: A. working for the free market could direct economic activity B. open democratic elections in which the Communist Party would have to compete for power C. a limited revolution to defend freedoms won in previous agreements with the communist government D. overthrow the government and drive the Communist Party out of Poland.


The ultimate goal of the plan for an international organization to coordinate coal and steel production in Europe was to: Select one: A. rebuild the European economy B. reduce the influence of the United States C. bind the members of the Common Market so closely that war would be impossible D. facilitate an arms buildup to defend Western Europe from the Warsaw Pact.


What did the Korean War demonstrate about Cold War relations? Select one: A. Communist-backed forces could not defeat the United States but could harass U.S. troops and make military activity difficult. B. The Soviet Union and the United States were evenly matched militarily. C. The United States and Soviet Union would avoid open conflict in Europe but would engage in open, non-nuclear conflict elsewhere in the world. D. The Soviet Union lacked the ability to establish legitimate, popularly elected regimes.


What idea did Heinrich von Treitschke promote in relationship to colonies? Select one: A. Colonies violated the spirit of liberty that had led to progress in Europe. B. Colonies were essential to fulfill the demands of the Awhite man=s burden@. C. Colonies were essential to great nations, who would weaken without colonial lands. D. Colonies sapped the resources and strength of nations for meager gains.


What new model for European expansion did Britain establish in Egypt? Select one: A. A combination of financial manipulation, indebtedness, and exploitation B. A combination of migration, land expropriation, and Christianity C. A combination of military force, political domination, and an ideology of beneficial reform D. A combination of economic collaboration, political alliances, and mutual respect


What was the Nazi Party policy of "coordination"? Select one: A. To link the work of the traditional military with the work of the S.A. and the S.S. B. To integrate German manufacturing of commercial goods with its production of munitions in order to hide the effort to rebuild the German military C. To force German society to conform to National Socialist ideology D. To combine the German public school system with Nazi propaganda programs


What was the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916? Select one: A. An agreement between France and Great Britain on one hand and Italy on the other that allowed Italy to claim parts of the Austro-Hungarian empire in exchange for abandoning its alliance with Germany and entering the war on the side of the Allied Powers B. An agreement between Germany and the Bolsheviks by which Germany funded Lenin's effort to overthrow the monarchy in Russia C. An agreement between Great Britain and France to divide up parts of the Near and Middle East after the war D. An agreement between France and Belgium to establish a new German border after the end of the war


Which of the following best characterizes the "new fascist man" that Mussolini promoted? Select one: A. He was to be an educated intellectual. B. He was to be a defender of the public good. C. He was to be a virile, patriotic warrior. D. He was to be social activist.


Which of the following best characterizes the political goal of the creation of free, compulsory elementary education in France? Select one: A. To prepare children to serve the state in wartime, either in the battlefield or on the home front B. To prepare children for work in the industrial setting and promote obedience to managerial authority C. To act as a nation-building tool in which all children would be taught secular, republican values D. To help build a stronger, international base of knowledge


Which of the following best characterizes the presidency of Vladimir Putin in Russia? Select one: A. He pursued strong free-market reforms that allowed Russia to break free of its socialist economic heritage. B. He sought Russia's full admission into the European Union and its acceptance as a "normal" state. C. He reasserted anti-Western Russian nationalism and centralized political authority in the Kremlin. D. He worked to weed out corruption of Russia's political system in order to secure liberal political gains.


Why did the German military re-start submarine warfare in the Atlantic despite knowing that it would lead the United States to enter the war against them? Select one: A. They believed that the United States had already decided secretly to enter the war and wanted to inflict as much damage as possible on Britain before U.S. troops arrived. B. They believed that Britain would surrender once the power of the new German submarines was recognized. C. They believed that improved submarines could starve Britain into submission before the United States could come to Britain's rescue. D. They believed that the United States was too insignificant of power to worry about.


Why was the Great Depression slow to affect France? Select one: A. France had substantial social security measures already in place that protected the population and prevented economic collapse. B. France had been so devastated by World War I that it was still trying to reclaim the resulting economic losses. C. France was less industrialized than the other major continental powers in Europe and somewhat isolated from the world economy. D. France's economy was based on basic materials that remained in demand even as demand for consumer goods collapsed.


With the United States' failure to ratify the Versailles treaty, many French leaders placed their hopes for future security on: Select one: A. the alliance with Great Britain B. the League of Nations C. strict implementation of the treaty D. a better relationship with Germany


All of the following nations joined the war on the side of the Central Powers except: Select one: A. Bulgaria. B. Germany. C. Austria-Hungary. D. Italy.


Britain and France finally confronted Hitler with the threat of war when he: Select one: A. remilitarized the Rhineland B. occupied Austria C. took the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia D. used the pretext of German minorities in Danzig to threaten Poland.


During the 1950s, the Christian Democrats across Europe endorsed all of the following positions except: Select one: A. they supported democracy and liberalism B. they were steadfast Cold Warriors C. they championed a return to traditional family values D. they supported socialist economic policies


During the First World War, the African colonial subjects of Britain and France: Select one: A. used the war as an opportunity to revolt B. opposed the war as irrelevant to their interests C. lent clandestine support to Germany D. generally supported their foreign masters.


For artists such as the Dadaists and Surrealists, what was the purpose of art? Select one: A. Art should counter the drab filth of industrial society and produce hope through beauty. B. Art should pursue the unconscious components of the mind in order to find pure truth. C. Art should cultivate a moral sensibility in its depiction of beauty. D. Art should expose the bankruptcy of modern society and produce radical social change.


How did Louis Napoleon believe that the people should be represented in government? Select one: A. By special citizens' committees that would watch over the work of political officials B. By political parties that established clear platforms for reform C. By parliaments freely elected by universal male suffrage D. By a strong national leader whose reforms would aid all of the people


How did Mussolini build support from big business in Italy? Select one: A. He instituted the liberal political reforms that they demanded. B. He gave huge military contracts to a few select, key business leaders. C. He established a new chamber of commerce with substantial power over commercial law. D. He left big business to regulate itself and never purged it members


How did some British women seek to affect British colonialism in India? Select one: A. They called for an end to opium production in India because of its negative consequences for Indian families. B. They demanded that the British government establish limitations on the number of hours that Indians could be required to work. C. They insisted that British welfare benefits be extended to British India in order to support the population during economic downturns. D. They worked to improve the lives of Indian women, moving them closer to Western standards through education and legislation.


How did the Union of South Africa function differently than any other territory in Africa? Select one: A. It was the only territory to institute racist policies. B. It had few economic resources from which Britain could profit and therefore enjoyed a de facto independence. C. It permitted Muslims to worship freely. D. It functioned as a largely Aself-governing@ colony.


In the late nineteenth century, Theodore Herzl was: Select one: A. the creator of modern psychoanalysis B. speaker of the Reichstag during much of Bismarck's tenure C. the anti-Semitic mayor of Vienna D. the founder of the Zionist Jewish national movement.


In which of the following did Gabriel Marcel found the answer to the postwar broken world? Select one: A. socialism B. Marxism C. logical empiricism D. the Catholic Church


Jews in Palestine proclaimed the state of Israel: Select one: A. when the French gave up their League of Nations mandate over Palestine B. when Germany surrendered in May 1945 C. when the U.S. Congress promised economic assistance in 1949 D. when the British withdrew from Palestine in 1948


Some scholars conclude that due to European population declines, Europeans need to: Select one: A. award larger government subsidies to Europeans who have large families B. tax migrant families for every child that they produce C. increase restrictions on immigration D. recognize that Islam is now a valid European religion and vital part of European life.


The Berlin Conference of 1884—1885: Select one: A. set the terms for the division of China into economic zones of influence B. declared Africa off-limits to colonization C. established high tariffs to protect German industry D. set up the terms for the division of most of Africa among European colonial powers.


What was Mikhail Gorbachev's goal in bringing reforms to Russia? Select one: A. To merge capitalism and communism into a new economic system. B. To undermine the power of reformers by instituting minor reforms that would affect people directly. C. To bring the collapse of communist authority. D. To revitalize the Soviet system in order to save it.


Which position best represents the views of John Maynard Keynes? Select one: A. He advocated minimal government intervention in the economy. B. He believed in a kind of Christian existentialism. C. He was avowedly hostile to Germany. D. He denounced the Treaty of Versailles.


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