History Final Exam Questions/20-27

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With the Cold War coming to a close, George H. W. Bush took the office of president in 1989 having to face a "new world order," unseen by his predecessors. What is the best way to describe this new order?

Shift from Cold War tensions to unquestioned American dominance

When images surfaced that showed the treatment of those captured during the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan in American military prisons, what message did it relay to the rest of the world?

undermined the US reputation

The main idea of neoliberalism is that

markets should be regulated by the World Trade Organization (WTO)

19th Century


20th Century


Short 20th Century

1914-WW1 1991-Collapsed of the USSR

In the 1990s stirred by Anita Hill's testimony in the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings which movement gained attention in the 1990s?


During Truman's first administration, throughout the opening salvos of the Cold War, the concept of freedom for all Americans was hotly debated across the political spectrum within the United States. Which of the following events were part of this great debate about the hallmarks of American freedom

All of the above

The 1950s launched the "Golden Age" of capitalism, that lasted until 1973. It was called the golden age because it was period of:

All of the above

In the 1950s, television changed several aspects of the American lifestyle. Identify the key changes that resulted from the growing influence of television.

Americans chose television to be their leading leisure activity

President Bush's administration was divided over the purpose and objectives of the war in Iraq. Although he was ignored, which member of his administration believed the conquest and stabilization of Iraq would require hundreds of thousands of American soldiers and should not be undertaken without the support of America's allies?

Colin Powell

By 1960, Kennedy's plan for Cuba had escalated from fanning a revolt to an amphibious landing by several hundred Cubans trained by the CIA in Guatemala. Identify the results of this planned expedition.

Cuba moved closer to the Soviet Union both militarily and diplomatically

What was the military industrial complex, and why did Eisenhower express concerns about it?

Ike worried that the country's military industrial complex threatened to limit both liberties and the democratic process

Hoping to cut North Vietnamese supply lines along the Ho Chi Minh Trail, Nixon secretly ordered American troops into neutral Cambodia in 1970. What did the event accomplish, despite not achieving its military goals

It managed to destabilize the government and led to the Khmer Rouge

Identify how the Good Neighbor Policy of the 1930s sought to improve relations between the United States and Latin America.

It reduced military intervention

Identify the most important issues—both political and personal—in the presidential election of 1960

Kennedy's Christian denomination the missile gap

The 1920s were a time of great economic change in the United States. Identify the professions that were in decline even before the 1929 stock market crash.


The 1950s launched the "golden age" of capitalism, a period that would last until 1973. Identify the economic characteristics that defined this golden age

Rising standard of living

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) came out of the Hundred Days. Identify the statements that describe the TVA and its mission.

The TVA built a series of dams designed to control the flooding on the Tennessee River and its tributaries

Identify the statements that describe the Philippine War.

The U.S. colonial administration immediately invested in railroads and harbors, brought in American school teachers and public health officials, and sought to modernize agriculture.

After the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, in February 1991, the United States launched Operation Desert Storm, which was successful in ending the conflict and restoring security to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. At the time, American efforts were considered successful. What were some of its more lasting consequences?

The US army quickly repelled the Iraqi army from Kuwait and then proceeded to set up six permanent military bases there A large American military presence was established in Saudi Arabia

American economic prosperity in the 1920's was driven by the automobile industry. Which of the statements describe the automobile industry in the 1920s?

The automobile industry stimulated the expansion of oil, rubber and steel.

With the achievement of woman suffrage in 1920, passing the Equal Rights Amendment became the next objective of the feminist movement. Identify the statements that describe the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).

The only women's group to support the ERA was the National Women's Party

How did the Populists try to appeal to industrial workers?

They protected striking miners.

What response did the Freedom Riders receive when they rode buses from Washington, D.C., through the Deep South?

They were violently attacked by a mob when they reached Alabama.

Before Fidel Castro ousted Fulgencio Batista from Cuba, Cuba had been economically dependent on the United States. Why did the United States prove hesitant to support Castro's new regime?

US was afraid Castro would nationalize US holdings

The chapter title, "The Frenzy of Fossil Fuels," refers to

all of the above

Before Empire

austriobugarian empire ottoman empire c3 artist Russia

The word "anthropogenic" means

caused by nature

Identify the statements that describe the Civil Rights Act.

forbade discrimination in employment, schools and privately owned businesses

What was the outcome of the unanimous ruling in the 1971 Supreme Court case Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education?

forced busing

The Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement to reduce CO2 emissions, was signed by every country recognized by the United Nations with two exceptions, the United States and Afghanistan. What reason did President Bush give for rejecting this agreement?

it would hurt the US economy

Why did people after World War II believe that conservatism was "a relic of a discredited past"?

its support of antisemitism

Where was the secret facility where torture took place? ____________

navy station guantanamo bay

In which region of the United States was Dewey's political popularity the strongest in 1948?


Eisenhower presided over the largest public-works enterprise in American history, the building of the 41,000-mile interstate highway system, in order to ensure armies and civilian populations could move on autobahn-like highways to reduce the casualty in the event of a Soviet attack. Identify the industries that benefited most from this act in the end.

oil companies automakers

Unlike the invasion of Afghanistan after 9/11, the invasion of Iraq faced much greater opposition and skepticism. While the Bush administration stated that the United States invaded Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction and Saddam Hussein's supposed aid for Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda, doubters believed the United States had ulterior motives. How does this cartoon by artist Steve Benson illustrate concerns behind the motivation for the invasion of Iraq?

points to oil as a major concern

Between 1890 and 1906, every southern state attempted to enact laws and constitutional provisions meant to eliminate the black vote. Identify the methods and laws implemented to disenfranchise African-Americans and, to a lesser extent, poor whites.

poll tax literacy requirements grandfather clause

The major initiative of President Clinton's first administration was to address the rising cost of health care and the growing number of uninsured Americans. Although the idea of providing universalized health care ultimately failed to get congressional approval, what were some of this plan's initial goals?

provided universal health care through large groupings of medical care business

What are civil liberties?

rights an individual gives up for the benefit of the community

All wars create the problem of striking a balance between which two things?

security and liberty

What did the Neutrality Acts, which started being passed in 1935, forbid?

selling weapons to countries at war

Despite a large lead after the chaos at the Democratic National Convention in 1968, Nixon won his presidential election by only a razor-thin margin in the popular vote. Identify his efforts to win over moderates in the first year of his term in office.

thaw the cold war - Detente

Identify the act or law in which the United States agreed to provide military aid to countries without receiving payment as long as those countries promised to return the military equipment after the conclusion of hostilities

the Lend Lease Act

Bill Clinton's popular appeal was due, in part, to some of his more liberal leanings toward abortion, gay rights, and civil rights. One of the policies enacted during his first term was to institute the policy of "Don't ask, don't tell" within the military. Which is the best description of this policy?

the US military would no longer seek out or dismiss soldiers based on their sexual orientation

The "Penumbral Age" refers to:

the last great extinction

According to the text, the "Anthropocene Period" is the

the period after humans became significant geological agents

The mammoth USA Patriot Act conferred unprecedented power on law enforcement agencies charged with stopping the new crime of "domestic terrorism." Which of the following powers were granted to law enforcement agencies as a result of the USA Patriot Act

the power to wiretap cell phone conversations

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