History Final Question Set

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Both Germany and USSR invaded Poland in September 1939 True/False


During WW2, the American Red Cross kept "white" and "black" blood plasma seperate True/False


Elanor Roosevelt established a new role for first ladies -- being publicly active in their own right in pursuit of poltical and social reform True/False


For a time during the great depression, emigration from the US exceeded immigration to the US True/False


In 1950, approx. how many american were members of the communist party? - 43,000 - 125,000 - 174,000 - 500,000


By the time president truman left offive, what was the U.S. defense budget? - 9 billion - 27 billion - 50 billion - 1 trillion

50 billion

The Roosevelt coalition that took shape during the Great Depression tied all the following factions to the democratic party except: - Big Business - White Southerners - Women and Blacks - Blue-Collar Workers

Big Business

By the end of summer 1940, germant had conquered all the following countries except - france - norway - belgium - Britain


The freedom rides of 1961 were organized by James Farmer, the director of which organization? - CORE - NAACP - SCLC - SNCC


Migrants uprooted by the Dust Bowl generally sought economic opportunities in which state? - Texas - Oklahoma - California - Illinois


What triggered the Roosevelt recession of 1937? - Cuts in federal spending - A failure to balance the fed. budget - The costs of the new social security program - The imposition of new taxes on corporations

Cuts in federal spending

Although Roosevelt won reelection in 1936, it was by one of the slimmest margins in presidential history True/False


Although some anger lingered in black communities, no major riots occured in American cities after the passing of landmark civil rights legislation in 1964 True/False


As a consummate southern politician, Lyndn Johnson did all he could as president to block ciivil rights legislation from passage True/False


As economic prosperit returned to the Us during WW2, the mobility of the American people, which had been so pronounced during the depression, abruptly came to an end. True/False


As more and more African americans traveled from the south to the north, the fervor and influence of the civil rights movement drastically declined True/False


As soon as the war ended, Americans entered the longest period of prosperity in the nation's history, which lasted until the 1970s. True/False


At the end of WW2, as the US and USSR emerged as the world's two superpowers, the countries were fairly evenly matcherd when it came to resources and economies True/False


Because farmworkers and domestic servants were among the neediest people in the nation, the social security system established in 1935 granted them the most benefits True/False


By 1940, 8 out of 10 americans and most of congress supported going to war, but president Roosevelt held firmly to his isolationist convictions until pearl harbor. True/False


Federal law before and during WW2 barred both Nisei and Issei from becoming U.S. ctizens True/False


In 1955, as a result of the case of Brown v. Board of Education, the supreme court ruled that all public schools needed to be integrated before the end of that year True/False


In the 1930s the league of united latin american citizens proudly conducted its meetings in spainish and sought membership from ethnic mexicans regardless of citizenship T/F


Like elijah muhammad, the black religious leader Father Divine exhorted his followers to seperate themselves from white people and form their own all-black nation True/False


Most americans expected truman to easily win the reelection in 1948 True/False


Neo-isolationists in congress were among the first to support the marshall plan True/False


Small famrers, tenants, and sharecroppers benefited far more from the AAA than did large landowners and big farmers True/False


The greensboro sit-ins began as a deliberate, planned protest coordinated by the NAACP True/False


The stimson doctrine enacted in response to japans occupation of manchuria made it official U.S. policy to counter any further aggression against china with armed force True/False


The truman doctrine limited the power of the executive branch True/False


The zoot suit riots of 1943 occured in detriot when African americans tried to move into a new federal housing project near a prodominantly white community True/False


Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) was one of the most important and most radical leftist student organizations of the 1960s True/False


Known as the "kingfish", which louisiana senator gained substantial support for his "share our wealth" program? - Upton Sinclair - Charles Coughlin - Francis Townshend - Huey Long

Huey Long

What document was the basis for the american policy of contaimnent? - NSC-68 - Truman Doctine - the mcmahon act - Kennan's "long telegram"

Kennan's "long telegram"

The good neighbor policy of the 1930s brought about a change in how the US handled its relations with countries in - Africa - Latin America - southeast asia - western europe

Latin American

The case of Hernanzed v Texas established which legal principle? - latinos shared the same status as whites in the eyes of the law - latinos shared the same status as blacks in the eyes of the law - Latinos had their own identity as a group that made a white/black racial system untenable - each state could determine for itself whether to class latinos as white, blacks, or as a third distinct group

Latinos had their own identity as a group that made a white/black racial system untenable

Which of the following programs did the supreme court declare wholly or partly unconstitutional, in 1935 and 1936 respectively? - TVA and CCC - NRA and AAA - CWA and FERA - PWA and RFC


Which of the following was NOT and NATO member in 1956? - spain - france - norway - turkey


WHich leader of SNCC coined the phrase "black power" in 1966? - Thurgood Marshall - Stokely Carmichael - Malcom X - "bull" connor

Stokely Carmichael

Which of the following New dDeal programs not only provided work relief but also helped provide electrification to one of the poorest regions of the united states? - TVA - CCC - CWA - FERA


The policy of "appeasement" became infamous after british prime minister neville chamberlain agreed to the munich pact in 1938; this pact allowed nazi germany to occupy what region? - Ethiopia - the rhineland - the sudetenland - poland

The Sudetenland

Which of the following increased during the Great Despression? - The number of people who got married - The birth rate - The number of divorces - The number of people who deserted their families

The number of people who deserted their families

Which NAACP leader played a crucial role in Brown v. Board of Education and possessed a common touch which many previois bacl leader had lacked? - W. E. B. Du Bois - Charles Hamiltion Houston - Thurgood Marshall - James Watson Johnson

Thurgood Marshall

In 1932, the U.S. army dispersed 2,000peacefully protesting, unemployed veterans from the nation's capital with tanks, cavalry, and soldiers with bayonets at the redy True/False


In 1957, president eisenhower felt compelled to send 1,000 fed. troops to little rock, AK to protect the rights and the safety of nine black students enrolled in a previously all-white school True/False


In march 1946, winston churchill warned that the soviets had dropped an "iron curtain" between their satellite nations and the free world True/False


In the "southern manifesto" of 1958, 10 U.S. congressmen announced their intention to block racial integration by all lawful means True/False


John and Robert Kennedy were both wary of the civil rights movement and tried to push it toward less inflammatory goals such as voter registration and suppoer for kennedy's policies True/False


One of the groups that benefitted most from New Deal legislation was organized labor, which increased in size and influence during the 1930's True/False


President truman considered civil rights to be a key ingredient in his reform agenda True/False


Recent evidence suggests that stalin was aware that USSR, in 1945, was emerging as a more powerful state True/False


Roosevelt and churchill drew up the atlantic charter before the US had even enterted WW2 True/False


The 1964 federal election represented a resounding electoral victory for Johnson and the Democratic party True/False


The Dust Bowl resulted largely from several decades of intensive agriculture that rendered the landscape susceptible to erosion True/False


The battle of coral sea was significant for being the first naval battle in history in wich the two fleets involved never came into direct sight of each other True/False


The truman administration never seriously considered giving up the american nuclear monopoly True/False


There was disagreement at the highest level of the US government about what region of the world was the most critical to the future during the Korean war (under truman) True/False


When japan invaded china's suthern regions in 1937, roosevelt refused to invoke the neutrality act because he thought that doing so would hurt china more than japan True/False


In the McMahon act of 1946, who or whatgained control of all fissionable materials? - the military - the president - a civilian agency - a congressional committee

a civilian agency

After his reelection in 1948, who or what kept truman from enacting any significant initiatives that were pare of his fair deal? - his fear of alientating voters until inflation was under control and the economy had improved - his fear of being too closely associated with FDR - a coalition of conservative southern democrafts and republicans in congress - nothing; truman enacted numerous significant initiatives after his reelection

a coalition of conservative southern democrafts and republicans in congress

Lyndon Johnson exhibited all of the following quanities EXCEPT - an ability to hammer out compromises - a genuine desire to assist people in need - a loveable personality and remarkable humility - a belief that government could actively improve society

a loveable personality and remarkable humility

With regard to labor, WW2 witnessed all of the following EXCEPT - the establishment of a federal agency to manage labor disputes and increased federal power to address labor stoppages - occasional strikes by workers seeking better conditions, though usually un deficance of union leadership - a dramatic increase in the number of women in the workforce, with older and married women overtaiking young, single women - a revolution in attitudes about gender whereby most americans rejected the idea that a womans primary responsibility was childrearing

a revolution in attitudes about gender whereby most americans rejected the idea that a womans primary responsibility was childrearing

The wartime mobilization of the economy evidenced all of the following features EXCEPT - strict government over vital aspects of the economy - new economic opportunites for ethnic minorities - a shift of industrial production from the Pacific to the southeast - increased consolidation of both industrial and agricultural production

a shift of industrial production from the Pacific to the southeast

The primary goal of the manhattan project was to create a - radar netowrk to locate u-boats - atomic bomb before german scientists coild do so - meteoroligiacal forcasting program to determine what...

atomic bomb before german scientists could do so

Which of the following tactics was LEAST embraced by the SDS as a proper mmeans of political change? - Sit-ins - protest marches - voter registration drives - direct confrontations

voter registration drives

The nye committee of 1935 reached the conclusion that - bankers and munitions had benfited handsomely from WW1 and may have pushed the US into that war - the rising spector of fascism and militarism required and immediate armed response by the US for its own security - The president needed to have all authority possible to aid and assist friendly nations invaded by hostile powers the US had been too slow to enter WW1 and its delay had caused millions to die needlessly

bankers and munitions had benfited handsomely from WW1 and may have pushed the US into that war

Trumans most direct attack on segregation was his issuance, in 1948, of an executive order that did what? - banned discrimination in the armed forces - made the Jin Crow system illegal on interstate transportation - established the committee on civil rights - mandared the implementation of all recommendations made "to secure these rights"

banned discrimination in the armed forces

Which of the following factors was NOT one reason why Axis victory seemed likely at summer's end in 1942? - german forces had invaded north africa and threatened britain access to the suez canal - brutal occupation policies broke the will of conqurered peoples who showed little willingness or ability to resist - japan had cleared the pacific of any significant allied force between itself and india and austria - german u-boats prowled the Atlantic in "wolfpacks" that threatened to cut off supplies between the US and its allies

brutal occupation policies broke the will of conqurered peoples who showed little willingness or ability to resist

Which was NOT and part of eisenhower's "K1C2" campaign strategy? - Korea - corruption - communism - capitalism


During the Great Depression, radio programs and movies tended to: - lose audiences preciptiously as few could afford to enjoy such "luxuries" - draw in audiences with lurid depictions of sexual depravity and violence. - acceuntuate the failings of capitalism and democracy, which the depression made so clear - Celebrate traditional values and middle-class morality

celebrate traditional values and middle-class society

What plank in the democratic platform leading up to the 1948 election led to a splinter party being formed? - civil rights - full employment - subsidized health care - subsidized housing for the poor

civil rights

The second new deal exhibited all of the following characteristics EXCEPT - the broadening of relief and reform programs - the development of a limited welfare state - cooperation with, rather than regulation, of business - a shift to the left of the political center.

cooperation with, rather than regulation, of business

Which of the following best describes trumans response to news that north korean troops had crossed the 38th parallel? - slow - uncertain - determined - too dependent upon the adivce of dissenting advisors


WHich Supreme court case banned saying prayers in public schools? - engel v vitale - gideon v wainwright - miranda v arizona - griswold v connecticult

engel v vitale

Brown v Education represented a change in tactics for the NAACP because before that case the NAACP had - fought for equal facilities but had not directly challenged the doctrine of seperate but equal. - preferred popular protests and boycotts over persuring justice thru the court systems - brought cases related to public facilites sich as restauranta and hotels but not to the realm of education - focused on the plight of black notherners while ignoring the far greater problems faced by t blacks in the south

fought for equal facilities but had not directly challenged the doctrine of seperate but equal

Which of the following statements about the montgomery bus boycott is MOST accurate? - it accomplished its goals but only after nonviolent protest was abandoned in favor of more direct action - it succeeded in winning short-term hgains but failed to have a lasting impact on a national level - although celebrated for brining people together for a time, the intimidation of the local white community brought the movment to and end before it could accomplish its goals - it brought MLK and his nonviolent straregy to national attention, ushering in a new era in the civil rights movement

it brought MLK and his nonviolent straregy to national attention, ushering in a new era in the civil rights movement

Which of the following statements about the Japenese attack on pearl harbor is FALSE? - it resulted in the destruction of almost all the pacific fleet's vital aircraft carriers - it was part of a series of attacks that also targeted midway, the phillipines, and guam - it took place several months after the US imposed trade sanctions on Japan and froze japanese assets in American Banks - it was the worst naval defeat in US history

it resulted in the destruction of almost all the pacific fleet's vital aircraft carriers

All of the following were elements of Johnsons great society programs Except -health insurance programs for the elderyly and the poor - immigration reform to abolish the national origins system - legislation to enhance environmental protection - legislation to decrease the size of government and its intrusion into citizens' personal lives

legislation to decrease the size of government and its intrusion into citizens' personal lives

WHich of the following statements about service personnel in the US military is least accurate? - minorities in general, believing they had the least to hain from the war, avoided serving unless they were drafted - for many soldiers, service in the military probed their first exposure to people from a large variety of ethnic, economic, and regional background. - black americans were generally related to nonccombat roles, and some services were relucant to enlist them at all. - by the end of the war, women in the WAC were given equal rank and pay as men in the army

minorities in general, believing they had the least to gain from the war, avoided serving unless they were drafted

To preserve america's banks, the government adopted all the following measures EXCEPT - proclaiming a four-day "bank holiday" - placing troubled banks in the hands of federal conservators - providing federal insurance for bank deposits - nationalizing the banking system

nationalizing the banking system

The countercultural followers of timothu learly exhibited the LEAST interest in - sex - drugs - spirtuality - politics


The defining characteristic of the New Deal was: - cautious progressiveism - pragmatic experimentation - ideological consistency - adherence to fixed economin principles.

pragmatic experimentation

Which of the following statements about the condition of the ethnic minorities during WW2 is TRUE? - never during the war did the government restrict the rights ofitalian americans, not even those of aliens without citizenship - president roosevelt was reluctant to take steps to end racial discrimination in the government and the defense industries until threatened with a march on washington - the worst persecution of japense americans took place in Hawaii where they constituted a large part of the population and where the war had begun - encouraged by the mexican government, mexicans and mexican americans flocked to texas where discrimination against Lations was much less prevalent than it was in California and other southwestern states

president roosevelt was reluctant to take steps to end racial discrimination in the government and the defense industries until threatened with a march on washington

The new deal's legacy included all of the following EXCEPT - giving the federal government an important role in maintaining economic stability - providing economic security to tenant farmers, sharecroppers, and domestric servants. - making the president center of the fed. government and weakening the influence of congress - enhancing the scope of the deferal government and its prescense in the lives of average americans

providing economic security to tenant farmers, sharecroppers, and domestric servants.

In the midst of the Great Depression, Herbert Hoover took all the following actions EXCEPT - reducing tariffs drastically to encourage international trade - first cutting taxes to stimulate the economy and then raising them to maintain a balanced budget - spending more money on public works than all of his predesccors combined. - creating an agency to lend money to banks to precent them from failing

reducing tariffs drastically to encourage international trade

The civil rights act of 1964 did all of the following EXCEPT - bar discrimination in public areas - strike down literacy tests used to prevent blacks from voting - prohibit employers from discriminating on the basis of race or color - prohibit employers from discriminating on the basis of sex

strike down literacy tests used to prevent blacks from voting

What key principle was established by the full-employment bill that created the council of economic advisors? - that americans would be responsible for their own health insurance - that the private sector was responsible for maintaining full employment - that the truman administration was responsible for inflation - that government should play no role in the countru's economy

that the private sector was responsible for maintaining full employment

The fascist movements of Italy, Germany, and Japan embraced all of the following ideals EXCEPT - The need for territorial expansion - A belief in the benficial impact of war - the abolition of private property - the needs of the nation outweighed the needs of the individual

the abolition of private property

What action prompted what became known as the truman doctrine? - the british announcement that it would no longer support the governments of greece and turkey - the defeat of chiang Kai-shek's nationalist army - evidence of the first societ nuclear bomb detonation - senator mccarhtys aanouncement that there were communists in the U.S. government

the british announcement that it would no longer support the governments of greece and turkey

In which of the following areas did stalin push for control in the early post-war years? - southeast asis - the dardanelles - north africa - the middle east

the daranelles

How had the southern economy changed from WW2 thru the 1960s? - the southern economy broke off from the rest of the country and created its own distinct regional economy - southern cotton planters continued to resist the process of mechanization, creating an ever-growing demand for the unskilled labor of black workers - new industries flourished in the south, primarily benefitting poorly paid black workers - white industrial workers in the south found their wages rising, but black workers enjoyed little gain

white industrial workers in the south found their wages rising, but black workers enjoyed little gain

What finally pushed the kennedy administration to commit to federal legislation to end segregation and protect voting rights? - the rulings of the warren court - the insistence of white democrats that more civil rights legislation be passed and the failure of the house of reps even to consider the issue - the montgomery bus boycott - the mounting violence committed by both whites and blacks in the south

the mounting violence committed by both whites and blacks in the south

The ultimate outcome of Roosevelt's Court-packing plan was that - Judges were forced to retire at age 70 - roosevelt's personal popularity and political influence reached new heights - the plan fell through but the resistance of the court to the new deal declined. - the court retaliated by striking down more new deal legislation than ever.

the plan fell through but the resistance of the court to the new deal declined.

At tehran and yalta, which issue most divided churchill, stalin, and roosevelt, and paved the way for future conflict? - the postwar fate of germany and the states neighboring the soviet union - whether the USSE would declare wa aganst japan after germany was defeated - the time and place of the second fron that the US and Britain would open in western europe - the question of whether to invade or bypass the phillipines

the postwar fate of germany and the states neighboring the soviet union

An important source of friction among churchill, stalin, and roosevelt was - roosevelt's refusal to ship arms or munitions to a communist country - roosevelt and churchills insistence that the pacifi theater take precedence over defeating germany - the slowness that roosevelt and churchill took before opening an effective second front against germany - stalins refusal to take advantage of the large manpower advantage that he possessed over hitler

the slowness that roosevelt and churchill took before opening an effective second front against germany

WHich of following statements about W@ and its conclusion is MOST accurate? - from the beginning of the war, the US made stopping the horrors of the holocausr by whatever means possible its top priority - the war resulted in the creation of the UN, which from the beginning favored the West over the USSR in postwar disputes. - Stalin largely failed to impose his will with regard to the division and punishment of Germany and bitterly aggred to drop demands for reparitions - diplomatic papers and other evidence clearly demonstrate that truman dropped atomic bombs on kapan primarily to intimidate the USSR because the war in the pacific was alreadyall but over

the war resulted in the creation of the UN, which from the beginning favored the West over the USSR in postwar disputes.

The emergence on the national scene of hippies and of bands like the gratefuldead, jefferson airplane, and jan and dean was part of the increasing important of which region in defining american popular culture? - new york city and its environs - the west coast - the great lakes region - the gulf states of the deep south

the west coast

How did the US propose to aid western europe nations that were reeling from the effects of WW2? - through the marshall plan - thru the establishment of the world bank - thru the establishment of the international monetary fund - thru strategic troop deployments and shared nuclear weapons

through the marshall plan

What was the purpose of the American Gi forum, founded in 1948 and led by Dr. Hector Garcia? - to lobby for the Gi bill of rights - to protest the suspension of the bravero program - to campaign for civil rights - to lobby for desegregation of the U.S. armoed forces

to campaign for civil rights

Which of the following statements about the new deal's effects on different sectors of the American public is LEAST accurate? - ALthough African Americans gained more influence in the government and enjoyed some economic recovery, protection of their civil rights was never a priority of the new deal - to increase the economic prosperity of Native AMericans, the federal government divided tribal lands into individual holdings and encouraged assimilation to mainstream american cultures - folk traditions... - The new deal opened some new political opportunites for women but...

to increase the economic prosperity of Native AMericans, the federal government divided tribal lands into individual holdings and encouraged assimilation to mainstream american cultures

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