History Finals

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Freedmen's Bureau Bill- 1865 - Oliver Howard

Freedmen's Bureau Bill - established the Freedmen's Bureau, a welfare agency in the S that provided food and supplies to slaves and poor whites - at 1st re-settled freedmen on property confiscated from rebels => when the rebels were pardoned- court gave land back - had the most success in education => established 3000 schools to educate freed slaves Oliver Howard- head of Freedmen's Bureau

Cherokee Nation vs Georgia Worcester vs Georgia

Cherokee Nation vs Georgia - Cherokee (Ross) sued GA to invalidate GA's removal laws, claiming the Cherokee was a foreign nation within a nation - the case was thrown out b/c the court deemed the Cherokee did not meet the requirements of a foreign nation - but Marshall did acknowledged that the Cherokee had right to their lands => gave hope to Ross to try again in Worcester vs GA Worcester vs Georgia - the Cherokee sued GA again, challenging the arrest of white missionaries, who were living with the Cherokee and refused to swear their allegiance to GA - Marshall recognized that the Cherokee was an independent state, thus they were in charge of their own laws and GA's laws don't apply to them

Civil Rights Act of 1875 Plessy v Ferguson (1896)

Civil Rights Act of 1875- equal accommodation and public spaces for blacks and whites (desegregate) - hard to enforce and court doesn't help as S dem pwr increased - overturned the Jim Crow Laws Plessy v Ferguson (1896): "separate but equal" => can have several separate but equal establishments - court argued that law "implies merely a legal distinction" between the two races did not conflict with the 13th or 14th Amendments - undermines the Civil Right Protections - SC undermining recon of repub rads

Compromise of 1850 - Fugitive Slave Act - Persona Liberty Laws

Clay proposed 5 key points (aruged by Stephen Douglas) - admit CA as a free state - divided remainder of Mexican Cession into Utah and N. Mexico Territories and use pop sov to decide slavery question - disputed territory below N. Mexico and Texas goes to N. Mexico but Texas gets $10 million - ban slave trade in DC - adopt and enforce Fugitive Slave Act (moved moderates to abolitionist side in North) => only good thing for south => ended up back-firing b/c North won't enforce it => abolitionists help slaves in under ground railroad -south upset w/b north got better end of bargain - Personal Liberty Laws were passed in response to Fugitive Slave Act => protected escaped slaves and free blacks settled in N

Compromise of 1877

Compromise of 1877- Hayes become pres on 2 conditions: 1) end fed support for Repubs in S => troops withdrawn => black rights can't be protected by army and govt any more => court govts recon legislation 2) build a S RR route

Election of 1860 - Constitutional Union Party: John Bell - Repubs: Lincoln (and Seward)

Constitutional Union Party- ran John Bell - Whigs and no-know-nothings - goal: get enough moderates together to preserve union => failed Repubs- ran Lincoln- "vote yourself a farm" => obtain Illinois voters -still regional party- tried to appeal to NW: => for free soilers: no slavery in territories => northern manufacturers: higher tariffs => immigrants: won't sacrifice their rights => pacific NW: RR => west: RR/internal improvements/ land => farmers: Homestead Act - Seward was a prominent candidate => but he was too abolitionist and repubs risked loosing the moderate vote => last time Repubs lost b/c they lot key mid-western states -Indiana, Illinois, (Penn)- so they ran a moderate Lincoln this time - fire eaters said they would leave union if Lincoln was elected

Crop-Lein System (Contract Labor System) Share-Cropping - Tenancy

Crop-Lein System (Contract Labor System)- wage paid at the end of the yr=> made the freedmen dependent on landowner - land owners go back to growing cash crops => everybody tried to get rich quick => prices of those crops decreased & soil exhausted - a bad crop => no $ to live off of => freedmen and land owners had to rely on borrowing $ from bank => landowners borrowed against October's harvest to pay for April's seeds => businesses emerge based on credit - system arose from demand for labor and lack of $ in S - however landowners were no longer responsible for moral upbringing for blacks => paternalism gone Share-Cropping - Tenancy - b/c no $ in S => owners couldn't pay freedmen => freedmen had no lands - freedmen worked on land and a got a % of crops harvested in exchange - system kept blacks as subservient class => 10% of land was owned by freedmen who made up 50% of the pop => only 5% of freedmen owned land -Tenancy- same thing but when blacks are only supplied with land and housing instead of more supplies

Election of 1844- Dems and Liberty Party Dems - "dark horse" candidate- Polk - "54-40' or fight" Liberty Party - Birney

Democrats - expansionists take over Dem convention and chooses a "dark horse" candidate => Polk - Polk favors expansion, 2 goals: annex Texas and to reoccupy Oregon - campaign line- " 54' 40' or Fight!" => willing to go to war w/ GB over 54-40 line in Oregon Liberty Party - ran James Birney - against the annexation of Texas - opposed extension of slavery - attracted growing abolitionist vote (alienated "conscience Whigs" by Clay) results: -Polk wins election big time => country sent the message that wanted expansion - Tyler, by joint-resolution of congress, introduces a bill to annex Texas b/c sees country wants it => bill passes => could't have done it w/o Polk's election

Van Buren's Divorce Bill - Independent Treasury System

Divorce Bill - Van Buren (VB) felt that the problem/panic was due to the economy relying too much on govt $ (govt $ caused the economy to grow faster than it can support itself) - his proposal was to pull govt $ out of circulation to let economy grow on its own => to stop surplus $ given to state banks b/c he believed that caused the hyper-inflation Independent Treasury System - VB wanted to keep govt $ in 3 separate places instead of 1 place => put $ in treasury at D.C., in vaults spread thru out country, and in bank branches in major cities - Whigs, who wanted govt $ to grow economy, defeated the bill 3 times, but the bill was eventually passed

Dred Scott V. Emerson Part 2- Missouri Supreme Court Dred Scott v. Sanford - Strader v. Graham- Strader Precedent

Dred Scott V. Emerson Part 2- Missouri Supreme Court - when case went to the Missouri Supreme Court- the case became a political issue b/c slavery was a political issue - Missouri Supreme Court reversed lower court's decision and Scott was a slave again => court overturned Missouri's long standing tradition of "once free always free" => showed how Missouri was extremely pro-slavery Dred Scott v. Sanford - Strader v. Graham- Strader Precedent - court wanted to avoid contentious slavery issue so they refused to make a blanket decision on slavery - instead the court would go w/ the precedent set by each individual state supreme court - if Scott went thru the State courts to the Supreme Court, the SC would just go w/ the Missouri Supreme Court's decision => would not help Scott - to avoid the Strader Precedent, Scott restarted his case in fed court and sued Sanford

Election of 1868 - Grant (repub) Seymour (dem) 15th Amendment

Election of 1868- Repubs- Grant - dems- Horatio Seymour - Grant won electoral college by a landslide - Grant won pop vote by only 300,000 votes (500,000 freedmen voted) => Grant won pop vote only by freedmen vote => pushed Repub mods to protect the black right to vote => pushed for 15th amend 15th Amendment- prohibited any state to prohibit any male citizens from voting => military was pulled out of any state that ratified the 14th and 15th amend

Slavery- "Peculiar Institution" => paternalism => How the South viewed slavery

"Peculiar Institution" - euphemism for slavery -southerners were discomforted w/ the idea of buying and selling ppl => though slave sellers were very wealthy, they were never accepted in society b/c they dealt in dirty business - southerners justified slavery thru paternalism - they thought blacks were inferior and slave owners helped them - slaves worked and got in return moral instruction and got "cared" or from cradle to grave by master - in recognizing moral obligation to slave => they recognized that slaves were humans => which undermined the argument that slaves were property

1810- Census Time!

- 1 million living west of Miss River - half of US economy relied on goods being shipped down Miss River => cities on Miss river becomes more important - Ohio becomes a state - nation & economy is shifting west (the west staring to become important in elections/voting) - north resist war while south & west want it (Americans on frontier believe British are arming & inciting natives to attack settlements) - there is a "western flavor" in congress => rise of key political figures from west

13th Amendment- Congress passed Jan 1865, States ratified Dec 1865

- 13th amend freed all slaves everywhere => permanent and overrode 3/5 Compromise => Lin feared EP would be overturned by court => pushed for 13th amend - passed Senate but had trouble in the house => Lin spent much time lobbying, making secret negotiations => passed by corruption - Lin was shot => sent ball rolling to ratify 13th amend in his honor - b/c of Civil War and S wasn't there => S was not allowed to rejoin Union unless ratified amend

W.E.B. DuBois

- 1st black to get doctorate from Harvard - countered Washington for vocational training => college route proper route for blacks - leading advocate for black rights and culture - argued blacks should be active in politics - founded NAACP - manly respect dom materialism - if blacks don't fight => agree they are 2nd class citizens

National Road

- 1st major road/internal improvement by fed govt

National Labor Union (1866)

- 1st national labor union - attempt to organize all workers in all states - pushed for higher wages and 8 hr work day - equal rights for women and blacks - very little lasting effect => govt sided w/ business - riots => violence neg effect reflect on unions =>lose sympathy of public

Black Ball Line

- 1st regular shipping line from NY city to Europe => shipped a specific day regardless if cargo was full (goods wouldn't spoil as much since they didn't have to wait for the amount of time the cargo was full enough to ship) => NY become biggest city

Assassination of Lincoln- April 1865 - John Wilkes Booth

- 5 days after surrender at Appomattox Court House - John Wilkes Booth killed Lin at Fords Theater- shouted " thus away to tyranny" - Grant said Lin's death was loss for S- his tenderness was what the S needed for recovery - Lin died at the height of his popularity - Lin was inclined to be forgiving to S - leadership gone => angered N so they will find final retribution of S - Johnson had none of leadership skills as Lin => was a drunkard and a white supremacist => had trouble w/ rad repubs => followed Lin's plan of recon: question- would Lin had trouble w/ Congress also if he didn't die? - Lin's death- set stage for the wretchedness of recon

What were Jackson's views in the bank? How did he respond to Congress voting for bank recharter?

- AJ believed that the National bank held monopoly of the US $ which put other banks, especially state banks, at disadvantage => helped rich get richer - harmed states' rights - foreigners held stocks in the national bank => they had some control over the US's monetary policy => could indirectly control US - the bank favored northern states over southern and western -exercised too much pwr over members of congress - centralized finical pwr in a single institution -"The Bank is trying to kill me, Sir, but I shall kill it!"-AJ -AJ wins the elections of 1832 on the bank issue

AJ's belief about Nullification vs Calhoun's Nullifiers and Jefferson Day Dinner

- AJ supported states rights and nullification up to the the point of threatening to break up the union => "Federal Union must be preserved" - Calhoun was willing to go the way for nullification => "union next to our liberty is most dear" => liberty of stopping monetary property taken away by the tariff thru nullification Jefferson Day Dinner - after being removed from AJ's cabinet and called treasonous by Webster, nullifiers lost moral high ground - since Jeff came w/ the idea of nullification in the Kentucky and Virginia resolves and was an important founding father who wrote the dec of indepedence, the nullifiers so his birthday celebration in WA DC as the perfect opportunity to regain moral high ground - AJ- "Federal Union must be preserved" -Calhoun- "union next to our liberty is most dear"

Era of Democracy/ Era of the Common Man/ universal white male suffrage - caucus system - party nominating conventions

- AJ was the 1st pres to be elected by popular vote - many states were moving away from the caucus system (state leg choose electors) to party nominating conventions (public choose electors) - before, candidates needed to impress state legislatures and congress but now candidates had to impress the public to win => lead to the start of active campaigning - religious and property requirements for voting disappeared => less restrictions on voting => universal while male suffrage => the common man now played a larger role in politics - explosion of newspapers to inform the public about politics => each candidate had favorable nps => steam engine on printing press made mass production of newspapers possible

Kitchen Cabinet

- AJ's inner circle/ informal cabinet of officials - Van Buren joined the cabinet after resigning from sec of state position in AJ's cabinet => Van Baren kept his influence in politics

Proclamation to the People of South Carolina

- AJ's response to Ordinance of Nullification - declared he will use force if necessary to enforce the tariff -S.Carolina responds that the pres has no pwr to force them to follow the tariff => AJ called them treasonous and fed govt did have the right => AJ then tells congress to fix the tariff

Pendleton Civil Service Act (1883)

- Arthur worked w/ Congress to pass this - created govt exams for 10-15% of govt jobs => pores appointments must pass civil test so they can get appointed => civil reform -reformers don't trust Arthur b/c he was a Stalwart and Stalwarts felt betrayed by act

Specie Circular

- Biddle then starts lending $ willy nilly and state banks loaned $ easily => land speculation skyrockets - AJ is worried about mania in land speculation b/c the last one caused the Panic of 1819 -AJ issues an executive order (Specie Circular) which required federal land to paid for with specie (gold and silver) => ppl began swapping bank note for specie => not enough specie in banks to swap for bank notes => Panic of 1837 -Whigs called AJ "King Andrew" for passing this as executive order instead of pushing it as a bill thru congress

Impressment Controversy

- Britain is angry at the US b/c of re-export trade helped France - British sailors were poorly treated & poorly paid so many defected from the British Royal Navy & joined the US merchantmen ships b/c conditions & pay was better - GB refused to recognize naturalized US citizens (once British, always British) - GB began stopping US ships & impressed British deserters to join GB navy => but sometimes US citizens were impressed as well

3rd Phase of War of 1812 - Battle of New Orleans

- British can't go behind AJ b/c NO is between the Miss River & a swamp (must be a frontal attack) - AJ & men hid behind earth-ware and plays defense - huge win for US & huge loss for GB => GB: 300 killed, 2100 injured => US: 13 killed, 58 injured - huge morale boost for US - battle took place 2 weeks after the Treaty of Ghent

Van Buren's Problem w/ the British - US Ship the Caroline

- British rebels in Canada looked to overthrow British rule in Canada - US citizens helped the Canadian rebels which annoyed the Canadians who were loyal to GB => loyal Canadians seized the US ship, the Caroline, set it on fire, and sent it down Niagara Falls - loyalist bragged about his role in the Caroline affair =>New Yorkers arrest him for murder => GB wants him released => creates conflict with GB - Van Buren must deal with the Panic of 1837 and the conflict w/ GB

John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry (VA)

- Brown planned an attack on arsenal at Harper's Ferry in VA => plan was to arm slaves and form a black republic => Buchanan ordered army to stop revolt => failed and arrested - Northerners (especially Transcendentalists) were unaware about Brown's involvement at Pottawatomie Creek, supported Brown and condemned South for going to hang Brown => south thought North had organized the slave revolt => south used revolt as proof North wanted to use slave revolts to ruin the southern economy => north swore had nothing to do w/ revolt -further pulled country a part

Election of 1896 continued - whistle stop tour"- Bryan -"gold bug"

- Bryan takes Dem and Populist campaign nationwide and travels by train on a "whistle stop tour" to give over 600 speeches to huge crowds - Bryan hurt the last weeks before the election by: => rise in wheat prices made farmers less desperate (econ improved) => employers tell workers factories would shut down if Bryan elected (lose factory worker votes) - conservative "gold bug" dems vote Repub for McKinley - McKinely carries all NE and upper MW for a decisive win => very close win

Buchanan and Douglas Rivalry -last mark that destroyed/split the Dem party

- Buchanan asked congress to accept the Lecompton con and let Kansas in as a slave state => many Dems, including Douglas, sided w/ the repubs in argument against it b/c Lecompton violated pop sov => Douglas had to support pop sov and go against Lecompton also b/c he wanted to get re-elected to the Illinois senate => alienates the south again => will never be pres -the rivalry between Buchanan and Douglas destroyed/split the Dem party -a referendum was held in Kansas => overwhelmingly, Kansas defeated Lecompton con and came as a free state

Election of 1856 Results

- Buchanan won - if the repubs had won Penn and Indiana or Illinois, they would have won election => Buchanan won won Penn b/c he was from Penn => learned lesson to get Penn and Indiana/Illinois => ran Lincoln next time to get Illinois

Battle of Fredericksburg- Dec 1862 - Burnside's slaughter pit

- Burnside now in charge - Union army goes from slow and methodical to reckless - Union army was in a bad position => Burnside still orders a suicide attack - Union got aggressive gen but at the wrong time - Union out numbered confeds but lost tremendously - "Burnside's slaughter pit"

Solution to the Nullification Crisis - Force Bill - Compromise Tariff of 1833

- Calhoun is very nervous about the whole situation since S. Carolina was his home state and his argument in his South Carolina Exposition and Protest was being used in the arguments for nullification - Calhoun resigns as vp and Hayne (who recently became gov and left a seat open in the senate) choose Calhoun fill his spot as senator - Calhoun and Clay (house) worked together to pass a bill in both houses to fix the nullification crisis Force Bill - authorized AJ to use force if necessary (shows congress supported AJ) Compromise Tariff of 1833 - lowered tariff enough to satisfy S. Carolina - SC repeald the Ordinance of Nullification -rest of south didn't support S. Carolina & Nullification => SC failed => SC realized they needed the support of all of the south to succeed

Impact of Petticoat Affair - Rhea Letter

- Calhoun was the apparent heir to AJ (for presidency) but due to the Petticoat Affair and AJ founding out about the Rhea Letter a wedge was driven between Calhoun and AJ => Van Buren siding w/ Eatons and solving the Petticoat Affair proved his loyalty to AJ and let him manipulate his way in and become AJ's apparent heir

Lewis Cass - Popular Sovereignty

- Cass came up w/ the idea of pop sov to try to solve slavery question - pop sov: allowed territory to decided whether to have slavery or not b/c congress was too divided over the issue => problem- ppl in the terriotry just as divided => key problem: when to hold the vote to decide if a territory would allow slavery or not (more ppl move to territory after a decision is made => might have diff opinion => issue)

Trail of Tears - paternalism

- Cherokee forced to leave their lands and go to Oklahoma (many died on the trip there) - gen Winfield Scott oversaw the relocation - AJ and congress thought restricting the freedom of the Cherokee and relocating them for the Cherokee's best interest (paternalism) - AJ thought Oklahoma was better suited than south for the Cherokee so the Cherokee could preserve their culture away from white settlers

Distribution Act (1836) (before Tyler becomes pres)

- Clay wanted to restart the distribution of fed $ to states to grow economy => Clay had an ulterior motive to raise the tariff => if fed govt had a surplus of $, they didn't need to raise tariffs for revenue, but if the fed govt distributed $ to states => they could claim they needed to raise tariffs to generate revenue when in actuality it was protection tariff

Election of 1888 - Cleveland vs Harrison

- Cleveland (dems) vs Harrison (Repubs) => very dirty campaign, Cleveland won pop vote but Harrison won electoral college

Paying for War - "greenbacks"

- Congress passed income tax => 3% on income over 8000 - authorized loans (to be paid by war bonds) - 1st paper $ (easier currency) => "greenbacks"

Corn Tassel

- Corn Tassel was accused of killing a native in Cherokee territory => according to Marshall in Worcester vs GA, it was up to the Cherokee to decide Corn Tassel's fate => however GA arrested Corn Tassel and put him on trial => Supreme Court's decision -it was the Pres's duty to enforce supreme court decisions but AJ refused to enforce it => AJ could have been impeached for not following the Constitutions, but he was not b/c the public supported his decision => showed impeachment was only used in cases of public displeasure - since AJ sided w/ the state in this case, nullifiers thought AJ would always support state rights and thus nullification

Election of 1824/ the "Corrupt Bargain" - plurality

- Crawford, AJ, JQA, and Clay are candidates for pres - Crawford was expected to win b/c he had much support in congress => however, Craw gets a stroke, showing his physical weakness but congress still supports him => shows corruption to the public - AJ had a plurality (had the most votes but did not have the majority vote (required number of electoral votes)) the election in thrown into the house => the top 3 candidates (Craw, AJ, and JQA) goes to house - though Clay is no longer a pres candidate, he still had a lot of influence in the house => Clay uses his influence to get JQA elected - JQA as pres later appointed Clay as sec of state, which also made it seem like Clay was then the apparent heir to the presidency => since Clay got JQA elected, to the public, the appointment seemed like a "corrupt bargain" => AJ was the choice of the public and had the most votes, so when AJ was not elected, the common felt ignored

Battle at Little Bighorn - Crazy Horse and Custer

- Custer attack Sioux lead by Crazy Horse at Little Big Horn => slaughtered => Custer's Last Stand - Custer was darlin of US army => death caused US to go after Sioux even harder

Federalists Conspiracy/ Essex Junto - Hamilton shot

- DRs support Clinton for vp instead of Burr - Burr sets his eyes on the governorship of NY => he forms a pact w/ some extreme feds in N. England (group called the Essex Junto) => promises will help them succeed from union/country if he gets elected - Ham insulted Burr & Burr challenged Ham to a duel - Ham shot into air & Burr kills Ham => ruined Burr's political career => the ideological later for feds was now gone => big loss or the fed party

Jefferson's War on the Judiciary Branch

- DRs went after the judiciary branch w/ impeachments - house impeached Pickney and the Senate convicted him - house impeached Samuel Chase but Senate didn't convict him

Election of 1876 Liberal Repubs: "half-breeds"and James Blaine Stalwarts : Roscoe Conkling Ruther B Hayes Dems- Sam Tilden

- Dems won house in 1874 in congressional elections - by 1876, troops gone from states except for Louisiana, Florida and S Carolina, which were still controlled by Repubs => Dems in control of all other S states Liberal Repubs- already turned on Grant in 1872 over corruption - called "half-breeds" - ran James Blaine Stalwarts - Repubs who stuck w/ Grant in 1872 - ran Roscoe Conkling -Repubs can't decide between the 2 so settle on compromise candidate => Ruther B Hayes (reform and waved bloody shirt) Dems- ran Sam Tilden who broke the Tweed Ring

Urban Culture - Dewy - Pulitzer and Heart - Mark Twain - Barnum and Bailey Circus - Naismith

- Dewy- leading education reformer, "collaborative learning" - Pulitzer and Heart- "yellow journalism"- comics, sports pages, and stories in newspapers to attract readers - Mark Twain (Clemmens)- local writer, rural adolescent life - Barnum and Bailey Circus- "greatest Show on Earth" - Naismith- invented basketball - newspapers- sensationalism => play into physiology - leisure tie arose due to industrialization made most products => sports, like college sports, arose

Lecompton Constitution - border ruffians

- Douglas assumed that Kansas would be a free state b/c mostly settlers there were from the upper mid-west who didn't own slaves - however when it came time to use pop sov to let ppl vote on slavery issue => a bunch of boarder ruffians from the slave state of Missouri to vote => Lecompton Constitution Lecompton- a pro-slavery constitution - prohibited abolitionist literature in Kansas and allowed slavery in Kansas - didn't reflect the will of the ppl in Kansas => didn't reflect pop sov -at 1st the southerners supported Douglas as a result but later when Douglas went against the Lecompton (b/c he supported pop sov), he angered the south

Slavery and South

- Eli Whitney's cotton gin made slavery profitable again - South invested in slave and land instead of infrastructure and industry - south produced half of world's cotton supply after 1840 - since GB's textile industry relied heavily on southern cotton => the south believed that GB would support them if war ever broke out

Midnight Judges/Justices -Judiciary Act of 1801

- Feds lame duck congress passed Judiciary Act of 1801 => creates new courts and 16 new fed judges - got judges appointed, approved and commissioned signed by Adams (Adams stayed by all night signing commissions => midnight justices) but Jeff tells Madison not to deliver the commsions

Homestead Strike (1892)- Frick

- Frick- manager of Homestead Steel Plant that cut wages by 20% => initiates the Homestead Strike - workers are locked out => attacked guards that protected scabs => lot of violence and 16 deaths - state militia brought in to break strike - devastating to Union Movement

Robert Fulton the Clermont

- Fulton created the 1st steam boat, the Clermont - boats could now go upriver & could go faster => rivers became 2-way arteries

Sherman's March to the Sea- Nov to Dec 1864 - Sherman's Sentinels

- Georgia to S. Carolina - destroyed everything in S- including fields and homes - looted, stole, and burned buildings - Sherman's Sentinels- only buildings left in S - RRs were torn up and twisted so iron couldn't be reused - tried to lower the morale of S by destroying S homes => many S deserted army to go home - psychological blow to S: N seized important cities (Atlanta, Savannah, Columbia) in march thru S => S could do nothing to stop them - took 80 yrs for S to recover - march ended war sooner

Erie Canal - DeWitt Clinton

- Gov Dewitt Clinton of NY convinces the NY legislature to build a canal connecting Albany to Buffalo, NY - connected western markets to northern - at 1st ppl ridiculed him for it (called it the gov's big ditch) but it tuned out to be very profitable & earned back the cost in 9 yrs impact - 20 yr canal boom=> overbuilt canals => Panic of 1837 - decreased freight rates and travel rates - NY becomes big & prosperous - shifted the traffic of goods back to N England (good for industries in NE) - cripples NE farmers b/c cheap produce from west is bought over their produce => leads to many farmers to sell their farms & work in factories later - land around Erie Canal skyrockets (worth a lot) - canal building delays construction of RRs in NY

War of Attrition/Grant - the Butcher - total warfare

- Grant's plan was to fight war and destroy army of S => nicknamed "the Butcher" b/c he was willing to throw men into line of fire to win war => he new he had the men to replace the dead while Lee didn't - meat grinder warfare => saw S's resources dwindling => wanted to fight w/ S until wore them down until they had no resources left - "total warfare"- destroy S's resources and men

Monitor vs Merrimack- March 1862 - Hampton Roads

- Hampton Roads- naval channels into Chesapeake => whoever controlled the roads and Chespeake could go into WA DC or Richmond - Confeds- Merrimack- armored - Union- Monitor - both ships were armored - Merrimack defeated 2 union ships before was stopped by the Monitor => battle ended in tie -importance: ended the era of wooden ships and started era of armored ships - morale victory for both sides => N kept blockade and Hampton Roads => S beat 2 ships - in the end: long term win for Union b/c kept Hampton Roads and blockade kept intact


- Hayes was ineffective at reforming govt corruption b/c he promised 1 term and ppl resisted him - Hayes tried to end patronage but was thwarted by his own party

Crittenden Compromise - Henry Crittenden

- Henry Crittenden proposed the Crittenden Compromise 3 amendments: 1) prohibit slavery above the 36' 30' line (re-establish the Missouri Compromise), since it was amendment- would overturn Dred Scott 2) slavery get protected below the Missouri Compromise line 3) states (whether below or above Missouri Comp line) could come in free or slave - proposed a constitutional amendment (unlike the Missouri compromise which was a law) => overturn Dred Scott decision b/c states can come in as free or slave => permanent- can't be overturned - Lincoln rejected the compromise b/c it would extend slavery into territories (guaranteed permanent extension of slavery in territories)

1866 Congressional Election - Swing around the circle - waving the bloody shirt - reconstruction by sword

- J's vision of recon vs congress's vision - 14th amend voted on - J campaigns to get congress members who supported him elected => "swing around the circle" tour around country => argued that equality of blacks and whites would Africanize society => played on racial tensions - repubs countered J by "waving the bloody shirt" => told ppl not to forget the blood and sacrifice in war => don't forget the destruction of war caused by S => reminded the N that they won the war and they shouldn't let the S win the peace => appealed to anti-S tensions in N -repubs win elections => congress till veto-proof - congress vision of recon in S won - congress harsh recon => martial law in S => military sent to enforce recon => military recon/ recon by sword began - congress will have unlimited pwrs as long as repub rads and mods worked together

the Monroe Doctrine

- JQA fears if we sign w/ GB against the Holy alliance & Congress of Verona, it would limit the US's potential to expand =>JQA convinces Monroe to pass the Monroe Doctrine instead - Europe has their half of the world, US has ours - Americas are no longer available for colorization by Europe anymore but Europe can still keep their old colonies - any attempt by Europe to establish a monarchy in the Americas will be seen as a hostile act - US will stay out of Europe's conflicts so we can focus on our own development - US withdraws from Europe & world pwrs - no initial impact but important later - GB is irritated at US

Pell Mell

- Jefferson's interaction w/ ppl was ore relaxed than GW's and Adam's and Jeff talked his way around issues to get ppl to agree w/ him - Jeff didn't have pompous/aristocratic air than previous pres had

Mormons - Joseph Smith

- Joseph Smith founded the Mormon religion - the religion is based off the book of Mormon that traces connection between natives and the lost tribe of Israel - Smith felt compelled by angels to find and translate the lost plates of the lost tribe of Israel => the Book Of Mormon => smith was illiterate so some ppl thought it was a miracle and converted (Mormons still believe it was a miracle) - practiced Polygamy- multiple wives

Nauvoo Settlement - Brigham Young

- Joseph Smith starts a Mormon settlement in Illinois called the Nauvoo Settlement - the Mormons practiced Polygamy => the settlers from N England, who had a strict Puritan past, resented the Mormons for their practice of Polygamy => resentment increased when Mormons voted in mass block - Joseph Smith is killed by a mob and the rest of the Mormons are forced to leave - Brigham Young leads the Mormons to Utah where they are left alone for several decades => when Utah applied to be a state, congress wouldn't let Utah join the union unless it outlawed Polygamy

Johnson's Beliefs Johnson and Recon Extension of Freedmen's Bureau

- Jwas a champion for poor whites - only chosen as vp b/c only S senator who stayed in congress when S seceded - he was a southerner who didn't understand the N, while the S saw him as a traitor - was a white supremacist that clashed w/ rad repub in congress Johnson and Recon- came into office w/ Lin's lenient plan but unlike Lin , congress didn't respect J - issued blanket pardon for entire S => confed officers/significant land owners could apply for individual pardons from pres => J hands out pardons left and right => infuriates rads in congress - J sets rules for states to re-join => states had to nullify their acts of secession => had to repudiate all confed debt (couldn't raise taxes to pay back landowners who loaned $ to confed govt) => had to ratify 13th amend => but J doesn't hold strict on these conditions - by end of 1865, all states re-organized and ready to apply to become states => but S states elected ex-confed officials back into congress- infuriated rads and S states passed black codes Extension of Freedmen's Bureau- vetoed consecutive bills for the extension of Freedmen's Bureau that would have gave bureau pwr to protect blacks rights thru military courts)

Election of 1848 Part 1 Dems- Cass Whigs- Taylor

- Key issues- should slavery be allowed in the territories (prompted by the Treaty of Guadalupe- Hidalgo and Wilmot Proviso) Dems- ran Cass, northern dem, to get northern votes Whigs- ran another war hero, Taylor - Taylor was a slave holder from Louisiana but he opposed extension of slavery in territories - Taylor tried to run "above issues" and avoided taking a public stance

Gettysburg Address- Nov 1863

- Lin returns to Gettysburg - so many men died => dedicated battlefield to dead => national cemetery - related issues of day to Dec of Independence - translated meaning of war to words understandable to public

Election of 1864 - Lin vs McClellan (dem) - unconditional vs negotiated surrender - Bayonet Vote

- Lin's re-election chance was dim => dealing w/ criticism on how he dealt w/ war => conservatives (copperheads) outraged w/ EP => feared effect on society => radicals said Lin didn't do enough and wanted to replace Lin - repubs chose Andrew Johnson as vp b/c he was the only S rep that chose not to secede when his state, Tennessee seceded - repubs wanted unconditional surrender - Dems wanted negotiated surrender and nominated McClellan - Bayonet Vote- soldiers voted in election- helped w/ Lin's win (voted on furloughs) - Sherman's seizure of Atlanta around the same time was his political gift to Lin and also help Lin win - McC 45% of pop vote - Lin won electoral college by landslide - most of bayonet vote went to Lin

Election of 1860 Results Why South Feared Repub Pres

- Lincoln carried all northern free states => won electoral college but lost majority vote (minority pres) - Breckinridge carried deep south - Bell and Douglas split votes in middle moderate states - Lincoln won Why South Feared Repub Pres- feared it would be a disaster for economic interest of the south - repubs would push for Homestead Act and higher tariffs - also feared repubs would ruin victory of Dred Scott decision

Lincoln- Douglas Debates

- Lincoln challenged Douglas to a series of 7 debates for the Senate seat - designed to win votes => tried to appeal to the ppl- in the S, both leaned toward slavery, while in the N, both leaned against slavery Douglas:- was master debater - tried to depict Lincoln as an abolitionist who believed in the equality between blacks and whites Lincoln:- tried to depict Douglas as a pro-slavery person who defended Dred Scott - Douglas defeated Lincoln for Illinois senate but not for pres

Non-Intercourse Act (1809)

- Madison of DR party is elected as Pres despite the unpopular Embargo Act (shows how popular DR were and how unpopular feds were) - Madison repeals the Embargo Act & replaces it w the Non-Intercourse Act - said US will trade w/ the whole world EXCEPT for GB & France - but GB & France were US's main trading partners so the act was not much better than the Embargo Act

Marbury v. Madison - Writ of Mandamus - Judicial Review

- Marbury (a midnight justice) sued Madison, asking for his commission - took case directly to Supreme Court asking for Writ of Mandamus (provision from Judiciary Act of 1789) - CJ Marshall finds himself between a rock and hard place => if ignored writ it proved the court was afraid of Jeff => if agreed w/ writ but Jeff ignored writ => would make court look weak anyway - Marshall said Marbury deserved his commission but court does't have the pwr to issue it - Constitution on Original Jurisdiction vs Federal Judiciary Act of 1789 from case 1) established Judicial Review => SC had right to decide if something was unconstitutional 2) established the Constitution as a higher law (Constitution over Judiciary Act of 1789) 3) put judicial branch on equal footing w/ the other branches by giving check on the other branches b/c of Judicial Review - irony: Marshall used strict construction but increased the pwr of the judiciary branch

Panic of 1893 (lasts for 4 yrs)

- May 1893- leading RR fails => triggers financial panic on wall street > stocks plummet and creates depression - simultaneous to world wide economic panic - end of 1893: 3 mill unemployed and strikes and unemployment across country - Cleveland focuses on the Sherman Silver Purchase Act as Cause => all new silver finds decrease the value of silver => ppl rush to trade silver treasury bills for gold => treasury didn't have enough => US govt turns to Morgan for =$6.5 mil loan to pay for treasury bills - congress repeals the Sherman Silver Purchase Act in 1893 - as depression worsens conservatives (gold standard bearers) fear class warfare between capital and labor

McKinley Takes Office -"silverites" - Dingely Tariff of 1897

- McKinley takes office just as economy rebounds from Panic of 1893 (farm prices rise and stock market climbs) - Yukon/Klondike Gold rush (and 1 in Africa too) increased $ supply while maintaining gold standard - keep gold standard but "silverites" get inflation and $ in circulation they wanted anyway - Repubs pass higher Dingely Tariff of 1897 and make gold standard official standard in 1900

McKinley and Hanna - "front porch campaign"

- McKinley's campaign by Hanna who sees money as they key to political pwr => raises $7 mill to blanket country w/ speakers and campaign literature => began modern political era - "front porch campaign"- informal speeches to small groups representing various special interest w/ small handshakes reception tailored to audience

Mexican War - Mexicans and Americans - S and W response - generals and brotherhood

- Mexicans and American itching to fight - Mexico hoped that Americans would be going to war w/ GB over Oregon so US would had to fight to wars at same time => but w/ Oregon conflict settled, Polk could turn his full attention to the Mexican War and CA - Mexico fights a defensive war => US took battle to them - S and W wanted war b/c of expansion=> most volunteers from S and W -N against war b/c saw the potential of extending slavery - all the generals in the war fought together => split in civil war => brother fought against brother

Missouri Compromise (Background)

- Missouri was the 1st territory from Louisiana Purchase that applied to become a state => applies to become a slave state - there was a balance between # of free states and slave states =>however, due to immigration the pop of north grows => got more reps in house => Missouri is essential to maintain balance in senate for south - North is afraid if Missouri becomes a slave state, then it would set a precedent for rest of Louisiana Territory to become slave states & for saver to be spread to rest of country - 30 yrs ago, it wouldn't have been conflict but now since cotton became profitable thanks to cotton gin, slavery increased and has become a moral and political issue

Boarder States (4) - Kentucky

- Missouri, Maryland, Delaware, and Kentucky (NOT W. Virginia b/c ppl didn't own slaves there) -these states were slave holding states that didn't join the confed - if lost these states to S, S would gain manufacturing - these were key states in war b/c if lost them => N would lose war => Lin tried to hold on to them b/c of their significance in manufacturing, roads and rivers (especially roads and rivers in KY) - Lin said he hoped to God he had to have Kentucky (to hold onto to Maryland) - if Lin attacked first, boarder states would have left => tried to not attack 1st - Lin tried to not to make war about abolishing slavery to keep these boarder states - instead Lin goal of war to preserve the Union in order to keep the boarder states

Waltham System - Moody Boston Manufacturing Co.

- Moody takes Arkwright and sets up the Waltham System - Moody also attaches spinning looms to mechanize weaving process => put entire textile making process from wool to cloth under 1 roof - 1st standardized mass-produced textile production -Boston Manufacturing Co. see the success and starts buying up land around the 34ft drop of the Lowell River - canal were being created to create artificial drops to power textile production -Lowell is the 1st planned industrial city

Farmers - Morill Land Grand Act - Homestead Act (Land Rushes and Sooners) - Bonanza Farms

- Morill Land Grand Act- govt land => land grant colleges - Homestead Act- 160 acres of land if lived their for 5 yrs => land rushes b/c so many showed up - sooners- in OK, ppl sneaked onto land too early before they were supposed to - Bonanza Farms- big farms bough up small farms => bought supplies in bulk => cost of production was lower => problem- Bonanza Farms struggled to adapt to bust of boom and bust cycles => small farmers weathered boom and bust cycles better => Bonanza farms eventually fall apart

Telegraph- Morse Cyrus Field Pony Express

- Morse patents the telegraph - he created the Morse code & the 1 line telegraph - Morse convinces Congress to wire country w/ telegraphs along RR tracks => can count on when trains arrives => connects country - first message by Morse "What has God wrought" Cyrus Field- - stretches a trans-Atlantic cable between N. America & Europe Pony Express-total economic disaster, lasted only 18 monthes

Reconstruction in North - "Billion Dollar Congress" - Morrill Tariff Act - Homestead Act - Morrill Land Grant Act - Pacific Railway Act - Gilded Age

- N getting tired of helping blacks in S => time to move on => forces in S decreased - modernization was accelerated - "Billion Dollar Congress" => pass several acts that were pro-business - Morrill Tariff Act- raised tariff - Homestead Act- free land, 160 acres on Great Plains if stay for 5 yrs - Morrill Land Grant Act- land to states for colleges to study technology and agriculture -Pacific Railway Act- 2nd Continental RR => Union Pacific and Central Pacific meet at Ogden, Utah - new class of millionaires/wealthy- investment in RR, oil, buildings etc -lingering idealism was pushed aside for pro-business => enter into Gilded Age: new age of pro-materialism, pro-business, pr- econ (away from reforming)


- N. England recognizes dark Puritan past and they try to transcend it => reaction against strict Puritanism - goal: to be themselves, to speak their own thoughts, and to to consult their own minds => emphasized individualism - they tries to have a spiritual distinction from society - strongly believed in freedom - believed in the ideal America

New Orleans

- N. Orleans- crucial for US econ, especially for W and S - Jeff said if France should control N Orleans, then the US would need to align w/ British navy - in 1802, on behalf of France =< Spain revokes US right to use N Orleans => Jeff sent Monroe to France to negotiate about N Orleans

Continental System Berlin Decree (1806) Orders in Council (1807) Milan Decree (1807)

- Napoleon created the Continental System to cut off GB from trade w/ Europe - Berlin Decree- no ship from GB can enter any port of France or her allies on the continent - Orders in Council (1807)- in retaliation to the Berlin Decree, Britain declares that all ships trading w/ enemy ports (the French) are subject to capture & seizure unless they go to GB 1st & obtain a license (& pay a fee) authorizing trade w/ enemy => hurt US shipping -Milan Decree (1807)- response to Orders in Council - any ship that trades w GB & complies w/ the Orders would be considered British and thus, subject to seizure => hurts US shipping but GB was bigger threat b/c GB controlled the sea w/ navy

Louisiana Purchase

- Napoleon wanted to use Louisiana as a bread basket to feed sugar islands but a slave revolt in the sugar islands made Louisianian no longer necessary after France lost control of Sugar Islands - Nap don't need N Orleans and don't need to risk war w/ US but needed $ for war w/ GB - Nap sold all of Louisiana territory to US for $15 mill Consequences -doubled size of US - US no longer surrounded by European pwrs - set stage for Lewis and Clark - nail in coffin for feds => since there was no provision in the const to buy land, feds wanted to buy land by amendment rather than treaty as Jeff proposed => Fed opposed purchase to humiliate Jeff (b/c Jeff was strict constructionist but purchase b treaty was loose con) and b/c new land in west would increase focus on farmers => however, the country wanted purchase and since the feds opposed purchase => ppl lost faith in feds

Macon's Bill #2 (1810)

- Non-Intercourse Act was hard to enforce so Madison passed Macon's Bill #2 - opens trade w/ GB & France but promises to embargo one of the countries if the other one "plays nice" & complies to the neutral rights of US => trade resumes after bill is passed - Nap plays US & Madison like a piano - Nap responds w/ France will repeal the Berlin & Milan Decrees if GB repeals the Orders of Council - Madison only thought Nap will repeal the decrees so he embargoes GB =>Nap doesn't repeals decrees (he manipulated US)


- Northern dems who were against the Civil War and wanted to negotiate a peace settlement w/ the confeds => allow confeds to keep slavery

Period of Expansion- 1840s height of expansion

- Northern economy was unstable and the cities were overpopulated => look toward west for better opportunities and as a outlet for growing pop - south looked toward west as more land for cotton 1) 1st wave- explorers, fur trappers, and adventurers 2) 2nd wave- ranchers 3) 3rd wave- regular farmers - issues that came w/ expansion: slavery issue, foreign countries, natives, competition for resources and goods, and finance for internal improvements to connect country

Polk and Oregon

- Polk asked GB to took the land above the 49 parallel line while the US took the land below the line => GB rejects the offer => Polk withdraws offer - Polk then asked Congress to nullify the joint-occupation treaty w/ GB => came off strong => to take all - Polk came off so strong, made GB reconsider (also since most of Oregon was occupied by American settlers, GB would be outnumbered in Oregon) -GB accepted the 49th parallel as the boundary of Oregon - both US and GB agreed to share the mouth of Columbia and Puget Sound - Oregon entered union was free state- balanced Texas when Texas came in as a slave state

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Nicholas Trist

- Polk sends Nicholas Trist to negotiate w/ Santa Ana - offers $10 million for a seize fire => however Santa takes $ to refund his troops - Trist is recalled but he refused to come home => negotiates for the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Mexico recognized Rio Grande as southern border of Texas - US obtained Mexican Cession (CA and N. Mexico Territory) => Mexicans there became US citizens and received property rights and and Catholicism was recognized - US govt would pay Mexican debt owed to US citizens and paid another $15 million => paid $18 million

Election of 1896 - repubs- Mckinley - Dems and Populists- Bryan - "Cross of Gold Speech"

- Repubs nominate McKinley => conservative platform for gold standard => against "silver lunacy" and inflation => high tariff - Split Dems choose free-silver advoate Bryan - Populists support "free silver" platform and nominate Bryan as well - "Cross of Gold Speech" by Bryan at Dem Convention => "We shall not answer this demand for a gold standard by saying to them: You shall not press upon the brow of labor this crown on thorns! You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold!" => wanted unlimited coinage of silver at ration of 6:1


- S dems - sought to oust out freeden, carpetbaggers, and scalawags in S govt

Failure of King Cotton/ Cotton Diplomacy - Cotton vs Wheat

- S hoped GB's need for cotton would help S in war - cotton exports were so efficient before war that GB had surpluses of stored cotton => any shortages was supplied by cotton in parts of the GB empire (India and Egypt) => by the time cotton ran out => Lin issued the Emancipation Proclamation which made GB unable to enter war - GB also started to manufacture other things and sold them to N and S to make $ - Union sued GB for selling ships to Confederate Raiders who damaged Union Property - King Wheat trumps King Cotton => GB had a bad harvest and needed wheat => upper MW had surplus of crops => shipped to GB => if GB entered war => threatened loss of wheat line

Dred Scott Decision Repercussions Of Dred Scott Decision

- SC was going to go w/ the Strader Precedent anyway but Buchanan pressured SC to answer the slavery question -SC delcared that Scott would remain a slave - argued that blacks could be citizens of states but not of US => couldn't sue in fed court => SC could have stopped there but didn't - SC argued that Scott was never free to begin w/ since slaves were property protected under the 5th amendment => congress had no authority to limit slavery in the territories => overturned the Missouri Compromise => took away the ability of compromise of congress => from then on, all or nothing on slavery issue Repercussions Of Dred Scott Decision- Northerners feared SC would extend slavery in free states in future => were terrified and angry => believed would legalize slavery everywhere - DS appeared to give sanction to slavery => taken away entire reason for repub party to exist since repubs wanted to limit slavery in territories and DS said slavery couldn't be limited in territories - made compromise over slavery impossible

Caning of Senator Sumner - "Crime Against Kansas" - Senator Butler - Congressman Brooks

- Sen Charles Sumner of MA gave his speech "Crimes Against Kansas" => in his speech he criticized Pierce and his administration for doing nothing about the Lecompton con affair and Bleeding Kansas - Sumner also verbally attacked Sen Butler (SC) for drooling => Congressman Brooks, Butler's nephew, attacked Sumner w/ his cane in retaliation - Brooks is celebrated as a hero back home and is later re-elected and ppl even sent him canes for the one he broke - Sumner became a martyr for anti-slavery in north

Treaty of San Ildefonso

- Spain returned Louisiana Territory to France

election of Repub "Billion Dollar Congress" - McKinley Tariff

- Stawart Repubs take over congress and look to undermine reform efforts - McKinely Tariff of 1890- rose tariffs on all foreign goods (tariff to a all time high) - increased monthly pensions for Civil War vets => vetoed it before => new Bill $ Congress passed it - Sherman Anti-Trust Act and US vs EC Knight - Sherman Silver Purchase Act - to get support of W => govt buys 4.5 mil ounces of silver every month => print $ equal to purchase => inflation -Interstate Commerce Act - passed bills that decreased govt $ supply => surplus of $ gone (at one oint wanted to reinburst N for having to fight in Civil War but was not passed) - increasing traiffs hurt the farmers in W => W farmers try to find political voice in elections of 1890s & E business hot rich at expense of W farmers

Texas War of Independence - General Lopez de Santa Ana - Sam Houston - the Alamo - Battle of San Jacinto River => "Remember the Alamo!"

- Texans held convention where they debated whether or not to declare independence - Texans look toward Houston for leadership the Alamo - Santa Ana led troops to attack San Antonio and Alamo - William Travis was the lead official and Crockett and Bowie was also there - eventually the Mexican entered the fort and the Americans were slaughtered -martyr for Texans Battle of San Jacinto River - "Remember the Alamo!" - Texans lead by Housten defeated Santa Ana and forced him to sign a peace treaty => pushed the Texas boundary from the Nueces River to the Rio Grande -Mexican legislature don't recognize Santa Ana as leader => don't recognize the Rio Grande as the Texas border

Lone Star Republic

- Texas declared itself the Lone Star Republic w/ Houston as the 1st pres => they legalized slavery - Texans then applied to become a US state => AJ and Van Buren didn't bring Texas in as state b/c wanted to avoid slavery question - S and W wanted to annex Texas b/c of cotton and wanted to balance the political pwr of norther free states => also wanted cheap land -Northerners opposed the annexation of Texas and believed that it was conspiracy to extend slavery and believed it would drag US into war w/ Mexico -Tyler saw Texas as an opportunity to gain popularity (and due to Manifest Destiny) and he was afraid that GB would take Texas => asked Calhoun to create a treaty to annex Texas but treaty was rejected by Congress => Texans angry and embarrassed

War with Tripoli

- Tripoli was a nation on the Barbary Coast - Fed raised $ to bribe Barbary pirates not to attack US ships - Jeff didn't want to continue bribe and sent navy to threaten Barbary pirates - navy was to blockade Barbary ports to make them comply - Pasha of Tripoli responded by declaring war on US - US ship, Philadelphia, ran aground ad Barbary pirates captured US sailors => Decatur and men captured Tripoli boat, and burned down Tripoli port => Jeff paid ransom for captured crew and negotiated for end of war => Tripoli no longer captured our ships

Tyler as President

- Tyler didn't really believe in the Whigs ideology (he wasn't really Whig) and the only reason why he was in the party was b/c he hated AJ - Clay wants to control the country thru the house and wants to recharter the national bank and get rid of the Independent Treasury System (he thought Tyler would go along with him since Tyler was a Whig) -Tyler approves Clay's repel of the Independent Treasury System and keeps Harrison's chosen cabinet (making it look like he was going w/ Clay and the Whigs) - but then Tyler's southern strict constructionist side shows when he vetoes Clay's proposal to recharter the National Bank => his whole cabinet resigns (except for Webster) out of anger - Clay calls a Whig Caucus to ban Tyler from the Whig party => Tyler was called a traitor and he was then party-less since the Whigs hated him for not being really Whig and the Democrats hated him b/c he didn't support AJ => Tyler turns to Calhoun for support since was also not really a part of a party (Tyler makes Calhoun sec of state after Webster resigns)

Horse Creek Council at Ft Laramie - Laramie Treaty (1851)

- US govt responding to pressure to do something about natives - "concentration" - boundaries for each tribe curtail hunting grounds => natives compete w/ each other => US troops keep peace initially but Civil War calls troops back => Great Plains Wars - natives agrees not to attack Americans and US govt can builds roads thru native territory - US pay annual tribute to natives

Dawes Severalty Act

- US govt stopped dealing w/ natives as separte nations - tribal leadership prevented natives fro assimilating => instead dealt w/ natives directly - cultural assimilation => broke native tradition - gave each native family 160 acres of land (that couldn't be transferred for 25 yrs) =. tired to make natives into farmers - those who became farmers were given citizenship - policy failed => large clunks of best tribal land were confiscated and edged up in the hands of white settlers

Surrender at Appomattox Court House- April 1865

- Union blockade and Sherman's March to the sea hit S hard - after Richmond fell, confed tried to negotiate a compromise but Lin refused - Grant cut off Lee from RR (Petersburg) and supplies - Lee recognized helplessness of situation - Lee surrendered at Appomattox Court House -terms: confed officers could return home peacefully if promised to never tale up arms against the US again, let officers take their personal horses, riffles, and swords w/ them (conditions were pretty lenient) - Grant gave double the rations to Lee => Grant's gracefulness went a long way to heal country => also showed Union had a bunch of supplies (economic pwr of Union compared to S)

Norther Generals compared to Southern General

- Union gens were ineffective at 1st => as 1 gen screwed up, Lin replaced them w/ another => in and out of Union gens - N went in circles, replacing gens as war progressed => constant switching reflected badly on Lin - this compared to S who stuck mostly with Lee

Chancellorsville- May 1863

- Union now lead by Hooker - by 1863, S economy was in shambles => affected by blockade => S loosing control of slaves, due to Confiscation Acts and EP - myth of S invincibility that carried Lee's arm to victories so far => later lack of resources would catch up to them - 2 key events: => Stonewall died- devastating for S morale => Lee lost almost as much as Union but while Union could replace men, confeds couldn't

Trent Affair- Nov to Dec 1861 - closest GB came to entering war

- Union ship near Cuba stop GB mail steamer (the Trent) - searched ship and found 2 confeds who were going to GB to get confed recognized - GB outrages b/c Union had no right to stop GB ship => cap of US ship, searched ship w/o orders - "tragedy on the British flag" - captain acted on own=> spared congress from embarrassment - GB demanded 2 prisoners to be released to GB and an apology => threatened war -Seward replied that US had right to stop ship b/c it was enforcing blockade => US should have held a trial when confeds were taken off ship -in the end, let prisoners go but US refused to apologize - GB let issue go b/c didn't want to enter war - closest GB came to entering war

Bellamy- Looking Backward 2000-1887

- Utopian novel - socialist - described socialist America w/ a planned economy in the future - stage couch metaphor - Bellamy saw the consolidation trend- 1 company gradually buy by everything and trusts controlled the economy => in his vision, the govt controlled econ of country by taking over trusts

George Fitzhugh and Yancey

- Yancey used Bible to justify slavery (how ppl in the Bible had slaves) - Fitzhugh compared slavery to the northern "wage slaves"

David Walker - Appeal to Colored Citizens of the World

- a black abolitionist - wrote the Appeal to Colored Citizens of the World => called for an immediate and universal/absolute end to slavery => call free blacks and slaves to end slavery (could use violence if necessary)

Hartford Convention - brought up nullification

- a group of feds that opposed the war met & wanted to revise the constitution - proposed that states can interpose its authority against infractions of constitution to protect itself (brings up nullification) also wanted: - to repeal the 3/5 compromise - to require 2/3 vote of congress to let in new state (in order to slow down western expansion) - to limit govt pwr over trade - to limit the pres to 1 term - to make it illegal for citizens not born in the US to hod fed office - after the news of the battle of NO & the Treaty of Ghent, the convention made the feds look really bad and ruined their reputation - the Fed party was no more on a national level (the convention played a role in its demise)

Oneida Community - John Humphrey Noyes - Complex Marriage

- a secular Utopian society - John Humphrey Noyes founded it - they were looking to create a community of ideal economic equality (again w/ feeling left of of the new wealth) - everybody shared EVERYTHING - Complex Marriage- every man was married to every woman - they were known for their silver ware which made them economically prosperous - failed b/c Americans were too individualistic

Social Darwinism

- accepted ppl that rose to the top were the best and that was just the way things were - every man for himself - hand and hand w/ capitalism

Underground Railroad - Harriet Tubman

- adopt and enforce Fugitive Slave Act (moved moderates to abolitionist side in North) => only good thing for south => ended up back-firing b/c North won't enforce it => abolitionists help slaves in under ground railroad - Harriet Tubman- key conductor of Underground RR

Protective Tariff of 1816

- after the rev war GB flooded our markets - the Protective Tariff put a tariff on foreign goods to prevent GB from flooding US markets - the tariff was also to protect industries in the North that emerged during the War of 1812 when the US wasn't trading w/ GB - the tariff hurt the south - the tariff on manufactured good increased the price of products (foreign and domestic) - foreign countries retaliated by putting tariffs on southern exports => the south was hurt twice by the tariff - at 1st the south supported the tariff b/c they realized they couldn't let GB flood the markets (the last time the south supports a tariff) => Calhoun 1st supported it b/c of nationalism => he later realized how much it hurt the south so he was against it

Chief Justice Marshall - Muclloch v Maryland - Dartmouth v Woodward - Gibbons v Ogden

- always went the loose constructionist way in cases - MuCulloch v Maryland - sided with nat bank, nat bank was constitutional - Dartmouth vs Woodward- contracts must be honored & govt must help enforce contracts - Gibbons vs Ogden- fed licences took precedence over state licences - Marshall also restate supremacy clause (Constitution and fed govt has pwr over state govts) - Marshall broadens definition of commerce to include services => allows fed govt to regulate services as well (he expanded the commerce clause) - decided that states could only regulate commerce within their own boundaries

Topeka Constitution

- anti-slavery forces against the Lecompton con convened and wrote their own constitution that banned slavery - at this point there are 2 govts in Kansas => the Lecompton was legitimate but didn't reflect the will of the ppl or pop sov => the Topeka con reflected the desires of the ppl but was not legitimate

Panic of 1837

- as an result of the Specie Circular b/c not enough specie in banks to swap for bank notes => also due to British banks stopped pumping $ into US economy b/c they were in their own crisis => state banks lent too much $ and had to had to call back loans - banks began going bankrupt => savings in those banks became worthless => farmers/citizens who had savings in bankrupted banks also went bankrupt => panic spreads - panic all over country (worst panic yet) - harsh winter same year => lot of starvation (but ppl never looked toward govt to fix panic)

re-export trade

- at first the US benefits from the war w/ between Britain & France by remaining neutral & trading w/ both sides - US at first shipped sugar from French sugar islands in Caribbean to France b/c Britain sank French sugar ships => Britain started seizing US ships to enforce the French law that French sugar to France had to be carried in French ships -US gets around the French mercantilism laws thru the re-export trade - 1st brought sugar from West Indies to US & then sent to France as "US sugar" => US gets a lot of $$$

the 19th century

- at the start of 1800s, agriculture was the main industry - 1850s- manufacturing output passes agriculture - by 1900s- US leading in manufacturing what we see - specialization - growth of cities - industrialization - modern capitalism arises - role of women change (step out of home but still no vote) - new class of wage earners => everyone gets richer but gap between rich and poor widens => however there was mobility between the classes b/c of the west & its possibilities

2nd Phase of War of 1812 - Burning of Washington DC - Ft.McHenry - Francis Scott Key and the Star Spangled Banner

- b/c of stalemate in Canada, GB turns their attention to US capitol - British route US army at Bladensburg and goes on to burn Washington DC - GB tries to capture Baltimore & needs to go thru Ft.McHenry => Francis Scott Key wrote the "Star Spangled Banner" lyrics - GB looses at Ft.McHenry

Why did Biddle ask congress to reissue the bank charter 4 years before it was due to expire? How did Clay play a role in this?

- bank charter due to expire in 1836 - Clay thinks the bank issue will help win him the presidency in the election of 1832 - Clay/ Biddle pushes bank thru/ get rechartered => Clay anticipated AJ's veto and hoped to paint AJ as anti-business and wanting to stunt the economy => AJ lose popularity => Clay becomes pres => Clay/Biddle hoped that congress would override AJ's veto - however AJ's response was so strong that Congress did not override his veto -AJ wins the elections of 1832 on the bank issue

Confiscation Acts (1861 and 1862)

- before EP, 1st instances of "freeing" slaves - rather than about freeing slaves as ppl, more about taking away property from confeds - Butler refused to return slaves to confed => 1st confiscation act endorsed his actions - act said slaves used in war by confeds => contraband of war => slaves could be captured => then released after - many slaves were purposely worked for war efforts to get freed -2nd Confiscation Act- freed slaves of confed soldiers even if slaves weren't used in war efforts


- big companies gobbled up smaller companies factors that played into industrialization: abundance of natural resources -labor (from immigrants and freedmen) - capital plentiful => invest in comps - Europe eager to invest in US - new tech and advancements - business friendly policies - advanced transportation: RRs connect distribution w/ markets and connects country

Haymarket Riot (1886) - black lists - yellow dog contracts - lockouts - scabs/ strike breakers

- biggest strike of Great Upheaval - started by local Union groups pushing for 8 hr work day - rad protesters and anarchist take over riot - confrontation w/ police - rioters surrounded by police => bomb set off in police ranks => conflict ensues - 8 anarchists on trial => 4 found guilty and hanged - public outrages at violence- turn sympathy away from labor unions => KoL membership plummets - employers employ other means to control rioters - black lists- lists of union supporters shared by employers - yellow dog contracts- wouldn't hire ppl unless signed contracts not to join unions - lockouts- strikers not allowed to come to work - scabs/ strike breakers- substitutes to replace workers on strike

Sojourner Truth

- black abolitionist and women rights activist - female answer to abolitionists

Ida B Wells - Memphis Free Speech - Red Record

- black women born to slave family - protested segregation - wrote the Memphis Free Speech - urged blacks to leave S - Red Record- statistical study of lynching in S

Election of 1876 Corruption

Election of 1876 Corruption- Tilden lead in electoral college (184-165)=> needed 185 to win => S. Carolina, FL, Louisiana votes still not counted => 3 states- 20 votes (Tilden needed just 1 state to win, while Hayes could win if won all 3 states) - 3 remaining states still had carpetbagger govts and had troops stationed there - congress created a special commission to see who won 3 states => 5 sens, 5 reps, 5 supreme court justices => 7 dems, 7 repubs, and 1 independent (but that inde justice was elected into sen and was later replaced w/ repub) -in the end- 3 states given to Hayes => Dems outraged and felt like election was fixed and wanted to contest election to get it sent to the house which the dems controlled - constitutional crisis => dems and repubs realized this => Compromise of 1877

Women's Rights Movement How did the Women's Rights Movement end?

- bound up in the abolitionist movement => middle class women pushed for abolitionist movements, they planned and organized conventions => when women found out they weren't allowed to speak at abolition conventions they mostly planned they realized they didn't have any rights => they saw parallels between women and slavery - they pushed against the idea of an ideal woman working and caring for family => pushed against separate spheres, and how a woman's role was in the home and kitchen How did the Women's Rights Movement end? - many abolitionist women became involved in the women's rights movement => the message of both movements were diluted - abolition movement became urgent due to civil war => women agreed to end slavery 1st and then turn to women's rights after - after civil war, during reconstruction, the country is exhausted of reforms => women's right movement pushed off for later -also they put off conservative women who were against abolition movement - ignored women workers, a growing # in US

Aroostoock War/ Lumberjack War/ Battle of the Maps Webster- Ashburton Treaty

- boundary conflict between US and Canada/GB over New Brunswick/Maine - after rev war, Franklin drew the boundary but the map was lost - GB needed New Brunswick for military road - US needed land for timber Webster- Ashburton Treaty- Webster wanted to avoid war between GB and US - Webster fakes Franklin's map w/ boundary and makes a compromise deal w/ the British minster, Ashburton - the treaty settles the boundary of Maine and ends Aroostoock War - also solved Carolina Affair -however, Oregon problem was not solved

Farmers Alliance (1877) - graduated income tax - print more greenbacks

- by 1890, 400k members across 3 branches: National Farmers Alliance of NW, Southern Alliance (all white), and Colored Farmers Alliance urged all farmers to come together to push for - fight monopolies - organize national co-ops to market produce - low cost insurance - regulate banks so they are more upfront about loans - want govt to own RRs - graduated income tax- more you earn - more you pay tax - print more greenbacks (biggest push)

Organized Labor - company towns

- by 1890, 90% wealth controlled by 10% pop - 50% living below poverty line - by 1890: 30% of industrial workers were foreign born, many rural farmers and blacks came to N cities for work -impact on women and chulkdren: more women in the work force and children in work force (kids mostly in textile industry) - general working conditions: long hours, low wages (especially for women, children, & blacks), fatigue was a big problem (RR workers killed), no incentive to get better company towns- workers paid w/ wage in company script rather in $ => worker dependence on company (workers rented comp homes homes and bought goods at comp stores => at mercy of comp prices) - company saved $ while system was rigged against worker -labor unions organize as workers demand to share in nation's prosperity

Internal Improvements - Bonus Bill

- called for the construction of roads and canals by the fed govt - conflict over loose vs strict construction => Quids lead by Randolph, who were strict constructionists, argued that internal improvements isn't in the Constitution so according to the 10th amendment, it was the job of the states -Clay proposes the Bonus Bill to build a national road paid by the fed govt in order to unite north and south => Madison vetoes it => stopped federal funding of protects until Lincoln b/c the south are no longer there to block it

William Lloyd Garrison - Liberator - American Anti-Slavery Society

- called the liberator - wanted immediate abolition - called slavery and prejudice crimes that violated the Constitution - founded the American Anti-Slavery Society => pamphlets and petitions => their pamphlets were banned in the south => petitions => "gag rule" (there were so many petitions written to congress about slavery that congress called a gag rule) - Garrison was very radical b/c he believed in the equality of of blacks and whites as well as between men and women => he was polarizing that he fractured the American Anti-Slavery Society => he would take no compromise and he wanted the North to succeed from the Union if necessary - Garrison called Constitution a compact w/ hell => angers moderates - many left his abolitionist movement since he wanted equality for women as well

Cowboys - Abilene, KS and McCoy - Cow towns - Open Range - Range Wars - barbed wire- Gildden

- cattle industry increased after Civil War - McCoy bought Abilene and convinced RR to send trains there on regular basis => 1st of cow towns - cowboys drove cattle to cow towns => shipped cattle to E for market => cow towns were catered to cowboys => there were a lot of violoncello between cowboys => sheriffs to keep peace -Open Range- ranchers used govt land to let cattle graze => let cattle go fro water source to water source, let them wander and then round them up to cow towns - Range Wars- govt gave free land to RRs and RRs sold land to farmers who bumped into cowboys => conflict - barb wire (Glidden)- end of open range => helped farmers => cattle drives stopped

Panic of 1857

- caused by the inflation from the CA Gold Rush and by over-speculation in land and RRs - northern economy was hit harder than the southern economy due to the high price of cotton in international markets => south thought their economy system w/ cotton was more superior => became over-confident in economy => more willing to secede and go to war -Panic => caused many to push for the Homestead Act => repubs gained much support in north (and west) - the south was against the Homestead Act b/c it only gave small pieces of land that was not profitable for slavery => the land woulld fill up w/ anti-slavery ppl - the Panic also lead to a cry for higher tariffs (b/c many ppl believed that the govt lowering the tariff hurt the northern economy) -due to the Panic of 1857 => the repubs had 2 issues (Homestead Act and higher tariffs) that didn't even mention slavery going for them

New Breed of Wealth - conspicuous consumption - Horatio Alger - philanthropy

- concentration of wealth from money made in RRs iron, steel, mining, and publishingby - by 1890s, 10% of pop owned 90% of wealth - gap between rich and poor widens - conspicuous consumption- wealthy show off, massive houses in Gothic renaissance style - Horatio Alger- rags to riches stories - philanthropy- part of social expectation f wealthy class to gave $ to public good (but also way to show off wealth)

Indian Removal Act

- congress passed the Indian removal act in 1830 to move the southern natives (Creeks, Cherokee, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminole) off their land to move to a reservation further west (around present day Oklahoma)

Maysville Road Bill

- congress passes a bill to build a road a part of the Cumberland Road System - AJ vetoes the bill b/c the road was completely in 1 state => makes a distinction between inter-state (between) and intra-state contrcution => inter-state: fed govt's duty => intra-state: state's duty - west needed roads but couldn't afford them => AJ alienates a major (western) voting block

Ft Sumter- April 1861 -"war of Northern aggression" - "the fort was lost but the union was saved"

- controlled by Union and was cut off from Union supplies by confeds - Lin, since was chief commander of US, was obligated by the Constitution to defend US land - Lin go moderate route and instead of sending troops, he tells S. Carolina that he will send supplies and no troops - S see act as N aggression ("war of Northern aggression") and retaliates - event shocked N and S => psychologically affected - at 1st most of N was willing to let S go => now N provoked to go to war => tuning point that lead to N to fight a war that would eventually save the Union => "Fort was lost but the union was saved" - Lin uses surrender at Ft Sumter to get N to go to war => asked congress to raise troops to go to Richmond - Lin sent navy to blockade S seaports - Lin suspends Habeas corpus -Lin's call for troops ignited s=> causes 4 more states to join the confed: Tennessee, N. Carolina, Virginia, and Arkansas

Election of 1872 -Liberal Republicans- Horace Greeley

- corruption and scandals split the mods and rads (not issue over black right) - Grant's relations and loyalty to corrupt figures tarnished his name -Liberal Republicans- ran Horace Greeley as repub b/c disliked Grant's connection to corruption (own party against him) - however Grant won by landslide

Gilded Age

- country tired of reform - US took influential role in world affairs - American century - US become manufacturing and agricultural colossus - link country w/ RRs => advent of national markets and nationwide businesses - national corps emerge - national stocks and bonds markets - continue to see influx of immigrants - rise of urban centers -debate over bi-metalism - age of invention - entering into progressive era => w/ each passing gen => life becomes better - social Darwinism and materialism takes hold - shift away from God given rights to govt given rights => looked toward govt ore - neither dems or repubs dom - politicians no longer the shakers => businessmen had large influence

Century of Dishonor- Helen Hunt Jackson

- criticize US govt for treatment of natives

Effect on Newspapers - NY Sun - Horace Greeley (NY Tribune) - Associated Press

- demand for newspapers paralleled the increased education - weekly newspapers become daily - NY Sun- the 1st daily paper -Horace Greeley of the NY Tribune mailed daily newspapers - Associated Press => articles traveled all around country => made the country interconnected

Urban Poor - dumbbell apartments -Bryce- American Commonwealth

- dire working conditions - growing immigrant pop => large work force => no leveler to improve - tenement hoes houses several families and were crowded and dirty - lots of sickness and death in cities - blacks had it the worst - dumbbell apartments Bryce- American Commonwealth- "competition sees to press hardest on the weak"

Rush- Bagot Agreement

- disarmed the Great Lakes - limited fortifications on the border

Limited Liability Corporations

- distance between CEO and investors => investors not responsible for choices of company/trust/CEO - more ppl invested in companies => trusts grew arose as companies grew - trusts- group controlled company or multiple companies

Jacksonian Democrats/ AJ

- dominant political party up to civil war - wave of popular support against European aristocracy - romantics and frontier spirit AJ: - had little formal education - gained support from war days - embodied American dream of the rise of an ordinary man to presidency

Freeport/ Freeport Doctrine - loophole to Dred Scott

- during the LD debates, in Freeport, Lincoln questioned Douglas if Missouri wanted to be free due to pop sov but court (in Dred Scott) said can't forbid slavery => which would prevail => would pop sov or court/Dred Scott decision prevail Freeport Doctrine - Douglas replied that court was right, that congress can't forbid ppl from taking slaves into territory - HOWEVER, if ppl and the legislation there was against slavery => no laws would be made to protect slavery or help owners retrieve ran away slaves => no point to bring saves there => slavery won't exist in territory => using pop sov, ppl in a territory can decide whether or not pass laws favoring slavery to allow slavery in state w/o outright prohibiting slavery - loophole to Dred Scott decision => can't ban slavery but can make it difficult to exist - angered south

"40 acres and a mule"

- emerges- battle over control of land - S freedmen hoped to be given "40 acres and a mule" by the govt during recon - freedmen looking to put families back together => wanted to be independent farmers - coined by Stevens

When Jefferson become pres

- emphasized what parties had in common => tried to maintain peace - replaced cabinet - repealed Whiskey Tax - reduced govt expenditure, including the army - let Alien and Sedition Acts expire - but let National Bank alone - Jeff and govt passed land acts to reduce required land bought and allowed a down payment => decreased land cost to made fed lands more available for public/ the farmers - lame duck congress- feds still in charge of congress

Treaty of Ghent - status-quo antebellum

- ended the War of 1812 - all land would go back to the original owners before war (restores status-quo before war)=> "status quo antebellum" - turning pt w/ relations w/ British - no more impressment b/c the Napoleonic Wars were over => no need for impressment => but the actual issue of impressment was not edition in the treaty

Pre-Emption Act (1841)

- expanded squatters' rights, which what the west wanted => Clay used this to entice westerners to support his Distribution Act - southerners caught wind of Clay's plan so they tried to add an amendment to the act => if the tariff goes past 20%, the distribution of fed govt $ from land sales to states would stop (so this way the Whigs would lose the excuse to increase tariffs) -Whigs try to push thru high tariff w/o repealing the Distribution Act or w/o including the amendment made by the south to the Pre-Exemption Act => Tyler, who was a southerner against high tariffs, vetoed it => angered the Whigs

Francis Cabot Lowell - Lowell System - Lowell Mill Girls

- farm economy is depressed due to the Erie Canal bringing cheaper produce from west - farm girls are hired to work in the Lowell mills benefits - dormitories are built for girls w/ dorm mothers - 8-4 work day - bible studies - see visitors from all around the world - 60 cents per day- save up for dowry and farm cons: - production of textiles increase => price drops => either => to cut wages or produce more => need to produce more to make more money => girls have to work longer hours - cotton dust gets into lungs => lung disease; very loud => go deaf but these health hazards can't be traced back to factories => also women's health wasn't a big concern enough to investigate causes - very dangerous- hair can get stuck in machine - girls threatened to quit but German & Irish immigrants were always willing to work and replace girls

Farmers, Populism, and Depression - People's/Populist Party - tenant farmers

- farmers start to organize along the same lines as industrial workers so that they could take hold of their share of the nation's wealth - forms People's/Populist Party - farmers continue to increase production and livestock to meet the demand from industrial centers => supply increase above demand => prices tumble => cost of new machines rail freights continue to increase => profits drop => farmers invest in more land to increase production to make up for profit lost => prices drop even further -most farmers had borrowed $ to pay for the new land and equipment- using their farms as collateral/secuirty to get loans - couldn't pay back loans => lost farm => bank owned farms - became tenant farmers- paying rent to new owners or become day laborers (often on the land they used to own) - debt ridden farmers feel like everyone is making $ but them => form National Grange

Immigration Restriction League

- founded by Bostonians - literacy tests for immigrants - congress passed but pres Cleveland voted it

Ku Klux Klan - Nathan Bedford Forrest - Force Act (1870)

- founded by Nathan Bedford Forrest - how white supremacist in S tried to resist the carpetbag/repub govt in S - did everything to undermine Union efforts - intimidated black voters and whites who supported blacks rights - wanted to show repub govt was a sham - worked: weakened rad repub influence in S by weakening the wills of white repubs and intimidated many blacks to give up pursuing politics - congress passed Force Act => authorized army to protect election sites and punish those who prevented black vote => helped weaken the KKK

National Grange (1867)- Kelley - cooperatives - Granger Laws

- founded by Oliver Kelley - began as social organization => begin to organize as econ & poli organization - formed cooperatives (co-ops)- everybody contribute $ to buy things in bulk and shared things among them => lower cost of production - sold things together in bulk and as a cooperative -Granger Laws- put pressure on state legislature to pas - even out rail charges - set maximum on rail rates

Populist Party - Watson - Omaha Platform

- founded in 1892 by Watson as "People's Party" of farmers, labor leaders, and reformers Omaha Platform (similar demands to Grange/Alliance) - farmers: graduated income tax => bank regulation => govt ownership of RRs and telegraphs => free coinage of silver - labor: immigration restrictions => shorter/8 hr work day - reformer: civil service reform => electoral reform- cleaning up elections

Turner- Frontier Thesis

- frontier impact on American psyche: promote individualism, inventiveness, practical minded, break down class distinctions, independence, wasteful toward natural resources - w/o frontier- no more fresh start => class division and social conflict arise in US like in Europe

New England Emigrant Aid Company

- funded families who didn't own slaves to go to Kansas => abolitionists and pro-slavery ppl raced to fill Kansas so they can hold the pop sov vote => the aid company tried to fill Kansas w/ ppl who didn't support slavery so they can vote for Kansas to become a free state

Civil Rights Act- 1866

- gave blacks citizenship and govt protection from black codes (challenged Dred Scott) - J vetoed it => pushed mod Repubs to join w/ rads to override J's veto => 1st major legislation passed by override => Congress clipped pres's wings => congress could only override J's vetoes if mods and rads work together => lose if they don't work together - pres recon => congressional recon

Amnesty Act of 1872

- general amnesty removing restriction of S leaders (except elites) - ex-confeds (S dems) allowed to vote/ participate again => began replacing the repub govt => they later passed laws that canceled many of the laws that the repubs passed to help blacks => conditions in S worsened - gradually as pardoned => military leaves => black voters no longer protected -most N didn't care about well-being of blacks in S once they were sure blacks won't end up in slavery again

Emancipation Proclamation (preliminary)- Sep 1862

- given in 1862 after Antietam but didn't go into effect until Jan of 1863 - used "victory" at Antietam to give EP - didn't free slaves in the boarder states => couldn't b/c constitution protected slaves => when S states rebelled=> con no longer protected their rights - Lin tried to get some S states to rejoin Union so slaves wouldn't be taken away => didn't work - set free slaves in confed states - Lin freed slaves by Proclamation but didn't free free a single slave directly => union army must free slaves as they fought thru s => made Union army into Freedom army => gave the N army a cause (psychological win for N) - before war was about preserving Union => nor war was over slavery => GB will never enter war to help S now

Peninsula Campaign - "tardy George" - Gen McClellan

- goal: take Richmond - lead by Gen McClellan (called "tardy George" b/c was always late and never fitted his troops in time) - he was very indecisive - McC decided to take troops from VA peninsula and go behind Richmond to take confeds by surprise (instead of the previous plan to go straight down from DC to Rich) => McC underestimated the confeds and took too much time => lost - why important: Johnson of confed wounded, ad was replaced by Gen Robert Lee - no one side beat the other but the S ran circles around N despite N's superior #s

California Gold Rush - John Sutter - 49'ers - Independence Missouri

- gold 1st found on Sutter's farm => news spread throughout country - anyone who was looking for a new start came to CA - 49'ers came to CA w/ aim to hit it big - journey started in Independence, Missouri - 95% of settlers were men, 5% were women and children => social chaos => desperate need for govt - ppl came from all over the world (Europe, S. America, America, Europe, and China) - boom towns cropped up at gold sites => became ghost towns when gold was gone - lot of racism against Chinese and miners not from US (due to Americans saw them as competition)

Transportation Revolution

- growth of turnpikes, canals/steamboats, and later railroads - growth of N Orleans (send goods in flat boats down Miss river) decreased relevance o N England =>transportation rev connected NE markets to western markets and made NE relevant again - west was politically aligned w/ the south at 1st => as internal improvements connected north o west, west was siding more politically w/ the north => west supported tariffs in exchange that the north supported internal improvements => south isolated

Natives and West

- gun and horse => natives hunt on horseback - land and buffalo supported Plain tribes - east native moved to OK - search for gold moved natives in W - CA gold rush => many natives died from disease and conflict - W trails and RRS => Americans poured into W - when native attacks occurred => newspapers exaggerated them =? put pressure on govt to deal w/ natives

Dorothea Dicks

- her goal was to improve conditions of the mentally ill (there were no attempt to cure them) - she pushed legislature to build institutions to rehabilitate the mentally ill - made mental illness viewed as an illness rather than a moral defect - she was also a prison reformer - her research in prisons in MA lead to prison reforms in MA

House Hold System vs Factory System

- household system- master's family lives in shop w/ apprentices & journeymen - master responsible for moral upbringing of apprentice & journey men & taught them the trade - at the end of day, it was a tradition for master to drink whiskey w/ workers and whole "family" would sit down for dinner - house hold system => factory system thanks to Slater & transportation rev - specialized diff parts of job - make more products more quickly - value of skill decreased but ppl earned more $ - master's family moves out of shop & urban setting into a residential setting => separated home from production => apprentices & journeymen move into boarding houses => creation of residential neighborhoods & industrial neighborhoods alcohol impact: - workers no living in boarding house w/ salon underneath - they use their newly earned wages to buy alcohol - there's no supervision for workers => they get drunk

Petticoat Affair/ Peggy Eaton

- illustrated the division in AJ's cabinet as his southern cabinet members started favor nullification and align w/ Calhoun -social issue masking political issue of nullification - Peggy Timberlake => after her husband died, she became engaged to Eaton => lead to scandal and a whisper campaign - Floride, the wife of Calhoun, was determined to cut Eatons out of social circle - AJ was livid b/c Peggy's situation reminded him when his own wife,Rachel, was attacked by newspapers and was called an adulteress during AJ's campaign => Rachel had a nervous breakdown and died shortly after AJ was elected - the southern nullifiers in AJ's cabinet caused problems for the Eatons and for AJ -Van Buren sucked up to Eatons to seem loyal to AJ - Van Buren came up w/ a plan to resign out of loyalty to AJ and then convinced Eaton (sec of defense) to resign to force => pressured the other cabinet members to resign => allowled AJ to save face while getting rid of the southern nullifiers

Antietam (battle)- Sep 1862 - importance: single most bloodiest day in US history and Lin used opportunity to give EP - Burnside replaces McC - Matthew Brady at Antietam

- importance: single most bloodiest day in US history - McC failed to pursue Lee and take army => McC replaced by Burnside - N saw lost for confed in the long term b/c S didn't get GB to join w/ them - closest thing to victory in N => Lin saw opportunity to give Emancipation Proclamation Matthew Brady at Antietam - photographed the dead at Antietam - revealed to the public the horror of the war - public reaction in N: some wanted war to stop while others saw the war must be won - pressure on congress => public no longer tolerated inept gens causing large casualties

Lucretia Mott Elizabeth Cady Stanton Susan B Anthony Grimke Sisters

- important women's rights activists and abolitionists Elizabeth Cady Stanton - goals: wanted women to have the right to vote, property ad marriage reforms for wives, and right to divorce

Antietam (Politics)

- in Maryland - Lee/S was convinced that if they stuck 1 big blow in Union territory => could get GB's attention and get them to be confident in S cause and join their side => wanted GB to help break blockade - so far most battles took place in VA => Lee moved N to take pressure off VA to bring in the harvest - Lee also wanted to take war to N do maybe N would see that it wasn't worth it to keep s => let S go - instead of morale postion of defending own land, S was invading N - Lee proposed to match thru Maryland and hide army => he predicted Marylanders to join his army instead of viewing the confed army as conquerors since Marylanders were slave owners

Bureau of Indian Affairs Buffalo Hunters

- in charge of natives on reservations - very corrupt => agents took supplies promised to tribes by govt -Americans, especially w/ RRs, hunted the buffalo until there were few left => crushed native way of life

Land Act of 1820

- in response to the Panic of 1820 - made it cheaper to buy land => decreased the min land needed to be bought => made land$1.25 per acre - however, couldn't use bank notes to buy land, had to use cash to prevent another Panic of 1819

McCulloch v Maryland

- in the 5 yrs w/o a National Bank, many private and state banks were created they had no rules that limited who to lend $ to like the National Bank did - the state & private banks were frustrated at the National Bank b/c it competed w/ them - the state banks pushed the Maryland legislature to pass a law that put a tax on all foreign banks, including the National Bank - McCulloch of the MD branch of nat bank refused to pay the tax so Maryland sues (by the time it got to supreme court 5 states were included) - Marshall decides the National Bank is constitutional (he plucks language out of Ham's support of 1st nat bank) - Marshall also declares it is illegal to use a tax to destroy a company => state tax declared unconstitutional

Public School Movement/ Education Reform

- increase of democracy involving common ppl=> increase demand to educate these ppl to prepare them to participate in democracy => emphasis on public education - public schools taught democratic values and middles class values such as hard work, and respect for authority goal was to create a literate work force - Boston Latin- 1st public high school -public schools had a protestant undertone => during this time, Catholic Private schools also arose to resist the Protestant public schools - education reform had little impact on the south b/c they were suspicious of reforms b/c they thought all reforms lead to discussion of slaver - wealthy planters instead sent their kids to private schools -free blacks were mostly left out of the education reform

Samuel Slater - Arkwright system - Almy & Brown Co.

- industrial spy who sneaks out of GB w/ Arkwright system to make industrial machines - built Almy & Brown Co. that mechanically spun thread - begins industrial rev in US - sparks transition from house hold system to the factory system Arkwright system and Almy & Brown Co. - 1st mechanical spinning wheels in US - used water wheel to power spinning wheel - mechanized only spinning of thread and not turning thread into cloth - thread would go to women in the community to weave into cloth

Rise of Cities - Otis - tenement houses

- industrialization and immigration => rise of urban centers - steel (girders) and new build tech => taller buildings - Elisha Otis- mechanized elevator - mass transits contributes to rise of suburbs => middle class leaves city as cities grow => poor stuck in city - poor left behind trapped in poverty and tenement houses

American Colonization Movement - Liberia

- it was a plan to put a gradual end to slavery - planned to buy land in Africa (Liberia) to send slaves and blacks back to Africa -plan failed => whites hated it b/c it cost too much$ => blacks hated it b/c they didn't want to go back and they felt like it was an attack on their character

Advent of Corporation

- joint-stock companies (ancestors of corporations) pooled $ => lowered risk - corporation is like a j-s comp but on a larger scale => lot of $ to invest in the transportation & communication rev - sold stocks

Election of 1844- Whigs

- key issue: annexation of Texas Whigs -ran Clay: Clay wanted to keep expansion out of key issue so he avoids mentioning expansion - Clay thought Van Buren would ran again so he made a deal w/ him so both wouldn't talk about expansion - also avoids talking about Texas since he knew Whigs were split on Texas - Clay later rethinks expansion once re realized country wanted it => back-pedaled to try to appeal to voters => willing to annex Texas but wanted to limit slavery=> alienates "conscience Whigs" and lose favor of southern Whigs

Election of 1856 -Dems: Buchanan - American Party/ Know-Nothing-Party: Fillmore

- key issue: bleeding Kansas/ Kansas-Nebraska Act Dems- expected to win b/c only national party left - 2 obvious candidates: => Douglas (but went against Lecompton so was not chosen) and Pierce (but did nothing during Kansas conflict so was not chosen) - ran James Buchanan of PA American Party/ Know-Nothing-Party- ran Fillmore - nativists - blamed many problems on the increasing immigration #s (especially the Irish and Germans) - pushed for laws that was unfavorable to immigrants

Joint-House Committee

- kicked all S states back out except for Tennessee to start over again w/ S re-joining Union (since didn't like S having all the black codes and restrictions on blacks) - said S didn't have right to rejoin Union yet - said congress not pres had pwr too decide if/when S can rejoin union -pres recon => congressional recon (since Pres's veto no longer held pwr) - congress wanted to make Civil Rights Act an amend to make it permanent => proposed 14th amend to give blacks citizenship

Louis and Clark

- last ditch effort to find NW passage (all water route to Pacific) - increased geographic and scientific knowledge of W => Clark mapped Colombia and Missouri Rivers and he mapped native tribes => Louis recorded new animal and plant species and sent back species => published as journals => essential to fur traders later - only 1 hostile native encounter on trip - improved relations w/ natives

Election of 1852 - Pierce -"We Polked You in '44. We Shall Pierce You in '52" - Winfield Scott - Hale

- last election w/ Whigs - key issue: Compromise of 1850 (S disliked b/c it favored N and N disliked it b/c of Fugitive Slave Act) Dems- national party but centered in S - ran Pierce- dark horse from N. Hampshire => ran northern candid to ensure northern vote ("We Polked You in '44. We Shall Pierce You in '52") - Douglas and Cass were by-passed b/c they were too contentious - Pierce made promises to south to get nomination (promised to fill cabinet w/ southern dems) Whigs- very divided over slavery question - lukewarm/divided support of Compromise - ran Winfield Scott Free Soil- against Compromise of 1850 b/c it had potential to extend slavery=> opposed extension of slavery - ran John P. Hale - Pierce won big, Free Soil lose vote => show that the public liked the Compromise

Ghost Dance Movement - Battle at Wounded Knee

- last native resistance - began by tribal holy man- blend of native and Christian belief => proclaimed native tradition would revive if did ghost dance - peaceful movement but had militaristic undertone - Sioux wore ghost vests that were believed to stop bullets - at Wounded Knee, US troops ordered by Congress to confiscate weapons before moved to reservations => conflict => defeat of Sioux => Custer's death avenged

Tweed Ring - Boss Tweed - Sam Tilden - Thomas Nast

- lead by Boss Tweed in NY - Boss Tweed ran dem party machine - when ppl refused to pay ring => taxes were raised for them=> police, courts, govt were permeated by the ring - everybody was afraid to stand up to them -eventually ring was broken by political cartoonist, Nast, that poked fun at the pwr of the ring => ppl openly discussed ring - Sam Tilden, a prosecutor, took down ring in court => Tilden later used his fame from this case to run for pres Thomas Nast - editor of Harper's Magazine help took down the Tweed Ring

Horace Mann

- leading advocate for public education - founded the MA Board of Education - tired to implement a mandatory school year - wanted to lengthen teacher schooling

Romantic Movement American Romantic Movement

- literary, philosophical, & artistic movement -reaction against excessive claims of reason => emphasized imagination, feelings, emotion, intuition, and inner light (outer zeal for reform) -origins back to Rousseau =>" Godfather of Romanticism" American Romantic Movement - Romantic Movement moved from Europe to US - reflected the youthful confidence of America as a nation - was the US trying to catch up to Europe intellectually and catch up to England's literature => US's attempt to be intellectually independent from Europe - new American literature that expressed American ideals arose - impacted religion, social organization, development of individualism, politics, and spawns reform movements

Setting the Stage for the Election of 1896

- lot of discontent - Coley's Army - govt had used troops to crush Pullman Strike - US v EC Knight had gutted Sherman Anti-Trust Act - Debs in prison for ignoring fed injunction during strike - J P Morgan had loaned fed govt to bailout gold standard - Populists still demanding unlimited coinage of silver @ ration of 16:1

Crusade Against Alcohol/ Temperance Movement

- lots of reformed blamed alcohol for social problems such as mental illness, crime, and poverty - most popular reform - reform resonated in middle class => it was a badge of honor for middle class to not drink alcohol - since immigrants such as Germans and Irish had cultures wrapped up in alcohol, the movement also kept immigrants out of the middle class - factory owners really pushed for movement b/c it would cause the productivity rate to increase - Maine was the 1st state to prohibit alcohol

American Eden - Willamette River Valley - "Oregon Fever"

- many Americans, lead by Hall Jackson Kelley and Nathaniel Wyatt, moved to the fertile land of the Willamette River Valley in Oregon - Hall Jackson Kelley and Wyatt (along w/ other settlers) wrote about the valley and called it "American Eden" due to the fertile land - many pioneers came on the Oregon Trail => "Oregon Fever"

Impact of California Gold Rush/ Slavery Question - Fire-Eaters

- many natives were killed by Cholera the setters brought - small cities in CA become huge (ex San Francisco) - with all the ppl in CA from Gold Rush=> there was a desperate need for govt and organization - Taylor told states in SW to organize themselves and use pop sov to decide slavery question - CA holds a convention and bans slavery (Free Soil movement ideal, saw whites with slaves to work mines as competition) - south were angry and felt betrayed (they were the ones who fought war and obtained CA) - south also felt betrayed by Taylor b/c he was a Louisiana and was a slave owner - southern radicals (the Fire-Eaters) started held convention to secede from the union

Zebulon Pike

- military expeditions - Explored Arkansas and Red Rivers - mapped S boundary of Louisiana Purchase - mapped parts of Mexico- important later in Mexican War - didn't collect as much info as Lewis and Clark

Grant at Shiloh- April 1862

- more men fell in the 2 days at Shiloh than the amount of men fell in rev war, War of 1812, and Mex war combined => due to improvements in tech and the starts of trench warfare that caused more drawn out battles - nothing was won or lost => stalemate- the staggering cost of life was nor nothing -importance: the romanticism of the war was gone and horror set in country - news of war sent by telegraphs => newspapers ran lists of dead

US weaknesses in War of 1812

- most generals were old & from the rev war - small US navy had some success against the large British navy but was eventually pushed back due to the British navy's overwhelming #s - in 1811- the US bank charter expires & Madison doesn't chatterer it => taxes had to go thru state banks => couldn't fund the war of 1812 - war was hard to fund (those in the north who could fund it were against it, those who wanted the war couldn't fund it )


- most new immigrants were from S & E Europe while old immigrants were from N & W Europe - most were males that came seeking $ to send back - RR companies advertise in other countries to get ppl to come => most ended up in slums and worked for low wages - ethnic parts of cities arise => immigrants congregated together => maintain identity and community in foreign land - w/ every seceding gen became more American => general assimilation into American society - political machines and bosses in big cities tied to immigrants ( helped immigrants in exchange for support) - the west- prime destination for immigrants but only those who could afford it moved W => poor stayed in cities - nativists worried immigrants in US robbed jobs => increased resentment toward Chinese in W => scapegoated (CA amended state Con to prevent Chinese from voting holding certain obs, also refused to give them citizenship)

Themes in American literature

- most of Us history orientated w/ sea, trade, ship building & rising impact of frontier => Romantics tended to write stories set at sea and in the frontier/ woods

Knights of Labor (1869) - Stephens - Powderly - Mother Jones

- most successful labor union - founded by Stephens - Powderly- major leader => attracted workers excluded from other reform groups => skilled and unskilled workers welcomes => welcomes women, blacks, and immigrants (except for Chinese) => promoted women to prominent positions - Mother Hones- most dangerous women in America- key figure in Knights of Labor -membership blooms => groups grows into national group -pushed for end of child labor, end of monopoly, wanted negotiators to end demonstrations and not violence

Emancipation Proclamation (Jan of 1863- went into effect)

- most unpopular act of Lin - Lin used war powers to pass it => couldn't have passed it if Civil War didn't go into effect - didn't free any slaves directly => as war progressed, every battle, Union army freed more slaves - EP ended efforts of Copperheads for a peaceful negotiation to end war and keep slavery - many Northerners were upset w/EP b/c they feared a flood of black refugees

Whigs - Favorite Son Strategy

- named after the Whigs in England who opposed King George b/c they were opposing "King Andrew" - leaders- Webster and Clay -the party was not build to last b/c they all had diff takes on diff political issues => the only thing that banded them together was their hatred for AJ - they took on the 3 main ideas from Clay's American system ( tariffs, national banks, and internal improvements) - Whigs wanted to grow and expand the economy while the Democrats wanted to slow down the economy Favorite Son Strategy - election of 1836 - run 2 regional candidates (Webster and Clay) to keep Van Buren from getting the majority vote => send election to house where the Whigs have influence - plan failed => Van Buren won

1st Phase of War of 1812 - Battle of Lake Erie

- naval battles on the Canadian battles in the Great Lakes - Battle of Lake Erie & Oliver Hazard Perry => "we met the enemy and they are ours" (Perry) - "Old Iron Sides" (the US ship the Constitution)

mechanical inventions - Eli Whitney

- new patent laws to encourage innovation and invention - Eli Whitney's cotton gin transforms south and increases cotton industry => increase reliance on cotton and slavery - Whitney creates guns => leads to interchangeable parts => transforms industrial north

Gilded Age in South

- new south- vision to build S into modern capitalist society and remake S econ as industrial -entice industry w/ cheap labor - rebuilt integrated RR system - S still marked by agricultural econ and poverty => businesses that came to S were mostly owned by N - industrial workers in S- mostly white => excluded blacks, blacks forced to work in fields - S behind in public education and industrialization - most of S econ still tied to cotton => as cotton prices decreased => cycle of poverty - new S looked a lot like old S => freedmen tied to share cropping - as dems regained control => blacks lost rights and SC upheld unfair laws toward blacks => poll taxes and literacy tests kept blacks from voting => grandfather clauses- couldn't vote unless grandfather voted before recon => freedmen voting decreased

Results of War of 1812

- no more impressment b/c Napoleonic Wars were over - relations w/ Britain improved after war - Rush- Bagot Agreement (disarmed the Great Lakes -and limited fortifications on the border) - 49th parallel is established as the Northern border of the Louisiana Border - US gain respect of GB and rest of world - US accept Canada as a neighbor and no longer try to to make to part of US - Fed party is over => only 1 party - nullification was brought forward - natives lost a lot of pwr (GB no longer supported them) - war heroes arose (AJ and Harrison) - strong of feeling of nationalism increased on the surface (underneath there were sectional tensions) - during 1803- 1815 => since the US was not trading w/ GB => infant industries arose => 1st steps toward industrialization

Republicans and Dred Scott - Obiter Dictum

- only way to overturn decision would be to either make an amendment or put try to case (amendment procedure impossible b/c south would bock it and for new case, needed new SC) - Repub believed if SC had pwr to legalize slavery, they also had the pwr to abolish slavery => plan was to re-elect Repub pres who would replace SC so SC would make a favorable decision Obiter Dictum- Repubs claimed that SC lost jurisdiction soon as it claimed that Scott was not a citizen => anything SC said after didn't count and was just the CJ's personal opinion - Repubs also attacked judgment of SC => SC no longer prestigious and respected - it took 2 yrs for the SC to regain its prestige

Panic of 1873 - bimetallism

- over speculation in RRs and industry - NY stock exchange crashed why important: - those who lost farms and industry wanted a easier $ supply => pressured congress to make more $ available - wanted congress to back US dollar w/ gold and silver instead of just gold => bimetallism - businessmen and bankers against bimetallism => Grant sided w/ bankers and businessmen => allowed for Dems to run platform to protect average citizens and farmers - Dems blamed Repubs for economic disaster => Dems used this to win house in 1874 congressional elections

Black Codes - Contract Labor System

- passed by ex-confeds - blacks were not allowed to vote or own land or weapons - blacks couldn't live in towns, prevented blacks from borrowing $ - instituted Contract Labor System => contracted freedmen to work for yr for $ => fined if quit early => there were catchers to catch freedmen who ran away => conditions were like slavery - tried to suppress blacks to prevent them from economic and political independence

Era of Good Feelings

- period of nationalism, optimism, & enthusiasm - no more foreign problems (but there were domestic problems) thanks to Monroe Doctrine - no political conflict since there was only 1 party => fed ideas were absorbed into the DR party => on the surface there was unity but underneath there were seeds of sectionalism & conflict => sectional tensions over tariffs later arise - new leaders w/ western flavor - new national character emerges => authors wrote stories about American stories => artists paint American paintings - new generation of political figures (who saw how the founding gen struggled to create republic) found ways to compromise out of conflicts to keep republic together

Reconstruction in the South - Blanche Bruce - Hiram Revels

- presence of Repubs in S installed by blacks voting ( b/c military districts, which were only removed when states comply to ratify 14th and 15th amends=> protected black rights to vote) - even 2 black senators were elected (Blanche Bruce and Hiram Revels) - though blacks voted, most state legislatures had a white majority (elect in 1 cycle in S. Carolina, that had a back majority) - black govt in S pushed to fund schools for blacks

Interstate Commerce Act (1887) - Interstate Commerce Commission

- prohibited RRS from giving secret rebates/refunds to large shippers - prohibited RRs from charging more for short hauls than for long hauls over the same line (b/c unfair to small shippers) - RRs had to be "reasonable and just" - creates the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to monitor RR compliance but it had little enforcement ability; when it does take RRS to court => RRs always won

Tallmadge Amendment (Missouri Compromise)

- proposed new amendment for Missouri to become a state - plan was to gradually eliminate slavery in Missouri => prohibit further introduction of slaves into Missouri => children of Missouri slaves will be freed on 25th birthday - south is outrages b/c they see this as the 1st step to eliminate slavery in US => defeats amendment

Missouri Compromise (-Henry Clay- "the Great Compromiser") - actual compromise part

- proposed to let Missouri be slave state and bring in Maine as a free state to balance Missouri - 36-30 line - Missouri Compromise Line => above line- free state => below line- slave state => preserves the balance of pwrs for next 30 yrs => the line cuts thru CA (in 1850- all hell breaks loose b/c it applies to become a free state) -1820- peak of era of good feelings


- pushed for better working conditions, hours, & wages - MOSTLY pushed for the # hours in work day - pushed for 10 hour work day (get on some state levels but eventually lose that too) obstacles: - immigrants - states tried to pass laws to stop unions - initially the mill workers are women (women's concerns weren't taken seriously) - economic instability => Panic of 1837 => ppl were just happy to have a job

Log Cabin and Hard Cider Campaign (1840)

- re-emergence of the 2 party system (Dems and Whigs) -during the election the Whigs tried to out Jackson Jackson by trying to appeal to the common man => chose Harrison, a westerner who was well-known war hero to run as pres => chose Tyler, a southerner, to run for vp to get the support of southerners - the Whigs tried to differentiate Harrison to Van Buren by describing him as a humble western farmer that compared to VB who was a pompous New Yorker => Democratic newspapers made fun of Harrison for living in a log cabin=> Whigs take advantage of this and start the Log Cabin and Hard Cider Campaign -every where Harrison campaigned, there was a log cabin behind him to paint him as a humble frontiers man => hard cider was also served => Whigs emphasized the everyday man to get the "common man" to vote for Harrison - Whigs also spread lies about Van Buren which made the diff regions despise him => called him Martin Van Ruin

Events Leading up to the Mexican War

- relations w/ Mexico in a nutshell =>Polk wanted to but CA from Mexico => Mexico owed debt to SW settlers of US => Mexico cut off relations w/ US after annexation of Texas => brink of war events - Polk ordered Taylor to go to Texas boundary (boundary- Nueces vs Rio Grande) => sent Taylor to Rio Grande - Mexican army ambushed US patrol and killed them=> final push toward war => 2 weeks later- Polk told cabinet wanted to ask Congress to declare war Polk's reasons so go to war: - rejection of Slidell's mission - $ 3 million in unclaimed land (debt owed by Mexico to US citizens) - the killing of the US patrol -Congress agreed and declared war

Shakers - Ann Lee (Mother Ann)

- religious Utopian society - Ann Lee preached that Christ would come again as a woman (her) - had a Utopian society that held land in commune (b/c they felt left out in the new wealth of the changing times) - Shakers kept women and men strictly separate => no sex or marriage (didn't matter anyway b/c world was going to end) - known for their simplicity and their shaker services w/ singing and dancing -Shakers were known for their simple furniture and master craftsmanship => many men came to community to learn craft -un-wed mothers and orphans also came - but had difficulty continuously recruiting => eventually fell a part

Bland Allison Act - 1878 - free silver

- required govt to buy silver each month and back it w/ dollars - problem: govt bought so few silver that it barely caused inflation => farmers demanded free silver- unlimited coining of silver

14th Amendment - 1866 passed congress/ 1868 ratified

- required states to give blacks citizenship (overturned Dred Scott) => blacks would recieve the protection of the Bill of Rights (included Due Process and Equal Protection) - impact: => shifted pwr away from states to fed govt => court use this amend to protect minorities throughout history - disqualified ex-confeds from holding office => unless pardoned by 2/3 congress (took pardoning pwr away from pres) - DID NOT guarantee right to vote for blacks but penalized states by taking away their reps in congress and electoral collage if didn't let blacks voted => S still refuse to give blacks right to vote - when S refused t comply => rads in congress forced to find was to force S to comply => gave more pwr to fed govt in the progress -women angry w/ amend b/c felt like Congress thought black men were more eligible to vote than women were - J told all states to reject it (all states but TN, who ratified it, followed his lead)

Fredrick Douglas - Narratives of Fredrick Douglas - North Star

- run away slave who spoke publicly against slavery=> risked arrest and return to slavery - wrote the narratives of Fredrick Douglas, talking about his experiences - started an anti-slavery newspaper- the North Star - he forced even moderates to recognize his humanity and the humanity of blacks => he was very effective at getting converts - he made ppl recognize their own humanity

New Harmony Settlement - Robert Owen

- secular Utopian community in Indiana - founded by Robert Owen => he observed the inequality and the alienation that resulted from industrialization - Owen tried to develop a socialist community where competition was eliminated => failed - failed b/c Americans were too individualistic

Brook Farm

- secular Utopian society => Transcendentalist Utopian society - founded by Ripley - natural union between intellectual and manual labor - attracted many intellectuals of that time => remembered for artistic creativity - fiances were bad b/c the transcendentalists were better at being intellectuals than doing manual labor - Margret Fuller lived at Brook Farm - a fire burned it down

Blacks in S -National Immigration Society - Afro- American League

- segregation becomes fact => blacks turned inward and had own businesses, schools, black churches were the backbone of communities - blacks were divided on how to fight segregation (rads vs mods) - National Immigration Society- Turner- wanted to revive African colonization b/c no future for blacks - Afro-American League- Foretune- urged blacks to protest for full Civil Rights => militaristic aspects don't catch on - most blacks were content that weren't slaves

Mexico's Original Plan w/ Settlers in Texas - Empresario Contracts - Stephen Austin How Mexico's Plan for Texas Settlers Failed

- since Mexico couldn't govern Texas well => they invited settlers to come and organize the land (plan was to convince the settlers to become Mexican citizens) => offered free land and local autonomy - offered Empresario Contracts => gave land to businessmen/empresarios who would bring groups of ppl to settle and organize land => Austin- 1st Empresario Contract (and also most successful empresario) How Mexico's Plan for Texas Settlers Failed -in 1820, Americans and their slaves outnumbered Mexicans 4 to 1 - Mexico tried to pass laws to control the settlers => attempted to ban slavery and enforce Catholicism => Americans got around slavery laws by making slaves indentured servants while they refused to convert to Catholicism - Mexico then tried to stop settlers by sending troops => didn't work

Money Question - Greenback Party - "easy money" - gold standard -"the Crime of 1873"

- since civil war, farmers begged for greenbacks b/c the resulting inflation helped farmers => allowed them to charge more for products => easier to pay back loans - issue pushed by the Greenback Party (1870s) - "easy money" alarmed eastern bankers who favored typing money supplies to gold standard: = > each dollar fixed/redeemable for gold => amount of $ in circulation tied to gold -govt sided w/ bankers and began withdrawing greenbacks from circulations - 1870s Congress stopped coining of silver => "the Crime of 1873"- western farmers demanded that govt include silver with gold for backing => bi-metalism

American Federation of Labor - Gompers - collective bargaining

- skilled workers only => broke league w/ unskilled workers - founded by Gompers - concerned w/ economics rather than social reform - pushed for higher wages, better work conditions, an interest of skilled workers - collective bargaining- 1 person argues on behalf of entire group

Amistad Mutiny

- slaves mutinied on a Spanish ship and killed the crew - a US ships picked up slaves in US waters - slaves are put on trial for piracy and murder - abolitionists and slaves argued that the slaves were free men since b/c Spain outlawed slavery so it was illegal for the slaves to be put on the ship => slaves acted out of self defense - Taney (CJ) upheld the verdict lower court => slaves were free =>however court phrased their verdict carefully to avoid setting all slaves free =>ending slavery

Other Sectional Tensions

- south angry at north for having increasing pop b/c north got more stronger, wealthier, and more pwrful (more ppl => more reps in house) - expansion and transportation rev aligned W/N => west no longer aligned w/ S like they were under AJ (due to northern goods shipped west) - vast industrialization gap between south and north - textile industry dom north

Nullification Crisis- S Carolina

- southerners though when AJ and Calhoun were in office they would repeal or lower the Tariff of Abominations = > they did lower the tariffs but not enough to satisfy the south (especially S. Carolina) -S. Carolina made 2 cases 1) made a distinction between revenue and protective tariff => the Tariff of A was unconstitutional b/c it past the threshold of a revenue and protective tariff to just a protective tariff to protect the north since it stopped generating revenue 2) made a case of "tyranny of majority" to support nullification => the tariff favored the north (the majority) and hurt the south (the minority) so the minority/south had the right to nullify the tariff to protect itself

Lloyd- Wealth Against Common Wealth (1894)

- targeted Standard Oil and pointed out how it and other monopolies were everything wrong w/ economy - denounced Social Darwinism and Laissez Faire policies (govt not interfering w/ free market and let things run its course) b/c it lead to monopolies

Manifest Destiny - John O'Sullivan

- term coined by John O' Sullivan - popular belief held by US citizens that US had a divine mission to dominate N America to spread American pwr and democracy over continent

Panic of 1819

- the 1st National Bank had very strict rules for lending - the state and private banks were lending more than they could justify and to ppl who wouldn't qualify before => easy loans/money => prices go up - the 2nd national bank tries to reign back economy by calling back loans to other banks => other banks began to collapse => Panic of 1819 - many banks collapsed - westerners (who borrowed a lot of $ to buy land)- high land speculation- were hurt the worse than any other region => westerners never trust national bank again

Second National Bank

- the 1st national bank expired in 1811 & Madison didn't renew it - during the War of 1812, it was realized how much the country needed the bank - Congress pushes for 2nd National Bank (1816) after Clay brought it up

Chesapeake Affair (1807)

- the British ship, the Leopard, stopped the US warship, the Chesapeake - GB opens fire on Chesapeake & impressed sailors on the Chesapeake, which violated international law b/c Chesapeake was not a neutral ship but a warship - Americans were outraged & called for war - later leads to the Embargo Act

Election of 1860 Dems: - Douglas - Breckinridge

- the Dems were the last hope to preserve the union => Douglas was best choice but he alienated the south w/ not supporting Lecompton and Freeport Doctrine - southern dems, Fire Eaters, see Douglas as a traitor => wanted nothing to do w/ Douglas even after he promised he would not disturb slavery => Fire Eaters walk out of the Dem convention - Dems held another convention in Baltimore (Fire Eaters walked out again) => remaining dems nominate Douglas => Douglas campaigned lie crazy but didn't help => platform: enforce Fugitive Slave Law, pop sov, and support Dred Scott -fire eaters hold their convention in Baltimore and nominate John Breckinridge => promised to try to annex Cuba and allow slavery in territories

War of 1812 - "avoidable war"/ "war for economic Independence" - Western Expansion Theory

- the country was divided to go to war but war was declared any way -was called the "avoidable war" since it was declared 5 days before GB repealed the Orders of Council => the war between GB and France was just about to be over after Nap was removed for office => GB was pulling back from impressionist since the Napoleonic Wars were ending soon - the west and south supported the war b/c during that time they were going there a depression & they blamed the depression on GB (in reality it was due to lack of water ways and roads) - "war for economic Independence" Western Expansion Theory- N. Englanders thought westerners wanted to go to war in order to gain Canada

Experience of Slaves

- the experience of slaves varied from farm to farm - slaves on larger plantations carved out separate identity from slavery => they could turn away from slavery at night, living in their separate identities - slaves of Yeoman farmers may have lived in better conditions but couldn't carve out a separate identity (they had to face slavery always) - families were often split a part on the auction block - there were stereotypes to dehumanize slaves - illegal for slaves to be educated b/c southerners thought it would lead to more slave revolts -slaves w/ skills were distinguished => they could market their skill and buy their freedom - slaves often broke tools, slowed down work, and ran away

Charles River Case- Roger B Taney (chief justice) - Warren Bridge

- the old bridge over Charles River who collected tolls sued the Warren Bridge & claimed it undercuts its right to the pursuit of happiness b/c the new bridge would take away its business - Taney (CJ), ruled for Warren Bridge b/c it was for the public interest => decision invites change & for the new to replace the old => pro-business decision

Dred Scott v. Emerson Part 1 Background and Local District Court

- the slave, Dred Scott, was sold to Emerson => Scott went w/ Emerson when Emerson was transferred to Wisconsin (which was a free territory) - Emerson later married Irene Sanford (then Irene Emerson) - Emerson later brought his family and the Scott to Missouri (a slave state) - Scott later sued Irene Emerson for his freedom in local court on the grounds he was free when he entered Wisconsin -based on an old Missouri tradition/law- a slave once free, was always free => supposed to be an open and shut case and Scott would be free - due to an error in technicality of paper work => court denied Scott's freedom => 3 yrs later, Scott was granted freedom, during that 3 yr period however, a sheriff held all of Scott's wages and would give it back to him if he was granted freedom - Irene's brother, took over the Emerson estate when Irene remarried => he felt that Scott's wages belonged with the estate => brother appealed the case to Missouri Supreme Court

Second Great Awakening - Charles Grandison Finney

- the urgency of ppl needing to make sense of the change occurring during the transportation/communication revolution => ppl looked toward church - emotional religion/ religion of the heart - traveling preachers going to diff frontier towns and held revival meetings => physical and emotional response - women reformed home and community => women gained a new source of power as moral authority in the home shifted from the men of families to women - new faiths and prophets arose - prohpets resonated w/ ppl as they tried to make sense what was happening in the changing world around them Charles Grandison Finney- Burned-Over District - preached and held revival in the Burned-Over District in NY along the Erie Canal => called the Burned-Over District due to the intensity of the religious fervor there (so many converted that there was no non-converted ppl left) - said that ppl could control own fate and salvation was open to all - emphasized faith and hard work => appealed to middle class

Election of 1880 - Arthur and Garfield - Hancock - solid south - Guiteau

- theme: reform and battle over $ - Stalwarts lead by Conkling ran Arthur => didn't want reform => party boss control everything - Half-Breeds lead by Blaine ran Garfield => say they wanted reform but they just wished they controlled patronage => business friendly - Dems- Hancock => solid south- Dems were firmly established in S (1st normal election) -Garfield won and was reform minded- appoints enemy of Conkling to custom house - Guiteau angry b/c wanted the job - on July 2, 1881, Garfield shot by Guiteau who thought he was helping Stalwarts => has opposite effect - public outrage at shooting => support Arthur as reformer => Stalwarts felt betrayed

Southerners and Fear

- there was always a seed of fear in the back of the minds of white southerners - they constantly lived w/ the feeling of dread - on the surface it was the plastic ideal picture of the old south but underneath, there was fear => out of no where violence would erupt => violence pushed back down => fear always there - fear planted by slave revolts

Result of the Election of 1840

- there was an 80% public voting turn out => really illustrates the rise of the common man playing a role in democracy (as an result of AJ's election) - Harrison won (due to VB's falling popularity from the Panic, conflict w/ GB, and lies spread about him by Whigs as well as Harrison's rising popularity from the Log Cabin and Hard Cider Campaign) -Harrison give a long inaugural speech in rain => catches cold and gets pneumonia and dies => Tyler becomes pres

Why didn't westerners trust banks/ national bank?

- they felt that banks manipulated them b/c bank notes at 1 bank was worth differently at another bank (due to some banks not trusting other banks) => W felt banks were cheating them out of their $

Confederate States of America - Jefferson Davis - Stephens

- though south still mostly controlled govt => S. Carolina held a convention and voted to cede from union - S.Carolina later joined by Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisana, Mississippi, and Texas (7 deep south states) to form confederacy => restricted congress from passing laws to increase tariffs or to restrict slavery - eleted Jefferson Davis as pres and Stephens as vp - south over confident in cotton economy -south felt their property was being taken away w/ of tariffs and their property, slavery, was not protected - Buchanan did nothing- believed what the south did was illegal but also believed that the Constitution didn't give him authority to stop southern states - since North was not ready for way and south over confident => believed that North was willing to let them go w/ fight => however Lincoln was willing to fight to preserve the union

Coxley's Army

- triggered by Panic of 1893 - Coxley (Populist) march on WA DC - demand fed govt to spend $ on public service projects to create jobs - Coxley arrested for trespassing

Abolitionist Movement - People Against Abolitionist Movement

- under AJ, slavery was not really a political problem due to the Missouri compromise - due to the Great Awakening ppl began to recognize slavery as a sin => abolitionist movement started - most abolitionists were racist => they wanted to slavery but they didn't believe in the equality of blacks and whites - slavery took on political aspect it hasn't before - as anti-slavery movement gained momentum => violence increased and there were race riots People Against Abolitionist Movement - southerners (Slave owners and poor whites) - northern wage earners ( Irish/German immigrants) who felt threatened by the new free blacks due to competition for jobs - northern merchants who were worried abolition would ruin the cotton trade

David Farragut- April 1862

- use Union navy to seize N. Orleans - w/o N. Orleans, S couldn't import materials or export cotton => couldn't pay for war - significant blow to S - allowed for Union troops in west and east to move towards each other

Reform for Poor - settlement houses - Social Gospel - Gospel of Wealth

- very little govt help for poor- mostly up to individuals - settlement houses- community centers to help poor => Jane Adams- Hull House- 1st settlement house that was model for later settlement houses => Barret- Louis Street Social Settlement for blacks => Wald- Henry Street Settlement in NYC Social Gospel- Protestant ministers join fight against poverty - Gladden- Church responsible for helping poor, especially in urban centers - like settlement houses but ran by the Church - cultural outreach and meals - Caroline Bartlett- People's Church => free public kindergartens and vocational skill classes - Salvation Army- encouraged ppl to join church and reach salvation (countered alcoholism) => provided food and cloth to poor => founded in GB => US Gospel of Wealth- wealth responsible for poor - Carnegie- felt Social Gospel and Settlement Houses were too radical => social Darwinism- justify wealth as wealthy's responsibility to help poor => opposed hand outs to poor => promotes laziness => opportunity ladders instead- donated $ to universities and libraries so public can pull Themistocles out pf poverty

Wilmot Proviso - David Wilmot

- was a dem from Penn - tried to add amendment to bill to ban slavery in all territories obtained from the Mexican War (prompted slavery extension debate) => but would allow slavery in south -southern whigs joined southern dems to vote down measure (northern dems voted w/ northern whigs) => illustrated sectional loyalty over party loyalty => 1st instance of national party break down

Lincoln - House- Divided Speech

- was not an abolitionist but began to see slavery under moral light in Kansas - was a moral moderate- racist but opposed slavery => appealed to many ppl since most of country was moderate - knew politically he couldn't be a big anti-slavery - was compassionate toward slave owners but stern to institution of slavery - said he fought the war to preserve the union and not end slavery - gave the House Divided Speech- nation split between free and slave states would not stand

Weaknesses of JQA

- was tone deaf to the public opinion on domestic issues - his strength was in negotiation of foreign affairs but the Monroe Doctrine which he help pass got rid of any chances for him to showcase his strength - more of a regional candidate - the way he said things made them seem controversial - passes a tariff unpopular in the south

War Hawks

- western & southern political figures that wanted US to go to war w/ Britain - included key figurines such as: => Henry Clay of Kentucky => John C Calhoun of S. Carolina => Felix Grundy of Tennessee

Spoils System

- when AJ became pres, he placed many officials w/ own appointments => Aj was accused of having a "spoils system", where gave positions to his supporters - AJ believed in rotation of office to allow more ppl to participate in govt (Era of Common Man) and to prevent corruption pros and cons of rotation of office pros: - decreased corruption - appointed were loyal to AJ - allowed more ppl to participate in govt (Era of Common Man) - prevented laws from continuously being blocked by the same few officials cons: - inefficient (replaced experienced elites w/ inexperienced ppl) => AJ's response to this was anti-establishment- was confident anybody, including common men, could perform govt duties

Peaceful Revolution of 1800

- when Jefferson becomes pres - presidency changing person and party peacefully (around the world, when political parties change pwr, there is often violence and conflict) - ended the Federalist era and ushered in Democratic-Republican/Jeffersonian era

Emergence of Middle Class - white collar jobs - impact on women

- white collar jobs- mid level jobs - impact on women: - more opportunities - sales clerks and secretary - positions held by women lose prestige and pay - most middle class stayed in home => new advances such as running water and flushing toilets increase comfort - women have more tie => clubs an reform

South Carolina Exposition and Protest- 1828

- written by Calhoun in response to the Tariff of Abominations - called the tariff unfair and unconstitutional - brings up the nullification doctrine (said state could nullify a law if it was unconstitutional in order to protect its citizens)

Henry Grady

- wrote editorials for Atlanta Constituion - asked govt to give tax breaks to businesses who came to the S => to entice businesses

Election of 1892 - Populists- Weaver - Repubs- Harrison - Dems- Cleveland

-- Populists- Weaver - Repubs- Harrison - Dems- Cleveland - big issue: $ question and McKinley Tariff - Cleveland won -Cleveland tries to lower the tariff => govt took in $100 mill more $ than needed/spending

AJ and Vetoing

-AJ vetoed more bills than his predecessors => set a precedence for vetoing more - previous pres didn't veto as much b/c they believed the pres shouldn't intervene in the matters of congress very much - AJ vetoes more b/c he decided that the pres should play a larger role in checking the pwrs of congress to prevent congress from passing laws with no opposition

Miners - Comstock Lode - Klondike Gold Rush

-Comstock Lode- next big discovery after Gold Rush => $50 mill of silver discovered => play into bi-metalism debate - Klondike Gold Rush - growth in mining industry- start small => later large companies took over - placer mining- individual mining- replaced by large cops that could afford expensive techniques of mining to dig into earth and use sci and data to search for gold/silver - environment destroyed: water pressure washed mountains down and wash dirt into rivers, => blocked riverbeds, forests destroyed, and re-directed rivers

Ex parte Milligan Ex parte Garland

Ex parte Milligan- US citizens can't be tried in military courts => have to go thru regular courts - prevented Freedmen Bureau courts - Lin can't waive Habeas corpus Ex parte Garland- loyalty oaths were violations of ex-post facto and are illegal

-Family Temperance Pledge - American Temperance Union - Washington Temperance Society/ "Washington Revival"

Family Temperance Pledge - whole families signed pledges to stay away from alcohol American Temperance Union - marked the beginning of the 1st formal national temperance movement in US - conflict over if temperance should strictly be a moral problem or if it should involve politics - founded by Beecher and Edwards Washington Temperance Society/ "Washington Revival" - reformed drinkers went around preaching against alcohol

Kansas- Nebraska Act - Douglas- Transcontinental Railroad - broke up Dem party and destroyed Whigs

-Douglas however wanted the Transcontinental Railroad to go thru Illinois, his home state => problem: land that the RR would go thru wasn't organized => pushed thru the Kansas-Nebraska Act to organize the Nebraska Territory into Kansas and Nebraska => by choosing the northern RR route, Douglas angered the south -in the act, Douglas allowed popular sovereignty to answer the slavery question in Kansas and Nebraska => gave the opportunity to extend slavery above the Missouri Compromise line (Douglas's effort to appease the south after he chose the N RR line => however, Douglas believed slavery wouldn't work out above the line any way - Northern whigs and dems vote against it => northern dems felt the pro-slavery faction was dom party => the anti-Kansas-Nebraska act dems left party => fractured the dem party - destroyed the whig party - party then based on section - compromise of 1850 gone

Embargo Act (1807)

-Jeff's response to the economic warfare between GB and France (Berlin Decree, Orders of Council, &Milan Decree) and to the Chesapeake Affair - US ships are forbidden from leaving port for ANY foreign port => cripples US shipping trade & alienates the North East whose main industry was shipping - it was hard to enforce => many smuggled goods to Canada => a bunch of ships en route to Southern colonies were "accidentally" blown to Europe

Ordinance of Nullification

-S. Carolina held a special convention and adopted the Ordinance of Nullification => declared that the Tariff of Abominations and the lowered tariff to be unconstitutional => they passed in Nov of 1832 and declared in Feb of the following year, S. Carolina would stop enforcing the tariff (they left time space for congress to fix the tariff) - they thought AJ would support them since he favored the state in Worcester vs GA - since the Ordinance threatened national union, AJ sent troops to warn them against disrupting the union

Booker T Washington - Tuskegee Institution - Atlanta Compromise Speech

-Tuskegee Institution- vocational school for blacks - said blacks need cooperation of S whites (b/c they controlled govt) if blacks wanted to have econ progress - if blacks were econ pwrful => can't be ignored => given rights then - work w/ whites now and then protest later - delighted S whites and gained financial support -Atlanta Compromise Speech: whites and blacks can live in separate social worlds but needed to work together economically - blacks felt betrayed

Bleeding Kansas - Sacking of Lawrence - Pottawatomie Creek Massacre- John Brown

-abolitionists and pro-slavery ppl raced to fill Kansas so they can hold the pop sov vote - in Kansas there were pro-slavery and anti-slavery towns => a lot of conflict between them=> massacres Sacking of Lawrence- pro-slavery forces attacked the free city of Lawrence Pottawatomie Creek Massacre- in retaliation for the sacking of Lawrence lead by John Brown => massacred the pro-slavery forces

Corruption During Recon - Roscoe Conkling (NY) and James Blaine (ME) - Credit- Mobilier Affair - Whiskey Ring Affair

-an age of corruption b/c govt so big - Credit- Mobilier Affair: scandals around the transcon RR, where the company was getting 348% increase for union company => RR builders get huge profits => illustrated how corruption tainted Gilded Age politics Whiskey Ring Affair- another ex of corruption during Gilded Age - between tax collectors and whiskey industry - tax collectors made deal w/ whiskey industry that allowed the whiskey industry to get away w/ not paying taxes (tax collectors get cut of $)=> cost govt millions

Burr Conspiracy -Wilkinson - Anthony Merry

-in the last months as vp, Burr began discussion about western land - Burr corresponds w/ Wilkinson and gets support in return for getting Jeff to name Wilkinson as gov of Louisiana - Burr also corresponds w/ Merry, British minister to US - Burr goes down Miss river, stops at a castle on the river, & raises an army w/ Blennerhassett - Wilkinson gets nervous & tells Jeff about discussions w/ Burr => Jeff orders Burr to be arrested for treason - Burr refuses to confess - there were many witnesses but no 2 witnesses could testify for the same story against Burr => Burr couldn't be impeached so he is acquitted -impact- huge embarrassment for Jeff and DR party

Tariff of Abominations -Log Rolling

-log rolling- adding provisions in the tariff that aligns w/ the interest of one section to get the section's support => tariff became higher with each provision added - by the time the tariff was passed, it was so high it was dubbed the "Tariff of Abominations" -hurt the south the most - the south was outraged and claimed it was unconstitutional b/c it took away their money thus it violated their right to property

New Era of Marketing

-new era of mass marketing => brand names - goods advertised on bill boards and magazines - 1st department stores sold wide variety of products => Wanamaker's, Marshall Fields Macy's - chain stores arose- 1st Woolworth's - mail order companies- catalogs => rural areas can order from catalogs => Sears

Wilson-Gorman Tariff (1894)

-reduced tariff rates - 2% tax on income over 200,000- tiny graduated income tax

Lancaster Turnpike

-the 1st turnpike - In Penn, connected Philly to Lancaster - roads were very expensive, so in order to get $ back, ppl had to pay a fee to enter road - very profitable => 20 yr boon min road and turnpike building - however it was states who paid for turnpikes & roads b/c internal improvements was vetoed by Madison

Gadsden Purchase - Transcontinental Railroad

-there was a desperate need to connect east w/ west => but could only afford 1 RR -Pierce and southerners wanted the RR to run thru south (so south could benefit economically and catch up we northern industrialization) => purchased the Gadsden territory to build- expanded squatters' rights, which what the west wanted Transcontinental Railroad thru the area and avoid the Rocky mountains

Morgan Bond Transaction

-took over the Susquehanna and Albany railroads - won the confidence of European investors & used them for investment capital - took over steel companies and bought Carnegie's interests in steel - largest personal financial transaction in U.S. history - Morgan combined the companies to form the U.S. Steel Company - the world's first billion dollar corporation - Eased the Panic of 1873

4 Major Movements of Mexican War 1) Stephen Kearney 2) John C. Fremont 3) Zach Taylor 4) Winfield Scott -Chapultepec

1) Kearney- followed Santa Fey Trial to take control of SW 2) Fremont- claimed "just happened to be there" in Mexico when Polk declared war => he was aka the "Pathfinder" 3) Taylor- pushed down into Rio Grande and into N. Mexico from Texas => he was aka "old ruff and ready" => mayor victory against Santa Ana at Buena Vista 4) Winfield Scott- aka "old fuss and feathers" => 1st amphibious assault (land and sea) => lead amphibious assault at Vera Cruz, launching pt to attack Mexico City => had to go thru the Mexican fort, Chapultepec, to attack Mexico City => Robert E. Lee mapped Mexican route into Chapultepec => US army able to enter and end Mexican War (called Lee, best soldier) => marines stood guard of halls of montezuma

Social Structure of South - Planter Aristocracy - Yeoman Farmers - Poor Whites - Slaves -Mountain People

1) Planter Aristocracy - owned at least 100 slaves and at least 1000 acres of land - only 20- 25 % of slave owners - dominated state and local politics - hands were soft b/c they didn't work in fields 2) Yeoman Farmers - owned fewer than 20 slaves and several hundred acres of land (most owned 1-2 slaves) - worked in field - produced most of the cotton in south 3) Poor Whites - subsistence farmers - relied on race for distinction (racial superiority) - didn't own slaves but were staunch defenders of slavery so they could keep racial superiority 4) Slaves Mountain People - did not defer to the planter elites - stayed loyal to the Union - lived in the Ozarks and Appalachians

Meaning of the Election of 1896

1) end of "stalemate/stagnation" between dems and repubs of Gilded Age politics - no more political balance => repub dominance pres presidency - next 60 yrs- repubs dom congress - repub began as regional party => national party => pro business and pro strong govt - Dem national party => isolated regional party of solid south 2) demise of Populism - Watson and other leaders stopped trying to unite poor blacks and poor whites => realized racism stronger than economic interests - reformers adopted by progressives of dem party 3)urban dominance - rural American dominance in US politics lost in this election 4) beginning of modern politics - McKinney- 1st modern pres - mass media and influx pf $ influence politics - US goes from isolated country => dominating world pwr

Polk's Four Point Plan and Promise - Walker Tariff

1) lower tariff (passed)=> Walker Tariff => 30% => 25% 2) reestablish Independent Treasury System (passed) 3) reoccupy Oregon- "54' 40' or Fight!" => but never had intentions to go to war 4) acquire CA- CA was gate to Pacific - CA had many fertile river valleys and harbors that lured ppl

Henry Clay's American System

1) protective tariff => passed and ultimately splits DR party 2) internal improvements => Madison vetoes the Bonus Bill of 1817 => not passed 3) National Bank => passed and ultimately splits DR party => charters 2nd national bank => strict vs loose => McCulloch vs Maryland => Panic of 1819

Reconstruction Acts of 1867

1st act: divided confed into 5 military districts (except for Tennessee) - districts under martial law - increased requirements for states to rejoin union: => had to ratify 14th amend and submit new con giving blacks right to vote ( N did not have voting rights for blacks) => rads also wanted to give property and education to blacks but didn't to keep alliance between rads and mods - trying to create voting boat to keep confeds out of congress - confeds still resisted 2nd act: military register and protect blacks right to vote - S resist by not voting at all (no majority established) 3rd act: congress passed law so majority of that showed up to vote needed instead of majority in S

Railroads Advantages and Improvements for Railroads - Standard Gage - Air breaks - Sleeping Cars

Advantages - RRs cheaper, faster, & more reliable than canals - RRs don't have to built along water ways like canals - RRs can be built thru mountains unlike canals - RRs had no natural barriers stopping them - canals freeze in winter => can use train in winter & snow - RRs binds economy of country together along w/ communication changes improvements Standard Gage- width of track is regulated so all trains can use any track Air breaks- stopped all of cars of train at once => safer Sleeping Cars- allowed for cross country travel

Bancroft Webster Irving Walt Whitman

Bancroft- "father of american history" Webster- "language key to American future" => American usage of English instead of British - help found the Merriam-Webster dictionary Irving- 1st famous American author - American publishers made more $ publishing bootleg versions of famous British literature so it was hard for unknown American authors to break out/ be published Walt Whitman- "poet laureate of democracy" - transcendentalist answer to poetry

First Battle of Bull Run (Battle of Manassas)- July 1861 - Stonewall Jackson Anaconda Plan

Battle of Bull Run - mood of war at this point: ppl packed picnics and watched battle - 1st N winning, but then Jackson w/ brigade pushed by N and turned the tide of the battle =>"Stonewall Jackson"- creative mind behind Lee -the fact the S could win so close to capitol w/ less men and supplies shocked the N => fed the mindset the S were invincible in the minds of confeds - S could win when N was numerically superior made N realize the large task ahead of them to subdue S - Lin adopted the Anaconda Plan after battle Anaconda Plan - Winfield Scott - Plan: surround and squeeze S => drive into heart of S 1) starve S w/ blockade => inability to get cotton out of S => destroyed S economy 2) divided the confed by taking control of Miss River and N. Orleans 3) raise an army of 500 K to drive on Richmond (3 yr enlistments) =>before there was less men who enlisted for 3 months => N preparing for a long war

Bear- Flag Republic John Slidell

Bear- Flag Republic - Americans in CA looking to play the "Texas Game" to get annexed as a state => followed the Texas model and tried to get more ppl to go there - called themselves the "Bear-Flag" Republic - Mexico claimed CA but had no control John Slidell- Polk sent Slidell to buy CA from Mexico for $25 million

Webster-Hayne Debates - Benton (Missouri) - Foot (CT) - Hayne (SC) - Webster (MA)

Benton- proposed a bill to aid squatters and squatters' rights which would have lowered land in the west Foot- countered Benton's argument b/c lowered land prices would have attracted factory workers in the north away to the west so factory workers would have to pay workers higher wages to keep them there - Foot wanted to restrict squatters' tights and wanted to sell land at auction which would have increased the price of land Hayne- argues for Benton - accused Easterners in wanting to raise land prices to stop western expansion, and thus to keep eastern dominance - tried to marry the interest of the west and south to isolate the north = > argued the east was trying to rob westerners of land property like they tried to rob southerners of monetary property thru the tariff of abominations - opens for discussion of nullification by bringing up S. Carloina Exposition and Protest Webster- started to shift argument from land reform to nullification since Hayne opened the door - Hayne is dragged into the debate about nullification and argued stated had the right to nullification - Webster accused the south for disunion thru nullification while Hayne accused the north of disunion and trying to manipulate govt for own interests

Bessemer Process Western Union Alexander Gram Bell Edison Tessela

Bessemer Process - purify iron into steel Western Union - telegraphs across nation Alexander Gram Bell- telephone (switch board operators => new jobs for women) Edison- light bulb, phonograph => wizard of Menlo Park Tessela- improved 1st pwr plant in NYC

- Burligame Treaty - Unguarded Gates by Aldrich - Chinese Exclusion Act

Burligame Treaty - brought Chinese to US to build RRs Unguarded Gates by Aldrich- nativist that said immigration threatened American way Chinese Exclusion Act- denied citizenship to Chinese - prohibited immigration of Chinese labors for 10 yrs - passed under W political pressure - 1st time Congress tied to limit immigration based on race

Gabriel Prosser- 1800 Denmark Vesey- 1828 Nat Turner/ the Prophet- 1831

Gabriel Prosser- 1st large slave rebellion - stories of Jews resonated in slaves b/c they saw the parallel between them and the Jews as slaves in Egypt - Prosser planned to attack armory, arm the slaves, and take over Richmond, VA - on the day of the revolt, Prosser was betrayed by slaves - terrified white southerners on how close the plan was in succeeding Denmark Vesey- S. Carolina- Vesey was also inspired by Christianity and Jews/Moses => emphasized violence and incited the slaves to revolt - Vesey organized rebellion into cell structure so only 1 cell would be betrayed while the rest of the rebellion would be preserved=> eventually Vesey was betrayed anyway - white southerners were terrified and shocked at the intricacy of the plan b/c the expected slaves to be dumb => they were also shocked that slaves, who they often grew up w/, would betray them (expected them o be loyal) Nat Turner/ the Prophet- Turner focused on the the new testament and believed that Christ would come again => believed it who prophesied for the slaves to create a New Jerusalem - 1 night, Turner and his followers executed their master and master and the family of the master - from now on, no slave owner could live comfortably - white southerners always slept w/ pistol and south now had patrols

1st week of July in 1863-tuning point of war for Union Gettysburg Vicksburg

Gettysburg- Meade now in charge of Union Day 1 - Buford arrived => Union established on ridge and high ground Day 2 - Chamberlain on Little Round Top ran out of ammunition and orders a bayonet charge Day 3 - Pickett's Charge- Pickett lost almost all men - Meade missed opportunity to destroy confeds => Lin relieved him - Lee regroups but S never take offensive again Vicksburg- Grant lay siege to Vicksburg for - gained control of Mississippi => isolated Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana from rest of confed - economic collapse of confed is inevitable - decreased confed morale - N could now use Miss River to trade w/ rest of world - large armies at Vicksburg could now fight S in west - confeds could only supply troops w/ RRs now => Union target RRs next - 2 Union gens, Grant and Sherman, gain respect and are brought back to east to win victories => Lin found his main gen in Gran

Great Railroad Strike (1877) Great Upheaval (1886)

Great Railroad Strike (1877)- one of biggest successes - shut down 2/3 of US's RR networks - other workers went on strike to support RR workers - Hayes forced to send fed troops to end strike => 110 ppl killed Great Upheaval (1886)- full yr of intense strikes and violence - initiated by depression from wage cuts - workers demanded relief => refused => went on strike - Haymarket Riot one of them

George- Progress and Poverty => property tax/ single tax

Henry George- Progress and Poverty - attacked maldistribution of wealth - labor was true source of capital - proposed single tax: tax on land value only and get rid of all other taxes on labor income and capital earnings => value of land depend on society => to get back unearned increment of wealth gained by land speculator who sat on land and waited for land prices to increase (wealthy unfairly earned it) => tax represent "rent" owed to the public by land owners who used the land => use $ from tax to fund schools and other things for public good => incentive to use the land more efficiently instead of just siting on it and waiting for the price to rise

the Holy Alliance Congress of Verona

Holy Alliance - Europe is paranoid of republics - Russia, Prussia, Austria, & France created the Holy Alliance to keep lid on Europe to prevent another Nap from arising and to maintain monarchies Congress of Verona - Spanish empire is falling apart & many of its colonies are revolting & are looking toward the US to recognize them as independent - Holy Alliance met in the Congress of Verona to decide to return the colonies back to the Spanish to prevent republics from spreading - GB want free trade w/ the southern colonies & does not want the colonies to be returned to Spain - GB asks US to make a statement w/ them against the Holy Alliance - US is flattered but JQA realizes GB doesn't need our hep to stop the Holy Alliance => JQA fears if we sign w/ GB, it would limit the US's potential to expand => JQA convinces Monroe to pass the Monroe Doctrine instead

Hudson River School John James Audubon "Greek Revival" in architecture Gothic Style of Architecture

Hudson River School- landscape painters inspired by native lands John James Audubon- made drawings and studying of birds => captured beauty of American wildlife "Greek Revival" in architecture-occurred during the age of democracy (democracy came from Greece) => empathized on democratic spirit - lots of public buildings were made in the classical Greek style w/ columns => classic lines of ancient Greek temples Gothic Style of Architecture-buildings had a lot of ornamentation

Industrialization Impact on Class Immigration South and Industrialization

Industrialization Impact on Class - unlike in Europe there was no violence between the classes, this is b/c => US has no legal separation between the classes => we have a frontier => hope to gain batter future => industrialization occurred more gradually so there was no piercing sense of loss immigration- immigrants flood social structure - immigrants are willingly to work terrible conditions - since there was always immigrants coming in that were worse off than you, in US there was racial conscience rather than a class conscience => get caught on racial & ethnic differences South and Industrialization- industrialization was not taking place in south - due to cotton gin, cotton became very profitable => the south invested in land and slaves instead of transportation & industrialization - the split between the north and the south grew larger

Jim Crow Laws- 1865 Slaughterhouse Cases- 1873

Jim Crow Laws- segregated southern business Slaughterhouse Cases- tried to undermine the 14th amend - const did not require states to grant special privileges to every one of its own citizens => loopholes to treat freedmen differently => states can violate rights in const vs fed govt can't - blacks only given fed citizenship => only fed protection => not protected by states - 1883: rules that govt can't discriminate but private citizens can

Election of 1848 Part 2 Liberty Party- Salmon Chase Free Soil Party- Martin Van Buren

Liberty Party - ran Salmon Chase - abolitionist party/ conscience whigs - was uncompromising on slavery question - wanted to end Wash DC slave trade - wanted to abolish interstate slave trade - wanted to prevent slave holders from holding office - no slave labor on fed construction projects Free Soil Party - ran Van Buren - moderate party for nothern dems - tried to shift focus away from morality of slavery to economics of slavery - allowed slavery to continue where it existed but would not allow extension of slavery into territories - prohibited all blacks (slave and free) from entering west => wanted west preserved for small white farmers => wanted to preserve opportunities for whites - abolitionists but racist - party hurt Cass among nothern dems in nothern states => allowed Taylor to win election

Lincoln's 10% Plan- 1863 Wade Davis Bill-1864

Lincoln's 10% Plan - Lin looking for ways to entice S states to rejoin Union- establishes a min loyalty test - would give full presidential pardons to whoever took a oath of loyalty to Constitution, to the Union, and accepted Emancipation => excluded high officials like Lee who will never be pardoned - when 10% of voters in a state took the loyalty oath => states had to re-write state Constitutions to exclude slavery => could re-join Union -in Lin's eyes, the rebels were only a minority, and most states would re-join Union Wade Davis Bill-1864 - Congress wanted to go harder on the rebels than Lin did (thought Lin's plan was too lenient) - instead of 10% voters taking the oath, 50% of voters had to re-take oath before a state could re-join Union - wanted to exclude high officials from voting - Lin refused to sign it- pocket vetoed it

- Marxists (Marx)- Das Kapital 2 Leadings Marxists in US - Gronlund- The Cooperative Commonwealth - de Leon- Socialist Labor Party and The People

Marxists (Marx)- Das Kapital - socialism enters American landscape in 1870s - capitalism contained seeds of its own destruction Gronlund- The Cooperative Commonwealth - states should own means of production instead of private individuals de Leon- wrote The People and founded the Socialist Labor Party in US - encouarged ppl to quit labor unions - should shift to political avenues of change rather than labor unions and join Socialist Labor Party instead

Advantages/Disadvantages: Military Economics Political

Military - S only had to fight a defensive war => shorter supply lines ( easier to supply troops) - S's extended coast line made blockade difficult - N had the larger pop => more raw #s for army => could replace losts while S couldn't - N controlled the navy Economics - N controlled banking, manufacturing, and investing => could fund war better than S - N controlled the RRs - N controlled 65% of agriculture => provided food advantage - S counted on "cotton diplomacy" => they were convinced that GB's need for cotton would either keep GB out of the war or make GB enter war on side of S - S and N printed $ to fund war => inflation Political - S had more morale => fought for cause and their way of life - S pushed for states rights undermined their ability to establish a strong central govt to make quick decisive decisions - N was not unified behind the war => Lin held nation together for it to stay strong during war

Millennialism/ Millerites

Millennialism- belief that Jesus would come again and bring on the end of the world - increased believers of this during the 2nd great awakening Millerites - William Miller preached the 2nd coming of Christ - Miller told his followers to sell everything they owned and wear white robes - Miller told his followers to go to a mountain in Oct of 1844 b/c that was the day when the world was going to end => when that day passed w/o the world ending => his movement quickly fell apart

Challenged Granger Laws in Court -Munn v Illinois (1877) -Wabash v Illinois (1887)

Munn v Illinois (1877)- court said states do have right to regulate business involved in public interest, like RRs => upheld Granger Laws Wabash v Illinois (1887)- qualifies and narrows previous decision - state govts had no right to regulate interstate traffic - states could regulate RRS that stayed in state but not RRs that crossed state boundaries - only fed could regulate interstate

Neal Dow (Maine's Law of 1851)

Neal Dow - convinced that state prohibition was the only answer - "the Napoleon of Temperance" - pushed a prohibition law thru Maine's legislature => Maine's Law of 1851- 1st probation law in US

Politics of War -Whiskey Enlistments North - Federal Conscription Act- "$300 men" - Draft Riots South - "Rich man's war, poor man's fight"

North - Federal Conscription Act: drafted men from ages 20-45 =>$300 men- could hire subs for $300 -some N upset w/ EP => didn't sign up to free slaves, signed up to save union - there were Draft Riots, especially in NY among the Irish immigrants (refused to free slaves that would threaten to take their jobs) - Lin had to worry about boarder states, how Const recognized and protected slavery, prejudice of Northers => recognized if he went too quickly, public won't re-elect him and would overturn unpopular acts South - draft- ages 17-50- showed how the S was more desperate for men - exempted slave holders w/ 20+ slaves - in S many ppl called war, "Rich man's war, poor man's fight" b/c the war was fought over slavery by non-slave holders Whiskey Enlistments- in N and S, got ppl drunk to enlist

Northern vs Southern Romantics

Northerners: - N. England recognizes dark Puritan past and they try to transcend it Southerners: - instead of transcending their past, they try to embrace it - they emerge as distinct community => they this a defense mechanism against slavery, laws, customs, and ways of life - they defended slavery by going after Northern "wage slavery" - man not fulfilled in transcendent future but in family, community ties, and patterned society - equality of white men accepted but emphasis was more on status than equality

2 Prison Reform Movments - Philadelphia System - Auburn System

Philadelphia System - placed prisoners in solitary confinement => suicide rates sky rocketed => abandoned movement Auburn System - discipline and work reform for prisoners - very strict discipline and forced prisoners to work => punishment was very harsh

Pullman Strike (1894)- Debs (American Railway Union)

Pullman Strike and Debs - Pullman Sleeping Car Company cut wages => workers on strike => negotiators fired on spot - Debs of American Railway Union stepped in to back strikers and called for other RR workers to boycott by refusing to handle trains w/ Pullman Sleeping Cars - RR companies sup[ported Pullman Comp by threatening RR workers - RR comps ordered US mail cars to be attached to Pullman cars => blocking distribution of US mail was a felony - Comps turned to US govt and pres for help => Cleveland and court enforced the act by arresting unions who committed felony and by sending in troops - strike broke by US troops - Debs becomes socialist

Election of 1856 -Republicans: Fremont - Homestead Act

Republicans- birth of the republican party - attracted: free soilers, liberty party, conscience whigs, anti-Kansas-Nebraska Act dems - entirely regional party => no support-S, only N and W - ran Fremont: "Free soil, free labor, free speech, free men, Fremont" - formed in reaction to/aftermath of Kansas- Nebraska Act - opposed extension of slavery in territory => Opposed K-N Act - wanted to repeal the Fugitive Slave Act - wanted to raise tariffs - wanted fed $ for internal improvements and for RR - pushed for Homestead Act Homestead Act- would give land in the west to small farmers => appealed to westerners

Results of Civil War Reconstruction (1863-1877)

Results of Civil War- supreme test of democracy- passed - lost an entire gen of young men - cost was $15 billion - extreme states rights and nullification crushed - 4 million free slaves - medal of honor started in this war - pres gained pwr during war- pres war pwrs Reconstruction (1863-1877)- started as early as 1863 w/ Lin's 10% Plan - Lin started w/ recon, then Johnson took over - J faced opposition in congress by repub rads => congressional recon - saw growth in pres pwr in war =>during recon: saw growth in congressional pwr - pwr shifted away from states rights

Robber Barons - J.P. Morgan - Carnegie - Rockefeller

Robber Barons- very rich, allowed for cheaper production of foods => large masses can use them J.P. Morgan - bought failing RRs and consolidated RRs => eliminated competition => Morganization, "Morgan Men" Carnegie Steel- 1st to establish a monopoly => economy's of scale => lower production cost => vertical integration => Morgan Bond Transaction Rockefeller- Standard Oil => horizontal integration => owned 90% of oil in US

Roger Taney and his "pet banks" Biddle's response to the "pet banks" - Czar Nicholas

Roger Taney and his "pet banks" - AJs to cripple the national bank by withdrawing funds out - he keeps replacing his sec of state until Roger Taney becomes sec of state (will comply w/ AJ to cripple nat bank) - Taney found reliable banks that had reliable lending practices and he put the US funds there => those banks were called his "pet banks" Biddle's response to the "pet banks" - Biddle is furious about the pet banks => in order to pay the loans requested by Taney, banks must call back loans from other banks - however, Biddle exaggerates the contraction and calls back twice as much as Taney asked => made it harder for businesses and ppl to get loans => $ in circulation drops and land speculation drops - AJ calls Biddle "Czar Nicholas"- tells angry ppl to go to Czar Nicholas

Sand Creek Massacre Treaty of Medicine Lodge

Sand Creek Massacre- colorado gov pressured natives to move to reservation - Chivington and troops massacred natives at Sand Creek - news spread to other natives => angry and some natives retaliate Treaty of Medicine Lodge- congress tried to solve native conflicts - move natives to reservations

Scalawags Carpetbaggers

Scalawags- S whites who were willing to cooperate w/ Repubs Carpetbaggers- N newcomers to S who wanted to take advantage of S situation - northerners who came to S for opportunity

Second Reply to Hayne (Webster- Hayne debates) End to Webster- Hayne Debates

Second Reply to Hayne (Webster- Hayne debates) - Webster argued that the Constitution is a compact between the ppl and not the states => anybody who advocated for states' right to nullification wants to break up the union and thus are treasonous End to Webster- Hayne Debates - debated shifted back to land reform - squatters were allowed to buy land at the price of the land survey

Seneca Falls Convention - Declaration of Rights and Sentiments

Seneca Falls Convention - the 1st women's rights convention - held by Mott and Stanton - argued that single women paid taxes but couldn't vote => taxation w/o representation Declaration of Rights and Sentiments - spoof off of the Declaration of Independence

Sherman Anti-Trust Act US v E.C. Knight

Sherman Anti-Trust Act - all monopolies that limited trade were illegal - too vague and hard to enforce US v E.C. Knight - showed inefficiency of Sherman Anti-Trust Act - E.C. Knight owned 98% of sugar industry but still not considered monopoly => if this isn't considered monoply, nothing will

Spot Resolutions - Lincoln Northern Reaction to Declaration of Mexican War

Spot Resolutions- Lincoln questioned whether the place the US patrol was attacked on American soil or Mexican soil => if on Mexican soil, US had no right to go to war b/c Mexican were just defending themselves - other congress men made fun of Lincoln Northern Reaction to Declaration of Mexican War - Northerners were very angry - they believed that Polk provoked war to get CA to prevent GB to get it -N against war b/c saw the potential of extending slavery

Election of 1884 - Stawarts- Blaine - Mugwumps/Half-Breeds and Dems- Cleveland

Stalwarts- turn back on "reforming Arthur" - nominate Baline - make fun of reforming Half-Breeds => "snivel service" and mugwumps Mugwumps- reforming Repubs/ Half-Breeds - support dem candidate Cleveland => wins but doesn't control congress (repubs control congress)

Reconstruction: Success and Failures

Success - 13th, 14th, 15th amend - Freedmen Bureau- education for freedmen - blacks gained more rights in S - Repub control of S govt allowed black rights to be protected => Civil Rights Acts - N economy boomed- Gilded Age=> rise of large companies &"Billion Dollar Congress" - Homestead Act, Morrill Land Grant Act, Morrill Tariff Act, Pacific Railway Act Failures - Repub control of govt in S => prejudice against blacks => rise of terrorists groups like the KKK that targeted blacks => violence and fear - as Dems regained control of S govt (Amnesty Act allowed them to participate in govt again) => passed laws that canceled the legislation of the Repub Carpet bagger govt that helped blacks - troops withdrawn => blacks no longer protected => near the end of recon, N no longer motivated by sympathy to help blacks in S => wanted to leave them on own - Gilded Age => corruption => split the Repub party => lost house to dems

Tecumseh and Tippecanoe

Tecumseh-a Shawnee chief that traveled up & down Ohio & Miss rivers to unite natives into a native confederation to resist US expansion - wanted to end white ways & stop ceding land to US - wanted to return to the old traditions Battle of Tippecanoe - Tecumseh is away w/ his prophet brother in charge - the brother orders a reckless charge against Harrison and loses => huge failure for natives & now natives more reluctant to join a native confed - westerners were convinced that GB was behind Tippecanoe

Tenure of Office Act (1867) Impeachment of Johnson (1868)

Tenure of Office Act (1867)- prohibited pres from removing fed officials or military commanders from office w/o approval of congress => issue over appointment - congress tried to protect rad cabinet members and military in S => tried to protect sec of war, Stanton b/c Stanton was in chief of military govts in S Impeachment of Johnson (1868)- J removed Stanton from office (went against Tenure of Office Act) => house voted to impeach for "high crimes and misdemeanors" - lawyers argued that law wouldn't have protected Stanton anyway b/c Stanton was appointed in Lin's 1st term and had to be appointed in 2nd term to be protected) -bigger argument: J wanted to create a test case b/c congress violated cont w/ Tenure of Office Act - House impeached but Senate didn't convict => b/c would have set a bad presence to remove pres for political reasons => tried to keep balance of pwrs between branches => keep impeachment out as a political tool

US and Cuba Ostend Manifesto

US and Cuba- S tried to extend slavery in Cuba - Cuba had large # of slaves and Cuban slave owners looking toward US for support - Cuba was also big enough to curve into mult states => south saw slave state potentials - Cuba also had sugar - 2 vigilante southern militia tried to seize Cuba => showed how desperate south was to extend slavery Ostend Manifesto - US offered $ for Cuba=> if Spanish rejected offer => US was justified to seize Cuba - manifesto was confidential b/c it was very contentious => however it got leaked => North was furious => plan/manifesto was dropped

Political Spectrum

Ultra Rad Repubs- no Compromise for political and civil eqaulit for blacks -ex: Sumner Rad Repubs- wanted political and civil equality for blacks but would compromise - ex: Stevens, Wade Mod Repubs and Peace Dems in N- concerned w/ economy - wanted to end slavery but not yet willing to go to bat for rights for freed men Dems and Ex-confeds

Uncle Tom's Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe the Impending Crisis of the South - Hinton Helper

Uncle Tom's Cabin- Harriet Beecher Stowe - most popular book in North at the time - in the book, Stowe painted Uncle Tom as angelic => pushed many in the North toward abolitionism => made many see slaves as humans and made them question the morality of slavery - book later made into play => reached even wider audiences - south was furious at book b/c they saw it as stereotypical northern propaganda against slavery and the south the Impending Crisis of the South- Hinton Helper - Helper argued that slavery had a neg impact on economy => whites were hurt more by slavery due to competition => later northerners look back at book when the Panic of 1857 hits and the northern economy hit while southern wasn't - slavery was not efficient - the book infuriated the south

Vertical Integration vs Horizontal Integration

Vertical Integration- buy all companies that produced materials for products => owned every step in production => could mange them => very efficient => allowed to undercut competition Horizontal Integration- own all companies in a field => buy up all competition => monopoly

War of Attrition/Lee

War of Attrition- winning war by wearing enemy down through losses in men and supplies - Lee knew w/ #s and resources alone, he will lose war even if he won battles b/c he will run out of men - Lee knew he must take a major N city or army so N would let confeds go - Lee recognized he has no choice => decided to attack N army in N=> leads to Gettysburg


confed jail in Georgia

Adams Onis Treaty (1819) -Rhea Letter

events leading up to treaty: - during war of 1812, US soldiers occupied western Florida b/c Spanish empire was crumbling - the Seminole tribe on Florida were raiding northern settlements of US b/c the Spanish couldn't control them - Monroe's sec of state, John Quincy Adams (JQA) is negotiation for FL w/ Spanish but is interrupted w/ military exploits of AJ => Calhoun, sec of war, sends AJ to get rid of native threat and AJ destroys the Seminole but also capture a Spanish ft & kills to British agents in the ft => Calhoun issues the Rhea Letter to get AJ court martialed => but Spanish to weak to do something and GB didn't care -JQA tells Spanish either to govern its territories or to give FL to US the treaty: - Spain sells FL to US => instead of paying $5 million to Spain, the US pays the $ to the citizens of US who the Spanish owe $ to for the property damage done by the natives - Spain gives up claims to the Oregon territory - US gives up claims to Texas

Yazoo Land Fraud/Fletcher vs Peck - Quids

main pts from case: - own party (Quids lead by Randolph) embarrasses and fails to support Jeff => criticized Jeff for not sticking to strict constructionist beliefs - Marshall's court applies judicial review to state laws Yazoo Land Fraud - corrupt Georgia legislature sat on land & then sold land cheaply to 4 big land companies => companies sold land very expensively to public & gives back some $ to legislature - old legislature is thrown out & a new one is elected => the new legislature tries fix the corruption of the old by trying to take land grants back - but grants were already sold to the public - Jeff tries to compensate the farmers but his party was against it b/c it wasn't in the constitution Fletcher vs Peck - farmers sues Georgia & cases goes to supreme court - Marshall decides that the 2nd Georgia legislature committed fraud by taking land back => extends judicial review to states - congress eventually compensates farmers

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