History - Foreign policy and international relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Chairmanship year of Kazakhstan at OSCE


In his address to the people dated March 16, 2022, President Kassymzhomart Tokayev said that we have to strengthen the role of

the Parliament

At the proposal of the President, new administrative units were created in the republic

1) Abai 2) Ulytau 3) Zhetysu

The Republic of Kazakhstan implements its foreign policy based on the following basic principle(s)

1) Promoting the external openness of the state, creating favorable external conditions for increasing the level of well-being of citizens, developing the political, economic and spiritual potential of the country 2) Assistance in building a stable and democratic world order 3) Equal integration into the world political, economic and humanitarian development

In his address to the people dated March 16, 2022, President Kassymzhomart Tokayev offered

1) to legalize the obligation of the President to terminate membership in the party for the period of his powers 2) to ban akims and their deputies from holding positions in party branches 3) to ban the closest relatives of the President from holding positions of political public servants and leaders in the quasi-public sector

What is meaning of international relations?

Activities between states—such as war, diplomacy, trade, and foreign policy.

When Kazakhstan joined OSCE?

January 30, 1992

Foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is characterized as

Multivector, proactive and pragmatic

When did Kazakhstan become a member of the United Nations?

March 2, 1992

In his address to the people dated March 16, 2022, President Kassymzhomart Tokayev outlined the path of renewal and modernization, which defines the contours of the

New Kazakhstan

According to the proposal of the President, the electoral system of Kazakhstan should switch to

proportional-majoritarian model

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