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What was the Declatory Act?

- England gets rid of stamp act, but declares that they can tax the colonists whenever they want

What are the Navigation Acts?

1. Colonists MUST import ONLY from England 2. Certain colonial cash crops MUST go to Eng.

when did the portugese colonize the atlantic islands


When were the Navigation Acts?


date of King Philip/Metacom's War


When was Bacon's Rebellion?


when was bacons rebellion


When was the Stamp Act?


when were the daughters of liberty?


what was the date of the american revolution


When was the Declatory Act?


when where the townshend duties


When was the Tea Act passed?


the tea act

1773 act which eliminated import tariffs on tea entering England and allowed the British East India Company to sell directly to consumers rather than through merchants. Led to the Boston Tea Party.

When were the Coercive/Intolerable Acts?


Middle Passage

A voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies, took 1-2 months

In contrast to english colonization, french colonization A. Was more focused on trade than on farming B. Was more determined to spread protestantism C. Produced fewer alliances with native american leaders D. All of the above are true

A. was more focused on trade than on farming

What was the Tea Act of 1773?

An act that allowed the British East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonists and added a tax on tea, so colonists would want to buy from the BEITC. and to help the financially struggling company stay alive


An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought

In south and mesoamerica, the spanish encountered A. Only nomadic (wandering) tribes b. Civilizations engaged in long distance trade and urban centers C. Only egalitarian civilizations, with no heirarchies or forced labor

B. civilizations engaged in long distance trade and urban centers

The docterine of predestination holds that.. A. Belief in god plus good actions earns salvation B. Individuals have no ability to affect their own salvation C. Belief in god alone earns salvation

B. individuals have no ability to affect their own salvation

What was Bacon's Rebellion?

Bacon's Rebellion was an armed rebellion in 1676 by Virginia settlers led by Nathaniel Bacon against the rule of Governor William Berkeley. they torched the capital

Mercantilism refers to a set of ideas that A. Advocated for free trade B. Argued that merchants should replace the aristocrascy as rulers C. Advocated for regulations on trade and promoted competition between empires D. Provided a pathway to independence for colonial societies

C. advocated for regulations on trade and promoted competiion between empires

Which is true about king philip/metacoms war A. It took place in the earliest years of colonization (1620's) B. It took place in new mexico C. It dramatically reduced the native american population in new england D. None of the above is true

C. it dramitically reduced the native american population in new england

the pueblo revolt A. Occured around the same time as metacoms war B. Temporarily drove the spanish out of new mexico C. Produced protections for the pueblo indians, despite spains reconquest D. All of the above are true

D. all of the above are true

Slavery A. Existed within africa prior to colonization B. Became the dominant labor system in virginia from the moment of colonization C. Took on new forms in the amerias (contrasted to its past in europe and africa) D. All of the above E. A and C only

E. a and c only

Which of the following are real events, correctly placed in time A. Pueblo revolt, 1680 B. Hams rebellion, 1676 C. King Phillips/Metacoms was, 1675-1676 D. All of the above E. A and C only

E. a and c only

Pueblo Revolt

Native American revolt against the Spanish in late 17th century due mainly to spanish trying to convert them to catholicism; expelled the Spanish for over 10 years; Spain began to take an accommodating approach to Natives after the revolt

What are the Townshend Duties?

Taxes on goods such as glass, paper, tea (etc.) that were imported into the colonies from England. The idea was introduced to the British Parliament by Charles Townshend. the revenue paid for officials salaries , this prompted the colonists to boycott british goods

What is the Stamp Act?

The Stamp Act said that the colonists had to pay a tax on printed papers purpouse was for the british to pay for their troops stationed in the american colonies after the french and indian war

Columbian Exchange

The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages. -europeans mostly benefitted from the columbian exchange because the disease reduced the ability of native groups to resist european colonizers

Which of the following is NOT true about West Africa? a. It was home to a single dominant language b. It contained small villages and large trading centers c. Polygyny (the practice of plural wives) was widespread d. It contained a variety of climates

a. it was home to a single dominant language

Which of the following is not a tenet of the Enlightenment? a. Atheism b. Empiricism c. Progressivism d. Rationalism e. I don't know the answer

a. atheism

Why didn't England make stronger attempts to colonize the New World before the late 16th to early 17th century? a. English attention was turned to internal struggles and the encroaching Catholic menace to Scotland and Ireland. b. The English monarchy did not want to declare direct war on Spain by attempting to colonize the Americas. c. The English military was occupied in battling for control of New Netherlands. d. The English crown refused to fund colonial expeditions. e. I don't know the answer

a. english attention was turned to internal struggles and the encroaching catholic menace to scotland and ireland

What is an important element of Thomas Paine's Common Sense? a. He mocks both the king and the idea that Great Britain should rule the colonies. b. He writes with extreme politeness and formality, to prove America's cultural legitimacy. c. He lays out the precise forms of government that would later be enacted through the Constitution. d. He calls for aid from France, Spain, Russia, and the Netherlands. e. I don't know the answer

a. he mocks both the king and the idea that great britian should rule the colonies

What impact did Islam have on West African empires? a. It provided political and legal structure b. It expended the crusades to other parts of Africa. c. It outlawed monotheism (belief in one God). d. It eradicated tribal practices. e. I don't know the answer

a. it provided political and legal structure

What is chattel slavery? a. Legally defining slaves as property and not people b. Short term enslavement that is based on contracts that expire after an established amount of years c. Specifically references the enslavement of women as domestics d. Legal categorization of all Native peoples as slaves e. I don't know the answer

a. legally defining slaves as property and not people

Who was the Pueblo leader who led his people in resisting the Spanish? a. Popé b. Pedro Menéndez c. Tecumseh d. Augustine e. I don't know the answer

a. pope

The founders of the Plymouth colony were: a. Puritans b. Catholics c. Anglicans d. Jesuits e. I don't know the answer

a. puritans

What battle turned the tide of war in favor of the Americans? a. The Battle of Saratoga b. The Battle of Brandywine Creek c. The Battle of White Plains d. The Battle of Valley Forge e. I don't know the answer

a. the battle of saratoga

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the ability of early conquistadors to gain a foothold in the "New World"? a. The use of fortifications and large European armies b. Instigation of civil wars among Native peoples c. Vulnerability of Native populations to European diseases d. Willingness of some Native peoples to ally with the conquistadors

a. the use of fortifications and large european armies

How did the English colonies in New England differ from the settlements in the Chesapeake bay? a. They were founded by Puritans seeking religious freedom. b. They were founded to develop English commerce and trade. c. They sought to expand the wealth of the English monarchy. d. They unified to fight the Native Powhatan. e. I don't know the answer

a. they were founded by puritans seeking religous freedom

The British southern strategy involved: a. Using Loyalists and allies to do the fighting b. Leaving large occupying forces in place as the British Army advanced c. Using Spain as an ally to Britain d. All of the above

a. using loyalists and allies to do the fighting

what was one of the most tragic outcomes in the emerging atlantic world

african slavery

King Philip/Metacom's War

armed conflict between indian inhabitants of the new england region of north america vs the new england colonists and their indian allies

Select all that apply: What was the Puritan reaction when they encountered Native Peoples in New England? a. They welcomed the Native population as demanded by their Methodist beliefs. b. They massacred large segments of the Native population. c. They tried to convert the Native population. d. They established settlements on Native territory. e. I don't know the answer

b, c and d

What was the root cause of the social and economic devastation in Europe during the mid-14th century? a. Warfare with China b. A highly contagious disease known as the bubonic plague c. Colonial competition between European powers d. Record low birth rates e. I don't know the answer

b. a highly contagious disease known as the bubonic plague

Which of the following was not a result of Dunmore's Proclamation? a. Slaves joined Dunmore to fight for the British. b. A majority of slaves in the colonies won their freedom. c. Patriot forces increased their commitment to independence. d. Both slave holding and non-slaveholding whites feared a slave rebellion. e. I don't know the answer

b. a majority of slaves in the colonies won their freedom

Which of the following contributed to the use of enslaved Africans in New World plantations? a. The Catholic Church decreed they be converted to Christianity and then enslaved b. American Indians sickened and died when enslaved c. There was no need for labor, but speculators imported slaves nonetheless d. We have no sources of information about why enslaved Africans were brought to the New World

b. american indians sickened and died when enslaved

Which of the following best describes the Columbian Exchange? a. The letters Columbus and other conquistadors exchanged with the Spanish crown b. An exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between Europe and the Americas c. A form of trade between the Spanish and Natives d. The way in which explorers exchanged information about new lands to conquer e. I don't know the answer

b. an exchange of plants, animals and diseases between europe and the americas

Which of the following was a strategic purpose of the Declaration? a. Declare that continued loyalty to Great Britain was now punishable by death b. Attract foreign support for the colonists c. Inspire enslaved people to join the Revolution d. All of the above were strategic purposes e. Not sure

b. attract foreign support for the colonists

The imperial wars tended to have a. dramatic conclusion that transformed North America b. inconclusive outcomes c. positive effects on relationships between British colonists and native peoples d. All of the above

b. inconclusive outcomes

What was the outcome of Pontiac's Rebellion? a. It secured better trade relationships between Native Peoples and the British. b. It incited deep racial hatred among the colonists against Native Peoples. c. It led to a series of treaties aimed at creating compromise and fair land sessions between the colonists and Native Peoples. d. It gave the French another foothold in North America. e. I don't know the answer.

b. it incited deep racial hatred among the colonists against native peoples

Which of the following statements best represents a motivation for Loyalists? a. Loyalists tended to be Catholic. b. Loyalists often had extensive business ties to Great Britain. c. Loyalists comprised more than 60% of the colonial population. d. The vast majority of American colonists were neutral and didn't take a side between Loyalists and Patriots. e. I don't know the answer

b. loyalists often had extensive business ties to great britian

Which city served as the base for British operations for most of the war? a. Boston b. New York c. Philadelphia d. Saratoga e. I don't know the answer.

b. new york

After the Boston Massacre, the Sons of Liberty a. Condemned the unruliness of the mob. b. Portrayed the British soldiers as murderers. c. Blamed the actions on the colonists. d. Ignored the events, focusing on the larger repeal of the Townshend Acts. e. I don't know the answer

b. potrayed the british soldiers as murderers

What was the First Great Awakening? a. A cultural and intellectual movement that emphasized reason and science over superstition and religion. b. A Protestant revival that emphasized emotional, experiential faith over book learning. c. A cultural shift that promoted Christianity among slave communities. d. The birth of an American identity, promoted by Benjamin Franklin. e. I don't know the answer

b. protestant revival that emphasized emotional, experiental faith over book learning

What was the Dominion of New England? a. James II's overthrow of the New England colonial governments. b. The consolidated New England colony James II created. c. Governor Edmund Andros's colonial government in New York. d. The taxes New England colonists had to pay to James II. e. I don't know the answer

b. the consolidated new england colony james 11 created

Which of the following contributed to colonists' resentment of the Townshend Acts? a. The taxes were among the highest ever imposed by a European power. b. The monies brought in by the taxes were used to pay British officials, reducing colonists' control over them. c. The taxes reduced the ability of Southern planters to sell their tobacco abroad. d. All of the above. e. I don't know the answer

b. the monies brought in . by the taxes were used to pay british officials, reducing colonists control over them

The Negro Act of 1740 was a reaction to ________. a. fears of a slave conspiracy in the setting of 13 fires in New York City b. the Stono Rebellion c. the Royal African Company's monopoly d. the growing power of maroon communities e. I don't know the answer

b. the stono rebellion

Which of the following is not true about the Maya? a. They lived near modern Mexico City b. Their religious texts were carefully preserved by the Spanish c. They practiced large-scale agriculture d. They were harmed by persistent drought

b. their religous texts were carefully preserved by the spanish

What important role did the Daughters of Liberty play in protesting British oppression? a. They became politically mobilized by obtaining the right to vote in the colonies. b. They exercised the "power of the purse" by boycotting British goods. c. They started publishing newspapers and pamphlets throughout the colonies outlining reasons why the Stamp Act was unconstitutional. d. They engaged in violent protests and actively chased British loyalists out of the colonies. e. I don't know the answer

b. they excerscised the "power of the purse" by boycotting british goods

During the eighteenth century, the following is true of British consumer goods: a. They were boycotted by American colonists, beginning in the 1720's b. They were increasingly available in the colonies and desired by many colonists c. There were decreasing numbers of printed texts available d. We have no information about British consumer goods in the eighteenth century e. I don't know the answer

b. they were increasingly availiable in the colonies and desired by many colonists

Which of the following is NOT true about the Navigation Acts? a. They were intended to strengthen trade between England and its colonies. b. They were strictly enforced by the English navy across the world. c. They allowed England to tax goods from its colonies. d. They discouraged trade with other nations. e. I don't know the answer

b. they were strictly enforced by the english navy across the world

Which of the following was decided at the First Continental Congress? a. To declare war on Great Britain b. To boycott all British goods and prepare for possible military action c. To offer a conciliatory treaty to Great Britain d. To pay for the tea that was dumped in Boston Harbor e. I don't know the answer

b. to boycott all british goods and prepare for possible military action

What was the chief goal of the Puritans in the 16th century? a. To achieve a lasting peace with the Catholic nations of Spain and France b. To eliminate any traces of Catholicism from the Church of England c. To assist Henry VIII in his quest for an annulment to his marriage d. To create a hierarchy within the Church of England modeled on that of the Catholic Church e. I don't know the answer

b. to eliminate any traces of catholicism from the church of england

What was the most lucrative product of the Chesapeake colonies? a. Corn b. Tobacco c. Gold and silver d. Slaves e. I don't know the answer

b. tobacco

What was the main goal of the French in colonizing the Americas? a. Establishing a colony with French subjects b. Trading, especially for furs c. Gaining control of shipping lanes d. Spreading Catholicism among Native peoples e. I don't know the answer

b. trading, especially for furs


emphasized human powerlessness before an omniscient God stressed the idea of predestination- the belief that God selected a few chosen people for salvation while everyone else was predestined to damnation

What was NOT a source of physical power in the European colonies? a. Humans (e.g., Natives, slaves) b. Nature (e.g., wind, water) c. Vassals (e.g., European prisoners within the feudal system) d. Animals (e.g., horses, oxen) e. I don't know the answer

c, vassals

Which term describes German soldiers hired by Great Britain to put down the American rebellion? a. Patriots b. Royalists c. Hessians d. Loyalists e. I don't know the answer

c. hessians

What is a constitutional monarchy? a. It is a form of government in which monarchs and parliament have equal political power. b. It is a form of government in which monarchs have more political power then the parliament. c. It is a form of government in which monarchs have less political power then the parliament. d. It is a form of government in which the parliament elects monarchs. e. I don't know the answer

c. it is a form of government in which monarchs have less political power then the parliament

Which of the following is true of west africa? A. It contained only small villages, no large trading centers B. Its single, dester like climate shaped culture throughout the region C. It was home to a number of languages D. All of the above

c. it was home to a number of langauges

Which of the following is NOT true about the Restoration Colonies? a. They reflect Charles II's desire to expand the English Empire b. They each were given by the king to a powerful individual, family, or group c. None of them allowed slavery d. They were founded after Massachusetts and Virginia

c. none of them allowed slavery

What was the "conspiracy" of the New York Conspiracy Trials of 1741? a. American patriots conspiring to overthrow the royal government. b. Indentured servants conspiring to overthrow their masters. c. Slaves conspiring to burn down the city and take control. d. Protestants conspiring to murder Catholics. e. I don't know the answer

c. slaves conspiring to burn down the city and take control

What was the purpose of the Quebec Act? a. To turn Quebec into an exile territory that disruptive colonists could be sent to b. To create the first Native American reserve c. To expand the boundaries of Quebec and extend religious tolerance to Roman Catholics in the province d. To limit further British westward expansion into Quebec in an attempt to compromise with France e. I don't know the answer

c. to expand the boundaries of quebec and extend religious tolerance to roman catholics in the province

What was the Middle Passage? a. The fabled sea route from Europe to the Far East. b. The land route from Europe to Africa. c. The transatlantic journey that African slaves made to America. d. The line between the northern and southern colonies. e. I don't know the answer

c. transatlantic journey that african slaves made to america

Spanish conquest in the americas was aided by A.The effect of european diseases on american populations B.Gunpowder C. Divisions within the local population D. All of the above

d. all of the above

The lack of immigration to New Netherland produce which of the following results? a. Importation of enslaved Africans b. Acceptance of non-Dutch settlers c. Development of a multicultural colonial society d. All of the above e. I don't know the answer

d. all of the above

What does the Proclamation of 1763 reveal to us? a. Native Peoples could still influence British land policy after the French and Indian War. b. Competition between settlers and Native Peoples would contribute to colonists' resentment of British rule. c. British victory in the French and Indian War did not bring full control of the land in their possession. d. All of the above.

d. all of the above

What motivated Spain to fund Columbus and other explorers? a. To rival Portugal b. To spread Christianity c. To develop new trade opportunities d. All of the above e. I don't know the answer

d. all of the above

Which of the following is true about feudal Europe? a. Most Europeans lived in small villages b. Serfs worked the land in return for protection from a lord c. Life expectancies were much shorter than today's d. All of the above are true

d. all of the above are correct

How did European muskets change life for Native Peoples in the Americas? a. Changed the balance of power among Native Peoples b. Made warfare more deadly c. Became weapons Native peoples used against Europeans d. All of the above are true about muskets

d. all of the above are true

Which of the following is true of Europe before 1492? A. Its population had been devestated by plague in the 14th century B. Most europeans lived in small villages C. European society saw stark differences between wealthy and poor D. All of the above are true

d. all of the above are true

Which of the following was a cause of the British national debt in 1763? a. Drought in Great Britain b. The French and Indian War c. The continued British military presence in the American colonies d. Both B and C e. I don't know the answer.

d. both b and c

Which of the following is NOT an example of how Native Peoples were affected by the Treaty of Paris, which ended the French and Indian War? a. Many Native Peoples found that they had lost a valued trading partner in France. b. Following the treaty, there was an acceleration of British settler encroachment on Native lands. c. With the end of the conflict, Native Peoples lost the bargaining power over the British. d. Following the treaty, Native Peoples benefited from the absence of competition between the French and British empires. e. I don't know the answer.

d. following the treaty, native peoples benefited from the absence of competition between the french and british empires

Facilitated largely by local Native tribes, the main commerce in New Netherland was a. Gold b. Enslaved peoples c. Disease d. Fur

d. fur

Which religious order joined the French settlement in Canada and tried to convert the Natives to Christianity? a. Franciscans b. Calvinists c. Anglicans d. Jesuits e. I don't know the answer

d. jesuits

Which country initiated the era of Atlantic exploration? a. France b. Spain c. England d. Portugal e. I don't know the answer

d. portugal

What was NOT a main term of the Treaty of Paris? a. Recognition of American independence b. Establishment of American borders c. Grant of New Englander fishing rights of Newfoundland d. Removal of loyalists from the colonies e. I don't know the answer

d. removal of loyalists from the colonies

Which of the following is NOT a reaction by colonists towards British attempts to re-establish authority: a. Raising of local militia b. Rejecting of British laws c. Boycotting of British goods d. The creation of a prison system for British loyalists e. I don't know the answer

d. the creation of a prison system for british loyalists

Which of the following was not a goal of the Stamp Act? a. To gain control over the colonists b. To raise revenue for British troops stationed in the colonies c. To raise revenue to pay off British debt from the French and Indian War d. To declare null and void any laws the colonies had passed to govern and tax themselves e. I don't know the answer

d. to declare null and void any laws the colonies had passed to govern and tax themselves

when was the tea party

december 16th 1773

Indentured Servitude

labor under contract to an employer for a fixed period of time, typically three to seven years, in exchange for their transportation, food, clothing, lodging and other necessities. Often used in the late 19th and early 20th century as a replacement of slave labor, but with fairly similar exploitative working conditions. Laborers were often transported thousands of miles and could not easily afford to return home.

What are the Coercive/Intolerable Acts?

laws passed by the british parliament in 1774 after the boston tea party. the laws were meant to punish masachusetts colonists for their defiance in the tea party protest in reaction to changes in taxation b y the british

What are the restoration colonies?

new york new jersey pennsylvania the carolinas proprietorships granted to men from charles of england for helping him reclaim the throne

elements of republicanism

political philosophy that held that elected representatives, not a monarchy, should govern states

what fueled atlantic slave trade


what caused the turn to racial slavery in the chesapeake

their was a scarcity of indentured servants, chesapeake farmers needed to look for cheaper and more labor to keep up with planting tabacco so they switched to racial slavery

primary source

written by people who were present at the events they are writing about

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