History Midterm Review

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Which is not a negative effect of large numbers of people moving to the cities

Cheaper prices

Who was the Queen that led England in the Golden Age of England?


Social Classes in France were called


What continent was the Roman Empire mainly on?


The Mayan Civilization declined around the year 1500 when Europeans arrived.


The only thing traded on the Silk Road was silk.


The printing press didn't really have a role in inspiring people to want to travel the to other places of the world.


Canada was originally settled by


Viceroy was a word used to describe slaves.


ore people lived on a farm in the US in 1910 than in 1850


Who did Francis Cabot Lowell want to attract to work in his mills

Farm Girls

Who was at the bottom of the Aztec power pyramid?

Farmers and Slaves

One of the Five Pillars of Islam is


Which of the following religions is polytheistic?


Sikhism combines

Hinduism and Islam

The richest human ever was

Mansa Munsa

What did Johann Gutenberg invent which enabled him to mass produce the Bible

Printing Press

The Incas used these knotted strings for communication


A disadvantaged of working in the mills is that you could get hurt yo even die on the job


After the fall of Rome, Western Europe fell into the Dark Ages.


As a result of sea trade, port cities became very rich and active places in the world.


Bastille day is a holiday celebrated today in rememberence of the French Revolution


Coal was used to create steam for the steam engines


Cortez and Pizarro are notable conquistadors that are famous for conquering the Aztecs and Incas resrectively.


Cortez used the enemies of the Aztecs to help him conquer them.


Despite their sea power, The Portguese weren't able to hold off other countries from taking greater control in the Indies.


Disease wiped out most of the Native Americans.


Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo inspired the creator of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to use their names in the cartoon and movies.


Marco Polo visited the Mongol Empire.


Martin Luther was ex-communicated from the Catholic Church for writing 95 Theses.


Napoleon abandoned his army in Egypt and returned to France


One defining reason that empires collapse is they got too big to govern.


Roman slaves did not pay taxes.


Romans spoke Latin.


Sir Isaac Newton did a lot of study in Calculus and the laws of gravity during the Scientific Revolution.


The Dutch imperialized South Africa and made Cape Town the capital.


The Great Wall of China was built to keep out invaders.


The Incan Emperor has absolute power.


The Incan Emperor owns all of his Incan people.


The Incas put great value in Gold


The Line of Demarcation split the world in two between Spain and Portugal. It was done by the Pope at the Treaty of Tordesillas.


The Mayans built great pyramid temple structures and had many similarities to the Ancient Egyptians.


The Mongols had the longest contiguous land empire in world history.


The Mongols were the first to use paper money made from bark.


The Spanish forced natives to convert to Catholicism.


The creation of penicillin was the greatest medical advance during the industrial Revolution


The draft enabled the French to build the strongest navy in Europe


The governor of the Bastilles head was displayed on a pike after he was killed


The language that people use and speak in their everyday life is called vernacular.


The most important problem the people faced which led to the French Revolution was the fact that they were hungry


The system of trading from the Americas to Europe was called Triangular Trade.


To celebrate the completion of Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs sacrificed 20,000 people in only 4 days.


When the Spanish arrived, the capital of the Aztecs was Tenochtitlan.


How could fighters fight back if treated unfairly

Turn out or go on strike

How could workers fight back if treated unfairly

Turn out or go on strike

The Incas used this type of farming on mountains

step terraces

The Incas used what system for farming?

step terraces

What is deficit spending?

the government spending more money than it is collecting

What new form of art took place during the Renaissance?


The peasant class (possibly 98%) of France was a part of this estate


How many hours a week did the Lowell girls typically work

70 or more

In the Columbian Exchange, goods, ideas, plants, animals, people, technology, and disease

A and B are correct (the first and 2nd choice)

What is an Empire?

A large territory under control of one government uniting peoples and cultures

Which of the following were beheaded during the French Revolution

All of these people

The Incas were located in

Andes Mountain

An example of an accomplishment of an empire is:


Wealthy members of the 3rd estate who were the emerging middle class and were bankers, merchants, lawyers, etc. were


Under the Spanish Encomienda System, Spanish colonies

could trade with the French but not the English

What was one important result of the Estates General

created the National Assembly

To get to Meso-America, Native Americans

crossed Beringia near modern day Alaska

Millions of Native Americans died from


Tenochtitlan was the capital of the Incas.


True or false the goal of social darwinism is that all of the people will be happy?


Before industry took over, where did 90 of americans live and get their supplies

family farms

Mayan wealth was made through

farming and trade

The new type of killing machine that was developed during the French Revolution was the


The Byzantines represented

Eastern Rome

The Han Empire built canals to store grain.


Factory workers were apart of what class

Lower class

Reasons for the Incas defeat to the Spanish

. All of the Above

Empires are strong because

. All of the above

What is true about a Chinampa?

. it was a floating land for farming

Geoglyphs are

. large drawings that can be seen from the air

How many people were in the Mongol Empire?

100 million

How many Africans were sent to America as slaves

11 million

lower lass worked worked approx how many hours a day according to the ppt


How old was Marie Antoinette when she married Louis XVI?


The clergy of France was a part of which estate?


How many of King Henry VIII's wives were executed


The Mogols ruled this much of the earth


The powerful social class of France made of Nobles was which estate


At the height of their empire, the Aztecs had a population of

3 million

How many people were in the Roman Empire at its peak?

300 million

In 1972 what form of government did the Radicals create at the new National Convention

A republic

What were the effects of the French Revolution

All fo these

New technology of the Age of Exploration included

All of the Above

Contiributions of the Aztec's included

All of the above

Mayan religion believed in

All of the above

Triangular Trade consisted of

All of the above

What Privileges did the 1st and 2nd estate have

All of the above

What happened during the enclosure movement?

All of the above

What led to the decline of the Mongol Empire?

All of the above

What new technology was used during the Agarian Revolution

All of the above

The name given to the revolutionary group that took over France's government from the 3rd estate


Marie Antoinette was a princess from what country


What was the major problem of Water power in New England?


The French prison that housed political prisoners and weapons was called


Polytheistic means

Belief in many gods

The Dutch settlers in Africa were called


Peninsulares were

Born in Spain

What served as a model to the French when the French Revolution begun

Both A and B

Which religion is vegetarian?


The Mayas number system included


Roman Emperors are named


What religion beleives Jesus was God's son and Savior?


Who did pay taxes in the Roman Empire?


Jobs of the Roman Army included all of these except

Collecting Taxes

Columbus named the natives in the Americas Indians because

Columbus thought he was in India

Istanbul is formely known as


The first trip to India via ship was by


The first trip around Africa was by


Columbus created the Dutch East India Company in India and took power away from Portugal.


Constantinople was the capitol of Mali.


Constatine legalized Christianity in Byzantine in 313 CE.


Cortez conquered the Incas.


In laissez-faire econmics the governemnt should control business


Incan science included a calendar, medicine, modern drugs, and sanitation.


Judaism and Christianity are both polytheistic.


Machiavelli is famous for building the Dome at St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome.


Mansa Musa was a Christian in the Mali army.


Marie Antoinette was executed on the same day as King Louis XVI


Napoleon Bonaparte defeated the British at the Battle of the Bulge


Napoleon provided free public education to French children


Over a Billion slaves died in making the trip from Africa to the Americas.


Prince Henry the Navigator helped Italy by developing a school for sailor that helped Italy rise to the top of the world in exploring.


The Atlantic Slave Trade route was called the Lower Passage.


The Church of England is often referred to as the Lutheran Chruch today.


Who was put on trial for heresy because he proved the earth was not the center of the universe or our solar system?


The Mongol Army was known as

Golden Horde

The Byzantine Empire's super weapon was

Greek Fire

One of the great architectural achievements of the Byzantine Empire was

Hagia Sophia

Who split England from the Catholic Church?

Henry VIII

One of the patterns we have seen this year in history is:

Higher literacy rates

When 6000 women marched to the Palace of Versailles, they accused Queen Marie Antionette:

Hording grain

The domination of a country by another country is called


What is not an accomplishment of the Roman Empire?

Imperil University

WHere did the lowell girls as they were called, live

In boarding Houses

Where did the Lowell Girls, as they were called, live

In boarding Houses

Cuzco is the capital city of what Native American group?


The Spice Islands are located near


What religion beleives Mohammed was God's messenger?


Which of the following comes from the descendants of Abraham's son Ishmael?


What country was the center for the rebirth in art, literature, and science?


Napoleon got money to fund his war and conquests in Europe by selling this to the USA?

Louisiana Territory

What religion is waiting for their Savior to come for the first time?


Which religion has the sabbath on Saturday?


John Locke favored


The person most noted during the enlightenment for his thoughts about natural rights and that all people should have the right to life, liberty and property was.


Who is the Protestant Reformer (Monk) that broke from the Catholic Church?

Martin Luther

What is the name of Henry VIII daughter that brought a lot of harm to Protestant's in England?

Mary Tudor

Who is famous for painting the Sistine Chapel and sculpting David?


What is the name of the World's most famous painting?

Mona Lisa

A ruler with complete governmental and religious control is a/an


The enlightened thinker that believed in separation of powers is


The Mali Empire was


Louis XVI's chief advisor who was fired because he wanted to bring more equality to French people was


This civilization is known for carving giant stone heads


What doesn't make a great empire?

Only one religion allowed

What was an indulgence?

Paying the church to forgive your sins and give you a free pass to heaven

Who was at the top of the Spanish Social Class in the New World?


Which religion does not eat pork?


Spain and what other country were the early leaders in the Age of Exploration?


What invention took weaving from the home to the mill?

Power Loom

The architect of the reign of terror was


Enlightened thinker that believed that all people are naturally good but are corrupted by society was


What two countries did not fall to Napoleon in Europe?

Russia and England

Mali controlled what kind of trade?

Salt and Gold

The Chinese Han Empire had a monopoly on

Salt and Iron

The core democratic values of equality, liberty, justice and popular soverignthey can all be traced to what era of history

Scientific revolution

Who is the most famous playwright/author of the Renaissance?


Buddhism was started by

Siddhartha Gautama

Which religion is monotheistic?


What country sponsored Christopher Columbus in his quest to the Americas?


Marco Polo brought back to Italy

Spices and Gunpowder

Napoleon was exiled for the 2nd times to this island, where he would eventually die

St Helena

According to the ppt, what country has the highest standard of living today


This book has been printed more than any other book in World History

The Bible

The French Revolution drew on many ideas of

The Enlieghtment

Where did Justinian's Code derive from?

The Laws of the 12 Tables

The holy book of Judaism is


The 1st major American Civilization was

The Olmecs

Class conflict is a factor in which of the following


The holy book of Hinduism is

The Vedas

Which is not a reason that the population exploded

The governemnt got rid of rats

What happened to the people that the Aztecs conquered?

They were forced to pay (wealth of tribute)

What was the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen modeled after

Us Declaration of Independence

When the women marched upon King Louis XVI's Palace, where were they taken to?


The governors of Spanish colonies were called


The Byzantines had constant trouble with the


What powered the first mills


The battle at which Napoleon was defeated by the British and exiled from France was


Who is the most famous leader of the Chinese Han Dynasty?


Zapotec was

a ball game

Spanish Conquistadores wanted

all of the above

King Louis XVI called the Estates General because

all of these are correct

Tenochtitlan was built on a


A causeway is

land bridge

Which of the following was part of the three Mayan farming methods?

plant and pick

The results of the American and French Revolutions inspited people seeking ______ and ind


Nationalism has to do with having too much _____ in your country


One of the great accomplishments of the Incas was

their great road system that covered 14,000 miles

What was the main reason for the Age of Exploration?

to get Asian spices cheaper

One of the most important jobs of Queen Marie Antionette was

to produce a male heir to the throne

The Incan ruler was an autocrat. This means he

was the religious leader too

What industrial invention would spin wool or cotton into yarn

water frame

What was used to power the first factories

water wheel

The Tennis Court Oath was

when the National Assembly made an oath to bein the Reign of Terror

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