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Amateur Athletic Union

Tavern Pastimes

Capture the flag, Rough and Tumble

Native games

Games like Toli

Elysian Fields

Portion of John Cox Stevens' property in Hoboken, New Jersey, that was donated for use as cricket fields and the New York Yacht Club.


right of inheritance belongs exclusively to the eldest son

Violent Games

Animal Bathing, Animal "Rodeo", Football

Harry Wright

Former cricket player who switched to baseball and was one of the best of the early players. he was the player-manager of the Cincinnati Red Stockings

Turner Societies

German immigrants in Mass and NY bring gymnastics/ volksturnen to the US


National Association of Amateur Athletes of America

Book of Sports

1618 order by James I of England which permitted games on Sunday for people who attended the Church of England services; this upset the Puritans, who believed quite the contrary was appropriate; rescinded after many clergy refused to read this order from the pulpit

Albert Spalding

A former star pitcher for the Chicago White Stockings who would go on to become a sports goods magnate. He wanted to prove baseball was a uniquely American sport.


A game introduced to the New York colony by the Dutch. It most closely resembles the modern game of golf.

Great Awakening

A revivalist (back to the bible) movement that began in the 1730s that emphasized a closer relationship with God.

Lawful Sport

Activities allowed by Puritan society which were designed to refresh the mind and body of the participant while being completely disassociated from Britain's Festive Culture

Reserve Clause

Allowed clubs to reserve the rights of players for their careers. It left players with very little power when negotiating contracts and controlling their futures

Playground Movement

Also designed to keep children out of trouble it began in Chicago in 1903 and was responsible for the jump of cities with supervised playgrounds from 41 to 504 in a little more than a decade

Barn Ball

An early incarnation of baseball that included bouncing a ball off the side of a barn and allowing another participant to hit it with a stick

Alexander Cartwright

Bank Clerk and Volunteer firefighter who helped form the Knickerbocker base ball club and devised the games' first rules.

Caledonian Clubs

Caledonia was the Roman name for Scotland and these clubs revolved around racing and track and field. They sprang up in America in the 1850s by Scottish immigrants and were responsible for setting up races all over the country

Paper Chases

Called "hare and hound" races in England they were essentially cross-country races in which torn up paper would mark the courses

G. Whitefield

Charismatic English preacher who started in the Anglican church but eventually came to the colonies and led the Great Awakening. Those who followed him became known as the "New Lights"

Michael King Kelly

Colorful player who started his career in Chicago but was famously sold to Boston for $10,000 in 1887

Mills Commission

Committee that decided Abner Doubleday was the inventor of baseball based on the testimony of one man

National League

Eight teams made up the original league and made sure none of the teams involved were owned by players. Cities in the league would have to have populations of at least 75,000 and have the approval of existing clubs to join.


English dissenters who broke from Church of England, preache a doctrine of pacificism, inner divinity, and social equity, under William Penn they founded Pennsylvania

Oliver Cromwell

English military, political, and religious figure who led the Parliamentarian victory in the English Civil War (1642-1649) and called for the execution of Charles I. As lord protector of England (1653-1658) he ruled as a virtual dictator.

New York Athletic Club

First all athletic club founded in 1860s Built the first cinder track in the United States?

Walking City

First of three stages of development of urban areas in which the edge of town was no more than two miles from the center of the city

Cincinnati Red Stockings

First recognized all-salary team in baseball. In their inaugural season of 1869 they won 57 while losing none and tying one.

William Cammeyer

First to charge admission for baseball games. --Enclose his baseball field in Brooklyn, 1862, with a fence and charged admission, in 1876 he was president of Brooklyn mutuals who voted to make the league a charter member and set a fixed rate of 50cents/game

Folk Games

Foot races, quibits, skittles, etc..

Henry Chadwick

Former British cricket player who embraced the game of baseball and became a sportswriter for the New York Clipper writing about the game. He was credited with inventing the batting average and box score and eventually became known as "Father Baseball"

James Gordon Bennett

Founder of the New York Herald in 1835. He initiated features found in modern newspapers, including a financial page, editorial commentary, and public-affairs reporting. His son David Livingstone found in jungle coverage New York Yacht Club Added track and field to the regatta and donated trophies

nouveau riche

French for "new rich." Referred to people who had become rich through business rather than through having been born into a rich family. The nouveau riche made up much of the American upper class of the late 1800s.


Game of stickball played by Native Americans most closely resembling lacrosse

Britain's Festive Culture

Games played in conjunction with the gathering of large groups of people in British society celebrating religious or pagan holidays or simply celebrating life

Sporting Spectacles

Games set up by fraternities to showcase their sports and their best competitors. Victorians were against them because of the competitiveness and the gambling and money paid to the participants went against their basic beliefs.

John Cox Stevens

Heir to a steamboat fortune, used his wealth to stage and promote sporting events (particularly races) involving horses, yachts, and people

College Crew (Rowing)

It involves propelling a boat (racing shell) on water using oars. By pushing against the water with an oar, a force is generated to move the boat.

Royal Games

Jousts, Tennis,

Moses Fleetwood Walker

Known as the last black player to compete in the major leagues before the color barrier set in during the late 1880s

Sabbatarian Laws

Laws passed in the colonies to restrict recreation on the Sabbath

Victorian Counterculture

Made up mainly of working-class men from the new industrial economy of the 19th century who were no longer taking pride in their work. Immigrants also made up a large part of this group along with members of the upper class. They were rebelling against the restrain of the Victorian middle class in many ways including competitive sports.

New Lights

Ministers who took part in the revivalist, emotive religious tradition pioneered by George Whitefield during the Great Awakening.


Movement away from religion and superstition and an embrace of science and reason. It began in Europe in the mid 18th century

Middle Class Victorianism

Named for the longest-serving monarch in British history (Victoria) it was a time period in which there was a belief that there was commonality between the middle class of the western industrialized world. The common themes included evangelical Protestantism, self-restraint and hard work

One Old Cat

Next incarnation of the game that replaced the barn with a base

Separate Spheres

Nineteenth-century idea in Western societies that men and women, especially of the middle class, should have different roles in society: women as wives, mothers, and homemakers; men as breadwinners and participants in business and politics

Beer and Whiskey League

Officially called the American Association, it was an early rival to the National League. It received its nickname by serving alcohol at games (something the National League did not do)

Cap Anson

One of the earliest superstar players of baseball. He played first base for the White Sox for 22 seasons finishing with a career average of .333 and 3,418 hits

Public Schools Athletic League

Organized in New York City by Luther Gulick in the early 20th century to put on competitions between schools and also to keep youth (especially immigrant youth) out of trouble after school

The Strenuous Life

Phrase coined by Theodore Roosevelt who believed the absence of a recent war had led to a feminization of the late-19th century male. The Strenuous Life was designed to toughen up the American male through vigorous exercise and sports.

William Hulbert

President of the Chicago White Stockings who formed the National League in 1876


Recognized by many as the earliest organized baseball club. The club was reserved for gentlemen and was more interested in the social aspect of the club than the competitiveness of the games. They played the first organized games in hoboken, NJ, at the Elysian Fields in 1845 Played baseball to until someone scored 21 runs

Rational recreation

Recreation that was deemed appropriate by the Victorian middle class including reading newspapers, books, and playing musical instruments. Some sports were allowed but always under the umbrella of non-competitiveness.

Four folkways

Sarratarian Middle Colonies NY Dutch Quakers

2nd Great Awakening

Series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on methodism and baptism, stressed philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for protestants. Attracted women, African Americans,and Native Americans

Southern Gentry

Slave holders were considered the highest of the social class. The only way to achieve upward mobility was to own more slaves.

Pageant of Misrule

Someone unmarried makes fun of the upper class and the married

Players League

Started by Ward and the Brothers to get new rights for them, did well at first but three leagues was too many, ended by the end of the 1890 season

Sporting Fraternity

Subcultures created by the counterculture for those who were interested in specific sports. It was also a place where men can find a surrogate brotherhood

Baseball Fraternity

The earliest baseball organizations were genuine social clubs, in which baseball playing was an important but far from the only activity. As one club constitution put it, "the objects of the Club shall be to 'improve, foster and perpetuate the American game of Base Ball,' and advance morally, socially, and physically, the interests of its..

Muscular Christianity

The second half of the 19th-century movement that stressed a balance of physical and spiritual exercise. Writer Thomas Wentworth Higgenson was a leading proponent of the movement


This was one place the Strenuous Life could be practiced was at the YMCA. Initially when it was founded in England in 1851 it focused more on the Christian part of its name but by the end of the 19th century it had become synonymous with exercise and sports.

J. Edwards

Uses enlightenment principles to bring faith and reason together Shaped first great awakening

Luther Halsey Gulick

Was an instructor at the YMCA's headquarters in Springfield, MA, and believed in the importance of balancing physical and mental conditioning.

Race of the Century

considered by many the first major sporting event that received national attention and promotion in newspapers - it pitted a northern horse Eclipse vs. southern horse Sir Henry in a sectional battle at Union race track on Long Island

rough and tumble

play that mimics aggression through wrestling, chasing, or hitting, but in which there is no intent to harm

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