History since 1865: Exam 1 Study Guide

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Chapter 17 Key Terms

Americanization: the policy aimed at assimilating Native Americans into a middle class, Protestant version of the American way of life through boarding schools for Native American children and land allotment for Native American households bonanza farms: large farms owned by speculators who hired laborers to work the land; these large farms allowed their owners to benefit from economies of scale and prosper, but they did nothing to help small family farms, which continued to struggle California Gold Rush: the period between 1848 and 1849 when prospectors found large strikes of gold in California, leading others to rush in and follow suit; this period led to a cycle of boom and bust through the area, as gold was discovered, mined, and stripped Comstock Lode: the first significant silver find in the country, discovered by Henry T. P. Comstock in 1859 in Nevada exodusters: a term used to describe African Americans who moved to Kansas from the Old South to escape the racism there Fence Cutting War: this armed conflict between cowboys moving cattle along the trail and ranchers who wished to keep the best grazing lands for themselves occurred in Clay County, Texas, between 1883 and 1884 las Gorras Blancas: the Spanish name for White Caps, the rebel group of Hispanic Americans who fought back against the appropriation of Hispanic land by White people; for a period in 1889-1890, they burned farms, homes, and crops to express their growing anger at the injustice of the situation Manifest Destiny: the phrase, coined by journalist John O'Sullivan, which came to stand for the idea that White Americans had a calling and a duty to seize and settle the American West with Protestant democratic values Sand Creek Massacre: a militia raid led by Colonel Chivington on a Cheyenne and Arapaho peoples camp in Colorado, flying both the American flag and the white flag of surrender; over one hundred men, women, and children were killed sod house: a frontier home constructed of dirt held together by thick-rooted prairie grass that was prevalent in the Midwest; sod, cut into large rectangles, was stacked to make the walls of the structure, providing an inexpensive, yet damp, house for western settlers Wounded Knee Massacre: an

How were German Americans harassed during WWI? Why they were persecuted?

Chapter 23 LOOK AT LECTURE NOTES FOR THIS!! Regardless of how patriotic immigrants might feel and act, an anti-German xenophobia overtook the country. German Americans were persecuted and their businesses shunned, whether or not they voiced any objection to the war. Some cities changed the names of the streets and buildings if they were German. Libraries withdrew German-language books from the shelves, and German Americans began to avoid speaking German for fear of reprisal. For some immigrants, the war was fought on two fronts: on the battlefields of France and again at home.

Palmer Raids, 1920

Chapter 23 Private citizens who considered themselves upstanding and loyal Americans, joined by discharged soldiers and sailors, raided radical meeting houses in many major cities, attacking any alleged radicals they found inside. By November 1919, Palmer's new assistant in charge of the Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover, organized nationwide raids on radical headquarters in twelve cities around the country. Subsequent "Palmer raids" resulted in the arrests of four thousand alleged American radicals who were detained for weeks in overcrowded cells. Almost 250 of those arrested were subsequently deported on board a ship dubbed "the Soviet Ark" Attorney General Palmer's campaign to arrest and deport radical leftists, especially anarchists, from the US. Occurred in November 1919 and January 1920 as more than 500 foreign citizens were deported, including a number of leftist leaders. U.S. Department of Labor objected the Palmer's methods. The Palmer Raids occurred in the larger context of the First Red Scare that had begun in response to the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and was used by US businesses and conservatives as a weapon to attack unions and the left.

American Protective League

Chapter 23 State and local officials, as well as private citizens, aided the government's efforts to investigate, identify, and crush subversion. Over 180,000 communities created local "councils of defense," which encouraged members to report any antiwar comments to local authorities. This mandate encouraged spying on neighbors, teachers, local newspapers, and other individuals. In addition, a larger national organization—the American Protective League—received support from the Department of Justice to spy on prominent dissenters, as well as open their mail and physically assault draft evaders.

Sedition Act of 1918

Chapter 23 The Sedition Act, passed in 1918, prohibited any criticism or disloyal language against the federal government and its policies, the U.S. Constitution, the military uniform, or the American flag. More than two thousand persons were charged with violating these laws, and many received prison sentences of up to twenty years. Immigrants faced deportation as punishment for their dissent. Not since the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 had the federal government so infringed on the freedom of speech of loyal American citizens. In the months and years after these laws came into being, over one thousand people were convicted for their violation, primarily under the Espionage and Sedition Acts.

Tape vs. Hurley (1885)

Chinese Americans Joseph and Mary Tape sued the San Francisco public schools, which refused to allow their daughter Mamie to attend. They won their case; however, rather than allow Mamie to attend school with white children, the school district successfully lobbied the state legislature to allow for the establishment of segregated schools. California did not outlaw school segregation until 1947.

Chapter 18 Key Terms

Haymarket affair:the rally and subsequent riot in which several policemen were killed when a bomb was thrown at a peaceful workers rights rally in Chicago in 1886 holding company:a central corporate entity that controls the operations of multiple companies by holding the majority of stock for each enterprise horizontal integration: method of growth wherein a company grows through mergers and acquisitions of similar companies Molly Maguires: a secret organization made up of Pennsylvania coal miners, named for the famous Irish patriot, which worked through a series of scare tactics to bring the plight of the miners to public attention monopoly:the ownership or control of all enterprises comprising an entire industry robber baron:a negative term for the big businessmen who made their fortunes in the massive railroad boom of the late nineteenth century scientific management: mechanical engineer Fredrick Taylor's management style, also called "stop-watch management," which divided manufacturing tasks into short, repetitive segments and encouraged factory owners to seek efficiency and profitability over any benefits of personal interaction social Darwinism:Herbert Spencer's theory, based upon Charles Darwin's scientific theory, which held that society developed much like plant or animal life through a process of evolution in which the most fit and capable enjoyed the greatest material and social success trust:a legal arrangement where a small group of trustees have legal ownership of a business that they operate for the benefit of other investors vertical integration:a method of growth where a company acquires other companies that include all aspects of a product's lifecycle from the creation of the raw materials through the production process to the delivery of the final product

Ways the Chinese Americans experienced racial intolerance

LOOK AT LECTURE NOTES The Chinese community banded together in an effort to create social and cultural centers in cities such as San Francisco. In a haphazard fashion, they sought to provide services ranging from social aid to education, places of worship, health facilities, and more to their fellow Chinese immigrants. As Chinese workers began competing with White Americans for jobs in California cities, the latter began a system of built-in discrimination. In the 1870s, White Americans formed "anti-coolie clubs" ("coolie" being a racial slur directed towards people of any Asian descent), through which they organized boycotts of Chinese-produced products and lobbied for anti-Chinese laws. Some protests turned violent, as in 1885 in Rock Springs, Wyoming, where tensions between White and Chinese immigrant miners erupted in a riot, resulting in over two dozen Chinese immigrants being murdered and many more injured. The Backs that Built the Railroad Below is a description of the construction of the railroad in 1867. Note the way it describes the scene, the laborers, and the effort. —Albert D. Richardson, Beyond the Mississippi The cars now (1867) run nearly to the summit of the Sierras. . . . four thousand laborers were at work—one-tenth Irish, the rest Chinese. They were a great army laying siege to Nature in her strongest citadel. The rugged mountains looked like stupendous ant-hills. They swarmed with Celestials, shoveling, wheeling, carting, drilling and blasting rocks and earth, while their dull, moony eyes stared out from under immense basket-hats, like umbrellas. At several dining camps we saw hundreds sitting on the ground, eating soft boiled rice with chopsticks as fast as terrestrials could with soup-ladles. Irish laborers received thirty dollars per month (gold) and board; Chinese, thirty-one dollars, boarding themselves. After a little experience the latter were quite as efficient and far less troublesome. (chapter 17)

Why would the Knights of Labor NOT organize with "non-producers"?

The Knights of Labor barred five groups from membership: bankers, land speculators, lawyers, liquor dealers and gamblers; they were excluded because they were considered unproductive members of society. The only excluded were individuals the Knights deemed "non-producers" such as bankers and lawyers-people viewed as exploitative and as not contributing to the production of finished material goods. The notion of excluding people who did not produce goods sounds odd today, but remember that we are living in a postindustrial society in which much of what we produce comes in the form of information and service. The products of the industrial society took a different shape.

Difference BETWEEN Industrial Union and a Trade Union

What do you mean by industrial union? industrial union, trade union that combines all workers, both skilled and unskilled, who are employed in a particular industry. At the heart of industrial unionism is the slogan "one shop, one union." What is an example of an industrial union? A good example of a typical industrial union is the United Automobile Workers (UAW). It represents skilled craft workers, assembly-line workers, and unskilled workers in all of the major American automobile companies. The UAW negotiates separate contracts for workers in each of these companies. What is the difference between an industrial union and a trade union? Trade unions are organized for a specific trade or occupation, while industrial unions represent workers in a particular industry. trade union, also called labour union, association of workers in a particular trade, industry, or company created for the purpose of securing improvements in pay, benefits, working conditions, or social and political status through collective bargaining. What are examples of trade unions? Trade Union ExplainedExamples include nurses' unions, teachers' unions, drivers', labor unions, and lawyers' unions. They don't work under management, but unions have the power to accept or reject any terms and conditions on behalf of workers.

Chapter 16 Key Terms

Black codes:laws some southern states designed to maintain White supremacy by keeping freed people impoverished and in debt carpetbagger: a term used for northerners working in the South during Reconstruction; it implied that these were opportunists who came south for economic or political gain Compromise of 1877:the agreement between Republicans and Democrats, after the contested election of 1876, in which Rutherford B. Hayes was awarded the presidency in exchange for withdrawing the last of the federal troops from the South crop-lien system:a loan system in which store owners extended credit to farmers for the purchase of goods in exchange for a portion of their future crops Freedmen's Bureau:the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, which was created in 1865 to ease Black peoples' transition from slavery to freedom Ironclad Oath: an oath that the Wade-Davis Bill required a majority of voters and government officials in Confederate states to take; it involved swearing that they had never supported the Confederacy Ku Klux Klan: a White vigilante organization that engaged in terroristic violence with the aim of stopping Reconstruction Radical Republicans: northern Republicans who contested Lincoln's treatment of Confederate states and proposed harsher punishments Reconstruction: the twelve-year period after the Civil War in which the rebel Southern states were integrated back into the Union redeemers: a term used for southern White people committed to rolling back the gains of Reconstruction scalawags: a pejorative term used for southern White people who supported Reconstruction sharecropping: a crop-lien system in which people paid rent on land they farmed (but did not own) with the crops they grew ten percent plan: Lincoln's Reconstruction plan, which required only 10 percent of the 1860 voters in Confederate states to take an oath of allegiance to the Union Union Leagues: fraternal groups loyal to the Union and the Republican Party that became political and civic centers for Black people in former Confederate states

"dog tag law"

Discrimination grew uglier, however, when the 1892 Geary Act forced Chinese to carry residency papers with them at all times or face arrest. The consequences were either deportation or a year of hard labor. Some Chinese leaders were so incensed they charged that this requirement was equivalent to wearing a dog tag.

Plessy vs Ferguson: What started it??? Its famous Supreme Court decision?

Plessy v. Ferguson was a landmark 1896 U.S. Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under the "separate but equal" doctrine. The case stemmed from an 1892 incident in which African American train passenger Homer Plessy refused to sit in a car for Black people. With the cooperation of the East Louisiana Railroad, on June 7, 1892, Homer Plessy, a mulatto (7/8 white), seated himself in a white compartment, was challenged by the conductor, and was arrested and charged with violating the state law. What did Plessy v. Ferguson start? Ferguson ruled that separate-but-equal facilities were constitutional. The Plessy v. Ferguson decision upheld the principle of racial segregation over the next half-century. The ruling provided legal justification for segregation on trains and buses, and in public facilities such as hotels, theaters, and schools.

Know how the Colfax Massacre exemplifies the change in politics BUT also the massive resistance of southern whites

The Democratic Party in the South made significant advances in the 1870s in its efforts to wrest political control from the Republican-dominated state governments. The Ku Klux Klan, as well as other paramilitary groups in the South, often operated as military wings of the Democratic Party in former Confederate states. In one notorious episode following a contested 1872 gubernatorial election in Louisiana, as many as 150 freedmen loyal to the Republican Party were killed at the Colfax courthouse by armed members of the Democratic Party, even as many of them tried to surrender

Purpose of Alliances and Collectives

Why was collective bargaining important in the Industrial Revolution? Workers formed organized groups so that they could bargain for and secure better workplace safety, wages, and hours. These organized groups of laborers were known as unions.

Presidential Reconstruction

Johnson pushed for leniency and a swifter reintegration. President Johnson's Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction in May 1865 provided sweeping "amnesty and pardon" to rebellious Southerners. It returned to them their property, with the notable exception of the people they had enslaved, and it asked only that they affirm their support for the Constitution of the United States. READ 16.2

How did the film "Birth of a Nation" (1915) represent the Lost Cause??

The Birth of a Nation sought to reconcil the fractures of Civil War and Reconstruction along racial lines. In portraying the emancipated African American as a threat to democracy and white womanhood, The Birth of a Nation manufactured a healed and united nation by glorifying white supremacy and white supremacy's greatest champion, the Ku Klux Klan.

War Industries Board (WIB)

Chapter 23 President Woodrow Wilson also created the War Industries Board, run by Bernard Baruch, to ensure adequate military supplies. The War Industries Board had the power to direct shipments of raw materials, as well as to control government contracts with private producers. Baruch used lucrative contracts with guaranteed profits to encourage several private firms to shift their production over to wartime materials. For those firms that refused to cooperate, Baruch's government control over raw materials provided him with the necessary leverage to convince them to join the wareffort, willingly or not.

First Red Scare (1919-1920)

Chapter 23 LOOK AT LECTURE NOTES As revolutionary rhetoric emanating from Bolshevik Russia intensified in 1918 and 1919, a Red Scare erupted in the United States over fear that Communist infiltrators sought to overthrow the American government as part of an international revolution The Red Scare signified Americans' fear of revolutionary politics and the persistence of violent capital-labor conflicts. And race riots made it clear that the nation was no closer to peaceful race relations either.

Republican Reconstruction

Congress repeatedly pushed for greater rights for freed people and a far more thorough reconstruction of the South. Radical Republicans in Congress did not agree with Johnson's position. They, and their northern constituents, greatly resented his lenient treatment of the former Confederate states, and especially the return of former Confederate leaders like Alexander Stephens to Congress. They refused to acknowledge the southern state governments he allowed. As a result, they would not permit senators and representatives from the former Confederate states to take their places in Congress. Instead, the Radical Republicans created a joint committee of representatives and senators to oversee Reconstruction. In the 1866 congressional elections, they gained control of the House, and in the ensuing years they pushed for the dismantling of the old southern order and the complete reconstruction of the South. READ 16.2 FOR MORE EXPLAINATION

How did Reconstruction end?

Democrats across the South leveraged planters' economic power and wielded White vigilante violence to ultimately take back state political power from the Republicans. By the time President Grant's attentions were being directed away from the South and toward the Indian Wars in the West in 1876, power in the South had largely been returned to White people and Reconstruction was effectively abandoned. By the end of 1876, only South Carolina, Louisiana, and Florida still had Republican governments.

How does scientific Management speed up and stretch out controlled workers:

Fredrick Taylor's principles of scientific management, also called "stop-watch management," where he used stop-watch studies to divide manufacturing tasks into short, repetitive segments. A mechanical engineer by training, Taylor encouraged factory owners to seek efficiency and profitability over any benefits of personal interaction. Owners adopted this model, effectively making workers cogs in a well-oiled machine .In 1909, Taylor published The Principles of Scientific Management. In this book, he suggested that productivity would increase if jobs were optimized and simplified. He also proposed matching a worker to a particular job that suited the person's skill level and then training the worker to do that job in a specific way. Taylor first developed the idea of breaking down each job into component parts and timing each part to determine the most efficient method of working. Taylor believed that the system could be improved, and he looked around for an incentive. He settled on money. He believed a worker should get "a fair day's pay for a fair day's work"—no more, no less. If the worker couldn't work to the target, then the person shouldn't be working at all.

Factors that helped lead up to the Industrial Revolution

What 5 factors caused the Industrial Revolution? The Major Causes of the Industrial Revolution Include. 1) Capitalism. 2) European Imperialism | Causes Of The Industrial Revolution. 3) Mining of Resources. 4) Impact of the Steam Power on the Revolution | Causes Of The Industrial Revolution. 5) Agricultural Revolution. 6) Scientific Revolution. 7) Governmental Policies.

How did the Industrial Revolution change the lives of farmers?

What happened to farmers as a result of the Industrial Revolution? With machines doing much of the work, farmers could produce more food with less manpower. The use of fertilizers and pesticides also became widespread during this time, which helped to increase crop yields even further. The industrial revolution also led to a shift in how food was distributed. How did the Industrial Revolution hurt farmers? Farmers became increasingly dependent on railroads to carry their products to market, and on banks and insurance companies for credit. With crop prices continuing to drop, they could not pay all of their expenses or make a decent living by farming. This led to great discontent What changes and issues did farmers face due to industrialization? This situation led many workers to support and join labor unions. Meanwhile, farmers also faced hard times as technology and increasing production led to more competition and falling prices for farm products. Hard times on farms led many young people to move to the city in search of better job opportunities.

Chinese Exclusion Act

(Chapter 17) In 1882, the U.S. Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which forbade further Chinese immigration into the United States for ten years. The ban was later extended on multiple occasions until its repeal in 1943. Eventually, some Chinese immigrants returned to China. Those who remained were stuck in the lowest-paying, most menial jobs. Several found assistance through the creation of benevolent associations designed to both support Chinese communities and defend them against political and legal discrimination; however, the history of Chinese immigrants to the United States remained largely one of deprivation and hardship well into the twentieth century.

What is Reconstruction??? Including the physical rebuilding of the country, bringing the country back together, and how to handle the millions of newly freed slaves

. The end of the Civil War saw the beginning of the Reconstruction era, when former rebel Southern states were integrated back into the Union. President Lincoln moved quickly to achieve the war's ultimate goal: reunification of the country. He proposed a generous and non-punitive plan to return the former Confederate states speedily to the United States, but some Republicans in Congress protested, considering the president's plan too lenient to the rebel states that had torn the country apart. A three-part proposal known as the ten percent plan that outlined how the states would return. The ten percent plan gave a general pardon to all Southerners except high-ranking Confederate government and military leaders; required 10 percent of the 1860 voting population in the former rebel states to take a binding oath of future allegiance to the United States and the emancipation of the enslaved. A larger faction of Republicans in Congress who did not want to deal moderately with the South. These members of Congress, known as Radical Republicans, wanted to remake the South and punish the rebels. Radical Republicans insisted on harsh terms for the defeated Confederacy and protection for formerly enslaved people, going far beyond what the president proposed In February 1864, two of the Radical Republicans, Ohio senator Benjamin Wade and Maryland representative Henry Winter Davis, answered Lincoln with a proposal of their own. Among other stipulations, the Wade-Davis Bill called for a majority of voters and government officials in Confederate states to take an oath, called the Ironclad Oath, swearing that they had never supported the Confederacy or made war against the United States. Those who could not or would not take the oath would be unable to take part in the future political life of the South . READ CHAPTER 16.1-16.4 (ITS LIKE 3 PAGES)

Know how the Southern economy doesn't change: Define and Explain the Significance of "Convict leasing"

After the Civil War, slavery persisted in the form of convict leasing, a system in which Southern states leased prisoners to private railways, mines, and large plantations. While states profited, prisoners earned no pay and faced inhumane, dangerous, and often deadly work conditions.

Populist Party: Platform, how they originally gained strength, and what ultimately created their downfall

Angry at the federal government's continued unwillingness to substantively address the plight of the average farmer, Charles Macune and the Farmers' Alliance chose to create a political party whose representatives—if elected—could enact real change. Put simply, if the government would not address the problem, then it was time to change those elected to power. In 1891, the alliance formed the Populist Party, or People's Party, as it was more widely known. Beginning with nonpresidential-year elections, the Populist Party had modest success, particularly in Kansas, Nebraska, and the Dakotas, where they succeeded in electing several state legislators, one governor, and a handful of congressmen. As the 1892 presidential election approached, the Populists chose to model themselves after the Democratic and Republican Parties in the hope that they could shock the country with a "third-party" victory. At their national convention that summer in Omaha, Nebraska, they wrote the Omaha Platform to more fully explain to all Americans the goals of the new party (Figure 20.15). Written by Ignatius Donnelly, the platform statement vilified railroad owners, bankers, and big businessmen as all being part of a widespread conspiracy to control farmers. As for policy changes, the platform called for adoption of the subtreasury plan, government control over railroads, an end to the national bank system, the creation of a federal income tax, the direct election of U.S. senators, and several other measures, all of which aimed at a more proactive federal government that would support the economic and social welfare of all Americans. At the close of the convention, the party nominated James B. Weaver as its presidential candidate. In a rematch of the 1888 election, the Democrats again nominated Grover Cleveland, while Republicans went with Benjamin Harrison. Despite the presence of a third-party challenger, Cleveland won another close popular vote to become the first U.S. president to be elected to nonconsecutive terms. Although he finished a distant third, Populist candidate Weaver polled a respectable one million votes. Rather than being disappointed, several Populists applauded their showing—especially for a third party with bare

Chapter 22 Key Terms

Anti-Imperialist League: a group of diverse and prominent Americans who banded together in 1898 to protest the idea of American empire building dollar diplomacy: Taft's foreign policy, which involved using American economic power to push for favorable foreign policies Frontier Thesis: an idea proposed by Fredrick Jackson Turner, which stated that the encounter of European traditions and a native wilderness was integral to the development of American democracy, individualism, and innovative character Open Door notes: the circular notes sent by Secretary of State Hay claiming that there should be "open doors" in China, allowing all countries equal and total access to all markets, ports, and railroads without any special considerations from the Chinese authorities; while ostensibly leveling the playing field, this strategy greatly benefited the United States Roosevelt Corollary: a statement by Theodore Roosevelt that the United States would use military force to act as an international police power and correct any chronic wrongdoing by any Latin American nation threatening the stability of the region Rough Riders: Theodore Roosevelt's cavalry unit, which fought in Cuba during the Spanish-American War Seward's Folly: the pejorative name given by the press to Secretary of State Seward's acquisition of Alaska in 1867 sphere of influence: the goal of foreign countries such as Japan, Russia, France, and Germany to carve out an area of the Chinese market that they could exploit through tariff and transportation agreements yellow journalism: sensationalist newspapers who sought to manufacture news stories in order to sell more papers

Know how the Southern economy doesn't change: Define and Explain the Significance of "Black Codes"

Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands in March 1865, popularly known as the Freedmen's Bureau The Freedmen's Bureau engaged in many initiatives to ease the transition from slavery to freedom. It delivered food to Black people and White people alike in the South. It helped freed people gain labor contracts, a significant step in the creation of wage labor in place of slavery. In 1865 and 1866, as Johnson announced the end of Reconstruction, southern states began to pass a series of discriminatory state laws collectively known as Black codes. While the laws varied in both content and severity from state to state, the goal of the laws remained largely consistent. In effect, these codes were designed to maintain the social and economic structure of racial slavery in the absence of slavery itself. The laws codified White supremacy by restricting the civic participation of freed enslaved people—depriving them of the right to vote, the right to serve on juries, the right to own or carry weapons, and, in some cases, even the right to rent or lease land.A chief component of the Black codes was designed to fulfill an important economic need in the postwar South. Slavery had been a pillar of economic stability in the region before the war. To maintain agricultural production, the South had relied on the enslaved to work the land. Now the region was faced with the daunting prospect of making the transition from a slave economy to one where labor was purchased on the open market. Not surprisingly, planters in the southern states were reluctant to make such a transition. Instead, they drafted Black laws that would re-create the antebellum economic structure with the façade of a free-labor system. Black codes used a variety of tactics to tie formerly enslaved people to the land. To work, the formerly enslaved people were forced to sign contracts with their employer. These contracts prevented Black people from working for more than one employer. This meant that, unlike in a free labor market, Black people could not positively influence wages and conditions by choosing to work for the employer who gave them the best terms. The predictable outcome was that formerly enslaved people were forced to work for very low

Purpose of Boarding Schools for Native American children

Chapter 17 Beginning in the 1880s, clergymen, government officials, and social workers all worked to assimilate Native peoples into American life. The government helped reformers remove Native American children from their homes and the cultural influence of their families and place them in boarding schools, such as the Carlisle Indian School, where they were forced to abandon their tribal traditions and embrace Euro-American social and cultural practices. Such schools acculturated Native American boys and girls and provided vocational training for males and domestic science classes for females. Boarding schools sought to convince Native children to abandon their language, clothing, and social customs for a more Euro-American lifestyle. A vital part of the assimilation effort was land reform. During earlier negotiations, the government had recognized Native American communal ownership of land. Although many tribes recognized individual families' use rights to specific plots of land, the tribe owned the land.

Define "strenuous life"

Chapter 22 "The Strenuous Life" is the name of a speech given by New York Governor Theodore Roosevelt in Chicago, Illinois, on April 10, 1899. . Based upon his personal experiences, he argued that strenuous effort and overcoming hardship were ideals to be embraced by Americans for the betterment of the nation and the world in the 20th century. Theodore Roosevelt, established a new foreign policy approach, allegedly based on a favorite African proverb, "speak softly, and carry a big stick, and you will go far". At the crux of his foreign policy was a thinly veiled threat. Roosevelt believed that in light of the country's recent military successes, it was unnecessary to use force to achieve foreign policy goals, so long as the military could threaten force. This rationale also rested on the young president's philosophy, which he termed the "strenuous life," and that prized challenges overseas as opportunities to instill American men with the resolve and vigor they allegedly had once acquired in the Trans-Mississippi West.

Platt Amendment (1901)

Chapter 22 CUBA: While the Teller Amendment had prohibited the United States from annexing the country, a subsequent amendment, the Platt Amendment, secured the right of the United States to interfere in Cuban affairs if threats to a stable government emerged. The Platt Amendment also guaranteed the United States its own naval and coaling station on the island's southern Guantanamo Bay and prohibited Cuba from making treaties with other countries that might eventually threaten their independence. While Cuba remained an independent nation on paper, in all practicality the United States governed Cuba's foreign policy and economic agreements.

Explain the Turner/Frontier Thesis

Chapter 22 Chicago in 1893, Frederick Jackson Turner: presenting a conclusion that would alarm all who believed that westward expansion had fostered the nation's principles of democracy. His conclusion: The frontier—the encounter between European traditions and the native wilderness—had played a fundamental role in shaping American character, but the American frontier no longer existed. Turner's statement raised questions. How would Americans maintain their unique political culture and innovative spirit in the absence of the frontier? How would the nation expand its economy if it could no longer expand its territory? Later historians would see Turner's Frontier Thesis as deeply flawed, a gross mischaracterization of the West. But the young historian's work greatly influenced politicians and thinkers of the day. Like a muckraker, Turner exposed the problem; others found a solution by seeking out new frontiers in the creation of an American empire. In the thesis, the American frontier established liberty from European mindsets and eroding old, dysfunctional customs. Turner's ideal of frontier had no need for standing armies, established churches, aristocrats or nobles; there was no landed gentry who controlled the land or charged heavy rents and fees.

Emilio Aguinaldo

Chapter 22 Phillippines: Emilio Aguinaldo was born on March 22, 1869, in Kawit, Cavite, Philippines. In 1898, he achieved independence of the Philippines from Spain and was elected the first president of the new republic under the Malolos Congress. He also led the Philippine-American War against U.S. resistance to Philippine independence. The newly formed American empire was not immediately secure, as Filipino rebels, led by Emilio Aguinaldo, fought back against American forces stationed there. The Filipinos' war for independence lasted three years, with over four thousand American and twenty thousand Filipino combatant deaths; the civilian death toll is estimated as high as 250,000. Finally, in 1901, President McKinley appointed William Howard Taft as the civil governor of the Philippines in an effort to disengage the American military from direct confrontations with the Filipino people. Under Taft's leadership, Americans built a new transportation infrastructure, hospitals, and schools, hoping to win over the local population. The rebels quickly lost influence, and Aguinaldo was captured by American forces and forced to swear allegiance to the United States. The Taft Commission, as it became known, continued to introduce reforms to modernize and improve daily life for the country despite pockets of resistance that continued to fight through the spring of 1902.

Roosevelt Corollary

Chapter 22 Roosevelt articulated this seeming double standard in a 1904 address before Congress, in a speech that became known as the Roosevelt Corollary. The Roosevelt Corollary was based on the original Monroe Doctrine of the early nineteenth century, which warned European nations of the consequences of their interference in the Caribbean. In this addition, Roosevelt states that the United States would use military force "as an international police power" to correct any "chronic wrongdoing" by any Latin American nation that might threaten stability in the region. Unlike the Monroe Doctrine, which proclaimed an American policy of noninterference with its neighbors' affairs, the Roosevelt Corollary loudly proclaimed the right and obligation of the United States to involve itself whenever necessary. Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force

Tulsa Race Riot (1921)

Chapter 23 A massacre in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1921, turned out even more deadly, with estimates of Black fatalities ranging from fifty to three hundred. Again, the violence arose based on a dubious allegation of assault on a White girl by a Black teenager. After an incendiary newspaper article, a conflict at the courthouse led to ten White and two Black peoples' deaths. A riot ensued, with White groups pursuing Black people as they retreated to the Greenwood section of the city. Both sides were armed, and gunfire and arson continued throughout the night. The next morning, the White groups began an assault on the Black neighborhoods, killing many Black residents and destroying homes and businesses. The Tulsa Massacre (also called the Tulsa Riot, Greenwood Massacre, or Black Wall Street Massacre) was widely reported at the time, but was omitted from many historical recollections, textbooks, and media for decades. (High levels of racial violence, mostly targeting blacks, marked the WWI Era in the U.S.; more than 250 people died in riots in the North in 1919, and 76 blacks were lynched in the South in 1920. But this worst race riot in U.S. history. More than 300 blacks were killed and over 10,000 left homeless after a white mob, including police and National Guardsmen, burned an all-black section of the city to the ground. The violence erupted after a group of black veterans tried to prevent the lynching of a youth who had accidentally tripped and fallen on a white female elevator operator, causing rumors of rape to sweep the city.)

A. Mitchell Palmer

Chapter 23 Alexander Mitchell Palmer was an American attorney and politician who served as the 50th United States attorney general from 1919 to 1921. He is best known for overseeing the Palmer Raids during the Red Scare of 1919-20. Who was a Mitchell Palmer and what were the Palmer Raids? The raids particularly targeted Italian immigrants and Eastern European Jewish immigrants with alleged leftist ties, with particular focus on Italian anarchists and immigrant leftist labor activists. The raids and arrests occurred under the leadership of Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, with 10,000 people arrested. How did the Palmer Raids violate civil rights? In November 1919 and January 1920, in what notoriously became known as the "Palmer Raids," Attorney General Mitchell Palmer began rounding up and deporting so-called radicals. Thousands of people were arrested without warrants and without regard to constitutional protections against unlawful search and seizure

War Bonds

Chapter 23 Almost all the practical steps were in place for the United States to fight a successful war. The only step remaining was to figure out how to pay for it. The war effort was costly—with an eventual price tag in excess of $32 billion by 1920—and the government needed to finance it. The Liberty Loan Act allowed the federal government to sell liberty bonds to the American public, extolling citizens to "do their part" to help the war effort and bring the troops home. The government ultimately raised $23 billion through liberty bonds.

Conscientious Objector (CO)

Chapter 23 Congress passed the Selective Service Act in 1917, which initially required all men aged twenty-one through thirty to register for the draft But the draft also provoked opposition, and almost 350,000 eligible Americans refused to register for military service. About 65,000 of these defied the conscription law as conscientious objectors, mostly on the grounds of their deeply held religious beliefs. Such opposition was not without risks, and whereas most objectors were never prosecuted, those who were found guilty at military hearings received stiff punishments: Courts handed down over two hundred prison sentences of twenty years or more, and seventeen death sentences.


Chapter 23 During the "Red Summer" of 1919, northern cities recorded twenty-five bloody race riots that killed over 250 people. Among these was the Chicago Race Riot of 1919, where a White mob stoned a young Black boy to death because he swam too close to the "White beach" on Lake Michigan. Police at the scene did not arrest the perpetrator who threw the rock. This crime prompted a week-long riot that left twenty-three Black people and fifteen White people dead, as well as millions of dollars' worth of damage to the city

meatless and wheatless days

Chapter 23 Herbert Hoover coordinated the Food Administration, and he too encouraged volunteer rationing by invoking patriotism. With the slogan "food will win the war," Hoover encouraged "Meatless Mondays," "Wheatless Wednesdays," and other similar reductions, with the hope of rationing food for military use

IWW (Industrial Workers of the World)

Chapter 23 Industrial Workers of the World (Wobblies), What is the industrial workers of the world known for? The Industrial Workers of the World (or the IWW) was a radical labor union primarily of unskilled laborers that was prominent in the first decades of the 20th century that sought to organize unskilled laborers in order to challenge and overthrow the capitalist system Formed in 1905 to organize work beyond a narrow set of skilled trades, the IWW cut its teeth unionizing in some of the most difficult sectors, such as textiles, docks, agriculture and mining, quickly gaining a reputation as the first racially integrated union in the United States. What was the IWW controversy? Based on the documents that were seized, 101 IWW leaders were charged with conspiracy to obstruct America's participation in the war. The mass trial of IWW leaders, including Big Bill Haywood, took place in Chicago during April 1918, only months after the Russian Revolution

J. Edgar Hoover

Chapter 23 November 1919, Palmer's new assistant in charge of the Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover, organized nationwide raids on radical headquarters in twelve cities around the country. Subsequent "Palmer raids" resulted in the arrests of four thousand alleged American radicals who were detained for weeks in overcrowded cells. Almost 250 of those arrested were subsequently deported on board a ship dubbed "the Soviet Ark" Why was J. Edgar Hoover important in the 1920s? Edgar Hoover's contributions to the FBI? After J. Edgar Hoover was named director of the Bureau of Investigation in May 1924, he reorganized and rebuilt the organization. He started recruiting agents on merit and instituting rigorous methods of selecting and training personnel.

Committee on Public Information (CPI)

Chapter 23 The Wilson administration created the Committee of Public Information under director George Creel, a former journalist, just days after the United States declared war on Germany. Creel employed artists, speakers, writers, and filmmakers to develop a propaganda machine. The goal was to encourage all Americans to make sacrifices during the war and, equally importantly, to hate all things German . Through efforts such as the establishment of "loyalty leagues" in ethnic immigrant communities, Creel largely succeeded in molding an anti-German sentiment around the country. The result? Some schools banned the teaching of the German language and some restaurants refused to serve frankfurters, sauerkraut, or hamburgers, instead serving "liberty dogs with liberty cabbage" and "liberty sandwiches." Symphonies refused to perform music written by German composers. The hatred of Germans grew so widespread that, at one point, at a circus, audience members cheered when, in an act gone horribly wrong, a Russian bear mauled a German animal trainer (whose ethnicity was more a part of the act than reality).

National War Labor Board (1918)

Chapter 23 The increase in production that the war required exposed severe labor shortages in many states, a condition that was further exacerbated by the draft, which pulled millions of young men from the active labor force. Wilson only briefly investigated the longstanding animosity between labor and management before ordering the creation of the National Labor War Board in April 1918. Quick negotiations with Gompers and the AFL resulted in a promise: Organized labor would make a "no-strike pledge" for the duration of the war, in exchange for the U.S. government's protection of workers' rights to organize and bargain collectively. The federal government kept its promise and promoted the adoption of an eight-hour workday (which had first been adopted by government employees in 1868), a living wage for all workers, and union membership. As a result, union membership skyrocketed during the war, from 2.6 million members in 1916 to 4.1 million in 1919. In short, American workers received better working conditions and wages, as a result of the country's participation in the war. However, their economic gains were limited. While prosperity overall went up during the war, it was enjoyed more by business owners and corporations than by the workers themselves. Even though wages increased, inflation offset most of the gains. Prices in the United States increased an average of 15-20 percent annually between 1917 and 1920. Individual purchasing power actually declined during the war due to the substantially higher cost of living. Business profits, in contrast, increased by nearly a third during the war.

Espionage Act of 1917

Chapter 23 the U.S. government tried to secure broad support for the war effort with repressive legislation. The Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917 prohibited individual trade with an enemy nation and banned the use of the postal service for disseminating any literature deemed treasonous by the postmaster general. That same year, the Espionage Act prohibited giving aid to the enemy by spying, or espionage, as well as any public comments that opposed the American war effort. Under this act, the government could impose fines and imprisonment of up to twenty years.

Reconstruction Amendment: 14th

Congress extended the life of the Freedmen's Bureau to combat the Black codes and in April 1866 passed the first Civil Rights Act, which established the citizenship of African Americans. The Fourteenth Amendment stated, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." It gave citizens equal protection under both the state and federal law, overturning the Dred Scott decision. It eliminated the three-fifths compromise of the 1787 Constitution, whereby an enslaved person had been counted as three-fifths of a free White person, and it reduced the number of House representatives and Electoral College electors for any state that denied suffrage to any adult male inhabitant, Black or White. As Radical Republicans had proposed in the Wade-Davis bill, individuals who had "engaged in insurrection or rebellion [against] . . . or given aid or comfort to the enemies [of]" the United States were barred from holding political (state or federal) or military office unless pardoned by two-thirds of Congress. The amendment also answered the question of debts arising from the Civil War by specifying that all debts incurred by fighting to defeat the Confederacy would be honored. Confederate debts, however, would not: "[N]either the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void." Thus, claims by former slaveholders requesting compensation for slave property had no standing. Any state that ratified the Fourteenth Amendment would automatically be readmitted. Most former Confederate states, except for Tennessee, refused to ratify the amendment in 1866. President Johnson called openly for the rejection of the Fourteenth Amendment, a move that drove a further wedge between him and congressional Republicans. In late summer of 1866, he gave a series of speeches, known as the "swing around the circle," designed to gather support for his mild version of Reconstruction. Johnson felt that ending slav

Dawes Act of 1887

Dawes Severalty Act of 1887, named after a reformer and senator from Massachusetts. In a new version of the original Homestead Act, the Dawes Act permitted the federal government to divide the lands of any tribe and grant 160 acres of farmland or 320 acres of grazing land to each head of family, with lesser amounts to single persons and others. In a nod towards the paternal relationship with which White people viewed Native Americans—similar to the justification of the previous treatment of enslaved African Americans—the Dawes Act permitted the federal government to hold an individual Native American's newly acquired land in trust for twenty-five years. Only then would they obtain full title and be granted the citizenship rights that land ownership entailed. It would not be until 1924 that formal citizenship was granted to all Native Americans. Under the Dawes Act, Native Americans were assigned the most arid, useless land and "surplus" land went to White settlers. The government sold as much as eighty million acres of Native American land to White American settlers. (chapter 17)


Elaine Massacre of 1919 The Elaine Massacre was by far the deadliest racial confrontation in Arkansas history and possibly the bloodiest racial conflict in the history of the United States. While its deepest roots lay in the state's commitment to white supremacy, the events in and around Elaine (Phillips County) stemmed from tense race relations and growing concerns about labor unions. A shooting incident that occurred at a meeting of the Progressive Farmers and Household Union escalated into mob violence on the part of the white people in Elaine and surrounding areas. Although the exact number is unknown, estimates of the number of African Americans killed by whites have ranged into the hundreds; five white people lost their lives. The conflict began on the night of September 30, 1919, when approximately 100 African Americans, mostly sharecroppers on the plantations of white landowners, attended a meeting of the Progressive Farmers and Household Union of America at a church in Hoop Spur (Phillips County), three miles north of Elaine. The purpose of the meeting, one of several by black sharecroppers in the Elaine area during the previous months, was to obtain better payments for their cotton crops from the white plantation owners who dominated the area during the Jim Crow era. Black sharecroppers were often exploited in their efforts to collect payment for their cotton crops. The union had contracted with lawyer Ulysses S. Bratton, whose son, Ocier, was at this meeting. ***What is the movie about the Elaine Arkansas massacre? The Film. Bound by Blood exhumes an almost 100-year old tragedy deep in the Arkansas Delta in which hundreds of black sharecroppers were massacred by white posses and federal troops near the town of Elaine.

Explain and describe how did each of the following prevent African American from voting? Poll tax literacy test white primary

How did the poll tax restrict voting rights? Many states required payment of the tax at a time separate from the election, and then required voters to bring receipts with them to the polls. If they could not locate such receipts, they could not vote. Why did poll taxes have a particularly negative effect on African American? A poll tax is a fee levied on voters as a condition of voting. Southern states adopted poll taxes to suppress Black voter registration and turnout after the ratification of the 14th Amendment and the 15th Amendment during Reconstruction. Poll taxes remained in effect from the late 19th century until the mid 1960s. Literacy tests have been administered by various governments, particularly to immigrants. In the US, between the 1850s and 1960s, literacy tests administered to voters had the effect of disenfranchising African Americans and other groups with diminished access to education Why was requiring a literacy test before allowing a person to vote was discriminatory? In practice they were used to disqualify immigrants and the poor, who had less education. In the South they were used to prevent African Americans from registering to vote. The Voting Rights Act ended the use of literacy tests in the South in 1965 and the rest of the country in 1970. White primaries were primary elections held in the Southern United States in which only white voters were permitted to participate.

Origins of the Knights of Labor

In 1866, seventy-seven delegates representing a variety of different occupations met in Baltimore to form the National Labor Union (NLU). The NLU had ambitious ideas about equal rights for African Americans and women, currency reform, and a legally mandated eight-hour workday. The organization was successful in convincing Congress to adopt the eight-hour workday for federal employees, but their reach did not progress much further. The Panic of 1873 and the economic recession that followed as a result of overspeculation on railroads and the subsequent closing of several banks—during which workers actively sought any employment regardless of the conditions or wages—as well as the death of the NLU's founder, led to a decline in their efforts. Although the NLU proved to be the wrong effort at the wrong time, in the wake of the Panic of 1873 and the subsequent frustration exhibited in the failed Molly Maguires uprising and the national railroad strike, another, more significant, labor organization emerged. The Knights of Labor (KOL) was more able to attract a sympathetic following than the Molly Maguires and others by widening its base and appealing to more members. Philadelphia tailor Uriah Stephens grew the KOL from a small presence during the Panic of 1873 to an organization of national importance by 1878. That was the year the KOL held their first general assembly, where they adopted a broad reform platform, including a renewed call for an eight-hour workday, equal pay regardless of gender, the elimination of convict labor, and the creation of greater cooperative enterprises with worker ownership of businesses. Much ofthe KOL's strength came from its concept of "One Big Union"—the idea that it welcomed all wage workers, regardless of occupation, with the exception of doctors, lawyers, and bankers. It welcomed women, African Americans, Native Americans, and immigrants, of all trades and skill levels. This was a notable break from the earlier tradition of craft unions, which were highly specialized and limited to a particular group.

AFL and Business Unionism: how presented a different way of organizing workers

In 1886, twenty different craft unions met to organize a national federation of autonomous craft unions. This group became the American Federation of Labor (AFL), led by Samuel Gompers from its inception until his death in 1924. More so than any of its predecessors, the AFL focused almost all of its efforts on economic gains for its members, seldom straying into political issues other than those that had a direct impact upon working conditions. The AFL also kept a strict policy of not interfering in each union's individual business. Rather, Gompers often settled disputes between unions, using the AFL to represent all unions of matters of federal legislation that could affect all workers, such as the eight-hour workday. By 1900, the AFL had 500,000 members; by 1914, its numbers had risen to one million, and by 1920 they claimed four million working members. Still, as a federation of craft unions, it excluded many factory workers and thus, even at its height, represented only 15 percent of the nonfarm workers in the country. As a result, even as the country moved towards an increasingly industrial age, the majority of American workers still lacked support, protection from ownership, and access to upward mobility. (18.3)

Reconstruction Amendment: 13th

In December 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment was officially ratified and added to the Constitution. The first amendment added to the Constitution since 1804, it overturned a centuries-old practice by permanently abolishing slavery. President Lincoln never saw the final ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment. On April 14, 1865, the Confederate supporter and well-known actor John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln while he was attending a play, Our American Cousin, at Ford's Theater in Washington. The president died the next day The date, June 19, 1865, would become the most popular annual celebration of the end of slavery, known as Juneteenth.

Albert Parsons: history with the Knights of Labor through the Haymarket Square Riot

In March 1876 Parsons became a member of the Social Democratic party of North America, and on July 4, 1876, he joined the Knights of Labor. He became a leading agitator for social change in Chicago, and the railroad strikes of July 1877 brought him into the limelight. What was Albert Parsons hoping to achieve by speaking at the Hay Market Square? Albert Parsons was the leader of the American branch of the International Working People's Association (I.W.P.A.) , an anarchist group whose stated goal was to engineer a social revolution that would empower the working class. Did the Haymarket Square riot damage the Knights of labor? The Haymarket Riot (1886) affected the Knights of Labor by contributing to the decline of the labor organization. At one point in its history, the Knights of Labor had up to 700,000 members spread out in regional chapters throughout the United States. This would change after the Haymarket RiotA It would take several years for the union movement to reclaim the respectability it lost as a result of this incident The Haymarket affair resulted in the destruction of the Knights of Labor union, the largest labor union in America at the time. This devastation thus led to the growth of the American Federation of Labor, which arose as the largest and most powerful labor union in the nation and started a new modern era of labor in America. What did the Haymarket Square riot do? Radical unionists had called a mass meeting in Haymarket Square to protest police brutality in a strike action. A bomb was thrown into the crowd, killing seven policemen and injuring 60 others. Police and workers fired on each other. Public demand for action led to the arrest of eight anarchists (see anarchism). Parsons addressed the crowd for nearly an hour and left before the bomb exploded. He fled Chicago after arrests were made for the bombing, but returned voluntarily for trial. He was hanged in 1887, declaring in his final words, "Let the voice of the people be heard! Why was Parsons hanged? When the smoke cleared, Albert Parsons was one of five men accused of the bombing at the Haymarket Riots. On November 11, 1887, Albert Parsons and three other men were sentenced and hung at Joliet State Prison. Throughout

Reconstruction Amendment: 15th

In November 1868, Ulysses S. Grant, the Union's war hero, easily won the presidency in a landslide victory. The Republicans, in their campaign, blamed the devastating Civil War and the violence of its aftermath on the rival party, a strategy that southerners called "waving the bloody shirt." In the winter of 1869, Republicans introduced another constitutional amendment, the third of the Reconstruction era. When Republicans had passed the Fourteenth Amendment, which addressed citizenship rights and equal protections, they were unable to explicitly ban states from withholding the franchise based on race. With the Fifteenth Amendment, they sought to correct this major weakness by finally extending to Black men the right to vote. The amendment directed that "[t]he right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." Unfortunately, the new amendment had weaknesses of its own. As part of a compromise to ensure the passage of the amendment with the broadest possible support, drafters of the amendment specifically excluded language that addressed literacy tests and poll taxes, the most common ways Black people were traditionally disenfranchised in both the North and the South. Indeed, Radical Republican leader Charles Sumner of Massachusetts, himself an ardent supporter of legal equality without exception to race, refused to vote for the amendment precisely because it did not address these obvious loopholes. Despite these weaknesses, the language of the amendment did provide for universal manhood suffrage—the right of all men to vote—and crucially identified Black men, including those who had been enslaved, as deserving the right to vote. This, the third and final of the Reconstruction amendments, was ratified in 1870 (Figure 16.9). With the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment, many believed that the process of restoring the Union was safely coming to a close and that the rights of the formerly enslaved were finally secure. African American communities expressed great hope as they celebrated what they understood to be a national confirmation of their unqualified citizenship.

Lost Cause: define and significance

It was then, in the late 1800s, that the myth of the Lost Cause began to take hold. The myth was an attempt to recast the Confederacy as something predicated on family and heritage rather than what it was: a traitorous effort to extend the bondage of millions of Black people. The argument of the Lost Cause insists that the South fought nobly and against all odds not to preserve slavery but entirely for other reasons, such as the rights of states to govern themselves, and that southerners were forced to defend themselves against northern aggression. The term "Lost Cause" originated almost immediately after the war ended. Edward Pollard, the editor of the Richmond Examiner, published The Lost Cause: A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates, his own justification for the war effort. A principal goal of the Lost Cause was to reintegrate Confederate soldiers into the honorable traditions of the very American military they had once fought against. Members of the Lost Cause movement had lobbied to have newly built military bases named after Confederate generals several times without success.

Know how politics does change with African Americans men being able to vote BUT how the response of the Ku Klux Klan threatened political successes

KNOW BACKGROUND OF KKK: Paramilitary White-supremacist terror organizations in the South helped bring about the collapse of Reconstruction, using violence as their primary weapon. The "Invisible Empire of the South," or Ku Klux Klan, stands as the most notorious. The Klan was founded in 1866 as an oath-bound fraternal order of Confederate veterans in Tennessee, with former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest as its first leader. The organization—its name likely derived from kuklos, a Greek word meaning circle—devised elaborate rituals and grandiose names for its ranking members: Grand Wizard, Grand Dragon, Grand Titan, and Grand Cyclops. Soon, however, this fraternal organization evolved into a vigilante terrorist group that vented southern White people's collective frustration over the loss of the war and the course of Radical Reconstruction through acts of intimidation and violence. Still other tactics intimidated through imaginative trickery. One such method was to dress up as ghosts of slain Confederate soldiers and stage stunts designed to convince their victims of their supernatural abilities. The Klan terrorized newly freed Black people to deter them from exercising their citizenship rights and freedoms. Nor was the Klan the only racist vigilante organization. Other groups, like the Red Shirts from Mississippi and the Knights of the White Camelia and the White League, both from Louisiana, also sprang up at this time. The Klan and similar organizations also worked as an extension of the Democratic Party to win elections. The Klan seized on the pervasive but largely fictional narrative of the northern carpetbagger as a powerful tool for restoring White supremacy and overturning Republican state governments in the South (Figure 16.13). To preserve a White-dominated society, Klan members punished Black people for attempting to improve their station in life or acting "uppity." To prevent freed people from attaining an education, the Klan burned public schools. In an effort to stop Black citizens from voting, the Klan murdered, whipped, and otherwise intimidated freed people and their White supporters. It wasn't uncommon for Klan members to intimidate Union League members and Freedmen's Bureau wor

Ways the Mexican American experience racial intolerance

LOOK AT LECTURE NOTES -Chapter 27 in book Mexican Americans also encountered racial prejudice. The Mexican American population in Southern California grew during World War II due to the increased use of Mexican agricultural workers in the fields to replace the White workers who had left for better paying jobs in the defense industries. The United States and Mexican governments instituted the "bracero" program on August 4, 1942, which sought to address the needs of California growers for manual labor to increase food production during wartime. The result was the immigration of thousands of impoverished Mexicans into the United States to work as braceros, or manual laborers. (27.2)

Differences: National Farmers' Alliance, Industrial Union and the National Colored Farmers' Alliance

LOOK AT YOUR LECTURE NOTES.....FOR THIS QUESTION What were the three major farmers alliances? The Farmers' Alliance began in the 1870s. By 1886, it was a national movement with three parts. There was the Southern Alliance (also known as the Industrial Union), the Farmers' Alliance, and the Colored Farmers' Alliance (African American farmers had a separate organization because of segregation) What was the difference between the colored farmers alliance and the farmers alliance? The Southern Farmers' Alliance banned African Americans from membership but recognized the Colored Farmers' Alliance and Cooperative Union as a parallel association. Founded in Texas in 1886, the Colored Farmers' Alliance later spread to Mississippi. Like the Southern Alliance, the Colored Alliance grew rapidly. What was the purpose of the farmers Alliance quizlet? What was the main goal of the Farmers' alliance? Allow farmers the opportunity to join together for the purpose of purchasing equipment and exhibiting political strength

Slacker Raids (1917)

The "slacker raids" were a series of massive roundups of young men by government officials and private citizens based on nothing more than unverified suspicions, prejudices and stereotypes. In addition to the raids on this day, another set of massive raids occurred on September 14, 1917. What were slacker raids? In the United States during World War I, the word "slacker" was commonly used to describe someone who was not participating in the war effort, specifically someone who avoided military service, equivalent to the later term draft dodger. Attempts to track down such evaders were called slacker raids.

How did President Woodrow Wilson respond to the release of the film "Birth of a Nation"?

The Birth of a Nation was the first movie shown in the White House, in the East Room, on February 18, 1915. There is dispute about Wilson's attitude toward the movie. A newspaper reported that he "received many letters protesting against his alleged action in Indorsing the pictures President Wilson's private secretary, Joseph Tumulty, showed them a letter he had written to Thacher on Wilson's behalf. According to the letter, Wilson had been "entirely unaware of the character of the play [movie] before it was presented and has at no time expressed his approbation of it. Its exhibition at the White House was a courtesy extended to an old acquaintance. The evidence that Wilson knew "the character of the play" in advance of seeing it is circumstantial but very strong Describing the Reconstruction era, the film adapts quotations from a history book written by Woodrow Wilson, an adherent of the Dunning School. One such quotation went, "The white men were roused by a mere instinct of self-preservation . . . until at last there had sprung into existence a great Ku Klux Klan, a veritable empire of the South, to protect the Southern country." Wilson praised the movie and made it the first film ever to be screened at the White House In 1937, a popular magazine reported that Wilson said of the film, "It is like writing history with lightning. And my only regret is that it is all so terribly true."

Know how the Southern economy doesn't change: Define and Explain the Significance of "Sharecropping"

The end of slavery meant the transition to wage labor. However, this conversion did not entail a new era of economic independence for formerly enslaved people. While they no longer faced relentless toil under the lash, freed people emerged from slavery without any money and needed farm implements, food, and other basic necessities to start their new lives. Under the crop-lien system, store owners extended credit to farmers under the agreement that the debtors would pay with a portion of their future harvest. However, the creditors charged high interest rates, making it even harder for freed people to gain economic independence. Throughout the South, sharecropping took root, a crop-lien system that worked to the advantage of landowners. Under the system, freed people rented the land they worked, often on the same plantations where they had been enslaved. Some landless White citizens also became sharecroppers. Sharecroppers paid their landlords with the crops they grew, often as much as half their harvest. Sharecropping favored the landlords and ensured that freed people could not attain independent livelihoods. Sharecroppers often became trapped in a never-ending cycle of debt, unable to buy their own land and unable to stop working for their creditor because of what they owed. The consequences of sharecropping affected the entire South for many generations, severely limiting economic development and ensuring that the South remained an agricultural backwater. (16.4)

1890 Wounded Knee Massacre

The final episode in the so-called Indian Wars occurred in 1890, at the Wounded Knee Massacre in South Dakota. On their reservation, the Lakota people had begun to perform the "Ghost Dance," which told of a Messiah who would deliver the tribe from its hardship, with such frequency that White settlers began to worry that another uprising would occur. The 7th Cavalry prepared to round up the people performing the Ghost Dance. Frightened after the death of Sitting Bull at the hands of tribal police, a group of Lakota Ghost Dancers led by Bigfoot fled. When the 7th Cavalry caught up to them at Wounded Knee, South Dakota on December 29, 1890, the Lakotas prepared to surrender. Although the accounts are unclear, an apparent accidental rifle discharge by a young Lakota man preparing to lay down his weapon led the U.S. soldiers to begin firing indiscriminately upon the Native Americans. What little resistance the Lakotas mounted with a handful of concealed rifles at the outset of the fight diminished quickly, with the troops eventually massacring between 150 and 300 men, women, and children. IMPORTANT BECAUSE: With this last show of brutality, the Indian Wars came to a close. U.S. government officials had already begun the process of seeking an alternative to the meaningless treaties and costly battles. A more effective means with which to address the public perception of the "Indian problem" was needed. Americanization provided the answer. (chapter 17)

How did the film "Birth of a Nation" (1915) represent the Redeemer Myth??

The sense that the South had been unfairly sacrificed to northern vice and Black vengeance, despite a wealth of evidence to the contrary, persisted for many decades. So powerful and pervasive was this narrative that by the time D. W. Griffith released his 1915 motion picture, The Birth of a Nation, White people around the country were primed to accept the fallacy that White southerners were the frequent victims of violence and violation at the hands of unrestrained Black people. The reality is that the opposite was true.

Juan Crow laws: define and compare to Jim Crow

The term Juan Crow was first used to refer to immigration enforcement statutes in the United States that penalize illegal immigration and deny services to undocumented people living in the U.S. unlawfully. Laws in Arizona, Alabama, Georgia, and Texas have been considered Juan Crow laws. Jim Crow was more than a series of rigid anti-black laws. It was a way of life. Under Jim Crow, African Americans were relegated to the status of second class citizens. Jim Crow represented the legitimization of anti-black racism.

Redeemer Myth: define and significance

Those committed to rolling back the tide of Radical Reconstruction in the South called themselves redeemers, a label that expressed their desire to redeem their states from northern control and to restore the antebellum social order whereby Black people were kept safely under the boot heel of White people. They represented the Democratic Party in the South and worked tirelessly to end what they saw as an era of "negro misrule."

Describe "Crisis of Masculinity"

Throughout the final decades of the nineteenth century there was a crisis of manhood that transformed the male ideal in America. Gail Bederman, in Manliness and Civilization, credits this period with effecting a shift from the term "manliness" to "masculinity" in characterizing turn-of -the-century manhood.

Describe the evidence historians used to define the time period (Crisis of Masculinity)


know how segregation was marked by separate facilities such as "white only/colored only" but also included ever facet of life

What are the segregation facilities? Segregated facilities, means any waiting rooms, work areas, rest rooms and wash rooms, restaurants and other eating areas, time clocks, locker rooms and other storage or dressing areas, parking lots, drinking fountains, recreation or entertainment areas, transportation, and housing facilities provided for employees, Jim Crow laws soon spread around the country with even more force than previously. Public parks were forbidden for African Americans to enter, and theaters and restaurants were segregated. Segregated waiting rooms in bus and train stations were required, as well as water fountains, restrooms, building entrances, elevators, cemeteries, even amusement-park cashier windows. Laws forbade African Americans from living in white neighborhoods. Segregation was enforced for public pools, phone booths, hospitals, asylums, jails and residential homes for the elderly and handicapped. Some states required separate textbooks for Black and white students. New Orleans mandated the segregation of prostitutes according to race. In Atlanta, African Americans in court were given a different Bible from white people to swear on. Marriage and cohabitation between white and Black people was strictly forbidden in most Southern states.

Describe the areas the United States become involved in because of imperialism

What areas did the US gain through imperialism? In the late nineteenth century, the United States abandoned its century-long commitment to isolationism and became an imperial power. After the Spanish-American War, the United States exercised significant control over Cuba, annexed Hawaii, and claimed Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines as territories What are the three reasons the US got involved in imperialism? Economic competition among industrial nations. Political and military competition, including the creation of a strong naval force. A belief in the racial and cultural superiority of people of Anglo-Saxon descent.

Driving Imperialism

What was a driving force for imperialism in the early 1900s? The industrial revolution was the force behind this New Imperialism, as it created not only the need for Europe to expand, but the power to successfully take and profitably maintain so many colonies overseas. This New Imperialist Age gained its impetus from economic, military, political, humanitar- ian, and religious reasons, as well as from the development and acceptance of a new theory—Social Darwinism— and advances in technology. What drove imperialism in the late 1800s and early 1900s? In the late 1800's, economic, political, and religious motives prompted these nations to expand their influence over other regions, each with a goal to increase their power across the globe. The Industrial Revolution of the 1800's created a need for natural resources to fuel newly invented machinery and transportation. (Chapter 22)

Freedmen's Bureau: successes or failures of Reconstruction

What were the successes of the Freedmen's bureau? It helped freedpeople establish schools, purchase land, locate family members, and legalize marriages. The Bureau also supplied necessities such as food and clothing, operated hospitals and temporary camps, and witnessed labor contracts between freedmen and plantation owners or other employers What were some failures of the Freedmen's bureau? Freedmen's Bureau's Demise Due to pressure from white Southerners, Congress dismantled the Freedmen's Bureau in 1872. The Bureau failed to make a real stride towards racial equality mostly due to the fight between Congress and the President, as well as subpar funding.

How did the NAACP respond to the release of the film "Birth of a Nation"?

When The Birth of a Nation was first released, it was met with an immediate controversial reception. Led by Oswald Garrison Villard, the editor of the New York Evening Post, and Moorfield Storey, president of the American Bar Association, the six-year-old National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) tried to stop the film from being shown by initiating a nationwide boycott. Despite some success—a mass demonstration in Boston and the temporary banning of the film in a few states and cities—the sometimes overlapping messages of The Birth of a Nation and the Lost Cause were absorbed, for the most part unquestioningly, into American culture.

Civil Rights Act of 1866: successes or failures of Reconstruction

Where the Civil Rights Act of 1866 Succeeded The Civil Rights Act of 1866 contributed to the integration of Black Americans into mainstream American society by: Establishing that "all persons born in the United States" are citizens of the United States; Specifically defining the rights of American citizenship; and Making it illegal to deny any person the rights of citizenship on the basis of their race or color. Specifically, the 1866 Act stated that "all persons born in the United States" (except for Indigenous groups) were "hereby declared to be citizens of the United States" and that "such citizens of every race and color ... shall have the same right ... as is enjoyed by white citizens." Just two years later, in 1868, these rights were further protected by the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which addressed citizenship and guaranteed all citizens equal protection under the law. Where the Civil Rights Act of 1866 Fell Short While certainly a forward step along the long road from slavery to full equality, the Civil Rights Act of 1866 left much to be desired. The Act guaranteed all citizens, regardless of race or color, protection of their civil rights, such as the right to file suit, make and enforce contracts, and to buy, sell, and inherit real and personal property. However, it did not protect their political rights like voting and holding public office or their social rights that would ensure equal access to public accommodations. This glaring omission by Congress was actually intentional at the time. Hoping to avoid President Johnson's promised veto, Congress deleted the following key provision from the Act: "There shall be no discrimination in civil rights or immunities among the inhabitants of any State or Territory of the United States on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

chapter 20 Key Terms

bloody shirt campaign:the strategy of Republican candidates to stress the sacrifices that the nation had to endure in its Civil War against Democratic southern secessionists civil service:the contrast to the spoils system, where political appointments were based on merit, not favoritism Coxey's Army:an 1894 protest, led by businessman Jacob Coxey, to advocate for public works jobs for the unemployed by marching on Washington, DC Farmers' Alliance:a national conglomeration of different regional farmers' alliances that joined together in 1890 with the goal of furthering farmers' concerns in politics Gilded Age:the period in American history during which materialism, a quest for personal gain, and corruption dominated both politics and society Grangea :farmers' organization, launched in 1867, which grew to over 1.5 million members in less than a decade Half-Breeds:the group of Republicans led by James G. Blaine, named because they supported some measure of civil service reform and were thus considered to be only "half Republican" Mugwumps: a portion of the Republican Party that broke away from the Stalwart-versus-Half-Breed debate due to disgust with their candidate's corruption Populist Party:a political party formed in 1890 that sought to represent the rights of primarily farmers but eventually all workers in regional and federal elections Stalwarts: the group of Republicans led by Roscoe Conkling who strongly supported the continuation of the patronage system subtreasury plan:a plan that called for storing crops in government warehouses for a brief period of time, during which the federal government would provide loans to farmers worth 80 percent of the current crop prices, releasing the crops for sale when prices rose

Chapter 23 Key Terms

clear and present danger: the expression used by Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes in the case of Schenck v. United States to characterize public dissent during wartime, akin to shouting "fire!" in a crowded theater Fourteen Points: Woodrow Wilson's postwar peace plan, which called for openness in all matters of diplomacy, including free trade, freedom of the seas, and an end to secret treaties and negotiations, among others Harlem Hellfighters: a nickname for the decorated, all-Black 369th Infantry, which served on the frontlines of France for six months, longer than any other American unit Irreconcilables: Republicans who opposed the Treaty of Versailles on all grounds League of Nations: Woodrow Wilson's idea for a group of countries that would promote a new world order and territorial integrity through open discussions, rather than intimidation and war liberty bonds: the name for the war bonds that the U.S. government sold, and strongly encouraged Americans to buy, as a way of raising money for the war effort neutrality: Woodrow Wilson's policy of maintaining commercial ties with all belligerents and insisting on open markets throughout Europe during World War I : prohibition: the campaign for a ban on the sale and manufacturing of alcoholic beverages, which came to fruition during the war, bolstered by anti-German sentiment and a call to preserve resources for the war effort Red Scare: the term used to describe the fear that Americans felt about the possibility of a Bolshevik revolution in the United States; fear over Communist infiltrators led Americans to restrict and discriminate against any forms of radical dissent, whether Communist or not Red Summer: the summer of 1919, when numerous northern cities experienced bloody race riots that killed over 250 persons, including the Chicago race riot of 1919 Reservationists: Republicans who would support the Treaty of Versailles if sufficient amendments were introduced that could eliminate Article X Zimmermann telegram: the telegram sent from German foreign minister Arthur Zimmermann to the German ambassador in Mexico, which invited Mexico to fight alongside Germany should the United States enter World War I on the side of the Allies

Bisbee Deportation

the illegal deportation of about 1,300 striking mine workers, their supporters, and citizen bystanders by 2,000 vigilantes on July 12, 1917. The workers and others were kidnapped in the U.S. town of Bisbee, Arizona and held at a local baseball park. They were then loaded onto cattle cars and transported 200 miles (320 km) for 16 hours through the desert without food or water. The deportees were unloaded at Hermanas, New Mexico, without money or transportation, and warned not to return to Bisbee.

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