History Test

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Which number on the map is the Islamic holy city of Mecca


One result of the interaction between Jews, Christians, and Muslims in medieval Spain was

A golden age of science and intellectual advances.

Which factor contributed to favorable interactions among Muslim, Jewish, and Christian societies in Europe during the Middle Ages?

A mutual desire for profitable trade

Provide Care for sick Preserved important manuscripts Taught farming techniques Maintained schools

Catholic monasteries of Western Europe

Due to the travels and writing of Marco Polo

European interest in Asian cultures increased

Religious Muslims practice their faith by adherence to the

Five Pillars

Who first united the Mongol clans in order to eventually conquer much of Asia?

Genghis Khan

The prestige and authority of the popes leadership of the Roman Catholic Church were most challenged by the events of the

Great Schism

The development of Swahili was largely a result of?

Growing influence of Islamic traders

Which if Justinian's action reflects the close connection between church and state in the Byzantine empire?

He built large churches such as The Hagia Sophia

For early Christianity following church teachings involved observance of

Holy sacraments

How did the location of the caliphate on the map influence trade in the region

Islamic merchants served as middle men for European and Asian trade

Which if the following is one event that made 1215 a significant year?

King John was forced to acknowledge the rights of his subjects.

Which if the following had the most political power under European feudalism


Which group of people contributed most to the spread of Islam in Europe and Asia in the Middle Ages


According to the information in the excerpt, one reason Islam was able to spread was because-

Neighboring empires were easily conquered

Which factor contributed to the division of western and eastern churches in Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy

Opposing opinions on Christian theology

In what way did the spread of the Black Death change the manorial system in Europe?

Population loss allowed peasants to leave the manor to seek jobs.

What political change was brought about by the fighting of the Hundred Years' War

Powerful monarchies consolidated power as nation-states emerged.

Under the manorial system, nobles were required to provide serfs with which of the following?


Why were West African kingdoms like Ghana and Mali successful during the Post-Classical period?

They adopted Islam and established trade relations with Muslims.

What did the crusade contribute to the end of the medieval era in Europe

Trade was revived leading to the decline of the manorial economy

Which of the following statements best describes how medieval Islam and medieval Christianity affected societies in which they were dominant?

Under the influence of Medieval Islam and christianity, peoples personal lives were dictated by their religion.

One result of mongol expansion across Eurasia during the Middle Ages was-

a vast, unified empire of many cultures

Which set of accomplishments occurred during the Song dynasty of China?

magnetic compass , paper money, movable type printing

A common belief held by Jews, Christians and Muslims is the idea that

only one God should be worshiped

A vassal is expected to show loyalty to a lord by

providing military service

Christianity and Islam were important institutions in the reconsolidation of Europe following the collapse of the Roman Empire because both

served as unifying influences on culture

The medieval church was a unifying force in Europe after the fall of rome because it offered

stability and security

One factor that favored the spread of Islam to west Africa was-

trade along gold-salt routes

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