history test

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"worldly rather than spiritual"


A religion based on Calvin's teachings.


People who followed John Knox.


The Church of England


"An intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements."


"Christians who belonged to non-Catholic churches."


"It released a sinner from performing the penalty that a priest imposed for sins." - something that the citizens could buy that would release a person from doing a punishment for their sin

Peace of Augsburg

"There the princes agreed that each ruler would decide the religion of his state." - An agreement that stated that each ruler could decide the religion of their own state. (1555)


"a movement for religious reform." - reforming / changing the Church


"a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, or activity."


"set aside" - to make something (normally a marriage) invalid

Council of Trent

A council of Church members that met in Trent.


A group that believed that people should only be baptized when they were old enough to decide to be Christian.


A native language created by Dante


A set of beliefs that follow the idea that God has known since the beginning of time who will be saved. (Calvins beliefs)

The Medici Family

A wealthy family that ruled Italy, owned a bank (thats how they made most of their money), and they were from Florence

Luther believes that a Christian doesn't need a pardon to be forgiven. Luther says that a Christian has a right to full remission of penalty and guilt even without a pardon.

According to Luther, what DOES a Christian need?

Yes, Vasari praised Da Vinci - "His every action is so divine as to leave all other men far behind."

Did Vasari criticize or praise Da Vinci?

Elizabeth I was able to bring some religious peace to England by creating the Anglican Church, the only legal church in England. By doing this she was able to satisfy all religions, which helped to stop the arguments between the Christians and the Protestants.

Explain how Elizabeth I was able to bring a level of religious peace to England.

when people started to choose Luther's teachings over the Catholic Church's teachings

From where did the term Protestantism originate?

believing in the idea that people needed a way of living their life. Christian humanists believed in the ability of human beings to reason and improve themselves. And Erasmus believed that Christianity should show people how to live good lives on a daily basis, not just provide beliefs. Erasmus wanted to educate people in Christianity and he would speak about the abuses in the church.

How did Christian humanism and Desiderius Erasmus pave the way for the Protestant Reformation?

The Catholic Church defended the selling of the indulgences by claiming that if you didn't pay you would be stuck in purgatory for a long time, not able to get to Heaven.

How did the Catholic Church defend the selling of indulgences?

people started to learn about the idea of everyone being their own person, and having their own beliefs it completely contradicted what the Church had previously taught them.

How do you think classical learning and an emphasis on the individual led people to become critical of the Roman Catholic Church?

Johann Gutenberg

Johann Gutenberg was a craftsman that invented the printing press.

Disagreement with the indulgences

Luther's Disagreement with the Catholic Church 1517

Going for the Pope, more political now

Luther's Disagreement with the Catholic Church 1535

Apologetic, didn't go after anyone yet

Luther's tone 1517

Much more aggressive than before, spreading his ideas

Luther's tone 1535


Members of the Society of Jesus.

People should give their money to the poor, or buy doing something that will help the poor in a positive way.

Rather than buying pardons, people should spend their money on what?


Showing three dimensions on one flat surface.

Catholic Reformation

The movement of helping Catholics to remain loyal


The name of the religious group that Martin Luther and his followers had created.

Citizens choice, be on your guard when provided such a great opportunity (to good to be true), Christians are taught better than to think that just buying a pardon is going to erase their sins.

What does Luther say about buying pardons (indulgences)?

Luther says that the true treasure of the church is the "Most Holy Gospel of the glory and the grace of God."

What does Luther say is the true treasure of the church?

one of his kids, Mary, had restored power to the Pope, and she had many of the Protestants killed.

What impact did Henry VIII's actions have on England in the second half of the 1500s?

Political: Powerful monarchs were challenging the Church as the supreme power in Europe. Many leaders viewed the pope as a foreign ruler, so leaders would challenge his authority. Economic: European princes and kings were jealous of the Church's wealth. Merchants and others disliked having to pay taxes to the Church. Social: The Renaissance values of humanism and secularism led people to start questioning the Church. The printing press helped to spread ideas disapproving of the Church.

What political, economic, and social factors helped bring about the Reformation?

The noblewomen would protect the reformers.

What role did noblewomen play in the Reformation?

Calvin's idea of the "elect" and their place in society was that God had chosen only a few people that he was going to save. Calvin also believed that both women and men are both sinful by nature.

What was Calvin's idea of the "elect" and their place in society?

The Renaissance changed society by creating the printing press.

What was one way the Renaissance changed society?

Their first goal was that they were founding superb schools throughout Europe. The Jesuits' second goal was to convert non - Christians to Catholicism, so they would send out missionaries around the world. Their third goal was to stop the spread of Protestantism.

What were the goals of the Jesuits?

Around 1455

When was the Bible printed?

Christine de Pizan

Who pushed for education for both boys and girls?

Pietro Aetino - Aetino was praising Michelangelo's ability to draw the human body and the way that Michelangelo can draw art with such purpose

Who sends a letter to Michelangelo

Desiderius Erasmus, criticize society's moral and religious state, and he claimed that we needed a simple, more pure faith.

Who wrote The Praise of Folly, and what was it about?

encourage people to get an education, people started to become literate. allowed the laws to be written down and copied easier which helped the citizens to understand the laws, and to understand their rights better. Lastly, the printing press made it easier for people to get information for a cheap price

Why was the invention of the printing press so important?

Selling indulgences would not have been possible before Europe had switched to a money economy because before Europe used a money economy they used a trading system

Why would selling indulgences not have been possible before Europe had switched to a money economy?

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was the most famous writer of the Elizabethan Age


____ had created an "advise rulebook" that "examines the imperfect conduct of human beings."



Christine de Pizan

she was highly educated and that she was the first woman to be able to make a living off of being a writer.


the "ideal place" for people to live. In More's book, the utopia was a land where greed, corruption, and war have been weeded out. In Greek utopia means "no place"

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