History-Unit 10, Lesson 9-Rome and Judea

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Why was there conflict between the Romans and the Jews?

Most Jews regarded the Romans as cruel occupiers who looked down on conquered peoples. The Romans couldn't understand Jewish attitudes. The Romans believed their way was the way of the world. Often, the Romans insulted the Jews and their religion without realizing it. For example, Roman coins carried images of men and animals, which the Jews found offensive because the Torah forbade the use of "graven images." The Jews also thought the Romans worshiped many false gods, such as Jupiter and Mars, and at times the emperor.

Most Jews thought the Zealots were patriots and heroes, but some Jews were afraid of the Zealots. Why were they afraid of them?

Perhaps they feared the resistance of the Zealots would make Roman rule become even harsher, or maybe they were enjoying the wealth that Roman rule had brought to some in Judea.

Who were the Zealots?

The Zealots were a small group of Jews who opposed Hellenism and Roman rule. They regarded rule by foreigners as an offense to God.

What is the Torah?

The first five books of the Hebrew Bible

List these important events in chronological order.

1. Assyrians conquer Judea. 2. Nebuchadnezzar forces Hebrews to live in exile in Babylon. 3. Persians allowed Hebrews to return home. 4. Jews become subjects of Alexander the Great. 5. Hellenistic culture spread in Judea. 6. Jews overthrow Greeks. 7. Civil war breaks out in Judea. 8. Romans come to aid of Hellenized Jews. 9. Rome ruled Judea.

What did the Jews learn from the Torah?

According to the Jews, the Torah did not just explain right and wrong. It also reminded them of their special covenant with God and told them specific ways to live by the covenant. It told them what to eat and what to wear. It told them when and how to work. The Torah was the most important guide in their lives.

Describe how the Zealots resisted Roman rule and what happened as a result of that resistance.

In A.D. 6, the Zealots led a rebellion against Rome. Some Jews tore down the Roman golden eagle, the symbol of the empire, which stood at the gates of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. The Romans arrested the troublemakers and condemned them to be burned alive. An angry mob stoned some Roman soldiers, and riots broke out. The Romans punished the offenders by nailing them to wooden crosses and leaving them to die. This method of punishment is called crucifixion. The Romans crucified 2,000 Jews and left their bodies hanging on crosses for days for all to see.

Why was there tension between the Roman rulers and their Jewish subjects? (Give at least two reasons.)

Judea had been conquered several times in the centuries before it became part of the Roman Empire. Civil war in Judea between the Jews who had adopted Hellenistic ways and those who shunned Hellenism eventually led to Rome ruling Judea.

What was Judea and where was it in relation to Rome?

Judea was the home of the Hebrew people and a province of the Roman Empire. It was located east of Rome.

Why did the people of Judea resist foreign rule?

Many Jews felt that changing their way of life and adopting "foreign ways" would mean losing their identity as God's chosen people. It would mean changing God's law.

Who was Pontius Pilate and how did he handle trouble in Judea?

Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea. He arrested anyone who might cause unrest. If a rebel claimed to be the promised savior who would overthrow Roman rule, Pilate quickly had him killed.

What were some conflicting Roman and Jewish ideas?

Roman coins had images of men and animals. The Torah forbade the use of graven images. Romans worshiped many gods. Jews worshiped one God. Romans lived according to Roman Law. The Jews followed the laws and rules of the Torah. The Roman government was the highest authority. Jews believed that God, not the government, was the highest authority. The Romans saw Zealots as radical troublemakers. Most Jews viewed Zealots as patriotic heroes.

Why was there conflict between the Romans and the Jews?

Roman money had images of men and animals but the Jewish Torah forbade the use of graven images. The Romans worshiped many gods; the Jews worshiped one God. The Romans lived according to Roman law and expected the Jews to also, but the Jews lived according to God's law as written in the Torah.

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