History: Unit One Study Guide

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Create at least three sentences using a cause and effect structure. Political Developments in England led to the Decline of Feudalism and Rise of Democratic Thought.

Do it yourself.

How were Crusades different from pilgrimages?

The Crusades were a series of military expeditions by Christians to conquer holy sites from Muslims.

What were the greatest challenges people in Europe faced after the death of Charlemagne in 814?

The Frankish empire was divided amongst weak kings, and invaders jumped at the opportunity and attacked.

Where were towns in medieval Europe often located, and why?

They were located by water because waterways were primary trade routes and often made towns rich.

How were Jews often mistreated in medieval Europe? What opportunity was open to them?

They were seen as lesser beings, and they were allowed to become bankers and moneylenders, because it was considered a sin for Christians to charge money for loans.

Who was Joan of Arc and what did she do?

1429, peasant girl who led French army and defeated the English, leading France to many victories and allowed France to invade England's territory which ended the Hundred Years War

How were the numbers 1, 10, 100, and 1,000 written by the Romans?

1=I 10=X 100=C 100=M

What contributed to the growth of towns in medieval Europe?

Agriculture had improved so much that there was a surplus of crops, and people could buy food in the markets. Another reason was the revival of trade.

Why is that contribution at the top of the list?

Answer this yourself.

What happened in the chain of events that led to the fall of the Roman Empire?

Constantine decided to convert to Christianity and the power in the empire was purely Christian. One tribe, in 410 CE, actually looted Rome itself. Finally, in 476, the last Roman emperor was dethroned. In the east, though, the Byzantine Empire lasted for another thousand years.

What about Constantinople's location made it an ideal capital of the Byzantine Empire?

Constantinople was located at a trading crossroad, so they had fine luxuries. It was also highly defensible, surrounded by water on three sides, and a series of walls on all sides.

What led to the collapse of the Roman Empire?

Corrupt governors, riotous people, western half lost, nomadic tribes constantly attacking, military weakened, economic issues arose

In your own words, summarize the conflict between Pope Gregory VII and the Holy Roman emperor, Henry IV. Use the words appoint, duty, excommunicate, beg, and authority in your summary.

Do it yourself.

How did the Hundred Years' War start?

England claimed certain lands in France, since some English noblemen had once owned those lands. The case was disputed by the French, and war broke out.

What were some of the challenges pilgrims faced on their journeys?

Extreme weather could pop up, and bandits plagued the roads.

What were guilds? Why were they established?

Guilds were associations of people who practiced the same craft or trade. They were set up to make sure their members were treated fairly and produced quality goods.

What were some ways in which criminals were punished in medieval Europe?

Hanging, burning at the stake, public execution

Who was Thomas Aquinas? How did he bring together ancient philosophy and Christian theology?

He was a man who thought that since both reason and faith were created by God, they went hand in glove.

What changes did Magna Carta promise to bring about in English government?

It limited the king's power, and the king had to respect the rights of nobles. It also established laws that no one could break, not even the king, and it gave a voice to the common people.

Why was Justinian's Code significant?

It made several reforms to the governing system, such as extending women's rights, and removing conflicting laws.

What happened to the Roman Empire at about 200 CE?

It was at its peak.

What would a typical manor house in medieval times look like?

Large and well built, although of wood/stone and thatch. Servants would work the land, well tended property

What are some facts about Charlemagne?

Large figure, many accomplishments, died at 40, great Frankish king, kept invaders away, reformer

How were the lives of medieval girls different from those of modern girls?

Medieval girls were only allowed to learn certain necessities such as running a household, cooking, sewing, etc. They wouldn't learn any other things that were unnecessary.

What are some disadvantages of controlling such a large empire?

Messages will travel slower and be outdated, and the army will not be able to travel everywhere. Rebellions could spring up, and news might reach Rome too late.

What was the Model Parliament, and why was it created?

Model Parliament was a governing body comprised of nobles, clergymen, and common people, created to give a voice to the common people.

Where did monarchs get their power?

Monarchs believed in the "divine right of kings," which meant that God gave them the right to rule. The feudal system gave monarchs their power as well, because the lords and vassals were given land in exchange for loyalty and military support.

Who were monks, and what did they do?

Monks were people who devoted their lives to the church and used their lives to show Devotion to God by writing books and doing physical labor. Nuns did much the same thing.

List examples of how the outbreak of war in Europe contributed to the decline of feudalism and the rise of democratic thought.

More commoners were killed in the war, so there were less workers and more demand. Again, the commoners emerged with greater influence.

What was difficult about childhood in a medieval town?

Most children died before seven. Those who survived immediately began training for their adulthood roles.

Describe the typical home in a medieval town.

Most homes in medieval towns were small, crowded, and built of wood. The homes of the wealthy were much larger.

What changes to the court system helped protect individual rights in the early 1100s in England?

People could stand trial, and couldn't be held in jail indefinitely (habeas corpus) and the rise of common law

Why did people undertake pilgrimages during the Middle Ages? What were some of the popular destinations of pilgrims?

People went to show their devotion to God. Popular destinations included Jerusalem, other holy sites, and churches.

What might have happened?

Rebellions that succeeded or other empires that annexed the land.

Describe the philosophy of Stoicism.

Stoics believed that a divine force ruled over the universe, and a soul was a spark of that divine intelligence.

How did people become infected with the plague?

The disease was spread by vermin such as fleas, rats, and mice.

Why was the plague called the "Black Death"? What were some of the common symptoms?

The plague began with flu-like symptoms 1-7 days after infection. Later on, symptoms included violent coughing and retching, and large black lumps called buboes, which gave it the name the "Black Death".

What is loyalty?

To bear true faith and allegiance

Describe two methods for deciding the guilt or innocence of accused criminals in the Early Middle Ages.

Trial by ordeal (underwent dangerous trials) and trial by combat (winner was guided by hand of God)

Explain two advances in education during the Middle Ages.

Universities were developed and we began to use lowercase letters.

Draw a simple sketch of each of the following key architectural features of cathedrals and define each one: Nave, transept, gargoyle, flying buttress, and stained glass window

Nave: short section of a church Transept: long section of the church Gargoyle: fearsome sculptures of beasts Flying buttress: vaulted archway Stained glass window: colored glass window

The word holiday comes from what?

holy day

According to the teachings of the Catholic Church, what was the purpose of sacraments?

Sacraments were special rites that people believed granted them a special blessing from God.

List examples of how the outbreak of the bubonic plague in Europe contributed to the decline of feudalism and the rise of democratic thought.

Since the plague contaminated many workers, feudal lords had higher demand for workers. The workers refused to labor unless conditions were improved. Since they had the upper hand, the noblemen were forced to comply.

What were some common diseases in medieval Europe?

Some common diseases in medieval Europe were measles, cholera, scarlet fever, and bubonic plague.

Who were the Franciscans?

-Founded by Francis of Assisi -Francis experienced wealth and then war and then preaching and then begging for food. -Franciscans took vows of absolute poverty. Rejecting land and begging for their food. -They reinforced simplicity in the Church -Missionary work throughout the Muslim World.

What event forced Justinian I to start rebuilding parts of Constantinople?

A group of charioteers wanted to dethrone him, and it turned into a rebellion that destroyed much of the city.

What was the difference between a mystery play and a miracle play?

A mystery play was often done by a guild, and the play was about something related to the guild. Miracle plays were momentous religious events reenacted.

What types of things did Christian holidays celebrate?

All of them were dedicated to a certain religious figure or an accomplishment in a religious figure's life.

How might Roman culture continue to influence these territories today?

Architecture might still have vestiges in the buildings there today, and the language might be a Romance language, or one that originated from Latin.

What were some popular children's games in medieval Europe?

Badminton, lawn bowling, blind man's bluff

What were the sacraments?

Baptism (babies born with "original sin," needed to be cleansed), Holy Eucharist (communion), Confirmation (reaffirming belief in God as an adult), Penance (confession, if truly sorry then they will be clear of their sin), Matrimony, Holy Order (becoming member of the clergy), Extreme Unction (getting anointed before death),

What are some elements of medieval life?

Calendar, castle, peasants working for a higher lord

What are three art forms developed by the Romans?

Cameo (carved decoration), Mosaic (tiny tiles forming a picture), and frescoes (paintings on wet plaster that formed part of the wall)

Why is William the Conqueror considered an important monarch?

He believed that he should have been king of England, but when his cousin was crowned instead, he defeated his cousin at the battle of Hastings. That win gave him the title William the Conqueror.

List at least three different conditions in medieval towns that led to the spread of disease.

Houses were crowded, there was no running water, and rodents plagued the cities.

How was a town able to become independent of a feudal lord?

In some cases, towns rebelled violently. More often than not, though, they were granted a royal charter granting them the right to govern themselves.

Why were the English able to defeat the French in early battles, such as the one at Crécy?

The standard of archers was very different. French archers used the crossbow, which was slow to reload and effective at only short ranges. The longbow, however, had staggering power and could punch through the time's armor easily. It could also be fired at faster rates.

What are some examples of Roman ideas about law and justice present in modern society?

They believed that every person had a natural set of rights. Courts tried to make fair decisions for the people.

What kinds of work did peasants do on the manor?

They could be servants, blacksmiths, or repairmen when needed.

What was the role of noblewomen on a manor?

They had to oversee the hundreds of people in the household, such as priests and villagers and servants.

Describe the relationship between religion and government in the Byzantine Empire.

They viewed the emperor as a chosen one, the link to God. The Eastern Orthodox Church played a huge role in life of the Byzantine empire.

What responsibilities did knights have in the feudal system?

They were expected to be honoring and chivalrous to ladies and they had to serve in the army.

What responsibilities did lords have on a manor?

They were expected to give it to provide a place of celebration for festivals.

Which Roman Emperor issued a decree allowing Christians to practice their religion freely? How had Christians been treated by Romans before that time?

Up until Constantine's verdict to allow Christianity, Christians had been persecuted and executed.

What are two examples of Roman-influenced art in modern life?

We copied a style of statues in our leaders, and our buildings are Greco-Roman.

Explain why Latin remains such an important language in the United States and around the world.

Most of our words, such as impossible, are derived from Latin roots. Impossible has the root word im-, which means not.

What are two examples of Roman-influenced architecture in modern society, and what features of Roman architecture do they have?

Our capital buildings all are grand building with flourishing columns. Our modern stadiums are also huge and host large events with thousands of spectators, much as the Romans did.

In what ways did the art of medieval Europe reflect the influence of the Roman Catholic Church?

Paintings and sculptures of religious figures were placed in places of worship. They helped people who could not read trace the life story of Jesus.

What were some common practices or treatments used by medieval doctors?

Some common treatments were prayer, bloodletting (cutting the patient to let all the bad stuff bleed out) and applying leeches to the victim

If you were a knight, what would your oath be?

Something along the lines of, "I promise to be loyal to whoever I may ever serve. I promise to be kind and respectful to anyone I meet. I promise to fight to the best of my ability to protect the cause of my lord."

Describe two types of power that the Roman Catholic Church acquired in society after the fall of Rome.

The Church grew wealthy in money, and they owned a large fraction of the land in Europe at the time.

How did the idea of citizenship descend from ancient Rome to modern times?

Citizenship applied to every free person in the empire, so that meant that slaves were not citizens. Anyone who was a citizen owed allegiance to the emperor and the country, and had their own set of rights.

What were the most important Roman contributions? Order them from most important to least important.

Citizenship, Roman courts and justice, Engineering, Latin language, Roman numerals, Architecture, Art

List and describe at least three architectural features developed or made popular by the Romans.

Columns were apparent in most buildings, and we see them in our Capitol today. They also used a grand style, also in most of our DC buildings today. Romans also liked large open stadiums, not unlike our stadiums today. Another one is the triumphal arch, such as the Arc de Triomphe.

If it helps, draw a picture of each sacrament.

Do it yourself.

What area did the Roman Empire control?

The area around the Mediterranean.

Fast forward 300 years. What do you notice about the Roman Empire now?

The landmass has shrunken, and they don't control as much as before.

List and describe two engineering achievements of the Romans.

The learned to use vaulted ceilings that would support huge domed ceilings. Romans also used cement to build huge arches and magnificent churchers.

Where did the plague originate?

Asia, then to Middle East, then to Italy, and finally to the rest of Europe

How did trade change from the beginning of the Middle Ages to the High Middle Ages?

At the beginning, most trade was in commodities and luxury items. Later on, people began to trade necessities and things anyone could buy.

List the different ranks of clergy associated with the Roman Catholic Church. Then explain which members of the Church hierarchy a peasant would be most likely to come into contact with.

At the highest level, there was the pope, lower down there were cardinals and archbishops. Archbishops ruled over land, and lesser bishops oversaw a church or municipality. The lowest level was the priests, who oversaw a church. A peasant would be most likely to see a priest during church services.

What were some leisure activities enjoyed by adults in medieval Europe?

Chess, checkers, backgammon, plays, and animal baiting

What were some of the improvements made to Constantinople as a result of Justinian's public works projects?

He built more bridges, public buildings, fountains, parks, and holy buildings.

Describe the three basic stages for a boy to become a knight.

He had to be a page, and help the ladies of the castle. Then he became a squire, and attended to his mentor knight and learned the skills. Finally, at the end of a squire, he would become a knight.

What changes did Henry II make to the English legal system and how did these changes affect feudalism?

He instituted trial before a royal judge, not trial by ordeal or combat. He also made laws that clergymen could be tried only before a royal judge, and people could not be jailed indefinitely unless accused of a crime.

Three major disagreements contributed to a complete split in the Christian Church by 1054. What were those disagreements?

In 730 CE, Emperor Leo III banned all religious images because he thought people were worshipping the wrong icons. Then in 800, Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne, removing Empress Irene I from power. Finally, a cardinal excommunicated Pope Cerularius, and in retaliation, Pope Cerularius excommunicated the cardinal.

How did Charlemagne's relationship with the Catholic Church benefit both the emperor and the pope?

It benefited the pope because Charlemagne provided military support to back the Church, and the Church, already influential, backed Charlemagne.

How did merchants become the most wealthy and powerful citizens of towns?

They often specialized in a unique skill that was in high demand, or sold a large amount of goods.

How did guilds help their members and the families of their members?

They paid the families, and provided for the families and gave them food and healthcare.

What was daily life like for peasants in medieval Europe?

They rose early to farm and raise crops, but some had other jobs such as smithies and wheelwrights.

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