history week 1 chapter 2

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argued the only connection was through the king

Jefferson's A Summary View of the Rights of British America

edward braddock

What British General led a campaign into the Virginia backcountry against the French that ended in disaster?

massachusetts circular letter

What Massachusetts document called on other colonies to join in protest to the Townshend duties?

the proclamation of 1763

What act of Parliament closed the Ohio Valley to British expansion?

the gunpowder incident

What incident in April 1775 led Patrick Henry to gather militia units and march on the capital of Virginia?

the fear that the british would extend their reach

What was the "Great Fear"?

the olive branch petition

What was the last attempt by Congress to appeal to the King to intercede with Parliament on their behalf?

some citizens rowed and burned her

When the HMS Gaspee ran aground

the committee of correspondence

When the Virginia Burgesses met in early 1773, they formed what?

lexington and concord

Where were the first shots of the American Revolution fired?

george washington

Which famous American is credited with leading the expedition that resulted in the attack that led the French and Indian War?

the british regulars were a professional force

Which of the following is true regarding the military during the French and Indian War? [choose all that apply]

additional taxation for the support of british troops

Which of the following was NOT a provision of the Coercive Acts?

neither parliament nor the crown had the right

Which of the following was NOT one of the Stamp Act Resolves?

the battle of bunker hill

Which of the following was technically a victory for the British, but proved that the Americans were willing to fight for their liberties?


While actions against the Stamp Act in Virginia were primarily rhetorical, in Massachusetts it was ____________.

john dickinson, thomas jefferson

Who were the primary authors of the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms? [choose all that apply]

james wolfe

Whose efforts at the siege of Quebec allowed the British to take control of the St. Lawrence River and eventually win the French and Indian War?

patrick henry

Whose famous "Liberty or Death" speech compared the position of the American colonies to that of slaves?

british troops were sent out to seize

Why were militia units and British troops on the field in Lexington, Massachusetts on April 19, 1775?

it was contrary to english tradition

Why would a standing army be an issue for American colonists?

the sons of liberty

Following the violence against the Stamp Master and Lieutenant Governor in Massachusetts, Samuel Adams declared that who would guard against abuse of the colonists by Parliament?


In colonial Virginia, on what was pay for Anglican ministers based?

make the most of it

In his speech regarding the Stamp Act, Patrick Henry said "If this be treason..."


In which colonial city did the Second Continental Congress meet?

was an experienced troop

One reason that George Washington was chosen as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army was that he

pushed people into a closer relationship with france

Over the course of the late 1600s and early 1700s, tensions between native tribes and New England colonists

patrick henry

The "Parson's Cause" saw the debut of this young Virginia attorney

townshend acts

The 1767 acts that placed taxes on some common goods imported from England were the

resulted in 5 deaths, led to boston tea party, result of escalating tensions

The Boston Massacre [choose all that apply]

opposition of the tea act

The Boston Tea Party was a direct result of


The British government claimed that the colonies had _______________ representation in Parliament.

along the ohio river

The French and Indian War began because of territorial claims

the seven years war

The French and Indian War was part of a larger, more global, conflict called


The Proclamation of 1763 drew a line along the crest of the _________________ Mountains.

battle of alamance

The Regulator Movement in North Carolina culminated at the

playing cards, marriage license, deeds, newspapers

The Stamp Act required official documents be printed on stamped paper. Which of these documents were included in the list? [choose all that apply]


The Stamp Act tax was in _______________ tax rather than a tax on imports.

was an attempt to bail out east india

The Tea Act


The War of Jenkins' Ear really began as England tried to expand into ______________ territory.


The _______________ Act of 1764 was an attempt to increase taxes by lowering the rate and increasing consumption.

fort ticonderoga

The capture of what fort on Lake Champlain gave the patriots control of the northern approach to the colonies and needed artillery?

debt, deficit

The growing problem of _______________ and _____________ in England created issues between colonies and the mother country. [choose 2]

did not pay their fair share to the empire

The people of England complained that American colonists

preservation of english rights

The purpose of the Stamp Act Congress was

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