History Western civilization 2 midterm exam study guide

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What occurred during the Hundred Days in France?

Napoleon returned from exile to rule France briefly.

Napoleon and his conspirators ousted the Directors, and the following day soldiers disbanded the legislature at bayonet point on what month and year?

November 9, 1799

What year The Women of Paris March to Versailles

October 5, 1789

Who control the sexuality of working-class youth during segregation of jobs by gender.

Older people

Pre revolutionary three estates

Three orders,or estates, of society: the clergy, the nobility and everyone else.

What was the goal of the Committee of Public Safety?

To use dictatorial powers to respond to threats to France from without and within.

Palace of Versailles

The Women of Paris March to Versailles,thousands of poor Parisian women marched to Versailles to protest the price of bread. -For the common people, the king was the baker of last resort, responsible for feeding his people during times of scarcity.


- a fail capable of supporting a heavy locomotive was developed.

Gender relationships and "separate spheres"

- evolving gradually, but largely in place by 1850 the new sexual division of labor constituted a major development in the history of women and of the family .


- handicraft workers members of a secret textile workers organization who attacked factories in northest England in 1811 and later. - smashed the new machines, which they believed were putting them out of work.


-A French political leader who lead the two bitterly opposed groups the " Girondists and the Mountain ". -He executed Louis on January 21,1793 by guillotine which the French had recently perfected.

Revolutions of 1848

-After finally defeating Napoleon, the conservative, aristocratic monarchies of Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Great Britain-known as the Quadruple Alliance + reaffirmed their determination to hold France in line. -Leading representatives of the Quadruple Alliance (plus a representative of the restored Bourbon monarch of France) - including Tsar Alexander I of Russia, King Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia, Emperor Franz II of Austria, and their foreign min-isters- met to fashion the peace at the Congress of Vienna from September 1814 to June 1815.

Chartist Movement

-After the collapse of Owen's national trade union, many working people went to the Chartist movement, which sought political democracy. -The key Chartist demand -that all men be given the right to vote. - became the great hope of millions of common people.

Irish Population Growth

-Between 1780 and 1840 the Irish population doubled from 4 million to 8 million. -Extensive cultivation of the humble potato was largely responsible for this rapid rise. -a single acre of land planted with a nutritious potato could feed a family of 6 for a year, and the hardy tuber thrived on Ireland's boggy wastelands.

Napoleon background and personal life

-Born in Corsica into an impoverished noble family . -Left home and became a lieutenant in french artillery -Converted to the revolutionary cause and rising rapidly in the republican army.

Britain's wood shortage in eighteenth century

-By the eighteenth century wood was in ever-shorter supply in Britain. Processed wood (charcoal) was the fuel that was mixed with iron ore in the blast furnace to produce pig iron, crude iron molded into ingots called "pigs" that could be processed into steel, cast iron, or wrought iron. -As wood became ever more scarce, the British looked to coal as an alternative.

Third state

-Commoners who constituted over 95% of the population.

Cottages workers, putting-out system,adjusting to factory work.

-Cottage workers, accustomed to the putting-out system, part were reluctant to work in the new factories even when they received relatively good wages. In a factory, workers had To keep up with the machine and follow its relentless tempo. -Moreover, they had to show up every day, on time, and work long, monotonous hours under the constant supervision of demanding overseers, and they were punished systematically if they broke the work rules.

Romantic Movement of Art

-Delacroix was fascinated with remote and exotic subjects, whether lion hunts in Morocco or Languishing, sensusuous women in a sultan's harem.

Several factors combined to create this new sexual division of labor on separate spheres.

-First, the new and unfamiliar discipline of the clock and the machine was especially hard on / married women of the laboring classes. Relentless factory discipline conflicted with child care in a way that labor on the farm or in the cottage had not. -Second, running a household in conditions or urban poverty was an extremely demanding job in its own right. -Third, to a large degree the young, generally unmarried women who did work for wages outside the home were segregated from men and confined to certain "women's jobs" because the new sexual division of labor replicated long-standing patterns of gender segregation and inequality.

National Convention

-In late September 1792 the new, popularly elected National Convention, which replaced the Legislative Assembly, proclaimed France a republic, a nation in which the people, instead of a monarch, held sovereign power.

Labor/ work in British families in eighteenth century.

-In some cases, workers accommodated to the system by carrying over familiar working traditions. Some came to the mills and the mines in the family units in which they had labored on farms and in the putting-out system.

Napoleon Rule as emperor

-Napoleon soon learned that prominent members of the legislature were plotting against the Directory. -The plotters' dissatisfaction stemmed not so much from the Directory's dictatorial rule as from the fact that it was an ineffective dictatorship. -Ten years of upheaval and uncertainty had made firm rule much more appealing than liberty and popular politics to these disillusioned revolutionaries. -The flamboyant thirty-year-old Napoleon, nationally revered for his military exploits, was an ideal figure of authority.

Railroads and production

-The arrival of the railroad had many significant consequences. It dramatically reduced the cost and uncertainty of shipping freight over land. Previously, markets had tended to be small and local; as the barrier of high transportation costs was lowered, markets became larger and even nationwide.

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm (The Brothers Grimm)

-The brothers were particularly successful at rescuing a german folktales from oblivion. -Determined to preserve what Wilhelm called " a world of magic" in a time of rapid social change.

Cotton and textile industry

-The creation of the world's first machine-powered factories in the British cotton textile industry in the 1770s and 1780s, which grew out of the putting-out system of cottage production, was a major historical development. -Both symbolically and substantially, the big new cotton mills marked the beginning of the industrial Revolution in Britain.

National Assembly

-The issue came to a crisis in June 1789 when delegates of the third estate refused to meet until the king ordered the clergy and nobility to sit with them in a single body.

Louis XV

-The ministers of King Louis XV sought to raise taxes to meet the expenses of the War of the Austrian Succession and the Seven Years' War and to make nobles pay direct taxes for the first time.

Great Famine in Ireland

-Then in 1845 and 1846, and again in 1848 and 1851. -The potato crop failed in Ireland. -Blight attacked the young plants, and leave and tubers rotted. -Unmitigated disaster followed, as already impoverished peasants experienced widespread sickness and starvation.

Romantic Movement of Music ,Folks songs

-They transformed the small classical orchestra, tripling its size by adding wind instruments, percussions, and more brass and strings. -The crashing cords evoking the surge of the masses in Chopin's Revolutionary Etude and the bottomless despair of the funeral march in Beethoven's Third Symphony.

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen

-This clarion call of the liberal revolutionary ideal guaranteed equality before the law, representative government for a sovereign people, and individual freedom. - issued at the beginning of the French Revolution, proclaimed that "liberty consists in being able to do anything that does not harm another person." -In the context of the monarchical and absolutist forms of government then dominating Europe, this was a truly radical idea.

Sexuality of working-class youths

-This traditional sexual division of labor took on new overtones, however, in response to the factory system. Previously, at least in theory, young people worked under a watchful parental eye. The growth of factories and mines brought unheard-of opportunities for girls and boys to mix on the job, free of familial supervision. -Such opportunities led to more unplanned pregnancies and fueled the illegitimacy explosion that had begun in the late eighteenth century and that gathered force until at least 1850.

First great poets and writers in english

-William blake, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Sir Walter scott were all active by 1800. - Followed shortly by Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats.

Victo Hugo

-achieved the most renown with novels that exemplified the Romantic fascination with fantastic characters, exotic historical settings and extreme emotions. -The Hunchback of Notre Dame, his famous novel.

Why Louis XV refused to take communion.

-because his adultery placed him in a state of sin.


-believed that all natural things were sacred, and his poetry often expressed a mystical appreciation of nature. -He expressed his love of nature in commonplace forms that a variety of readers could appreciate.

In the cotton mills during Labor/ work in British families in eighteenth century.

-children worked for their mothers or fathers, collecting scraps and "piecing" broken threads together. In the mines, children sorted coal and worked the ventilation equipment. -Their mothers hauled coal in the tunnels below the surface, while their fathers hewed with pick and shovel at the face of the seam.

Larger markets

-encouraged manufacturers to build larger factories with more sophisticated machinery in a growing number of industries. Such factories could make goods more cheaply and gradually subjected most cottage workers and many urban artisans to severe competitive pressures.


-found its distinctive voice in poetry , as the enlightment had in prose. Through Romantic poetry had important forerunners in the German "Storm and stress" movement of the 1770's and 1780.

Charles Fourier

-founded movements intended to established model communities that would usher in a new age of happiness and equality. - a follower of Saint-Simon, likewise condemned the inequality and poverty he saw at the base of contemporary capitalism and called for a society based on cooperation rather than rampant individualism. -phalanxes

cotton textiles

-had first been imported into Britain from India by the East India company as a rare and delicate luxury for the upper classes.

France's Eugene Delacroix

-one of the Romanticism's great artists, painted dramatic, colorful scenes that stirred the emotions.

Wordsworth and Coleridge (1798)

-published their Lyrical Ballads, which abandoned flowery classical conventions the language of ordinary speech and endowed simple subjects with the loftiest majesty.

Young women and "women's jobs"

-to a large degree the young, generally unmarried women who did work for wages outside the home were segregated from men and confined to certain "women's jobs" because the new sexual division of labor replicated long-standing patterns of gender segregation and inequality.


-was named first consul of the republic, and a new constitution consolidating his position was overwhelmingly approved by a nationwide vote in December 1799. -Republican appearances were maintained, but Napoleon became the real ruler of France.

Landless poor people in the late eighteenth century

-were self-employed cottage workers living in close-knit rural communities; with industrializations they worked longer and harder at jobs that were often more grueling and more dangerous. -250 days per year in 1760 as compared to 300 days per year in 1830.

Mary Shelley

-wrote of Frankenstein, one of the best-known Romantic works, a genre-bending novel that tells the tragic story of a scientist who is able to invent a living, almost-human creature.

What year Napoleon was born


What year Napoleon became a lieutenant in french artillery.

1785 year

What year Napoleon gained command of french forces in italy and won brilliant victories

1796 and 1797.

What year Napoleon and Pope Pius VII (pontificate 1800-1823) signed the Concordat.


On what year that the largely mechanized cotton textile industry accounted for fully 22 percent of the country's entire industrial production.


What was the key demand of the Chartist movement?

All men must be given the right to vote.

What year the Convention formed the Committee of Public Safety to deal with threats from within and outside France. .

April 1793

What year the Assembly furthér issued the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.

August 27, 1789

Who were the Luddites?

British handicraft workers who attacked factories and destroyed machinery they believed were putting them out of work.

Napoleon was born on what island?

Corsica, france

What was the first industry to undergo mechanization?

Cotton and the textile industry

How did cotton transform the textile industry?

Cotton could be spun mechanically with much greater efficiency than wool or flax, helping to solve the shortage of thread for textile production.

In the nineteenth century, what did Eugène Delacroix's work typically feature?

Dramatic, colorful scenes

In the nineteenth century, how did Ireland's population grow despite extreme poverty?

Extensive cultivation of the humble potato

In 1850, in what occupational area did the largest number of British people work?

Farming and agriculture


French general who became emperor of the French (1769-1821) -One of history's most fascinating leaders. -from 1799-1814 leadership

Concordat with Catholic Church

Furthermore, Napoleon sought to restore the Catholic Church in France so that it could serve as a bulwark of social stability. The pope obtained the right for French Catholics to practice their religion freely, but Napoleon's government now nominated bishops, paid the clengy, and exerted great influence over the church.

What year Louis XV died?

He died on 1774.

How did Victor Hugo exemplify the romantic movement in his novels?

He placed his characters in exotic historical settings.

Hundred Days in France

Hearing of political rest in France and diplomatic tensions in Vienna, Napoleon staged a daring cape from Elba in February 1815 and marched on Paris with a small band of lowers. French officers and soldiers who had fought so long for their emperor ponded to the call. -Louis XVIII fled, and once more Napoleon took command. it Napoleon's gamble was a desperate long shot, for the allies were united against him. -At the end of a frantic period known as the Hundred Days, they crushed his forces at Waterloo on June 18, 1815, and imprisoned him on the rocky island of . Helena, off the western coast of Africa.

Job in farming and agriculture in year 1850

In 1850 more British people still worked on farms than any other single occupation, although rural communities were suffering from outward migration.

Why were cottage workers, accustomed to the putting-out system, reluctant to work in the new factories even when they received good wages?

In a factory, workers had to keep up with the machine and follow its relentless tempo.

Hiring whole family to work together in factory.

In the early decades of the nineteenth century, however, technical changes made it less and less likely that workers could continue to labor in family groups. As control and discipline passed into the hands of impersonal managers and overseers, adult workers began to protest against inhuman conditions on behalf of their children.

Richard Arkwright

Invented another kind of spinning machine. Also called as a barber- turned -manufacturer .

Eli Whitney's

Invented of cotton gin, a machine for separating cotton fibers from seeds in 1793.

National Convention belonged to who?.

Jacobin Club of Paris.

What Month on which had been joined by a few parish priests, voted to call itself the National Assembly.

June 17 the third state

What month excluded from their hall because of "repairs," the delegates moved to a large indoor tennis court where they swore the famous Tennis Court Oath, pledging not to disband until they had been recognized as a national assembly and had written a new constitution.

June 20

violent revolution

Karl Marx argued that socialism would be established

How did railroads affect the nature of production?

Markets become broader, encouraging manufacturers to create larger factories with more sophisticated machines.

the bourgeoisie (upper class)and the proletariat (working class)

Marx argued that class struggle over economic wealth was the great engine of human history. In his view, one class had always exploited the other, and with the advent of modern industry, society was split into 2 class.

Febuary and March 1848

Revolutions broke out in the European heartlands;France , the Austrian Empire, and the German confederation.

The Quadruple Alliance, the nations that defeated Napoleon, included

Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Great Britain.

Who forced the king and the royal family to abandon Versailles and return to Paris?

Several thousand Parisian women.

France's budget 1780's

Spurred by depressed economy and falling tax receipts. -1787 he convinced the king to call assembly of notables to gain support for idea. -Facing imminent bankruptcy, the king tried to reassert his authority. He dismissed the notables and established news taxes by decree.

Chartist Movement in Britain during 1830s and 1840s

The "People's Charter" of 1838 and the Chartist movement it inspired pressed British elites for yet more radical reform. Dismayed by the economic distress of the working class in the 1830s and 1840s, the Chartists demanded universal male (but not female) suffrage. -Petition to grant all men the right to vote.

Committee of Public Safety

The Committee, led by Robespierre, held dictatorial power and was allowed to use whatever force necessary to defend the Revolution. Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety advanced on several fronts in ) 1793 and 1794, seeking to impose republican unity across the nation.

Quadruple Alliance

The government's failures united a diverse group of opponents against the king. Bourgeois merchants, opposition deputies, and liberal intellectuals shared a sense of outrage with middle-class shopkeepers, skilled artisans, and unskilled working peo-ple. Widespread discontent eventually touched off a popular revolt in Paris.

First state

The local assemblies of the Clergy. -elected mostly parish priests rather than church.

Second statement

The nobility -voted in majority of conservative .

March 1848 in Austrian Empire

The revolution in Austrian Empire began in Hungary. -Northern Italian territories of Lombardy- Venetia the same month. -As the monarchy in Vienna hesitated,radicalized Viennese students and workers took to the streets of the imperial capital and raised barricades in defiance of the government.

Why were the young, generally unmarried women who worked for wages outside the home confined to certain "women's jobs"?

The sexual division of labor replicated a long-standing pattern of gender segregation and inequality.

King's family forced to leave (Palace of Versailles)

The women forced the royal family to return with them to live in Paris, rather than remain isolated from their subjects at court.

class consciousness during Industrial Revolution.

Therefore, conflicting classes existed, in part, because many individuals came to believe they existed and developed vareness that they belonged to a particular social class--what Karl Marx called class-consciousness.

Why did members of the National Convention turn against Robespierre on the Ninth of Thermidor?

They believed that Robespierre might soon have them arrested and executed.

How did older members of the population seek to control the sexuality of working-class youths?

They supported the establishment of sex-segregated employment.


This group promoted the liberal economic doctrine of LAISSEZ Faire.

Why did eighteenth-century Britain have a shortage of wood?

Wood had been over-harvested; it was the primary source of heat in all homes and a basic raw material in industry.

The romantic movement was characterized by

a belief in emotional exuberance and unrestrained imagination


a tiny minority, owned 32 factories, land, and farms (what Marx called the means of production) and grew rich ' by exploiting the labor of workers.

George Stephenson

acquired glory for his locomotive name "ROCKET".

The poetry of William Wordsworth typically expressed

an appreciation of nature.

The National Assembly that ruled France from 1789 to 1791 passed laws that..

declared all men and women to be equal.


each made up of 1,620 people. To heal social ills, Fourier called for the construction of mathematically precise, self-sufficient communities.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen guaranteed

equality before the law.

The legal definition of the composition of the pre revolutionary third estate included.

everyone who was not a noble or member of the clergy.

German Conferation

excited crowds in urban centers across the German Confederation called for liberal reforms and a national parliament,and many regional rulers quickly gave in to their demands.

Louis XV's power in France was undermined by his

failure to raise taxes that were denied by the parlement.

Romantics and early nationalists investigated folk songs, folk tales, and proverbs in order to

find the unique greatness of every people in its folk culture.

In the 1780s, over 50 percent of France's annual budget was expended on

interest payments on the debt.

James Hargreaves

invented cotton spinning jenny in 1765

In the summer of 1789, the National Assembly was driven toward more radical action by

revolutionary actions of French peasants and the common people of Paris.


sped down the track of the just-completed Liverpool and Manchester Railway at a maximum speed of 35miles per hour, without a lod in 1829.

According to the doctrine of laissez faire, the government should intervene in

the economy as little as possible.

The Chartist movement in Britain in the 1830s and 1840s demanded

universal male suffrage.

The line from Liverpool to Manchester .

was the first modern railroad, using steam-powered locomotives to carry customers to the new industrial cities.

Doctrine of Laissez Faire

which called for free trade including relaxation of import/export duties, unrestricted private enterprise and no government interference in the economy.

Mill or mine owner

who bargained with the head of the family and paid him or her for the efforts of the whole family during Labor/ work in British families in eighteenth century.

Great Virtuosos of the Romantic Era

who could transport the listener to ectasy and hysteria. such as pianist Franz Liszt became a cultural hero, a rock star of the classical age.

How Louis XV scandalized the country?

with a series of mistresses of low social originals.

In the "separate spheres" pattern of gender relationships,

women generally stopped working outside of the home after the first child was born.

February 22, 1848,

workers joined by some students began tearing up cobblestones and building barricades during quadruple alliance.


year that came a new sexual division of Labor. This new pattern of separate spheres.

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