hlrn 311 human learning final chap 1-5

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According to the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, which of following terms describes the knowledge, competencies, and understandings that students will need to succeed in a highly technological society?

21st century skills

What statement best describes a teacher's professional learning network (PLN)?

A collection of instructional and professional materials stored in an online format

African American, Hispanic and Native American students who perform below White and Asian students on reading and math learning assessments are experiencing which of the following?

Achievement gap

All of the following terms convey how digital technology can affect the attitudes and behaviors of teachers and students except

All encompassing

Which of the following statements best describes how teachers are using technology in school?

Almost all teachers use technology for lesson planning, curriculum design, professional communication and student information management.

Which of the following statements summarizes sociologists Bertram Bruce and Maureen Hogan's evaluation of the impacts of technology on people and society?

As technology becomes more common, people tend to take it for granted.

Learning assessments should occur at which of the following points during lesson design, development and delivery?

At all points before, during and after the lesson

A Federal Communication Commission survey found that half of all schools have a slower Internet connection than the average American home, resulting in which of the following problems?

Connectivity gap

Enduring understandings are defined by which of the following statements?

Big ideas that students remember long after the lesson has been taught

Digital games and simulations develop students' talents as problem solvers and critical thinkers in which of the following ways?

By solving problems through critical thinking about strategy and results

The research for the How People Learn series was based on which of the following approaches to learning?


The view that learning is primarily associated with memorizing, demonstrating and imitating to build information recall is associated with which of the following theories?


In school settings, "informate" differs from "automate" in which of the following ways?

Changing rather than reproducing existing educational practices

Social media platforms such as Twitter and Pinterest can be used to promote which of the following types of unique, powerful and transforming learning with technology?

Collaboration and communication

Which of the following terms most accurately describes teachers and students creating classroom rules together?

Collaborative rule making

Larry Cuban's research on the history of computer use in schools includes all of the following findings except

Computers are used to teach students how to do careful Internet research and analysis.

Combining different forms of knowledge to meet diverse instructional needs is known as Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). All of the following are elements of TPACK except

Conceptual knowledge

All of the following are examples of technology-based learning environments except

Copying notes from a PowerPoint presentation

Which of the following is a term for using the Internet to raise funds for educational and classroom projects?


The ISTE Standards for Teachers emphasize the importance of which of the following educational goals?

Defining essential skills and attitudes needed by technology-using teachers

Mindtools are most accurately defined by which of the following statements?

Students learning with technology by investigating curriculum topics online

Students recognizing their rights, responsibilities and opportunities for living, learning and working in a digitally connected world is the focal point of which of the following ISTE Standards for Students?

Digital Citizen

As an approach to technology integration in K-12 schools, infusion is characterized by which of the following?

Digital technologies are utilized primarily in all subjects across the grade levels.

Which of the following is considered an effective way for schools to protect students' privacy online?

Disable the automatic installation of apps on computers and tablets.

The process by which computers, the Internet, and digital tools substantively alter existing patterns of teaching and learning in schools is known by which of the following terms?

Disruptive innovation

Which statement is true about the ISTE Standards for Students and the 21st Century Student Outcomes for Learning?

Each emphasizes how technology creates new teaching and learning experiences for students.

What researcher has made designing effective ways for people to learn visually the focus of his work about technology?

Edward Tufte

One-on-one computing is most accurately defined as

Every student has a laptop, notebook, tablet or mobile device to use in school.

As digital citizens, students are expected to do which of the following?

Follow the acceptable use policies of schools

National curriculum standards such as those published by the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) play what role in the instructional design process?

Guidance for teachers about grade-level topics to explore with students

Which of the following is a recommended way for teachers to utilize technology to impact student learning outcomes?

Have teachers focus on inquiry- and research-based curriculum for students.

All of the following statements are part of the Understanding by Design (UbD) approach to lesson development except

Identifying multiple choice test questions

A social informatics perspective would mainly focus on which of the following aspects of technology use in schools?

Impacts of technology within the context of social, economic and political trends

All of the following have been cited by teachers as barriers to greater technology use in school except

Inadequate salary increases for technology innovation by teachers

Teaching students to be critical evaluators of online information is the basis of which of the following literacies?

Information literacy

Engaging students in projects where they investigate relevant questions in a subject field is an example of which of the following teaching and learning approaches?

Inquiry learning

Teaching methods within the instructional design process are also known by which of the following statements?

Instructional strategies used by teachers during a lesson

Which of the following statements most accurately describes how technology is integrated into school classrooms?

It follows from teacher mindsets that are focused on improving educational practices with technology.

Which of the following statements best describes creativity when applied to the learning of students in schools?

It includes thinking and acting in ways that generate alternative approaches to people, situations and problems.

The call for new learning environments in the ISTE standards includes which of the following recommendations?

Less teacher talk and more adult-student interaction and discussion

When asked about their level of engagement when teachers used different instructional methods, students said they were least engaged by

Listening to teacher lectures

Online Web resources and apps support lesson planning by teachers in all the following ways except

Locating teaching job openings throughout the United States

Which of the following statements best summarizes a key feature of the technology "participation gap" for students?

Low-income students are less likely to use the latest interactive technologies.

Studies of student engagement in school have shown that

Many students at every grade level report feeling detached and alienated from school.

What is the role of a summative assessment in the instructional design process?

Measure students' learning after completing an instructional experience

Which of the following terms best describes students using more than one technology at the same time?

Media multitasking

A "progressive consensus" about effective instructional practices emphasizes having teachers use which of the following instructional methodologies?

More small group instruction

The evolving of the Internet into a more open medium capable of promoting interaction and collaboration among students and teachers is known as

NOT 21st century literacies

Which of the following statements most accurately expresses how a teacher's instructional style can affect the process of technology integration in classrooms?

NOT A teacher-centered instructional style requires support and help from administrators and colleagues to integrate technology into teaching.

Students going to teacher-selected websites and writing a report about what they have learned is an example of which type of technology?

NOT Academic technology

Teachers who begin trying new technology learning activities with students are operating at which stage of the SAMR technology integration model?

NOT Augmentation

One group of technology researchers has characterized teacher users of technology as either bears or bulls. Highly-technology confident teachers (known as "bulls") differ from less technology-confident teachers (known as "bears") in which of the following ways?

NOT Bears are more likely to limit students' use of technology in schools.

Which of the following statements summarizes Seymour Sarason's conclusion about how organizational cultures in K-12 schools affect educational change efforts?

NOT Educational change initiatives require a majority of student support in order to succeed.

Which of the following describes how active learning and metacognitive thinking support constructivist teaching?

NOT Teachers at the high school level focus on preparing students for college and careers.

Technology changes teaching and learning in all the following ways except

Offering students standardized learning experiences

What student engagement approach involves teachers adapting instructional practices to each student's individual needs, interests and knowledge?

One-on-one tutoring

Metacognitive thinking by students involves which of the following?

Ongoing self-reflection about one's learning progress

Which of the following statements best describes a flipped classroom approach?

Online assignments are completed by individual students outside of class while in-class learning activities involve whole and small groups.

Social media technologies are most useful for teaching which of the following skills and competences?

Online communication and networking

It is recommended that teachers use which of the following features of immersive problem-solving games?

Opportunities for game players to learn from mistakes and improve their performance

Which of the following statements best describes digital badges as a new educational credential?

Organizations award digital badges after students demonstrate they have mastered a skill or competency.

Which of the following terms describes how the lack of access to the latest technologies prevents lower income students from having optimal learning experiences?

Participation gap

All of the following are primary goals of the National Council of Teachers of English's call for 21st century literacies except

Pass high stakes tests delivered online

Which statement describes the use of performance assessment in evaluating student learning?

Performance assessment evaluates students' products, presentations and performances as evidence of learning.

Student learning objectives are best described by which of the following statements?

Planned or intended outcomes of a teacher's lesson

The lesson design and development process encompasses all of the following steps except

Posting assignments on a teacher or school website

Which of the following is an example of teachers using the push dimensions of online technologies?

Posting student learning resources on a teacher or school website

Each of the following are considered effective strategies for teachers using a single tablet computer in the classroom except

Rewarding students who finish assignments early by letting them have extra time with the tablet

Which of the following websites and apps would teachers and students typically use to locate information about earthquakes, tidal waves, and tsunamis currently happening around the world?

Real-time and recorded data

Discussions between students and teachers to clarify meanings and correct misconceptions when reading print and online material is part of which the following instructional approaches?

Reciprocal teaching

Which statement best describes the condition of technology in K-12 schools?

Schools have fewer new technologies than do institutions of higher education or corporate organizations.

All of the following words describe students' Internet usage outside of school except


Effective educational apps for tablets and smartphones make use of what concept, often associated with the early 20th century educator Maria Montessori?

Self-correcting feedback

Providing self-correcting feedback to student learners is a primary feature of what type of educational technology?

Serious online games

A "One-Two-Three Time" instructional approach uses computer technology in which of the following ways?

Small groups use computers while a teacher works directly with other students on specific learning activities.

The National Council of Teachers of English issued which of the following statements about using computers to evaluate student writing?

Software programs over-emphasize surface features while failing to honor the qualities that make writing creative and expressive.

All of the following are examples of performance assessment except

Students achieve a high score on a standardized test.

Which of the following is a reason why teachers might combine groupwork and cooperative learning with technology to promote student learning?

Students can teach each other when they work together.

Which of the following describes James Gee's views about online games as educational tools?

Students connect academic concepts to issues and puzzles they care about solving.

Which of the following is an example of students learning with computers?

Students explore topics using interactive websites and record their findings on a class blog.

All of the following are examples of using educational software and Web-based tools to promote problem solving and inquiry learning except

Students in English class copying teacher notes about Shakespeare from a whiteboard

All of the following statements reflect what teachers believe about students' use of technology except

Students know how to assess Web information for reliability and authenticity.

The digital disconnect refers to the differences that

Students perceive between themselves and their teachers about the use of technology

All of the following are examples of a performance assessment that classroom teachers can use to evaluate student work except

Students take a multiple-choice test on the American Revolution in history class.

Historically, teachers in American schools have featured which of the following as their predominant method of teaching?

Teacher-centered teaching

Which of the following best illustrates reciprocal teaching as an instructional technique for developing Internet literacy?

Teachers and students explore the meaning of an online text through dialog and discussion.

The ISTE Standards for Teachers emphasize all of the following goals except

Teachers will expand their knowledge of technology hardware.

Which of the following terms most accurately describes an emerging technology in K-12 schools?

Technologies teachers are just beginning to consider using instructionally

Students who lack home access to up-to-date digital devices and high-speed Internet are said to be

Technology under-connected

Each of the following are regarded as appropriate ways to teach digital citizenship except

Telling students not to use technology inappropriately and punishing them if they do

Which statement accurately reflects Nicholas Burbules and Thomas Callister, Jr's idea of how technology can affect education?

The capacity for educational transformation is not intrinsic to the technology itself.

Service Learning by students differs from Community Service by students in which of these ways?

Through service learning, teachers connect students' community activities to the academic curriculum.

Digital technologies have affected the development of literacy in which of the following ways?

Understanding the Internet, mass media and digital information is now more important.

A technology-using educator is characterized by all of the following except

Using technology as a reward for student performance and appropriate behavior

To encourage student interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), teachers are advised to implement which of the following instructional practices?

Utilize digital technologies together with student-driven learning experiences.

Each of the following statements describe the use of technology in cooperative learning and groupwork except

Which of the following statements is based on Rogers' model of innovation in organizations?

What is one key difference in how younger and older teachers use technology in schools?

Younger teachers are more likely to have students use websites, blogs and online collaboration tools.

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