HM 365 Exam 2

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To what extent is faking an issue with personality testing?

Because everyone fakes to some degree, correlations with outcomes like theft or other counterproductive behaviors are relatively unaffected

What is general mental ability (GMA)?

level at which an individual learns, understands instructions, and solves problems

What is equity distress?

An internal tension that can only be alleviated by restoring balance to the ratios

Why does GMA matter for all jobs?

It's the best predictor for job performance.

Explain how effective goals should be SMART.

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-Based, Time-Sensitive

For which jobs does GMA matter most?

The more complex ones. Like accounting and entrepreneurship

What are common outcomes and inputs considered by equity theory?

a. Common outcomes: pay, senority benefits, fringe benefits, status symbols, satisfying supervision, workplace perks, intrinsic rewards b. Common inputs: effort, performance, skills and abilities, education, experience, training, seniority

Name and describe the Big Five. What percentage of the variation in personality is due to genetics? For which jobs is each dimension important?

a. Conscientiousness - these employees prioritize accomplish striving, which reflects a strong desire to accomplish task-related goals as a means of expressing personality. dependable, organized, reliable, ambitious, hardworking, persevering b. Agreeableness - these people prioritize communion striving, which reflects a string desire to obtain acceptance in personal relationships as a means of expressing personality. kind, cooperative, sympathetic, helpful, courteous, warm a. Neuroticism - these people experience negative moods. nervous moody, emotional, insecure, jealous, unstable b. Openness to experience- these people are curious, creative, and sophisticated. They also tend to be more adaptable. curious, imaginative, creative, complex, refined, sophisticated c. Extraversion - these people prioritize status striving, which reflects a strong desire to obtain power and influence within a social structure as a means of expressing personality. talkative, sociable, passionate, assertive, bold, dominant d. 49% for extraversion, 45% percent for openness, 41% for neuroticism, 38% for conscientiousness, 35% for agreeableness e. jobs is each dimension important a. -conscientious: biggest influence on job performance b. -agreeableness: service jobs c. -extraverted: leaders in social and task related groups d. -neuroticism: few jobs for the traits associated with neuroticism are beneficial e. -openness: jobs that are fluid and dynamic with rapid changes in job demands, learning and training environments

Explain the following schedules of reinforcement: continuous reinforcement, fixed interval schedule, variable interval, fixed ratio, and variable ratio. To what extent is each effective?

a. Continuous reinforcement is the simplest schedule and happens when a specific consequence follows each and every occurrence of a desired behavior. New learning is acquired most rapidly b. fixed interval schedule is probably the single most common form of reinforcement schedule. Workers are rewarded after a certain amount of time, and the length of time between reinforcement periods stays the same. every time employees get a paycheck after a predetermined period of time, they're being reinforced on a fixed interval schedule c. variable interval schedules are designed to reinforce behavior at more random points in time. A supervisor walking around at different points of time every day. d. fixed ratio schedules reinforce behaviors after a certain number of them have been exhibited. Some manufacturing plants have created piece-rate pay systems in which workers are paid according to the number of items they produce. Employees knows ahead of time how many items they have to produce to be reinforced. e. variable ratio schedules reward people after a varying number of exhibited behaviors. Salespeople are often compensated based on commission because they receive extra pay every time they sell an item

What does equity theory propose when there is equity, underpayment, and overpayment?

a. Equity - the ratio of outcomes to inputs is balanced between you and your comparison other b. Underpayment - ratio of outcomes to inputs is less than your comparison other's ratio. Triggers equity distress. Anger or envy c. Overpayment - ratio of outcomes to inputs is greater than your comparison other's ratio. Guilt or anxiety

The three beliefs that help determine how work effort is directed?

a. Expectancy represents the belief that exerting a high level of effort will result in the successful performance of some task b. Instrumentality represents the belief that successful performance will result in some outcome(s) c. Valence reflects the anticipated value of the outcomes associated with performance

Explain the difference between internal and external comparisons.

a. Internal comparisons refer to someone in the same company b. external comparisons refer to someone in a different company

What are the four ways self-efficacy beliefs can be enhanced?

a. Past accomplishments - the degree to which they have succeeded or failed in similar sorts of tasks in the past b. Vicarious experiences - taking into account their observations and discussions with others who have performed such tasks c. Verbal persuasion - friends, coworkers, and leaders can persuade employees that they can "get the job done" d. Emotional cues - feelings of fear or anxiety can create doubts about task accomplishment, whereas pride and enthusiasm can bolster confidence levels

How do abilities differ from personality?

a. Personality is an individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting. b. Ability is the relatively stable capabilities people have to perform a particular range of different but relative activities

What are the several ways to enhance procedural justice?

a. Voice b. Correctability c. Consistency d. Bias Suppression e. Representativeness f. Accuracy

To what extent does procedural justice matter? Consider when outcomes are good vs. bad.

a. When outcomes are good, people don't spend as much time worrying about how fair the process was b. When outcomes are bad, procedural justice becomes enormously important

Name and describe the four Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) preferences

a. extraversion: (being energized by people and social interactions) versus introversion (being energized by private time and reflection) b. sensing: (preferring clear and concrete facts and data) versus intuition (preferring hunches and speculations based on theory and imagination) c. thinking: (approaching decisions with logic and critical analysis) versus feeling (approaching decisions with an emphasis on others needs and feelings) d. judging: (approaching tasks by planning and setting goals) versus perceiving (preferring to have flexibility and spontaneity when performing tasks

What is the difference between a strong and a weak situation? When does personality matter more? Explain

a. strong situations have clear behavioral expectations incentives or instructions that make differences between individuals less important b. weak situations lack those cues. personality variables tend to be more significant drivers of behavior in weak situations than in strong situations

What is distributive justice?

distributive justice reflects the perceived fairness of decision-making outcomes

What are the basic principles of equity theory?

equity theory acknowledges that motivation doesn't just depend on your own beliefs and circumstances but also on what happens to other people

What is expectancy theory?

expectancy theory describes the cognitive process that employees go through to make choices among different voluntary responses.

Does EQ matter more for those with high or low GMA?

high GMA

Name and describe the four dimensions of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?

i. Self awareness - self appraisal and expression of emotions ii. Other awareness - appraisal and recognition of emotion in others iii. Emotional regulation - being able to recover quickly from emotional experiences iv. Use of emotions - How people use emotions to improve their chances of being successful

What are the five facets of cognitive ability?

i. verbal ii. quantitative iii. reasoning iv. spatial v. perceptual

differential exposure

neuroticism is associated with it, meaning that neurotic people are more likely to appraise day to day situations as stressful

punishment (positive punishment)

occurs when an unwanted outcome follows an unwanted behavior

negative reinforcement

occurs when an unwanted outcome is removed following a desired behavior

extinction (negative punishment)

occurs when there is the removal of a consequence following an unwanted behavior

positive reinforcement

positive reinforcement occurs when a positive outcome follows a desired behavior

What is procedural justice?

procedural justice reflects the perceived fairness of decision-making processes

differential reactivity

to stressors meaning that neurotic people are less likely to believe they can cope with the stressors that they experience

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