HN 202 Exam 3

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What are the 3 principles of Filipino cooking?

1 Never cook any food by itself 2 Fry with garlic in olive oil or lard 3 Foods should have a sour-cool salty taste

Explain Vietnamese immigration to the US (hint: 3 distinct waves)

1st wave - after Vietnam War in 1975 2nd wave - 1975-1977 due to either political or economic reasons 3rd wave - 1978 - China invaded North Vietnam causing ethnic Chinese to flee

In Japan food is classified by the way it is prepared. Describe 4 different food preparation methods (yakimono, agemono etc.)

Agemono - Yokimono - Teppanyaki -

What blood disorder that results in anemia is prevalent among African Americans?


Similar to tapas in Spain, what is an alternative to a full meal in Korea, briefly explain what it is with 1-2 examples

Anju: Scallion flavored pancakes with rice wine, mukhauli, sashimi, quail eggs, raw crabin chile, etc.

What is Yunani/Unani-Tibb medicine? What is the practitioner called?

Arabic humor system that is classified using 4 humors and 4 qualities. Practitioner is called hakim.

Define the concept of Bahala na

Bahala na - everything is determined by fate/will of God

The cuisine of which region is most familiar to Americans?


Vodoo is a combination of ________ and __________ beliefs and is thought to have originated in the ____________; it was likely influenced by ______ witchcraft.

Catholic, African, Caribbean, European

Name 2 other Chinese special occasions, briefly describing how they are celebrated

Ch'ing Ming - tend to graves of relatives with food symbolically fed to dead. Duan wu - Dragon boat festival to commemorate drowning death of a poet. Boat race and special dumplings typical.

What is a tandoor oven?

Charcoal /clay oven - Cilyndrical

What would ingestion of Vicks Vaporub be recommended for?


What is a Kibbutzim?

Communal settlement in Israel

Describe the tenets behind Japanese traditional health beliefs

Concepts of purity and pollution. Idea of balance once again.

What are the basic tenets of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism? How might these religions influence Asian Food Culture

Confucianism: Enhance harmony in family/society and never lose face. Taoism: Heaven and humanity function in unison. Subordinate to nature's duality of yin and yang. Buddhism: Mahayana sect blended with traditional Chinese beliefs. May

Which US city has the largest concentration of Muslims?


List 4 rules regarding chopstick etiquette

Don't lay chopsticks across top of rice bowl or drop them. Done stick them straight up in rice bowl. Don't lick chopsticks.

What has been the influence of Eastern Orthodox religion on Ethiopian cuisine?

Eastern Orthodox influence resulted in cuisine being more vegetarian due to multiple restrictions on protein

Define pica and describe the nutritional problems it might cause.

Eating non-nutritive items due to cravings or other believes. Psychological disorder.

When was the emancipation proclamation signed? And which amendment gave African Americans living in the United States their freedom?

Emancipation declaration was signed in 1865 and is knows as 13th amendment.

What is the meaning of emptying your plate versus leaving some food at the end of a meal in Southeast Asia?

Empty plate indicates you are still hungry, a little bit of food on plate indicates you are full.

Briefly describe what is Cai and Fan and how and how do they fit into the composition of a Chinese meal

Fan includes foods made from grains. Cai is cooked meats and vegetables. These aid in balance of the meal. Fan is served in individual bowls and is primary item while cai is shared and only to make meal tastier.

Name the major religions practiced by Filipinos, Vietnamese, Laotian, Cambodian and Hmong

Filipinos - Roman Catholic Vietnamese -70% Buddhist remainder catholic Laotian and Cambodian- Theravada Buddhism Hmong - 50/50 Christian and animism

What are Chinese wines made from?

Grains or fruit

What are the 5 culinary regions in Middle Eastern cuisine?

Greek/Turkish, Iranian, Arabic, Israeli, and North African.

A bag worn around the neck with powders, animal bones or teeth, stones, and/or herbs is called what in Africa?

Gris-gris bag.

What is the traditional approach to natural cures called, what is the practitioner called

Hanyak practiced by hanui

Briefly describe how an African Healer would cure evil eye.

He would determine supernatural cause, and then treat it through herbal treatments, incantations, and spells. Possibly also would use bleeding and charms.

For Filipinos, health is maintained through balance (timbering). What are the 3 practices that produce balance?

Heating, protection, flushing

What is "high blood," "low blood," "thin blood" and "bad blood?"

High blood - too much of blood moving into one part of the body ex. Head Low blood - associated with anemia, not eating enough red meat and eating too much astringent or acidic food Bad blood - blood contaminated due to hereditary natural or supernatural causes Thin blood - blood is too thin and cannot nourish the body

High intakes of which mineral (ex calcium, sodium, etc.) often contribute to health issues in Japan

High in salt(sodium)

In addition to region, religious affiliation may greatly influence food habits, especially in India. What are some predominant differences found between Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs and Jains?

Hindus - practicing Hindus are vegetarian Muslims - not vegetarian so they do eat meat but they do not eat pork Sikh - some are vegetarian, but eating of pork is permitted. Will not eat beef or halal meat Jains - strict vegetarians, possibly vegan

White a brief explanation on the Caste system followed in India.

Historical division of society based on their social standing/occupation

Define "hot" foods as described under Chinese Therapeutic uses of food

Hot foods are those high in calories, cooked in oil, and irritating to the mouth. Also those of red, orange, or yellow color.

a. Spring festival features reenactment of Krishna's life, fireworks, and crowds throwing colored powder b. 10 day holiday in the north. Special dish is served each day, but the dishes are added to those from previous day(s), with a feast featuring 10 dishes on the last day. c. Indian New Year also known as Festival of Lights is celebrated with gifts of sweets d. Krishna's birthday is celebrated with reenactment of Krishna's and his friends theft of butter or curds stored in earthen jars, through young boys breaking elevated jars with curds in them.

How are the following festivals celebrated in India? a) Holi b) Dussera c) Divali d) Janmashtami

What is acanthosis nigricans?

Hyperpigmentation associated with obesity and T2DM

What is the difference between TCM and Biomedicine?

Idea of body and mind being unified, governed by heart.

Name the major religions followed in India and Pakistan including their basic tenets

India - Hinduism, followed by Islam Pakistan - Muslim: 75% Sunni, 25% Shiites

What are the countries included in South Asia?

India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bhutan

Which religion has had a major influence on the cuisine of northern India (Regional variation Northern India)


When thinking about role of food in Indian society, explain the concepts of Jati, Pakka, Kaccha and Jhuta

Jati - is a classification system used to assess spiritual purity of food. For example Milk is always pure. Pakka - food that are fried or cooked in fat (ghee) considered to be very pure, so can be eaten anywhere anytime. Kaccha - boiled, baked, or roasted foods are more prone to pollution will be eaten is served in a fashion that would keep food pure. Ex. brass dish Jhuta - impure foods, will not be eaten at all ex. Meat

When and where was the African American holiday Kwanzaa created? When is it celebrated and what does it celebrate?

Kwanzaa was created in Southern California in 1966. It is observed December 26-New Year's and celebrates unity of all people of African heritage.

What are Hmong herbalists called?

Kws tshuaj

Name a type of cowpea that is used as a substitute for meat in West Africa.

Legumes such as black-eyed peas

What is the meaning of Ayurveda? What are some of its basic principles and explain how it forms the basis of biomedicine as we know today

Longevity and science/knowledge. It was established based on humoral concepts and was foundation of Greek medicine.

What are the elements of a traditional Mediterranean diet, it is associated with lower risk for which 2 diseases?

Low in saturated fats but high in monounsaturated fats and omega3 fatty acids.

How did Confucianism influence family structure in Japan?

Made family structure similar to that of Chinese. There is the idea of Koko.

What are some major causes of illness for SE Asians?

Major causes of illness include: fate, supernatural causes, usog or tuyaw, imbalance, soul loss, eating too many am and dong foods

Japanese New Year is the most important special occasion in Japan, Name 4 foods that have symbolic significance on this day

Mochi, ozone, otoso, and chestnuts

Religion is as essential to African American culture today as it was to African society. Name 4 religious organizations that African Americans may belong to.

National Baptist Convention of the USA, Methodist Episcopal, Pentecostal, World Community of All Islam/Nation of Islam

Name 2 foods that are eaten for good luck by the Filipinos

New Year's - 7 grapes at the midnight Pancit - birthdays

What is the most important festival in Chinese culture? Describe how it is celebrated traditionally and what are some rituals surrounding it?

New Year's which is traditionally for settling old debts and to honor ancestors, parents, and elders, New picture of Kitchen God placed in kitchen. Children receive money in red envelopes. Ends with dragon dancing in the streets and firecrackers.

Name 6 New World foods and 5 West African Foods, along with 5 cuisines that influenced and formed the basis of American Southern cuisine.

New world foods: cassava, chiles, corn, peanuts, tomatoes, pumpkin West African Foods: watermelon, black-eyed peas, okra, sesame, taro The 5 cuisines influenced and produced American Southern cuisine: West African, British, French, Spanish, and Native American

List 4 significant differences between cuisines of northern and southern India

North uses: Wheat, tea, boiling/stewing/frying, and dry masalas South uses: rice, coffee, steaming, wet masalas

What makes Japanese food different from food from China and other Asian countries?

Numerous preparation methods for limited foods. Each item to be seen, tasted, and relished. Emphasis on appearance.

Foods for the slave field workers had to be portable. What are some dishes that were born out of this need?

One dish vegetable stews, hush puppies, and hoecakes.

Vietnamese believe there are 3 separate souls - describe the function of each

One for life force, one for intelligence, and one for emotions

What significant health problem for African Americans affects 39% and 43% of males and females, respectively, and is thought to contribute to their high incidence of strokes?


What is a bento meal?

Packed lunch with at least ten items

Compadrazgo is kinship extended to friends, neighbors and fellow workers in what country?


Name the 2 European countries that influenced Philippines and Vietnam respectively.

Philippines - Spanish Vietnam - French

What are some foods that form the foundation of African American Southern diet?

Pork, corn, greens

Briefly explain how Korean system of health and illness is closely related to Chinese precepts

Proper balance of um(yin) and yang must occur to maintain health. Five elements once again and ki is vital energy

Which grain forms the foundation of Korean diet


What do the Balkan people do in order to protect themselves from Evil Eye?

Ritual prayer, blue amulets with eye, garlic, and sign of the cross. Spit couple times when complemented.

What is the unique unexplained condition that occurs in Southeast Asians in the U.S.?


Name the 5 culinary regions of China and 1 specialty from each region

Shandong - Peking duck. Honan - Sweat-and-sour freshwater fish. Sichuan-Hunan - tea smoked duck. Yunnan - dairy products. Cantonese - dim sum.

What are the six tastes and five textures that constitute a balanced Indian meal?

Six tastes are: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent Five textures refer to foods that are: chewed, not chewed, licked, sucked, and drunk

How do the Greeks perform "cupping" and what ailments does it treat?

Skin is cut with a razor first before following the Asian method

What year did slave importation to America end? What year did the Civil War start?

Slave importation ended in 1807-9, and Civil War started in 1861

Define the term Soul Food. When was the term coined?

Soul Food refers to traditional southern black cuisines, coined in the 60s.

In West African food, some say texture is more important than taste. What is the preferred texture?

Sticky like okra- Mucalaginous

Which 5 colors and 5 tastes are important considerations and used in preparation and presentations of dishes in Korea

Sweet, sour, bitter, hot, and salty. White, red, black, green, and yellow

Describe the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (briefly describe qi, yin, yang etc.)

TCM blends Confucian, Taoist, and Buddhist concepts regarding humans and nature and the need for balance/moderation. Includes five elements or five evolving phases of fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. Each elements connected to an organ. Also concepts of hot and cold along with yin and yang. Also there is qi which deals with energy, air, and breath. Basically about balancing all these principles.

What does the term metabolically obese mean?

Term refers to increased amounts of visceral fat. Person can be metabolically obese without being obese

In terms of dining etiquette, what is the serving order used today?

The traditional rules of foods being cooked by equal or superior cast members and being eaten only with people from the same cast are followed to varying degrees. Same applies to foods that are considered Jhuta, some might eat it while others will abstain. But most importantly any guest is treated as a The serving order today is guests, oldest males, other male diners, children, and lastly women. Only right hand can be used to eat

What is To'ala? What happens when it is dislocated?

To'ala is center of one's being, lack of balance will cause dislocation of it.

What is the Filipino name for evil eye?


What is the average size of a nuclear family for Hmong people? At what age are children expected to act like adults

Usually 6 people. Children are expected to act like adults at age of 5.

In what country are you likely to be served French cream-filled pastries?


Both Indians and Pakistanis are susceptible to which diseases?

Vitamin D deficiency Diabetes

What different groups influenced the development of African American and traditional southern cuisine?

West African, British, French, Spanish and Native American

Briefly explain the role of Indian women and food

Women do all the cooking. Even if the lady of the house does not cook because she has servants she is the one that supervises and serves the food.

True or False: a) Indian cuisine, food is served in courses b) High rates of insulin resistance and dyslipidemia, especially high triglyceride levels and low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels are associated with increased risk for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in Asian Indians. c) In both India and Pakistan, the left hand is never used for any social purposes, including handshakes, giving an item to another person, or pointing

a- False b- True c- True

Define: a.Kimchi b.Bulgogi c. Gochujang d. soju

a- Pickled/fermented vegetables b- Grilled strips of beef flavored with garlic, onions, soy sauce, and sesame oil c- Fermented jam like chile paste d- Sweet potato vodka

Define the following: a) Gumbo b) Chitterlings c) Wat d) Berbere e) Injera

a- Southern African American stew b- pig intestines c- national dish of Ethiopia, similar to a stew d- Ethiopian spice, hot mix e- spongy fermented bread made

Define the following a) Ghee b) Masala c) Kabab d) Paneer e) Roti f) Rayta g) Lassi h) Aviyal i) Chai j) Tiffin

a- clarified butter or shortening b- Mixtures of spices and herbs either wet or dried c- skewers of grilled meat or vegetables d- Indian style cheese e- thin wheat bread f- yogurt and vegetable side dish g- thin yogurt drink h- vegetarian curries that are highly spiced i- tea with spices and milk j- light midday meal

Ayurvedic medicine is based on the concept that each person is a microcosm of the universe. Explain the following: a) 3 inevitable laws of nature b) 3 fundamental elements c) 3 humors of the body Briefly explain Kapha, Vata and Pitta and their function a. Kapha b. Vata c. Pitta Food is classified according to which humors they enhance or inhibit: what is Rajasic, Tamasic and sattawic

a- creation (sattwa), Maintenance(rajus), Dissolution (tams) b-fire, water, wind c-bile(pitta), phlegm(kapha), wind (vata) a- Provides structure and support through bones and flesh, physical/emotional stability b - Represents movement of muscle and semen. Vitality/creativity c- Regulates metabolic activities and results in heat. Regulates digestion Rajasic - food that has stimulating effect on both body and mind. Neither beneficial nor harmful. Examples include: coffee, tea, salty food, really spicy food Tamasic - foods that have calming effect on body and mind. Not necessarily good. Examples include: alcohol, garlic, leeks, and mushrooms. Sattawic - foods that give clarity and are considered beneficial. Examples include: legumes, vegetables, fruit, and lassi.

1. Define the following: a) Balut b) Pho c) Pancit d) Lumpia e) Musu f) Poi - g) Imu h) LauLau i) Haupia

a. - Filipino delicacy - egg with partially developed chick. b. - Rice noodle soup. c. - Filipino noodle dish usually with chicken d. - similar to egg rolls and spring rolls, usually filled with meat and fried. e. - mental illness in young people characterized by withdrawal f. partially fermented taro root paste (purple) g. - pit used to cook pork at the luau h. - Packets of food steamed wrapped in ti or taro leaves i. - dessert made from coconut milk with sugar (gelatin-like)

Special occasions: a) Media Noche b) Tat - Tet? c) Ong Tao d) Chaul Chnam e) What is the biggest celebration for Hmong and Laotians? f) What is the special occasion celebrated by Samoans where children are waited on by adults?

a. - Filipino midnight supper after midnight Christmas Eve and New Year Eve's masses b. New year celebration with offerings to the ancestors on grave sites c. - kitchen spirit / spirit of the hearth d. - New year celebration in Cambodia e. - New Year f. White Sunday

Briefly define the following terms: a) Zunaad b) Narahati c) Naharati qalb d) Wasm e) Pita/Pida f) Bulghul/bulgur g) Hummus h) Dolma i) Briki j) Souvlaki / Shawarma . k) Ouzo and Arak l) Yiachini m) Ful medames n) Moussaka o) Iftar

a. Band wrapped around baby's stomach b. Discomfort/Worry c. Heart distress d. Cauterization; burning symbolic marks onto patient e. Thin Arabic bread with hollow center f. Steamed, dried, and cracked wheat kernels g. hick spread made of chickpeas and other ingrediants h. Stuffed grape or cabbage leaves i. Long handled metal product used to produce thick sweet coffee. j. Thin sliced of lamb layered onto rotisserie with fat slices. Grilled k. Anise-flavored aperitifs l. Cooking method for vegetables; combine tomatoes or tomato paste with onion and sauté m. Cooked fava beans n. ground lamb topped with eggplant, cheese, and tomatoes o. Meal that breaks fast during Ramadan

Describe the religious affiliations of the following Middle Eastern groups: a) Early Arab immigrants b) Recent Arab immigrants c) Iranians Muslim d) Turkish Americans e) Israeli Americans

a. Christians b. Islam c. Shiite d. Sunni Muslims e. Judaism

Define these Special occasions: a) What is the most important holiday for Greeks? How is it celebrated? b) Eid al-Fitr c) Eid al-Adha d) Seker Bayram Sugar Festival. e) Muharram f) Patron Saint's Day Krsna Slava. g) Nau Roz

a. Easter, following midnight mass, have post-Lenten meal. Usually eat rost lamb, rice pilaf, vegetables, cheese, yogurt, and lambropsomo. b. Follows end of Ramadan. Cross between feasting of Thanksgiving and festivities of Christmas. c. Feast of Sacrifice. In conjuncture with annual pilgrimage to Mecca. d. Exchange of small gifts with friends and children given sweet treats for four days. e. commemorates the martyrdom of grandson of Mohammed. Communal mourning and penitence for Shiites. f. Family honors chosen patron saint with feast and dancing. Eat krsni kolac. g. Marks spring equinox. Features haft-sinn.

1. Fill in the blanks a) Marriage contracts in the Middle East are often arranged between children to establish political and business alliances through kinship. Among Arabs there is a preference for marriage between cousins with the exception of _________ and some Arab __________. b) Lebanese Muslims believe that following childbirth a woman is especially susceptible to ______; ________ and _________ are avoided for 10 days from preventing it from entering the veins and causing sickness. c) Traditional humoral medicine is important in health practices of Iranians. In practice Iranians are only concerned primarily with ______and_______. (hint: page 404) d) _________ beverages banned for Muslims but widely consumed in Turkey possibly because of proximity to Russia e) Phyllo or Filo dough is used to make sweet dishes like __________and__________. f) ________ meat is avoided in Muslim countries g) __________ Greeks and Turks prefer using flatware to fingers when eating

a. Egyptians, Christians b. wind; showers, and baths c. hot and cold d. Alcoholic e. pies and turnovers f. Haram g. Both

True or false a. People from the Balkans and Middle East form a strong matriarchal family structure b. Most Muslim immigrants to the U.S. do not make any adaptations to their religious practices in the process of acculturating to America. c. In the Middle East, it is believed the digestive system must have time to adjust between eating foods that are hot in temperature and then foods that are cold in temperature. d. Refusal of food is considered an insult in the Middle East e. When a woman gives birth to a girl in Iran, coldness is neutralized with a diet high in hot foods to ensure a male child in the next pregnancy

a. F b. F c. T d. T e. T

a) Hospitality is highly valued in India, serving a guest is equivalent to serving ___________ b) Harvest festivals are dedicated to ________ in the North and _________in the south c) According to Ayurveda: In winter digestion is __________, and in summer it is ____________ d) Good ____________ is critical because food is transformed into the body humors and substances when it is cooked by the digestive _____ (fires), producing food juices and wastes

a. God b. wheat, rice c. strongest, weakest d. digestion, agnis

Name the religion followed by: a) Greeks b) Serbs c) Croatians and Slovenians d) Bosnian e) Bosnian Serbs f) Recent Bosnian immigrants

a. Greek Eastern Orthodox Church b. Eastern Orthodox c. Roman Catholics d. Croats Catholic e. Eastern Orthodox f. Sunni Muslims

1. True or false: ___a___ Fermented fish paste and fish sauce are prominent flavorings used in SE Asia ___b___ Knives may or may not be used in Philippines ___c___ About ½ the Hmong Americans are now Christian. ___d___ During Vietnamese meals, all of the dishes are served at the same time. ___e___ Filipinos Accept illness as fate and Tolerate symptoms until forced to seek care

a. T b. T c. T d. T e. T

1. Fill in the blanks: a) Most Southeast Asians, while belonging to many religions, also may believe in __________ b) The Laotians identify 32 ______ who oversee the 32 ________ c) _____ is the foundation of Filipino diet d) Hmong recognize the world of the invisible. Ancestor spirits are especially important. ________ is very important cause of illness. _______ is another name for "fright illness" seen especially in children. e) Filipinos got hot/cold theory from_________. f) Parts of Indonesia are known as the _________ g) ________ are largest percentage of American Pacific Islanders h) For Native Hawaiins _______ is essential to good health

a. ancestor worship b. spirits, body organs c. Rice d. Soul loss, Ceeb e. Spanish f. spice islands g. Hawaiians h. lokahi

Africans view life as ___________ rather than ___________. Health is maintained through ____________

energy, matter, harmony

The addition of these 3 ingredients as seasonings is so common that they are referred to as "the ingredients." What are they?

tomatoes, onions, and hot chili peppers

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