honors english exam review

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complex sentence

1 simple sentence and one dependent clause

identify the sentence as 1. simple 2. compound 3. complex 4. compound complex the life of a high school student is full of ups and downs.

1. simple

compound sentence

2 simple sentences connected with a coordinate

identify the sentence as 1. simple 2. compound 3. complex 4. compound complex because of their friends, are in their classes, instruction time can go by quite pleasantly.

3. complex


a comparison of two different things that are similar in some way

explain lennie and his importance

a dear friend of george, he is large and tall and has a disability, in the end he dies because his disability gets out of control

prepositional phrase

a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun.

epic poem

a long narrative poem telling of a hero's deeds

explain eurylochus and the importance

a member of odysseus' crew who is often mutinous and doesn't listen to odysseus


a regularly repeated line or group of lines in a poem or song

internal rhyme

a rhyme between words in the same line


a short piece of writing on a particular subject.

persuasive speech

a speech with the aim of convincing the audience

explain curley's wife and her importance

a tart who didn't really like curley but it is assumed that she married him for his money, she is a casualty of lennie's disability


a type of literature in which words are carefully chosen and arranged to create certain effects


a word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb

what are all of the prepositions?

above, across, after, at, around, before, behind, below, beside, between, by, down, during, for, from, in, inside, onto, of, off, on, out, through, to, under, up, with

when was the "i have a dream" speech given?

after the march on washington on august 28, 1963

explain the great depression and it's importance in the story

after the stock market crashed there was very little money and few jobs so curley's wife marries him because she cannot find an acting gig

what rhetorical device does the excerpt utilize? yes the money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. we may now restore the temple to the ancient truths.


identify the sentence as 1. simple 2. compound 3. complex 4. compound complex tests are not that fun, and stressful moments happen often.

b. compound

Who said "i ought to of shoot that dog myself, george. i shouldn't ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog"


who said " this ol' dog jus' suffers hisself all the time. if you was to take him out and shoot him right in the back of the head right there he'd never know what hit him"


what was the "i have a dream" speech about?

civil rights


comparison using like or as

identify the sentence as 1. simple 2. compound 3. complex 4. compound complex school days are not just about studying history, math, and english; they are also about learning how to form relationships with others so you can have a happy life as an adult.

compound complex

who said "nobody never gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land"


who said "you guys comin' in an' setting made me forgot. what she says is true."


explain who circe and calypso are and their importance

enchantress and a sea goddess who are important because they help odysseus on his way back to troy

what did the "i have a dream" speech do? (what was it's impact?)

expresses the need of having rights for not only african americans but for all races


expressing the same ideas using different words


extreme exaggeration


figure of speech comparing two different things

who said "she's gonna make a mess. they's gonna be a bad mess about her. she's jailbait all set on the trigger"


explain when george tells the lie of lennie getting kicked in the head as a kid

george lies to the men on the ranch so they don't look at george as having a disability so slim thinks he is the way he is because of being kicked

example of a compound sentence

george was small and quick, and lennie was big and dumb.

explain who tiresias is and his importance

he is a blind prophet who makes odysseus consult with him to get home and tells him to visit the land of the dead

explain candy and his importance

he is an old man who wants to join lennie and george's dream to live off of the fat of the land

explain george and his importance

he is lennies caretaker, he is tough, small and witty, he makes sure lennie stays out of trouble

explain who poseidon is and his importance

he is odysseus antagonist who despises odysseus for blinding his son polyphemus, he is a major cause of setting back odysseus's trip back to troy

explain telemachus and his importance

he is odysseus's son who is an obstacle to the suitors that are courting his mother Penelope. Helps Odysseus get his throne back

explain curley and his importance

he is the bosses son so he thinks he has unlimited authority on the ranch

explain who zeus is and his importance

he is the king of gods and men and he is important because he destroys odysseus' ship by striking it with a lightening bolt

explain carlson and his importance

he is the man who kills candy's dog because it smells

explain crooks and his importance

he is the only african american on the ranch and he relates to lennie because the are both outcasts because of their differences from the others ( race&disability )

explain slim and his importance

he is the prince of the ranch who everyone trusts and he gives good advice

explain polyphemus and his importance

he is the son of poseidon who is a cyclops, he gets drunk with the alcohol odysseus gives to him and it is easier for the men to get out of the cave

explain candy's dog and his importance

he was an old dog killed by carlson and this event is an example of parallelism to lennies death later in the story

explain when george and lennie say they want to live off the fat of the land

it is their dream but it never happens because lennie dies


language that appeals to the senses

explain antinous and his importance

lead suitor rude, mean, and obnoxious rebukes telemachos and initiates plans to kill him but odysseus kills him with a chair before he is able to do so

who said "i don't like this place george. this ain't no good place. i wanna get outa here."


who said "i done a bad thing. i done another bad thing."


who said "what we gonna do now, george? what we gonna do now?"


explain curley's wife's death and it's importance

lennie would not let go of her hair so she screamed and lennie grabbed her mouth and snapped her neck and she died

explain the importance of lennie's death

lennie's disability became too dangerous for the men on the ranch to be around to george shot him

explain the rabbits and their importance

lennie's dream when he lives off the land is to tend to the rabbits and george uses this to have lennie in a happy state of mind when he shoots him

rhetorical devices

literary techniques used to heighten the effectiveness of expression; examples include parallelism, repetition, restatement, and analogy

who gave the "i have a dream" speech?

martin luther king jr.

explain argus and his importance

odysseus' old dog who greets odysseus one last time the dies

explain penelope and her importance

odysseus's wife who never looses faith that odysseus will return home

simple sentence

one complete thought

what rhetorical device does the excerpt utilize? let this be our — and the world's — call to action. let us hear that call so we can create a world in which every woman is treated with respect and dignity, every boy and girl is loved and cared for equally, and every family has the hope of a strong and stable future.


exact rhyme

perfect rhyme, such as buzz and fuzz

explain eumaeus and his importance

pig-herder, odysseus' friend who helps Odysseus reclaim his throne after his return to Ithaca.


regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry

what rhetorical device does the excerpt utilize? we dare not tempt them with weakness. for only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed



representing an abstract quality or idea as a person or creature

what rhetorical device does the excerpt utilize? the citizens of america expect more. they deserve and they want more than a recital of problems.


what rhetorical device does the excerpt utilize? we want to have just an off-the-cuff chat between me and you, us. we want to talk right down to the earth in a language that everybody here can easily understand.



similarity of structure in a pair or series of related words, phrases, or clauses

who said "never you mind. a guy got to sometimes"



something that stands for something else

explain athena and her importance

the daughter of zeus who assists odysseus and telemachus with powers, she is a mentor and friend to odysseus. She disguised him as a beggar


the feeling created in the reader by a literary work or passage


the general character or attitude of a place, piece of writing, situation, etc.

explain the lotus eaters and their importance

the lotus eaters make odysseus's men eat the lotus flowers so they get amnesia and odysseus can tie them to the seats of the ship

explain the sirens and their importance

the men are told to tie up odysseus and play the song of death, his men put ear wax in their ears so they don't hear the song, no one dies


the person who is presenting an oral message to a listener


the repeated use of the same word or word pattern as a rhetorical device


the repeated use of the same word or word pattern as a rhetorical devices


the repetition of sounds at the ends of words

explain scylla and the importance

the rock sea monster who captures the men and devours them

parallelism/parallel structure

the use of corresponding grammatical or syntactical forms


the use of words that imitate sounds

explain charybdis and the importance

the whirlpool which is one of the options odysseus and his men face to get back to troy

explain the race of the cyclops and their importance

they are brutal and don't care, they have no rules or morals and they are important because they were told no one hit polyphemus so none of them could help him

explain who the cicones are and their importance

they are the men from ismanus who attack the men and kill 6 of them

explain the suitors and their importance

they are the men who are courting penelope and they are important because none of them, except the beggar (odysseus), can thread odysseus's bow and arrow and shoot it at the target

explain the busdriver and the importance

they drive him 4 miles away so lennie and george could find a place to sleep

explain the beggar and his importance

this is odysseus's disguise when he returns to troy, he passes the bow and arrow test and wins back penelope's heart

explain "nohbdy" and it's importance

this is the name odysseus tells polyphemus when he is drunk so when the men asks who blinded him, he responds with "nohbdy"

explain the importance of the test of the bow

this is the task the suitors must successfully complete in order to have penelope but she knows only odysseus can do it

explain the importance of the secret of the bed

this is the test penelope gave to see if the beggar was really odysseus and she could tell because only he knew that he couldn't move it because he was the one that built it

how was the "i have a dream" speech given?

through a speech from martin luther king jr. in front of a crowd who marched in the march on washington and others he used parallelism, repetition, analogy, and restatement

why was the "i have a dream" speech given?

to influence racism to end among all races in all places especially african americans

where was the "i have a dream" speech given?

washington d.c.


writing that tells about real people, places, and events

examples of complex sentences

•george believed in the dream because he said it too much. •because he said it so much, george believed in the dream.

examples of simple sentences

•lennie likes soft things. •george and lennie travel around together. •lennie talks to curley's wife and touches her soft hair. •george and lennie dreamt of land and wished for better life.

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