Honors World History A Unit 13: New Global Connections

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Prince Henry

(1394-1460) Prince of Portugal who established an observatory and school of navigation at Sagres and directed voyages that spurred the growth of Portugal's colonial empire.


(1603-1867) Feudal Warlord rulers of Japan. Responisble for closing Japan off from the rest of the world. Overthrown during the Meiji Restoration.

French and Indian War

(1754-1763) War fought in the colonies between the English and the French for possession of the Ohio Valley area. The English won.


A large farm in tropical and subtropical climates that specializes in the production of one or two crops for sale, usually to a more developed country.

What effects do you think Ming restrictions had on global trade?

A large flow of gold and silver into China; because of the limited supply, there was probably increased worldwide demand and higher prices for Chinese goods, and hence intense competition among European merchants.


A new racial concept that develops in Latin America following the intermixing that occurred between European colonists and the native American population.


A person who spreads his or her religious beliefs to others


An increase in owner's equity resulting from the operation of a business

Why do you think Arab and Italian traders were able to retain control of the spice trade?

Arabs controlled the overland routes to the Middle East, and Italian merchant ships controlled trade across the eastern Mediterranean Sea. European maps and naval technology had not advanced enough to make practical explo

Why did the African slave trade expand?

As a result of European exploration and expansion, European traders arrived in Africa and entered the slave trade. These merchants shipped hundreds of thousands of enslaved Africans to work on plantations in European colonies in the Americas.


Aztec emperor defeated and killed by the Spanish conquistador Hernando Cortes.

Lord Macartney

British diplomat; he visited China in 1793 to discuss expanding trade. He was sent away after his goods were found to be inferior and he refused to kowtow to the emperor


Capital of the Aztec Empire, located on an island in Lake Texcoco. Its population was about 150,000 on the eve of Spanish conquest. Mexico City was constructed on its ruins.


Daughter of an Aztec leader that was given to the Mayans as a slave and Cortes main translator.

New France

French colony in North America, with a capital in Quebec, founded 1608. New France fell to the British in 1763.

Samuel de Champlain

French explorer in Nova Scotia who established a settlement on the site of modern Quebec (1567-1635)

Jacques Cartier

French explorer who explored the St. Lawrence river and laid claim to the region for France (1491-1557)

Select two of the explorers discussed in the lesson. Compare and contrast their goals and expeditions. How did each expedition impact a) the explorer's country of origin and b) the land and people contacted by the explorer?

Hernán Cortés and Francisco Pizarro each were Spanish conquistadors who led expeditions to the Americas in the fifteenth century. They both sought to gain land and gold for Spain, and to convert indigenous populations to Christianity. Both expeditions also conquered advanced civilizations—Cortés the Aztecs in Mexico, and Pizarro the Inca in Peru. Their arrival decimated native populations not only through conflict and enslavement but also through the transfer of European diseases like smallpox. Cortés and Pizarro each gained land and wealth for Spain, and helped build New Spain and the Spanish empire.

How did the conquest of the Inca resemble that of the Aztecs?

In both instances, Spanish conquistadors overcame native civilizations through military technology and as a result of the spread of disease.

What trading powers lost power and wealth because of the new Portuguese trade routes?

Muslim merchants of Egypt and Italian merchants of Venice

Mughal Empire

Muslim state (1526-1857) exercising dominion over most of India in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.


Northeast Asian peoples who defeated the Ming Dynasty and founded the Qing Dynasty in 1644, which was the last of China's imperial dynasties.


Spanish colony in the Pacific whom the US helped free from the Spanish, but soon after took as their own colony

Hernán Cortés

Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico (1485-1547)

Francisco Pizarro

Spanish explorer who conquered the Incas in what is now Peru and founded the city of Lima (1475-1541).


Spanish-born, came to Latin America; ruled, highest social class.

What made spices from Asia so valuable to Europe?

Spices were used to preserve and flavor food. They were also used in perfumes and medicines.

List the steps in the Spanish trade system that linked the Spanish colonies in the Americas, the Spanish Philippines, and China.

Step 1: Mine silver and gold in Americas; Step 2: Ship precious metals to Philippines; Step 3: Go to China and use gold and silver to buy goods; Step 4: Ship Chinese goods to Spain, its colonies, and other countries for a profit.

Afonso I

The King of Kongo whose rule began in 1506 and who was influenced by the Portuguese.

How did the Line of Demarcation reflect only the economic and political desires of European nations instead of all nations?

The Line of Demarcation presumed that European nations had a right to establish the American continents and the Caribbean islands. It did not consider the political and economic interests of those lands' native peoples.

What impact do you predict the Portuguese might have in South and Southeast Asia?

The Portuguese will use their naval power to take control of trading ports in South and Southeast Asia, but probably will not explore far from the coasts. As was the case in Africa, the Portuguese will probably not leave a strong legacy in Asia

Columbian Exchange

The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages.

How does the movement of people, culture, goods, plants, animals, and ideas from the 1400s through the 1700s still shape the world you live in today?

The movement of people and culture shaped the cultures of several continents for centuries to come. European conquest led to the massive relocation not only of European people but also of Africans. It also decimated Native American populations. Modern nations in the Americas, especially, would look very different today had these events not occurred. Many nations, including the United States, would not exist in their present forms. The Columbian Exchange of animals and plants also changed environments, which, in turn, impacted food and other elements of culture. Trade contributed to the rise of the Commercial Revolution, which spurred the development of modern capitalism.

In Horrors of the Middle Passage, why does the author use the phrase "floating coffins" to describe slave ships?

The use of "floating coffins" refers to the fact that so many enslaved Africans died on the ships. About two million died during the Middle Passage.

Line of Demarcation

This was the line drawn by Alexander VI that gave Portugal most of Brazil and Spain the rest of South America

Why did the European presence in Africa expand?

Various European powers took over the forts of the declining Portuguese in order to expand their trade and power in Africa, the Indian Ocean, and India.

Write a paragraph in response to the following question: Why did Europeans take these different approaches? As you think about this question, consider the following factors the government and military of the Asian civilizations geographic factors of South and East Asia the technological achievements of the Asian civilizations

When Europeans perceived a civilization to have a strong military and government, as in China and Japan, they worked to use diplomacy to establish trade relations. As East Asia was farthest from Europe, they may also have thought it would be harder to conquer China and Japan by force. In contrast, when Europeans perceived a region to be weak, they used force. Technology may also have played a role. For instance, China, India, and Japan were more advanced than the islands of Southeast Asia and the Philippines.

Which country did the Line of Demarcation favor?

When the Treaty of Tordesillas established the Line of Demarcation in 1494, the full extent of the Americas was not known. Because of this, the treaty allocated much more land to Spain than it granted to Portugal


a joining together for some common purpose


an agreement, or contract, among a group of people


worker forced to labor for a landlord in order to pay off a debt

Olaudah Equiano

(1745-1797) African who was sold into slavery and bought his way out-kidnapped as a boy (age 11) from his home he was sold into slavery and sold amongst slave traders many times-he served in the Seven Years' War as a captain's boy and was then sold to a slave trader where he went to the Caribbean-from there a white colonist bought him and he eventually bought his way out of slavery-he went to England to live and published a book about slavery and his experiences-his message was widespread and helped to inspire the abolition of slavery

Treaty of Paris

(1898) treaty that ended the Spanish American war. Provided that Cuba be free from Spain.


1. a small military camp away from the main army, used for watching an enemy's movements, etc. 2. small town or group of buildings in a lonely part of a country

Treaty of Tordesillas

A 1494 agreement between Portugal and Spain, declaring that newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to Portugal.


A Spanish conqueror of the Americas

Dutch East India Company

A company founded by the Dutch in the early 17th century to establish and direct trade throughout Asia. Richer and more powerful than England's company, they drove out the English and Established dominance over the region. It ended up going bankrupt and being bought out by the British

Commercial Revolution

A dramatic change in the economy of Europe at the end of the Middle Ages. It is characterized by an increase in towns and trade, the use of banks and credit, and the establishment of guilds to regulate quality and price.


A grant of authority over a population of Amerindians in the Spanish colonies. It provided the grant holder with a supply of cheap labor and periodic payments of goods by the Amerindians. It obliged the grant holder to Christianize the Amerindians.


A person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business.


A soldier in South Asia, especially in the service of the British.

triangular trade

A system in which goods and slaves were traded among the Americas, Britain, and Africa


A tax on imported goods

civil war

A war between people of the same country.


An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought

free enterprise system

An economic system in which individuals depend on supply and demand and the profit margin to determine what to produce, how to produce, how much to produce, and for whom to produce. The quest for improvement financially and materially motivates consumers and producers.

What role did each of the following play in triangular trade: a New England merchant, an enslaved African person, and a Southern plantation owner?

An enslaved African person was brought unwillingly from Africa to the Americas and forced to provide labor. A Southern plantation owner benefited from the labor. A New England merchant may have built the ship, unloaded the ship, or traded goods to Europe in exchange for the slaves to be sent to Southern plantations.

What economic changes came during the Commercial Revolution?

As part of the Commercial Revolution, capitalist free enterprise principles gradually replaced economic systems of the past. Individuals were free to make more economic choices, to borrow and invest money in business ventures, to take risks and compete in the marketplace, and to buy and sell goods priced by the interaction of supply and demand. The profit motive spurred more investment, more business, and more jobs.

What conditions in India helped the French and English gain influence there?

As the Mughal empire broke down, old rivalries between Muslims and Hindus erupted. The English and French formed alliances with local Indian leaders and played these rivalries to gain influence.

Which European nations went to war in North America in the mid-eighteenth century?

Britain and France

How did the "putting-out" system work?

Capitalist entrepreneurs used the putting-out system to bypass the guild system that regulated production of goods in towns. Under this system, also known as "cottage industry," a capitalist might distribute raw wool to peasant cottages. Cottagers spun the wool into thread and then wove it into cloth. Merchants bought the wool cloth from the peasants and sent it to the city for finishing and dyeing. Finally, the merchants sold the finished product for a profit. Merchants provided the capital or money to invest in the business, and cottagers did the labor.

How did capitalists and mercantilists have different points of view on government regulation of the economy?

Capitalists generally opposed strict government regulation of the economy. They preferred economic freedom and the principles of free enterprise whereby individuals make economic decisions and free market principles guide the economy. Mercantilists generally favored government regulations that would regulate colonial economies to increase the national wealth of the parent country.


Chinese Qing emperor (r. 1736-1795), grandson of Kangxi who continued his grandfather's conquests by consolidating hold on Xinjiang province (westernmost). He made Vietnam, Burma and Nepal vassal states of China, and delegated responsibilities to his favorite Eunuchs, marking the decline of the Qing Dynasty

What assumptions did Columbus make about the world and about the Americas?

Columbus assumed the world was smaller than it was. When he encountered the Americas, he assumed that he had reached the East Indies, so he called the natives Indians

What are some modern-day examples of joint stock companies? Both in the past and today, what are the potential risks and rewards for investors?

Corporations that sell shares in the stock market are similar to joint stock companies. Risks include loss of investment and debt; rewards include profits and more money for future business ventures and investments.

How do you think other countries, such as England and France, might have reacted to this agreement between Spain and Portugal?

Countries such as England and France did not recognize the treaty as a valid agreement. Why were Spain and Portugal the only countries that had stakes in new lands? England, France, and other European powers soon began to establish colonies in the Americas without regard to the territorial claims of the Spanish and Portuguese.


Descendants of the Europeans in Latin America, usually implies an upper class status.

Bartolomé de Las Casas

Dominican friar who supported peaceful conversion of the Native American population; opposed forced labor and advocated Indian rights.

How did colonization lead to conflict among European nations?

Each nation wanted to expand its own trading empire at the expense of the others. As they explored and colonized distant lands, they bumped up against one another's claims. Competition led to conflict.

Why were the ships of the Middle Passage called "floating coffins"?

Enslaved Africans were packed like cargo below the decks of the ships. They were chained together for the entire voyage, which could last as long as three months. The conditions were so crowded and unsanitary that many died from disease.

Why did Equiano find himself in a different position than other enslaved people?

Equiano says he was "reduced so low" that he was kept on deck; this likely means that he was so weak and sickly that the slave owners had mercy on him and let him stay above the hold. Equiano was also not chained because of his young age.

How did European colonization affect Native Americans?

European colonization not only deprived Native Americans of their traditional lands but also led to the enslavement and deaths of most of the native population. Many were taken to work on plantations. Over the course of colonization, millions died from forced labor, through conflict, and as a result of diseases brought from Europe.

Why did European countries compete to expand their power in North America?

European countries wanted to establish colonies that would be sources of wealth. They extracted raw materials such as fur, fish, lumber, and agricultural produce. In some cases, they wanted to spread Christianity. They also wanted to prevent their European rivals from gaining too much territory.

How would future international trade be different because of Western European countries developing new trade routes?

European merchants moved along new trade routes, bringing goods from Asia westward to Europe. They sailed across oceans and gained access to lands around the world.

What was the "fowl exchange"?

Europeans brought chickens to the Americas and took turkeys back to Europe.

How did the three steps of the triangular trade network function?

First, merchant ships transported European goods, such as guns and cloth, from Europe to Africa. In Africa, the goods were exchanged for slaves. The second step, called the Middle Passage, transported enslaved Africans from Africa to the Americas. Hundreds of thousands died on this journey. In the Americas, the slaves were exchanged for sugar, molasses, cotton, tobacco, and other plantation products. The third step was to ship these goods across the Atlantic for profitable sales in Europe.


Flourishing trading city in Malaya; established a trading empire after the fall of Shrivijaya.

How does the free enterprise system operate in the U.S. economy today? What are some benefits and problems of the American free enterprise system?

Free enterprise operates through private property, individual profit, free competition, prices set by market conditions, stock market, banking, and limited government regulations. Benefits include economic freedoms, innovation, business and investment opportunities, social mobility. Problems may include excessive regulations, high prices, unbalanced distribution of wealth, poverty for some.


Governor of a country or province who rules as the representative of his or her king or sovereign; think Spanish colonies.

How might history have been different if Moctezuma had not believed Cortés to be the god Quetzalcoatl?

He might not have welcomed the strangers, but, with his superior numbers, would have driven them out of his land.

Did Smith think that increased global contact was generally a good thing or a bad thing? How does he make his opinion on this clear?

He thought it was good. He says that European voyages were the "greatest and most important events."

Thinking about global contact in the world today, do you agree or disagree with Smith about the effects of global contact? Why?

I agree. People today benefit from international communication, travel, and trade. I disagree. Greater contact has led to widespread conflict and international warfare. Foods, plants, animals, and products were exchanged between Europe and America that had the beneficial results of introducing new dietary supplies to both areas, which could relieve each other's wants and increase each other's enjoyments. They also encouraged each other's industries by opening new markets to each other. However, international exchange also introduced diseases that decimated Native American populations

Why do you think Olaudah Equiano wrote this slave narrative? Explain your reasoning.

I think Equiano wanted to bring to the attention of the public the horrible way in which enslaved persons were treated, and in particular, how terrible the journey was from Africa to the Americas (or England).

Summarize European searches for a direct route across the Atlantic Ocean to Asia.

In 1492, Columbus sailed west from Spain and reached the Caribbean islands, which he mistakenly thought were the Indies of East Asia. The English, Dutch, and French unsuccessfully explored the coast of North America for a "northwest passage" from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific. The Spanish explorer Balboa hacked his way through Panama's tropical forests to find the Pacific. Later, Magellan, a Portuguese nobleman sailing for Spain, journeyed southwest from Spain and found a passage around South America's southern tip into the Pacific Ocean. His ships eventually reached Asia, landing in the Philippines, before continuing around the world.

Matteo Ricci

Italian Jesuit who wanted to convert China to Christianity during the Ming dynasty

John Cabot

Italian explorer who led the English expedition in 1497 that discovered the mainland of North America and explored the coast from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland (ca. 1450-1498)

Christopher Columbus

Italian navigator who discovered the New World in the service of Spain while looking for a route to China (1451-1506)


Japanese city in which the second atomic bomb was dropped (August 9, 1945).

How were the efforts of other European powers to enlarge their trade networks in Africa similar to or different from the Portuguese approach to expansion?

Like the Portuguese, the British, French, and Dutch constructed forts on the coast of Africa to protect their trade networks. Unlike the Portuguese, the Dutch outposts became more permanent and attracted immigrants from Europe.

How did the policies of the French king Louis XIV benefit and hinder the development of New France?

Louis XIV helped development by sending more soldiers, settlers, and women to New France. He hindered development by prohibiting Protestants from settling in New France.

Study the image of Malacca in Portugal Builds an Empire. Then answer the following question: What main features of Malacca do you observe? Why do you think the Portuguese developed it this way?

Malacca was built on top of a cliff and had fortified walls enclosing many areas, with houses inside the fort. Malacca seems laid out with military protection in mind.

Select one event from the lesson about which to write a headline and an introductory sentence for a news story. Remember to put the most important information in the first sentence.

Manchu Invaders Seize Beijing; In 1644, Manchu invaders from the North swept over the Great Wall to conquer China and establish the Qing dynasty.

Osei Tutu

Member of Oyoko clan of Akan peoples in Gold Coast region of Africa; responsible for creating unified Asante Empire; utilized Western firearms.

How did geographic factors shape the mercantilist system?

Mercantilism depended on a relationship between colonizing powers and their colonies. Colonies supplied imperial nations with raw materials not available (or in short supply) in those countries. They had a geographic advantage in this regard. The countries could then use those materials to produce and sell goods to their colonies. The trade system, dependent on shipping, also supported merchants, shippers, and shipbuilders, among others.

Compare capitalism and mercantilism. How was mercantilism consistent or inconsistent with capitalist principles? How so?

Mercantilism is inconsistent with capitalism in that mercantilist governments regulated trade and used tariffs to limit free trade.

Consider advantages and disadvantages of free enterprise and mercantilism. Who were some people that benefited from those economic developments?Who were some people who experienced problems because of the economic developments?

Middle and upper class entrepreneurs profited the most. Their hired laborers earned wages, but were often poorly paid. Nobles may not have profited much because their wealth was based on land and not business ventures.

How were conditions in New France and the English colonies different?

Much of New France had a cold climate that limited farming, while the English colonies had a moderate climate that aided farming. New France had a small population that grew slowly; English colonies had a larger population with more growth. New France was under firm royal control; the English colonies were under royal control, but also had some limited self-government.

What significant party did not take part in the peace agreement reached in 1763 that reorganized land claims in North America?

Native Americans

How do you think Native Americans would have responded to news about the Treaty of Tordesillas and the Line of Demarcation?

Native Americans might first question whether human beings could claim to "own" land or water, and then dispute the authority of Europeans to make such a treaty or draw an imaginary line to divide areas that they did not possess.

Vasco da Gama

Portuguese explorer. In 1497-1498 he led the first naval expedition from Europe to sail to India, opening an important commercial sea route.

Afonso de Albuquerque

Portuguese naval/military leader who ended Muslim control of the Indian Ocean trade--took Goa, Moluccas, and held much of SE under Portuguese control

Differentiate between positive and negative effects of the Columbian Exchange. What were some positive effects? Negative effects?

Positive: New foods enriched diet. Negative: Diseases spread.

Compare and contrast some short-term effects of slavery on West African states with some longer-term effects of slavery in the Americas.

Short-term effects on West African states included the disappearance of some states as their population was removed. But some other states profited from the slave trade and used new wealth to build and maintain power. Longer-term effects of slavery in the Americas included that it was one of the causes of a civil war in the United States and eventual abolition in Brazil. There was growth in African American populations in the Americas due to the slave trade, as contrasted to the decline in West Africa's population.

In your own words, explain what you think Smith means when he describes some of the specific effects of increased global contact.

Smith was talking about increased trade and industry, which provided goods that people wanted and enjoyed.

Describe the main characteristics of government, religion, and economics in Spain's colonies in the Americas.

Spain divided its empire into four provinces and set up the Council of the Indies to oversee its viceroys and other officials in the provinces. Roman Catholicism was the main religion throughout the colonies. Missionaries worked to convert Native Americans to Christianity. Spain regulated the economy, exporting gold and silver from the colonies, and forcing the colonists to import goods from Spain only. Native Americans were often used as forced laborers.

How did Spain's desire to ensure profits from its American empire affect the economic activities of Spanish America?

Spain strictly controlled colonial trade. Raw materials could be exported only to Spain. Colonists could purchase only Spanish manufactured goods. Laws prevented colonists from trading with other European nations or other Spanish colonies.

What possible effects would the trade shown on this map have had on West Africa and the Americas?

The Americas probably had increased wealth due to the importing of cheap slave labor and exporting of manufactured goods. West Africa probably experienced negative effects of having communities disrupted by the taking of slaves.

What was the impact of the slave trade?

The Atlantic slave trade led to the forced migration of as many as 11 million Africans from Africa to the Americas. The Middle Passage might have claimed as many as two million lives. Many others died in the Americas through forced labor, punishments, illness, and conflict. In Africa, the slave trade led to conflict among some peoples, and to rise of powerful states that profited from the trade. The slave trade also contributed African culture and traditions to the Americas, leading the inclusion of African beliefs, language, customs, and other elements of culture in an emergent American culture.

How did the British gain control of India?

The British East India Company made alliances with local leaders and organized armies of sepoys to drive out the French; it used its wealth to weaken the Mughal empire.


The Chinese government is ruled by this ethnically Manchurian dynasty during this period. They attempted to hold on to pre-industrial ways and resisted foreign involvement in their country (without success).

How did the Portuguese use education and technology for their voyages of exploration?

The Portuguese had developed expert navigational knowledge and technology. Prince Henry gathered together experts, including scientists and cartographers, to apply this knowledge to redesigning ships, preparing maps, and training captains and crews for long voyages of exploration.

Why do you think the Portuguese limited their footholds in Africa to coastal forts and trading posts and did not explore much into the interior?

The Portuguese were only interested in trading profitably in Africa. They had little desire to settle or colonize the interior. African groups resisted Portuguese efforts to explore the interior and take control of the gold trade.ration for a direct sea route.

Why did the Spanish begin using enslaved Africans to work in their mines and fields?

The Spanish relied on Native Americans to work in their mines and fields, but too many died from European diseases. The Spanish began trading for enslaved Africans to replace the forced laborers lost to illness.

Study the map of Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the Americas in Governing the Spanish Empire. Then answer the following question: Which Spanish province included today's Florida, Cuba, and Central America? The Portuguese settled in Brazil. Why didn't they also colonize Peru?

The Spanish viceroyalty of New Spain included present-day Florida, Cuba, and Central America. The Portuguese did not colonize Peru because it was west of the Line of Demarcation set by the pope. By the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), the Spanish had trading and exploration rights west of the line, where Peru is located.

Describe the common effects of the first encounters between the Spanish and Native Americans in Mexico, Peru, and elsewhere.

The first encounters between the Spanish and Native Americans usually resulted in conflict. The Spanish conquered Native Americans and plundered their lands for wealth. Thousands of Native Americans died from disease and war. The Spanish tried to force Native Americans to abandon their culture. Spain grew rich and powerful. Spanish and Native American cultures blended to create the culture of Latin American countries today.

List the four main social classes in New Spain in hierarchical order from top to bottom. What do the top two and the bottom two social classes have in common? What conclusion can you draw about the basis for social ranking in New Spain?

The four main social classes in order from top to bottom were peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, and mulattoes. The top two classes, peninsulares and creoles, each were Spanish, either born in Spain or in the Americas. The bottom two classes had some European blood but also descended from Native American or African lineages. The social hierarchy suggests that ethnicity was used as a basis for social ranking.

How does the phrase improvident avarice contribute to Equiano's overall description of the journey?

The phrase is effective in two ways. First, the phrase is very elegant and erudite, which contrasts sharply with the horrifying details of the journey. In this way, the phrase highlights how truly awful the enslaved people were treated. Second, saying that the slave owners were rash in their greediness accentuates how inhuman they were.


The term used in Spanish and Portuguese colonies to describe someone of mixed African and European descent.

How did the Portuguese treat the indigenous, or native, people of Malacca?

They burned coastal towns, destroyed Arab fleets, demolished Hindu temples, and massacred the Muslim population.

Why did both Korea and Japan pursue a policy of isolationism?

They came to see Europeans as a threat to their independence. They feared invasion and foreign domination.

Recall why the Portuguese explored the coasts of Africa and the lands around the Indian Ocean. Why do you think Albuquerque's fleet attacked Malacca?

They established forts and trading posts on the African coast, seized key ports around the Indian Ocean, and destroyed Arab fleets. The Portuguese wanted to take control of the spice trade from Arab traders. Seizing ports such as Malacca would help them achieve that goal.

What do these descriptions suggest about the Malaysians' experience with gunfire up to that time?

They suggest that Malaysians had not experienced gunfire before, and they therefore described it with words from their natural surroundings.

What are the Spice Islands?

Today, they are the islands that comprise Indonesia. During the fifteenth century, they were the source of many spices for trade.

Why did the Spanish conquer the Philippines rather than the Spice Islands? How did they pay for goods and spices?

Unlike the Portuguese, the Spanish sailed west—under Magellan—around the southern tip of South America and across the Pacific Ocean. They encountered the Philippines first. They paid with silver mined in Mexico and Peru.

What were some ways that Africans tried to resist the Middle Passage?

While being marched from inland Africa to the coast, slaves were bound with chains, but some still tried to escape. While on the ships, slaves sometimes tried to join in mutinies or take over the ships to return to Africa.

Oyo empire

Yoruba empire that arose in the 1600s in present-day Nigeria and dominated its neighbors for a hundred years


a city in southeastern Kenya, located on a small coastal island


a coastal city in southeastern China, also known as Canton


a coastal town in southeastern Kenya; became a trading hub for the Portuguese in Africa


a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.


a group of islands in eastern Indonesia; was the center of the spice trade in the 1500s and 1600s


a member of an Arawak people formerly inhabiting the Greater Antilles and the Bahamas.


a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons.


a person who makes maps


a state in western India; formerly a coastal city that was made the base of Portugal's Indian trade


a supreme ruler, especially a monarch.

What is the estimated population decline between 1519 and 1540? How does it compare with the population change between 1540 and 1580? Why?

about 18 million people; The population drops by about 6 million people between 1540 and 1580, so the 1519-1540 population change is about three times the 1540-1580 population change. Deaths from war and diseases are responsible for the great 1519-1540 population decline. This continues from 1540-1580, but perhaps less warfare occurs then and some diseases, having killed so many, are running out of susceptible victims.

What factors helped the Spanish defeat the Aztecs?

alliances with other native peoples, the death of Moctezuma, disease


an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.


armed private ship licensed to attack merchant ships


deliberate refusal to obey orders given by those in command, especially by sailors

What secret weapon did the Spanish bring with them to the Americas?

diseases, including smallpox, measles, and influenza

What did Europe, Africa, and the Americas exchange in the Columbian Exchange?

fruits, vegetables, grains, and other plants; livestock, honeybees, and other animals and insects; diseases; people

What military advantages did the Spanish have over the Aztecs and other Native Americans?

guns, horses, and cannons

Given what you know about trade, what else do you think these different parts of the world exchanged through trade and migration?

ideas, knowledge, technology, traditions, language, religious beliefs, and other elements of culture

Many African states were involved in or affected by the slave trade. In general, where were most slave trading regions located? Why?

in coastal areas because that is where the Europeans were based

Asante kingdom

kingdom that emerged in the 1700s in present-day Ghana and was active in the slave trade

price revolution

period in European history when inflation rose rapidly


region of southeastern China made up of a peninsula and two islands, a Portuguese territory from the mid-1800s to 1999

What did Christopher Columbus learn on his voyage in 1492?

that other lands in the west lie between Europe and Asia

What European power replaced Portugal in control of Malacca and the spice trade?

the Dutch


the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.


the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.

How has the transatlantic slave trade affected the history, society, and culture of the United States from the 1700s to today?

the plantation culture of the American South; the Civil War; the struggle for civil rights; the ethnic diversity of the United States; and the African influence on American culture

Middle Passage

the sea journey undertaken by slave ships from West Africa to the West Indies.

Why did Prince Henry of Portugal set out to map the African coast?

to convert Africans to Christianity; to find the riches being traded by Arab merchants; to find an easier way to Asia

According to Boorstin, why did the Portuguese establish control over trade in the Indian Ocean?

to gain profits from trading for spices, drugs, gems, silks, and other valuable goods from Asia

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