Hort I - EOC Review - ALL Objectives - (1.0 - 9.0)

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Functions of the Roots

- Anchorage, Absorption, Asexual Reproduction, Storage

Career Development Events

- CDE stands for...


- CDE that focuses on flowers and floral design

Introduction to Horticulture

- CDE that is only available to Horticulture I students and involves a knowledge test, as well as a plant and pest identification.


- CDE that is only available to Horticulture II students and involves a knowledge test, plant identification and skills involved in the Nursery and Landscape industries

Parliamentary Procedure

- CDE where students demonstrate how to conduct business meetings

FFA Mission Statement

- FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success.

Nitrogen (N)

- Functions are 1) Promotes growth for leaves and stems.2) Gives dark green color and improves quality of the foliage.3) Is necessary to develop cell proteins and chlorophyll.

Phosphorus (P)

- Functions are 1) Stimulates early formation and growth of roots. 2) Provides for fast, vigorous growth and speeds maturity.3) Stimulates flower and seed development.

Potassium (K)

- Functions are 1) Used to form carbohydrates and proteins. 2) Used in the formation and transfer of starches, sugars and oils. 3) Increases disease resistance, vigor and hardiness.

FFA Motto

- Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.


- Rounding to the nearest thousands, how many FFA members are there in NC?

Class instruction, FFA, SAE

- What are the three components to any Agriculture Education Program?- What are the three components to any Agriculture Education Program?


- When do you plant onions (sets)


- a cool season vegetable crop with a larger leaf


- a cool season vegetable crop with a smaller leaf


- a fall, cool season, vegetable crop from seeds

Public Speaking

- a series of CDE's that build communication skills (Creed, Extemporaneous, Prepared)


- a summer vegetable crop from seeds


- an FFA Activity that recognizes FFA members for their hard work. Where we give our certificates, plaques, pins and enjoy a great meal together.


- are a good way to involve several members, set goals and make plans to establish the local program of activities (POA)


- asexual propagation where you cut a part of the plant (stem, root, leaf, etc.) and a new plant grows from the cut portion


- can be the president or vice-president.

Career Development Events

- competitive FFA events focused around leadership and/or a specific Agricultural industry or career


- deficiency symptom of pale green or yellow color, may develop initially, but coloring can be related to the nutrient that is lacking

Herbaceous cuttings

- geranium, impatiens, begonia, and coleus are plants typically propagated by ___


- increasing the number of a species, by sexual reproduction or asexual methods


- learn to lead a committee or small group to accomplish a common task

FFA Colors

- national blue and corn gold.

Trench layering

- new plants form at each along the stem while still attached to the plant.

pest problems

- non chemical methods to control pests.


- number of members required to conduct business.

National (National FFA Organization)

- the broadest level of organization of FFA


- the level of organization in the FFA above and 1 step broader than the Federation level

State (North Carolina FFA Association)

- the level of organization in the FFA above and 1 step broader than the Regional level


- the level of organization in the FFA above and 1 step broader than the local chapter

Local chapter

- the most basic level of organization in the FFA

The West Region

- the name of our FFA Region

The Parkway Federation

- the name of our local Federation

Rising sun

- the part of the FFA emblem that symbolizes agricultural opportunity and progress.

Cross section of the ear of corn

- the part of the FFA emblem that symbolizes common agricultural interest.


- the part of the FFA emblem that symbolizes knowledge and wisdom.


- the part of the FFA emblem that symbolizes labor and tillage of the soil.

The words "Agriculture Education and FFA"

- the part of the FFA emblem that symbolizes the combination of learning and leadership necessary for progress in agriculture.


- the part of the FFA emblem that symbolizes the national scope of the FFA.


- this FFA Officer assists the president in maintaining order.

Vice President

- this FFA Officer calls the roll of officers, coordinates committee work and assumes presidential duties in the absence of the president.


- this FFA Officer keeps accurate minutes of chapter meetings..


- this FFA Officer keeps financial records.


- this FFA Officer presides over meetings.


- this FFA Officer reports events.


- this FFA Officer sits beside the American flag


- this FFA Officer sits beside the ear of corn


- this FFA Officer sits beside the emblem of Washington

Vice President

- this FFA Officer sits beside the plow


- this FFA Officer sits beside the rising sun


- this FFA Officer welcomes members and guests

tomatoes, peppers, squash

- three Spring vegetable plants


- used for sexual reproduction.


- when do you plant squash & peppers


- when should you plant winter vegetable seeds such as carrots, onions, peas and turnips?

Informative, Persuasive, Extemporaneous

3 Types of speeches

Introduction, Body, Conclusion

3 basic parts of a speech.

Topsoil, Subsoil, and bedrock

3 layers in a typical soil profile from top to bottom

Purpose, Audience, Occasion

3 things to consider when creating a speech


# of body sections on an insect


# of legs on an insect


# of legs on an insect

Program of Activities

- POA, a list of activities conducted by the FFA Chapter throughout the year


- Rounding to the nearest tens, how many FFA Chapters are there in NC?

The Madison FFA Chapter

- the name of our local chapter

FFA Official dress

- white collared shirt, FFA jacket (zipped up), black pants or skirt, black shoes, FFA tie or scarf.

deficiency symptom

A general appearance of being unhealthy.


An ideal soil is ___% solid particles


The by-product of photosynthesis

Raised Bed

The local school for handicapped children wants to establish a garden. Which would be the BEST type for the school?


The main product of photosynthesis

Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg) and Sulfur (S)

Three secondary nutrients (macronutrients)


Transplant seedlings when the first ___ leaves appear.


Viruses, fungi, and bacteria are all types of...

True leaves

are the second set of leaves.


are the small openings under the leaf for breathing or transpiration.


are the structural framework of the leaf.


controls fungi.

Seed planting depth

depends on size of seeds.Plant seeds no more than 1½ times the diameter of the seed.1) Larger seeds are planted deeper.2) Smaller seeds are planted shallow (ex. petunia seeds are TINY)


describes leaves without a petiole (example zinnia).


interior plant, large variegated green and cream colored large leaves on a thick trunk


is a federally chartered organization for students interested in agriculture.


is a lightweight mica mineral matter commonly used to start seed and cuttings.


is the edge of the leaf.


is the science and practice of growing, harvesting, storing, processing and marketing vegetables.


is the science and practice of growing, maintaining and processing grapes.

Border Forsythia

large deciduous shrub with bright yellow flowers early in the spring


large deciduous tree, star shaped leaves, has burrs or prickly balls

2 taps of gavel

means that the meeting is called to order.

3 taps of gavel

means that the members should stand on the third tap.


the second stage of growth that begins after the plant begins photosynthesis and actively grows leaves, stems, and roots prior to flowering


zinnia, marigold, and vinca are examples of a ___ season plant


zone 7.

North Carolina

zones 6-8.


—kills insects.


—kills unwanted plants.


Grasshopper are what type of insect

Tissue culture

It will give you a plant identical to the parent plant.


Calcium (Ca) : Macronutrient or Micronutrient?


Chemical Label: Greatest Hazard


Copper (Cu) : Macronutrient or Micronutrient?

Tiny holes in leaves

Damage seen on plants by piercing insects such as Thrips


Largest soil particle

Dwarf Yaupon Holly

dwarf evergreen shrub, dark green mature leaves, light green new spring growth with gray stems


elements needed by a plant to promote healthy tissue, processes, and growth.

Blue Rug Juniper

evergreen ground cover with silvery-blue scale type leaves

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

focuses on pest prevention by identifying, preventing and monitoring pests with the least amount of danger to the environment by the most economical means.


gives members opportunities to discuss pros and cons of the main motion.

Greenhouse/nursery employee

grows vegetables, fruits, flowers including cut flowers, bedding plants, potted plants, hanging baskets and landscaping plants. Employees do both sexual and asexual plant propagation.

Peat moss

has good moisture holding properties.

Fibrous roots

have many branched shallow roots. They are easy to transplant.

Incomplete flowers

have only male or female parts.

Woody cuttings -

holly, abelia, and rosemary are plants typically propagated by ___


if fertilized becomes a fruit.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

indicates clothing & protection needed for applying chemical

Reentry Statement

indicates how long you must wait after applying a chemical before you enter the treated area

Practical treatment

indicates how to help a poisoned person

Spider Plant

indoor plant, 18" long leaves with light green line down the midrib, small plants developing on tip of shoots

Boston Fern

interior plant in hanging baskets, large green leaf-like growth called fronds with long vein down the middle, no flowers or seeds

Norfolk Island Pine

interior plant, 4ft tall, looks like a little cedar or pine tree

Suspend the Rules

is a motion used to temporarily suspend the rules of an organization.


is a natural volcanic material and helps with soil aeration and drainage


is a plant that completes its life cycle in one year.


is a plant that completes its life cycle in two years. It usually grows the first year and flowers the second year.


is a plant that is limp because it does not have enough moisture.


is a plant that is swollen or filled with moisture.


is a plant that lives more than two years. Some perennials will grow and bloom the first year.


is a process by which plants capture sunlight and use it to convert carbon dioxide and water into food.


is a process performed in the leaf, by which plants capture sunlight and use it to convert carbon dioxide and water into food.


is a stage when a plant rests or grows very little.

Take from the Table

is brings an unfinished item of business back onto the floor for discussion.


is cutting apart rhizomes, tubers, runners, stolons, or suckers to get new plants.

Organic matter

is dead plant or animal tissue and contains carbon.


is decayed organic matter and used for soil conditioning and fertilizer


is inorganic and has a slightly alkaline pH and holds moisture


is less than half; opposite of majority.


is more than half; group that controls the most votes.


is organic and has a slightly acid pH and is larger matter added to some horticulture media to promote drainage.

Peat moss

is organic and has a slightly acidic pH and is partially decomposed material mined from the swamps.

Sphagnum moss

is organic and is very acidic and is dehydrated remains of acid bog plants and holds moisture and is commonly used to line wire hanging baskets.

Golf course employee

is responsible for maintenance of golf courses including turf grass maintenance on fairways, greens, tees, etc. and pest management, irrigation and drainage, sand trap, trees and shrubs, buildings and equipment.

Sexual Propagation

is starting plants from seeds.

Germination rate

is the % of seeds that sprouts. 75 of 100 = 75%.


is the amount of people that must be present for the group to make decisions or changes. The number varies with the kind of assembly.


is the cultivation, processing and marketing of flowers, ornamental plants, vegetables, fruits and nuts.


is the large center vein.


is the large, flat part of the leaf.


is the leaf stalk or part that connects the leaf to the stem.


is the leaf tip.


is the part of biology that deals with plants.


is the piece of plant at the top of graft.


is the piece of the plant at the root or bottom of graft.


is the release of water vapor from the leaves of plants. It also cools the plant.


is the response of plants to different amounts of light regarding their flowering and reproduction cycles.


is the science and practice of growing, harvesting, storing, processing and marketing flowering plants.


is the science and practice of growing, harvesting, storing, processing and marketing tree grown fruits.

Landscape and nursery industry

is the science and practice of propagating, growing, planting, maintaining, and using grasses, annuals, shrubs and trees.

Seed viability

is the seed's capability of growing or developing.

Upper and lower epidermis

is the skin of the leaf that prevents the loss of too much moisture.


is to close the meeting (requires simple majority vote).

Lay on the Table

is to postpone a vote on an item of business for the sole purpose of handling a more important item of business.

Previous Question

is to stop a discussion.


is used on plants that grow in clumps such as hostas, daylilies and irises and some grasses.


is used to appeal the chair's decision after a point of order has been made.

Point of Order

is used to correct a parliamentary mistake


is widely used in tree and shrub production.

Pin Oak

large deciduous tree, 50' tall, 5 - 7 lobes with 3-4 bristle tips on each lobe, brilliant red in fall with acorns

Willow Oak

large deciduous tree, 60' tall, narrow green leaves with small acorns

Red Maple

large deciduous tree, red flowers in early spring, dark green leaves in summer, gray color under leaves with 3 - 5 lobes, light gray bark

Evergreen Euonymus

large evergreen shrub with some with all green leaves, some with gold or white on the leaf margin

Wax Myrtle

large evergreen shrub with yellowish green leaves, serrated margins near the tip, clusters of small waxy-gray berries

Japanese Privet

large evergreen shrub, dark green leaves with raised veins underneath, ¼" dark purple berries

Catawba Rhododendron

large evergreen shrub, large flowers, smooth margins, common in the shade in the mountains

Eastern White Pine

large evergreen tree, 4-8" curving brown cones, 4" need leaves in cluster of 5

Leyland Cypress

large evergreen tree, 50' tall, scale like leaves, short cones, looks similar to a cedar

Southern Magnolia

large evergreen tree, large shiny leaves, 6-9" large white flowers, cone like pods with red seeds


leaves or stems have a hairy feel (example African violet).


leaves or stems have a smooth non-hairy feel (example southern magnolia).

Bachelors, masters or doctorial degrees

level of education for most professional areas because of required licenses, paper work, research and /or teaching.

Technical education

level of education for skilled jobs.

High school graduate

level of education for unskilled entry-level job.

Park employee

maintains plants, grounds, buildings, facilities, equipment and driveways in national, state, city or privately owned parks.

A series of taps of gavel

means "be quiet and orderly."

1 tap of gavel

means be seated, the meeting is adjourned or the result of a vote has been announced.

Flowering Crabapple

medium deciduous tree, pink flowers, 1-2" diameter fruit, green, red or purple leaves

Bradford Pear

medium deciduous tree, white flowers in spring, reddish purple leaves in the fall, grow in a symmetrical shape with little pruning

Glossy Abelia

medium evergreen shrub with reddish green leaves, small clusters of bugle-shaped with flowers

River Birch

medium size deciduous tree, multiple (4) trunks with thin sheets of light colored peeling bark

Midrib vein

must be cut in order to make roots form from Leaf cuttings.


must be present in a plant for it to contract a disease


nutrients plants need in small amounts


nutrients that plants need in large amounts


occurs in the flower and is the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma.


pansy is an example of a ___ season plant

Leaf scars

part of the stem that indicate where leaves were attached.


popular for Mothers Day in hanging baskets or pots, red, white, pink flowers on long petiole

Tissue Culture (or micropropagation)

A sterile environment is necessary for

Larger holes in leaves or segment of a leaf missing

Damage seen on plants by chewing insects such as beetles


refers to plants that lose their leaves during the dormant season.


refers to plants that retain their leaves and remain green year round.

Short day plants

require long nights to flower. Examples are poinsettia and azalea.

Long day plants

require short nights to flower. Examples are African violets and spinach.

Active (inert) ingredients

required on every chemical label


season plants grow best in warm temperatures, growing best in the summer and early fall.


season plants relish cool temperatures, growing best in spring or fall.


serves as protection for the seeds and its function is to help with seed dispersal.

Flowering Dogwood

small deciduous tree white flowers called bracts with a brown color on the end of the bract, trunk and stems are very crooked, red berries in the fall

Crape Myrtle

small deciduous tree with white, pink, red and purple flowers all summer and early fall with smooth light tan bark

Japanese Flowering Cherry

small deciduous tree, deep pink double flowers, used as an accent plant

Eastern Red Bud

small deciduous tree, heart shaped leaves, brown bean type pods, pink/purple flowers along the stem

Guard cells

surround the stomates and regulate the open and close of the stomates.


symbol of authority.


takes precedence over all other motions.


the tendency for plants to grow toward a light source.


the texture of soil that has equal parts sand, silt and clay; ideal soil type

Two-Thirds Majority

the type of vote where 2/3 of members voting must vote for motion, usually used when motion will limit rights of members.

Simple Majority

the type of vote where one vote more than 50% or 1/2 of votes cast.


there is ___(more/less) organic matter in the O horizon than the other layers in the soil profile


type of mouth part of insects that cause little to know damage to plants, such as a butterfly


when plants first start to grow from a seed.


when plants produce flowers, seeds and fruit.


when plants rest or grows very little.

Praying mantis

will eat just about any pest.

Green Industry employees

work in jobs that are environmentally friendly and have to do with reusing, recycling and reducing the carbon footprint.

Tissue culture

It is a good way to get the most plants in a short period of time.

Raised Bed

Jamal is researching gardening. He has decided the one that fits his situation best is one he can sit on concrete and is typically made of wood. What type of structure would he use?

Watch the sun movement before planting

Juan and Maria want to plant a vertical garden. What should they do prior to planting their garden?


Nitrogen (N) : Macronutrient or Micronutrient?


On her terrace, Donna created a garden in a washtub. What type of garden structure did she use?

Early morning

The best time of day to take a stem, leaf or root cutting is ___ ___ because plants have more moisture.


The first sets of leaves are called ___.


The food manufacturing process in green plant that combine carbon dioxide and water in the presence of light to make sugar and oxygen.

"read and follow label directions"

The most important safety rule is


The pH scale is 0 to 14, a reading less than 7 is...

Alkaline (Basic)

The pH scale is o to 14, a reading greater than 7 is...


The pH scale is o to 14, a reading of 7 is...


The plant process that increases plant numbers usually from seeds.


The process by which food moves within a plant from one plant part to another.


The process by which minerals and water enter the plant through cell walls.


The process by which plant roots take in water and air


The process that occurs in the stems where plants lose water from their leaves through evaporation


The process through which plant leaves, stems and roots consume oxygen and give off carbon dioxide.

Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K)

Three primary nutrients (macronutrients)

"I move"

Two words that must be said to start a motion


Type of insect that damages plants by carrying diseases from other plants


Type of insect with toothed jaws

Simple Majority

Type of vote required for Amend

Simple Majority

Type of vote required for a Main Motion


Used to monitor pest populations in gardens

Leaf cuttings

Usually propagated from herbaceous plants like African violet and philodendron or snake plant and jade plant.

Methods of Voting

Voice- aye (pronounced "I") for yes, or "no."; Rising- standing or show of hands.; Secret ballot- written vote.; Roll call- secretary asks each member to state vote.

Raised Bed

Walt built a garden structure that was easy for his elderly father to access and convenient to water and harvest. What type of garden structure did he build?


What type of gardening structure would the Carpenters use to save valuable garden space?

Roof Top

When David and Vicki constructed their garden, they wanted a garden that would not take up space in their yard, use as little weight as possible and incorporate windbreaks into the garden design. Why type of garden structure did they use?


When plants are lacking in nutrients


Which stage of development is missing in incomplete metamorphosis


Zinc (Z) : Macronutrient or Micronutrient?


___ of the speech grabs the attention of your audience.


___ or impromptu speeches are given with little or no forethought.


___ speeches are given to change or sway someone mind of the audience to align with the message of the speaker.


___ speeches give information.


___ texture soils have high moisture holding capacity


___ vary from unskilled to highly skilled depending on the career in horticulture. A materials handler needs few skills, but an inspector needs many skills to check for quality, for insects or diseases or for following governmental rules.


____ of the speech begins with the main points of your speech, arrange them in logical order.


____ of the speech summarizes the main points of your speech.

Lateral buds

are buds on side of stem.


are plant stems that have vascular bundles each bundle contain both xylem and phloem. They produce one seed leaf. Examples are grasses and corn.


are small green particles that contain chlorophyll, give leaves their green color and are necessary for photosynthesis.

Lady beetles or lady bugs

both adults and larva feed on soft bodied insects (aphids), mites and eggs.

Prevention of pests

can be controlled by using cultural methods such as crop rotation, pest resistant varieties and planting pest-free rootstock.

Restricted Use

can be purchased by a licensed certified applicator only, but may be applied by or under the direct supervision of a licensed certified applicator.

Garden center employee

cares for plants, moves plants and supplies, arranges and displays plants and supplies, and sells plants and supplies.

Grounds maintenance employee

cares for the land area and plants that surround a business, school, church, industry or other public or private places that have lawns and plants that have to be maintained (includes IPM).


check plants and materials for disease, insects and other quality issues.

selective herbicide

chemical kills only certain types of plants


comes from the Latin word meaning "garden cultivation".


conditions such as high moisture and warm temperatures create a favorable ___ for diseases


converts sugars and starches into energy.


deciduous ground cover, 3" wide, 7 long leaves grown in a whorled pattern, some plants are solid green some are variegated


Stage of development when insects are worms

Asexual Propagation

Starting plant by means other than seed.


Sulfur (S) : Macronutrient or Micronutrient?

Piercing & Sucking

Aphids are what type of insect

Mosaic virus

Disease spread to plants by cigarettes


Lee and Julia just bought a town home with limited garden space. What would be the BEST type of garden for Lee and Julia?


Potassium (K) : Macronutrient or Micronutrient?

Root cuttings

Should be spaced three inches apart in rooting area.

Winged Euonymus

medium deciduous shrub, brilliant red leaves in the fall

Japanese Barberry

medium deciduous shrub, small spines and ¼" red berries

5.5 to 7.0

Most flowers and shrubs prefer a soil pH range of ___ to ___


Advantage or disadvantage of sexual reproduction?: It is easy to do. Examples of plants started by seed are marigold, impatiens, begonia, coleus, salvia, shasta daisy, and pansy.


Advantage or disadvantage of sexual reproduction?: It is economical.


Advantage or disadvantage of sexual reproduction?: It is fast way to get many plants.


Advantage or disadvantage of sexual reproduction?: Some plants are difficult to propagate from seeds.


Advantage or disadvantage of sexual reproduction?: Some plants, especially hybrids, do not reproduce true to parents.


Allows members to add strike and/or substitute words to the original motion.

"harden off"

Before planting in the outdoor environment, reduce humidity and water and make the environment more like the outside

Robert's Rules of Order

Book of authority, Assures that all sides of an issue are treated fairly and that everyone has an opportunity to discuss and vote.


Boron (B) : Macronutrient or Micronutrient?


Bracts, Needles and scales are modified ___.


Can only have ___ main motion on the floor at a time.


Carl is researching gardening. He has decided the one that best fits his situation is the most traditional way to plant; rows with a two foot gap between each row. The BEST type of garden structure for Carl to use is;

Roof Top

Cathy and Chris incorporated windbreaks in their garden design. What type of garden structure did they use?


Changes the intent of the original motion.


Chemical Label: Least Toxic

Non-selective herbicide

Chemical that kills all plants


Chlorine (C) : Macronutrient or Micronutrient?


Christmas season plant, red, pink or white leaves called bracts

Phosphorus (P)

Deficiency symptoms are 1) Decrease in growth. 2) Slow to maturity. 3) Older leaves are purplish color.

Potassium (K)

Deficiency symptoms are 1) Mottled, spotted streaked or curled leaves. 2) Scorched, burned dead leaf tips or margins.

Nitrogen (N)

Deficiency symptoms are1) Sick yellow-green leaves.2) Short stems, small leaves, pale colored leaves and flowers.3) Slow and dwarfed plant growth.


Develops leadership, citizenship, cooperation, communication skills and teamwork

Mosaic virus

Disease symptoms are distorted patterns of mottled colors from dark green, light green, yellow and white on young leaves

Bacterial Blight

Disease symptoms are plants quickly turning brown and look burned

Damping Off

Disease where seedlings rot at soil level

4 Main Objectives

Focus on one item at a time. Extend courtesy to everyone. Observe the rule of the majority. Ensure the rights of the minority.

Fertilization rate

Found in soil test report

Problem Bed(s)

If having trouble in some of your flower beds you should send a soil sample from...


Iron (Fe) : Macronutrient or Micronutrient?


Is a form of grafting when a bud is used instead of a scion.


Is joining separate plant parts together so that they form a union and grow together to make one plant.


Magnesium (Mg) : Macronutrient or Micronutrient?


Manganese (Mn) : Macronutrient or Micronutrient?


Maples and fruit trees, sweetgum (fruitless sweetgum), and pecan are examples of plants that are typically propagated by ___.


Meaning of skull and crossbones on chemical label


Molybdenum (Mo) : Macronutrient or Micronutrient?


Phosphorus (P) : Macronutrient or Micronutrient?


Plant most affected by tobacco mosaic virus

Hardiness Zones

Plants are categorized by zones based on the average minimum temperature.


Plants generally go ___ in response to adverse conditions such as extreme heat or cold.


Smallest soil particle

2 inches

Soil Samples collected for lawn/turf should be taken ___ shallower than samples for your garden / field crops

Main Motion

Presents an idea, opinion or action for consideration to the group of members.

2/3 vote

Requires a ___ to stop discussion.

600,000 (largest youth organization in the U.S.)

Rounding to the nearest hundred thousands, how many FFA members are there in the National FFA?


Rounding to the nearest thousands, how many FFA chapters are there in the National FFA?

Non-selective herbicide

Roundup is an example of this type of herbicide


Ruthie created a garden on her deck using a whiskey barrel. What type of garden structure did she use?


Sandy soils have high or low moisture-holding capacity

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