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Chapter 8

Hosea warns (trumpet) and gives God's reasons for their punishment: transgressed the covenant, rebelled against the law, they cried to say they knew God (they should have known) but their actions prove otherwise. They set up their own kings/ made their own princes, worshipped idols, therefore the Lord will reject them as they have rejected Him. They have sown the winds of folly and vanity, now shall reap the winds of wrath and destruction. The Lord is going to deliver them into the hand of the enemy for punishment because they have forgotten Him.

Chapter 2

Israel's apostasy is portrayed here under the figure of a wife leaving her husband for others (gods and foreign nations) the prophet pleads with the people to reason with one another and repent of the spirit of religious harlotry (idolatry) in their hearts and dependence on things other than Him. God will use the judgment which Israel brought upon themselves and the punishment to be discipline to woo or lead her/them back to Him. Out of discipline/tribulation will come and open door of hope. (Achan in the valley and punishment for sin)

Chapter 9

Israel's exile and captivity is foretold. No reason for rejoicing for their spiritual whores, on threshing floor , wages of a harlot., deities were closing linked to the agriculture. Because Israel had been unfaithful to God, they would be carried away into Assyrian bondage where they would be unable to make acceptable offerings or approach God, worshipping Him properly. Because they were worshipping Baal Peor, they separated themselves and became an abomination like the thing they loved. Because of their wickedness of their evil deeds, God drove them out of His house and will love (care) them no more.

Chapter 6

Chapter begins with a call to repentance. He has torn/stricken us but will heal/bind us. Let us pursue knowledge. Then we see the impenitence of Israel and Judah. Their faithfulness is like the morning dew (fades fast). Lord has sent His word through prophets, desired mercy more than sacrifice, knowledge more than offerings. But they dealt treacherously with God, evil doers, robbery, even priest murder. The harlotry (pride and idolatry) of Ephraim/Israel defiled.

Chapter 12

Charges are brought against Israel and Judah for their sins, and the just punishment of God for their ways/deeds. The examples of Jacob and wilderness wanderings with Moses should have taught them to live faithfully and righteously. They should repent from sin and observe mercy and justice. God has spoken by the prophets, visions, symbols, they witnessed. They ignored and still provoked the Lord and He will leave the guilt on them and return His reproach.

Chapter 5

Their will be impeding judgment upon Israel and Judah. The warning is proclaimed to the priests, people and rulers. The do not direct their deeds toward turning to God. Spirit of harlotry is in their midst. Pride and hypocritical worship testifies that there destruction is inevitable. ** first Israel than Judah, because they have broken spiritual boundaries (landmarks) of God's law, the must be allficted/punished in order that they repent and seek God.

Chapter 7

God desired to heal Israel, but could not do to their actions: iniquity, wickedness, fraud. They do not consider the Lord watching and remembering their deeds. The hearts/actions of the people are so passionate for evil/ the love their sin, (Hot oven metaphors) Ephraim (pride) they mixed among the people (nations) is like a cake unturned. (Burned up and good for nothing- useless) They will be devoured by their futile reliance/alliances with other nations.

Chapter 4

Here we begin with the charges against Israel. we can see/read the cause and the result of judgment from God. The charges are: no truth or mercy; by swearing, lying, killing, stealing. Adultery, break all restraint. Their rejection will result in them being rejected. Mainly because of the lack of knowledge and fear of the Lord they will be destroyed. As if priests encouraged sin, to reap from their sacrifices, the people embraced sin. With increased people sin increased. The just punishment for their sin and idolatry could not be argued. Judah is warned to pay attention not to follow or be seduced by their idolatry. The Lord will leave Israel ashamed of their practices and alone without help.

Chapter 3

Very short chapter completes the heart-rending personal story/metaphor account of Hosea's marriage. Hosea redeems Gomer. Gomer is chastened in order that she may repent. The account ends with assuming Gomer's reconciliation. It also symbolizes God's dealing with adulterous Israel ending in Messianic blessings. "They shall fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter days"

Chapter 11

We see God's continuous love for Israel. Hosea shows how Israel repaid the Lord for all the proofs of His love- with ingratitude and unfaithfulness. God taught/fed them through prophets, but will worship idols (Baals/carved images) and choose Assyria to be king. Israel deserved punishment, maybe total destruction, but God's love and faithfulness will execute His justice (judgment) and/but also justify (mercy) on the faithful.

Chapter 14

When God's people shall have humbled themselves and turned to Him in penitent thanksgiving, he will shower them with His love and blessings. Repent, pray/praise to the Lord for forgiveness and grace. Mercy is found in God. The Lord will heal, love and turn away His anger. The Lord will provide for their sustenance and they will be revived. With all the blessings Israel will wonder why they served idols. The wise understand the way of the Lord is right.

Chapter 1

Hosea is commanded to marry a "harlot", which symbolizes the attitude and sin of the people of Israel to God. The prophet is commanded to give the children symbolic names depicting God's attitude toward the idolatrous people. "Jezreel" = judgment "Lo-Ruhamah" no mercy. At the end of the chapter and after the judgment there is announcement of deliverance and covenant fulfillment to spiritual Israel. then they will again be His people and mercy will be shown.

Chapter 10

Israel's sin and captivity: Israel's ingratitude for the blessings of God. Their deceitful and hypocritical ways, outward appearance of well-being but inward corrupt, lawless and idolatrous and about to be in anarchy "we have no king" (swear falsely idol worship=calves). The punishment will be so severe they want the mountains and hills to fall on them and cover. The Lord is going to chasten them and put them to task in hard labor/toil. Sow righteousness/ reap mercy, break up your fallow ground (turn over sin infested soil of their hearts) they had sown wickedness and will reap the consequences. If they seek the Lord can reap blessings, the time is now!

Chapter 13

Relentless judgment on Israel vividly described (lion, leopard, wild beast). They exalted themselves in the blessings of God, forgetting the prosperity came from Him. Turning to pride, to idols, would bring on the righteous anger/wrath of a jealous God. There is no other god or savior but the Lord- He is their King. God's judgment would cause Israel to cease as a kingdom/nation for their sins. The king was their idea and now he would take him away. God would provide a way of redemption for the individuals that would be faithful.

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