Hospitality and Tourism Cluster Exam Part 2

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Why do many businesses store information in a computerized database?

To maintain client lists One use of a computer database is to store information about the business's customers. A database allows a business to add and update information and to organize it in many different ways.

Emergency procedures that involve escape and evacuation because of fire or natural disasters usually include plans for identifying

Travelers with disabilities Being able to respond to emergency situations is an important consideration in the travel and tourism industry. Many people travel throughout the world, which means that natural disasters and fires are potential dangers.

To perform a proper data analysis, the researcher should be

Unbiased For data analysis to be performed properly, the researcher should be unbiased, nonjudgmental, trained, and consistent with the information and results.

To increase efficiency among channel members, which type of software allows for the secure transfer of information via the Internet:

Virtual private network Software refers to the programs that instruct computers to perform specific operations. Software that instructs the computer to transfer certain information to specific computer systems through a secure Internet exchange is a virtual private network (VPN).

Participating in school-operated programs such as the school store or library is one way that students might obtain

Work experience There are several ways to obtain work experience without having a paying job. One way is to participate in school-operated programs, such as the school store or library. Students who help in the school store learn how to operate cash registers, complete sales transactions, and serve customers.

Some job application forms ask why the applicant left a previous job. Which of the following would be an acceptable answer to this question:

"I was seeking a job with more responsibility." This is a positive response which indicates that the applicant is interested in getting ahead and is willing to accept additional responsibility.

A customer hands a cashier a coupon for 20% off the price of a CD player. If the retail price of the CD player is $180, what is the price of the item after processing the coupon?

$144 Although many businesses have cash registers that automatically calculate numerical data such as percentages, others might require the salesperson to calculate the discount and process the coupon.

Which of the following examples illustrate the concept of product in the hospitality industry:

A bed and breakfast advertising private baths and a fireplace in each room This illustrates the product element of marketing in the travel industry. The product is the accommodations.

What is the typical effect of an economic slowdown on the hospitality industry?

A decrease in the number of guests and an increase in the number of rooms available A decrease in the number of guests occurs during economic slowdowns because people are reluctant to spend their discretionary income on travel.

Darryl works in purchasing and is currently accepting bids for an upcoming project. What is an ethical issue he may encounter during this process?

Bribery Bribery occurs when one party makes illegal payments to secure business in return. As a purchaser, Darryl might receive offers of bribery from suppliers that are looking to gain an edge over competitors by offering him money on the side.

During certain times of the year, Sparkle Janitorial Supply Company keeps extra mop buckets and cleaning carts on hand to avoid customer backorders. What type of inventory is the company maintaining?

Buffer A business carries buffer inventory when the supply of and demand for goods are uncertain. If the demand goes up, and supply goes down, having buffer inventory helps the business to cover its needs until supply is stable and available.

If a company wants to promote specific products to previous customers, what would be the best way for it to obtain the necessary data for a mailing list?

By searching its own customer database A company's own customer database should contain the names, addresses, and previous sales history of previous customers that can be used to create a mailing list for specific products.

Which of the following data collection methods would best measure actual repeat business:

Collecting data on product purchases from loyalty programs Loyalty programs are designed to track the shopping behavior of consumers and can measure the transactions of actual repeat business. Tracking cookies from web browsing activity provides helpful information about a customers' web activity, but it does not offer the same detailed information provided by a loyalty program.

Project managers usually evaluate project results by

Comparing project standards with actual performance Standards are specifications or statements that are used as a basis for making comparisons or judgments. Project managers often use standards as the basis for evaluating project results.

When processing a room reservation by telephone, the hotel reservationist should provide the guest with a(n)

Confirmation number at the end of the call Confirmation numbers are codes that hotels use to validate and track guests' reservations. When taking guests' reservations, the hotel reservationist should provide the guest with a confirmation number near the conclusion of the call after the terms of the bookings have been set.

When marketing researchers review the level of affiliation between two variables, they are evaluating the ___________ of data components.

Correlation In terms of marketing research, correlation is the dependency of one variable on another variable or set of variables. The level of dependency can vary greatly. To predict means to estimate.

Before creating a media presentation, you should first plan the text and illustrations for the presentation by

Creating a storyboard Creating a storyboard helps you to plan the text and illustrations for a presentation and also plan the work that will need to be done to create the presentation. Developing a schedule can help with the planning of the work but does not help plan the actual content.

Because a normally stocked item is backordered and a customer needs to get the item as soon as possible, Barston Distributors asks its vendor to ship the item directly to the customer when it is available. What type of purchase order does this exemplify?

Drop shipment. Direct shipping involves bypassing delivery to the intermediary (Barston Distributors) and delivering the product directly to the customer. An open order is an order for staple goods that is placed with one of several available vendors who can meet the business's immediate requirements (e.g., time, price, quantity).

Cocoa Bean Coffee Café posts the following statement on its website: "Cocoa Bean Coffee Café does not share its customers' names, email addresses, and telephone numbers with others without obtaining customers' consent." This is an example of a business exhibiting __________ behavior in relation to __________.

Ethical; information management Information management is the process of accessing, processing, maintaining, evaluating, and disseminating the business's knowledge, facts, or data. The café is exhibiting ethical, cautious, and judicious behavior by implementing policies to protect its customers' information.

Employees have the right to

Form unions Employees have the right to join or support a union. They do not have the right to not be fired. Employees are generally not permitted to view any human resources file they wish.

One of the reasons that direct mail is frequently used as a promotional method by hotels/motels is that

Hotels/Motels usually keep guest history records Guest history records contain the names and addresses of individuals who have been guests in the hotel or motel. This provides a mailing list of people to contact through direct mail.

Risk managers often use computerized catastrophe modeling to estimate the losses that their company could suffer as a result of

Hurricanes, earthquakes, and terrorist attacks Risk managers use computerized catastrophe modeling to estimate the losses that their company could suffer as a result of a natural disaster or other significant calamity, such as a terrorist attack.

Before producing and selling a product, which of the following should marketers do first:

Identify the market for the product Marketers need to know who the potential buyers are, how many there are, and where they are located before they select products to produce and/or sell. If there is no demand for a product, it will not sell.

Which of the following is a true statement about a project plan:

It is a roadmap A project plan is a set of living, related documents that serve as a roadmap for the project from beginning to end. Every successful project relies on a good project plan. A project plan shows the balance between flexibility and strategy, but it does not emphasize one over the other.

Which of the following is an example of ethical behavior in human resources management:

Judging an employee on the basis of work performance Ethics are the basic principles that govern your behavior and involve acting in ways that distinguish right from wrong. In human resources management, ethics involve doing what is right by treating all employees fairly.

The manufacturer of a defective clock refused to honor the clock's guarantee and give the customer a refund. The customer's right to demand satisfaction from the clock manufacturer is known as

Legal recourse Legal recourse is the right to file a lawsuit against a company that does not fulfill its obligations under a warranty or a guarantee. A guarantee is a promise made by the seller to the consumer that the seller will refund the consumer's purchase price if the product does not perform as expected.

Which of the following is the process that involves bringing together the resources that are needed in the production of goods or services:

Management Management is the process of coordinating resources in order to accomplish an organization's goals. The functions of management include planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling.

The primary reason for a business to carefully track all of its vendors' invoices is to

Monitor and control expenses An invoice (bill) documents how much a customer or client owes for the goods or services a business provides. To operate, a business orders office supplies, outsources services (e.g., legal advice), leases equipment, etc.

A primary reason hospitality employees and businesses join professional or trade organizations is to

Obtain further education and certification Trade or professional organizations consist of individuals or groups that work within a particular industry. Benefits of belonging to a professional organization include networking opportunities, the establishment of consistent industry standards, trade shows, and venues for members to further their education (e.g., seminars, workshops, classes, certification) within the industry.

Quality management must begin at which level of a company?

Organizational Quality management must begin at the top—at the organizational level. The company's top managers must make a commitment to customer satisfaction through quality, and they should let that commitment serve as a guide for important decisions.

Which of the following areas of product/service management is important in attracting customers and in protecting products:

Packaging Packaging is placing the product in a protective wrap or container before it is offered for sale. It is an area of product management that has increased in importance as the number of items available to consumers has increased.

Simon is creating a report for his boss and comes across a passage he wants to use in the report: "Time stands still for nobody, and yet we all think it revolves around us." He changes the passage to "We all think time revolves around us, but it doesn't stand still for anybody" and references the source in the document. Simon is

Paraphrasing Paraphrasing is restating a message in other words in order to confirm or clarify its meaning. Quoting involves duplicating an exact passage and attributing that passage to the original author.

A new airline offers much lower fares than its competitors to attract potential travelers. This is an example of

Penetration pricing This strategy is used to gain quick recognition from travelers and to acquire an immediate slice of the market share.

To help maintain a secure work environment, a large amusement park is likely to require all of its employees to

Present their photo identification cards when they report for work Terrorism and other threats of violence are primary security concerns for hospitality and tourism businesses. Amusement parks often employ hundreds of people, so it is difficult for managers to know all of the employees personally.

If a hotel is trying to predict the future revenue generated for hotel bookings, which of the following sources of secondary data would be most useful:

Previous fulfilled hotel reservations Previous fulfilled hotel reservations are considered secondary data because they have been previously collected, and they can provide insight into trends that can help predict future revenue.

As a result of increasing competition, many segments of the hospitality industry are emphasizing promotional efforts to focus on

Price As more hotels enter the hospitality marketplace, competitors are looking for ways to keep their hold in the marketplace. In the past, the hotel industry tended to focus promotional efforts on their products and unique services.

Luke is a purchasing department employee who must complete his inventory report by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday. He must also collect bids and place orders for staple items by Wednesday at noon. Because Luke knows that it will take a while to obtain the bids, he decides to start contacting vendors before he begins working on his inventory report. Luke is __________ his workload.

Prioritizing Prioritizing involves ranking things in the order of their relative importance. When employees prioritize their work, they evaluate several factors, including due dates and the time it will take to complete a task.

A company manager recognizes that an employee only delegates tasks to people of a certain race. Which of the following is likely to be the most effective manner for the manager to deal with this situation:

Privately address the behavior directly with the employee If a manager observes biased, preferential, or racist behavior, s/he should address it directly with the employee so s/he understands the practice is not accepted or tolerated.

Which of the following is an example of a current trend in business:

Protecting consumer privacy Businesses are becoming more concerned with ways of protecting consumer privacy because of the new technology that makes it easy to gather and disseminate personal information.

Which of the following is an example of a business using technology to improve the efficiency of its salespeople:

Providing laptops, tablets, and smartphones Laptops, tablets, and smartphones allow salespeople to have instant access to company databases and software. This enables them to update information quickly and place orders on the spot.

You look up to your older brother and his group of friends. Sometimes, what they buy influences what you buy. This is an example of a

Reference group Your older brother and his friends are a reference group. It's a group you aren't a part of but would like to be. Their behavior can influence your buying decisions.

A company that reevaluates a brand's characteristics, quality, and benefits in order to change the image of the brand is __________ the brand.

Repositioning Companies attempt to reposition products in order to update a sagging image, to boost sagging sales, to prolong the life of a brand, to fill a market niche, or to be competitive.

What activity are Nikki and Josh performing when they read over a scenario and then act out the parts in a training class?

Role-playing Role-playing is the process of assuming roles and acting through a given situation. Josh and Nikki read a scenario and role-played the parts.

What might businesses lose if their employees are injured on the job and are unable to work?

Sales Businesses may lose the opportunity to make sales if injured employees cannot be present to carry out their duties. Lost sales usually result in less profit, which can be a serious problem for a business.

A local chamber of commerce plans a street festival to appeal to community members and business owners. This is an example of which of the following membership benefits of a business alliance organization:

Sales promotion events Local sales promotion events are sometimes sponsored by business alliance organizations (e.g., local chamber of commerce) to stimulate business for their members.

What is the primary function of the Random Access Memory (RAM) component of a computer?

Serves as a temporary holding area for files and programs Random Access Memory, or RAM, is a temporary workspace that stores data and programs that the user is actively using. A computer containing a lot of RAM enables users to open and work on several files and programs at one time.

How can a business sell more goods to increase profit quickly, but do so without increasing expenses?

Set lower prices Businesses need to consider how many products they can sell at certain prices in order to select the most appropriate selling price. It might seem that a business would always choose the highest selling price.

Some properties make it easier for guests to get to and from their destinations by providing ______________ services.

Shuttle Shuttle services provide a means of transportation for guests and their baggage when the property is located far away from popular destinations such as the airport. Valet services are responsible for cleaning guests' garments so that guests don't have to obtain access to laundry facilities.

Akua is in charge of supervising the entire process of getting products into the marketplace, otherwise known as the flow of goods. Akua's job title is most likely

Supply Chain Manager A supply chain manager is in charge of supervising the entire process of getting goods into the marketplace, including coordinating with other companies and vendors. A line supervisor supervises a given team, or line, to ensure quality and productivity.

It is appropriate for an employee to report his/her employer's noncompliance with health and safety regulations when

The employer does not take steps to correct the issue Businesses must follow certain health and safety regulations to ensure a safe working environment for employees. When employers do not follow regulations, it is important to take action to correct the situation.

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