How a Bill Becomes Law 2.0

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Bills are proposed in one of four forms:

- Bill - Joint Resolution -Concurrent Resolution -Simple Resolution

Methods of Voting

- Viva voce (voice vote) -Division -Recorded


A majority of the members must be present to meet quorum. Official business can only be conducted when a quorum is present.

private bills

Affect a specific individual or group

public bills

Affect the general public


After debate, the Speaker asks if the bill shall be read a third time. If so, only the title of the bill is read. is the Speaker deems necessary, voting on a bill may be delayed up to two days. Votes are tallied, and if a majority of the House votes in favor of the bill, it passes and is sent to the Senate. If the bill does not receive enough support, but the Speaker feels the bill should become a law, it is send back to Committee for revision. Otherwise, the bill dies.

Committee of the Whole

Bills are allowed to be debated with only 100 members of the House present instead of the normal quorum required.

Consideration and Debate

Bills are returned to the House and debated by a Committee of the Whole. The bill is read aloud, section by section, for members to propose amendments to be made. Members proposing and supporting amendments are each allowed to speak for five minutes. The Committee of the Whole then determines if the amendment will be accepted or rejected. The Committee of the Whole then 'rises' and symbolically returns back to the full House. Bills can also be sent directly to the House. When debating bills in the full House, members are allowed to debate for 60 minutes instead of 5.

Joint Resolution

Can originate in House or Senate, but not both. Require Presidential approval to become law


Can originate in House or Senate. Can be public or private. To become law, must be approved by House, Senate and President.

Bill Returns to House

If the House receives a vetoed bill back from the President, the Speaker may let the bill die, send it to Committee, or return it back to the House floor for a vote. To override the Presidential veto, the bill will need to pass by a 2/3 majority in both Chambers of Congress.


If the President does not approve the bill, he must return it to its Chamber of origin with his objections within 10 days.

Pocket Veto

If the President receives the bill and does not sign it or return it to Congress within 10 days (excluding Sundays), it becomes law as long as Congress remains in session. If Congress recesses before the 10 days have passed, the bill dies.

Bill Returns to House

If the Senate passes the bill, its version is sent to the House along with their original bill. If the Senate has made any changes, the House must then agree to those changes for the bill to pass. If the Speaker decides the amendments made by the Senate require further research, the bill can be sent back to Committee again.

Senate Action

If the bill passes in the House of Representatives, it is then sent to the Senate. A Senate Committee reviews the bill before it proceeds to the Senate floor for a vote. The Senate considers and debates each amendment separately before the bill is voted on. The Senate typically votes by voice.

Introduction of a BIll

In the House of Representatives, any member, delegate, or resident commissioner may introduce a bill at any time when the House is in session. The member places the bill in the 'Hopper'. The member introducing the bill is its primary sponsor, and any number of members may cosponsor. Title of the bill is entered into record in the House Journal and Congressional Record. The bill is assigned a legislative number and given to the appropriate committee.

Simple Resolution

Legislation addressing a matter affecting either the House OR the Senate. Simple Resolutions only need to pass in the one Chamber that is affects.

Concurrent Resolution

Legislation addressing a matter affecting the operations of both the House and Senate. Voted on by both Chambers of Congress and do NOT need Presidential approval to pass.

Which branch of the government makes and enacts laws?

Legislative; Congress

Beginning of the Bill

Most common points of origin are Members and their constituents. Representatives propose or support bills based on the support of their constituents.

Presidential Action

Once both Chambers have signed off, the bill is delivered to the White House. The President has three options. S/He can - Pass the bill - Veto the bill - Pocket veto If the President vetoes the bill, it is sent back to the House.

Bill Goes to Committee

The Chairman of the Committee receives a copy of the bill and it is placed on the committee's calendar. The Committee will seek expert input and edit the bill as needed. When needed, the bill is sent to a subcommittee for further analysis through research and hearings. When the bill is approved by Committee, it is sent back to House for debate. If the legislation is not needed, it dies in Committee.

Voice Vote (viva voce)

The Speaker asks members who support the bill to respond "Aye" and those who oppose to say "No"


The Speaker says, "To those in favor, rise and stand to be counted", and then repeats the process for those who oppose the bill.


The most common way to collect votes. Members slide their electronic voting cards into a machine and select, 'yea', 'nay', or 'present'. They may also complete a paper ballot for the tally clerk to record.

Bill is Enrolled

When both Chambers agree on identical versions of the bill, a copy is presented to the President. The final copy is printed on parchment paper and certified by the Clerk of the House. The Speaker signs that the copy of the bill is accurate and then passes it to the President of the Senate for signature.

Bills regarding revenue always begin in.....

the House of Representatives.


wooden box on the side of the Clerk's desk where a bill is officially introduced

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