How to Flirt with Girls

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Oh boy! You're talking about yourself Od!! What do you do?

Ask her questions about herself and listen don't keep talking about yourself if you've been talking for too long. Convos are 50/50 buddy

It's been a few days after the group hang out and you guys have been talking on snap. Everything is going well! What should you do?

Ask her to hang out! But don't let it be weird. Find something you would both find fun. Ex. If she hates soccer don't bring her to play soccer. Ex.2 if she likes sushi and you like sushi bring her to get sushi! BUT make sure you have convos to talk about homeboy. Otherwise you gonna be like 👁👄👁

The convo starts getting awkward? What do you do?

Excuse yourself in a polite way. Ex: I have to go get something from my car

The convos and the night went great! You guys have friends in common! Should you invite her to hang out for the first time in a group or one on one?

Feel it out! If you don't know her too well a group hang out is a better route. It takes pressure off. From there you ask her to hang one on one. Chances are if you j met the girl that night you want to go for the group method.

The convo is kinda dying on snap what should you do?

Find a way to keep the convo going in a natural way! If it's clear she's into you don't let it die. Keeping it going shows you like talking to her.

It's the end of the night! What should you do?

Get her snap! Pro girl tip: wait the next day to snap her! Girls lowkey like guys better who don't give them attention at first idk why. So wait it out before hitting her up.

You see a girl you want to talk to wyd

Look for a good opportunity to go introduce yourself

Should you snap her face photos or snap text?

Snap reg photos! Don't be sus!

You introduced yourself! What's a good question to ask her?

Something basic but can make the convo go further. Ex: what's your major?

The Convo goes well! What should you do next?

Transition the convo that relates to the old convo but is something different. Ex: if soccer was talked about talk about if she likes other sports, has she played other sorts, if she were to play another sport what sport would she play.

Are Anna and Nico good dating coaches?

Yes. If you answered no then Anna will make sure your chances of getting with a girl she knows are slim to none buddy. Give us the respect we deserve or you get another cone in the bedroom.

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