HRCA Bible Quiz Questions (Old Testament)

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What does Proverbs 4 say is the beginning of wisdom?

"Get wisdom"

How did Isaiah respond when God asked for someone to help?

"Here am I. Send me!"

What line is repeated 26 times in Psalm 136?

"His love endures forever."

What did God say his name was?


What were Joseph's first words when he revealed his identity to his brothers?

"I am Joseph!"

What did the tribes name their altar?

"A Witness Between Us--that the LORD is God"

Deuteronomy 6 says to love the Lord your God with what three things?

All your heart, soul, and strength

What were the people talking to and saying, "Wake up!"?

A lifeless stone

Who did the priests descend from?


How much money did Zechariah receive, which also matches how much Judas was paid to betray Jesus?

Thirty pieces of silver

How old was David when he became king?

Thirty years old

How old was Saul when he became king?

Thirty years old

How many sons, donkeys, and towns did Jair have?

Thirty, thirty, thirty

How many total kings did Joshua and the armies defeat?

Thirty-one kings

What did God angrily give the Israelites but later take away?

A king

What kind of ruler did the Israelites want?

A king

What position of royalty did God say the people would want when they entered the promised land?

A king

What year-old animal needed to be sacrificed every morning?

A lamb

What did David call the Lord because he turns darkness into light?

A lamp

What did Job feel he had become to his friends?

A laughingstock

Whose field is covered with thorns and weeds?

A lazy sluggard

God said he could make the sinful Israelites afraid of what sound?

A leaf blowing in the wind

What did God provide Jonah for shade?

A leafy plant

What animal did Jeremiah say cannot change its spots like the people can't change their ways?

A leopard

A king's rage is like the roar of what animal?

A lion

God said he would become frightening to Ephraim and Judah like what kind of animal?

A lion

What animal did Samson tear open with his bare hands?

A lion

What animal is not afraid of being surrounded and outnumbered, just like God?

A lion

What did Benaiah kill in a pit on a snowy day?

A lion

What killed the man of God when he disobeyed the Lord?

A lion

Psalm 91 says if we have faith, we can tread on what fierce king of the jungle and what deadly reptile?

A lion and a cobra

To what animal did Jacob compare Judah's ancestors?

A lion cub

What animals looked like three of the "beasts" in Daniel's dream?

A lion, a bear, a leopard

God compared the mother of the princes of Israel to what animal and to what plant?

A lioness and a vine

To keep the Sabbath day holy, what did the people need to stop carrying?

A load

What kind of tree decorated the gates and courtyards?

A palm tree

What was baby Moses put into when he was placed in the Nile?

A papyrus basket

The writer of Psalm 78 said he would open his mouth and say what?

A parable

God said Eliakim's strong leadership would be like what driven into a firm place?

A peg

Malachi compared God's ability to cleanse to what two jobs that use fire and soap?

A refiner and a launderer

What "righteous" part of a tree did God call the one who would sit on David's throne?

A righteous Branch

God said the people's peace is like what body of water when they listen to his commands?

A river

In his vision, what did Ezekiel see flowing out from under the temple threshold?

A river of water

Achan stole what article of clothing from Jericho?

A robe

What object did God tell Moses to strike to produce water?

A rock

With whom do people seek an audience?

A ruler

On the Day of Atonement, Aaron took two goats, one of which was called a _____ goat.

A scapegoat

What did God compare the people's idols to -- something that farmers use to keep birds away?

A scarecrow

What item was placed outside Rahab' window to indicate she lived there?

A scarlet cord

When the men surveyed the land, what did they write their information on?

A scroll

Tamar asked Judah for three items. What were they?

A seal, a cord, and a staff

Whit what weapon did Edom pursue his brother?

A sword

With what weapons did God threaten the land of Israel in chapter 21?

A sword

Which instrument did David play?

The lyre

What does a fool say in his heart?

"There is no God."

What weapon won't cause Assyria to fall?

A human sword

David was upset that he lived in a house of cedar and the ark lived where?

A tent

Like what piece of camping equipment does God stretch out the heavens?

A tent

What weapon did Jael use to defeat Sisera?

A tent peg and hammer

What fraction amount of the grain must be set aside for a tithe?

A tenth

About how many Israelite men left Egypt?

About 600,000

Who in Ezekiel's family died, and God told him not to mourn loudly?

His wife

Who was offended by David's dancing around the ark?

His wife Michal

What killed 24,000 people?

A plague

Who started the battle between Ahab and Ben-Hadad?


What took nine months and twenty days to count?

A census of all the fighting men

What kind of fiery vehicle showed up to take Elijah away?

A chariot of fire

What kind of heart is good medicine?

A cheerful heart

Which animal do the people growl like?


Hadad, Solomon's adversary, was from which nation?


What caused Abram (and later Jacob's sons) to travel to Egypt?

A famine

What did God do on the seventh day of creation?

He rested

What did God want the people to wash from their hearts?


In the time of Nehemiah, who was the priest and teacher of the Law?


At what age did Joshua die?

One hundred and ten years old

God called the people stubborn like what farm animal?

A heifer/cow

What stuck out of each corner of the altar?

A horn

What kind of person should you not make friends with?

A hot-tempered person

What will God's house be called for all nations?

A house of prayer

To what did the writer in Psalm 5 compare the throat of his enemy?

An open grave

The people were called heartless like what bird in the desert?

An ostrich

God said a sinner's heart burns like what kitchen appliance?

An oven

The writer of Psalm 102 felt like what kind of bird who lives in the desert?

An owl

Name the son born to Adam and Eve after Abel died.


What animal should not be muzzled when treading out the grain?

An ox

An Israelite was not to plow with which two animals yoked together?

An ox and a donkey

What weapon did Shamgar use to defeat 600 Philistines?

An oxgoad

The people were being disciplined like what kind of unruly animal?

An unruly calf

Who was the leader of the tribe of Reuben?


Who mocked Job in song?

Young men

What did the Reubenites, Gadites, and half-tribe of Manasseh build that made everyone angry?

A huge altar

What swallowed Jonah?

A huge fish

God said he did not like or change his mind like what?

A human being

This servant's appearance was so disfigured, he didn't look like what?

A human being

How many Assyrians did the angel put to death?


What were two women arguing over?

A baby

What did Haman have constructed in order to kill Mordecai?

A pole

What nation did Ben-Hadad lead?


To what did the Babylonians change Daniel's name?


What was the place Luz also known as?


Who hates knowledge?


Which tribe was the firstborn from Joseph?


What part of Moab's "body" would be broken?

Her arm

Who ate the bread of angels?

Human beings

His kingdom stretched from Cush to which other country?


Where must the Passover meal be eaten?

Inside a house

What was used to decorate Og's bed?


Who was Moses' mother?


Who was Noah's dad?


Name the man from Ephraim who hired a Levite to be his priest.


How long must a burnt offering be kept on the fire?


What do drunkards and gluttons eventually become?


While hard work leads to a profit, what does mere talk lead?


What bird did God blow into the camp for the Israelites to eat?


Who was Jacob's first son?


When Abram believed the Lord, what was credited to him?


What sound became Job's daily food?


What did Shimei throw at King David?


Into what did God want the plowshares made?


How many horns did the fourth beast have?


What must a person yell out to others if they had a skin disease?

"Unclean! Unclean!"

What does the word manna mean?

"What is it?"

What is the first commandment?

"You shall have no other gods before me"

What does Rebekah have on her shoulder when she is introduced in the Bible?

A jar

What cheers up an anxious heart?

A kind word

In the last line of the book of Judges, what does the Bible say Israel didn't have?

A king

Samaria made an idol in an image of what baby animal?

A calf

After Sarah died, who did What was Rebekah riding when she saw her future husband, Isaac?

A camel

How many Benjamites died in the first battle?


How many years after the Israelites left Egypt did construction start on the temple?

480 years

What was the final count of the second census?


How many total Israelite men were present in Numbers 2?


How many carriers carried the stones for the temple construction?


How many total men were there to serve and carry the tent of meeting?


What kind of animal did Rachel ride during her escape?

A camel

What did God ask for a second time?

A census

Deuteronomy 23 says you can enter a neighbor's vineyard and eat his grapes, but don't put any into a what?

A basket

If anyone interfered with the temple rebuilding, where was a beam to be pulled from, on which the accused was impaled?

A beam from their own house

Trying to run from God would be like fleeing from a lion but meeting what ferocious animal?

A bear

According to Psalm 133, what did Aaron have on his face?

A beard

Which article of clothing did God ask Jeremiah to buy and bury in the rocks?

A belt

What did the people make and sign with God at the end of chapter 9?

A binding argument

After someone was cleansed from a disease, the priest was to take what animal and release it into the fields?

A bird

The writer of Psalm 124 felt like what kind of animal that escaped a fowler's snare?

A bird

What did Jacob steal from Esau by deceiving Isaac?

A blessing

What color cloth was placed over the altar and other holy things when it was time to move?

A blue cloth

What did God tell Jeremiah to write in chapter 30?

A book

With what weapon did Jehu kill King Joram?

A bow and arrow

God promised to sweep away Babylon with what household tool?

A broom

If the whole community sinned unintentionally, what kind of animal was sacrificed?

A bull

What animal needed to die if it gored someone?

A bull

What did Saul offer up because Samuel was late?

A burnt offering

When the ark arrived in Jerusalem, David gave everyone two cakes made of what?

A cake of dates and a cake of rasins

What kind of town could a person go to if accused of killing someone?

A city of refuge

What was the name of the type of town a person who was accused of murder could go to and be safe?

A city of refuge

Where could a person accused of murder run to?

A city of refuge

What did Jeremiah buy then break in front of the elders and priests of Jerusalem?

A clay jar

God said that the troops and many nations would be like what covering the land?

A cloud

What did the writer say God covered himself with so no prayers could get through?

A cloud

When the tabernacle was first set up, what covered the tent of meeting?

A cloud/the glory of the Lord

After Joseph died, in what was he placed?

A coffin

What kitchen item did God compare Jerusalem to in a parable?

A cooking pot

What did God want made and put on the head of the priest Joshua?

A crown

In Jeremiah's vision, what did he take from God's hand?

A cup

With what weapon did Joab kill Amasa?

A dagger

What kind of ear did the writer of Psalm 83 not want God to have?

A deaf ear

What did Michaiah say God put in the mouths of the other prophets?

A deceiving spirit

What kind of spirit was put in the mouths of Ahab's prophets?

A deceiving spirit

David felt his feet were like which animal's, allowing him to climb to high places?

A deer

The writer said God made his feet to be like what forest creature?

A deer

What animal pants for streams of water?

A deer

What kind of animal gets trapped in a noose, according to Proverbs 7?

A deer

A male animal given as an offering must be without what?

A defect

Who was the one shepherd God prophesied in Ezekiel, who would shepherd over his people?

A descendant of David/Jesus

What animal returns to its vomit like a fool returns to his folly?

A dog

God said that King Jehoiakim would have a burial comparable to what kind of animal?

A donkey

To what animal did Jacob compare Issachar's ancestors?

A donkey

What kind of animal did Balaam talk to?

A donkey

With what did Samson kill 1,000 men?

A donkey's jawbone

What did Zechariah prophesy that a king would ride into Jerusalem one day?

A donkey/colt

The writer of Psalm 141 compared his lips to what part of a house?

A door

The man compared her eyes to what bird?

A dove

What disaster was so bad that a doe would walk away from her fawn in the field?

A drought

What was Nisrok, which Sennacherib was killed in front of?

A false god

In his vision, Ezekiel saw a Woman mourning Tammuz. What was Tammuz?

A false god/idol

What did God tell Jeremiah to buy from his cousin?

A field

What were Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego thrown into but did not get burned?

A fiery furnace

How much more must a person pay back the person they cheated?

A fifth more

What's the one thing the Israelites could not light on the Sabbath?

A fire

What flaming object did God place to guard the people from the tree of life?

A flaming sword

In his vision, what did Zechariah see flying in the air?

A flying scroll

The Lord wanted to turn the enemies into what piece of furniture?

A footstool

What did God promise would open up and cleanse the people of their sin?

A fountain

What animal did Tobiah say could cause this wall to fall?

A fox

What kind of freedom did God proclaim to the disobedient people?

A freedom to die by the sword, plague, and famine

Elijah did not hear God in the wind, earthquake, or fire, but in what?

A gentle whisper

In another vision, Daniel saw a ram battling what other animal?

A goat

Joseph's brothers put the blood of what animal on his torn coat?

A goat

What animal's skin did Jacob put on his hands and neck so they felt like Esau's?

A goat's skin

Who was Nisrok?

A god the Assyrians worshipped

The king of Tyre is described as what kind of Cherub?

A guardian cherub

How much does a beka weigh?

A half shekel

God's heart for Moab lamented like what musical instrument?

A harp

How much taller was Saul than everyone else?

A head taller

If the people serve other gods, what did God promise to turn the temple into?

A heap of rubble

God promised to remove a heart of stone from the people and replace it with what kind of heart?

A heart of flesh

What kind of a tongue does God hate?

A lying tongue

In Ezekiel's vision of a man like bronze, what was in the man's hand?

A measuring rod and a linen cord

Who did Saul contact in Endor?

A medium/spiritist

What did a woman drop from the tower to kill Abimelek?

A millstone

Who can never be more righteous than God?

A mortal

Enemies will be eaten up like what kind of insect that eats up a piece of clothing?

A moth

To what insect's "home" did Job compare a wicked man's home?

A moth's cocoon

If someone became poor and needed to sell property, who must come and buy it?

A nearest relative

What will God spread out to catch Babylon in its snare?

A net

God told the people to get rid of sin and get two new things. What were they?

A new heart and a new spirit

What kind of song does Psalm 96 say we should be singing?

A new song

Psalm 92 says the righteous will flourish like what kind of tropical tree?

A palm tree

A person will do wrong in order to gain what piece of food?

A piece of bread

What did Moses throw into the waters of Marah to take away the bitterness?

A piece of wood

When Lot's wife looked back at the devastation, what did she turn into?

A pillar of salt

What did Hiram king of Tyre build for David in Jerusalem?

A place

What type of structure was used to worship the god Asherah?

A pole

What kind of craftsman's house did Jeremiah visit to watch him work with clay?

A potter

What did Isaiah have put on Hezekiah's boil to heal him?

A poultice (or mixture) of figs

What does the writer of Psalm 51 want God to create inside him?

A pure heart

What did God put in the sky after the flood to remind the people of his promise to them?

A rainbow

What instrument was to be sounded during the New Moon?

A ram's horn

What are the first two birds mentioned in the Bible?

A raven and a dove

What color heifer was offered as a sacrifice?

A red heifer

What was the main object in the king's mysterious dream?

A statue

God said Egypt will hiss and run away like a what?

A serpent

God said Israel could try to hide in the sea, but what would he command to bite them?

A serpent

The writer of Psalm 119 said he strayed like what kind of animal?

A sheep

The people wandered about like sheep because they didn't have what?

A shepherd

What was Amos' original job?

A shepherd

What object did Samuel name Ebenezer?

A stone

Who could eat the guilt offering?

Any male in the priest's family

To what military weapon did the writer of Psalm 144 compare God?

A shield

If the people disobeyed God, he promised to send them back to Egypt in what kind of vessel?

A ship

What did Isaiah compare Israel to by using words like oars, rigging, and mast?

A ship

What did Job think his friends would plunge him into after he took a bath?

A slime pit

Out of what kind of a pit did God pull the writer of Psalm 40?

A slimy pit

The writer of Psalm 58 wanted his enemies to melt away like what slimy creature?

A slug

God promised that nations would lick dust like what creature?

A snake

What did God turn Moses' staff into?

A snake

Drinking wine was compared to the bite of what animal?

A snake/viper

What did Elisha predict that the Shunammite woman would have in her arms?

A son

In a fit of anger, what did Saul throw at David?

A spear

Bildad called a nonbeliever's trust as fragile as what insect's web?

A spider's

What did Moses use to hit the rock so water would flow out of it?

A staff

What did she call him that is another name for an adult male deer?

A stag

In Jacob's dream at Bethel, what did he see reaching from heaven to earth?

A stairway

What will shine in the sky over Jacob, which became a prophecy for Jesus' birth?

A star

A person was not responsible for killing what kind of person if the death happened at night?

A thief

How much olive oil was added to the grain offering?

A third of a hin

How many years in God's sight are like a day to God?

A thousand

The writer of Psalm 84 thought that one day with God was better than how many days anywhere else?

A thousand

On how many hills does God own all the cattle?

A thousand hills

What did Joshua inherit from all the land the Israelites received?

A town, Timnath Serah

What could be cut down but spring forth with the scent of water?

A tree

What did Absalom's hair get caught in?

A tree

What instrument sounded the call that the sword was coming?

A trumpet

Whose sons were the first priests of the tabernacle?

Aaron's sons

What did Naboth own but refuse to give to King Ahab?

A vineyard

A wicked man looks for food like what bird of prey?

A vulture

Micah told the people to shave their heads and be as bald as what bird?

A vulture

In the city of Aphek, what collapsed on 27,000 people?

A wall

What forged item will never prevail against God's people?

A weapon

What did the woman pretend to be when she met King David?

A widow

God described a time of peace when we'll see a lamb and what other animal eating together?

A wolf

To what animal did Jacob compare Benjamin's ancestors?

A wolf

In his vision, who did Zechariah see inside a basket?

A woman

What did Gideon lay out overnight and ask that it be dry from dew?

A wool fleece

The writer of Psalm 22 said he was not a man but a what?

A worm

How old were the lambs that were sacrificed?

A year old

To what piece of farming equipment did God compare the Israelites' slavery?

A yoke

What did God tell Jeremiah to make and put on his neck?

A yoke

Whose staff budded?


Of all the judges, which had the most donkeys?

Abdon, with 70 donkeys

Who was the priest that brought David the ephod?


Who saved Nabal's life by feeding David's army?

Abigail, his wife

Which one of Rehoboam's sons took over the throne when his father died?


In whose house did the ark sit for twenty years?


Who saved David during battle?


Who struck down 18,000 Edomites in the Valley of Salt?


Who defected to David's side after being offended by Ish-Bosheth?


Who killed Asahel?


Who was Tamar's brother?


What news did a Cushite and Ahimaaz deliver to David?

Absalom was dead.

What kind of wood was used to make the ark of the covenant?


What kind of scales did God tell the people to use from now on?

Accurate scales

Who was the first human on the earth?


What skill did Ishmael develop while living in the desert?


Besides Absalom, which of David's sons thought he should be king?


What did Ahithophel and Hushai give Absalom?


A nation experiences victory when it has many what?


Isaiah 29 is the only place in the Bible where David's city is called by what other name?


When the men of Judah arrived at the battle, what condition were their enemies in?


The cords of what entangled the writer of Psalm 116, bringing him close to the grave?


What was described as expanding its jaws and opening its mouth wide?


What was the punishment for someone who cursed his mom or dad?


Whose house did Elisha prophesy that Jehu would wipe out?


Who was the prophet that Jeroboam's wife visited?


After Jericho, where was the second battle the army fought, but lost?


On what did the writer of Psalm 143 meditate?

All God's works

Who did God say would laugh at Israel because of what happened to her?

All nations/countries

When God comes, which of these disabilities will be healed? -Blindness -Deafness -Lameness -Muteness

All of them

Which of the following were kings of Persia during the book of Ezra? -Cyrus -Xerxes -Artaxerxes -Darius

All of them

According to Psalm 139, what is written in God's book?

All our days

What did Josiah have removed from the temple?

All the articles for the false gods

King Jehoash of Israel attacked Jerusalem and took what from the temple?

All the gold, silver, and articles

What did Manasseh rebuild that his father Hezekiah tore down?

All the high places/altars to idols

What did God promise to crush to pieces and not leave standing?

Altars to other gods

What word did the writer of Psalm 106 want everyone to say?


Which nation did God punish before Babylon, because they invaded Israel?


Which nation did King Sennacherib lead?


What two enemies could not enter the assembly of the Lord?

Ammonite and Moabite

Who did Absalom have killed for the crime against his sister?


Who was David's firstborn son?


Where on earth should God's name be known?

Among the nations

Who was Isiah's father?


The Edomites thought they were safe like what kind of bird building its nest on high?

An Eagle

Who was Hophra?

An Egyptian pharaoh at the time of Jeremiah

The fangs of what creature will kill the godless person?

An adder

What did David build on that threshing floor?

An altar

What did David build on the threshing floor of Araunah?

An altar

What did King Ahaz make a sketch of that he asked the priest to construct?

An altar

Hosea reminded readers that Jacob struggled with God and who else was seen by God?

An angel

What did God promise to send ahead of the Israelites to protect them?

An angel

What is a cherub?

An angel

What did David see standing at the threshing floor of Araunah?

An angel of the Lord

Who shut the mouths of the lions while Daniel was in the den?

An angel sent by God

Who told Manoah and his wife that they would have a son?

An angel/man of God

The woman compared the man to what fruit tree?

An apple tree

What did God tell Noah to make out of cypress wood?

An ark

What did Moses make to put the Ten Commandments in?

An ark

What killed King Ahab in battle?

An arrow

What kind of tool was used to pierce a servant's ear?

An awl

What tool, if sharpened, requires more strength and skill to use it?

An axe

What tool did Elisha cause to float in water?

An axhead

Gideon took gold and made which piece of priests' clothing out of it?

An ephod

What kind of covenant did God want to make with his people?

An everlasting covenant

What could God not find up and down the streets of Jerusalem?

An honest person

What did King Nebuchadnezzar make and ask everyone to worship?

An image of gold

What will God swallow up forever?


In Jotham's story, what kind of tree did the trees first want to make king?

An olive tree

What kind of heart did the writer of Psalm 86 desire?

An undivided heart

Who came to meet Jacob at a place he named Mahanaim?


In addition to people, what else did God promise to multiply in Israel?


What two insects did the writer call small yet wise?

Ants and locusts

What feeling should we banish from our heart?


What exotic animals did Solomon's trading ships bring back?

Apes and baboons

The writer wanted to be kept as the __________ of God's eye.


What nation did Asa rely on instead of God?


God described the people's tongues as being like what deadly weapon?


Job felt that God had fired what two pointy objects into him?


During Uzziah's reign, they made devices to shoot and hurl what objects from the walls?

Arrows and stones

Jonathan sent signals to David by firing what weapon?

Arrows from his bow

What was the name of the king of Persia who sent Nehemiah to Jerusalem?


Like the witless can't be wise, a donkey can't be born as a what?

As a human

How was Joshua described by the end of his book?

As a very old man

How far has God removed our sins (transgressions) from us?

As far as the east is from the west

Which warrior was described as fast as a wild gazelle?


What kind of poles did King Asa cut down?

Asherah poles

From which nation did king Sennacherib come?


From which nation was King Sennacherib?


Hosea predicted that Israel would be carried off to which country?


What country invaded Israel but left when paid a thousand talents?


What country would invade like bees and cut off beards?


Which country took two and a half tribes into exile?


Which nation did God call the rod of his anger?


Where did David promise Mephibosheth would always eat?

At his table

What's the name of the book that has all the blessings and curses?

The Book of the Law

Who wrote down Jeremiah's words on a scroll then read them out loud?


In chapter 45, for whom did God have a special message?

Baruch, Jeremiah's secretary

Which enemy did David defeat in the Valley of Rephaim?

The Philistines

The writer of Psalm 74 said the enemies behaved like men wielding what tool?


Jehu tore down the temple of which god?


Name the god whose altar Gideon tore down.


To what false god did the Israelites yoke themselves?


What were the names of two gods God promised to wipe out?

Baal and Molek

Hezekiah mistakenly showed all his gold to envoys from which country?


Into which country were the people taken captive because of their unfaithfulness?


Jeremiah wrote a letter to the exiles living where?


To where did Nebuchadnezzar deport thousands of Israelites?


What "jewel of kingdoms" will be overthrown by God?


What country eventually took over Jerusalem?


What nation did God say would defeat Egypt?


Does God think witchcraft, spells and sorcery are good or bad?


God made the good times and what other times?

Bad times

Who did the king of Moab ask to put a curse on the Israelites?


Who died in the Midianite battle (hint: he had a talking donkey)?


What was the healing ointment found in Gilead called?


After the people fasted and prayed, from whom did God protect the Jews on their journey?

Bandits and enemies

God called Israel's watchmen dogs who cannot do what?


What kind of grain did Boaz winnow?


Which one of these owls was NOT mentioned in Isaiah? -Barn owl -Desert owl -Great owl -Screech owl

Barn owl

What two precious metals did God say the Egyptians would give to the Israelites?

Silver and gold

Who did David see bathing on her rooftop?


Who spoke to David about their son becoming king?


What did the priest Pashur do to Jeremiah because he didn't like Jeremiah's prophecies?

Beat him and locked him up

What did Esther need to complete for twelve months before she saw the king?

Beauty treatments

Why did God want his people to be holy?

Because he is holy

Why did God tell the people not to be afraid?

Because he was with them

Why did the Kohathites not receive oxen and carts to help them carry things?

Because they had to carry the holy items by hand/on their shoulders

What musical instrument was sewn into the hem of the priests' robes?


Moses said the Amorites attacked like a swarm of what?


Where did the musicians perform before Solomon built the temple?

Before the tabernacle/tent of meeting

What is Bel?

Bel is a false idol.

During the first trip made by Joseph's brothers to Egypt, which brother stayed behind?


Which tribe brought offerings on the ninth day?


Which tribe did Saul belong to (hint: it was the smallest of all the tribes)?


Where did the Babylonians defeat the Egyptians in battle?


Where did Moses ask to put the Book of the Law once it was written?

Beside the ark of the covenant

In which town did Samuel find David?


Salma was the father of what person with the same name as David's birthplace?


This prophecy in Micah 5:2 came true when Jesus was born in what town?


What city did Naomi and Ruth move to?


Which two people did God choose to make the items for the tabernacle?

Bezalel and Oholiab

The prophets and priests grope about in the streets as if they were what?


With which disability did Elisha strike the entire Aramean army?


What did God change the Nile's water into?


When the Moabites saw the water in the valley, what did they think it was?


To purify the altar, what did the priest put on the four horns and four corners of the altar?

Blood of a sacrifice

With what should a city not be built?


What three colors of yarn were found in the tabernacle curtain?

Blue, purple, and scarlet

Who owned the field that Ruth worked in?


What did Mordecai refuse to do when Haman passed by?


Who was the only female judge?


"The _______ of the LORD will be beautiful and glorious."


During Passover, what did the Israelites eat for seven days without yeast?


The writer of Proverbs 30 did not want riches, and instead only wanted what food daily?


What did God tell Ezekiel to make from wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and spelt?


What did the priest give David to eat?


What food did Job believe he never kept from the fatherless?


What food item did the baker dream about?


What two food items did Melchizedek bring to Abram?

Bread and Wine

Job said if he did any wrong, then what weed could grow instead of wheat?


What was the Tower of Babel made from?

Bricks and tar

What were the wash basins made from?


With which metal was Huram an expert craftsman?


There is a time to tear down and a time to do what?


What did Saul do for the first time in chapter 14?

Build an altar

Who rejected the stone that later became a cornerstone?


What four animals were offered as a sacrifice every day for the Festival of Tabernacles?

Bull, ram, lamb, goat

What five kinds of animal sacrifices did most tribes bring?

Bull, ram, lamb, goat, ox

God said people use half the wood to make an idol and the other half to do what?

Burn a fire for fuel

How was Ahab randomly killed in battle?

By an arrow

How did God believe the people showed contempt for him?

By offering defiled food and offerings

Which of these traps did Bildad NOT mention? -Net -Noose -Snare -Cage


Who committed the first murder in the Bible?


Obil the Ishmaelite was in charge of this kind of animal.


When judging the Ammonites, God said he would turn their land into a pasture for what animals?

Camels and sheep

What was the name of the land God promised Abraham?


Who did Moses appoint to help him lead the people?

Capable men, who became judges and officials

Which two spices are mentioned in Isaiah 28 that you could find on your spice rack? -Cayenne -Caraway -Cumin -Curry

Caraway and cumin

Once the ark rested in Jerusalem, what did the Levites no longer need to do?

Carry the tabernacle and articles of service

Which three animals were sacrificed by the thousands during the dedication?

Cattle, sheep, goats

What building supplies did Solomon ask King Hiram to provide?

Cedar and juniper trees

Name three trees mentioned in chapter 14.

Cedar, olive, juniper

The Amorites were described as being tall as what kind of tree?


When the fig trees fell, what did the arrogant people say they would replace them with?


God promised to demolish what weapons attached to horses?


In addition to horses, what were the Egyptians riding when they chased the Israelites to the Red Sea?


What does God have that numbers tens of thousands and thousands of thousands?


What was God describing when he mentioned galloping steeds and rumbling wheels?


What "magical" objects did the women put on their wrists?


Job felt like he was being curdled like what food?


Which food did David take to the commander on the front lines? -Cheese -Peanut butter -Beef jerky


What did the people burn in the fire for the god Baal?


Who is a heritage from the Lord, according to Psalm 127?


What did Nahum say the enemies will do when they hear of Nineveh's fall?

Clap their hands

What role did Nebuzaradan play in Nebuchadnezzar's army?

Commander of the guard

What do evil people's feet rush to do?

Commit sin

What won't be able to save the people, so they should just throw it into the streets?

Silver and gold

What are the Bear, Orion, and Pleiades that are mentioned in chapter 9?


Pharaoh's dream contained skinny and fat ______.


What was the writer of Lamentations doing so much that it caused his eyes to fail?


The temple was 100 ____ long and 100 ____ wide.


What was Nehemiah's job for the king?


What were the professions of the other two prisoners Joseph met in prison?

Cupbearer and baker

What nation had tall, smooth-skinned people with strange speech?


God called Egypt a great cedar, but one day what would a ruthless nation do to it?

Cut it down

What future king of Persia did God call his anointed?


God said he would melt Israel like what kinds of metal in a furnace?

Silver, copper, iron, lead, tin

Saul's head was hung in the temple of which god?


In which Philistine god's temple was the ark placed?


Which tribe did Moses call a lion's cub?


Into what did God's love turn the writer's wailing?


God asked the king of Tyre if he was wiser than what Old Testament hero?


Which tribe's land was inside the land of Judah?

Simeon's/the Simeonites'

Who was the king when Zechariah received his first vision?


What covered the earth until God's light appeared?


The writer of Psalm 89 said the line of which biblical king would continue forever?


Who was Ruth's great-great grandson?


Who did God promise to raise up for the people so they could serve him?

David their king

Whose fallen shelter did God promise to restore?


What did Joab, Abishai and Ittai command?

David's troops

The king wrote a new edict that allowed the Jews to do what?

Defend themselves from attack

Samson fell in love with a woman from the Valley of Sorek. What was her name?


Who did Shechem, son of Hamor, want to marry?


When the guards saw Jeremiah leaving the city, what did they think he was doing?

Deserting to the Babylonian army

If you know God is there, at what two things will you laugh?

Destruction and famine

Which of these materials did David NOT provide to build the temple: gold, silver, bronze, diamonds, wood, stone, iron?


Which enemy territory did David live in to keep Saul away?

The Philistines'

What animals did the writer of Psalm 59 say his enemies snarl like?


What devoured Jezebel after she died?


What licked up Ahab's blood after he died?


Who was Jacob's only daughter?


Because of Josiah's humility, what did God not bring to Jerusalem in Josiah's temple?


What did God promise Josiah would not see because of Josiah's humility?

Disaster on the nation

What should we not despise from the Almighty?


God said the Israelites can eat an animal with what type of hoof?

Divided hoof

Who told Saul that he saw David with a priest?

Doeg the Edomite

What instructions did King Nebuchadnezzar give for the handling of Jeremiah?

Don't harm him and give him what he wants

What is the first commandment?

Don't have any other gods before God

What two types of birds could be offered as a sacrifice?

Dove or a young pigeon

What kind of bird's wings does the writer of Psalm 55 wish he had?

Dove's wings

If someone found an animal torn apart by other animals, what did God say a person could not do to that dead animal?

Eat the fat

When people of that day mourned, what two items of clothing did they take off?

Their turban and sandals

What was the nickname Joseph's brothers gave Joseph?


In chapter 37, Ezekiel saw a valley full of what?

Dry bones

A godless person will perish like his own what?


Which two of these was Jeremiah put in? -A pit of lions -A dungeon -A cistern

Dungeon and cistern

The people repented by wearing sackcloth and putting what on their heads?


Those who hope in the Lord will soar on wings like what bird?


What kind of bird carried a tree top that became a vine in God's story about the Israelites future?


From what piece of jewelry was the golden calf made?


Ezra was so upset at the people, what did he refuse to do?

Eat or drink

God will one day make deserts like what famous garden?


How many messages came to Haggai in this book?


Jehoshaphat called for a nationwide fast when what army moved toward them?


What nation did the Lord speak to Obadiah about?


From where did God transplant a vine?


God said he had been with the people ever since they came out of which country?


In chapter 20, Ezekiel reminded the elders that God saved the Israelites from what country?


Jeremiah told the people to stay under Babylonian rule and not flee to what country?


Jeroboam hid in which country?


Moses said to always remember what God did to Pharaoh and which country?


Out of which country did God call his son?


Pharaoh Necho was the king of what country?


Shishak was king of what country?


To what country did the slave traders take Joseph?


What country was Hagar from?


What nation was glad when the Israelites left?


What old enemy from the south attacked Jerusalem and King Rehoboam?


Which country, which they had just left, did God tell the Israelites not to be like?


Which nation did God call useless, Rahab the Do-Nothing?


God promised to bring the people back from which two areas?

Egypt and Assyria

Josheb-Basshebeth killed how many men in one encounter?

Eight hundred

How old was Josiah when he became king?

Eight years old

How old was Moses when he began to help the Israelites out of Egypt?

Eighty years old

How old was Caleb when he wanted to defeat the Anakites in the hill country?

Eighty-five years old

Who was the priest during the time of Joshua (and Moses too)?


How many years did Zedekiah reign in Jerusalem?

Eleven years

Name the priest Hannah gave her son to after he was born.


Who was the young man who stepped up and spoke when Job finished?


Which prophet wrote King Jehoram a letter of warning?


Which of Job's friends spoke first?


Which of Job's three friends did God speak to?


Who were Job's three friends that first comforted him

Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar

In Ezekiel's vision, how many faces and wings did the four living creatures have?

Four faces and four wings

When God's word leaves his mouth, how does it not return?


How many prophets showed up to call on Baal to light the fire?

Four hundred and fifty prophets

How many years did God say Abram's people would be captive in Egypt?

Four hundred years

What is the first city mentioned in the Bible?


From which Israelite tribe did Joshua descend?


The people of Edom came from what man in the Old Testament?


Who did Isaac ask to go prepare a meal for him before he died?


Who did the Edomites descend from?


Who was the father of the Edomites? (Hint: check Genesis 36.)


Who were the two sons of Isaac?

Esau and Israel (also known as Jacob)

Who will this leader magnify himself above and say he is greater than?

Every false god, and especially God

What did the four lepers discover in the Aramean camp?

Everyone was gone

What did the Ammonites want as part of a treaty?

Everyone's right eye

The days were so bad that both of the people's hands were skilled in doing what?


What did the four beasts represent in Daniel's vision?

Four kingdoms/kings

True or False: God felt sorry for the false prophets who led people to idols.


God said Judah had as many towns as they had what else?

False gods

What are Nergal, Ashima, Nibhaz, Tartak, Adrammelek and Ahammelek?

False gods

What was Abel's offering to God?

Fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock

What name did God hope the nation would call him?


Fill in the blanks: "So do not _______, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your ________."


Which Jewish celebration lasts seven days, but the Israelites at Hezekiah's time added another seven days?

Festival of Unleavened Bread

What will God rain down on the wicked?

Fiery coals and burning sulfur

How many shekels of silver did Hosea pay to buy back his wife?

Fifteen shekels

How many years did God add to Hezekiah's life after he prayed?

Fifteen years

How many years did God add to Hezekiah's life when he prayed while sick?

Fifteen years

At what age did a Levite retire?

Fifty years old

What was the oldest age a Levite could be to carry the holy items?

Fifty years old

How many days did it take to complete the wall?

Fifty-two says

What two kinds of trees did the locust eat?

Fig and olive

What were the first clothes in the Bible made from?

Fig leaves

In Jeremiah's vision, he saw two baskets containing what kind of fruit?


With what did God promise to pelt the city of Nineveh?


How many rows of precious stones were on the priest's breastpiece?

Four rows of three stones, making one stone for each of the twelve tribes.

Since Israel was going to be protected by God, what would they use for fuel in their fire?

Their weapons

The writer of Psalm 79 said God's jealousy burns like what?


What came out and consumed the burnt offering?


What did the cloud over the tabernacle look like at night?


When Solomon finished praying, what came down from heaven?


How were Job's sheep killed?

Fire from the sky burned them up

A person could dedicate a five-year-old male for how many shekels of silver?


How many daughters did Zelophehad have?


How many smooth stones did David choose?


How many sets of clothes did Benjamin receive from Joseph?

Five, while the others only got one

What streams out of the mouth of the Leviathan?


In what did Elihu say he was not skilled?


In Psalm 78, what insect did God send that swarmed and devoured them in Egypt?


God promised to make Ezekiel so tough that his forehead would be harder than what?


What did Elisha put in the deadly pot of stew to make it safe?


What two foods did Elijah promise would fill the widow's jars?

Flour and olive oil

For what reason was this servant pierced?

For our transgressions

Who did the Jews marry that made Ezra very upset?

Foreign women

How long will the writer of Psalm 89 sing of God's love?


How long will God's throne last?

Forever and ever

How many days and nights was Moses originally on the mountain with God?

Forty days and forty nights

God said the Israelites would not enter the promised land for how many years?

Forty years

How long did David reign as king?

Forty years

How many years did David rule as king?

Forty years

How many years did Solomon reign over Israel?

Forty years

How many total towns did the Levites receive?

Forty-eight towns

What animals did Samson tie torches to and let loose in the enemies' fields?


What was the name of the angel who interpreted Daniel's ram/goat dream?


Which angel showed up to Daniel a second time to give him insight?


The Bible says God talked to Moses like someone talking to a _______.


Put these three plagues in the order that they occurred after the Nile: flies, frogs, gnats

Frogs, gnats, flies

From only where should we drink our water?

From our own cistern/well

Which one of these was NOT the name of a gate in Jerusalem? -Front gate -Dung gate -Fountain gate -Valley gate -Fish gate -Horse gate

Front Gate

Name the prophet who gave David the three options.


What did Jacob call the place where he made a promise with Laban?


What did the writer say he was given to drink, which also was what Jesus was given to drink on the cross?


God said that the "king of Tyre" was in what famous place in Genesis?

Garden of Eden

Which articles of clothing did Elijah wear that John the Baptist also wore?

Garment of hair and a leather belt

What position did Elam, Eliehoenai, and Obed-Edom hold?


What position guarded the gates of the house of the Lord/the tent of meeting?


The man measured the courtyard of the temple, which had entrances known as what?


The Gadite warriors were described as being as swift as what animal?


Who did Nebuchadnezzar put in charge of all the people who were left behind in Judah after the exile?


Who was Elisha's servant, who took money for Elisha's services?


God looked at the earth and saw it formless and empty just like in which other book of the Bible?


What words written on a gold plate appeared on the priests' turbans?


Which city in Benjamin did the other tribes ambush?


Which judge did an angel call "mighty warrior"?


Where did God tell the Egyptians to go to get balm for healing?


Which animal's hair was used to make the tabernacle tent curtains?


The man compared the woman's hair to a flock of what animal?


Which animal was NOT counted in the exiles' possessions? -Camel -Donkeys -Goats


Elihu said our sin doesn't affect who?


Jacob called a place Peniel because he said he met who face to face?


Someone was called a "blasphemer" if they cursed who?


The ending of Ecclesiastes says to fear who?


The people wanted a king, but who was already their king?


Who did David say chose Solomon to become king and build the temple?


Who promised to cut down the Assyrians with the sword?


Who told Jeremiah to write down everything he said?


Who will people want to meet one day, by trying to get close to a Jewish person?


How far does God's love reach according to Psalm 36?

To the heavens

What message did Isaiah send to Hezekiah regarding Assyria?

God heard Hezekiah's prayer regarding Sennacherib

What is more precious than gold and sweeter than honey?

God's laws

What does the writer of Psalm 25 want God to teach him?

God's path

God would take out his vengeance on Babylon for what they did to what building?

God's temple

The people were living in paneled houses wile what remained in ruins?

God's temple

What of God's did the writer of Psalm 61 want to dwell in forever?

God's tent

Whose voice did Moses hear when he entered the tent of meeting?

God's voice

"And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty _______, Everlasting Father, Prince of _______."


Who was the chief prince of Magog?


A dart was a coin made from which precious metal?


From which metal were the altar, lampstands, and basin made?


The ark of the covenant was coated with what precious metal?


What is wisdom better than?


What material was used to create the lampstand?


What precious metal came from Ophir, which was used in making the temple?


What precious metal covered the inside of the temple?


What precious metal did Solomon received 666 talents (almost 25 tons) of per year?


What two valuable things won't save people on the day of the Lord?

Gold and Silver

What gold objects did David take from the officers of Hadadezer?

Gold shields

Which gold objects did David take from Hadadezer's officers?

Gold shields

What three precious metals did Bezalel use in his design?

Gold, silver, and bronze

What four metals was the object made of?

Gold, silver, bronze, iron

What golden gift did the Philistines return with the ark?

Golden tumors

Elhanan, one of David's soldiers, killed Lahmi, the brother of whom?


Who was the giant warrior from Gath?


Whose brother did Elhanan kill?

Goliath's brother

Whose sword did the priest have?

Goliath's sword

Who was Hosea's wife?


According to Psalm 53, there's not one person who does what?


What kind of news were the people bringing on foot from the mountain?

Good news

What kind of hurtful words are like tasty morsels?


In chapter 5, what political position was Nehemiah appointed?


To what role was Gedaliah appointed during the Babylonian rule?

Governor of the area of Judah

A Nazirite promised to not eat what fruit?


God said that when he found Israel, it was like finding what fruit in the desert?


Isaiah compared Israel to a vineyard where which fruit was grown?


What food did God tell the people not to pick a second time from the vineyard?


What two fruits did God promise would not grow because of the people's disobedience?

Grapes and figs

What three types of fruit did the spies bring back from the promised land?

Grapes, pomegranates, figs

After the dream, when the king was driven away from people, what did he eat like an ox?


The writer of Psalm 71 said he would not forget God when he was old and what color?


What color hair is a crown of splendor?


What nation was prophesied to come and defeat Persia?


Which nation did the goat represent in Daniel's dream?


Which prosperous island did Isaiah prophesy against?


What was Esther's other name?


Which two prophets, who have books in the Bible named after them, encouraged the people to continue building?

Haggai and Zechariah

Who led the horse through the streets?


Who was king's right-hand man in chapter 3?


Who was Nehemiah's brother?


God described his reach as a mighty ______ and an outstretched ______.


Which two parts of the body did Moses ask the people to tie his words to?

Hands and forehead

What was the name of the wife Elkanah loved and gave a double portion to?


Whose prayer is in Chapter 2?


Sanballat and Geshem asked to meet with Nehemiah, but what did they really want to do?

Harm Nehemiah

What three instruments did the musicians use when prophesying?

Harps, lyres, cymbals

Who did Elisha predict would become king of Aram after Ben-Hadad died?


Which nation headed up all the other nations wanting to attack the Israelites?


What happened to the first son born to Bathsheba?

He died

What did King Nebuchadnezzar do that restored his sanity?

He looked to heaven and praised God

What sign did God use to show Hezekiah that his promise was true?

He made the shadow/sunlight go backwards

What did David do with Bathsheba after she mourned her husband?

He married her

Why didn't Ahab like the prophet Micaiah?

He never prophesied anything good about Ahab

Why did Ahab not like the prophet Micaiah?

He only prophesied bad things about Ahab

What did Amnon pretend to be so Tamar could be with him?

He pretended to be sick

The prayer said that God brings people to the grave, and then he does what else?

He raises them up

What did King Hanun do to David's envoys who stopped by for a friendly visit?

He shaved them and cut their clothes in half

Jehoahaz king of Israel sought whose favor and was rescued from Aram?

He sought God's favor

How did God punish the people after the golden calf incident?

He struck them with a plague

Job said that God gives and also does what?

He takes away

What did Moses do to the Ten Commandments after seeing the golden calf?

He threw them and broke them

What role did Jehoiada hold when he proclaimed Joash as king?

He was a priest

Since Ezra was well-versed in the law, what job did he do?

He was a teacher/priest

What happened to Gedaliah?

He was assassinated.

What happened to the officer at the gate when the people ran out of the city?

He was trampled and died

Azariah told Asa if he sought God, what would happen?

He would find God

The leaves of the fruit trees Ezekiel saw in his vision were used to provide what for the people?


God said he wounds, but he also does what?


From where has the "morning star" fallen?


In what two places did God say the people won't find another god?

Heaven and earth

God promised to create a new ___________ and a new ________, where there's no weeping or crying.


What does Isaiah say that God will create new and that will endure? (Hint: this is also mentioned by the apostle John in the book of Revelations?

Heavens and earth

Who did Egyptians detest eating with?


Where was David anointed (after Saul died)?


Where were the great trees located, where Abram pitched his tent?


All the friends of this city have now become what to her?

Her enemies

Rebekah received a ring, which was for what part of her body?

Her nose

What part of her body did he compare to the tower of Lebanon?

Her nose

Who died the minute Jeroboam's wife arrived home?

Her son

Who in the widow's family did Elijah raise from the dead?

Her son

Which king did the Assyrians tell the people of Judah not to trust?


Which of these kings did right in the eyes of the Lord? -Ahaz -Hezekiah -Manasseh -Amon


Who was the king of Jerusalem when Sennacherib threatened to invade?


Who does God swear by?


To whom does the way of a fool seem right?

Himself/the fool

Which part of Jacob's body did an angel touch and cause Jacob to limp?

Hip socket

What did God promise to pour out on the people of Israel?

His Spirit

What did God say will kindle a fire and burn against the people?

His anger

The writer of Psalm 10 asked God to break which part of a wicked man's body?

His arm

What mighty part of God's body did he use to redeem his people?

His arm

Who did Saul tell to take his life?

His armor-bearer

Who refused to kill Saul when he was wounded in battle?

His armor-bearer

What did Jacob cross while blessing Joseph's sons?

His arms

What will God lift up to the people in victory?

His banner

Isaiah 50 talks about a man whose back was beaten and had what pulled off his face?

His beard

What part of the body did the writer of Psalm 34 say that God would protect and not break?

His bones

The Lord inflicted Jehoram with a disease infecting which part of his body?

His bowels

Who did Nehemiah appoint in charge of Jerusalem?

His brother Hanani

When Moses said he didn't feel comfortable speaking in front of others, who did God suggest could be his mouthpiece?

His brother, Aaron

What did Eli fall off of and die?

His chair

What did God promise Cyrus would rebuild?

His city/Jerusalem

When Ezra heard that the Jews disobeyed God, what did he tear?

His cloak and tunic

Who turned against the writer of Psalm 41?

His close friend

What did Mordecai tear when he heard the edict to kill all the Jews?

His clothes

Who did Caleb offer in marriage to the man who defeated the people of Kiriath Sepher?

His daughter

Who walked out to greet Jephthah when he arrived home from battle?

His daughter

Who did Saul want David to marry?

His daughter Mical

Shallum repaired a section of the wall with whose help?

His daughters'

What did David beat as fine as dust?

His enemies

Whom did the writer want God to pay back for all the mean things done to him?

His enemies

When Amaziah became king, he killed the people who'd murdered whom?

His father

What was Saul looking for that brought him to Samuel?

His father's donkeys

The writer said God's word was a lamp to which part of his body?

His feet

What did God use to inscribe the first two tablets containing the commandments?

His finger

What does a wicked man shake at God?

His fist

God promised to save his people one day like a shepherd would save his what?

His flock

If heaven is God's throne, what is earth?

His footstool

Who stayed away from the writer of Psalm 38 because of his wounds?

His friends and companions

Who did Asa kick off the throne for making a disgusting idol?

His grandmother, Maakah

Who did King Asa remove as queen because she made an idol?

His grandmother, Maakah

What did Absalom cut once a year because it became too heavy?

His hair

What did a Nazirite promise never to cut?

His hair

What did God tell Ezekiel to cut, burn, strike with a sword then throw to the wind?

His hair and bread

What did the writer say God turned against him again and again, all day long?

His hand

Which parts of the body did the writer of Psalm 22 say they pierced?

His hands and his feet

Moses poured the anointing oil on what part of Aaron's body?

His head

What failed Nabal so that he became like stone?

His heart

What did the writer of Psalm 26 ask God to examine?

His heart and mind

What two things did God tell David would endure forever?

His house and his kingdom

What does the writer of Psalm 51 want God to wash away?

His iniquity/sin

What did Job say he would maintain until he died?

His innocence/integrity

Which organs did Job say God had protected?

His kidneys

What of God's endures forever?

His love

What from God is new every morning?

His love/compassion

To whom does a foolish son bring grief?

His mother

Who sat in a throne at Solomon's right hand?

His mother, Bathsheba

From what did the writer of Psalm 119 never want the word of truth removed?

His mouth

According to Moses and Miriam's song, God pushed back the waters of the Red Sea with a blast from where?

His nostrils

Into which part of man's body did God breathe life?

His nostrils

The writer described smoke coming from what part of God's body?

His nostrils

What did Job want sealed up in a bag?

His offenses

Who assassinated Joash?

His own officials

God promised to have compassion as a father has compassion for who?

His own son

Hiram king of Tyre sent workers to build what for David?

His palace

What returned to the writer of Psalm 35 unanswered?

His prayers

Which part of Adam's body did God remove to create a woman?

His rib

David snuck into a cave and snipped a part off which piece of Saul's clothing?

His robe

Which article of Samuel's clothing did Saul tear?

His robe

We should sing to the Lord and proclaim what day after day?

His salvation

What did the commander of the Lord's army tell Joshua to remove because he stood on holy ground?

His sandals

When the king saw Esther, what did he extend to her?

His scepter

Who betrayed Mephibosheth?

His servant Ziba

What animals did Solomon import from Egypt?


What did Solomon have 12,000 of?


What did the writer of Psalm 32 confess and not cover up?

His sin and iniquity

Who did Abram tell the Egyptians his wife Sarai was, because he was afraid they would kill him?

His sister

What did the Lord promise to David regarding his throne?

His son and future descendants would sit on the throne forever.

King David wrote Psalm 72 as a prayer to what future king?

His son, Solomon

Who did the Babylonians kill before putting out Zedekiah's eyes?

His sons

Who were the only people in Aaron's family who could serve as priests?

His sons

Who buried Isaac?

His sons, Jacob, and Esau

What of Job's was broken?

His spirit

All humanity would perish if God withdrew what?

His spirit and breath

What did the writer of Psalm 31 put into God's hands?

His spirit and his times

Eleazar killed so many men, what did his hand freeze to?

His sword

What did the writer of Proverbs 7 say would be the "apple of your eye"?

His teachings/these teachings

What did the writer of Psalm 56 want listed on God's scroll?

His tears

What would stick to the roof of the mouth of the writer of Psalm 137?

His tongue

God said Judah has been unfaithful to God as a man is unfaithful to who?

His wife

If a person made a vow, what couldn't he break?

His word

What did God say was like a fire and a hammer?

His word

God said he touched Jeremiah's mouth and put what inside it?

His words

What did God promise would always be on the lips of his people and their children?

His words

What was God going to "pour our" on the land of Israel?

His wrath

What two military weapons do people tend to trust more than the name of the Lord?

Horses and chariots

The Lord told them to be alert when they see people transported by what three animals?

Horses, donkeys, camels

Since God is holy, what does he want us to be?


What was every tenth animal that passed under a shepherd's rod considered to the Lord?


What words will one day be inscribed on the bells of horses and cooking pots?

Holy to the Lord

God promised to gather all his people and bring them where?


The writer of Proverbs 24 said wisdom was like what sweet, tasty food?


What food did Jonathan eat after his father said the army could not eat?


What sweet-tasting food did Samson find inside the lion carcass?


Which two of these were Eli's wicked sons? -Hophni -Samuel -Elkanah -Phinehas

Hophni and Phineas

Who was the last king of Israel?


What temperature was the people's skin because of their hunger?

Hot as an oven

What was the ruined belt a symbol for?

How God was going to ruin Judah/Jerusalem

Who did Bildad call a maggot and a worm?

Human beings

Which of these faces appeared on the creatures Ezekiel saw in his vision? -Human -Sheep -Snake -Lion -Ox -Eagle

Human, lion, ox, eagle

The writer of Psalm 118 said it's better to be safe with God than to trust whom?


What did God make a little lower than angels?


What did the leaders of Jerusalem do that caused God's anger to turn away from them?

Humble themselves

God doesn't want us to call him "master", but instead to call him what?


Name the Arkite who met David with a torn robe and dust on his head.


What laughing creature would inhabit the desolate land of Babylon?


What was the name of the plant that was dipped in the cleansing water and sprinkled on people?


What weather condition does the breath of God produce?


What was the land full of, which the people's fingers had made?


All those who worship what will be put to shame?


God fulfilled prophecies so what could not take credit for them?


What will the virgin name her son?


Where did Jacob not want to be buried?

In Egypt

Where did the writer of Psalm 27 want to dwell?

In God's house/the house of the Lord

Where did God bury Moses?

In Moab

Where were the five kings hiding when Joshua found them?

In a cave

One day, the powers in heaven and the kings below will be bound and shut up where?

In a dungeon/prison

While David lived in a palace, where was the ark?

In a tent

Where did Jonathan and Ahimaaz hide from Absalom's men?

In a well

How was the Lord going to take Elijah away?

In a whirlwind

According to Elihu, how does God speak to people at night?

In dreams/visions

Where will the names of those who turned away from God be written?

In dust

Where did the writer of Psalm 119 hide God's word?

In his heart

In David's psalm, where was God when he heard David's voice?

In his temple

Psalm 95 says when we worship, we must put our body into which position?


Where did God hide Moses when God's glory passed by?

In the cleft of a rock

Where did Jeremiah deliver God's message to the people and they wanted to kill him?

In the courtyard of the house of the Lord

Where did Job know he would soon lie down?

In the dust

Instead of sitting on a throne, where did God tell the Babylonians to take a seat?

In the dust/on the ground

Where was this garden located?

In the east. in a place called Eden

God promised to bring down Babylon like what three animals led to slaughter?

Lambs, rams, goats

Where will Egypt meet other fallen nations like Assyria, Elam, and Edom?

In the realm of the dead/the pit

Where can't evildoers hide?

In the shadows/darkness

Where was Tobiah, the critic of rebuilding Jerusalem, offered a room in which to stay?

In the temple courts

What kind of animal sacrifices were the priests offering to God?

Injured, lame, and diseased animals

If an Israelite lent money to an Israelite, what could they not charge?


Where was Daniel thrown for violating the king's decree?

Into a lion's den

When a Nazirite had to shave his head, where did they put the hair?

Into the fire

Because of what Hananiah did, God promised to change that wood yoke into one made of what?


One person sharpens another person like what metal sharpens itself?


With what kind of metal were the Canaanite chariots made?


Name the prophet (who has a book of the Bible named after him) that prayed with Hezekiah for Assyria's destruction.


Which prophet, who has a book in the Bible, did Hezekiah turn to for help?


Who had a son named Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz?


Name Saul's son who opposed David?


What was the name of the child born to Hagar?


God called Ezekiel a "watchman" for what nation?


Jehoram, king of Judah, followed the ways of the kings of what other nation?


King Ahaz of Judah followed the idol worship of kings from which other nation?


What new name did God give Jacob?


A remnant of whose descendants will return home one day?


Whose name means "he laughs"?


Which tribe "understood the times"?


Which tribe had the most fighting men, as listed in their genealogy?

Issachar, with 87,000 men

What happened to the water when Elijah struck it with his cloak?

It divided

If a person has no hope, what happens to their heart?

It gets sick.

After spending 40 days and 40 night with God on the mountain, what did Moses' face look like?

It glowed/was radiant

What happened to a clay pot if an infected man touched it?

It had to be broken

If a house had mold that returned, what happened to it?

It had to be torn down

How long does God's word last?

It is eternal

Who did God say he kept sending to the Jews but they did not listen?


What happened to the king's hand when he tried to seize the man of God?

It shriveled up

All day long, what was happening to the name of God?

It was being blasphemed

The prophet described Nineveh like a pool, but what was happening to the water?

It was draining away

How did Job describe the way his friends console him?

It was nonsense

What did the king notice about Nehemiah's face?

It was sad

What did God say would happen to the temple if Israel followed other gods?

It would become a heap of rubble

How did Job describe midnight for thieves?

It's their morning

What part of the constellation Orion did God ask if Job could loosen?

Its belt

What did an ox know but Israel did not?

Its master

God accused people of being lazy and laying in beds adorned with what?


The people of which town gave Saul and his sons a proper burial?

Jabesh Gilead

Who was more honorable than his brothers and was born in pain?


What kind of wild animal would make their home in the desolate city of Hazor?


What were the names of the battling babies inside of Rebekah?

Jacob and Esau

Which tribes' tents did God say were beautiful?


What three items did Gideon's army use to defeat the Midianites?

Jars, trumpets, torches

In Exodus 34:14, God gave himself a new name. What was it?


What was the original name for Jerusalem?


What name did God want to give the child?


Which of these people was NOT a king of Judah? -Jehoiakim -Jehoakiah -Jechoiachin -Jehoahaz


Who did Awel-Marduk release and allow to dine at the table?

Jehoiachin, former king of Judah

What did the king of Egypt change Eliakim's name to?


Who put Ahab's family and Ahaziah to death?


Who did the people drive away then latere ask to come back to be their commander?


What prophet predicted King Cyrus' actions to allow the exiles to return to Jerusalem?


Which Old Testament book writer composed laments (sad songs) for Josiah when he died?


Who was the prophet mentioned by Daniel that spoke of the desolation of Israel?


According to 1 Chronicles 26, who had 2,700 relatives?


Which city did the two spies check out?


Who led a rebellion against King Rehoboam because of all the hard labor?


Who was going to rule the ten tribes of Israel?


Who was the king of Israel when Amos prophesied?


Whose entire family did Baasha kill?


Who was Jotham's father?


Because of Manasseh, God vowed to wipe out what city as one wipes a dish?


From which city did David flee when threatened by Absalom?


In Zechariah's vision, what city did the man with the measuring line measure?


The Jebusites would not move out of which famous city?


The people cast lots to decide which one out of ten would live where?


The temple was built in which city?


What city did God make like an unmovable rock that would hurt anyone who tried to move it?


What city in Zephaniah 3 disappointed God by not accepting his correction?


What city was Judah's "high place" for the worship of other gods?


What did God watch grow from a newborn to a queen?


What was the name of the fallen city in Lamentations?


What's another name for the city of Jebus?


Which city did Barzillai refuse to go to because he was so old?


Which city in Judah would be punished for their wickedness?


Who was David's father?


Whose "root" will one day stand as a banner for people?


The gospel of Matthew quotes Isaiah 42:1-3, saying this passage was a prophesy about who?


Who else in the Bible was "pierced" and was mourned for like an only son?


Who quoted Isaiah 61 and almost was thrown off a cliff?


Who was Moses' father-in-law?

Jethro, also known as Reuel

Who did Elijah say that dogs would eat by the wall in Jezreel?


Who had Naboth killed for vineyard?


Who was King Ahab's wife?


Who criticized David for mourning his son's death?


Who did Solomon have killed for murdering Abner and Amasa?


Who killed Abner for the death of his brother Asahel?


Who sent the woman to speak to David?


Who was hidden from his grandmother, Athaliah, so he wouldn't be killed?


Who was the boy who was rescued from being killed by his grandmother, Athaliah?


To whom did God say, "Do you have an arm like God's?"


Who did Pharaoh put in charge of Egypt because this person interpreted his dreams?


Who is the "Elijah" that Malachi prophesied would come, and who Jesus confirmed in Matthew?

John the Baptist

Who was the "messenger" that Malachi prophesied about, and who Jesus confirmed in Matthew?

John the Baptist

Who did the sailors throw into the sea during a storm?


Name Saul's son who warned David.


Who came and helped David find strength in God?


Who made a covenant with the house of David?


Who was King Saul's son?


Which son did Israel love more than any other?


Who did God promise would close Jacob's eyes when he died?


Whose bones did the Israelites carry with them out of Egypt?


Whose bones were finally buried in Shechem after a long trip from Egypt?

Joseph's bones

What item was found in Benjamin's sack that caused him to be kept behind?

Joseph's silver cup

What name did Moses give Hoshea?


What was the name of the high priest during the time of Haggai?


When Moses died, who took over as leader of the Israelites?


Who did God say should replace Moses when he died?


Who did Moses commission to lead Israel?


Who was Moses' aide since his youth?


Which two spies knew that God would defend them when they entered the promised land?

Joshua and Caleb

During the reign of which king did Jeremiah''s prophesies start?


Who was the king when Zephaniah wrote this book?


While the people cried over the city's fall, how did their enemies react?


Who was the first musician in the Bible?

Jubal, the father of all who played stringed instruments and pipes

Every fifty years was called the Year of _____.


David's brother Elihu was the head of which of the twelve tribes?


From where had Nehemiah's brother and others just returned?


Of what was Ahaz king?


Which brother promised his father Israel that he would return with Benjamin?


Which family line of Israel's twelve sons is detailed first in 1 Chronicles?


Which of the twelve tribes did God call his scepter?


Which tribe set up camp to the east, toward the sunrise?


Who was Jacob's fourth son, from whose line Jesus was born?


Of the twelve original tribes, which two stayed loyal to King Rehoboam?

Judah and Benjamin

Which two tribes stayed loyal to Rehoboam?

Judah and Benjamin

Which tribe had the most people?

Judah, at 76,500

Of all the tribes, which one counted the most men over the age of 20 years old?

Judah, with 74,600

The Babylonians would stand at a fork in the road, one way leading to the Ammonites and the other leading where?


What did the Bible call those God raised up to defeat the enemies in Israel (hint: it's also the name of this book)?


Who did Jehoshaphat appoint to settle disputes?

Judges, Levites, priests, and heads of families

God said he hates robbery and wrongdoing, but loves what?


What did God want to make a measuring line for his people in Zion?


What did Job wear as his robe and turban?


Before the priests purified the people, the gates and walls, what did they purify first?


After Sarah died, who did Abraham marry?


Who was the last king of Judah when Babylon took over?

Kind Zedekiah

Elisha had Jehu anointed because he would become what one day?


Every son listed under Solomon's family line held what position?


In Hebron, what did Absalom declare himself?


What did Saul believe David would become one day?


Jehoram king of Judah married the daughter of which evil king of Israel?

King Ahab

With which king did Jehoshaphat ally himself?

King Ahab of Israel

Which king cut up the furnishings in the temple and put altars on every street corner in Jerusalem?

King Ahaz

King Asa paid Ben-Hadad to break his treaty with which king of Israel?

King Baasha

Who was the king of Persia during the time of Haggai's writing?

King Darius

Who sang a lament for Abner at his funeral?

King David

Who was the father of Solomon, the writer of Proverbs?

King David

To which king was God going to give Egypt?

King Nebuchadnezzar

Who had a dream that only Daniel could interpret?

King Nebuchadnezzar

Who did Daniel say represented the tree in the king's dream?

King Nebuchadnezzar was the tree

Who was king during the time of Esther?

King Xerxes

Which king lost Jerusalem to the Babylonians?

King Zedekiah

Who killed Baasha's entire family?

King Zimri of Israel

What did each of the sections of the object represent?

Kingdoms that would rule

What two positions of royalty should praise God's name, according to Psalm 148?

Kings and princes

Which family did Moses and Aaron belong to? -Gershonite -Kohathite -Merarite


Who led the people against Moses?


Who was Rachel's father?


Who was Rebekah's brother?


God said, "I am the first and I am the ________."


What did the Lord accuse Sarah of doing, though she denied it?


Which hand did Ehud prefer to use?


What animals were the enemies' horses swifter than?


Because of Gehazi's greed, what disease of Naaman's did he develop?


What disease did King Azariah of Judah live with until his death?


What disease did Naaman the army commander have?


While Uzziah was not worshipping correctly, what disease broke out on his forehead?


What was Shemaiah sending the people in Jerusalem, stirring them up?

Letters full of lies and rebellion

From which Israelite tribe did Moses, Aaron, and Miriam come?


From which of the twelve tribes did Moses and Aaron descend?


The Gershonites, Kohathites and Merarites were all sons of whom?


Psalm 74 mentions what creature that is also described in the book of Job?


Which creature, also mentioned in Job, did Isaiah call a coiling serpent?


Before Ezra left for Jerusalem, who did he realize was missing from the travel party?


Which of the twelve tribes were the only ones who could carry the ark?


Which tribe was not counted?


Which tribe did God call "mine"?

Levites, because they were the priests

What did Job feel his friends smeared him with?


To what does the fear of the Lord add length?


What does God fill his hands with and command to strike its mark?


What other weather conditions occurred while it hailed?

Lightning, rain, thunder

Like what kind of animal do we as people tend to go astray?

Like sheep

Psalm 135 says that those who make idols will become what?

Like the idols

What were the priests' undergarments made of?


The writer said that a live dog is better than what dead animal?


To what animals did the writer of Psalm 57 compare his enemies?


What did God send to kill the settlers in the land of Samaria?


What two deadly animals did David say he killed?

Lions and bears

Which of these animals were carved into the temple? -Lions and bulls -Sheep and cattle -Horses and goats

Lions and bulls

God said the people's ears were open, but what weren't they doing?


What kind of water will flow out of Jerusalem?

Living water

What did God promise would happen to the people when they walked through fire?

They would not get burned.

Before which plague did Pharaoh's officials plead with Pharaoh to surrender?


If the people disobeyed God, what would devour their crops?


What insect threatened the late crop?


What insects did Joel say ate up their land?


What did God accuse his people of building on every street corner in Jerusalem?

Lofty shrines

God said, "From that day forward the people of Israel will know that I am the ____ _____ ____."

Lord their God

Who got kidnapped during a war and had to be rescued by Abram?


Who was the father of Ben-Ammi, who was the father of the Ammonites? (Hint: check Genesis 19.)


Who was the father of Moab? (Hint: check Genesis 19.)


Who did the angels rescue from Sodom before it was destroyed?

Lot and his family

How was Lot related to Abram?

Lot was Abram's nephew

God said the hearts of his people were greedy, but their mouths spoke of what?


What did she say was as strong as death?


What kind of "tongues" did the Psalm writer's enemies have?

Lying tongues

What was the name of the cave where Abraham buried Sarah?


Where was the cave in which Jacob was buried?


Who couldn't interpret the dream and was threatened with death?

Magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, and astrologers

What did God say he would do to the hair of haughty women?

Make them bald

If we trust God with all our heart, what will it do to our paths?

Make them straight

What did Jezebel put on before she died?


Which half-tribe joined the other two tribes to claim the other side of the Jordan?


Which of all the kings got the most blame for God's punishment on Judah?


What were the names of Joseph's children?

Manasseh and Ephraim

What was the food that showed up every morning like dew?


What did God promise to send to "catch" the people?

Many fishermen

Which of these trees are NOT mentioned in the Bible? -Cedar -Juniper -Oak -Maple -Elm

Maple, elm

She compared his legs to what kind of stone?


Ezra 10 contains a list of men who had done what?

Married foreign women

The theme of this book is that "Everything is _________."


What nation took over Babylon that very night?

Media (the Medes) and Persia

The kings of which nation would invade Babylon?

Media/the Medes

What sea was the western boundary of Israel?

Mediterranean sea

Wisdom is more precious than what type of jewel?


Isaiah spoke of what city in Egypt that is also the name of a city in Tennessee today?


What were the four words written on the wall?

Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin

Who was Jonathan's son that had two bad feet?


Who was the last son of Jonathan, to whom David showed kindness?


God said he doesn't desire sacrifice, but what instead?


Who is the oldest man in the Bible?

Methuselah, who lived to be 969 years old

Name the angel mentioned in Daniel 12 who is also found in the books of Jude and Revelation.


What other great angel came to the rescue to help battle the king of Persia?


Who was Saul's youngest daughter?


Who despised David for his dancing while the ark came into the city?

Michal, his wife

What name was given to David's elite fighting team?

Mighty warriors

God swore to their ancestors he would bring them to a land flowing with what?

Milk and honey

What did the people say the land they left was flowing with?

Milk and honey

From where did Ruth originally come?


King Joram and King Jehoshaphat united to fight King Mesha from which nation?


What country was God's washbasin (sink)?


What could infect wool or linen clothing, making it unclean?


One day, the people would throw their idols at which two animals?

Moles and bats

Who wore the royal robe and rode a horse with the royal crest on its head?


How many people lived in Nineveh?

More than 120,000

On which mountain did Solomon build the temple?


Where was Abraham told to travel so he could sacrifice Isaac on a mountain?


What two times of the day did Isaiah's soul yearn and long for God?

Morning and night

Chapter 32 is a song recited by who?


Which prophet did God know face to face?


Who broke the stone tablets containing the commandments?


Who spoke to the Israelites at the beginning of Deuteronomy?


Who was the humblest man on earth?


Job felt like man wasted away like a cloth consumed by what?


On which mountain did Elijah ask to meet the prophets of Baal?

Mount Carmel

On which mountain did they set up the large stones with the law written on them?

Mount Ebal

On which mountain did Aaron die?

Mount Hor

God said Moses would die on which mountain?

Mount Nebo

What mount in chapter 35 did Ezekiel prophesy against that would be desolate one day?

Mount Seir

From which mountain did God descend and speak to Moses?

Mount Sinai

On what holy mount will there be deliverance?

Mount Zion

Because of their afflictions, what had the people's dancing turned into?


God has put his words in our what?


What position did Hothir, Joshbekashah, and Jerimoth hold?


The descendants of Asaph were responsible for what job in the house of God?


What liquid did her hands drip with, which was also a gift Jesus received at birth?


Who was the mean ol' man that refused to feed David's army?


Who were the two sons of Aaron that offered the incense improperly?

Nadab and Abihu

To what city did God tell Jonah to go?


The book of Nahum was a prophecy against what enemy of Israel?


If everyone arrives naked into the world, how do they leave this world?


Who was the prophet that confided with David?


Who was the prophet that confronted David about his sin?


What was the name of the king of Babylon who invaded Jerusalem?


Who was the king of Babylon when that country invaded Judah?


What capital of Assyria did God vow to make desolate?


What was the name for Moses' bronze snake that was worshiped by people?


Did Zedekiah surrender?


In God's judgement, will a father die for the sins of his son and a son for the sins of his father?


God compared this time in Isaiah to the time of what person in Genesis, when God was angry?


Even the faith of which three Old Testament heroes could not save the people during Ezekiel's time?

Noah, Daniel, Job

Name the town where Doeg killed everyone.


In which direction did Job say he could see God?

None of them

How many sons did Zelophehad have?

None, only daughters

What four directions did Jerusalem's gates face?

North, South, East, West

God warned the Israelites that the enemy would cut off which two parts of their body?

Noses and ears

According to God, what are people who make idols worth?


What did Isaiah wear to show that the king of Assyria would strip Egypt?


What did Moses say the people lacked while in the desert?


Which of these woods was NOT used in the building the temple? -Cedar -Juniper -Oak -Olive


What was the name of Ruth's son?


God blessed whose house while the ark sat inside?


Who was the prophet that told Israel to release the 200,000 prisoners from Judah?


How old was Joash, the youngest king to reign in Judah?

Seven years old

God promised a famine, not of food or water, but of what?

Of hearing the words of God

Who was the king of Bashan?


Which plant did they use to make the oil in the lampstands?


Micah wondered if God would be pleased with 10,000 rivers of what sacrifice?

Olive oil

Samuel anointed Saul by pouring what over his head? -Corn oil -Motor oil -Olive oil

Olive oil

What kind of oil was spread over the grain offering?

Olive oil

When Elisha helped the widow, what miraculously filled her jars?

Olive oil

How many sons of Ahab did Jehu have killed?


The people followed the evil practices of what king and his son?

Omri and Ahab

Where did God say people had made their bed?

On a high and lofty hill

Where does a mariner work?

On a ship

One day, where did God want to write the law?

On people's hearts

On which days did they promise not to buy from their neighbors?

On the Sabbath/holy days

Where did David's stone hit Goliath?

On the forehead

Where was Moses when the book of Numbers ended?

On the plains of Moab by the Jordan

Where was Haman killed?

On the pole he made for Mordecai

When did the man of God say Eli's sons would die?

On the same day

Where was the man in Ezekiel's vision told to put a mark on all the people who hated idols?

On their foreheads

Who did God say would build his house/temple?

One of David's sons

How old was Moses in chapter 31?

One hundred and twenty years old

How old was Aaron when he died?

One hundred and twenty-three years old

Who did Obadiah hide in two caves?

One hundred prophets

How old was Abraham when his son Isaac was born?

One hundred years old

For how many years did Zechariah say God was angry at them?

Seventy years

"I am God, and there is no _______."


God said we must not listen to someone who tells us to follow what?

Other gods

Who accepted Caleb's challenge and attacked the city of Kiriath Sepher?


What should we cast upon the Lord?

Our cares

To whom should we give food and water when they need it, and God will reward us?

Our enemies

What part of the body should we guard?

Our heart

To whom should we not say, "Come back tomorrow," for something we have today?

Our neighbor

What is the writer of Psalm 130 glad that God has not kept a record of?

Our sins

What does God blot out and remember no more?

Our sins/transgressions

We should follow the decrees and law with all our heart and with all of what else?

Our soul

If somebody touched a dead body, where did they need to go?

Outside the camp

Who did Ezra tell the people to separate themselves from?

Outsiders/foreign women

How many years did God promise Tyre would be forgotten?

Seventy years

How many years did God say the captives would be in exile in Babylon?

Seventy years

In his misery, Job said he became a companion of what birds?


What two animals did the tenth commandment say people shouldn't covet?

Ox and donkey

According to the fourth commandment, what creatures could not do any work?

Ox and donkey--and any other animals

This servant was a man of suffering and familiar with what?


The Babylonians briefly withdrew out of Jerusalem when they heard what army was approaching?

Pharaoh's army from Egypt

Whose daughter did Solomon bring to Jerusalem, where he built her a palace?

Pharaoh's daughter

What color do the faces of the people become when they see the army coming?


During which seven-day festival did the people eat bread made without yeast?


What festival did Josiah insist must be celebrated?


What holiday did Hezekiah invite everyone to Jerusalem to celebrate?


When the temple was completed, what was the first holy day they celebrated?

Passover/Festival of Unleavened Bread

What did God promise to extend to the people, which he described like a river?


What do the prophets who lead God's people astray proclaim?


What will be the fruit of righteousness if the people seek the Lord?


What word did false prophets keep saying, but there was none of?


God said, "I will be the God of all the families of Israel, and they will be my __________."


What decree did King Darius' administrators come up with to trap Daniel?

People could only pray to the king for 30 days

God said woe to those who call evil what (and vice versa)?

People who call evil good and call good evil

King Cyrus was the king of which ruling nation?


What country eventually defeated Babylon?


Whose daughter received a special place in Jerusalem?

Pharaoh's daughter

How old was Abram when he started his journey to the land of Canaan?

Seventy-five years old

The priests could not wear anything that made their bodies do what?


What do these names represent: Ramah, Nebo, Jericho? -People -Places -Gods


What three kinds of deaths did God warn his people they would face?

Plague, sword, famine

What plans did God have for the exiles living away from their home?

Plans to prosper, not to harm, and to give them a future and a hope

Which two constellations are mentioned in Amos 5?

Pleiades and Orion

What was Elisha doing when Elijah found him?

Plowing with oxen

Into what will the nations beat their swords in the last days?


Which of these fruits are mentioned in chapter 4? -Papaya -Pineapple -Pomegranate


What fruit shape made out of yarn appeared on the hem of the priests' garments?


Jacob's flocks grew because they ate branches from what three trees?

Poplar, almond, and plane trees

What was the name of the Egyptian who bought Joseph as his servant?


Since the Lord is great, of what is he worthy?


The Lord is great and worthy of what?


What filled the mouth of the writer of Psalm 71?


What did the writer of Psalm 150 say everything that has breath should do?

Praise the Lord

How did the people respond as they listened to the Law of Moses?

Praised God, bowed down, worshiped, cried

When Hezekiah received the report about Assyria, what did he do?

Prayed at the temple

What do the arrogant wear as a necklace?


What is patience better than?


Which of these did Zephaniah NOT tell the people to seek? -Humility -Righteousness -Pride -God's commands


What position did Harim, Hakkoz, Huppah, and Happizzez hold?


What role did Zadok play in David's kingdom?


What role in the temple did Azariah serve?


What was Ezekiel's role at the temple?


What was Jeremiah's title?


What role did Zadok and Abiathar play in Solomon's kingdom?


What role did Zadok and Ahimelek play in David's kingdom?


Who were Seraiah and Zephaniah, two men taken into captivity by the Babylonians?


Who were the descendants of Zadok and what was their job?

Priests who offered the sacrifices

What job did the Levites do in the house of God?

Priests, musicians, and storeroom gatekeepers

From what did God promise to release the captives?


What did previous prophets like Micah and Uriah do that Jeremiah also did?

Prophesy against the city

In Naioth, saul stripped off his clothes and started doing what?


Solomon wrote 3,000 what?


The name Holy Spirit appears twice in Isaiah 63 and in only which other book of the Old Testament?


What were the Jewish days of celebration called to remember Esther's victory?


Who was the queen that disrespected the king?

Queen Vashti

Who was the queen that asked Solomon hard questions?

Queen of Sheba

When the voice was heard weeping, who was crying for her children?


Who did Jacob meet by a well and eventually ask for her hand in marriage?


If the people obeyed God, what did he promise to send?


What weather condition could stop because of sin?


During the drought, what brought Elijah bread and meat?


Who became king after Solomon died?


Who was Solomon's son?


The enemies wrote a letter to the king of Persia accusing the people of Jerusalem of what?


During the war, what color did the shields become?


What color was the horse in Zechariah's first vision?


What color was the stew that Esau wanted to eat?


What were the four colors of the horses pulling chariots in Zechariah's vision? -Red -White -Blue -Yellow -Black -Dappled/spotted

Red, white, black, dappled/spotted

What color were the garments in Isaiah 63, which looked like someone stomped grapes?


During Joash's reign, the money collected in the temple went toward what?

Repairs of the temple

Where did the Israelites camp, where there was no water to drink?


Which tribe did Moses ask God to let live and not die?


Who was the firstborn son of Israel?


Which two brothers defended Joseph's life?

Reuben and Judah

Which two tribes asked to not cross the Jordan?

Reubenites and the Gadites

What was the name of Moses' mother-in-law?

Reuel, also known as Jethro

Who were the three people that refused to worship the image?

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego

What were the three names of Daniel's friends?

Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego (or Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah)

What was in the basket that God showed Amos?

Ripe fruit

What bodies of water mentioned in Pslam 98 clap their hands?


Name Naomi's two daughters-in-law.

Ruth and Orpah

What did the Ninevites put on to show their repentance?


What itchy clothing were they wearing in the streets of Moab?


What uncomfortable piece of clothing did Joel tell the priests to put on?


What happened at the "high places" that the kings never removed in Judah?

Sacrifices and burning of incense to the other gods

What did Solomon want the priests to be clothed with?


What did the writer say was the one thing far from the wicked?


Ben-Hadad of Aram surrounded which city in Israel and cause a famine inside?


The parable of the two sisters was really a story about what two cities?

Samaria and Jerusalem

Who did the Lord call three times during the night?


Who was the first son Hannah gave birth to?


Which prophet's spirit talked to Saul?


What three people kept records of David's life?

Samuel, Nathan, Gad

Isaiah looked forward to the day when the people turned their eyes from the altar to who?

Their Maker/the Holy One/God

Who did God call the "mother of nations"?


In Zechariah's vision, who stood and accused the high priest Joshua?


Who incited David to take a census of Israel?


Who became Israel's first king?


Who did God regret making king?


Who pursued David through the mountains and deserts?


Who was the father of Jonathan, Malki-Shua, Abinadab and Esh-Baal (also known as Ish-Bosheth)?


David wrote a lament because of the deaths of which two people?

Saul and Jonathan

Whose bones did David buy in Benjamin?

Saul's and Jonathan's

Which two of Saul's items did the man bring to David?

Saul's crown and an armband

David had the man struck down because he said he killed who?

Saul/the Lord's annointed

What color clothes does a wife of noble character make when it snows?


What did the four horns in the vision do to Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem?

Scattered them

King Rehoboam told the rebellion: "My father scourged [whipped] you with whips. I will scourge you with ______."


What article of clothing should you return to your neighbor by sunset?

Their cloak

What did the people need to wash before God showed up on Mount Sinai?

Their clothes

What did Jonah say was wrapped around his head inside the fish?


Where did Joshua gather the tribes to give his final speech?


While the Israelites wandered the desert, what never wore out?

Their clothes

Of all the descendants who returned to Jerusalem, which had the most people?

Senaah, with 3,930

Because of the Rekabites' obedience, what did God promise a Rekabite descendant would always do?

Serve God

After being around a dead person, how many days did the priest need to wait before returning to the temple?

Seven days

An unclean person with an unusual discharge had to separate themselves from others for how many days?

Seven days

How many days did Aaron and his sons have to stay at the Tent of the Meeting?

Seven days

How many days did Zimri rule over Israel?

Seven days

How many days did the Festival of Tabernacles last?

Seven days

How many eyes were on the stone in front of Joshua?

Seven eyes

How many wives did Solomon have?

Seven hundred

How many candles (lamps) were on the lampstand?

Seven lamps

How many altars, bulls and rams did Balaam ask for?

Seven of each

How many times did Elisha tell Naaman to dip himself in the Jordan River?

Seven times

How many weeks after the Festival of the Firstfruits did the Festival of Weeks occur?

Seven weeks

How many years did Jacob offer to work in return for Rachel's hand in marriage?

Seven years

How many years did it take to build the temple?

Seven years

How many years of abundance and how many years of famine did Joseph predict?

Seven years of both

How old was Joash when he became king?

Seven years old

Of these, who reigned the shortest amount of time as king? -Zechariah -Shallum -Menahem

Shallum--one month

Who was Josiah's son that first took the throne after his father but did not do the good his father did?


When it came to the priests' beards, what could they not do to them?

Shave the edges

Samson's strength left him when Delilah did what?

Shaved his hair

Which of these did the Ammonites do to David's envoy? -Called them names -Shaved off half their beards -Put "kick me" signs on their backs

Shaved off half their beards

In mourning for Moab, What did the people shave and cut off?

Shaved their heads and cut off their beards

Who did God tell the women to teach how to wail?

Their daughters

With whom should the Israelites not make a treaty?

Their enemies the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites

What was the name of Noah's wife?

She's never named.

The queen of which nation came to Solomon to ask him hard questions?


Who did David's army pursue to Abel Beth Maakah?


God promised to gather his people like what animal in a pen?


He compared her teeth to a flock of what animal?


Which animal did the Israelites take the most of from their enemies after the battle?


What animals in Jacob's flock were described as dark-colored, speckled, or spotted?

Sheep and goats

What two animals could be used in the Passover sacrifice?

Sheep or goats

During the Israelites' time in the wilderness, what on their bodies never got swollen?

Their feet

In order to celebrate one of the festivals, the people gathered branches to build what?


Which of Noah's sons is in Abraham's family line?


What were the names of Noah's three sons?

Shem, Ham, and Japheth

What job did God offer to take because his sheep were wandering and lost?


Which job was NOT counted in the list of exiles? -Shepherd -Gatekeeper -Musician -Priest


What profession did Egyptians find disgusting?


God compared the leaders of his people to what job that took care of sheep?


Who apologized to David for throwing rocks at him?


Who did Solomon have killed for cursing his father and throwing stones at him?


The writer of Psalm 67 wanted God's face to do what?

Shine on us

What precious metal was called as common as stones in Solomon's kingdom?


What precious metal was considered of little value in Solomon's day?


Who was the king that refused to let the messengers pass?


God refines us like what metal?


What did God want the two trumpets made from?


What item did Joseph secretly place in his brothers' grain bags?


Who did Jehoshaphat put at the head of the army?

Singers to praise the Lord

Abraham told Abimelek that Sarah was his what?


What family relationship did God use to describe how Israel and Judah connected to each other?


When the people return to God, what will he restore?

Their fortunes

How many brothers did David have?


How many cities were set aside as cities of refuge?


In Isaiah's vision, how many wings did the angels have?

Six wings

God said to allow your fields to rest (don't plant anything in them) after how many years?

Six years/on the seventh year

How many of Jacob's descendants traveled from Israel to Egypt?


What could a person love so much that it causes them to become poor?


The idols have noses, but what can't they do?


What started biting all the Israelites?


What did the dead boy do seven times when he came back to life?


What was the weather like when Benaiah killed a lion in a pit?


With what couldn't the people wash themselves and remove the stain of their guilt?

Soap/cleansing powder

God's punishment on Israel was worse than his punishment of which other city?


God promised Moab and Ammon would become like what famously evil towns?

Sodom and Gomorrah

What twin cities are mentioned in Genesis 10 but destroyed nine chapters later?

Sodom and Gomorrah

Which two cities did God call "sisters" of Jerusalem?

Sodom and Samaria

What was Ezra ashamed to ask the king for, since Ezra told him God would be with them?

Soldiers for protection

Josiah tore down the high places of false gods built by which past king?


What was the name of the son later born to Bathsheba and David?


Which king's carriage showed up?


Which son did David put in charge of building God's temple?


Who did David declare would be king?


Who prayed at the dedication of the temple?


What term did Daniel use to describe the being in his vision. Which is the same term Jesus used to describe himself?

Son of Man

What phrase was Ezekiel called, which Jesus used to refer to himself?

Son of man

What did Moses toss into the air that caused the boils to appear?

Soot from a furnace

What painful skin condition did Satan afflict on Job?


When they fought against an enemy, what could the Israelites not cut down?

Their fruit trees

What two items did David take from Saul's camp?

Spear and water jug

What did Amaziah bring back with him when he defeated the Edomites?

Their gods

Jeremiah said God was always on the people's lips but far from what else?

Their hearts

When the Egyptians meet God, which part of their bodies will melt with fear?

Their hearts

Which of these items were NOT part of the temple furnishings? -Shovels -Meat forks -Spoons -Dishes


What job did Solomon need 80,000 men to do in order to build the temple?


How did Moses describe the necks of stubborn people?


What was Achan's punishment for stealing from Jericho?


Because of opposition, half the people built the wall while the other half did what?

Stood guard

When the king of Persia received the letter, what did he tell the Jews to do?

Stop building the temple

What did Moses tell the people to stop doing during the building of the tabernacle?

Stop giving!

God compared Jerusalem to an adulterous wife who preferred whom over a husband?


What did the Egyptians make the Israelites gather to make the bricks?


What are the wicked like in the wind?


Psalm 1 compares a blessed person to a tree planted by what?

Streams of water

How were the Anakites described that made them scary?

Strong and tall

God will be a stone that causes people to do what?


To find peace with God, what did Eliphaz say Job needed to do?

Submit to God

What ruthless and impetuous people did God raise up?

The Babylonians

What animal did God describe with a tail like a cedar?

The Behemoth

Which tribe did the other tribes want to punish for the murder of a woman?

The Benjamites

When God blesses the land, what will be seven times brighter?


Where was the citadel in which much of the fighting occurred?


How did the scroll that Ezekiel was told to eat in his vision taste?

Sweet as honey

Which three ways did God say he would punish Judah? -Sword -Rain -Famine -Plague -Snakes

Sword, famine, and plague

What do the enemies sharpen their tongues like?


Which two weapons did the Israelite army lack?

Swords and spears

After the battle of Ai, what did Joshua read to the people?

The Book of the Law

What book did Hilkiah the high priest find in the temple?

The Book of the Law

What did Shaphan read in the presence of the king?

The Book of the Law

On what were the law and commandments written?

Tablets of stone

What did Mordecai overhear while sitting at the gate?

Talk of assassinating the king

Who did Amnon fall in love with?


What city did Jonah decide to sail to instead?


What did King Artaxerxes say could not be imposed on priests or any workers in the temple?


When God's laws were not obeyed, what flowered from the writer's eyes?


With what did the writer in Psalm 6 drench his couch?


Job said he escaped by the skin of his what?


What did the people live in during the Festival of the Tabernacles?

Temporary shelters

What was David doing when Samuel asked for him?

Tending sheep

The people sang that David killed how many thousands?

Tens of thousands

The woman said she was as dark as what from Kedar?


Who was Abram's father?


What did the people ask Ezra to read out loud?

The Book of the Law

What did the teachers King Jehoshaphat sent out use to teach the people throughout Judah?

The Book of the Law

God said "to be still and know" what?

That he is God

To protect himself, what did Isaac tell everyone in Gerar about Rebekah when they asked about her?

That she was his sister

If the people disobeyed God, outsiders would be the "head" and the people would be the what?

The "tail"

Which enemy kidnapped David's family?

The Amalekites

Because they lost in the battle of David, who did the Arameans refuse to help anymore?

The Ammonites

What enemy did King Jotham defeat that made him rich?

The Ammonites

Who did the Ammonites hire to fight with them?

The Arameans

Jeremiah gave the deed for the land to Baruch, just as God was going to give Israel to whom?

The Babylonians

Which tribe invaded the land and took the Levite to be their priest?

The Danites

The water flowed south from the temple and emptied into which sea?

The Dead Sea

What is another name for the sea of Arabah?

The Dead Sea

What two seas did God promise to drive the enemies toward?

The Dead Sea and the Mediterranean Sea

While the people came to God with their mouth and lips, what was far from him?

Their hearts

If God's people humble themselves and pray, what does God promise to heal?

Their land

What group of people deceived the Israelites into thinking they lived far away?

The Gibeonites

God accused Tyre, Sidon, and Philistia of selling the people of Jerusalem to which nation?

The Greeks

What was the name of the throne hall?

The Hall of Justice

Who tried to join in to help build the temple but were told no?

The Israelites' enemies/enemies of Judah and Benjamin

Which enemy stubbornly wouldn't budge and remained in Jerusalem?

The Jebusites

What group of people did Haman suggest need to be annihilated?

The Jews

The Reubenites, Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh received the land east of which river?

The Jordan

Which river did God say Moses would not cross?

The Jordan River

What did Abraham call the place where God provided the lamb?

The LORD Will Provide

What animal did God say he could make a pet like a bird?

The Leviathan

Who carried the ark into the temple?

The Levite priests

1 Chronicles 6 lists the descendants of which Israelite tribe?

The Levites

When Hezekiah rededicated the temple, who played instruments and sang songs?

The Levites

Which tribe received no inheritance because God was their inheritance?

The Levites

One day, what will replace the sun for light during the day?

The Lord

Who did the psalmist tell to wake up?

The Lord

What will the name of the city be from then on?

The Lord Is There

What did the writer of Psalm 34 want us to taste and see?

The Lord, so that we know that he is good

Where will the Lord stand, just east of Jerusalem, when it splits in two?

The Mount of Olives

To which feast did David fail to show up?

The New Moon feast

God asked the people why they would go to Egypt and drink water from what river?

The Nile

God threatened to dry up every plant along what famous river in Egypt?

The Nile

What river in Egypt did God say he made and is his?

The Nile

What animal was slaughtered on Passover?

The Passover lamb

Who was to pay for the rebuilding project in Jerusalem?

The Persian government, using the royal treasury

The women of Jeremiah's time made cakes to the queen of what?

The Queen of Heaven

What did the people decide to start burning incense to again?

The Queen of Heaven

Into which body of water did God blow all the locusts?

The Red Sea

What sea did God dry up?

The Red Sea

God promised to rebuild their city if they honored which holy day?

The Sabbath

How did Ezekiel suddenly arrive with the exiles in Tel Aviv?

The Spirit lifted him up and took him there.

What did God say the name of the valley of Ben Hinnom would become because of the people killed there?

The Valley of Slaughter

Whom did God say to stand up for when in their presence?

The aged

What was the first thing the exiles started to build when they arrived in Jerusalem?

The altar

What did Josiah tear down when he entered office?

The altars to the false gods and the Asherah poles

What killed 185,000 soldiers in the Assyrian camp?

The angel of death/angel of the Lord

In Genesis 9, what God tell Noah's family they could now eat?

The animals

Many events of Amaziah's reign were written in which other book?

The annals of the kings of Judah

What insect can teach us about hard work?

The ant

Who wounded Saul in battle?

The archers

What did Zadok and the priests carry while fleeing with David?

The ark

What did the Philistines capture and bring back to their camp?

The ark

What did the Philistines give back to the Israelites after it caused them so many problems?

The ark

What did King Cyrus return to the exiles that king Nebuchadnezzar stole from the temple?

The articles and treasure

What did Ezra deliver to the temple that had been taken by Babylon?

The articles for worship

What did God make by his power, wisdom, and understanding?

The earth and heavens

God asked Job and his friends where they were when he laid what down?

The earth's foundation

What sound did Samuel hear when he visited Saul?

The bleating/baaing of sheep and lowing/mooing of cattle

To whom does God give sight?

The blind

Which part of the animal must not be eaten, but poured on the ground instead?

The blood

When Elisha's body was thrown into a tomb, what happened to the other body inside?

The body came to life

Out of what will God's enemies be blotted?

The book of life

On which side of the Jordan did these two tribes want to build cities?

The east side

With what part of their body does an enemy disguise themselves?

Their lips

What does everyone work to feed?

Their mouth

Who did the people sacrifice to idols that made God furious?

Their own children

From where did God say the visions of the false prophets came?

Their own minds

What two weapons did the writer of Psalm 44 not put his trust in?

The bow and the sword

God will cause who to flee naked when attacked?

The bravest warrior

What two parts of the fellowship offering could the priest keep for himself?

The breast and the right thigh

Which two pieces of the armor of God, found also in Ephesians, does Isaiah mention?

The breastplate of righteousness and the helmet of salvation

In a popular quote at the time, people said that when parents eat sour grapes, whose teeth were set on edge?

The children's teeth

In Ezekiel's vision, he saw meat in a pot. The meat stood for the people, so what did the pot represent?

The city

What did God ask Ezekiel to draw on a block of clay?

The city of Jerusalem

Where is God's tent?

The city of Salem/Jerusalem

What did God promise would be rebuilt from the ruins, where the people would return?

The city--Jerusalem

If God is the potter, then what are we?

The clay

If a priest had a defect, he could not go near a what?

The curtain or the altar

When Jeremiah felt overwhelmed, what day did he curse?

The day he was born

What day did Job curse?

The day of his birth

Whom do mediums and spiritualists consult?

The dead

If we take delight in the Lord, what will he give us?

The desires of our heart

Psalm 94 says God hears because he created what?

The ear

What did God say his own hand laid the foundations of?

The earth

When God speaks the word, what will be completely laid to waste and plundered?

The earth

Where did Isaiah beg God to come down to?

The earth

Where did Satan roam?

The earth

What do you call the group of leaders from a town that must step in and make sacrifices for an unsolved murder?

The elders

What did God say sounded like a roaring sea as they rode their horses?

The enemies' army

Who did the good fruit represent in the vision?

The exiles to Babylon

The carved cherubs (or angels) had two faces of two creatures. What were they?

The face of a man and a lion

What two parts of the sacrifice must not be eaten?

The fat and the blood

What is the beginning of wisdom?

The fear of the Lord

What is the key to God's rich store of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge?

The fear of the Lord

The wise and what other kind of person both realize the same fate?

The fool

The people began to praise God with song when what part of the temple was laid down?

The foundation

On what day of the first month did the Israelites celebrate the Passover?

The fourteenth day

What animal ruined the vineyards?

The foxes

Which part of the city would one day remain open day and night so people could bring wealth in?

The gates

In chapter 43, what did Ezekiel see that filled the temple?

The glory of God

In Ezekiel 10, what left the temple?

The glory of the Lord

Job wondered if life would have been better if he went from the womb to where?

The grave

What opened up and swallowed Korah's tent?

The ground

What part of our world declares the glory of God?

The heavens

What will the armed forces of one leader desecrate and abolish?

The holy temple (temple fortress) and the daily sacrifice

Over what two parts of the altar did the priests place the blood?

The horns and the base

What did Adonijah hold on to, in fear that Solomon would kill him?

The horns of the altar

What animal did God create that does not shy away from the sword?

The horse

What animal is made ready for battle, though victory rests in the Lord?

The horse

Who did Eliphaz accuse Job of withholding food from?

The hungry

What detestable objects that God did not like sat high up in the mountains?

The idols in the high places

The courtyard of the temple had two sections known as what?

The inner an the outer courtyard

Who did Esther invite to a special banquet?

The king and Haman

Whose "arms" did God say he was going to break while strengthening the "arms" of the king of Babylon?

The king of Egypt

Daniel heard about the future of which two kings from which two directions?

The king of the North and the king of the South

The people were in trouble because they were borrowing money to pay what?

The king's tax

Who killed the priest Zechariah the son of Jehoiada?

The king, Joash

With what will the wolf one day live?

The lamp

What did God create on the third day?

The land and the sea, and vegetation/plants/fruits

In what land did Job live?

The land of Uz

Nehemiah got upset when he learned that the children did not speak which language?

The language of Judah

Every seven years, what did God tell the Israelites to read out loud in public?

The law

What animal is a sluggard so afraid of that he won't go outside?

The lion

In Ezekiel's vision, what did the man grab and use to pull Ezekiel into the air?

The man pulled Ezekiel up by his hair

From what did the writer of Psalm 69 want to be rescued?

The mire

What part of the earth was encouraged to burst out into song?

The mountains

Where did the writer of Psalm 121 turn his eyes to look for help?

The mountains

There was a saying that said when the people ate sour grapes, their children's teeth would be set on edge. What did God say would happen to Judah?

Their own teeth would be set on edge.

God told the children not to follow the statutes, laws, or idols passed down to them by whom?

Their parents

On whom did Jeremiah ask God to pour out his wrath?

The nations

God promised to destroy Babylon with nations coming from which direction?

The north

Which two directions did God create?

The north and the south

What did Solomon ask God to listen to day and night?

Their prayers

What did the writer in Psalm 39 call a mere handbreadth?

The number of his days/his life

What can the voice of the Lord twist?

The oaks

Since Tyre was on a coastline, what did God say would flood the city?

The ocean depths/Mediterranean Sea

What flightless bird did God create that runs so fast it laughs at horses?

The ostrich

The strength of what animal leads to abundant harvest?

The ox

Whose palace did God tell Jeremiah to visit and there pronounce judgement on their city?

The palace of the king of Judah

What did God tell the people not to dwell on, because he was doing a new thing?

The past

Who did God call a useless vine?

The people living in Jerusalem

Who did God promise would be carried off into exile?

The people of Judah

What part of the temple did Samson push on to cause it all to fall?

The pillars

What two parts of the temple got the names Jakin and Boaz?

The pillars

The writer of Psalm 88 said he was counted as one who goes down to where?

The pit

What did Elihu say God saved him from going down into?

The pit

What does God determine the number of and give each one a name?

The stars

For whom do the righteous want justice?

The poor

To whose cries should we never shut our ears?

The poor

Who does God raise from the dust?

The poor

Who did the Babylonians leave behind in the city of Jerusalem?

The poorest to work the fields and vineyards

What would never question the potter and say, "You know nothing"?

The pot

Who was the only person who could make a sacrifice?

The priest

If someone had a rash or a spot on their skin, who did God tell them to go see?

The priest for examination

For whom was a special portion of the land set aside?

The priests

The man measured north and south rooms that were for what temple workers?

The priests

Who drank wine and beer and now stumble around?

The priests and prophets

Whose land did Joseph not buy during the famine?

The priests'

Whose teachings caused many to stumble?

The priests'

Who wore the ephod, turban, and breastplate?

The priests/Aaron and his sons

Who did Abijah accuse Jeroboam of driving out of the country?

The priests/Levites

Who did God send to Israel, but in disobedience Israel killed them?

The prophets

Who does God describe as wind without his words inside them?

The prophets

Who has the sword devoured like a hungry lion?

The prophets

What did Hezekiah show the Babylonians when they came to visit, which they later would ransack?

The storehouses, armory, and treasures

What can God still with only a whisper?

The storm

In order to prosper, what can't a person conceal?

Their sins

Where does the psalmist know God won't abandon him to?

The realm of the dead

On which side of their body did the priests apply the sacrificial blood?

The right side

Off of whom does God not take his eyes?

The righteous

When the priests stepped into the Jordan River, what happened?

The river stopped flowing

What watery parts of the earth did Habakkuk ask God if he was angry at?

The rivers, streams, seas

The writer of Psalm 65 said God can still what roaring thing?

The roaring seas

What two weapons in the hands of God gave the writer of Psalm 23 comfort?

The rod and the staff

To what barn animal does God give understanding?

The rooster

Where did the Jews tell the king to search in order to find the original decree for their building project?

The royal archives

Of what was Joab the commander?

The royal army

What did the yoke represent?

The rule of Babylon

What did the Lord break that was in the hand of rulers?

The scepter

What did Israel say would never leave the line of Judah?

The scepter/ruler's staff

To what part of the landscape did Isaiah compare the rage of many nations?

The sea

Who did the woman blame for her sins?

The serpent

What day is considered a sabbath rest?

The seventh

In what year of service must a servant be set free?

The seventh year

The writer of Psalm 63 said he sang in the shadow of what?

The shadow of God's wing

If the shepherd is struck, what will scatter?

The sheep

Xerxes promoted Mordecai to Haman's position by giving him what piece of jewelry?

The signet ring

Who was at the front of the procession marching before God?

The singers

What did the scapegoat carry away into the wilderness?

The sins of the people

Whom did God tell the people of Israel to free, which they then took back to captivity?

The slaves

Where, near Jerusalem, could snow be seen year-round?

The slopes of Lebanon

Whose sons were the only Levites allowed to minister before the Lord?

The sons of Zadok

Which two birds in Psalm 84 have found homes?

The sparrow and the swallow

Of all the gifts the queen of Sheba gave Solomon, which one was unlike anything seen before?

The spices

Who gave David the designs for the temple?

The spirit

The water that flooded the earth came from the sky and where else?

The springs of the great deep/ground

God was upset at which group of people who make predictions every month?

The stargazers

What deprived the people of good happening to them?

Their sins

What did God promise to cleanse his people from and forgive them all of one day?

Their sins

What caused the separation between the people and God?

Their sins/iniquities

The glory of young men is their what?

Their strength

When Joshua battled the Amorite kings, what stood still in the sky for a whole day?

The sun

What two great lights did God create on the fourth day?

The sun (greater light) for the day and the moon (lesser light) for the night

When Egypt was defeated, what did god say would no longer shine their lights?

The sun, moon, and stars

What weapon did God promise would come against Babylon's prophets, warriors, and wise men?

The sword

What did the Gershonites, Kohathites, and Merarites set up and take down?

The tabernacle and the courtyard

Jehoash king of Israel invaded Jerusalem and took gold and silver from where?

The temple

King Manasseh took a terrible image and put it in what sacred place?

The temple

The Babylonians removed the articles form which place and took them to Babylon?

The temple

To what did King Joash make repairs?

The temple

What was the second building project they started work on?

The temple

When Hezekiah became king, what was the first thing he purified and cleaned up?

The temple

Where did the special goblets the king wanted to use during the banquet originally come from?

The temple in Jerusalem

What did God call a "den of robbers," later also quoted by Jesus?

The temple/God's house

Which part of the camp could the Israelites not go near or they would die?

The tent of meeting

What did God promise someone from David's family would always sit on?

The throne

What small part of the body has the power of life and death?

The tongue

Of all twelve tribes, which one did God choose and love?

The tribe of Judah

Who received the divisions of land in chapter 48?

The tribes

What did God call "weaklings"?

The troops

What did God compare to a swarm of locusts?

The troops/horses who will invade

What part of the enemy's body does the writer want God to break in Psalm 3?

Their teeth

The sound of what instrument causes people to tremble?

The trumpet

What were the only things inside the ark when it entered the temple?

The two stone tablets/Ten Commandments

God told Ezekiel to pack his belongings in front of the people and dig through what structure?

The wall

What parts of Jerusalem were in bad shape?

The walls and gates

What did the writer of Psalm 33 say that God gathered into jars?

The waters of the sea

What did God "jam," stopping the Egyptians from pursuing the Israelites?

The wheels of the chariots

Who did God compare to a tossing sea that cannot find rest?

The wicked

Who will never get any peace?

The wicked

Who will not go unpunished?

The wicked

With which two types of people was this servant assigned to die and be buried?

The wicked and the rich

What four groups of people did God tell the people not to oppress/hurt?

The widow, fatherless/orphan, foreigner, poor

The high mountains belong to what wild animal?

The wild goat

From where was a voice calling, telling people to prepare the way for the Lord?

The wilderness

No one has the power to contain what weather condition?

The wind

The writer stated that going after meaningless things is like chasing after what?

The wind

Grass withers and flowers fall, but what endures forever?

The word of our God

What did God tell Daniel to roll up and seal?

The words spoken then written in a scroll

How did Isaiah describe our righteous acts?

They are like filthy rags

What did God say usually happened after the people fasted?

They argued (quarreled) and fought (struck each other)

When Ezekiel prophesied to the bones, what happened to them?

They came alive.

If the law of the Lord is on their hearts, what happens to their feet?

They don't slip.

When Israel's enemies heard that God dried up the Jordan, what happened to their hearts?

They melted in fear

What did Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem do when they heard the walls were being rebuilt?

They mocked and ridiculed

Why were people staggering from town to town?

They needed water.

How much is enough for someone who loves wealth?

They never have enough

What did Aram, Greece, Judah, and Arabia all do with Tyre?

They traded with them

What did the people do anyway?

They went to Egypt

What was Esther's original relationship with Mordecai?

They were cousins

What did Shiphrah and Puah do?

They were midwives

What job did the descendants of Asaph preform?

They were musicians

What job did Heman, Asaph and Ethan do in David's kingdom?

They were musicians who sounded the cymbals

What physical characteristic was used to describe the Sabeans?

They were tall.

God said he revealed himself to people who weren't seeking what?

They weren't seeking God or asking for him/calling on his name

On the day of the Lord, what will happen to the stars, sun, and moon?

They will be darkened.

What will happen to everyone who calls on the Lord?

They will be saved.

In Psalm 7, what will happen to someone who digs a hole?

They will fall into it.

What will happen to your plans if you have many advisers?

They will succeed

When the sun and moon are darkened, what will happen to the stars?

They won't shine.

What was Israel's biggest sin, which caused their destruction?

They worshiped other gods.

If the people followed God's commands, what would happen to their baskets?

They would be blessed

If the people did not follow God's commands, what would happen to their baskets?

They would be cursed

If Zedekiah surrendered to the Babylonians, what would happen to his family?

They would live

How many towns did the Kohathite clans receive?


How many years did it take to build Solomon's palace?

Thirteen years

With what kind of bushes did God say he would block our path?


Because of their disobedience, God said the people would sow wheat but reap what?


"For my ___________ are not your thoughts, neither are your _______ my ways."


The writer felt that God's word was worth more than how many pieces of silver and gold?

Thousands of pieces

How many sons did Saul have?


How many days' walk did it take to cross Nineveh?

Three days

Which of these three options did David choose? -Three years of famine -Three months of fleeing enemies -Three days of plague

Three days of plague

How many years after the flood did Noah live?

Three hundred and fifty years

Over how many months did these messages come to Haggai?

Three months

What did King Jehoiakim do when he heard the words on the scroll?

Threw the pieces of the scroll into the fire

How were the people robbing God?

Through their tithes and offerings

What did Joshua tell the people to do with their foreign gods?

Throw them away

What kind of weather conditions did Samuel call down to show the people how angry God was that they wanted a king?

Thunder and rain

What were the people plotting to do to Jeremiah?

To kill him

After the scroll was read about Babylon's fate, what did Jeremiah tell the reader to do with the scroll?

Tie a rock to it and throw it into the Euphrates

Which great river was Daniel standing near when he saw a man dressed in linen and gold?

Tigris River

"And who know but that you have come to your royal position for such a _________ as this?"


What did Hezekiah order the people to give to the priests?

Tithes and offerings

Where did the Spirit carry Ezekiel at the end of his vision in chapter 11?

To Babylon and the exiles

Habakkuk said God made his feet like those of a deer so he could travel where?

To great heights

What does the word lament mean?

To grieve, show, sorrow, cry, mourn

How far does God want his salvation to reach?

To the ends of the earth

On the day the foolish die, what will be their homes forever?


What did the false prophet Hananiah do to the yoke on Jeremiah's neck?

Took it off and broke it

What did King Nebuchadnezzar do to Zedekiah's eyes?

Took them out

What did Jehoshaphat build a fleet of in order to get gold from Ophir?

Trading ships

What were the names of the two special trees in the garden?

Tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil

True or False: God told Jeremiah to stop going to parties.


The walls of Jericho fell after what instruments were played?


What instrument was played on the first day of the seventh month?


Whose lips did God silence?

Trusted advisers

With what did God afflict the Philistines? -The sniffles -Tumors -Migraines


What kind of trees did Zechariah see next to the gold lampstand?

Two olive trees

The testimony of how many witnesses can confirm a crime?

Two or three

What did Zechariah name Favor and Union?

Two staffs

How many army divisions did David have?


How many men did Moses send out as spies?


How many metal bulls were made and became part of the Sea?


How many jars of water did Elijah have poured on the sacrifice before God set it on fire?

Twelve jars--four jars poured on it three times

How many tribes received their portion of land?

Twelve or thirteen, depending if you count the two half tribes as one

What did the army set up as a memorial of their crossing the Jordan?

Twelve stones

How old did you need to be to serve in the Israelite army?

Twenty years old

Jonathan son of Shimeah killed a man with how many fingers and toes?


How many times did fire consume a company of 50 men?


How much more did God restore Job's fortunes?

Twice as much

How many angels visited Sodom before it was destroyed?


How many choirs were assigned during the wall dedication?


How many people are better than one?


What attacked some boys who called Elisha "baldy"?

Two bears

What could someone bring as an offering if they couldn't afford a lamb?

Two dives or two pigeons, or a tenth of an ephah of the finest flour

What two idols did Jeroboam make and call Israel's gods?

Two golden calves

How many of David's men were too tired to fight?

Two hundred

On what two objects did Ezekiel write messages then bring them together as one?

Two sticks

On what were the Ten Commandments written?

Two stone tablets

What were the only items inside the ark at this time?

Two stone tablets/the Ten Commandments

Is the rabbit clean or unclean food?


How much of the kingdom did the king offer to Esther?

Up to half

Who was her husband?


David did what was right in God's eyes, except for how he treated which man?

Uriah the Hittite

What did Eliphaz call Job's words?


Who reached out to steady the ark and was killed when he touched it?


Who touched the ark and died?


Which one of Amaziah's sons took over as king at sixteen years old?


What did Daniel and his friends only eat for ten days?

Vegetables and water

The poison of what animal is on the lips of our enemies?


What could the prophets of the city no longer see?


What did the people not want the prophets to see anymore because they were unpleasant?


What could Daniel understand better than anyone else?

Visions and dreams

When judging Tyre, God said the enemy would tear down what two parts of their city's defenses?

Walls and towers

At the end of chapter 11, what did Israel finally rest from?


God said he could turn the desert into pools of what?


Someone who trusts in the Lord will be like a tree planted near where?


What did Job say God wrapped up in the clouds?


What kind of people do wicked men hunt down?


The sounds of joy were mixed with sounds of what?


What objects were spinning in Ezekiel's vision?


Job asked his friends to show and prove what?

Where Job went wrong

What color did God want to turn the people's sins?

White as snow

What color donkeys did Deborah sing about?

White donkeys

The Bible says you had to go check with the priest if your skin turned what color?

White or reddish-white

False prophets saw flimsy walls and splashed what all over it?


God said he would get really mad if people took advantage of what two groups of people?

Widows and orphans/the fatherless

God said that a person could not eat anything torn apart by what?

Wild animals

If the people were hostile to God, what did he say he would send to attack them?

Wild animals

God promised to scatter Elam to the four what?


What did Jeremiah invite the Rekabite family to drink but they refused?


What did God tell Aaron he and his sons could not drink?

Wine or other fermented drink

What did Job say cannot compare to gold, crystal, and jewels?


What has built her house with seven pillars?


What is better than all the weapons of war?


What will save you from the ways of wicked men?


What did Solomon ask for when God said he'd give whatever he wanted?

Wisdom and knowledge

When God told Solomon he could have whatever he wanted, what did Solomon choose?


How should we enter God's gates?

With thanksgiving

Because of judgement coming to the city, how did God tell Ezekiel to eat his food?

With trembling and fear

A man broke the Sabbath rule by gathering what?


Solomon asked King Hiram of Tyre to send what building materials?


What did God tell the people to utter that was worthy, not worthless?


Nehemiah got mad when he saw the people doing what on the Sabbath?

Working/selling food

What icky things did Job say his body was clothed with?

Worms and scabs

Because the people followed worthless idols, what did they become?


What did the people worship that made God angry?

Worthless idols

What does a gentle answer turn away?


What did King Belshazzar see a hand doing on the wall?


During Passover, what one thing could the Israelites not have in their possession?


Did God say it was okay to eat a cricket or a grasshopper?


What is another name for the city of David?


God was jealous for which city?


What did God promise would no longer be called Deserted or Desolate?


Who did Moses marry?


If you walk with the wise, what will happen to you?

You'll become wise.

Instead of listening to wise elders, to whom did Rehoboam listen?

Young men he grew up with

Who did God say he would allow to rule over Jerusalem?


Name the two kings of Midian that Gideon captured, whose names both begin with Z.

Zebah and Zalmunna

To what did Nebuchadnezzar change Mattaniah's name?


Who was the last king of Judah?


How many promises to Moses had God failed to accomplish?


Who was the governor of Judah that Haggai delivered a word to from the Lord?


Name Mephibosheth's servant.


God said the nations are like a single drop inside of what?

a bucket

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