HRM Exam 2

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15. What is the time to hire if the job opening was posted on October 1, the interview took place on October 10, the position was filled on October 15, and the new hire started work on October 20? A. 15 B. 10 C. 5 D. 20 E. 25


79. If HR reviews employment files of current employees to find potential hires for an open position, then sends the list of potential hires to the hiring manager, we are practicing _______ recruitment. A. closed B. open C. targeted D. selective


29. ___________, in its simplest form, is whether or not we measured what we thought we measured. A. Feasibility B. Validity C. Forecasting D. Reliability E. Impact


64. If there are not many competitors who need the same particular type of _________, the recruiting environment will be less difficult. A. analysis B. talent C. production D. work process


27. When we compare a score on the SAT test to the job performance of existing workers in that job, we are using ________ validity. A. construct B. content C. convective D. criterion-related E. observational


28. In _________ sharing, two or more people share one whole job, including the workload and any benefits that are associated with that job. A. office B. people (or employee) C. position (or labor) D. Work (or job) E. engagement


78. Haley requires all applicants take a paper-and-pencil test with logic and math problems on it. Haley is giving her applicants a(n) ________ test. a. honesty b. skills c. personality and interest d. cognitive ability


21. What is the most common type of professional work visa in the United States? A. L-1 B. H-1B C. I-9 D. P-1W E. S-2C


21. ___________ jobs change rapidly and job analysis is not as valuable. A. Mechanistic B. Organic C. Trilateral D. Matrix E. Functional


5. When a test is consistent over time, what is that called? A. Criterion-related validity B. Inter-rater reliability C. Test-retest reliability D. Chronology-test reliability E. Alternate form reliability


117. True or False. The HR Manager need only be well-versed in state regulations that govern an organization's ability to recruit.


45. Which of the following would be the "last resort" in a labor shortage? A. Using contract workers B. Outsourcing C. Utilizing temporary workers D. Hiring new employees E. Utilizing overtime


46. Colleges and universities are good places to recruit individuals with: A. lots of previous experience in their field B. low skill-levels C. good personal dress and grooming habits D. basic skill sets in a specialized field E. broad knowledge of all functional areas of business


46. Reference checks, if completed during the selection process, usually have the following characteristics. Name the exception. A. Provide information from previous companies on dates of employment and positions B. Generally don't provide negative reports on the candidate C. Personal references are usually hand-picked by the candidate D. Generally will provide information on eligibility to rehire and previous performance E. Provide minimal information on the candidate's background


11. If a job posting's goal was to yield 20 applications and it yields 10 applications but only 5 of them have the basic qualifications, what is the yield ratio? A. 10:20 or 50% B. 5:10 or 50% C. 5:20 or 25% D. 5% or10:20 E. 5% or 5:20


12. What is an example of a test of general intelligence? A. Arkin analytic exam B. Cognitive ability test C. Genetic test D. Skills test E. Integrity test


12. What is the main goal of the recruiting process? A. To hire the best candidate for the job B. To create a "reasonable pool" of candidates C. To hire someone to fill the position that needs to be filled D. To encourage people to apply for future positions with the company E. To find the maximum number of candidates so you can hire the best


107. True or False. "Why do you want to work here?" is an open-ended type of interview question.


108. True or False. Usually, all recruiting evaluation methods are comparisons to historical averages.


109. True or False. "Do you have valid teaching certificate for this state?" would be an example of a closed-ended type of interview question


86. Every Friday, the Acme Global Corporation sends out a companywide email with a listing of all the jobs available across the organization. This recruitment method is known as __________. a. open recruitment b. mass recruitment c. targeted recruitment d. closed recruitment


87. Sara is retiring next month. In addition to all the planning for her retirement party, the company has published an in-house advertisement for anyone who wants to apply for her job. This recruitment method is known as __________. a. open recruitment b. targeted recruitment c. closed recruitment d. employee referrals


21. What is the most common type of professional work visa in the United States? A. L-1 B. H-1B C. I-9 D. P-1W E. S-2C


56. The national economy and the world economy affects the ability to ________ new employees. A. recruit B. terminate C. socialize D. orient


84. When conducting selection interviews, Kirsten has a list of prepared questions from which she does not deviate. She asks all job candidates the same questions in the same order. Kirsten uses a(n) _________ interview. a. structured b. probing c. semi-structured d. closed-ended


10. If we could look at historical revenues and relate those revenue volumes to the number of people in the organization for each year, and then extend that comparative data into the future to predict the number of people required for a particular sales or revenue level, what kind of analysis was done? A. Qualitative analysis B. Ratio analysis C. Regression analysis D. Factor analysis E. Reliability analysis


104. Acme Global hired 20 new auditors last year. The average performance appraisal of the new auditors was 4.4 (on a 5-point scale). The average for other auditors in the organization was 4.0. The new recruits' performance is ____ percent above average. a. 5 b. 10 c. 15 d. 20


12. With what type of reduction do companies cut the hours available to each worker but don't lose any worker? A. Job hoteling B. Work sharing C. Hours express D. Hourly forecasting E. Absence management


13. What term is associated with reserving office space for a particular day and time of the week? A. Keeping B. Hoteling C. Set-aside D. Reserving E. Establishing


32. Which of the following identifies the tasks, duties, and responsibilities for a particular job? A. Job requisition B. Job description C. Work analysis D. Job design E. Job specification


61. If the unemployment rate is _________, it is _________ to recruit applicants for open positions. A. high; harder B. high; easier C. low; harder D. low; easier


64. Whether or not a criminal history can keep individuals from being hired depends on: A. whether or not the position they apply for involves working with children. B. how long ago the conviction occurred, and nature of the conviction, and the type of job for which they are applying. C. whether or not the position they apply for involves handling money. D. the laws in the state in which they reside.


75. Katherine is hiring a data entry clerk. She is looking for someone who can enter data quickly and accurately. She gives each applicant a set of data and asks the applicant to enter the data into the computer. She measures their speed and accuracy in entering the data. Katherine's test appears to have _________. a. business validity b. content validity c. construct validity d. reliability


95. Nicole added up all her expenses for hiring six new logisticians, including advertising costs, relocation costs, and interview costs. She divided the total costs by six to get the _________. a. new hire performance b. cost per hire c. time required to hire d. yield ratio


25. What two things can make the internal recruiting process go more smoothly? A. Managerial sponsorship and a seniority system B. An employee rewards system and promotability ratings C. Promotability ratings and managerial sponsorship D. A seniority system and an employee rewards system E. A seniority system and promotability ratings


55. Pen and paper honesty tests are: A. easy to outsmart. B. fairly reliable. C. infallible D. expensive.


16. What is a disadvantage of external recruiting? A. An internal candidate may have better qualifications for the job opening B. The pool of applicants will vary based on the size of the labor market C. The pool of applicants is significantly smaller than in internal recruiting D. The candidate may look good on paper but have no organizational experience E. Success at one company doesn't necessarily mean success at another company


18. In 2009, what percent of HR executives said that recruiting an increasing amount of temporary and part-time workers would continue in the future? A. 30% B. 48% C. 63% D. 59% E. 28%


29. In the ________ interview, the interviewer might start with some preplanned questions and then finish with free-flowing conversation. A. tempered B. reversed C. identifier D. semi-structured E. pre-patterned


83. Acme Global decided to start offering its employees a $1,000 bonus if they encourage a friend or family member to apply to the company. The employee does not get the bonus until the new hire has been working at Acme Global for one year. Acme Global's new policy is properly referred to as _________. a. open recruitment b. targeted recruitment c. closed recruitment d. employee referrals


85. When Alyssa received a promotion, the human resource management director asked Alyssa to privately nominate her successor. Alyssa nominated her star employee, Kevin, for the job. This recruitment method is known as __________. a. open recruitment b. successor recruitment c. closed recruitment d. targeted recruitment


87. When conducting selection interviews, Benjamin likes to ask a series of yes/no questions such as "If hired, can you arrive at work each day by 8 a.m?" and "Do you understand the essential functions of the job?" Benjamin is asking _______ questions. a. structured b. unstructured c. open-ended d. closed-ended


89. When conducting selection interviews, Sarah likes to ask questions like "Imagine you are working the night shift and a piece of machinery breaks down. What would you do?" Sarah is asking _______ questions. a. probing b. unstructured c. closed-ended d. hypothetical


9. What is the actual first step in matching employees and jobs? A. Forecasting needs B. Compiling job descriptions C. Determining budget allotments for hiring needs D. Recruiting E. Job design


90. When conducting selection interviews, Abigail likes to ask questions like "What would you do if a customer requested a refund on a product one year after the product was purchased?" Abigail is asking _______ questions. a. probing b. unstructured c. closed-ended d. hypothetical


92. When conducting selection interviews, Alisa likes to ask questions like "Tell me about a time you missed a deadline. Why did you miss it and what did you do?" Alisa is asking _______ questions. a. structured b. hypothetical c. probing d. behavioral descriptive


96. Austin placed an advertisement for a new assistant on November 1. He hired Paul on December 1. His ________ was 30 days. a. new hire performance b. cost per hire c. new hire turnover d. time required to hire


97. Last year, Acme Global hired 25 petroleum engineers. At the end of the year, only 20 were still working for the organization. The organization's __________ was 20 percent. a. new hire performance b. time required to hire c. yield ratio d. new hire turnover


99. A job advertisement for a pizza delivery driver yielded 50 applications. Of those, 10 were disqualified because they did not have a driver's license. The yield ratio on the advertisement was ____ percent. a. 10 b. 20 c. 40 d. 80


24. _________ were created to guide employers in their efforts to comply with federal laws concerning all employment decisions, and especially the selection process. A. Equal employment tests B. Selection modules C. Guidance principles D. Employment norms E. Uniform guidelines


24. __________ is the extent to which employees find out how well they have performed their tasks. A. Satisfaction B. Informance C. Task significance D. Correctness E. Feedback


3. If it cost a company $50,000 to recruit and hire 5 applicants, what was the cost per hire? A. $5,000 B. $50,000 C. $10,000 D. $250,000 E. $10,000


3. Which validity measure would be most associated with the measurement of "honesty"? A. High level validity B. Criterion-related validity C. Content validity D. Low level validity E. Construct validity


50. All of the following are disadvantages of using temporary workers except: A. Temps may not know the job or the culture B. They generally have lower motivation C. There can be legal problems associated with the length of employment of temporary workers D. They are usually less loyal to the organization E. The company can hire in workers with specific skill sets


6. Which of the following is an advantage of internal recruiting? A. The pool of applicants is significantly smaller B. We can lower training costs for skilled positions by hiring someone with the requisite skills C. The pool of applicants is significantly larger D. We are more likely to find workers with specific technical skill sets E. The recruit will be able to learn more about the "big picture" of the company and become more valuable


105. True or False. The cost of recruiting, selecting, and training a new employee is usually more than 100% of that employee's annual salary.


58. "Why do you want to work here?" is an example of what type of interview question? A. hypothetical B. closed ended C. open ended D. probing


18. Which individuals in the company are typically involved with qualitative forecasting? A. A group of experts B. HR managers C. Accountants D. Human Engineers E. CEOs


2. What is a job analysis method that asks workers to write down the tasks that they accomplish as they go about their job? A. Diaries B. Interviews C. Observation D. Competency E. Questionnaires


25. The simple way to ______ jobs is for the manager to delegate more authority to employees to make a job satisfying. A. enrich B. enlarge C. rotate D. transfer E. entrench


25. _________ is the extent to which a test measures what it claims to measure. A. Validity B. Reliability C. Accuracy D. True value E. Sincerity


34. A test involving driving a forklift moving pallets from one place to another would be an example of a: A. Work sample test B. Cognitive ability test C. Personality test D. Spatial aptitude test E. Mechanical design test


34. What is the first step in work flow analysis? A. Identify the end result of the work process. B. Examine the work process used to generate the product. C. Determine the people needs. D. Analyze which processes lead to which inputs. E. Identify all inputs used.


40. Job enlargement is a tool designed to: A. Make jobs less repetitive and boring B. Increase efficiency of work through optimization C. Decrease the difficulty of the job D. Increase managerial freedom E. Decrease the autonomy of the employee


44. Company drug screening programs: A. are generally allowed B. are generally not allowed C. may be allowed only if they are universal D. may only test for common substances E. are mandatory in unionized environments


49. Problems that occur during the selection process include each of the following except: A. Reasoned selection B. Halo effect C. Rushing D. Stereotyping E. "Like me" syndrome


54. Privacy laws do not prevent Universities and Colleges from providing the following information to a third party without consent from the job candidate: A. whether or not the job candidate has a degree from the school. B. transcripts from the school. C. current grades for the semester. D. disciplinary record from the school.


59. "Can you explain what you would do if a customer needed to discuss an error in her invoice?" represents what type of interview questions? A. hypothetical B. closed ended C. representational D. probing


6. Which of the following application form questions is legally acceptable to ask? A. What is your sexual preference? B. What is your current age? C. Where do you currently reside and how long have you lived there? D. What language do you speak when not on the job? E. Have you ever been arrested?


65. Testing must be done systematically in one of two forms, which are _______ or ________. A. random, universal B. random, meticulous C. universal, singular D. universal, competitive


69. __________ tests are less invasive to employees than _________ tests. A. fitness for duty, drug B. drug, fitness for duty C. psychological profile, integrity D. integrity, psychological profile


74. Reece gave all 2014 job applicants a math test before hiring. In 2015, Reece looked at the performance appraisal scores of those applicants and found that the applicants who scored well on the math test also received high scores on the analytical aspects of their jobs as measured by their performance appraisals. Reece's math test appears to have __________. a. criterion-related validity b. content validity c. construct validity d. reliability


14. A form of autonomy that allows employees to work somewhere other than an office is called: A. Virtualing B. Telecommuting C. Watercooling D. Homecoming E. Work-splicing


15. In the Job Characteristics Model, what does the Autonomy job characteristic lead to? A. Experienced meaningfulness of work B. Felt responsibility for outcomes C. Knowledge of results D. Higher turnover E. Lower motivation


16. "Do you know anyone in the company?" What kind of interview question is the preceding? A. Probing B. Closed-ended C. Open-ended D. Structured E. Hypothetical


2. If the organization selects someone who may pose a danger to coworkers and then harms coworkers in the company, what does the company potentially have? A. A mismatch hire B. A negligent hire C. An investigative hire D. A minimum hire E. A violent phase hire


20. What selection model allows an individual to do poorly on one test but make up for that poor grade by doing much better on other tests? A. High interest model B. Compensatory model C. Multiple-hurdle model D. Observational-justice model E. Secondary interest model


23. Concern with introversion vs. extroversion is associated with ______________ fit. A. ability-job B. personality-job C. person-organization D. personality-ability E. interest-organization


29. In the ________ interview, the interviewer might start with some preplanned questions and then finish with free-flowing conversation. A. tempered B. reversed C. identifier D. semi-structured E. pre-patterned


32. _____ involves hiring your clone. A. Stereotyping B. Like me syndrome C. Halo effect D. Mini-me effect E. Premature selection


33. Which Federal agency has not formally adopted the Uniform Guidelines? A. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission B. Defense Department C. Department of Justice D. Civil Service Commission E. Department of Labor


34. When an HR department fills jobs based on people they know or with current employees, _______________ is occurring. A. external recruiting B. internal recruiting C. open recruiting D. local recruiting E. active recruiting


35. Which of the following is an example of job rotation? A. Angie is the office receptionist on Tuesdays and Fridays, but Bill fills this job on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. B. A worker paints chairs on Monday, operates the metal stamping press on Tuesday and Wednesday, and works on final assembly Thursday and Friday. C. A customer service representative deals with multiple customers during the week. D. A manager Skypes into a meeting while dealing with a crisis in another part of the company. E. Employees are given quality control authority over their own work.


39. Drug testing policies should contain all of the following items except: A. Substances that will be tested for B. Methodologies for sample handling C. Disciplinary actions for testing positive D. When testing will occur E. Requirements for training on substance abuse


39. Which one of the following approaches to job design is based on Frederick Taylor's concept of Scientific Management? A. Motivational B. Mechanistic C. Biological D. Perceptual/motor E. Humanistic


40. The validation method that shows a strong relationship between score on a test and performance on the job is: A. Low-level validity B. Criterion-related validity C. Content validity D. High-level validity E. Construct validity


47. Which of the following statements about web searches is incorrect? A. Googling a candidate's name is becoming a standard practice in many modern companies. B. Companies will most likely not complete a web search on candidates. C. Most legal opinions favor the employer concerning a "violation of privacy" from a web search. D. Many of today's companies are very technologically savvy. E. Nearly two-thirds of businesses worldwide have some policies on social media use in the workplace.


50. A good rule of thumb is to find about ________ job candidates for each open position in the organization. A. 7 - 10 B. 15 - 25 C. at least 50 D. at least 100


50. The process of choosing the best qualified applicant recruited for a job is called: A. application B. selection C. production D. work process


52. A bad ability-to-job fit can cause a drop in: A. sustainability. B. employee motivation. C. customer feedback. D. affirmative action.


57. A "fitness for duty" test is also known as a: A. drug test. B. medical examination. C. pen and paper honesty test. D. cognitive ability test.


60. "Do you have a class-one license?" A. hypothetical B. closed-ended C. open-ended D. probing


7. Core hours are most associated with what concept? A. Compressed work weeks B. Flex time C. Job sharing D. Telecommuting E. Hoteling


70. __________ testing is performed on every employee at a specific time, for example, after a conditional job offer has been made. A. Random B. Universal C. Serial D. Ability


71. When Jacqueline was hired by Acme Global to be an office cleaner, the human resource management department skipped the background check. Now Jacqueline has pass keys to all the offices in one of Acme Global's building. What a background check would have revealed is that Jacqueline has several past convictions for assault. This could be a case of __________. a. compensatory selection b. a negligent hire c. unfitness for duty d. compensatory recruitment


72. Michael has been successful as a library assistant. In his past two jobs, he was able to wander through the library, meet library patrons, and talk about books. Michael is outgoing and likes to talk to new people. He joined Acme Global as a Records Technician. The job is similar to that of a library assistant, but does not have as much contact with other people. Most days, Michael works alone. As a result, he is feeling unhappy and unmotivated in the job. His supervisor is not pleased with his performance. It appears that the Records Technician job lacks _________ for Michael. a. ability-job fit b. personality-job fit c. person-organization fit d. ability-person fit


79. Amanda requires all applicants take a paper-and-pencil test to assess their ability to apply knowledge about spreadsheet software. Amanda is giving her applicants a(n) ________ test. a. honesty b. skills c. interest d. cognitive ability


8. What would be a common example of a compressed work week? A. Five-day, 40-hour week B. Four-day, 10-hour-per-day work week C. Two-day, 5-hour-per-day week D. Three-day, 8-hour-per-day week E. Six-day, 7-hour-per-day week


8. Which agency has formally adopted the Uniform Guidelines? A. Affirmative Action Commission B. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission C. Compensatory Selection Commission D. Department of Defense E. National Justice Commission


81. Ahmad has identified the recruiting area for Acme Global's new plant. There are many skilled laborers in the area who are looking for work. Ahmad believes that will make his job recruiting qualified applicants easier. Which external force acting on recruiting efforts is Ahmad examining? a. Competitors b. Supply and demand c. Cost per hire d. Social environment


81. Trevor requires all applicants take a paper-and-pencil test with questions like "If a customer accidentally gave you too much money, would you return the excess?" Trevor is giving his applicants a(n) ________ test. a. genetic b. honesty c. personality d. cognitive ability


83. Rather than give his delivery drivers a drug test before allowing them to drive each day, Eric has each driver undergo a medical exam that includes testing their individual reaction time. Eric is giving his drivers a(n) ________ test. a. physical skills b. fit for duty c. genetic d. interest


86. When conducting selection interviews, Conor does not prepare questions. He prefers to greet each job candidate and allow the interview to develop organically. He says he likes to have more of a "conversation" than an interview with each candidate. His questions to each candidate are different. Conor uses a(n) _________ interview. a. open-ended b. unstructured c. semi-structured d. probing


9. Polygraph testing may be used by private employers whose primary purpose consists of what? A. Providing air transportation B. Providing armored car personnel C. Providing human resource services D. Providing entertainment services E. Providing fitness center services


93. When conducting a selection interview, Maria described the job to the candidate and answered the candidate's questions about the job. Then Maria asked whether the candidate was still interested in the job. The candidate was no longer interested. Maria thanked the candidate for coming in and closed the interview. Maria's interview ended at the ________ step. a. open the interview b. present the realistic job preview c. ask your questions d. behavioral question


94. Acme Global uses four different selection tests: an honesty test, a skills test, a cognitive ability test, and an interview. To become a finalist, a job candidate must first score highly on the honesty test. After that, the candidate must score at least 50 on both the skills and cognitive ability tests. Once those are passed, the candidate must pass the interview to become a finalist for the job. Acme Global is using a(n) __________ selection model. a. open-ended b. multiple-hurdle c. compensatory d. inquiry


101. It cost Acme Global $10,000 to hire five new Biofuels Processing Technicians. The cost per hire was ___________. a. $10,000 b. $5,000 c. $2,000 d. $1,000


102. Last year, Acme Global hired 25 customs brokers. At the end of the year, only 10 were still working for the organization. The organization's new hire turnover was ____ percent. a. 20 b. 40 c. 60 d. 80


103. Acme began advertising for a new energy auditor on May 1. The position was filled on Aug. 1. The time to hire was ___ days. a. 31 b. 82 c. 92 d. 100


14. Especially when recruiting within the United States, the first and most important laws that recruiters must abide by are what? A. Union B. State C. Equal Employment Opportunity D. Non-compete agreements E. FERPA regulations


14. In what jobs would physical exams be mandatory? A. Mining B. Steel manufacturing C. Driving a heavy truck D. Cargo loading E. Timber cutting


17. When preparing for the interview, what should be your first step? A. Plan the type of interview B. Prepare a realistic job preview C. Review the job description and specifications D. Develop questions for all candidates E. Decide which candidates to interview


19. What is the technique behind natural attrition? A. Managers transfer workers to other plants B. Managers retrain workers from one job to another C. Managers allow positions to stay unfilled as turnover occurs D. Managers move work to other organizations E. Managers force workers to retire early


23. _________ is the degree to which an employee performs a whole identifiable task. A. Autonomy B. Task significance C. Task identity D. Skill variety E. Feedback


26. ________ work teams are assigned a number of tasks by a manager and the team gives specific assignments to members and is responsible for rotating jobs. A. Transversed B. Optional C. Integrated D. Engineered E. Self-managed


26. ________________ are anything that is used as a basis for employment decisions. A. Preferred guidelines B. Job fits C. Employment tests D. Employer guides E. Job analyses


28. _______ questioning requires the job candidate to describe what he or she would do in a given situation. A. Probing B. Close-ended C. Hypothetical D. Open-ended E. Optional


3. What job design method focuses on the job characteristics that affect the employee's psychological state, and views attitudinal variables as the most important outcomes of job design? A. Biological job design B. Perceptual/Motor job design C. Motivational job design D. Engineered job design E. Mechanistic job design


31. Which of the following is a disadvantage of relying only on interviews with incumbents for job analysis information? A. They lack familiarity with the job. B. They don't understand the qualitative data associated with the job. C. They may exaggerate their job duties. D. They are unable to understand safety issues associated with the job. E. The method is highly complex and requires significant time and resources.


31. ________ are non-cognitive assessments. A. Skills tests B. Writing tests C. Personality tests D. Typing tests E. IQ tests


33. Which of the following is least likely to provide motivation to an employee? A. When the job requires a significant number of skills B. When the job requires completing a whole identifiable task C. When the job has no known impact on either coworkers or customers D. When the job allows individuals discretion in how to do their work E. When a person receives information about how well they are performing


35. An important focus of the candidate interview process should be to determine: A. general lifestyle of the candidate B. detailed knowledge of the position and the skills required C. fit between the person, the job and the organization D. the candidate with the most future potential E. the validity of the candidate's job history


4. A typing test representing what typists routinely do given to candidates for positions where they would need to be able to type would have which of the following? A. Low level validity B. Criterion-related validity C. Content validity D. High level validity E. Construct validity


4. What kind of information would you find in a job specification? A. Pay of the job B. Department that the job is in C. Knowledge required to do the job D. Whether the job is exempt or nonexempt E. Required tools for the job


42. After analyzing the end result of the process—organizational outputs—the next step in Work Flow analysis is: A. Identifying the materials needed to generate the output B. Identifying the number of people needed for operations C. Examining the required organizational tasks to create the desired end results D. Analyzing the administrative and secretarial needs to accomplish the goal E. Training the Self-Managed Work Teams


42. _________ involves matching the candidate's intellectual and physical skills to those of the job being filled. A. Person-organization fit B. Cognitive analytics C. Ability-job fit D. Personality-ability fit E. Personality-job fit


44. The reason that HR forecasting combines statistical analysis and expert judgments is because: A. Workers are more motivated by expertise B. Expert judgments are always more reliable than historical statistics C. Industry and economic conditions change over time D. Statistical methods fail to account for historical trends E. External trends cannot be studied using historical data


45. Credit checks: A. are always legal selection devices B. should automatically rule out candidates with low credit scores unless the candidate can explain the low score C. would most likely be of value in positions where candidates will have access to money or financial information D. are subject to the Community Credit Reporting Statute E. should never be used as a selection device because they are unfair


47. Downsizing: A. Savings take a while to be realized; sometimes as much as two or three years B. Always improves organizational effectiveness C. Immediately releases funds from payroll costs to the bottom line D. Allows the employer to lay off any group of employees—even based on disparate treatment E. Can be used to strengthen job satisfaction in the organization


6. Which of the following application form questions is legally acceptable to ask? A. What is your sexual preference? B. What is your current age? C. Where do you currently reside and how long have you lived there? D. What language do you speak when not on the job? E. Have you ever been arrested?


68. The ________ interview allows the interviewer to ask a series of pre-planned questions, then also ask unplanned questions, to the job candidate. A. unstructured B. structured C. semi-structured D. managed


73. The marketing department at Acme Global is loosely structured with little hierarchy. This allows for different employees to take the lead on different projects based on their work loads and their interests. Jonathan joined the department from a company at which the marketing department had clear lines of authority. He quit Acme Global after two months saying that he just could not figure out how to contribute to the department. It appears that the Acme Global job lacked _________ for Michael. a. ability-job fit b. personality-job fit c. person-organization fit d. ability-person fit


76. Rachel believes that happy workers are more productive. She gives job applicants a test that assigns a happiness score between 1 and 10. Rachel only hires people who score 7 and higher. Austin scored a 6 on the test and was not hired. He complained to Rachel, saying that he is very happy and that her test is no good. What is Austin arguing that the test does not have? a. criterion-related validity b. content validity c. construct validity d. reliability


80. Micah requires all applicants take a paper-and-pencil test to assess their intellectual curiosity and motivation in a particular field. Micah is giving his applicants a(n) ________ test. a. genetic b. skills c. interest d. cognitive ability


88. When conducting selection interviews, Philip likes to ask questions like "Tell me what you know about the company" and "Tell me what you like most about your current job." Phillip is asking _______ questions. a. hypothetical b. unstructured c. open-ended d. closed-ended


9. What is the ultimate goal of the Job Characteristics Model? A. To make jobs more challenging B. To reduce discrimination C. To make work more motivational D. To make life more relaxing E. To minimize worker fatigue


91. Elyse needs to hire some semiskilled workers from the local area. She wants to keep the price of advertising low and not attract any applicants from out of state. Her best external recruitment source would be ___________. a. specialized publications b. the internet c. local mass media d. public agencies


95. Acme Global uses four different selection tests: an honesty test, a skills test, a cognitive ability test, and an interview. Each test is worth 25 points. To become a finalist, a job candidate must get an average score of 75 on the four tests. Acme Global is using a(n) __________ selection model. a. inquiry b. multiple-hurdle c. compensatory d. closed ended


1. What is a document that identifies the major tasks, duties, and responsibilities that are components of a job? A. Job specification B. Job evaluation C. Job analysis D. Job description E. Work analysis


1. What is selection? A. The process of finding applicants for jobs B. The ability to choose candidates who will evolve into good employees over time C. The ability to get a reasonable pool of job candidates for a job opening D. The process of choosing the best qualified applicant recruited for a job E. The process of carrying out the strategic plan of the company


13. How can a doctor be tested in a complicated physical surgery without risking the loss of an actual patient? A. Through work samples B. Through assessment centers C. Through integrity tests D. Through simulations E. Through cognitive testing


14. In what jobs would physical exams be mandatory? A. Mining B. Steel manufacturing C. Driving a heavy truck D. Cargo loading E. Timber cutting


18. What is the main reason to do a background check? A. Recruit new candidates B. Find potential medical problems C. Analyze physical strength D. Prevent negligent hires E. See how long the candidate has lived in the area


20. Taking an in-house function such as drug and alcohol counseling and having someone else do it outside the organization is called: A. Outcasting B. Defensing C. Optioning D. Outsourcing E. Rehousing


91. When conducting selection interviews, Marc likes to ask questions like "Describe a time when you had to lead a team but had no formal authority." Marc is asking _______ questions. a. structured b. hypothetical c. probing d. behavioral descriptive


10. What tests measure an individual's intellectual curiosity and motivation in a particular field? A. Genetic tests B. Personality tests C. Cognitive ability tests D. Skills tests E. Interest tests


16. A major advantage of this job analysis method is that it is a quick way to get information from a large number of sources. A. Interviews B. Diaries C. Observation D. Competency E. Questionnaires


17. What is another name of a job analysis method known as a work log? A. Interview B. Observation C. Competency D. Questionnaire E. Diary


19. What law gives employers the limited right to do credit checks? A. Civil Rights Act of 1964 B. Fair Trade Act C. Credit Analysis Reporting Act D. Equal Employment Opportunity Act E. Fair Credit Reporting Act


21. ___________ jobs change rapidly and job analysis is not as valuable. A. Mechanistic B. Organic C. Trilateral D. Matrix E. Functional


22. ________ job design focuses on minimizing the physical strain on the worker by structuring the physical work environment around the way the body works. A. Perceptual/Motor B. Organic C. Motivational D. Essential E. Biological


30. Which one of the following interventions should generally not be used as part of motivational job design? A. Increased skill variety B. Autonomy C. Job enrichment D. Job simplification E. Task specialization


37. In Work Flow Analysis, numbers and types of employees, monetary requirements, materials and equipment make up our ______. A. structure B. assignments C. work processes D. productivity E. Resource inputs


43. Most organizations require all applicants to fill out an application, even if they have provided a resume, because the application generally does all of the following except: A. Provides information in a standard format B. Provides legal information such as employment-at-will language C. Gives information on mandatory tests for employment D. Notes consequences for providing false information E. Can request items such as gender and race that are usually not on a resume


46. Resting Easy Corp. has a shortage of workers in their manufacturing operation in Kentucky but has a surplus of people in their CSR center in neighboring Ohio. Which of the following could potentially be used to avoid a labor shortage? A. Reduced pay B. Work sharing C. Hiring freeze D. Early retirements E. Retrained transfers


48. Early retirement as a method of downsizing has all of the following disadvantages except: A. The wrong types of people may take the offer B. People may perceive that they are being forced out C. Too many employees may take the offer D. Too few employees may take the offer E. Workers with the least experience and fewest skills are most likely to leave


48. In the __________, candidates must pass one test for employment before being eligible to move on to the next test. A. Compensatory selection model B. Gauge re-gauge model C. Pre-defined selection model D. High interest model E. Multiple hurdle model


102. True or False. The probing question in an interview requires the job candidate to answer yes or no to a question..


105. True or False. On an application form, an employer can ask about a person's marital status.


106. True or False. Credit checks are never useful during the hiring process, because they only reveal information about a candidate's personal life, unrelated to their potential work ability.


106. True or False. One of the strengths of public agencies is that they heavily prescreen recruits.


107. True or False. The law in the United States requires that all companies use realistic job previews when recruiting.


108. True or False. A "fitness for duty" test is not a medical exam.


109. True or False. Walk-ins usually have a good basic skill set.


110. True or False. When examining companies, people usually research the social environment of the company the least.


111. True or False. Outsourcing is the only alternative to recruitment.


113. True or False. It is unnecessary, as part of a good selection process, to minimize litigation due to "negligent hires."


115. True or False. In America, a company can always refuse to hire a candidate solely because of bankruptcy.


116. True or False. In America, a company can always refuse to hire a candidate solely because of a criminal history


117. True or False. At the interview stage, it is not possible to assess culture fit, therefore it is never ranked as an important criterion.


120. True or False. Construct validity measures directly observable traits.


120. True or False. It is not necessary to identify the effective labor market for your organization; any labor market arrangement will yield results.


52. True or False. Early retirement is a fast way of doing layoffs.


54. True or False. If we are going to design mechanistic jobs, we try to make the job complicated so the worker can get good at it.


56. True or False. A job specification tells what a person does in a job.


99. True or False. Genetic testing may be used as a basis for making employment decisions.


110. True or False. "Do you have a Master's degree?" would be an example of an open-ended type of interview question.


112. True or False. Hiring for a good ability-to-job fit improves employee motivation on the job.


112. True or False. One out of every six people in the United States would not be able to be reached via Internet recruitment.


113. True or False. The recruiter is one of the primary factors responsible for an applicant showing interest in an organization and its jobs.


114. True or False. Open and targeted recruiting methods can be used in both internal and external recruiting.


114. True or False. The process of choosing the best qualified applicant recruited for a job is known as selection.


115. True or False. We have to abide by all of the EEO laws currently in existence, when recruiting for our organization.


116. True or False. Non-compete agreements might not allow us to recruit certain individuals who are bound by those agreements.


118. True or False. We should always consider a viable and financially feasible way to solve internal labor shortages, including recruiting new employees, overtime, and outsourcing


119. True or False. For Human Resource Managers, part of the selection process involves determining the "personality-job fit."


119. True or False. When considering using overtime, we must determine the effect on our current employees' job satisfaction.


121. True or False. If you expand your labor market regionally, nationally, or globally, you may find better talent, and different types of talent.


51. True or False. Companies typically do worse financially after a large-scale layoff than they did before.


53. True or False. Employees can be forced to do overtime


55. True or False. In stable, bureaucratic organizations, task-based job analysis would usually be the norm.


57. True or False. The biggest problem with the mechanistic job design is that we might specialize the work to the point that it becomes too repetitive.


58. True or False. The traditional approach to job design has been to focus on individual jobs.


60. True or False. The quickest and easiest way to fix a personnel shortage in the short term is overtime


96. True or False. Construct validity measures a trait that is not directly observable.


97. True or False. If a test is not reliable, it can't be valid.


98. True or False. Polygraph tests can be used for prospective plainclothes security personnel employees.


59. True or False. Feedback leads to the psychological state of "Experienced meaningfulness of work" according to the job characteristics model.


10. A(n) ________ is a review of all of the tasks and requirements of the job, both good and bad. A. Realistic job preview B. Job analysis C. Job description D. Evaluation of old job description E. Shift analysis


11. What is an example of an honesty test? A. Polygraph B. Myers-Briggs C. Birkman Image Analysis D. Altman Insights E. Seedorf Analytics


11. You have 200 employees. Over the past year, 31 of them had at least one absence. What is the approximate rate of absences? A. 15% B. 22% C. 30% D. 46% E. 50%


27. The U.S. Department of Labor uses ______ to describe jobs. A. CODAP B. O*NET C. Position Description questionnaires D. GOV.JOB E. The Hay System


43. The Job Characteristics Model core characteristic that leads to "knowledge of results" is: A. Task identity B. Task significance C. Skill variety D. Autonomy E. Feedback


101. True or False. Companies may pick and choose who they want to drug test.


100. True or False. Cognitive ability tests can be used even when such testing has disparate impact, as long as the test has business necessity and is job related.


103. True or False. A company can't refuse to hire you because of a bankruptcy.


104. True or False. Simulations are valuable in cases where a real event could be dangerous.


35. Which of the following is an example of job rotation? A. Angie is the office receptionist on Tuesdays and Fridays, but Bill fills this job on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. B. A worker paints chairs on Monday, operates the metal stamping press on Tuesday and Wednesday, and works on final assembly Thursday and Friday. C. A customer service representative deals with multiple customers during the week. D. A manager Skypes into a meeting while dealing with a crisis in another part of the company. E. Employees are given quality control authority over their own work.


36. In an interview, you are asked: "A subordinate runs into your office screaming mad at another employee. How would you handle this problem?" This is an example of a(n) ________ question. A. closed-ended B. probing C. operational D. hypothetical E. general


37. Drug testing almost always meets each of the criteria of the OUCH Test except: A. Objective B. Uniform in application C. Consistent in effect D. Has job relatedness E. Drug testing meets ALL of the OUCH Test criteria


38. Which of the following selection methods would be least likely to cause legal concerns over validity and reliability for the organization using it? A. Drug tests B. Interviews C. Personality tests D. Physical skills tests E. Genetic tests


38. Which one of the following activities is called the core or basis of everything that HR does in an organization? A. Work flow analysis B. Performance measurement C. Telecommuting D. Job analysis E. Critical analysis


40. Job enlargement is a tool designed to: A. Make jobs less repetitive and boring B. Increase efficiency of work through optimization C. Decrease the difficulty of the job D. Increase managerial freedom E. Decrease the autonomy of the employee


41. The major reasons why the selection process is so important to companies include: A. Productivity B. Potential for negligent hires C. Time and money D. A thru C above E. B and C only


49. Harrington manufacturing just received a very large order from a customer. They don't have the ability to fill the order using their current workforce working a normal workweek and don't expect to continue receiving such orders from this customer. Which of the following options would best address this temporary shortage of employees? A. Reducing turnover B. Outsourcing C. New hires D. Overtime E. Retraining non-manufacturing employees


5. With this type of work team, the team is both manager and worker. It operates without a designated manager. What type of team is it? A. Self-enriched B. Developed C. Integrated D. Self-managed E. Analagous


51. Good job selection is a critical management task because: A. it severely impacts the bottom line of an organization in regards to time and money. B. it impacts productivity of the organization as a whole. C. it minimizes litigation risk in relation to the issue of negligent hires. D. all statements are correct.


53. A good ability-to-job fit can help maintain, or improve: A. employee motivation. B. job satisfaction. C. productivity. D. all statements are correct.


56. Which components should be included in a standard drug test procedure? A. substances that will be tested for during the drug test B. disciplinary actions that will result from testing positive for a first test, and any subsequent test C. when individuals will be tested (after a workplace accident, randomly, upon reasonable suspicion) D. all statements are correct


6. Which job tool involves eliminating tasks, combining tasks, and changing task sequences? A. Job enrichment B. Job enlargement C. Job rotation D. Job simplification E. Job operations


61. "Based on what you said earlier, you have a lot of experience in customer service. How have you handled irate customers in the past?" would be an example of what type of interview questions? A. hypothetical B. closed ended C. representational D. probing


62. "Give me an example of a time when you used problem-solving technique on a work project" is an example of what type of interview question? A. hypothetical B. closed ended C. representational D. behavioral descriptive


63. Credit checks are useful during the hiring process because they can reveal: A. habits of personal responsibility B. a pattern of failure to live up to credit obligations C. historical data or previous patterns of employment and criminal history D. all of the statements are correct


66. The best predictor of future behavior is ___________. A. a pen and pencil test B. a background investigation C. a cognitive ability test D. past behavior


67. A realistic job preview can help to: A. avoid negligent hires. B. avoid costly turnover. C. increase longevity on the job. D. all of the statements are correct.


77. On Monday, Emily gave 10 job applicants a personality test. On Tuesday, her car was stolen with the results of the tests in the trunk. On Wednesday, she gave all the applicants the test again. On Thursday, her car was found and the results of the first tests were still in the trunk. On Friday, Emily compared the results of the first and second tests and found they were almost the same. Emily's personality test appears to have _________. a. criterion-related validity b. content validity c. construct validity d. reliability


17. What are the two most common sources for internal recruiting? A. Promotion from within and employee referrals B. Employee referrals and résumés on file C. Promotions from within and résumés on file D. Résumés on file and long-time employees E. Contractors and temporary workers


2. What is the biggest advantage of external recruiting? A. Avoid creating or perpetuating resistance to change, allowing a foothold for innovative new ways of operating B. Increase organizational diversity C. The pool of applicants is significantly larger D. The possibility of finding individuals with more complex skill sets that are not available internally E. The company knows the recruit and the recruit knows the company


20. During the recession, Company A laid off 45 employees. During the recovery, Company A hired those 45 back along with 5 new recruits. Within six months, only 25 of those employees still worked for Company A, 3 of which are from the 5 new recruits. What is the new hire turnover ratio? A. 50% B. 40% C. 60% D. 20% E. 10%


22. What is the biggest disadvantage of internal recruiting? A. The possibility of creating or perpetuating a strong resistance to change or the stifling of creativity and innovation B. The pool of applicants is significantly smaller C. An external candidate may have better qualifications for the job opening D. Internal employees may feel that they are entitled to the job whether or not they are qualified and capable E. An internal candidate may not have the same desire to perform as an external candidate


31. In order to attract knowledge-workers, companies today must frequently recruit _______________. A. globally B. locally C. regionally D. diversely E. internally


33. ______________ could be used when a company wants to use a "shotgun" advertisement to fill job vacancies. A. The Internet B. Educational institutions C. Headhunter organization D. Professional newsletters E. Industry journals


40. Recruiting using the internet would be least valuable for hiring in which of the following jobs? A. Janitorial staff B. Computer analysts C. Editorial writers D. College professors E. Programmers


45. External recruiting includes all of the following except: A. referrals from current employees B. walk-ins C. educational institutions D. various forms of advertising media E. government employment agencies


48. Why would a company want to create an RJP? A. To show recruits the good and bad of the job so they are not surprised as new employees B. To force external recruiters to comply with job requirements C. To lead current employees to apply for jobs through internal recruiting D. To house the recruiting efforts of the company E. To help external recruiters "sell" the company's lousy jobs


53. _________ is the process of creating a reasonable pool of qualified candidates for a job opening. A. Recruiting B. Selecting C. Identifying D. Promoting


59. The availability of _______ to fill vacant positions depends on the labor market. A. talent B. men C. women D. graduates


62. The _____________ in the area ties into the concept of supply and demand. A. unemployment rate B. graduation rate C. production rate D. longevity rate


66. Various _______ limit the ways in which we can recruit people into our organization. A. laws B. people C. opportunities D. events


68. ___________ issues also control the recruitment process in an organization. A. Internal B. Personal C. Personnel D. Negative


69. "When" to recruit is one of the _______ considerations in the recruitment process. A. first B. last C. easiest D. hardest


7. Without taking into account selection and training costs, recruiting costs make up approximately what percentage of one manager's yearly salary? A. 30% B. 10% C. 20% D. 5% E. 40%


73. Our organization's _________ will help determine when we should recruit internally, and when we should recruit externally. A. policies B. lawyers C. union D. alumni board


76. Three types of internal recruitment includes: open, closed, and ________. A. targeted B. selective C. legitimate D. regulated


82. Kara has identified the recruiting area for Acme Global's new plant. Acme will need many carpenters at its new facility but there is another plant in the area hiring carpenters and offering them good wages. Kara believes that will make his job recruiting qualified applicants difficult. Which external force acting on recruiting efforts is Kara examining? a. Competitors b. Supply and demand c. Legal environment d. Time required to hire


89. Taylor is looking for workers with good basic skill sets. She does not need the applicants in her recruitment pool to have a lot of work experience. Her best external recruitment source would be ___________. a. educational institutions b. specialized publications c. temporary agencies d. public agencies


94. In hiring his new assistant, Ryan calculates the ________ by comparing how many applications he received to how many of the applicants were qualified. a. yield ratio b. cost per hire c. time required to hire d. new hire turnover


98. Patrick just completed the performance appraisals of three new statisticians. On the company's 4-point grading scale, the average score for the three statisticians was 3.0. The average of all statisticians in the organization was 3.5. The new recruits' __________ was 14 percent below average. a. new hire performance b. time required to hire c. cost per hire d. new hire turnover


1. External factors that influence recruiting usually fall into what two categories? A. The political environment and the social and legal environment B. The social and legal environment, and the labor market C. The labor market and the political environment D. Competitors and the labor market E. Supply and demand, and competitors


23. When recruiting for short-term shortage situations, what type of internal or external source is most useful? A. Employee referrals B. Temporary agencies C. Internet D. Public agencies E. Technological innovation is always better than short-term recruiting


24. Joe was a new hire last year. His individual appraisal rating was a 2.0 on a 4-point scale. The average of all the new hires' appraisals from last year was a 3.0 and the average of the organization's appraisals was a 3.5. What was the overall new hire performance ratio? A. 86% B. 14% C. 33% D. 50% E. 42%


28. The HR department calculates the _______________ when determining the time that it took for them to fill a position. A. yield ratio B. time to hire C. cost per hire D. return on Investment E. new hire ratio


4. What is a strength of local mass media as a recruiting source? A. Useful in short-term shortages B. Good for semiskilled or skilled line employees C. Targets specific recruits D. Self-selected recruits E. The company can target their recruiting much better than using other methods


51. _____________ applicants gives you a reasonable pool of applicants from whom you can choose one who will be a good fit for the job and the organization. A. 7 - 10 B. 15 - 25 C. 50 D. 100


55. There are a series of __________ that affect HR Managers' ability to recruit individuals into the organization. A. personal pressures B. external forces C. tax credits D. data spreadsheets


57. Legal and regulatory changes had some effect on _________ part-time and temporary workers instead of full-time employees. A. firing B. hiring C. paying D. reducing


58. The available labor market, and the social/legal environment, are _______ forces that affect recruiting. A. internal B. external C. weak D. strong


60. The ____________ is the external pool of candidates from which we draw recruits for open positions. A. society B. labor market C. career fair D. social media site


67. The __________ must be well-versed in the various laws, agreements, and regulations that limit an organization's ability to recruit. A. union steward B. HR Manager C. County Commissioner D. retirement board


72. When identifying the effective labor market, you must determine if you can find the ________ of candidates in that market. A. best and brightest B. right number and right type C. simplest and most eligible D. easiest and most useful


74. Two common types of __________ recruiting includes: promotions from within, and employee referrals. A. external B. internal C. equitable D. social media


77. If we advertise the available position within our organization, allowing anyone to apply for the job, we are practicing ___________ recruitment. A. closed B. open C. targeted D. selective


84. Elliot was asked to privately nominate two of his subordinates for promotion to a sales position. He gave the human resource management director the names of his two top workers, Nick and Allison. This recruitment method is known as __________. a. open recruitment b. targeted recruitment c. closed recruitment d. regular recruitment


93. Geneva is one of the best recruiters at Acme Global. What makes Geneva so successful is her ability to hear the words recruits are saying as well as understand the context of the conversations. Geneva is good at _________. a. realistic job previews b. active listening c. selection d. appraisal


37. Which of the following is an advantage of relying on internal recruitment sources? A. They are likely to promote diversity in terms of race and sex. B. They minimize the impact of political considerations in the hiring decision. C. They are generally cheaper and faster than other means. D. They expose the organization to new ideas or new ways of doing business. E. They are well-suited to recruit specialized upper-level positions.


29. Having a(n) _______________ system within a company makes targeted and closed internal recruiting methods difficult. A. open door recruitment B. promote from within C. seniority D. employee rewards E. Executive search


32. When recruiting in an identifiable geographic area, recruiters need to consider the _______________ in that area. A. political views of the area B. quality of the workforce C. unemployment rate D. government workforce E. population size of the area


35. Which of the following is true of the use of internal recruitment sources? A. Research indicates that most organizational positions are filled internally. B. Internal recruitment has a demoralizing effect on employees. C. Internal recruiting may increase job satisfaction and organizational commitment. D. Temporary employees are the most common source for internal recruitment. E. Internal sources are most appropriate for specialized upper-level positions.


38. Advertising in the newspaper: A. is the best way to find highly skilled workers B. usually generates only a small pool of applicants C. generally reaches a large number of skilled or semi-skilled line workers D. is exempt from EEO requirements E. is very expensive compared to other types of external recruiting


41. Policies that must be set before beginning to recruit new employees include all of the following except: A. alternatives that will be used before, or instead of recruiting. B. whether or not the company will attempt to recruit internally in all viable cases. C. whether or not the company will be willing to recruit older employees D. sources that will be utilized in the recruiting effort E. the geographic scope of the recruiting effort


42. Alternatives to recruiting new employees include all of the following except: A. Using mandatory overtime B. Bringing in temporary workers C. Using family and friends of current employees D. Retraining current employees to do different jobs E. Outsourcing some work to other firms Ans: C


44. Closed recruiting: A. is an external recruiting mechanism B. asks managers to nominate workers to HR for internal jobs C. asks HR managers to search for a candidate with specific skills and qualifications D. asks public employment agencies to provide names of candidates E. allows anyone to apply for an opening as long as they are current employees


47. State employment agencies: A. are expensive B. only provide referrals for people who don't really want to work C. are a good source for employees, especially in bad economic times D. allow employers to try out unemployed workers for a short period of time E. generally only work with non-exempt workers


5. What is organizational image? A. The reputation of how difficult or easy an organization's interview process is B. The same thing as the organizational culture C. The reputation of the company in the markets that the company gets its recruits from D. A part of the realistic job preview process E. The review and acceptance process of creating a vision and mission


54. A critical role for HR Managers in the recruiting process is determining whether or not the job candidates are ___________ for the job which is open. A. eligible B. determined C. qualified D. certified


71. Another crucial step in the recruitment process involves identifying the _______ labor market. A. eligible B. regional C. effective D. certified


78. If we ask managers to privately nominate workers who they feel would be able to do the job that needs to be filled, we are practicing ________ recruitment. A. closed B. open C. targeted D. selective


8. A company spent $10,000 in recruiting efforts, received 20 applications, and hired 10 people, what was the cost per hire? A. $100 B. $500 C. $1,000 D. $5,000 E. $10,000


80. Kyle advertised Acme Global's need for carpenters in a local newspaper, hoping to create a reasonable pool of qualified candidates. Kyle's actions represent _________. a. selection b. hiring c. recruiting d. appraising


88. Andrea let the management of Acme Global know that she will retire next year. Andrea's job requires specialized skills. Rather than advertise the job, management has the human resource management department look through its files for people in the organization who have the needed skills. This recruitment method is known as __________. a. open recruitment b. employee referrals c. closed recruitment d. targeted recruitment


90. Colleen has a short-term labor shortage. She needs to hire some workers quickly and does not have time to screen them herself. Her best external recruitment source would be ___________. a. walk-ins b. educational institutions c. temporary agencies d. the internet


92. Acme Corporation is hiring a translator. The job advertisement reads, in part, "In meetings, translate messages simultaneously into specified languages with a high degree of accuracy while dealing with difficult people who are frustrated by their lack of ability to communicate directly with others in the meeting." This type of job advertisement would be considered a ___________. a. high yield advertisement b. dispatch preview c. realistic job preview d. precise advertisement


100. A job advertisement for a barista yielded 100 applications. Of those, 60 had the basic qualifications required for the job. The yield ratio on the advertisement was ____ percent. a. 10 b. 20 c. 40 d. 60


13. During the 2008-2009 recession, what percent of HR executives said that they were cutting recruitment back? A. 48% B. 36% C. 50% D. 63% E. 55%


21. When recruiting, what is a good rule of thumb for the number of people recruiters should find for each opening? A. 25 or more B. 5-10 C. One D. 15-25 E. At least 3


27. When the HR department engages individuals from outside of the firm in the labor market to apply for positions, _______________ recruiting is occurring. A. internal B. targeted C. active D. external E. open


30. The HR department relies on the _______________ to determine how successful a recruiting advertisement was in finding qualified applicants. A. new hire performance ratio B. new hire satisfaction score C. cost per hire D. yield ratio E. recruitment success ratio


52. When the ________________ is high, you can get more than 1,000 applicants for any one job posting. A. outside temperature B. graduation rate C. production rate D. unemployment rate


63. _______________ contend with us for the available talent in a particular field. A. Universities B. Allies C. Current employees D. Competitors


65. The _____________ affects the HR Managers' ability to recruit new people into organizations. A. gender demographic B. age demographic C. social media environment D. social environment


70. When considering using _______, we must determine the effect on our current employees' job satisfaction. A. recruiting B. outsourcing C. pay incentives D. overtime


75. For hard to recruit jobs, some firms pay a bonus to ________ when the referred candidate is hired. A. new line manager B. the city C. the unemployment office D. the referring employee


19. If we hired 10 new employees last year and at the beginning of this year 6 were promoted, and 2 left the company, what is the new hire turnover ratio? A. 60% B. 33% C. 80% D. 40% E. 20%


26. The pool of candidates for an opening must be _______________, otherwise the recruiting process does the company no good. A. pleasant B. likeable C. organized D. optimistic E. qualified


36. Executive recruiters: A. search for prospective supervisors and mid-level managers B. typically operate in concert with state employment agencies C. are not subject to age, race or gender discrimination law D. are agencies administered by the federal government or governmental organizations E. may specialize in finding people with high-level technical skills


39. A good option for external recruiting for people with specific types of skills like senior operations managers would be: A. the local newspaper B. the internet C. employee referrals D. educational institutions E. specialized publications


43. You have been tasked with recruiting a group of new employees in your firm - you need about 25 new employees. Your HR manager is concerned with the lack of diversity in the operations part of the company. What could you do as a recruiter that might help to increase the diversity in the workforce? A. Post the jobs on the internet, noting that only minorities can apply. B. Ask current employees for referrals. C. Advertise in the local newspaper. D. Give the job to a headhunter, noting the preference for diverse candidates. E. Advertise in specialty publications that target the Hispanic and Black communities in the area


49. Good, top-notch recruiters in a company need to have all of the following qualities except one. Which one? A. High employee engagement and job satisfaction B. Active listening skills including empathy C. Communication skills with both candidates and organizational managers D. Good personality-job fit E. Knowledge of executive-level pay structures


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