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As a Southern writer, William Faulkner deserves no mention at all and his work is not widely considered a symbol of the rich Southern literature tradition begun after the first-quarter of the 1900s.


Aside from initial settlement, the South has never experienced a significant migration into the region.


At the beginning of the war, most people, North and South, expected the war to be long and bloody.


Before the Civil War, blacks and whites never attended the same church.


Before the Civil War, no black churches existed.


Both the Union and Confederate armies were well prepared, trained, and supplied for battle when the war began.


By 1776, the majority (90%) of adult whites in the South belonged (as members) to evangelical churches


Church was such an important part of the early settlers' lives that even settlers living in the more frontier regions of the South made it a priority to go to church at least every Sunday.


Contrary to popular belief, Mark Twain is not actually considered a Southern writer and no traces of Southern literary traditions can be found in his work.


Contrary to popular belief, a "drawl" is not actually a characteristic of the dialect heard in much of the South.


Despite the common perception to the contrary, first-cousin marriages were never common at any point in the history of the South.


Duke University is a good example of Greek Revival architecture.


Europeans were always primarily concerned with settling the mainland of America.


For most of the nation's history, Southerners have been uninvolved with politics.


Historically, Southern architecture has not factored in ways to design buildings to deal with the region's heat.


In his attempt to document black folk tales, Joel Chandler Harris showed no concern whatsoever for preserving the integrity of a story's authenticity and its use of dialect.


In past Presidential elections, voter turnout in Southern states has consistently been above the national average.


In spite of changes in prosperity, mobility, immigration, television advertising of food products, and restaurant franchises, the eating habits of Southerners have not changed significantly in over 100 years and today there is a marked difference between the eating habits (types of food, types of restaurants, etc.) of Southerners and non-Southerners.


In the American South, hoodoo was "anti-Christian" and was always distinct from Christianity.


Job opportunities in the South expanded dramatically from the 1970s-1990s and still continue to expand today despite the globalization of manufacturing sector.


Just like the Puritan settlers in the northern region of the country, settlers in the South originally came to the "New World" for religious reasons.


Many people think speakers of "mountain talk" are ignorant, and studies of this dialect and those who use it have proved this stereotype to be true.


Mississippi was the first state to leave the Union.


Most white Southerners before the Civil War were planter aristocrats.


Most white small farmers before the Civil War depended upon slaves for field labor.


Mountain talk also included the tendency to add the vowel e in front of words ending in -ing. For example, e-cryin'.


Native Americans had the largest influence on Southern culture in spite of their small numbers at the time of first permanent European settlement and of their marginalization and removal in later years.


No black Southerner was voted into a public office of any kind until after the 1960s.


North and South Carolina were always separate colonies.


One main reason the Lumbees have had a hard time getting recognition from the federal government for being an official Indian ethnic group may be the loss of their ancestral land.


People who drop the "r" sound in words are more commonly found in mountain regions


Rap music was originally invented in the South.


Since the air-conditioner has come into widespread use in the South after the 1950s, less people are moving into the South.


Slave owners forced their slaves to take on their (the owners') last names?


Slaves did not make any new contributions to musical forms other than the slave spiritual.


Small farmers usually lived in multi-generational households.


Southern urban blacks live in a mostly white world.


Southerners did NOT have a heavy influence in shaping the new nation of America.


Speakers of Cajun English talk with a heavy Southern drawl.


The South was the region of the nation that changed more in the 6 decades preceding the Civil War than did the North.


The Spanish established the first permanent European settlement in America AND Spanish migrants from this settlement later dominated the region's population.


The Wright brothers chose Kitty Hawk as their test destination for flying planes because they had vacationed there every summer as boys and had fond memories of the place.


The black middle class and white middle class are roughly the same size.


The column is a common (and symbolic) feature of Gothic architecture


The differences between the South and the rest of the nation have not really mattered that much but just make for an interesting area of study.


The freedom riders challenged the practice of segregation on interstate buses by having only blacks board the buses and ride from Washington, DC, into the South.


The largest out-migration of blacks from the South occurred in the 1880s in what is known as the "Exoduster" migration, when many blacks moved to Kansas. A smaller out-migration of blacks occurred again around World War I and continued until the 1960s, during which time many blacks moved to the Northeast, Midwest, and far West regions of the country.


The majority of whites owned slaves, and most slaveholders qualified as the planter aristocracy.


The nature artists of the South generally depicted a region that was progressive and changing everyday.


The new Southern middle class is significantly different in values and lifestyles from the broader American middle class.


The pigs and chickens left by Hernando de Soto's camp did not become important to the South and did not become staples in the diet of Indians and future settlers.


The slave spiritual was only song in the fields; it was never a type of song that would be sung in church or at an arbor brush prayer meeting.


The standard dialect used for media persons comes from a Southern way of speaking.


The terms Boudin, lagniappe, making groceries, get down, zink, and a coffee are NOT examples of Cajun English.


There are no cases anywhere in the South where slaveowners permitted their slaves to hunt, fish, and even own chickens.


There is no debate over who actually wrote the song "Dixie.


There was never any crossing over of music between blacks and whites in the South at any point in history.


There was not a population of free blacks in the South prior to the Civil War.


Thomas Jackson got the nickname Stonewall because he and his troops helped to quickly build a wall of stone to prevent the Union troops from entering a fort.


Trade unions were always embraced in the South, and today the South leads the country in unionization.


When the Scots-Irish settled in the Smoky Mountains they named it "place of blue smoke."


White culture had a profound effect on black culture but black culture had little to no effect on white culture.


What is the name of the kind of kiln that was typically built into the side of a hill or under a mound of dirt?

Groundhog Kiln

Quiz 10: Chap 10


Quiz 1

Intro to myths

Which of the following is NOT a quality valued by the small farmer?


Which of the following statements about Modernism is NOT true?

It did not in any way challenge the "shared religion" of the South

Which of the following statements about Social Darwinism is NOT true

It is a notion based solely and directly on the ideas of biologist Charles Darwin

Which of the following statements about dialect is NOT true?

It is not an important characteristic of a subculture.

Which of the following statements about ragtime is NOT true.

It was thought to be invented by W.C. Handy.

Which of the following men was NOT counted among the three considered to be the "pen, voice, and sword" of the Revolutionay War?

James Madison

After the Civil War the truly valuable land was...

Land in town

Which of the following was not one of the "three M's" of provisions that sharecroppers depended on and bought at country stores?


Which of the following statements is NOT a factor that is having a major effect on the speech patterns of Southerners?

Modern grammar and speech patterns taught in public school

Traditionally, families in the South were organized according to which of the following patterns?


Between which 2 states was the Mason-Dixon Line originally drawn?

Pennsylvania & Maryland

Which of the following is the name for the type of simplified English first spoken by the slaves newly arrived from Africa?


What are the names of the two common types of quilts mentioned in this chapter?

Pieced quilts. Applique quilts.

Which one of the following is NOT a traditional style of Southern politicking?


Which of the following statements about slavery in Africa is NOT true?

Slavery was always permanent.

Which of the following is NOT an ethnicity that primarily shaped the folk culture of the South?

South American

Which of the following groups is NOT one that was a primary influence in the blending of culinary traditions and ingredients that made up Southern cuisine?

South Americans

Who were the first major stars of the country music industry?

The Carter Family. Jimmie Rodgers.

Which of the following attributes does one historian argue the South has in common with the southern and/or western regions of England?

All the above

In which Tennessee town was the country music industry born?


Which church was the first "official" church of the colonies of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia?

Church of England (the Anglican Church).

Although some loopholes did exist that gave voting rights to some whites but not blacks, disfranchisement measures, like the literacy test and the poll tax, disqualified not only most blacks from voting but many poor whites as well.


Although some of the pattern names were the same for black quilts and white quilts, the execution of the pattern often differed dramatically.


Although the actual building styles may differ from this model, the idea of the English manor house would be the primary influence for the homes of the planter elite throughout the antebellum South.


Although the upper, middle, and lower stratification of class is the most familiar way of dividing the classes, some sociologists argue that many more layers (anywhere between 12 and 60) of classes can exist.


Among other important aspects of Harper Lee's masterpiece, To Kill a Mockingbird, this novel (and its film adaptation) helped prepare the white South for integration and gave white Southerners a hero on the right side of the race issue with whom they could identify.


Arches, pointed windows, and buttresses are features of Gothic Revival architecture.


As a form of black slave music, the work song was usually a group song whereas the field holler was usually a solo song.


At one point President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared the South to be "the Nation's Number 1 economic problem."


At one time slavery existed all over colonial America, not just in the South.


At the very beginning of the Civil Rights movement, black ministers were often hesitant to get intensely involved with the movement for fear of alienating the white community members they had worked so hard for so long to strengthen ties with.


Black quilts are known for their asymmetry and strong, contrasting colors.


Black separatist groups (like the Black Panthers) in some ways hindered the Civil Rights movement in non-Southern regions of the country by undermining the movement's emphasis on a colorblind society


Both black and white music had a secular side and a sacred side.


Class relationships have significantly impacted the culture of the South and creation of unique, class-based subcultures within the South.


Combining various helping verbs are used to express a possibility or probability that is not able to be conveyed through other, simpler English constructions. In this way, phrases like might could and might should ought to show subtle differences in meaning and intention.


Compared to the rest of the nation, Southerners are more likely to marry, more likely to get a divorce, more likely to have a female-headed household, and more likely to have a household with grandparents raising their children's children.


Democrats had so destroyed the competitive political party system in the South, that voter turnout declined to such a degree that it is hard to say that some areas of the South even had a meaningful democratic system of government in the first half of the twentieth century.


Driving the social separation from the perspective of the black community was the desire to have something of its own.


Due to the prevalence of evangelical Christianity in the South, the people in the region practiced (or at least tolerated) a kind of "shared religion" that had a profound influence on shaping the culture of the South and in setting it apart from other regions of the country.


During the 1948 Democratic National Convention, Southern Democrats formed their own party, the Dixiecrats, in reaction to their discontent with the suggestion that civil rights be added as a plank to the party's platform.


During the first wave of Reconstruction following the Civil War, Southern state legislatures passed a series of laws called the "black codes" that were designed to keep former slaves as second class citizens as a sort of shadow of slavery.


English and Scots-Irish attitudes about class combined with race-based slavery produced in the South a class system that placed blacks at the bottom and somehow promoted both equality for whites and a class scale for whites that was based on power, privilege, and wealth.


Even after the Civil War, many planters continued to own large amounts of land, remained at the top of the socioeconomic and political spheres, and formed the new upper class.


Even before the arrival of Europeans to the African continent, slavery of some kind was already in practice in most African societies.


Examples of "mountain talk" include the following


For the most part, politics in the South have been defined by a series of crises, with each crisis involving a social movement and resulting in the establishment of new political traditions and/or the alteration old ones


Four of the first five Presidents were Virginians.


Free Blacks in the Chesapeake in the early 1660s enjoyed more freedoms than did free blacks after the Civil War and before Civil Rights.


Historically, race has been so socially important in the South that two separate class systems emerged: a black class system and a white class system.


In spite of the changing times in the South, many Southerners still retain elements of the Agrarian tradition, including cooking, pastimes, and conservative political views.


In spite of the plantation farmer's focus on growing cash crops for income, much land was devoted to the growing of other crops (like corn and fruits) for the consumption of the plantation farmer and his family.


In the South today, church affiliation is key indicator of a person's class, wealth, and education, with more of the affluent upper class attending Episcopal and Presbyterian churches and the less affluent more likely to attend Methodist, Baptist, or Penecostal churches.


In the early 1960s Southern Democrats began to leave the party and join the Republican due to clashes in beliefs about various issues--including racial policies; the size, power, and scope of the federal government; and the perceived cultural disconnect between the ideals of the national Democratic Party and the beliefs of the individual Southern voters.


When evangelical Christianity was first introduced in the South, believers were strongly opposed to slavery. However, as time went on, evangelical denominations became less outspoken about slavery and eventually came to promote it.


There are only two state-fun military colleges in the nation and both are located in the South.


There were some states that supported slavery but were not actually part of the Confederacy.


To prevent blacks from voting, some states instituted "disfranchisment laws" (usually consisting of passing literacy tests, answering complicated questions, and paying poll taxes) as a rite of passage to register to vote.


When the Civil War began in 1861, the leadership of the North set out to force the seceding Southern states to return to the Union, NOT to end slavery.


While not an official part of the party, the Ku Klux Klan basically served as the terrorist branch of the Democratic Party in the South, with much activity in the decades directly following the Civil War and then again during the Civil Rights era of the 1950s and 1960s.


While some of the traditional music (like bluegrass, the blues, and jazz) of South is still listened to today, it is mostly by middle-class, college-educated whites.


While the non-violent methods of the Civil Rights movement had roots in sources like Thoreau and Gandhi, these methods, at their core, were Christian and were embraced by so many Southern blacks because they reflected the teachings of Christ.


Before the Civil War, children in a family were considered...

an important part of the farm's workforce

Which of the following is NOT a reason that farmers liked growing cotton (besides the price it could fetch)?

it was useful for making food

Which of the following briefly describes the "Black Codes" used in the South after the Civil War?

legal trickery that tried to keep blacks from receiving equal treatment under the law.

Which of the following groups of items includes the terms by which the classes are most clearly defined?

money, power, and status.

In the South the "street corner subculture" of black experience as created after the Civil War is now...

more at the center of black life.

Which of the following is NOT something considered to be a material tradition?

music and literature.

Today, the old plantation regions of the South (such as the Black Belt and the Delta) is where approximately 46% of the nation's black population resides and many of the counties in that region are more black than white.


Two of the more influential black male writers of their day were Richard Wright and Ralph Ellison


Violence, or the threat of violence, undergirded the honor code of the planter class; and methods of violence sometimes used included caning and duels.


Who was the first Republican President?

Abraham Lincoln

The number of Southern merchants rose

After the civil war

Barn Burning by William Faulkner What is the name of the boy in the story?

Colonel Sartoris Snopes

Which of the following statements about race is NOT true?

Conceptually, race always referred to a biological category and a hierarchial classification system.

Which of the following was not a reason for growing poverty in the South before the Civil War?

Decreased value in the dollar

In the late 1860s and early 1870s The Ku Klux Klan basically operated as the terrorist wing of which political party?


From which of the following Southern songs does the title I'll Take My Stand come?


Which of the following is NOT something acceptable under the honor code of the planter class?

Drinking too much or going to court for debt.

The Dred Scott Supreme Court case is so important because it marks the first time a black man in the United States won a lawsuit at the Supreme Court level.


The English settlers in the Chesapeake region always preferred Black slaves over white indentured servants.


The Fugitives/Agrarians wrote a book and took a stand that called for Southerners to embrace industry and give up their agricultural way of life


The Harper's Ferry slave rebellion led by John Brown was, to Southerners, proof that Northern abolitionists were willing and ready to settle the slavery dispute through peaceful, nonviolent measures.


Quiz 4: Chap 4

Family and Gender

What was the term used to for the slave practice of using names like "cousin" or "aunt" for fellow slaves who were not blood relatives in order to communicate a sense of family and interdependent responsibility?

Fictive kin

A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor Where is the family headed in the story?


From which country's type of dancing did the square dance eventually derive?


Which of the following statements about William Faulkner is NOT true?

He never used violence as a means for his characters to reconcile differences or express tensions

Barn Burning by William Faulkner What does the boy's father do with Major de Spain's rug?

He wipes his dirty feet on it, cleans it, scratches it up with a rock, then delivers it back to the de Spain house.

Everyday Use by Alice Walker Who was Dee named for?

Her aunt dicie

Which of the following statements about Alice Walker is NOT true?

Her work has never been criticized for portraying black men in a negative way.

Barn Burning by William Faulkner How is the boy hurt near the beginning of the story?

His father slaps him

In 1862, Lincoln's Emanicipation Proclamantion ended slavery where?

In Confederate-controlled regions

Everyday Use by Alice Walker How was Maggie injured?

In the house fire

Which of the following statements about the Ku Klux Klan is NOT true?

Klan leaders were often from the lower class.

Which of the following was NOT a regional setback to education reform in the South after the Civil War?

Lack of teachers

Which of Martin Luther King's work best explain the philosophy of the Civil Rights movement?

Letter from Birmingham City Jail.

What is the name for the type of writer, especially popular just after the Civil War, that uses essays, memoirs, and fiction to tell about lost world of the Old South?

Local Color Writers

Bourbon was the preferred alcohol in the South except in which of the following states that preferred wine?


Which of the following was NOT one of the "3 M's" common to the diet of the poor Southerner after the Civil War?


Which of the following creative arts produced in the South has had the biggest impact on the nation and the world?


The Great Awakening began in..

New England and the middle colonies.

Which of the following non-Southern cities did NOT have an influential recording studio noted for a unique style of r&b?

New York

In which Southern state was the Populist Party (also called the People's Party) most successful?

North Carolina

Which Southern state is generally considered to the be most progressive?

North Carolina

Everett Case, a coach at which one of the following "Big Four" schools is credited with energizing the sport with hoopla like player introductions and cutting down the basketball nets after big victories.

North Carolina State.

What was the name given to the group of country music artists (like Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings) who felt the smoothed-out nature of the "Nashville sound" and the direction of the country music industry in general were a departure from what they considered to be true country.


Quiz 7: Chap 6


Which two food items formed the foundation of Southern cuisine?

Pork and Corn

What was the primary element that held together an extended family, particularly in the planter class?


Everyday Use by Alice Walker Dee said Maggie could not appreciate the quilts and accused her of planning to do what with them?

Put them on the bed and use them.

Who was the colony of Virginia named for?

Queen Elizabeth

Quiz 3: Chap 2

Quiz 3: Chap 2

Quiz 5: Chap 5


From the onset of politics in the South, the South generally worked in a two-party system. Which of the following was NOT one of the original primary political parties?


In the 1850s which new political party was formed that was concerned with containing (and many thought destroying) slavery based on the idea that slavery put in the midst of the country a population of people perceived as inferior, who could never be assimilated, and who could never truly be part of the American democratic experience.


Which of the modern-day political parties has taken up the Populist role of defending an embattled culture--not of agrarianism but of the traditional values associated with the agrarian culture of the South?


The voting block of the "Christian Right" has been a mobilizing force for which political party over the last 30 years?


The primary basket-making practice in the South was carried on by African Americans and appears to have been tied to the production of which crop?


Thich of the following colonies was the first successful European settlement?

San Agustin

Due to the sprawling nature of Southern city development, Southern city life could now best be called


What was the name of the movement that introduced evangelical Christianity to America (and the South)?

The Great Awakening.

Which of the following is NOT a primary reason why textile mills were abundant in the South?

The North was moving ahead with finance and banking industries and was not interested in opening textile mills in the North.

Barn Burning by William Faulkner Who warns de Spain about the barn?

The boy

Before the Civil War, it was typically thought that children legally belonged to...

The father

A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor What is the name of the criminal on the loose in this story?

The misfit

Which of the following is NOT an icon associated with the Lost Cause myth?

The rebel yell

Which of the following statements about the presence of the first slaves in Virginia colony in 1619 is NOT true?

The slaves were traded by the French.

Which of the following does the textbook state could be the biggest change in the new working class of the modern era?

The substantial increase in the number of blacks working in non-farm occupations.

What major technological advance in agriculture began to appear in the South on a significant scale in the 1930s?

The tractor

The plantation economy of the South was driven by which of the following markets?

The world market

Everyday Use by Alice Walker Before she leaves, Dee accuses her mother and Maggie of not being able to understand what?

Their hertiage

In a culture of "shared religion," a person is expected to behave by the standards of the shared religion even if he/she does not personally accept the shared religion.


In homicides that occur in the South, the victim and killer usually know each other and the reason for the conflict.


In the South today, class and geography define much of what race means.


In the years between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, strides were made to make evangelical Christianity more "manly" and therefore a better fit for the code of honor and male warrior culture of the South.


It is likely that during the late 1800s, the voting fraud practices of the Democratic Party prevented Republicans and Populists from taking offices they had rightly won.


It is likely that similar speech patterns from the British Isles and West Africa converged to make Black English.


It was not uncommon for the early Southerner to eat buffalo, black bear, rabbit, squirrel, and opossum.


Many of the buildings in New Orleans' French Quarter look Spanish because the Spanish controlled the city when fires forced them to rebuild some of the structures.


Men and women resided in different social subcultures outside of the home


Popular national icons (like the American flag and corporate logos) are now also popular in the South and may demonstrate the South's incorporation into the consumer culture of America.


Population shifts and fast-food restaurants were key forces in spreading Southern foodways to other parts of the nation.


Portraits were the dominant art form in the South until the 1800s.


President John Kennedy sent a team of US marshals to protect James Meredith, the first black student to enroll in the University of Mississippi at Oxford (Ole Miss)


Southern culture as a whole is a product of both blacks and whites.


The Agrarian pattern found throughout the South before the Civil War (and even into the decades following the war) can be defined as a pattern of the establishment of both plantations and small farms.


The Civil Rights movement went into high gear in the early 1960s, beginning with the first sit-in incident in Greensboro, NC, when four black students refused to leave the Woolworth's lunch counter until they had been served.


The Lumbee dialect has some features in common with the dialects of the Outer Bank and even Appalachia.


The Lumbee dialect has traces of the language spoken by the English, Scots-Irish, and Highland Scots.


The Montgomery Bus Boycott that began after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man lasted for an entire year and helped launch the career of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


The Portugese brought tomatoes and peanuts to Africa, and these foods become part of the cuisine of some Africans who were later slaves in the American South.


The book offers a few different explanations as possible reasons why the South is not like the rest of the nation. Some of these explanations include the presence of slavery and later segregation; the importance of agriculture; defeat in war; an inborn conservatism; the unique ethnic origins of the inhabitants of the South; and the weather.


The class system established in early Virginia (and later carried into the rest of the South) was curiously marked as pattern of both freedom and servitude.


The derivation of "Jim Crow" as a nickname for segregation was from the minstrel tune "Jump Jim Crow."


The expression "living high on the hog," which means living bountifully, comes from the fact that the best cuts of pork were the hams and shoulders, which are located "high on the hog."


The fact that education in the South is now pretty much equal to the level of education in other parts of the nation is due not only to improvements in Southern education but also to a slacking off of educational standards across the nation.


The famous "Lost Colony" of Roanoke was actually the third expedition that set out to establish a colony in this location.


The fires the Mississippi tradition Indians burned to kill insects, clear brush, and drive game may be the reason so many pine trees are prominent in the Southern landscape.


The first experiments with air-conditioning was not for cooling buildings but for lowering the body temperature of patients suffering from malaria and yellow fever.


The myth of the South's "ancientness" helped Southerners justify the institution of slavery.


The regions where R-dropping is common today were the same regions that were originally settled by colonists from Southeast England, where R-dropping was also common.


The small farmer class was once the largest class in the South, but now it is a tiny minority verging on extinction.


The song became a hit in New York before it caught on in other regions of the nation.


The sport of NASCAR grew out of moonshiners driving dangerously to deliver liquor in the early 1900s.


The yellow clay soil found in the Piedmont regions of North and South Carolina makes for ideal raw pottery materials, in turn leading these regions to be the most prominent regions for pottery.


To make r&b music "more acceptable" for white teenagers (especially girls) to listen to, white artists recorded watered-down, poppy covers of black r&b songs.


To prevent blacks from voting in the late 1880s through the 1910s, some states passed disfranchising laws that instituted literacy tests, complicated questions, and poll taxes as a rite of passage to register to vote, essentially taking the vote away from all but a handful of African Americans.


Two of the more important literary works by slaves were those written by Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs.


hough sexual predation on the part of white men towards black women was a problem during this time, no white man was ever convicted of raping or attempting to rape a black women during the 100-year period after the Civil War.


With which of the following classes has the planter class merged to form today's Southern upper class?

Urban Upper Class

What is the name for the architectural tradition that favors simplicity; features strong, clean lines; used wood as the primary building material; and was typically used by the people who built it?


Mobs taking the law into their own hands is called


Architectural adaptions (like piazzas and front porches) for more tropical climates most likely came from the influence of which group?

West Africans

Which of the following was NOT one of the major diseases found in epidemic proportions in the South in the early 1900s?

Whooping Cough

Today, who is more likely to attend college?


Quiz 9: Chap 8

Words, Notes

The folk culture of the South is considered to be the heritage of which class of people?

Working class

What was the Black Belt region named for?

both A and B

The first political crisis in the history of the South occurred in...

colonial Virginia with indentured servants and former servants rebelling against the landowning planter class.

Which of the following characteristics was a defining trait of the black church but not found as much in the white church?

commitment to social justice.

In an agrarian society, what the first and foremost reason for marriage?

economic reasons

What is the name of the concept used to rationalize slavery and then later extended to the mill society that views the slaveholder/mill owner as a superior father figure who takes care of and provides for his inferiors (the slaves/mill workers)?


After the Civil War, the system of trade bartering broke down in the South due primarily to the increased presence of which two things

railroads and country stores.

Which of the following attributes are NOT typically shared by people within the same class?

similar personalities and sense of humor.







What is the name for the splintering of religion into a variety of sects and independent churches--a practice that became a defining feature of Southern religious life?


What is the name for the system that uses shaped note heads to represent the notes of a scale?


Tenant farming is also known as


In which of the following decades would Southern industries begin hiring blacks in significant numbers?

1960s and 1970s.

During what decade does the book say there was a "tidal wave" of change in the eating and drinking habits of Southerners due to prosperity, immigration, the decline of the agrarian lifestyle, integration of South into national cultural life, interest in fine dining, decline of home cooking, and interest in "healthy" eating?


In the South today marriage and family are viewed as..

A choice

Which of the following items was NOT one that Dee wanted to take away with her?

A figurine whittled by her uncle Stash.

Which of the following statements is NOT a possible reason that Southern dialect/s developed in a way that was different from English speakers in the North?

A large influx of European immigrants into the South after the 1800s contributed new words and pronunciations that quickly impacted the way English was spoken in the South.

What were the Black Codes?

A system adopted in the South as a way to keep blacks unequal by guaranteeing some rights and restricting others, which was basically an attempt to reestablish a form of "unofficial" slavery through legal trickery.

According to the Agrarian ideal, a love and devotion of land was considered which of the following?


After World War II, which of the following helped to promote the idea of ending segregation?


After the Civil War, what did many former slaves do?


Although slaveholders were at first hesitant to introduce slaves to Christianity, the religion ultimately...


As the 1900s progressed, what changes took place for women?


Black churches/church services generally...


Choose the best answer to the following question: For what reason/s were cities not needed in the South prior to the Civil War?


Everyday Use by Alice Walker What happened when Dee asked to take with her two of the hand-pieced quilts?


How did slavery affect the gender role of slave men?


In 1662 the Virginia colonial assembly passed legislation that did which of the following?


In the South, especially before the Civil War, the family was the primary social structure, and family members depended on each other for which of the following?


Southern rock bands the Allman Brothers and Lynyrd Skynyrd had which of the following elements in common?


The four poorest regions in the South are Appalachia; the delta counties of Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas; the old plantation districts running from south Virginia to eastern Mississippi; and the Rio Grande Valley. What do these areas have in common?


Which of the following best describes lynchings?


Which of the following best describes the Agrarian myth?


Which of the following best describes the idea of the "New South"?


Which of the following can be influenced by the cultural traditions of class?


Which of the following characteristics are commonly associated with Southern literature?


Which of the following describes "white supremacy" ideology?


Which of the following describes poor whites?


Which of the following have helped to undercut the old ideas about race?


Which of the following helped the North decide that one outcome of the Civil War should be the end of slavery?


Which of the following ideals of the Enlightment movement best describes its affect on religous thought at the time (1700s)?


Which of the following play important roles in Southern politics?


Which of the following statements describes Populism?


White slaveholders promoted family ties among their Black slaves because they thought having a family...


People who live in proximity to each other create cultures that are shaped by which of the following are factors?

All of the above

Which of the following statements about the "shared religion" of the South is NOT true?

Although church services are quite informal, the church buildings themselves are usually very ornately and elaborately decorated.

Barn Burning by William Faulkner At the beginning of the story, the boy considers the Justice of the Peace...

An enemy

Which of the following was one of the primary inventors of bluegrass music?

Bill Monroe

What is the name of the attack that occurred in March 1965 in which a protest group of 600 people were assaulted at in bridge in Selma, Alabama?

Bloody Sunday

Barn Burning by William Faulkner How was the boy's father injured?

By a musket ball shot into his heel.

Barn Burning by William Faulkner When the boy's father has a problem with someone, how does he settle his grudge?

By burning the person's barn.

A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor What happens to the family at the end of the story?

Each member is killed

Which of the following are the two primary types of pottery?

Earthenware and stoneware

Which of the following did NOT play a big role in the change of class structure and appearance of new classes after the Civil War?


Which of the following is NOT an cultural attribute considered to help define a society and distinguish one society from another?


The new middle class is made up mostly of...


Which of the following was NOT a reason English settlers in the Chesapeake began to turn to slave labor?

Europeans thought Blacks were more industrious workers than white servants.

Which of the following statements about lynchings is NOT true?

Even though the South had many lynchings, lynchings were still more common on the Western frontier than in the South after the 1890s.

After the Civil War, pork and corn products bought from sources like a general store were filled with more nutrients than the foods that had been grown at home.


All 11 of the Confederate states seceded before the battle at Fort Sumter.


Although his work is primarily about Southern characters, Tennessee Williams is not considered a Southern writer


Which of the following Presidents actually pushed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through Congress?

Lyndon B. Johnson.

Which of the following does the book NOT include as one of the three major icons of the South?

Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Wright brothers were originally from which state, which sometimes claims to be "real" first in flight state?


Which of the following is NOT a type of industry mentioned by the book as being a key means of the diversification of Southern industry?

Oil refineries.

Quiz 6: Chap 3


A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor In this story, which character actually says, "A good man is hard to find"?

Red sammy

What is the name sometimes given to the Democratic party's winning the majority of elected political offices in the South by the end of the Reconstruction (1876)?


Which of the following is NOT a unique feature of worship that came from the fusing of black Christian practices and West African traditions?

Tent meetings

Quiz 2: Chap 1

The Agrarian South

The first Black slaves in the New World arrived in 1619 in the James River and were traded for food and water by which group:

The Dutch

Which of the following groups was NOT one of the groups that had a major initial influence on Southern culture?

The Spanish

What was The Black Atlantic?

The blending and mixing of European and African cultures throughout the Atlantic Basin.

Which of the following statements about the blues is NOT true?

The blues developed quite a fan following from church-goers, who often thought the music was influenced by Scriptural teachings.

Which of the following was a dance developed by black slaves to make fun of the white-preferred dance of the waltz?

The cakewalk

A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor How the family happen to have a run-in with the criminal?

The family had a car accident, and the criminal stopped to see what was wrong.

Which of the following statements about amalgamation is NOT true?

The fear of amalgamation was only held by Southerners.

In which two basic areas of pottery could potters exercise their creativity?

The form of the piece. The glaze of the piece.

A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor In the beginning of the story, who warns the family about the criminal afoot?

The grandmother

Although mountain speaker are often looked down upon for their way of speaking, like using clumb for climbed, this speech pattern actually reflects "older language patterns that were considered proper and standard at one time during the development of English."


Which of the following statements about black gospel music is NOT true?

The growth and popularity of this musical form was not helped along by the Black Pentecostalism movement.

Which of the following statements about icons and myths is NOT true?

The meanings of icons and myths can never change and therefore are the same for any era.

Which of the following is NOT an explanation offered by the textbook to account for the high incidence of family breakups among black families?

The men who abandoned their families were just no good to start with

Everyday Use by Alice Walker Who narrates this story?

The mother

Although slaves were allowed to have marriage ceremonies, slave marriages were acknowledged by neither the church nor the government.


Which of the following is NOT characteristic of the patriarchy family pattern?

This type of arrangement is still considered the "ideal" for a marriage.

In NASCAR what does it mean to "draft"?

To gain additional speed by driving closely behind another car.

After the Civil War, the focal point of the new market economy in the South was the...


"Gentrification" is the name given to modern-day movements to fix up Southern downtown areas and make them more attractive to the more affluent class.


"Masking" refers to the act of transformation undergone by slaves in which they, in order to retain some measure of self-worth, hid true feelings and mastered the art of deception. This would later have broader implications in language and song.


"Middle Passage" refers to the middle part of the triangular slave trade route of the Atlantic Basin--from Africa to the Carribean and the North American mainland.


"Seasoning" referred to the process of "educating a slave on how to be a slave" and was designed to make slaves give up hope of ever returning to home land and to make them adopt the personae of obedience, trustworthiness, and passivity, among others.


A major source of tension between white husbands and wives was the unacknowledged but widespread reality of sexual relationships between white men and slave women.


According to the Agrarian ideal, a commitment to a life on the land is a commitment to a particular place that belongs to a person and to which the person belongs even if he/she leaves.


According to the Agrarian ideal, farming is the only virtuous occupation for a man and the only occupation that allows a man to be truly free


According to the racial theory of retrogression, after the Civil War, without slavery to guide them, blacks began to "retrogress" into a state of barbarity, leading to a believed increase in black criminality, the most serious offense being the rape of white woman.


According to the textbook, while class has been important in the South, race has historically been even more important.


After World War II, employment in the South was on the rise, with many industries locating to the area between the 1950s and 1970s.


After the Civil Rights Movement in the South gained the victory of toppling segregation, Civil Rights leaders turned their attention to racism problems in other regions of the country, where the movement was less successful.


After the Civil War, African-Americans in the South formed new national church denominations like the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the National Baptist Convention.


After the Civil War, Southern writing in the form of memoirs, histories, and local color stories were popular.


After the Civil War, a town's growth was aided by the having a railroad built to run through the town.


After the Civil War, many blacks were glad to have separate facilities that catered to their communities. However, as time went on and whites grew more accustomed to the segregation, they began to exclude blacks from public places.


After the Great Depression, changes in government policies regarding agriculture and advances in agricultural technology contributed to a decreased need for farm labor.


Air-conditioning had an influence on a range of aspects of Southern life including migration patterns, pace of life, industrialization, attitudes toward nature, and, of course, architecture.


Air-conditioning, along with television and the internet, has resulted in Southerners being less neighborly and community-oriented and more indoors and closed off.


Although "Dixie" is now associated with the South and condescending depiction of Blacks, President Lincoln offered it as an act of reconciliation after the Civil War and considered it one of his favorite songs.


Although I'll Take My Stand was controversial in its day, much of the what the Fugitives warned about has come to pass.


In the early decades of the 1900s, proponents of ending segregation had a hard time finding support among the educated and powerful people since Social Darwinism was the prevailing mindset of these people at the time--a mindset that would view segregation as nothing more than a realistic, even "kindly," system developed to separate unequal races and protect the inferior race from the superior race.


In the years between the Civil War and the Civil Rights movement, black ministers often tended to serve as a mediators between the black community and the white community


Ministrel shows, which were popular in the nation before and after the Civil War, usually featured white professional performers in black face who parodied black life as they imagined it in jokes, songs, and skits.


Non-denominational churches with a laid-back atmosphere and a therapeutic approach to spirituality are popular and growing in the South today.


One cultural sign that may indicate that Rful Southern speech is growing is the widespread growth and popularity of country music


One of the Confederacy's early mistakes was miscalculating the value of cotton and its power to sway European forces to join the Confederacy in its fight against the Union.


One of the biggest changes to Southern social class over the past few decades has been the emergence of a new, big middle class.


Pretty much due to the influence of the Grand Ole Opry and its long-time location in Ryman auditorium, Nashville eventually emerged as the center of the country music scene.


Prior to the Civil War, the controversy over slavery was not as much over the existence of slavery as it was about the expansion of slavery


Ray Charles was the first artist to launch the sound (a blend of gospel and blues) that would become the mainstream r&b sound.


Rhythm and blues (r&b) was influence in part by gospel, the blues, and jazz.


Rice, cotton, sugar, and tobacco were the four major plantation crops grown in the South.


Separate class scales for whites and blacks developed over time and coexisted in the South.


Sharecroppers, unlike slaves, could leave a bad situation--and some even did so in the middle of the night.


Some New Englanders were so unhappy with the influence of Southerners on the American government that they wanted to have a meeting to propose secession.


Some Southern subcultures have their own type of cuisine that can differ dramatically from the the "core" Southern cuisine.


Some of the Cajun French words used today are very similar to French words of the 1700s


Some people consider North Carolina pottery among the most prized pottery in the world.


Some performers try to make the song "Dixie" more acceptable to incorporate parts of into other songs.


Southern culture is really a subculture of the broader national culture.


Southerners' unwillingness to acknowledge the moral wrong of slavery even after the defeat of the Civil War only worsened relations between Southerners and Northerners during Reconstruction.


Texana (named after Black woman Texana McClelland) was the first independent, non-slave Black settlement in the Smokies.


The "Confederate A" is what some linguists call the practice of pronouncing a word containing the vowel "i" like it was an "a"--for example, turning my into mah.


The "new" "Nashville sound" of the 1950s and 1960s (and even today) is characterized by a more polished, smoother, and more orchestrated sound.


The "shared religion" of the South differed greatly from Fundamentalism in this key way: Fundamentalism emphasized the importance of doctrines and "tests" of faith where the "shared religion" emphasized the personal acceptance of Christ and was suspicious of doctrines.


The ACC conference was originally formed as a way to group together the dominant football schools of the old Southern Conference.


The Rless Southern dialect that has the most speakers in this country is the African American Vernacular English.


The Separate Baptist church was started in the Northern colonies.


The South is the number one destination of blacks relocating from other regions in the United States in recent years.


The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is a good example of the use of Greek Revival architecture.


The Wright Brothers were the first to fly a powered airplane.


The marginalization of black men in Southern society led to the creation of an alternate male subculture outside the family and the church that celebrated "street smarts" and the freedom not to settle down.


The myths and icons of the Civil Rights era also fit into the greater iconography of America in general.


The stereotyping of slave types (like "mammy" or "sambo" or "buck") were more a reflection of whites' fears and/or desires than of actual reality.


The term "Cajun" is short for "Cadian" which is short for "Acadia" which is the area of Canada where the French descendants of modern-day Cajuns were from.


The value system of the honor code and the value system of evangelical Protestantism were often in conflict.


Which of the following was the main saving grace of the Jamestown colony?

a shipment of tobacco leaves sent to England

Which of the following is NOT something that is typical of Southern evangelical Protestant religious beliefs? (may vary from your own personal experience)

being a "good" Christian does not relate to one's actually going to church every Sunday or having extramarital sexual relations.

Musical innovations like the banjo, a fingerpicking guitar playing style, and musical styles like ragtime, blues, and jazz originated with...

black musicians.

In the 1870s, cotton prices fell, thereby causing financial woes for individual farmers. This event, however, caused the South to do which two of the following things, which eventually led the South to recover financially from the Civil War?

diversify agriculture and rely more on industry.

Evangelical ministers had more success convincing small farmers to go to church by...

emphasizing to men the more "manly" aspects of Christianity like fighting off the devil and being the master of their homes.

Which of the following choices were the names of the two different ways of organizing slave labor on a large farm or plantation?

gang system and task system.

Which of the following lists contain the 5 elements that comprise a cultural landscape?

house form, diet, language, religion, attitudes

While the dramatic transformation of the Southern economy after World War II resulted in the rapid growth of towns and cities throughout the region, it actually made the South more...


The main breakthrough for the Woodland Indian tradition was which of the following:

the gathering and storing of seeds and nuts

Although many Northerners and Southerners at the turn of the nineteenth century thought slavery would eventually go out of existence everywhere in the country, which of the following events changed "the whole picture of the American future" by placing a new importance on slave field work?

the invention of the cotton gin.

Small farms were most numerous in which of the following regions of the South?

the piedmont and mountain areas.

Which of the following is NOT something that is typical of Southern evangelical Protestant religious practices? (may vary from your own personal experience)

the preacher always wears fancy robes and vestments and the church is very ornately decorated

In spite of the different elements these groups brought to bear upon the formation of Southern culture, the English, Scots-Irish, and Africans all shared which underlying cultural pattern that would form the foundation of Southern culture?

the predominance of farming and rural living.

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