Human Factors Final - Lee - MGA

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Sometimes pilots will sacrifice their point of view in order to maintain relationships, give a good impression, or avoid the possibility of being wrong. This will be more likely to occur when the authority gradient is very steep. To avoid leading or suggestive questions, what is the best question by the captain in this situation? Question options: "Do you agree setting the new altitude at 3000 feet?" "He said 3,000ft didn't he?" "Did he say 3,000ft?" "What height did he tell us to level off?"

"What height did he tell us to level off?"

What is the incorrect aspects of automation in the cockpit? Remembering exactly what each mode means, and how the aircraft should be performing under them. Knowing what level of automation to select considering the irony of automation. FMA (flight mode annunciator) call-out to support shared engagement and awareness 'electronic flight bags' (EFBs) Head up displays (HUDS) will definitely assist in CRM and crew communication to share informations

'electronic flight bags' (EFBs) Head up displays (HUDS) will definitely assist in CRM and crew communication to share informations

Select the incorrect statement: Question options: First generation CRM is called "charm school" Second generation of CRM, changed "Cockpit to Crew" in name. 3rd generation CRM began to be extended to other groups within airlines, such as flight attendants, dispatchers and maintenance 4th generation CRM realized explicit and stand alone CRM is established.

4th generation CRM realized explicit and stand alone CRM is established.

What is most effective management techniques to cope with automation? Question options: communicating through manual, checklists, bulletins with pilots acquisition of latest, advanced technology aircraft. A permanent contact with the pilots, with a maximum exchange of information, views and policies, is essential, and procedures, equipment and rules. minimum involvement from the management level regarding automation

A permanent contact with the pilots, with a maximum exchange of information, views and policies, is essential, and procedures, equipment and rules.

Select incorrect statement about fatigue Question options: In commercial aviation, fatigue is controlled by the imposition of flight time limitations. Factors leading to the development of fatigue include early starts, night flying, a high number of sectors and long duty days for short-haul flight crew. Fatigue cause impaired performance and reduced levels of awareness. Alcohol increase REM sleep and help to relieve fatique

Alcohol increase REM sleep and help to relieve fatique

Safety Management System is the identification of hazards and how those hazards are managed through effective risk mitigation. CRM related hazards can be identified through: LOSA (Line Operation Safety Audit) FOQA (Flight Operations quality assurance) ASAP (Aviation Safety Action Program) All of the above

All of the above

What would be the best way to work with Gate (Customer service) agents, Dispatcher, and other external teams? Understand your own culture and that of the other crew and think about how they might interact It is a team effort to get an aircraft away safely and on time. With swift effective communication All of the above

All of the above

Do the captain must invite and include whole crew's decision all the time? Question options: No, captain should be responsible for all critical decision. He must use his discretion, which might mean acting independently as the leader if the situation demands it. No, he/she should not allow a feeling of diffused responsibility to be of influence. He should not think all decision must include the whole crew due to expected role. Yes, that is what CRM is reforcing Answer A, and B. "It doesn't matter who's right, it matters what's right".

Answer A, and B. "It doesn't matter who's right, it matters what's right".

Select the incorrect statement regarding automation human factors Automation complexity was a necessary by-product of autopilot capability and functionality, however something that can now be easily reduced. FMS allow pilots pre-program a route and flying(navigation) can be completely taken care of. Then it is up to the pilot to monitor. Aerobatic training, upset training, upset avoidance trainings are not completely proven to be beneficial due to lack of research and still are debated. Although it seems likely that manual flying skills degrade to some extent due to lack of practice, this remains hypothetical.

Automation complexity was a necessary by-product of autopilot capability and functionality, however something that can now be easily reduced.

Which one is system error? Question options: A B Both Neither


Which leadership is best to be more effective and not detrimental? Question options: Autocratic leadership Expert embodied authority leadership Laissez-faire leadership Balance of task-orientated behaviour and relationship maintenance

Balance of task-orientated behaviour and relationship maintenance

It is unlikely that a pilot who has lost SA will passively recognise it without a clear signal or consequence. Then how can the pilot regain the SA? Question options:By realizing that they had an inaccurate mental model of the situation. Know knowing how to direct their effort or resource in order to achieve SA. By using multiple sources of information 1.By feeling perfectly normal

By using multiple sources of information

(BLM) Who set the right tone, pace, and shows acceptance of his own natural vulnerability and empowers the other by inviting their input Question options: Captain. First officer. The operation manager


Select the incorrect statement regarding the communication Question options: Clarity of communication can be improved by methods such as plain language and non-standard operational phraseology in non-routine situation, Complexity, unfamiliarity and lengthy communications are also known to lead to communication failures. Talking (verbal communication) is supported by other cues such as intonation and body language A less obvious (but more common) failure is caused when the receiver does not properly perceive or process the information that was audible because they are engaged in other thoughts or activities

Clarity of communication can be improved by methods such as plain language and non-standard operational phraseology in non-routine situation,

Select incorrect statement: Question options: The most essential element in effectively establishing CRM programmes is the deliberate endorsement of top management Using line pilots as CRM training instructors produces extremely positive results because line pilots live with threats and errors in operations. Classroom "games" are most effective CRM training as it teaches human relationships. Crews that accept the training and demonstrate CRM countermeasure skills in managing errors have a greater likelihood of not being involved in occurrences.

Classroom "games" are most effective CRM training as it teaches human relationships.

This coping strategy is used when the situation cannot be changed. It involves reducing the emotional and physiological impact of the stress. This may be done by rationalisation or emotional and intellectual detachment from the situation. The effect is to change the perception of the problem even if the demand itself is no different. This is called: Cognitive Coping Action Coping System Directing Coping Regression Coping

Cognitive Coping

PSA Boeing 727 that collided with a Cessna 172 at San Diego in 1978. On the downwind leg in visual conditions, the flight crew was visually searching for a Cessna 172 that they had previously had visual contact with. The captains asked: "are we clear of that Cessna?" The replies implied that no one knew for sure, but everyone considered they should be clear, e.g. "supposed to be". The captain then said the following: I guess... Yeah; before we turned downwind, I saw him about one o' clock...probably behind us now What was the decision mechanism and shortcuts the captain based upon? Question options: Anchoring and adjustment Confirmation bias Uncertainty Recency

Confirmation bias

humans very rarely, if ever, make decisions in the way that classical models suggest. Simon (1957) used the term 'bounded rationality' to suggest that humans do not have the 'mental capacity' to make perfectly rational decisions. Select the mechanism that is not a shortening information assessment: Question options: Recency Neglect of underlying information Availability Considering all the options

Considering all the options

Identify the items that is not belong to error management. Question options: Avoid Trap Mitigate Correct


Group decision-making can be quite different than single person decision-making. Select incorrect statement: Group-think - members of a group are reluctant to challenge the decision of a leader (or the group) and instead overtly agree Individuals' behaviour and actions are driven by their perception of what people normally act like in those roles (called norms) and can be incorrect. Risk polarization - this is the tendency for group decisions to err towards extremely high or extremely low risk strategies Decision made by many people always better than one made by a person because of redundancy and synergy effect.

Decision made by many people always better than one made by a person because of redundancy and synergy effect.

Select the items which is not a stressors: Question options: Reactive (reaction to specific activity) Life (psychological) Organizational Denial


What is not the feature of 5th generation CRM? Question options: CRM as error management CRM as error countermeasures CRM as avoidance, trapping, and mitigating errors. Discontinuation of CRM training in initial and recurrent training

Discontinuation of CRM training in initial and recurrent training

BL An proficient pilot fails to lower the landing gear. This is an example of Question options: Error of omission (lapse) Habit capture Slip System error

Error of omission (lapse)

Considerable crew workload can be created by the requirement to perform non-operational tasks at inopportune times (for example, calling ahead for passenger connections, meal requirements, wheelchairs and other passenger service items). read the 3..5.12 in advance to answer this question. The management should : Question options: Leave these at the discretion of the pilot, so they can manage workload. Encourage to use ACARS instead radio communications. prevent cockpit/cabin crew interface. Establish policies which reassign or eliminate of these tasks.

Establish policies which reassign or eliminate of these tasks.

What is the incorrect way to bring up assertiveness and intervention? Question options: pilots should always consider communicating information that could be important for wider safety, when they are confident that others would benefit from that information. The questioning method communicates what the pilot is thinking (providing situational awareness) and encourages the other pilot to share his plan. If an urgent verbal intervention is required, an assertive comment should be de-personal, specific, and may contain brief information to update the others' situational awareness. First Officers should speak up and share the decisions to make the cockpit trans-authority gradient flatter

First Officers should speak up and share the decisions to make the cockpit trans-authority gradient flatter

Select the factor that will reduced or even destroy the synergistic crew working environment. Question options: First Officer's acceptance of the captain's authority Reassuring the leader of their authority and support, as well as completing tasks as required to communicate doubts and concerns about their own abilities when appropriate to help the leader. Followership behaviour motivated by goals other than joint goals

Followership behaviour motivated by goals other than joint goals

BL An experienced pilot mistakes setting the altitude for the departure procedures instead of setting ATC instructed altitude for departure. Select the error type that is not related these kind of error Question options: Slip Lapse Habit capture System error

Habit capture

Select the incorrect statement about sleep Question options: As little as 2 hours of sleep loss can result in impairment of performance and levels of alertness. If you slept very well for more than 8 hours, sleep debt will not occur after 16 hours of continual wakefulness. 'catch-up' sleep of around one third of the deficit is sufficient. Sleep is essential for restoring the normal balance between the different parts of the central nervous system, transferring the day's experiences from RAM onto the hard disk.

If you slept very well for more than 8 hours, sleep debt will not occur after 16 hours of continual wakefulness.

Select the statement that does not represent LOFT (LINE-ORIENTED FLIGHT TRAINING) Question options: Non-jeopardy, facilitated aircrew training which involves a full mission simulation of situations which are representative of line operations. LOFT places special emphasis on situations that involve communications, management and leadership. LOFT means realistic, real-time, full mission training. In LOFT instructor can repositioning the simulator and repeat the problems for better training.

In LOFT instructor can repositioning the simulator and repeat the problems for better training.

Select incorrect statement in decision making: Question options: 'recognition-primed decision making' (RPD) is a quick and easy process whereby typical situations are recognised from previous experience. In unusual (not typical) case, decision reviews are equally if not more important, after a big decision influenced by any form of RPD. In conclusion, any undesirable outcome following a decision could have been prevented by spending more time and effort on the decision. It is important to note that pilots rarely use rational decision making approaches in the manner that trainers might deem appropriate and in most situations it would not be a good idea to make decisions in that way.

In conclusion, any undesirable outcome following a decision could have been prevented by spending more time and effort on the decision.

What happened by reducing the number of the flight crew from 3 person to 2 person? Question options: Subsequent automation reduced workload of 2 person crew. It may be important to give pilots in two-person crew operations more systems training in their initial and periodic training than was given for predecessor aircraft with three-person crews. the command and communication relationships of a two-person rather than three-person flight deck became easier. There were no changes in procedures and checklist basically, making transition easier.

It may be important to give pilots in two-person crew operations more systems training in their initial and periodic training than was given for predecessor aircraft with three-person crews.

Select the incorrect statement regarding about building the scenarios for Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT) Question options: Problems in the scenario design should not be compounded. LOFT scenarios should not be designed to bury or overload the crew. An accident should never be inevitable, although it is an outcome that may occur. LOFT scenarios should be compressed and fill the total flight period to save training time.

LOFT scenarios should be compressed and fill the total flight period to save training time.

The Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA) — Choose the item which is not related to : Question options: LOSA is conducted by Inspectors and check airmen after they have to undergo a more specialized form of instructor training for the audit In the end, an airline is given a "health check" report LOSA offers great promise for assessing the use and validity of professional competencies and countermeasure . skills, both CRM and technical, to address human error.Audits a "slice" of an airline's flight operations, including flight crew performance — how crews recognize and manage threats and errors in normal line flights.

LOSA is conducted by Inspectors and check airmen after they have to undergo a more specialized form of instructor training for the audit

Select the incorrect statement about the jet lag/sleep deprivation: Question options: Readjustment generally requires one day for each time zone crossed or one day for every 90 minutes of jet lag. Eastbound adjustment takes longer than Westbound readjustment Resynchronization is easier when local time on landing is behind that at the airport of departure, whereas it is difficult when local time is ahead. Only long haul crew suffer from cumulative sleep deprivation, but not short-haul crew as a result of regular early morning starts and long multi-sector days.

Only long haul crew suffer from cumulative sleep deprivation, but not short-haul crew as a result of regular early morning starts and long multi-sector days.

A decision-making error that is not standardized by regulations or operator procedures and, as such, the crew had more conservative option but not took, time not used effectively, is called? Question options: non-compliance error Procedural error Communication error Operational decision error

Operational decision error

The best way to deal with stress will be: Question options: Coning of attention Filtering Omission Organizing


Reluctance by the crew to disconnect automation can be called ? Question options: lack of crew co-ordination lack of reversion Over-reliance poor-interface


Select the incorrect statement about the sleep: Question options: Approximately 90 minutes after sleep onset, REM sleep will occur An 8 hour sleep period will typically contain about four or five bouts of REM sleep. When learning new tasks, an increased proportion of REM sleep is seen. REM sleep is related to body restoration

REM sleep is related to body restoration

The 4 layers of TEM are? Question options: Recognition of Threat, Cancel Threat, Recognition of potential Error and Error management. Identify Threat, Observe CRM behavior, enforce CRM, Eliminate human Error . Error avoidance, Threat management, Error management, undesired aircraft state management Communication, teamwork, decision making, and leadership.

Recognition of Threat, Cancel Threat, Recognition of potential Error and Error management.

(BL) To manage the stress, pilots should Question options: be aware of life stress situations are similar to those experience in flying. Challenge the stress to eliminate or avoid situations that will create the stress. Remember clear thinking, free from emotional or physical worries is essential for flight planning and the safe conduct of a flight.

Remember clear thinking, free from emotional or physical worries is essential for flight planning and the safe conduct of a flight.

Automated aircrafts and non-automated older aircrafts are in coexistence in some airlines, and these create additional problems. Select the incorrect answer. Question options: co-pilot in automated flight deck airplanes might go back to an older jet in order to be promoted to captain. pilots who transition to modern aircraft late in their careers; same type but different airplanes can be operated with a common type rating. Separation of the fleets are long time economic burden.

Separation of the fleets are long time economic burden.

Even complex tasks like driving a car can become automatic; many experienced car drivers 'find themselves' stopped at a red traffic light without remembering it happening. Why? Question options: Some well-learned perceptions can bypass processing stage by triggering a skilled response automatically during mental processing there is a need for the short-term buffering of information. because of conscious processing (working memory) is used in processing because the attention is given with mental effort.

Some well-learned perceptions can bypass processing stage by triggering a skilled response automatically

Select the correct statement Question options: decision shortcuts are always problematic. Teaching decision-making in general improves decision-making in real world environments Learning the theory itself of decision-making process always improve us in all situations. The overall phenomenon of decision-making is too wide and complex for general rules to be applied for improvement (There are no so called 'silver-bullets')

The overall phenomenon of decision-making is too wide and complex for general rules to be applied for improvement (There are no so called 'silver-bullets')

Alarm reaction, Resistance and Exhaustion are: Question options: The response to acute stress The response to chronic stress The response to good stress The response to chronic or acute stress

The response to chronic or acute stress

19-1. Select the incorrect statement about the attention Question options: we cannot notice or pay attention to everything attention can be drawn when there are cocktail party effect (breakthrough) The solution usually lies in better planning and managing of the workload (workload management) The solution of lacking the attention will be just paying more attention on the important factors ( i.e. speed on the final turn)

The solution of lacking the attention will be just paying more attention on the important factors ( i.e. speed on the final turn)

Select incorrect statement about Threat management Question options: The total elimination of threats would only be possible by not flying at all. Overt threats are those that are tangible and observable to the crew. Examples of these include poor weather, aircraft malfunctions,automation events, ground events, aircraft traffic, terrain and airport/aerodrome facilities. Latent threats are not readily observable by the crew, but are concealed within the fabric of the system or the particular operation. They may also pertain to culture, both at the national and organizational. The treat means that there is undesired aircraft state

The treat means that there is undesired aircraft state

Anxiety creates worry, and in turn any form of worry may lead to stress. Anxiety can be produced when an individual knows that they have no control over events or lack the knowledge to handle them. It is particularly prevalent in people who, for one reason or another, are lacking in self-confidence. How can this changed? Question options: This can be changed by increasing knowledge and gaining greater proficiency in operating an aircraft, requiring more time devoted to study and flight training. with the 'fight or flight' response by common Denial, in an attempt to maintain self-esteem. by sequentially delaying necessary actions in an inappropriate order of attention priority

This can be changed by increasing knowledge and gaining greater proficiency in operating an aircraft, requiring more time devoted to study and flight training.

Flying an accurate ILS approach is adversely affected by mentally processing crosswind information. Why? Question options: This is because although the crosswind information is presented verbally, the calculation of the wind vector requires heavy executive functioning and some spatial visual resource. Flying ILS must compete visual attention. because flying ILS is too difficult. because time available is limited and have to be done quickly. because too many task running in parallel concurrently.

This is because although the crosswind information is presented verbally, the calculation of the wind vector requires heavy executive functioning and some spatial visual resource. Flying ILS must compete visual attention.

Perhaps the most challenge the operators(company) and their instructors in LOFT will be? Question options: To convince the crew that while satisfactory completion is an inescapable aspect of LOFT, however, in some cases, mistakes may indicate deficiencies that need additional work. To know that serious mistakes made during LOFT are obvious and need no further attention if the learning provided by the experience cannot be improved upon. To tell the crew that their jobs are not in jeopardy every time they enter the simulator for a LOFT session to openly discuss total crew performance and individual performance during debriefing

To convince the crew that while satisfactory completion is an inescapable aspect of LOFT, however, in some cases, mistakes may indicate deficiencies that need additional work.

Select the incorrect way to reduce the workload Question options: asking a colleague to take over a task re-arranging flight deck tasks so that task switching is minimized. Trying to find a quick way to make a task less difficult. recognize the changing situation before the workload elevates.

Trying to find a quick way to make a task less difficult.

If you are the captain and do not agree with the First Officer's assertion, What do you have to do? Question options: You should still acknowledge it, then show some appreciation of the communication in later debriefing. consider the best response in terms of relationships with the first officer. admonish, ignore or patronized. always accept it as long as you are accepted as the leader and the final arbiter.

You should still acknowledge it, then show some appreciation of the communication in later debriefing.

In the black-hole approach, pilot unconsciously descend below glideslope. This is due to? Question options: absence of ground texture gave impression (perception) of high. because the pilot concentrates on the instrument readings. because of the sensation of speed because of the vertigo

absence of ground texture gave impression (perception) of high.

Where in the information processing stage the error occurs? Question options: Sensing and perceiving Processing Responding all of the above

all of the above

What the lessons did they learned regarding assessment of training requirements for advanced technology aircraft? Question options: training requirement should be very simple. use traditional level of system knowledge requirement. skill for previous generation aircraft is not required assessment of training requirement should be made when a new aircraft type is designed.

assessment of training requirement should be made when a new aircraft type is designed.

What is most important training aspects in automation era. Question options: Detailed instruction in automatic increased emphasis on the pilot's decision-making basic aircraft instruction. training sensitive to the computer literacy

basic aircraft instruction.

Flight deck observations have shown that pilots use only a few of the features available to them, what is the reason of this? Question options: because of incomplete knowledge about how to use other features . because it is all they need. because the aircraft is so advanced, everything else is automatic. because they are supposed to do so.

because of incomplete knowledge about how to use other features .

But in fight or flight, the brain wants to quickly establish a very basic mental model then drop any assessment process in order to concentrate all attention to the response. But if resources are not given to assessment and problem solving then the person cannot decide the best response. This situation would be best described as a vicious circle. How do you minimize this? Select the incorrect way to cope with this startle effect. Question options: by becoming more confident in one's ability to cope with emergencies by getting more familiar with an aircraft type and by getting more familiar with unusual situations or upsets by attempting to reduce or fight the effect. by performing the rule based task, drills or checklist.

by attempting to reduce or fight the effect.

How can we prevent the accident that is caused by lack of attention, lack of vigilance and monitoring? Question options: by being more receptive and encouraging of the intervention if they understand the reality of the vigilance issue in themselves. by the awareness of the fact that the lack of vigilance is something that only happens at night or when fatigued by forcing ourselves to be vigilance by discussing the consequences and risks of the vigilance

by being more receptive and encouraging of the intervention if they understand the reality of the vigilance issue in themselves.

(BL) Decision acronyms aids work by giving a structure to a decision process, encouraging pilots to use a systematic decision process and avoid shortcuts that can lead to error. The DECIDE models Is to make rational decision by; Question options: determine, evaluate, choose, identify, do, and eliminate. determine, evaluate choose, identify, detect, and evaluate. detect, estimate, choose, identify, do, and evaluate.

detect, estimate, choose, identify, do, and evaluate.

Pilots had to demonstrate proficiency in their use of the automation during pilot certification, whereas previous requirements emphasized the ability to operate without these aids. This was due to? Question options: too much information on cockpit display difficulty in learning to operate more complex systems. two rather than three person crew

difficulty in learning to operate more complex systems.

In order to achieve the highest level of safety Question options: the crewmembers must continually monitor their seat dependent tasks. the captain's judgment must not be questioned. each crewmember must carefully monitor the aircraft's flight path.

each crewmember must carefully monitor the aircraft's flight path.

What would be proper personality traits the commercial pilot's should have according the various study? Question options: low openness, low agreeableness and low conscientiousness emotionally stable, non-impulsive, agreeable but assertive, and appreciate cultural differences , professional disruptive, extreme, argumentative risk-taking and more adventurous.

emotionally stable, non-impulsive, agreeable but assertive, and appreciate cultural differences , professional

BL Q15 CRM error management includes Question options: effective use of all available resources, careful briefing, and monitor the error . error callout, cross check, and error guidance training. error avoidance, trap error, and mitigate the result of the error.

error avoidance, trap error, and mitigate the result of the error.

Select the item that is not belong to the four phases of CRM training programme development: Question options: assessment of operational experience and awareness practice and feedback continuing reinforcement and development extending the concept of the flight crew by broadening the scope of CRM training,

extending the concept of the flight crew by broadening the scope of CRM training,

Select incorrect way for good SA (Situational Awareness) Question options: Predetermine crew roles for high-workload phases of flight Project ahead and consider contingencies Focus on the details and scan the big picture focusing on one thing to resolve discrepancies

focusing on one thing to resolve discrepancies

Landing flare error with the tailwind and downwind stall is due to? Question options: impression of instrument reading error. sensation of losing speed impression of faster airspeed because nose up attitude feels slow airspeed

impression of faster airspeed

Select the incorrect statement about LOFT: Question options: LOFT should be a purely a learning experience; the instructor will not interfere regardless of developments; errors may be made, but the crew should carry on since there is no one book solution to a LOFT exercise; instructors are encouraged to lectures about what is right and what is wrong

instructors are encouraged to lectures about what is right and what is wrong

Select the incorrect defense technique in preventing the errors. Question options: intention to violate is always to intend to do a harm. Lapses - expectation bias - Use of checklist with attention, sterile cockpit knowledge based mistake - Following a set of directions or instructions Slips - habit capture error - Cross check, switch guard, interlocks, shape

intention to violate is always to intend to do a harm.

(BL) If a person determines or decides their actions through thinking and carries them out correctly, but the actions do not have the desired consequences. then they are said to have made a Question options: knowledge-based mistake skill-based error lapse slip


In rationale types of decisions that are used in flight in response to an unexpected, unusual, ongoing or emergency situations, acronyms are used. However, there is no way for crews to systematically generate options and no way of knowing whether they have exhausted the possible alternatives, these acronyms should only be used: Question options: only if time allows when using CRM skill is more propriate than using technical skill in making the decision when quicker decision assisted by shortcuts is necessary when intuitive decisions is necessary

only if time allows

The crew monitoring function is essential, Question options: during RNAV departures in class B airspace. particularly during approach and landing to prevent CFIT. particularly during high altitude cruise flight modes to prevent CAT issues.

particularly during approach and landing to prevent CFIT.

(BL) Actions to deal with stress include: Question options: recognizing what causes stress. By putting things off to take care of them later. Eliminating all the stress.

recognizing what causes stress.

Select the incorrected paired errors. Question options: well intended short cut to get the job done - knowledge based mistake raising the flap instead of gear lever - Skill based error - slip routine violations that have evolved in response to task demand - knowledge based error that can be correct with CRM training easily omitting or forgetting the gear down - skill based lapse error

routine violations that have evolved in response to task demand - knowledge based error that can be correct with CRM training easily

The automated flight deck offers new consideration of LOFT scenario design. New design should be: Question options: introduce system failures to elevate the workload increase instructors discretion scenario design that do not require abnormal conditions or emergencies the scenario that is difficult to overcome

scenario design that do not require abnormal conditions or emergencies

Select the correct information processing sequence: Question options: sensing - perceiving - processing - responding perceiving - sensing - processing - responding sensing - responding - processing - perceiving processing - perceiving - sensing - responding

sensing - perceiving - processing - responding

This is unintended, and is a product of an apparently greater proficiency of some first officers in CDU data entry compared to that of the captains, plus the delegation of these duties to the first officer. What is this? Question options: shallower or reverse Transcockpit Authority Gradient (TAG). positive TAG steeper TAG clear boundary of duties

shallower or reverse Transcockpit Authority Gradient (TAG).

Existing data base evidence suggests that risk increases when the captain is performing monitoring duties, since a number of accidents/incidents have occurred when the co-pilot is flying. Why? Question options: Captains are not good while monitoring. significant operational anomaly is normally preceded by a preventive monitoring failure and lead to ambiguous and critical role. because captains are better in manipulating the controls because first officers are better in multi-tasking.

significant operational anomaly is normally preceded by a preventive monitoring failure and lead to ambiguous and critical role

(BL) If the pilot carelessly raise the flap lever while intending to have raised the gear lever then they the pilot made a Question options: knowledge-based mistake skill-based error system error Routine violation

skill-based error

Perceiving and Understanding and Projecting are three level of situational awareness these are approximately aligned with the central tenant of ________, because, in order to avoid a threat one must be able to project ahead. In order to trap a threat or error one must understand the situation. If someone does not understand the situation then they are more likely to make an error requiring mitigation. Question options: threat and error management (TEM) SHELL model Decision making Stress Management

threat and error management (TEM)

What is the objective of CRM training? Question options: to comply with the human factor training requirement of ICAO to contribute to incident and accident prevention. to get along well with other crew to diminish the captain's authority

to contribute to incident and accident prevention.

(BLM) cultural differences - Application to CRM is to; Question options: find certain people cause errors and accidents and so the solution is to root out those people to discusses group coping strategies and helpful suggestions from their own experience Attempt to improve safety by identifying pilot personality traits

to discusses group coping strategies and helpful suggestions from their own experience

How do you countermeasure Threat? Question options: with CRM skill by avoidance. by trapping by mitigating

with CRM skill

Automation was initially aimed at stabilizing aircraft attitude through the control of aerodynamic surfaces. How this has been achieved? Question options: by integrating attitude and navigational information into a single instrument with use of gyroscopic devices. by coupling of autopilot to the navaids. with more precise flight instruments.

with use of gyroscopic devices.

One approach to reduce or eliminate human's biased decision-making tendencies is to use automated decision-making aids at the time decisions are required. This will normally leads to Question options: reduce head-down time worsen, rather than improve, decision performance boredom and automation complacency good workload management

worsen, rather than improve, decision performance

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