Human Resource Management

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Competitive Strategy (business level)

Answers " on what basis will each business compete" -each business unit needs strategy Ex. Frito/Pepsi within PepsiCo * id's how to build/strengthen the business units long term competitive position in market* Ex. How Walmart competes with target Comp advantage = any factors that allow a co to differentiate its good from comp to increase market share (build strategy on this) - doesn't have to be tangible ex. Coke's formula/Toyota's people 3 Strategies 1. Cost Leadership = becoming the low cost leader in industry (Ex. Walmart) 2. Differentiation = seeks to be unique in its industry along dimensions that are widely valued by buyers (Ex. Volvo = safety, Pap Johns = fresh ingredients) 3. Focuser = carve out a market niche - offer good that customers can't get from generalist comp (Ex. Bugatti cars)

Corporate Strategy

Answers "what business will be in" * id's portfolios of businesses that comprise the company, how these businesses relate to each other Concentration Strategy = co offers 1 product or product line (usually in 1 market) Diversification Strategy = firm expands by adding new products/lines Vertical Integration = firm expands by producing their own raw materials/selling products directly Consolidation = co reduces size Geographical expansion = co grows by entering new territorial markets (going abroad) Ex. PepsiCo, Apple added stores

Sample Discrim Promotion/Transfer/Layoff Practices

Any practices: - applied differently to different classes of people - adversely impact protected group - not BFOQ or business necessity are illegally discriminatory

Managing the Appraisal Interview

Appraisal Interview = mana/emp review appraisal and make plans to remedy deficiencies/reinforce strengths, usually uncomfy 4 appraisal situations (1) Satisfactory - promotable, focus on dev specific development plan (2) Satisfactory - promotion not possible, want to maintain performance (find other incentives like time off/bonus/recognition) (3) Unsatisfactory - correctable, lay out action/dev plan to correct performance (4) Unsatisfactory - uncorrectable, dismissal is preferred

3. Developing the Program

Assembling the program's training content and materials - choose specific content program will present + choose instructional method - some create their own training content + selection of online/offline content ex. Association for Talent Dev/Trainers Warehouse/G Neil/Turnkey Implement = actually provide the training Before Training = announce far in advance, provide directions, point of contact, make sure they have pretraining materials During Training = make sure they have point of contact in case of questions After Training = periodically ascertain that trainees transferring learning to job

Off the Job Mana Training/Dev Techniques

Case Study Method = trainees solve realistic problems after studying written/video case description - analyze case/diagnose problem/present findings and solutions in discussion with other trainees Integrated Case Scenario = create long term/comprehensive case situations ex. FBI Academy (14 weeks long) - aim is to dev specific skills (255) Management Games = enable trainees to learn by making realistic decisions in simulated situations ex. interpret = helps with comm skills/better mana info flow/improve planning or problem solving (game) - people learn best by being involved - games improve learning/engagement/morale/fairly easy to achieve ex. add point system/badges/leader boards

Types of OTJ Training

Coaching/Understudy Methods = experienced worker or trainee's supervisor trains employee, involves observing the supervisor, show new emp the ropes step by step Job Rotation = emp moves from job to job at planned intervals Special Assignments = give low level executive firsthand experience in working on actual problems - plan out/structure OTJ training - train the trainers and provide training materials - trainer should emphasize high expectations Peer Training = several employees learn new tech/skill and then spread back to colleagues at job - use emp teams to analyze jobs/prep training materials - conduct task analysis more quickly

Competency Profiles/Models in training and development

Competency Model = consolidates precise overview of the competencies someone would need to do the job well in 1 diagram - design training program to foster these competencies ex. 237 - employers focus on building work-related competencies/skills ex. AT&T - get short mini degree (shows if ready for job) - learn through a mix of class/real world exercise/teamwork/online resources under a learning coach (aim = show mastery of competency)

2. Designing the Training Program

Design = planning the overall training program (objectives/delivery methods/program evaluation) - set performance objectives/create training outline/choose program delivery (lecture/online) - verify program design with mana - include how to motivate trainees to learn/transfer what they learn to job - review training program content (book) and establish budget - review tech they are planning to use as part of analysis

Reverse Discrimination

Discrimination against non minority applicants/employees Bakke v Regents of U of Cali (1978) = denied admission to white student because of school's AA quotas (because # of openings go to minorities) - US SC struck down policy that made race only factor in considering admission, allowed Bakke's admission Ricci v Destefano = 19 firefighters who were whit and 1 Hispanic said they should be promoted because of test scores - city said certifying tears would leave them vulnerable to law suits from minorities for violating Title VII - rules in favor of plaintiffs * harder for employers to ignore results obtained by valid tests, even if disproportionate impact on minorities* - employers should emphasize external recruitment/internal development of better qualified minority or female employees, base employment decisions on legit criteria

Defenses against Discrimination Allegations

Disparate Treatment = intentional discrimination, employer treats individual different because of race/color/religion/gender Disparate Impact = employment practice/policy that has greater adverse impact on members of protected group under Title VII (regardless of intent) -plaintiff shows that employment practice creates disparity between proportion of minorities/proportion you hire -show act = created adverse impact, then employer defend itself with business necessity Adverse Impact = total employment process that has higher % of protected group being rejected

Personal Appearance Regulation and Title VII

Dress= religious reasons (muslim), no sex bias when req employees to dress conservatively Hair = employers favored, facial hair doesn't constitute sexual discrimination Uniforms = side with employees, require females to dress suggestively violates Title VII Tattoos/piercings = more millennials have these now ex. religious right tattoos (49) *Good intentions are no excuse* -does not redeem procedures *Can't claim that union agreement necessitates some discrimination* *Strong defense is not your only recourse* - can eliminate practice/compensate people discriminated against

Executive Orders

EO 11246/11375 (johnson administration) - required gov contractors with contracts $50,000 + and 50 + employees to take affirmative action to ensure employment for those with past discrimination -est office of fed contract compliance programs (OFCCP) -implements orders/ensures compliance

Emp Engagement Guide: Emp Engagement and Performance

Emp Engagement = being psychologically involved in/connected to/committed to getting work done - increases performance/productivity -correlated with customer service productivity/increase in sales/product quality/productivity/higher retention/less absenteeism/increased revenue growth ex. 5% increase in EE = .7% increase in operating margin -co with high EE = less likely to be unionized -higher revenue (84)

Purposes of Employee Orientation/Onboarding

Employee Orientation = provides new emp with the basic background info (cpu passwords/co rules) they need to do their jobs - help them start becoming emotionally attached/engaged in the firm Accomplish 4 things when orienting 1. make emp feel welcome/@ home/as part of team 2. make sure new emp has basic info to function effectively (email access/policies and benefits/expectations) 3. help emp understand org in broad sense (past/present/culture/strategies/vision) 4. socialize emp into the firm's culture and ways of doing things ex. explain values

HR and Ethics

Ethics = the stds someone uses to decide what his/her conduct should be - workplace ethical issues (safety/emp privacy) are HR related

Globalization Trends

Globalization = co extending their sales/ownership/manu to new markets abroad -free trade areas (agreements to lower tariffs/barriers) enc international trade ex. NAFTA/EU -globalization boomed for the last 80 years -gov took steps to enc free flow of trade among countries (rationale that all countries would gain) - increased international comp, pressure to be 'world class" - lower costs/emp more productive/do things better and cheaper -transfer operations abroad to tap new market/seek cheap labor Offshore = export jobs to lower cost location abroad ex. Dell in India - some off shore highly skilled jobs

Can't do vs Won't do

ID can't do problem and specific cause ex. employee doesn't know what to do or what standards are/lack of tools needed/no job aids/hired people that don't have skills required/training bad ID won't do problem - emp could do good job if wanted to - should change incentives

Know Employment Law: Chap 6

If adverse impact, must prove validity 1. prove that test related to success/failure on job 2. prove that test doesn't unfairly discriminate against subgroup -same for interviews/performance appraisals

Trends shaping HR: digital and Social media (Chapter 3)

Info = data presented in a form that makes it useful for making decisions Data Analytics = using stat/math analysis/algorithms to find relationship and make predictions ex. predict what book you'd buy based on what others did -relies on data mining (sifts through lots of emp data to id correlations that employers use to improve their emp selection/practices) -used to find new/unexpected/hidden patterns in data Big Data = data analytics, volume/velocity/variety of data increases (comes from phone/GPS/social media/transactions)

Setting Learning Objectives

Instructional Objectives = specify in measurable terms what the trainee should be able to do after successfully completing the training program - should address the performance deficiencies identified via the needs analysis - must be practical Constraints 1. financial - employer approves training budget, costs = development/cost of trainers time/participant compensation/cost of evaluating program - algorithm for establishing training program costs (labor hours/direct costs) - defend program on benefits vs cost basis 2. Time

Finding Internal Candidates

Job Posting = publicizing the open job to employees (on bulletin board/co intranet) - list job's attributes (qualifications/supervisor/work schedule/pay rate) -skills inventories can show emp who have right background for open job -employer's system matches best inside candidate with the job -internal politics/having the right connections may lead to placements that seem unfair/suboptimal -rehire someone who left your employment - former emp are known quantities/familiar with how you do things -may return with (-) attitude - ask what they did during layoff/how they feel about returning -after probationary period = credit them with years of service accumulated

Lifelong and literacy training techniques

Lifelong Learning = provide employees with continuing learning experiences over their tenure with the firm, aim of ensuring they have opportunity to learn skills needed to do job and expand horizons - range from basic remedial skills to college ex. get college degree while waiter (248) Lifelong Learning Account (LILA) = accepts employer/employee contributing and emp can use these funds to better themself (like 401(k))

Managing Diversity

Maximizing diversity's potential benefits while minimizing its potential barriers -involves both compulsary (actions don't guarentee cooperation, like EEO compliance) and voluntary actions (more emphasis on this) - starts @ the top (employer issues diversity mana program) to make employees more sensitive (better able to adapt to ind cultural differences) Approach (is training the solution or something else) Goals (measurable) Execute (must be seen) Mandatory Attendance (diversity training process)

Supreme Court Decisions

Meritor Savings Bank, FSB v Vinson = SC used to endorse EEOC's guidelines on SH Burlington Industry v Ellerton = accused supervisor of QPQ, did not carry out threat of demotion Faragher v Boca Raton City = Hostile work env *Employee won all three cases* **In QPQ, not necessary for employee to suffer tangible job action (fire) to win case** **employer must show they took reasonable care to prevent/correct SH and that emp failed to take adv of employer's policy**

Trends Shaping Hr: Digital and Social Media (Chap 8)

Mobile Learning = delivering learning content on learners demand, via mobile devices (wherever/whenever learner has time/desire to access it) - employers distributes international communication/training via mobile devices ex. compucom system (251) ex. IBM uses mobile learning to deliver just in time info (breaks up hour course into 10 min pieces) - some employers use blogs to communicate (JP morgan uses IM) - employers use social media to communicate co news/messages/provide training Web 2.0 Learning = utilizes online tech like social networking/virtual worlds/system that blends synchronous and asynchronous delivery with blogs, chat rooms, bookmark sharing, 3D simulations Collaborative Peer Forum = team of 6-8 trainees virtually sell sales problem/solution to executive

How should we conduct the interview

One on One = two people meet alone, one interviews the other Sequential Interview = several people interview the applicant, in sequence, 1-1 and then make hiring decision (serial) Unstructured Sequential = interviewer asks questions as they come to mind Structured Sequential = each interviewer rates ind on std evaluation form with std questions -hiring mana reviews ratings before deciding who to hire Panel Interview = interview conducted by team of interviewers (2-3 people) who together question the ind and combine their ratings of the ind's answers into final panel score (board interview) - panel format allows for follow up questions (may elicit more meaningful response) -some ind find panel stressful (could inhibit responses) Mass Interview = panel interviews several ind simultaneously -panel poses problem and see who leads in solving it -structured panel interviews with scoring sheets with examples for ample answers = more reliable/valid -training panel can boost reliability Speed Dating Interview = sent emails to all applicants, had 1-1 contacts with employers for a few min, made applicant pool smaller with this

Offshoring and outsourcing

Outsourcing = having outside vendors supply services (manu/market research) that a co's own employee previously did in house Offshoring = outside vendors or emp abroad supply services that co's own employee previously did in house -many say shipping jobs out is ill advised but businesses keep doing it (not just blue collar jobs) Problems from Offshoring 1. Likelihood of cultural misunderstanding (home based customers/emp abroad) 2. security/info privacy concerns 3. need to deal with foreign contract/liability/legal systems issues -offshore emp need special training -employers bringing jobs back because higher wages in China/India + reputation issues + desire to invest in local communities (Apple/Microsoft)

Measuring Personality/Interests

Personality Test = measure basic aspects of applicants personality -industrial psychologists focus on big 5 (extraversion/emotional stability/agreeableness/conscientiousness/openness to experience - def on PG 176) -some tests are projective -react to ambiguous stimulus (inkblot), projects attitude -make a pic story, forer structured sentence completion test -some tests are self reported -applicants fill them out -myer briggs/DISC profile -personality tests often correlate with job performance ex. conscientiousness is predictor of job performance ex. nueroticism (-) influences motivation ex. extraversion = success in sales/mana 4 caveats (1) projective personality tests are hard to interpret - infer personality from interpretations (2) personality tests trigger legal challenges (Ex. PG 177) (3) self reported tests have low validity in selection processes (4) people can/will fake responses to personality/integrity tests Interest Inventories *compare one's interests with those of people in various occupations ex. strong - campbell interest inventory -take self directed search to id likely high fit jobs -people do better in jobs they're interested in (poor fit = frustrated workers = poor performance)

The Polygraph/Honesty Testing

Polygraph = measures physiological changes (more sweat), these changes in emotional state reflect lying Emp Polygraph Protection Act of 1988 = prohibits employers from conducting polygraph examinations of all job applicants/most emp -also prohibit voice stress analyzer -fed law doesn't prohibit paper/pencil tests, chemical testing (drugs) -local/state/fed gov employers can use polygraph for selection screening -state law restricts many state/local gov -private employers can use polygraph testing under strictly limited circumstances (firms with national defense/security contracts/nuclear contracts with department of energy/access to highly classified info/counterintelligence related contracts with FBI or DOJ/private business (1) hiring security personnel (2)hiring people with access to drugs (3) doing ongoing investigations with economic loss or injury to employer's business (theft) ) to administer polygraph for ongoing investigation: - show that it suffered econ loss/injury - show that the emp in question had access to property - have reasonable suspicion before asking employee to take polygraph - person to be tested must receive details of investigation before test + polygraph questions to be asked

Potential Threats to Diversity

Problems can produce behavioral barriers that reduce cooperation 1. Stereotyping = ascribes specific behavioral traits to ind based on membership in group -prejudice = bias, prejudging someone based on traits -some bias is subconscious 2. Discrimination = prejudice in action, taking specific actions towards/against a person based on their group -discrim can be subtle (glass ceiling - 53) 3. Tokenism = co appoints a small group of women/minorities to high profile positions rather than seeking full representation for that group 4. Ethnocentrism = tendency to view members of other social groups less favorably than one's own 5. Gender Role Stereotypes = tendency to associate women with certain (nonmana) jobs - racial discrim = (-) emp committment - better diversity climate = highest sales growth (Ex. 54)

College Recruiting

Sending an employer's representative to college campuses to prescreen applicants and create an applicant pool from the graduating class. -this recruiting is expensive (schedules/co brochures/interview records kept/time on campus) -recruiters sometimes ineffective (show no interest/act superior) -employees must train recruiters in how to interview/explain co/put candidates at east -recruiter needs to be personable/record of attracting good people ex. GE (149) ex. shell reduced # of schools visited based on quality of academic program/# entolled/diversity 2 goals of campus recruiter 1. determine if candidate is worthy of further consideration 2. make employer attractive to candidates - sincere/informal attitude, prompt follow up, respect -built ties with college's career center/career counselors = better results -get feedback on effectiveness of recruiting -employers invite good candidates for on site visit (warm, business like, choice of dates, host should meet applicant at airport or hotel) -plan interviews/adhere to schedule/be organized -have recent hire graduate do lunch with them, make offer ASAP (when they visit) -frequent follow up on if they've made decision (PG 150)

Situational Testing/Video Based Situational Testing

Situational Testing = examinees respond to situations representative of job ex. work sampling/in basket/video based/mini job training Video Based Situational Testing = presents the candidate with several online/computer video scenarios, followed by multiple choice questions ex. PG 180

Executive Recruiters (headhunters)

Special employment agencies employers retain to seek out top-management talent for their clients. -jobs like key exec/technical positions -employer pays fees, might only be used for smal; number of positions in co ex. association of exec search consultants focus on executive positions paying $150,000 + and on retained executive search -paid regardless of whether the employer hires the executive -contingency based recruiters handle jr to middle level mana jobs ($80,000-160,000) Top recruiters = Heidreck and Struggles/Egon Zrhinder International/Russell Reynolds/Spencer Stuart -internet based database speed up searches -exec recruiters creating specialized units for specialized functions (sales/certain industry) -recruiters have more contracts, find qualified people not actively looking for new job -save top mana time by building applicant pool -must ensure recruiter understands your needs/delivers properly vetted people -1 or 2 of final candidates may be filler to make real one look better recruiter fees used to be 30% + of executive first year pay (dropping now)

What is strategic planning?

Strategic plan = co's overall plan for how it will match its internal strengths/weaknesses with external threats/opportunities to maintain a competitive position - similar to business models Business model = co's method for making money in current business environment - who co serves/what products or service provided/what differentiates it/it's comp adv/how it provides good/how it makes money Strategy = course of action Ex. PepsiCo/cola (69) Strategic management = process of iding/executing the org's strategic plan by matching co's capabilities with demands of environment (comp/customer/suppliers)

How to design/conduct an effective interview

Structured situational interview produces superior results 1. write situational/behavioral/job knowledge question 2. have job experts also write several answers (poo to good spectrum) -use rating sheet anchored with examples

Succession Planning

The ongoing process of systematically identifying, assessing, and developing organizational leadership to enhance performance. 1. ID position needs in key leadership (based on co's strategic/business plans) - define key positions and high potentials, creating skills profiles for key positions 2. develop inside candidates - find int/ext candidates and dev them to be viable for role (dev with internal training/cross functional experience/job rotation/external training/global or regional assignments) 3. assess/choose those who will fill key positions Example: bus strategy = improve financially by centralizing activities/reduce redundancies - Dole uses software (pilat NAI) for succesion mana -keeps data on servers for monthly fee -mana fill out online resumes/assess themselves on competencies -then mana's boss assess on competencies and decides if they are promotable -info then goes to HR, they create career development plans for each mana (with seminars/programs)

Know your employment law: Training (Chap 8)

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act - employer must avoid discrimination in selecting which emp to train - inadequate training can expose employer to Liability for negligent training - employer liable if employer doesn't train emp and emp harms 3rd parties - employer should confirm applicants claims of skills/exp, provide adequate training/evaluate training to ensure its reducing risks

Overview of the training process

Training = giving new/current emp the skills they need to perform their jobs ex. current jobholder explains job/multi-week classroom or internet classes -training fosters engagement ex. coca cola UK (PG 235) -hire top performers or hire avg performers and train them well to 90th percentile

Current training needs analysis

Training efforts aim to improve current performance - train new employee/those with deficient performance For new employee = determine what the job entails and break it down into sub tasks, then teach to new employee For current employee = have to know if training is the solution first

Structured vs Unstructured Interviews

Unstructured (non directive) = mana follows no set format, no formal guide for scoring right or wrong answers, little more than general conversation ex. tell me about yourself, strengths/weaknesses Structured (directive) = employer lists questions ahead of time, may even weigh possible alternative answers for appropriateness ex. McMurrays patterned interview -has questions, follow up questions, ways to eval answers -interview structure is a matter of degree -maybe has list of question to ensure they don't run out -structured interviews generally are the best -all interviewers ask ALL applicants same questions -more consistent/valid/reliable -having standard interview helps less talented interviewers conduct good interview -standardizing interview enhances job relatedness/reduces overall subjectivity and potential for bias/enhance ability to withstand legal challenge -interviewer should still ask follow up questions/pursue points of interest ex. 204 (structured)


Web replacing help wanted ads but print ads still popular 2 Issues to Address 1. The Media - the best medium depends on the positions for which you're recruiting ex. local newspaper = local blue collar help/clerical employees/low level admin emp -target your ads where they'll reach prospective employee ex. for specialized emp, advertise in trade/professional journals ex. help wanted in wall street journal = middle or sr mana personnel tech = can be more creative ex. Electronic Art = includes info on internship on back of video game manual 2. Constructing the Ad -Use AIDA guide (1) Attention = attract attention or people may ignore it (2) Interest = develop interest (3) Desire = spotlight words like travel/challenge (4) Ad should prompt action -ads with more specific job info = more attractive/credible if job has big drawbacks = consider a realistic ad

What is Performance Management

a continuous process of identifying, measuring, and developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning performance with the strategic goals of the organization Direction Sharing = communicate co goals to all emp, translate to doable goals for ind Goal alignment = method to see link between employee goals and co goals Ongoing performance monitoring = cpu sys to measure progress towards goals Ongoing feedback = face to face/cpu continuous feedback on progress towards goals Coaching/Dev Support Recognition/Rewards = provide incentives to keep employee on track

Computer Based Job Interview

a job candidate's oral/keyed replies are obtained in response to computerized oral/written/visual questions or situations -series of multiple choice questions about background/exp/edu/skills/knowledge/work attitudes/scenarios

Get agreement on plan

aim of appraisal = improve unsatisfactory performance - reinforce good -appraisal should result in plan for improvement

What are HR Audits

an analysis by which an org measures where it currently stands and det what it has to accomplish to improve its HR function -uses a checklist to review co's HR functions (recruit/test/train), ensure firm adhering to regulation laws/co policies -review payroll data (when/what emp paid) -reviews if HR records are in order (medical records separate from resumes) -reviews employer handbook/policies - check for disability accommodation policies/social media policies/family and medical leave policy -might benchmark results -audits vary in scope

Workflow Analysis

answer what a job's duties/demands are now **detailed study of the flow of work from job to job in one identifiable work process** ex. work flow in processing mortgage application -this analysis can lead to change/re engineering the job -answers question on if job should exist/how it relates to other jobs -can use flow process chart (lists in order each step of process) -can use diagrammatic process chart (shows steps in process with arrows/circles)

Implementing Management Development Programs

any attempt to improve managerial performance by imparting knowledge/changing attitudes/increasing skill - includes in house programs (courses/coaching/rotational assignments), professional programs (by SHRM), online programs, school (MBA), - promotion from within is major source of mana talent (requires development) - mana development facilitates org continuity (people can smoothly assume higher position)

Know Employment Law: Application Forms

app form must comply with EE laws 1. Education = ques of grad/attendance in school is potential violation (reveals age) 2. Arrest Record = violate title vii by disqualify bc arrest record (adverse impact on minority, not business necessity) 3. Notify in case of emergency = legal to require this, can't ask relation of person because could indicate marital status 4. Membership in orgs = not include orgs that reveal race/religion/physical handicaps/marital status/ancestry 5. Physical Handicaps = illegal to ask this or past illness unless write "for those that may interfere with job performance", illegal to ask if received workers comp 6. Marital Status = shouldn't ask, or names/ages of spouse/kids 7. Housing = asking if they own/rent/lease may be discriminatory (a impact on minority, not business necessity) 8. Video resume = more likely that candidate claim discrimination

HR and Employee Engagement

being psychologically involved in/connected to/committed to getting one's job done - high level of connectivity with work tasks (work hard) -drives performance/higher revenue -21-30% of employees nationally are engaged -must take concrete steps to improve engagement (new leadership dev programs/employee recognition programs/internal communication program/employee dev program/modify compensation and other policies)

Walk Ins

big source of applicants for hourly workers -posting a help wanted sign may attract good local applicants -treat walk ins courteously (for employer reputation/applicant self esteem) -get info in case position open in future -employers receive unsolicited applications from professional/white collar applicants (answer letters of inquiry promptly)

The Interview

can be unstructured/structured -can be ind interview/group interview/supervisor interview -use group interview when large group of emp perform similar/identical work (quick/inexpensive way to gather info) - worker's immediate supervisor should attend -interviewers must understand reason for interview (tendency = emp view as efficiency evaluation and don't describe the job right) Typical Questions PG 101-102

Using org development

change process through which emp formulated the change that's required and implements it, with assistance of trained consultants (1) involves action research - collect data on group/department/org, feed data back to emp to analyze and dev hypothesis (2) applies behavioral science knowledge to improve org's effectiveness (3) changes org toward empowerment/improved problem solving/responsiveness/quality of work/effectiveness Methods Team Building Meetings = begins with consultant interviewing group/leader, then consultant presents theme to group, group ranks theme by importance, most important is agenda for meeting (explore/discuss issue, devise solution) Survey Research = having emp complete attitude surveys, facilitator uses data as basis for problem analysis/action planning - good @ unfreezing (show comparative graphic that org has problems)

Managerial OTJ Training/Rotation

coaching/action learning Job Rotation = moving mana from department to department to broaden their understanding of business/test their abilities - helps avoid stagnation because constant introduction of new POV in each department - id's trainee's strong/weak points - improve interdepartmental cooperation (become more understanding) - widens acquaintances among mana

Job analyst

collect and examine detailed information about job duties to prepare job descriptions

Substance Abuse Screening

common practice is to test candidates just before they're formally hired -test current emp when reason to believe they're using drugs (work accident/behavioral symptoms) -some firms routinely test on random/periodic basis (urine testing/breath alcohol tests/blood tests/hair analysis for drug history/saliva for weed or cocaine/skin patch to determine drug use/hair follicule testing) -no drug test is foolproof (some urine samples can't distinguish between legal/illegal substances) ex. advil/weed -products that help emp beat drug tests are available -drug test shows presence of drug, not impairment/habituation/addiction -many feel tests are degrading/intrusive -employers should choose the lab they engage with to do testing with care

Electronic Performance Support System (EPSS)

computerized tools and displays that automate training/documentation/phone support - takes you through sequence of questions to ask on call (Dell) - modern job aids (sets of instructions/diagrams/similar methods available at job site to guide worker) - good for complex job with multiple steps/dangerous to forget a step ex. pilot - take off checklist

Choosing a Selection Method

consider tool's validity/reliability/return on investment (utility analysis)/applicant reactions/usability/adverse impact/tool's screening ratio (does it screen out high %) SUMMARY OF TESTS 182 -should devise/use screening tools -packaged tests could violate co policy/validity question/EEO liability -what small firms can do (PG 182)

Rating Committees

consists of emp supervisor + 3 or 4 other supervisors ADV = cancel out bias because more people, can include different facets of employee's performance observed by different appraisers - ratings from different sources hardly match (ratings from supervisor/boss/mana familiar with emp work) - supervisor boss must sign off on any appraisal they do


consists of people with formally assigned roles who work to achieve org goals

The Employee Handbook

contents are legally binding commitments in court sometimes -handbook should have disclaimer (nothing in book should be taken as creating a binding contract between employer/employee, all employment on an at will basis) -statements in handbook don't constitute employment contract (implied/expressed) - don't insert statements that imply that emp have tenure

Types of strategies

corporate, competitive, functional

State/Local EE Opportunity LAws

cover employers not covered by fed leg -employers ignore city/state EEO laws at their own peril ex. NY = applies to employers with 4+ employees ex. Conneticut = paid sick leave ex. Hawaii/Massachusetts = can't ask about criminal conviction on application -state/local EEO Agencies = HR commissions/fair employment commission - EEOC will defer complaint to them with comparable jurisdiction (if not satisfactory remedy, go to EEOC)

Talent Analytics

data applied to HR issues -analyze employee data (demographics/training/performance) from traditional sources + data from new sources (co internal social media site/GPS/email) -can answer questions they couldn't in the past (81) -can produce profitability results ex. best buy - .1% increase in emp engagement = $100,000 rise in store annual operating income


delivering programs over broadband lines/the internet/satellite Vendors = Cisco offers webex/telepresence -unified video conferencing = combines group collab + decision making software + video conferencing/telephony/realistic telepresence capabilities

How to handle a defensive subordinate

denial = defense mechanism, doesn't have to question their own competence (1) defensive behavior is normal (2) never attack person's defenses (concentrate on facts) (3) postpone action (then more rational reaction happens) (4) recognize your limitations (supervisor is not psychologist)


do all/most of work remotely (from home with info tech) ex. JetBlue = @ home agents book reservations, use co supplied computer/tech

Self Ratings

do this + supervisor rating - emp usually rate themselves higher than others do - didn't predict job performance in assessment center (higher appraised, worse in center)

Complying with Immigration Law

emp hired in US must prove they are eligible to work here - must prove identity/employ eligibility -follow procedures in I-9 employment eligibility verification -have online program (e verify) - fed contractors must use it - e verify is free (can't discrim based on status, but must be eligible) can prove eligibility by 1. show a document (passport/alien registration card) that proves identity/eligibility 2. show a document that prove's person's identity and second document that shows eligibility (work permit) -should get 2 forms of proof identity theft = undocumented workers stealing/using an authorized workers id -even problem with e verify -department on homeland security files criminal charges against suspected employer violators -can verify SS# by calling SS Admin -verify doc of all applicants - not just those you think are suspicious (avoid discrimination)

Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act

employer cannot discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin -amended by 1972 EEO Act Unlawful employment practice for employer to: 1. fail/refuse to hire or to discharge an ind or discriminate with $/terms and conditions/privileges of employment bc of things above 2. limit/segregate/classify employees in any way that would deprive any ind of employment opportunities or affect status as an employee bc of things above -bars discrim for most employers (all public/private employers of 15+ people/most labor union) - covers all private or public edu institutions/def gov/state and local gov -can't fail/refuse to refer for employment bc of things above EEO Commission = est by Title VII to administer/enforce Civil Rights Act -5 members appointed by president with advice/consent of Senate -member serves a 5 year term -lots of EEOC staff who receive/investigate job discrim complaints -when charge justified = try to reach an agreement/go to court

360 Degree Feedback

employer connects performance info all around on emp (supervisor/subordinate/peers/customers) - use for developmental purposes - raters complete online appraisal survey (cpu compiles feedback into individual reports) - can use web based system - results are mixed - participants prefer, lead to small improvements in emp - appraisals more candid when rewards/promotions not involved - feedback should be productive/non-biased/development oriented

Referrals/Walk Ins

employer posts announcement on openings/request referrals -offers cash awards/prizes for referrals that lead to hiring -referrals generate more applicants/hires/higher yield ration (hires/applicants) -current emp provide accurate info bc putting reputation on line -new emp may have more realistic pic of what firm is like -on average, referral program costs $400-900 per hire in incentives/rewards -if morale low, address that prior to asking for referrals -if you don't hire someone's referral, explain why -relying on referrals can be discrimination if workforce is already homogeneous

Aligning Strategy and Training

employer's strategic plans should govern its training goals - training goals to instill competencies that will inform employee behavior Ex. Walgreens - trains employees to give flu shots now - est Walgreens university to build skills (400 programs) - formed training to produce employee skills needs to support co strategy Ex. Macy's (PG 236) - did training to improve customer service = co growth

The Performance Appraisal Process

evaluate an employee's current/past performance relative to performance standards - involves setting performance standards/assumes emp receiving training, feedback, incentives required to eliminate performance deficiencies 3 step process (1) set work standards (2) assess the emp's actual performance relative to standards (3) provide feedback to emp with aim of helping them eliminate performance deficiencies or continue to perform above par - effective appraisals start by defining the job - make sure mana/subord agree on duties/job standards/appraisal method

Audiovisual Based Training

ex. DVDs/films/powerpoint/audio tapes - more replaced by web based methods

Improving Performance through HRIS: Succession Sys (Chap 8)

ex. Dole foods (253) - centralized succession planning, used software pilat NAI - NAI keeps all data on servers for monthly fee (mana access via web with password) - fill out online resume for themselves + assess themselves on competencies, then supervisors assess and decide if promotable, automatically info goes to HR + division head, create dev plan for each mana

Promotion from Within (improves employee engagement)

ex. IBM (138) - as strategy shifted/trained emp instead of firing/rehiring ex. Fedex (138) - place people 1st - need integrated approach to fostering EE -promotion from within + effective performance appraisal/training practices -use JCATS system to access career records/posting job openings -all employees applying to get # score based on job performance/length of service -then advised if chosen as candidates -show genuine interest in emp career aspirations -provides career oriented appraisals -have formal job posting system -make sure employees have access to training they need

The ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA)

ex. PG 36 - carpal tunnel - Made it easier to show that disabilities are influencing 1 of their major life activities ex. sensitivity to perfume -some employers take progressive approach (most of the time concerns that they are less productive, more accidents are baseless) ADA Guidelines PG 36-37

Gender as BFOQ

ex. actor/model/restroom attendant req physical characteristics of 1 sex -hard to claim this now ex. Hooter (46)

National Origin at BFOQ

ex. chinese pavillion at a fair, need chinese heritage to deal with public

Web Based Video Interviews

ex. facetime/skype/interview stream 360 (record for employers/practice) -interview stream offers employers prerecorded/live video interviews mana system for prescreening ind and interviewing remote talent -or can use live platform for interview ex. Microsoft (207) ex. Hilton (207) - video because hiring in 94 countries THOUGHTS for video interviews 1. look presentable 2. clean up the room 3. test first (record yourself before interview, test wifi) 4. do a dry run 5. relax (treat like face-face, make eye contact, speak clearly, smile, be confident) ex. Urban Outfitters uses Hirevue (208)

Tests of Motor and Physical Abilities

ex. finger dexterity/manual dexterity/reaction time (pilot) -crawford small parts dexterity test = measures speed and accuracy of simple judgment + speed of finger/hand/arm -Stromberg dexterity test/Purdue Peg Board Tests of physical strength - static strength (lift weights) - dynamic strength (pull ups) - body coordination (jump rope) - stamina

Reasonable Accommodation

ex. redesign job/modify work schedule/acquiring equipment or devices/widen doors/telecommuting ex. blind = screen reading program to work ex. Walmart, greeter (can't sit on stool) Ex. PG 36

Diversity Counts (Chapter 4)

ex. should write job description for childcare (PG 108)

Military Personnel

excellent source of trained/disciplined recruits -have trouble getting placed -fed government offers tax credits to employers who hire vets -co's have special programs to recruit vets -army has program to help them find jobs, after army can select post army co partner -misconceptions about vets (PTSD) = influence performance (generally not valid) ex. Walmart (151)

Human Lie Detectors

experts who may be able to id lying just by watching candidates ex. wall street firm uses old FBI agent (watches for signs of deceptiveness - pupils size changes, irregular breathing, crossing legs, quick verbal responses, scripted)

What is Strategic HRM

formulating/executing HR policies/practices that produce the employee competencies/behaviors the company needs to achieve strategic aims -HRM policies should make sense in term of firm's strategic aims ex. Shanghai Ritz Carlton (74) 1. form strategic plans/goals 2. what employee skills/behaviors needed to achieve plans/goals 3. what HR policies/procedures can produce required employee skills/behaviors HR strategies = specific HR policies/procedures ex. Zappos (75) - get employee motivated/wow service

Diversity Counts: Gender Issues in Testing

gender issues may distort results -some socialize girls/boys into traditional roles (take care of siblings/work with tools) -could translate into difference in answers/scores on tests of vocational interests -lead people to nudge people into largely gender segregated jobs (f-nurse, m-engineer) -interpret results of tests within care -test may tell more about how they were socialized than abilities to do task

Action Learning

give managers released time to work analyzing/solving problems in departments other than their own - faster growing leadership technique today (well fargo/boeing) - carefully selected teams of 5-25, assign real world business problem that extends beyond usual area of expertise, structured learning through coaching/feedback -Sr mana choose projects and decide whether to accept team recommendation ex. PG&E (pacific gas and electric co) 3 phases 1. Framework phase = team defines/collects data on issue 2. Action Forum = 2-3 days @ learning center discussing issue and developing an action plan 3. Accountability Sessions = team meets with leadership group at monthly intervals to review progress


giving subordinates tasks/est departments/delegate authority/est channels of auth/coordinate work

Employee Engagement Guide: Onboard @ Toyota

goal for toyota = engage new employee in firm's ideology -takes 4 days 1. overview of program/welcome/learn org structure/discuss history and culture/discuss emp benefits/discuss commitment to quality and teamwork 2. focus on mutual respect/teamwork/open communication, covers safety/env affairs/production system 3. communication training/problem solving method/quality assurance/hazard communication 4. teamwork training/toyota suggestion system/what teams responsible for/fire prevention -use onboarding to instill co values/traditions they should engage in

Sexual Harassment

harassment on the basis of sex when conduct substantially interferes with person's work performance/creates a hostile or offensive work environment Oncale v. Sundowner = same sex harassment actionable under title vii -employers must keep env free of SH and intimidation -CRA 1991 lets victims of intentional SH to have jury trials/compensation damage for pain and suffering, punitive when person acted with malice and indifference to rights of individual Federal Violence against Women Act (94) = violence motivated by gender is liable to party injured SH = unwelcome sexual advance, requests for sexual favors, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature 1. Submission to conduct is explicitly/implicity a term and condition of employment 2. Submission/rejection of conduct is basis for employment decisions 3. conduct creates a hostile/offensive work environment

Trends Shaping HR: The new extended workforce

has freelance programmers/designers/marketers -recruit right freelancers based on reputation/work product on community website ex. Elance = reports members skill assessments/lists detailed project work experience ex. Topcoder = employers can ID top programmers based on reputations they earned within community -can use these to democratize HR (let line mana recruit/hire directly)

Central Role of Adverse Impact

in discrimination cases -under Title VII/CR 1991 - person (victim of unintentional discrimination) because of employer's practice must establish a prima facie case of discrimination -show selection procedures had adverse impact on protected minority group ex. 80% white people passed, only 20% blacks -then burden of proof shifts to employer -employer shows test is a valid predictor of performance on job and that it's applied fairly

Religion as a BFOQ

in religious org/societies that require same religion ex. catholic school

When in the environment hostile

intimidation/insults/ridicule enough to altar working conditions -is it frequent/severe/physically threatening/humiliating/unreasonably interferes with work performance -consider if employee perceived it as abusive

Other Types of Questions

job related interview = asks applicants questions about job relevant past experiences ex. what classes did you like best in business school Stress interview = interviewers seek to make applicant uncomfy with occasionally rude questions - spots sensitive applicants and those with low/high stress tolerance ex. 205-206 -invasive/ethically dubious (interviewer must be skilled/sure the job requires handling stress) Puzzle Questions = asking a question to see how they think under pressure

Develop/Extend Job Offer

judgmental approach = subjectively weighs all evidence about candidate statistical approach = quantifies all the evidence and uses formula to predict job success hybrid approach = combo of both -base offer on candidate's attractiveness as prospective employee, level of the position, pay rates for similar positions - extend offer verbally, employers point person discuss offer parameters - there could be negotiation - once agreement reached, employer gives out written job offer - understand difference between job offer letter and contract Job Offer Letter = employer lists offer's basic info - welcome sentence/job specific info/benefits info/paid leave info/terms of employment - statement that employment relationship is at will, then closing statement - sign letter if offer acceptable - have attorney review offer before extending it Contract = not at will, may have duration - describe grounds for termination/severance provisions - terms on confidentiality/nondisclosure requirements/covenants not to compete - could include relocation provision (where employer willing to pay the new emp to relocate, like moving expenses) -State law governs enforcement of ind employment contracts

Participant Diary/Logs

keep log for every activity engaged in and time -some firms give emp pocket dictating machine/pagers (page worker @ random time and ask what they doing)

Labor Force Trends

labor force growing slower than expected (.5% per year instead of .7% in 2002-2012) - labor force participation rate down, % of people who want to work down - slower econ growth ahead, GDP will increase more slowly (2.6% per year) TOP CONCERN = acquisition/dev/retention of talent to meet employment needs

Corporate Universities

large firms have in house development centers - collaborate with academic institutions/with training and dev program providers/web based edu portal to create program (1) actively align offerings with co goals (2) focus on dev skills that support business needs (3) eval learning and performance (4) use tech to support learning (5) partner with academia - many co offer virtual co universities ex. cerner knowledgeworks (256) Offers: (1) Dynamic Knowledge = real time content (email/IM/conference call) (2) Moderated Content = includes best practices (how they did well) (3) Codified Content = more formal documentation of official co practices/has installation guides, help files, formal training

Job requirements matrix

lists info in 5 columns column 1 = each of the job's 4/5 main job duties column 2 = task statements for main tasks column 3 = relative importance of each job duty column 4 = time spent on each job duty column 5 = knowledge/skills/ability/other human characteristics related to each main job duty task statement = describes what the worker does on each of the main job duties separate job tasks/how the worker does it


maintain contacts with community/travel to search for job applicants


maintain morale/motivate/get job done

HR and Manager's Skills

man needs to recruit/select/train/appraise/incentivize/provide emp with safe and fulfilling work env

Strategy's Role in Mana Dev

mana dev programs should reflect the firm's strategic plans ex. expand overseas, dev mana for that - some programs are company wide/involve all mana ex. GE = rotate through assignments/edu exp (then slot superior mana to fast track to dev for sr level mana) - some dev programs aim to fill specific top positions (CEO) - years of development

Staff Authority (staff mana)

mana have the right to advise other mana/employees -advisory relationship ex. HRM suggests plant manager use test

Line Authority (Line Mana)

mana have the right to issue orders to other mana/employees -supervisor/subordinate relationship ex. VP to director

Line Manager

management departments that are crucial

Markov Analysis

mathematical process to forecast availability of internal job candidates -creates matrix that shows probability that employees in chain of feeder positions for a key job that will move from position to position/be available to fill the key position (jr engineer to sr engineer to supervisor to director)


may not reveal the extent to which your firm's HR practices are supporting strategic goals -better to know "how are we doing" in relation to something -should benchmark results (compare high performing co's results to your own to see what makes them better) -SHRM has benchmarking service to compare HR metrics with other companies -can request comparable figures by industry/employer size/co revenue/geographical region SHRM benchmarks (79)

Achievement Tests

measure what someone has learned test (measure job knowledge) ex. machine operator test -some measure abilities (swimming test)

Distributed HR and New HRM

more HRM tasks redistributed from central HR department to co's employees/line mana because of digital tech ex. linkedin ex. Rypple for apraisals ex. google crowdsourcing (PG 13) -HR could be fully distributed (shift toward earlier time) ex. Hilton

The New HR Manager

more complicated job today (need new competencies/skills) -can't just be good at traditional personnel skills -must speak CFO's lingo (defend HR plans in measurable terms) -must understand strategic planning/marketing/production/financie -as co merge/expand - must be able to form/implement large scale org changes/drive emp engagement/redesign org structures and work processes

Peer Appraisals

more popular now ex. used by US military/FB/google - people seem different to peers than boss - emp chooses appraisal chairperson, chair chooses supervisor + peers to evaluate the employee - peer appraisals useful for development - if you know about peer appraisal - could change behavior

Evidence Based HR: How to validate a test

most validate with criterion validity -scores on test are good predictor of some criterion (job performance) -industrial psychologist conducts the study, HR department coordinates the effort -supervisor makes sure human requirements/performance standards are clear to psychologist

The Employee Engagement Problem

nationally, 21-30% EE Engaged = work with passion/feel profound connection to co (30%), not engaged = checked out (50%), actively disengaged (20%) gallup

How to write job description using O net (good for small business owners)

online occupational info network, see characteristics of occupation + edu/exp/knowledge requirements - lists basic/process skills/transferable skills 1. review your plan (for department/org) 2. dev organizational chart (how it is + how you want it to be in 1-2 years) 3. use job analysis questions 4. obtain job duties from o net 5. list job's human requirements from o net (get skills/abilities/know for job online on o net) 6. finalize the job description

Executive Coaches

outside consultant who questions the exec's boss/peers/subord/fam in order to id executive's weakness/strengths, counsel exec - can cost $50,000 per executive - use formal assessment before coaching to uncover strengths and weaknesses coaching field is unregulated (must do due diligence - check references and consult international coaching federation)

Line Mana's HRM Responsibilities

part of duties is direct handling of people 1. place right person in the right job 2. start new employees 3. train emp in jobs that are new 4. improve ind job performance 5. gain creative cooperation/dev working relations 6. interpret co policy and procedure 7. control labor costs 8. dev ind person abilities 9. create/maintain morale 10. protect emp health/physical conditions

Situational Judgment Tests

personnel tests that assess an applicant's judgment regarding a situation encountered in a workplace ex. Best Buy (179)

Using Work Sampling for Employee Selection

predict job performance by requiring job candidates to perform 1 or more samples of the job's tasks ex. cashier = count money/run register ADV = measures actual job tasks (hard to fake) = works sample content is not as likely to be unfair to minorities = doesn't go into personality (no invasion of privacy) = better validity than other tests -select sample of several tasks crucial to performing job, test applicants on them -observer monitors performance, indicates on checklist how they do (score on checklist) ex. (179) maintenance mechanic

Work Samples/Simulation

present examinees with situations representative of job they're applying for, evaluate their responses -differ from most tests because directly measure job performance -these are tests tho

What is Job Analysis

procedure through which you determine the duties of the company's positions and the characteristics of the people to hire for them -produces info for writing job descriptions (list of what job entails) and job specifications (what kind of people to hire for job) Collects this info via job analysis 1. Work activities = info on job's actual work activities (could include how/why/when worker performs activity) 2. Human Behaviors = behaviors required ex. communication/walking long distances/lifting weights 3. Machines/tools/equipment/work aids = info on tools used/materials processed/knowledge dealt with or applied (law)/services rendered (repairing) 4. performance stds = info in terms of quantity/quality levels for each job duty 5. Job Context = info about physical working conditions/work schedule/incentives/# of people employee with interact with 6. Human Requirements = info like knowledge/skills (edu/training/work exp) and required personal attributes (aptitudes/personality/interests)

Workforce Planning/Forecasting

process of deciding what positions the firm will have to fill, and how to fill them Aim = id/address gaps in employers workforce today + projected needs 1. review business plan and workforce data 2. id what positions to fill/workforce gaps -make workforce supply and demand projections (understand what new future positions they'll have to fill/what current employees may be promotable) 3. develop a workforce strategic plan -prioritize gaps and id specific plans to fill them 4. implement changes -new recruiting/training programs, use metrics to monitor the process Towers Watson clients can use MAPS software to facilitate workforce planing (Ex. PG 129) use to monitor recruitment metrics/conduct analysis of workforce

Performance Analysis: Analyze current Employee training needs

process of verifying that there is a performance deficiency and determining whether the employer should correct through training or other means - compare actual performance to what it should be - confirms deficiency/help show cause of gap Ways to ID how current employee is doing (PG 238-239)

How to write competencies statements

process to id competencies similar to job analysis ex. interview job incumbents/supervisors, ask open ended questions on responsibilities aim = finish this statement, "in order to perform this job competently, the emp should be able to.." Competency statement has 3 elements 1. name and brief description of competency 2. description of observable behaviors that represent proficiency in the competency 3. proficiency levels (PG 119)

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)

prohibits employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities -prohibits employers with 15+ workers from discrim in application/hiring/discharge/compensation/advancement/training/terms and conditions/privileges of employment -employers must make reasonable accommodations for physical/mental limitations unless imposes undue hardship on business -ADA does not list specific disabilities Disabled = physical/mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities specifies what is NOT a disability = homosexuality/gambling/pyromaniac/drug use illness. -most claim mental disability (depression/anxiety/personality disorder) -ADA protects intellectual disability (IQ below 70-75) -some traits (hostile/late/poor judgment) could be mental impairment (accommodation = barrier in workspace)

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978

prohibits using pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions to discriminate in hiring, promotion, suspension or discharge or in any terms or conditions of employment -if employer offers disability coverage = must treat pregnancy like a disability and include in plan as covered condition (Ex. PG 33)

University Related Programs

provide executive education and continuing educational programs in leadership, supervision, and the like. Some companies offer joint degree or certificate programs in cooperation with colleges and universities - range from 1-4 day programs to programs 1-4 months ex. dartmouth - hasbro (256) ex. adv mana program at harvard

What can Mana do to improve EE

provide supportive supervision ex. support/coach on their emp's strengths -make sure emp understand how their department contributes to co's success/see how their efforts contribute to achieving co's goals/get a sense of accomplishment from working at firm/are highly involved (self mana teams) -employers should hold mana responsible for EE

How to handle a formal written warning

purpose of warning (1) shake your emp out of thier bad habits (2) help defend your rating to your own boss (or courts) - should list emp standards, make clear that emp aware of stds, specify deficiency, show emp had opportunity to correct emp dev plan sample (294) appraisal interview checklist (295)

Quantitative Job Analysis Techniques

qualitative methods won't always be suitable ex. if aim is to compare jobs for pay purposes, don't need listing of job duties -need quantifiable ratings for each job 1. Position Analysis Questionnaire popular quantitative job analysis tool, question containing 194 items -each item represents a basic element that may play a role in the job -items belong to 1 of 5 basic PAQ activities (1) having decision making/communication/social responsibilities (2) performing skilled activities (3) operating vehicles/equipment (4) being physically active (5) processing info -final PAQ score reflects job's rating on each of the 5 activities -can use to assign jobs to job classes for pay purposes (can compare jobs relative to one another quantitatively) 2. Department of Labor Procedure (Ex. PG 107) dev the dictionary of occupational titles (contained detailed info on every job in US) - internet based tools have largely replaced the dictionary -DOL method uses a set of standard activities called worker functions to describe what a worker must do with respect to data/people/things -each worker function has an importance rating -then use highest combo to rate the overall job (lower #'s are better - PG 106) -can base pay comparisons on #'s

Appraisal by Subordinates

rate mana for developmental purposes - upward feedback helps mana performance (can meet with subord/discuss rating) - sites/apps (glassdoor/memo) allow anonymous posts by employee

On Demand Recruiting Services

recruiters who are paid by the hour or project, instead of % fee to support a specific project (short term, specialized recruiting) -handles recruiting/prescreening, leaves client with list of qualified candidates

Why effective recruiting is important

recruiting = finding/attracting applicants for the employer's open positions -recruiting is important, if you don't have many candidates, no choice in hiring -even when unemployment high = hard to find qualified applicants -jobs becoming more high tech = need more math/science now for skilled labor -some recruiting methods better than others -employer reputation will impact recruiting success -should focus on branding what its like to work at co/co values/work environment ex. GE (136)

Business Process Reengineering

redesigning business procedures (usually by combining steps) so that small multi function teams + info tech do jobs formerly done by sequence of departments Approach 1. id a business process to be redesigned 2. measure performance of existing processes 3. id opportunities to improve these processes 4. redesign/implement a new way of doing the work 5. assign ownership of sets of formerly separate tasks to an ind/team who use new computerized system to support new arrangement ex. Atlantic American Insurance *requires redesigning ind jobs* ex. increased production with work redesign (PG 99)

Simulated Learning and Gaming

reduce learning time by 50% - virtual reality game/step by step animated guide/scenarios with questions and decision trees overlaying animation/online role playing/software training Virtual Reality = puts trainee into artificial 3D env that simulates events and situations experienced on the job - trainee sees/feels/hears what is going on - use interactive learning to inject realism in training ex. adv disaster mana (248) ex. cisco added learning requirement to train into game ex. trial simulation (novartis pharmacy - 248) - training simulations are expensive to create (for big co = cost per employee is reasonable) ADV - mastery of learning (if doesn't learn - can't move on) - more retention - more trainee motivation because responsive feedback multimedia software house (graphic media) produce content for program (custom/generic)

Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973

requires employers with federal contracts of more than $2,500 to take affirmative action in employing handicapped persons. - does not require hiring unqualified people - employer must take steps to accommodate a handicapped worker unless imposes an undue hardship on employer

Staff Management

run departments that are advisory/supportive (HRM) -assist/advise line mana

Learning Portals

section of employer's website that offers emp online access to training courses - use online training vendor, contract with application service provider - go to LP = access menu of training courses that ASP offers for employer ex. Skillssoft/Plateau system/Employment Law Learning Tech Learning Mana Sys = special software tools that support internet training by helping employers id training needs/schedule, deliver, access, manage online training ex. Blackboard ex. GM uses (250) - employers integrate LMS with co's talent mana system - skills inventories/succession plans automatically update as complete training -e learning adv = can teach large # of people remotely/trainees study at their leisure Blended Learning = trainees use multiple delivery methods (in class + web) ex. Intuit (250)

1. Reliability

selection tools 1st requirement, refers to its consistency -yields consistent scores when they take 2 alternative forms of test Measure reliability 1. administer test to group 1 day, re administer same test several days later to same group (correlate scores, test-re-test reliability estimates) 2. administer a test then administer what experts believe to be an equivalent test later (equivalent/alternate form estimate) ex. PSAT/SAT 3. Compare test takers answers to certain questions on test with answers to a separate set of questions on same test aimed at measuring same thing (internal comparison estimate) Test unreliable because -physical conditions, differences in test takers, differences in test administration, questions do a poor job of sampling material -judge a test's reliability in terms of reliability coefficient (shows a degree to which the 2 measures are correlated) Ex. 168

High Performance Work Systems

set of HRM policies/practices that together produce superior emp performance ex. effective staffing/training (83) ex. pay more/train more/sophisticated recruitment and hiring practices/more self-managing teams -help a lot compared to less productive ones -recruit more/use more selection tests/more hours training -these systems aspire to encourage emp involvement -nurture an enagged/involved/informed/empowered workforce Ex. Table on PG 84


setting standards/quotas/quality stds/production level, see how performance compares with standards and take corrective action

Recruitment Process Outsourcers

special vendors that handle all or most of an employer's recruiting needs -sign short term contracts and receive monthly fee that varies with the amount of actual recruiting the employer needs done ex. man power group solutions/IBM/Randstad Sourceright -easy for employer to ramp up/down recruiting expenses

Job Redesign

specialized jobs can backfire = sapping morale 3 ways to redesign specialized jobs to make them more challenging 1. Job enlargement = assigning workers additional same level activities 2. Job Rotation = systematically moving workers from 1 job to another 3. Job Enrichment = redesign in a way that increases the opportunities for the worker to experience feelings of responsibility/achievement/growth/recognition/increase motivation -empower worker (ex. self mana teams) -do work well because they want to

Job Institution Training

step by step training - list jobs required steps in proper sequence, list corresponding key point beside step - show what to do/how its to be done/why ex. 245

Programmed Learning

step by step, self learning method that (1) presents questions/facts/problems to learner (2) allows person to respond (3) provide feedback on accuracy of response - what next question is depends on how previous question answered - built in feedback from answers = reinforcement - reduced training time - learn at own pace/immediate feedback/reduce risk of error - computerized intelligent tutoring system learn what questions/approaches worked or didn't and adjust instructional sequence to unique needs of employee

Leadership Dev @ GE

success in dev executive talent Leadership Programs = multiyear training program, rotate 3000 people per year through various functions Session C = multilevel performance appraisal process (CEO personally reviews top mana) Crotonville = corp training campus in NY Boca Raton = annual meetings of GE's top mana (network/share/understand co strategy) Next Big Thing = focus emp on central themes/initiatives Monthly Dinners = CEO gets dinner with top exec to learn/connect

Lewin's Change Process

summarize the basic process for implementing change with minimal resistance - all behavior in org was a product of 2 forces (1) striving to maintain status quo (2) pushing for change 1. Unfreezing = reduce forces striving for status quo by presenting a provactive problem/event to get people to recognize the need for change/search for new solutions 2. Moving = dev new behaviors/values/attitudes, through org structure change, conventional training and dev activities, team building 3. Refreezing = building reinforcement to ensure org doesn't slide back into former ways (change incentive system) To bring org change (1) est a sense of urgency - explain co could meet its end (2) mobilize commitment - create task force to diagnose problems facing co and produce shared understanding of what can/must be improved (3) create a guiding coalition - have influential people bought in - missionaries/implementers (4) dev/communicate shared vision - what you see coming from change/keep vision simple,lead by example (5) help emp make the change = eliminate impediments (6) aim first for attainable short term accomplishments - use credibility from this to change more (7) reinforce the new ways of doing things - changes to co systems/procedures - new appraisal system/incentives to reinforce desired behavior (8) monitor and assess progress - compare where co is and where it should be categories od OD interventions (260)

Temp Workers/Alternative Staffing

supplement the permanent workforce (through temp help employment agencies) -also called part time/just in time workers -contingent workforce isn't limited to clerical/maintenance staff -have temp mana positions Use temps because: 1. continuing weak econ confidence among emploers 2. trends toward organizing around short term projects ex. Makine = has temps install large machines, co manufactures machine tools 3. Flexibility - employers can reduce employ levels if need be 4. Use to try out prospective employees 5. Use temps to fill in for employees who are on vacation/sick - productivity in output per hour paid is higher because only paid when working -temps cost employers more per hr (and the agency gets a fee) Alternative Staffing = use of nontraditional recruitment sources ex. in house temp emp (employed directly by co, on explicit short term basis) ex. contract technical emp (highly skilled emp who are supplied for long term projects under contract from outside tech firm)

Sustainability and Strategic HRM

sustainability goals included in employee competencies ex. Pepsico = performance with purpose In HR = workforce planning (det how many/what sort of env sustainability jobs co can recruit for/institute flexible work env to reduce commuting) ex. change orientation to include sustainability goals emphasis/modify performance appraisal to include meeting sustainability goals/incentive system to motive employees to hit sustainability goals -HR policies/practices can SUPPORT sustainability strategies/goals

2. Validity

tells if a test is measuring what you think its supposed to be measuring -refers to correctness of the inference we can make based on the test -evidence that test is job related (test performance predicts job performance) -if not valid = no logical/legally permissable reason to use test How to demonstrate validity: 1. criterion validity demonstrating statistically a relation between scores on selection procedure and job performance ex. good on test = good on job -test has validity to extent of correlation predictor = measurement (test score) criterion = performance on job 2. content validity demonstration that the content of a selection procedure is representative of important aspects of performance on the job -test constitutes fair sample of job's content -id job tasks critical to performance = test a sample of these tasks -subject matter experts help choose tasks 3. construct validity demonstrating that a selection procedure measures a construct (an abstract idea like honesty) and that the construct is important for successful job performance -invalid tests are a waste of time/discrim -tests rarely predict performance with 100% accuracy -don't make tests your only selection tool

Tests of Cognitive Abilities

tests of general reasoning ability (intelligence)/tests of specific mental abilities (memory/inductive reasoning) Intelligence Tests IQ Tests = test of general intellectual abilities -measures range of abilities (memory/vocab/verbal fluency/numerical ability) IQ Score = derived score, reflects the extent to which a person is above/below the average -intelligence also measured with tests like Stanford Binet Test/Wechsler test (individually administered tests) ex. firefighters (IQ/physical ability predictive of trainee performance) Specific Cognitive Abilities *measures of specific mental abilities (deductive reasoning/memory/verbal comprehension/numerical abilitiy) Aptitude Tests = measure aptitude for job in question ex. for mechanics (PG 175)

Qualified Individuals

those who with/without reasonable accommodation can carry out the essential functions of the job -must have required skills/edu/experience -job function is essential = reason why position exists, highly specialized (Ex. pG 36)

Specifications for Trained vs. Untrained personnell

trained emp = specify length of previous service/quality of relevant training/previous job performance -more complex when you're filling jobs with untrained people (with intention of training them on job) -specify qualities such as physical traits/personality/interests/sensory skills that imply potential for performing the job or for trainability

Vestibule Training

trainees learn on actual/simulated equipment but are trained off the job (in separate room/vestibule) -necessary when too costly/dangerous to train on the job ex. putting new assembly workers could slow process/pilots

Minature Job Training/Evaluation Approach

training candidates to perform several of the job's tasks, and then eval performance prior to hire -if can learn/perform sample of tasks = can learn/perform job itself -tests with actual samples of job (inherently relevant/valid) ex. Honda (181) - received classroom training + actually do it -training helps people learn skills they'll need -training provides opportunities for assessors to rate trainees work -invite those who graduate training to apply, then teams (HR + department rep do final screening)

Computer Based Training

training methods that use interactive computer-based systems to increase knowledge or skills - sys lets trainees replay lessons and answer questions - more realistic interactive multimedia training = integrates use of text/video/graphics/photos/animation/sound to create complex training env Virtual Reality = put trainees into simulated environment good to pair with actual practice under trainer

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)

unlawful to discriminate against employees/applicants who are between 40-65 years of age -ended most mandatory retirement @ age 65 -can sue for discrimination if replaced by someone significantly younger -ADEA allows jury trials/double damages if willful discrim

Equal Pay Act of 1963 (amended in 1972)

unlawful to discriminate in pay on the basis of sex when jobs involve equal work/require equivalent skills/effort/responsibility/performance under similar working conditions -pay diff bc of seniority system/merit system/system that measures earnings by production quantity or quality or factor other than sex does not violate women still earn 70% to men

Internet Based Training

use internet to deliver almost all types of training ex. ADP trains salespeople online with BB learning system ex. Luxottica - trains by provide instant online access to info on new products/regulations ex. China post created new center to manage online training college (offers 600 programs)

Methods for collecting job analysis info

use method that best fits your purpose ex. interview for list of job duties ex. questionnaire to see jobs worth for pay -make job analysis a joint effort by HR/the worker/Workers supervisor (ex. 101) -make sure the questions/process are both clear to employee -use several job analysis methods

HR and Evidence Based Management

use of data/facts/analytics/scientific rigor/critical eval/eval research/case studies to support HRM proposals/decisions/practices/conclusions - use evidence to make decisions on HRM practices -come from actual measurements (how did it go), existing data (what happened when we...), research studies -translate findings into high performance work system (sets of HRM practices that produce superior employee performance)


use of handwriting analysis to determine the writer's basic personality traits (needs/desires/psychological makeup) -like projective personality tests ex. 190 -all scientific studies suggest this isn't valid (most experts shun it)

The Virtual Classroom

uses collaboration software to enable multiple remote learners, using their laptops, to participate in live audio and visual discussions, communicate via written text and learn via content (powerpoint slides) - combo of web based learning + live video/audio ex. Elluminate Live (250)

Writing Job Specifications

what human traits/experience required to do job effectively -shows what kind of person to recruit -could be part of job description or separate document

Burden of Proof

what plaintiff must show to est possible illegal discrimination, what employer must show to defend its actions - once employee shows employment practice has adverse impact on a group = employer must show practice is job related (business necessity)

Example: Improving Mergers/Acquisitions

when M/A fail = usually due to personnel related issues (like emp resistance) -good to get HRM input early in M/A HRM M/A Tasks = choose top mana/communicate change to employees/merge firm's cultures/retain key talent ex. Towers Watson (73)

Writing Job Descriptions

written statement of what the worker actually does/how they do it/what the job's working conditions are -use this info to write job specification (lists the knowledge/abilities/skills required to perform the job satisfactorily) -product of job analysis

Emp Engagement Guide: appraisal interview

(1) emp who understand how they contribute to co success (increase EE) - show how they fit into big picture (2) EE increases when experience psychological meaningfulness - role in org is valuable (3) EE increases when experience psychological safety - safe to bring oneself to role without fear of damage to self image/status/career (4) Efficacy increases EE - make sure employee has what they need to do well (5) Mana honest, don't overemphasize (-) or EE goes down (6) EE increases when involve empl in decision making/let them value opinions (7) EE increases when emp has opportunity to improve their careers (8) make sure emp views appraisal + rewards/remedial action as fair

Why appraise performance

(1) employers base pay/promotion/retention decisions on this (2) play central role in performance mana process (ensure emp's performance makes sense with co overall goals) (3) lets mana/emp dev plan for correcting deficiencies/reinforce strengths (4) opportunity to review emp's career path (5) supervisor can ID if there is a training need + remedial steps required

Training Effects to Measure

(1) reaction - trainee reactions to program (2) learning - det if they learned the principles/skills/facts they were supposed to (3) behavior - if trainees on the job behavior changed (4) results - measurable performance related results - comparison on programs cost/benefits can enable the HR team to compute the programs ROI (online calculator for this) ex. MGM Resorts (high net promoter score with program - pg 261) sample evaluation sheet - PG 262

Behavior Modeling

(1) show trainees the right way of doing something (2) let trainees practice (3) give feedback on trainee performance - most widely used/well-researched/psychologically based training Modeling = watch live/video example of right behavior in situation Role Playing = practice what was demonstrated Social Reinforcement = praise/constructive feedback Transfer of Training = apply skills back on job

Functional Strategy

**id's what each department must do to help the business accomplish its strategic goals** ex. P&G (73)

The ADDIE 5 Step Training Program (rational)

- Analyze the training need - Design the overall training course - Develop the course (create training materials) - Implement training - Evaluate the course's effectiveness

1. Conduct the Training Needs Analysis

- address employer's strategic/longer term training needs and/or its current training needs

Program Evaluation

- are women/minorities reporting directing to senior mana - do women/minorities have fair share of jobs that are stepping stones to successful careers - do w/m have equal access to internal assignments - will w/m be in the career development pipeline - are turnover rates lower for w/m? - do employees perceive (+) behavior changes as a result of the diversity efforts

Testing for Honesty: Practical Guidelines

- ask blunt questions ("have you ever stolen" "is your app info false") - listen rather than talk (may answer questions evasively PG 189) - watch for telltale body signals (est baseline of how they move when telling truth and going from there) - do a credit check (include clause in app giving you right to do it) - check employment/personal references - use written honesty/psychological tests - test for drugs (have program and give applicant copy of policy) - est a search/seizure policy (all co property may be inspected routinely, tell applicant to sign copy of policy) honesty tests req caution = don't invade privacy/leave people feeling mistreated

Know your employment law: appraising performance (chap 9)

- be careful of discriminatory practices (layoff/promotion/merit pay/discharges) ex. firm violated title VII when laid off hispanic emp based on performance ratings - illegal because firm based appraisals on subjective observations, didn't score/administer appraisals in standard format, 2/3 supervisors didn't have daily contract with those appraised to ensure appraisal legally defensible: (1) base duties/criteria you appraise on job analysis (2) communicate performance stds to emp in writing (3) can't just use single overall rating (combo of separate ratings needed - quality/quantity) (4) include emp appeals process (5) 1 appraiser shouldn't have absolute authority to determine personal action (6) document all info (7) train supervisors (8) fairness/due process importance

Team Training

- co devote hours to train new emp to listen to each other/cooperate focused on : 1. technical training = team emp learn each others job/enc flexible team assignments Cross training = training emp to do different tasks/jobs than their own, facilitates flexibility and job rotation 2. Interpersonal Skills Training = listening/handling conflict/negotiating 3. Team Management Skills = problem solving/meeting management/consensus decision making/team leadership - use team training to build stronger mana teams ex. outdoor adventure (249)

Managing Organizational Change Programs

- co sometimes have to change how they do things ex. Microsoft (258) - org change can impact co strategy/culture/structure/tech/attitudes and skills of emp - to make changes = must overcome emp resistance

Defining the employee's goals and performance standards

- compare what should be and what is - est performance standards with goals/job dimensions of traits/behaviors or competencies (1) Mana assess to what extent the emp attaining numerical goals - profitability/cost reduction/efficiency goals ex. setting performance goals at ball co (275) - effective goals are SMART (specific/measurable/attainable/relevant/timely) (2) appraise on basic job dimensions/traits ex. communication/teamwork (3) appraise based on mastery of competency (skills/knowledge/behavior requirements) - qualified if meet required levels of each skill on matrix

Business Necessity

- court created for employer use against adverse impact -show there is overriding business purpose for discrim practice -not easy to prove (doesn't include avoid employer inconvenience/annoyance/expense) -business purpose must be compelling to override racial impact ex. Spurlock v. United Airlines = selection stds for pilots necessary (46) -when job requires small amt skill/training = scrutinize stds that discriminate - lighter burden when job requires higher degree of skill/econ and human risks of hiring unqualified applicants are great -employers must show selection tests are valid (test is job related, valid predictor of job performance) validity = degree to which the test or other employment practice is related to or predicts performance on the job

Trends shaping HR: customized talent management (Chap 9)

- customized appraisals - adapt appraisals/rewards to how critical the emp are to co success ex. invest in top emp (287) ex. chart for accenture (287) - tie emp pay/dev/dismissal to position in matrix (performance + criticalness)

Orienting and Onboarding New Employees

- even high potential emp can't do jobs if they don't know what to do or how to do it - HR Department designs orientation/training program (supervisor does day-to-day orientation/training)

Task Analysis for analyzing new employee's training needs

- give new emp the skills/knowledge needed to do job Task Analysis = detailed study of the job to determine what specific skills the job requires - job descriptions/specifications are essential - uncover training needs by reviewing performance standards/performing the job/questioning current jobholders and supervisors Task Analysis Record Form = consolidates info regarding required tasks and skills (238)

Trends Shaping HR: Science in Talent Mana (Chap 7)

- google takes a scientific/evidence based approach to its selection/HR practices -starts with strong candidates - proactively id candidates rather than attract unscreened resumes - use work samples - test cognitive ability and conscientiousness/testing /interviewing - hiring decisions after 4 interviews , emphasize situational and behavioral questions -google gives interviewers access to QDroid System - emails interviewer specific questions - emphasis on validated questions - questions aim to assess cognitive ability/leadership/googleyness/role related knowledge -interviewing crowd - prospective boss/subord/rep of other departments - avg rating to get score - hiring committee reviews file + senior mana + CEO + then offer made -continually analyzing process - find keywords in resume of good emp/hire people with similar keywords - interviewers get print outs showing how effective they are

Dealing with rater error appraisal problems

- graphic type rater forms are super susceptible to rater error Potential Problems: 1. Unclear Standards - traits/degrees of merit are ambiguous ex. define good/fair performance differently per supervisor or "quality of work" - include descriptive phrases that define or illustrate each trait 2. Halo Effect - influence of a rater's general impression on ratings of specific ratee qualities ex. rate unfriendly emp lower on ALL traits - being aware of problem = step toward avoiding it - supervisory training/using BARS can alleviate problem 3. Central Tendency - rating all employees average - avoid high/lows, only rate average (distorts evaluations - less useful for promotions/salary/counseling purposes) - ranking emp instead of graphic rating scales can reduce problem 4. Leniency/Strictness - rate all subordinates high or low - especially severe with graphic rating scales - ranking forces supervisors to distinguish employees - employer could recommend that supervisors avoid giving all emp (high/low) scores - employer could require a distribution (10% excellent, 20% good) 5. Recency Effects - letting what emp has done recently blind you to performance over the year - Solution = accumulate critical incidents all year long

Designing the Study

- how do we know that training caused results were trying to measure time series design = take a series of performance measures before/after the training program - can't be sure that training caused the change controlled experimentation = gold standard, uses a training group and control group with no training, data obtained before/after training - determines extent to which any change in performance resulted from training rather than co-wide change like pay raise

The Orientation Process

- length of program depends on what you cover - most take several hours - HR specialist does 1st part by explaining basic matters (working hours/benefits) - then supervisor explains department's organization/introduce co-workers/familiarize with workplace/reduce 1st day jitters Orientation @ minimum = emp benefits/personnel policies/safety measures/facilities tour - new emp should receive/sign handbook covering these matters - supervisors should follow up/enc new emp to engage in activities that allow them to learn the ropes

How to criticize a subordinate

- let emp maintain dignity (criticize in private/constructively) - provide ex of critical incident/specific suggestions - give feedback periodically so formal review is not suprising - criticism = objective, no bias - some employers tell emp they're better than they are/others emphasize praise/others won't develop them and just fire emp (ex. 294) - help emp build their strengths less critical approach = attract/motivate/retain emp today

Creating a motivational learning environment

- material should be meaningful - training should accommodate both ability/motivation Ability = needs required reading/writing/math skills (not all trainees on same level, must accommodate) Motivation = employee should be interested - make sure trainee's peers/supervisors support training program - top mana should visibly support the program - training should provide opportunity for (+) reinforcement - value to them of completing the program is high

Trends Shaping HR: Digital and Social Media (Chap 8)

- more training programs placed on the cloud - place software program on vendors remote servers, then they can deliver to emp's digital devices - cloud training enables employers to outsource much/all of their training activities - vendor manages software for it, employer doesn't have to set up or update program - more adv cloud services let emp access software from wherever they are on variety of mobile devices - improves convenience/facilitates collab when emp work together - cost effective bc vendor handles maintenance/upgrades -typical cloud based learning mana system = has course library/quizzes/reports and dashboards to monitor performance/gamification (points, badges)/message and notification system/facility to schedule and deliver virtual and class training

Physical Exams

- once employer extends job offer, medical exam is next step Reasons for preemployment medical exams: 1. verify applicant meets job's physical requirements 2. discover any medical limitations you should consider in placement 3. establish baseline for future workers comp claims -exams can reduce absenteeism/accidents/detect communicable diseases ADA = can't reject ind if they are qualified/can perform essential job functions with reasonable accommodation -permits medical exam during period between job offer/starting work if that's standard practice for all applicants in job category

Economic Trends

- past 1- years difficult economically -2001 - 2007 good econ, 2007 - 2008 GNP fell/unemployment/home prices down by 10% -rules that prevented commercial banks banks from expanding into new businesses like investment banking relaxed = giant multinational financial supermarkets -more businesses/consumers in debt -bought homes with little down/spent more than earned/banks freely lent money to build homes/US became debtor nation/boom built on debt -econ trends better today -more co hesitant to spend a lot expanding factories/equipment -bank reluctant to loan so hard to start new businesses -consumers reluctant to spend bc debt -fed reserve board stopped supporting eco expansion in 2014 bc better econ

The Toyota Way

- process takes 20 hours, 6 phases over several days 1. in depth online application (20-30 min) - watch video explaining selection process/work env/many drop out here 2. 1-2 hr cpu based assessment - assess technical knowledge/potential (test ids problem solving skills/learning potential/job preferences) 3. 6-8 hour work simulation assessment - do realistic production activities, watched by screening experts (shows how they interact with others/do on actual task, ex. 217, time and effort must be put in, screens out less engaged people) 4. face to face interview 5. background check/drug test/medical check 6. job offer (1) value based hiring = clarify its own values before it embarks on emp selection program (2) high engagement firms commit time/effort for exhaustive screening process (3) screening process ids knowledge/technical skills, but values and skills are matched with the needs of the firm (4) self selection is an important screening practice (realistic previews/probationary periods screen out those who don't fit)

The SHRM Learning System

- qualify for certification by taking exams - offers prep training courses (self study/college option)


- quick/simple way to present info to large group of trainees - don't start out on wrong foot (bad joke) - speak only about what you know well - give listeners signals "the 4 items" - use anecdotes/stories to show over tell - talk from notes/powerpoint, not script - practice - be alert to audience (watch body language) - maintain eye contact - make sure they can hear - leave hands hanging at sides - break long talk to series of short

Other Training Design Issues

- review alt training methodologies (web/lecture) and choose likely methods - decide how to organize the various training content components/decide how to evaluate program/develop overall summary plan for program/obtain management approval

Strategic training needs analysis

- strategic goals often mean firm will have to fill new jobs * id's the training employees will need to fill these future jobs

Implications for Employers/Managers

- take complaints seriously, issue strong policy statement condemning behavior - take immediate action/investigation - increased awareness of issues/discipline those involved/confidential complaint process PG 41

The Need for Fairness

- unfair because supervisor ineptness/method inherent unfairness - mana ignore accuracy and use for political purposes (enc emp to leave firm) - emp standards should be clear, should understand basis on which you'll appraise them, appraisal should be objective - emp needs opportunity to express their opinions - quality of interpersonal relation between boss/emp shape appraisal impact/worth - employer should evaluate/reward supervisors based on effectiveness in managing performance (know how to appraise - 290) checklist for fair appraisal - 291

Mana's role in performance mana

- use TQM nonthreatening principles (cases dep on inspection for quality/continuous improvement/extensive training/drive out fear so work effectively) *Philosophy* - link emp goals to co goals/continuous feedback/provide coaching/reward good performance/performance reflects more than just if they're motivated *behaviors needs*

Trends Shaping HR: Digital and Social Media (Chap 9)

- use digital tech (cloud computing/gaming/SM) to support performance mana ex. Oracle TBE cloud service (ex. 297) see and revise goals all year - social media tools allow everyone in co (crowd) to continuously appraise each others work ex. rypple (comment on each others work, put ideas out there, unveil objectives to whole team, ask for opinions/suggestions) - 360 feedback each week ex. Saba Social performance mana software ex. globo force - automate process of rewarding emp ex. Emee- virtual appraisal game (real time feedback/avatars/virtual points)

Orientation Technology

- use tech to support orientation ex. workday phone app has co directory ex. IBM (virtual env)/University of Cincinatti ex. place scannable QR codes at orientation tour stops ex. gamify onboarding - offer rewards for new hire's contributions

Who should do appraising

- usually immediate supervisor (in best position to observe/evaluate performance, is responsible for them) - HR serves an advisory role *advice on what appraisal tool to use/leave final decisions for mana) - train supervisors to improve appraisal skills/monitor effectiveness/ensure compliance with EEO - shouldn't only rely on supervisor appraisal - danger of bias/doesn't see everything

Literacy Training

-39 M people in US have learning disabilities - employers turn to private firms (edu mana co) to provide needed education - have supervisors teach basic skills by giving emp writing/speaking exercises

Age as a BFOQ

-ADEA permits disparate treatment when age is a BFOQ ex. compulsory retirement age of 65 for pilots ex. actors for roles -reason for the age limit must go to the essence of the business - bus line age for driver because safety is essential (46)

Money Damages

-B4 CRA 1991, victims of intentional discrimination/disparate treatment who didn't have financial loss/sued under title vii could not sue for compensatory or punitive damages -all they could get was job back/back pay/attorney fees/court cost -CRA 1991 made it easier to sue for $ damages -if intentional discrim, can ask for compensatory/punitive damages if employer engaged in discrim with malice/indifference to protected rights of ind

What the Employee can do

-Complain (file a complaint promptly through reporting procedure/cooperate in investigation) 1. file a verbal complaint with harasser + boss 2. doesn't stop = verbal/written complaint with HR + harasser manager 3. doesn't stop = contract local EEOC, consult attorney (if serious = sue for damages, charge with battery/assault/infliction of emotional distress)

Early Court Decisions regarding equal employment opportunity

-Court decisions clarified court interpretation of laws 1. Griggs v. Duke Power Company - griggs = applicant for job as a coal handler -SC used to define unfair discrimination -lawyers sued Duke Power -Griggs said HS grad required was illegally discriminatory, caused blacks to be rejected/not related to job success **Discrimination does not have to be overt to be illegal (doesn't have to be intentional)** **Employment practice must be job related if unequal impact on protected class (arithmetic not req on job = don't test it)** **Burden of proof on employer (must show degree as necessity for job)** - griggs won unanimously 5 principles est: 1. a test/selection practice must be job related 2. employer's intent to discriminate is irrelevent 3. courts won't uphold if practice is "fair in form, discrim in operations" 4. business necessity is defense for program with adverse impact 5. title vii does not forbid testing (test must be job related) 2. Albemarie Paper Co v. Moody -if employer wants to test candidates for a job, employer must 1st clearly document/understand job's duties and repsonsibilites job's performance stds should be clear/unambiguous (so they know which employees perform better) -est EEOC guidelines on validation for procedures on employment practices

Recent Trends in Discrimination Laws

-DOL said spouse will refer to any individual who are lawfully married, in a state that allows same sex marriage, even if live in state that doesn't later -2014 = Obama signed executive order barring contractors from discrimination based on sexual orientation -DOL passed final regulations requiring federal contractors adopt quantifiable hiring goals for ind with disabilities (minimum 7% or face penalties/loss of contract) -EEOC in 13-16 = focus on eliminating hiring barriers ex. credit checks -SC affirmed banning AA in admission to college in Michigan (ind states eliminate AA admissions by vote) -SC made it more difficult to bring retaliation claim against employer, defined supervisor stricter (harder to show employer responsible for supervisor behavior)

Religious and other types of discrimination

-EEOC prohibits discrim against age/disability/money/genetic info/national origin/pregnancy/race/religion/retaliation/sex/sexual harassment -covers transgender -covers sexual orientation Religion = protects traditional/organized religion and those with religious/ethical/moral beliefs (must reasonably accommodate unless undue hardship) ex. schedule changes/leave/religious dress and hair -claims are on the rise

Voluntary Mediation

-EEOC refers 10% of charges to voluntary mediation mechanism (neutral 3rd party helps groups reach a voluntary/negotiated resolution of a charge of discrimination) -if no agreement = EEOC uses normal mechanism Employer can: 1. Mediate the charge 2. Make settlement offer without mediation 3. Prep position statement for the EEOC (if no 1/2, 3 required) - include robust defense/info related to co and charging party's position/description of rules or policies/chronology of offense that led to adverse action

How to measure EE

-Gallup/Towers Watson offer comprehensive EE surveys Accenture co - assess how (+) the emp speaks of co/recommends it to others -look at who stays with the co and why - looks at strive (do they go above and beyond)

HR and Performance

-HRM spearheads employee performance - improvement efforts APPLY 3 LEVERS 1. HR Department Lever - HR mana ensures HRM function delivering services efficiently ex. outsource certain activities/use tech to deliver services more cost-effectively 2. Employee Costs Lever - HRM advises top mana about co's staffing levels/setting and controlling compensation/incentives/benefits policies 3. Strategic Results Lever - HR puts practices/policies that produce employee competencies/skills to achieve strategic goals (LL Bean)

HR and Strategy

-Hr focus on long term/strategic big picture issues Strategic HRM = formulating/executing HR policies/procedures that produce employee competencies/behaviors the co needs to achieve strategic aims LL Bean (PG 15-16, need right employees) 1. set the firm's strategic aims 2. pinpoint employee behaviors/skills needed to achieve aims 3. decide what policies/practices enable us to produce employee behaviors/skills

The Supervisor's Role

-Hr mana charged with filling position is usually not as familiar with job itself -recruiter will want to know from supervisor what the job really entails and its job specifications, informal things too like supervisor's leadership and how team gets along

Know Employment Law: Giving References (Chap 6)

-Laws that affect references = privacy act (1974)/fair credit reporting act (1970)/family education rights and privacy act (1974)/freedom of info act (1966) -give people the right to know the nature/substance of info in their credit files/files with gov agencies/to review records pertaining to them from any private business that contracts with a federal agency -common law applies to any info you supply (defamatory if false/harms reputation so people think lower or won't deal will them) -truth not always a defense (can sue for disclosing true but private facts to a lot) ex. employer liable for emotional distress/invasion of privacy for shouting about emp's wife cheating on him -employers/mana restrict who can give references/what they can say -some only provide date of employment/salary/position title -not disclosing relevant info can be dangerous ex. gun to work (184) -can sue source of reference for defamation Ex. form for phone references (185)

Ex of what you can/can't do

-Many state/local laws ban asking preemployment questions (Title VII doesn't expressly ban) - EEOC disproves of asking - questions become illegal if used to screen out majority of protected group

Know Employment Law: Contract Employees

-Need to understand legal status of contract emp -the fact they work for temp type co is no excuse -emp of temp staffing firms working in employer's workplace are considered emp of BOTH places -employers liability depends on the degree to which its supervisors control the temp employee's activities -the more the agency does = the better ex. agency handle training/set pay/vacation/time offs -require agency to follow employer's background check process and to assume legal risks if the employer and agency are found jointly responsible -track how many temp emp your co has -screen/supervise temp emp with care if they have access to intellectual property/computer system -don't treat temp emp as emp with business cards/handbooks/ID badges

Improving Performance through HRIS (ATS) Chapter 5

-Use ATS to screen applicants ATS = online system that helps employers attract/gather/screen/compile/manage applicants -does requisitions mana (monitor open jobs) -does applicant data collection (scan applicants data into system) -does reporting (recruiting reports - cost per hire/hire by source) -system from applicant service providers (ASP) -automatic data processing/HRSmart/Silkroad Tech/Monster ex. Bank with ATS (140) - bump applicants who don't meet job requirements automatically by email

SHRM Competency Model

-What HR mana need 1. Leadership/Navigation = ability to direct/contribute to initiatives and processes within org 2. Ethical Practice = integrate core values/integrity/accountability throughout org/business practices 3. Business Acumen = ability to understand and apply info to contribute to org's strategic plan 4. Relationship Management = manage interactions to provide service/support org 5. Consultation = provide guidance to stakeholders 6. Critical Evaluation = interpret info and make business decisions/recommendations 7. Global/Cultural effectiveness = value/consider perspectives and backgrounds 8. Communication = effectively exchange info with stakeholders -Hr mana need basic knowledge in functional areas of HR (listed PG 18-19) SHRM = society for HRM

Why perform background investigations/reference checks

-avoid hiring mistakes by checking candidate's background (inexpensive/useful) -check/verify background info and references commonly verified data = legal eligibility for employment/dates of prior employment/military service with discharge status/education/identification/criminal records/motor vehicle record/credit/licensing verification/ss#/reference checks -check exec candidates civil litigation records with prior approval 2 reasons to check background 1. verify info 2. uncover damaging info - how deeply you search depends on the positions ex. credit check for an accountant - check credit of those with access to co money/driving records of emp with co cards -most mana don't view references as very useful -few employers talk freely of previous emp, supervisors don't want to damage former emp chance at job, give good review to get rid of employee, legal reasons, don't want to be sued (can't successfully sue for defamation unless malice proved) -ill will, recklessness, disregard for emp rights

HR Metrics/Benchmarking/Data Analytics

-being able to measure results is essential ex. of metrics (78) quantitative gauge of a HRM activity, like emp turnover/hours of training per emp/qualified applicants per person

Phone Interviews

-can actually be more useful in judging conscientiousness/intelligence/interpersonal skills -no one worrying about appearances = each party focused on answers -ind can give more spontaneous answers if call unplanned

Using Preemployment Info Services

-can have employ screening services check applicants ex. automatic data processing inc/first adv/hire right/sterling backcheck -use databases to access info like workers comp/credit history/conviction and driving records 3 reasons to use caution 1. EEO laws apply ex. NJ doesn't let employers question about convictions till late in hiring process 2. various fed/state laws govern how employeers acquire/use emp/applicant background info - @ fed level = fair credit reporting act - @ least 21 states have own requirements (1) disclosure/authorization = employer tell applicant that report will be requested and that emp can have copy (2) certification = employer certifies to reporting agency that they will comply with laws (get prior consent) (3) provide copies of report = provide copy if adverse action (withdraw offer) is contemplated (4) notice after adverse impact = employer gives emp an adverse action notice, includes name of reporting agency, applicant has various remedies under the law 3. criminal background info may be flawed - return possible matches for wrong person

The Temp Agency

-can hire temps by direct hires/temporary staff agencies -hire/place on job/employers pay people directly but classifies them separately as casual or seasonal or temp employees, few if any benefits -agency handles all recruiting/screening/payroll administration -need to understand agency's policies/check their references

Trends shaping HR: Digital and Social Media (Chapter 1)

-career sites make employers more transparent - glass door/career bliss/career leak/job bite -HR must ensure internal processes (promotion/pay/appraisals) fair -use linked in for passive employee candidates -Gild looks for skilled software engineers -talent analytics help mana increase employee retention (id flags that show they might leave) -talent analytics take info from training courses and sales #'s to see which courses helped -tools to match mentor/protege -70% all openings available online *SUMMARY PG 14-15* - emphasis on getting best from human capital -use HRM to improve employee performance/engagement -more HR distribution -HRM refocus from day to day to strategies to increase performance/engagement

HR Management Certification

-certification demonstrates mastery of HRM knowledge/competencies (2 testing processes to get certification) -test administered by HR certification institute (can get PHR/SPHR) -can take practice test on -in 2015, SHRM began offering certifications (PG 20) -built around SHRM's body of competency/knowledge

Using competencies models

-concept of job changing -co flattening hierarchy, leave emp with more jobs, doesn't fit to do job duties ex. Daimler Alabama (119) -using newer job analysis approach -listing knowledge/skills/exp someone needs to do job in competency model -lists competency needed to get job done competency = cluster of highly interrelated attributes that give rise to behaviors someone would need to perform a job effectively ex. critical thinking skills/deductive reasoning -competency model is guidepost for recruit/select/train/eval/dev emp for each job (Ex. 119)

Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ)

-defense to justify employment practice with adverse impact - the employment practice is a bona fide occupational qualification (rel/sex/nat origin) -Title VII permits this -interpret this exception narrowly -defense to disparate treatment (intentional) ex. usually used for age

3. Forecasting the Supply of Outside Candidates

-depends on mana's sense of whats happening in their industry/locale ex. higher unemployment rate =finding good candidates might be easier -mana supplements observations with formal labor market analysis ex. economic projections online from US Congress budget office and bureau of labor stats - may want to forecast specific occupations (ONET reports projections for jobs)


-direct observation is useful when jobs consist mainly of observable physical activities (ex. assembly line workers/accounting clerk) -observation is not appropriate when job entails a lot of mental activity (ex. lawyer/design engineer) -not useful if emp only occasionally engages in important activities (Ex. ER nurse) Problem = reactivity (worker changing what they normally do because you are watching) -use direct observation + interview together ex. observe worker during complete work cycle (time it takes to complete job) -then ask person to clarify/explain activities they didn't observe

Drug Testing Legal Issues

-emp claim that rights to privacy under common law violated ex. hair follicle less intrusive but can reveal 6 months drug use -Under americans with disabilities act - court would consider former drug user (no longer uses/completed rehab) as a qualified applicant with disability -Under Drug free workplace act (1988) - fed contractors must maintain a workplace free from drugs -Under US department of transport workplace regulations -firms with over 50 eligible emp in transportation must conduct alc testing on workers with sensitve/safety related jobs ex. mass transit worker/air traffic controller/train crew/school bus driver -Under fed rehab act (1972) - protect rehabilitating drug users and those with physical/mental addiction -don't hire candidates that test (+) -can fire current emp for (+) test but must tell them the reason for dismissal -courts side with employers where sensitive jobs concerned ex. Exxon = truck drive (+) for cocaine fired (191)

The results for Kia

-employee turnover down -EE up -Mana behavior better -recruitment/turnover costs down

Human Capital

-employer growing emphasis on workers knowledge/edu/training/skills/expertise -trad jobs are more high tech (need more tech sophistication) -acquisition/dev of superior human capital is essential to firm's profitability/success -need new HRm to select/train/engage these employees - empower them to make decisions EX. PG 9

Trends Shaping HR: Digital and Social Media (Chap 6)

-employers are googling applicants/checking social media -can reference search on linkedin (186) -social media background search can be problematic -fb page may reveal race/age/disability/ethnicity (possible EEOC claim) -best to get candidates prior approval for social network searches -do not use pretext/fake identity -follow intelligent social media staffing policies/procedures -assign specially trained HR professionals to search social media and warn supervisors about accessing info

Mandatory Arbitration of Discrimination Claims

-employers req agreement to arbitrate claims to avoid EEOC litigation (EEOC doesn't favor) Gilmer v Johnson Lane Corp = employee may be compelled to arbitrate under some circumstances -employers can put mandatory arb in application/handbook -protect this process against appeal by protecting against arbitrator bias/allow arbitrator to offer claimant broad relief (+reinstatement)/allow for reasonable amount of prehearing fact finding Alternative Dispute Resolution = grievance procedure that provides for binding arb as the last step ex. @ Rockwell, new hires must sign/current emp sign before promotion -US federal agencies must have ADR program

Interviewing Guidelines

-est rapport with the interviewee (know their name/review interview purpose/explain why they were chosen for interview) -use a structured guide that lists questions with space for answers (ensures you get to critical questions) -don't overlook crucial/infrequently performed activities (ex. nurses's ER duties) -list activities by order of importance/frequency -review interview info with immediate supervisor/interviewee how to get best info

Recruiting Older Workers

-fastest growing labor force segment is 45-64 years old -less absenteeism/more reliable/better work habits big draw = provide flexible/shorter work schedules ex. mini shifts -phased retirement to ease out of workforce -portable jobs for individual who want to move to warm weather for winter -part time job for retiree, full benefits for part time -emphasize schedule flexibility/firms equal opportunity employment projecting right image is crucial

Know employment law (Chap 5)

-fed/state/local laws and court decisions restrict what employers can do in recruiting -need to ask if recruitment method limits qualified applicants from applying ex. gender specific ads raise red flags (fireman/bus boy) -courts question word of mouth recruiting (bc workers nominate those of same nationality/race/religion typically) -illegal for employers to conspire not to hire each others employees ex. Google/Apple

Managerial Judgment

-few historical trends/ratios/relationships will continue unchanged into the future -judgment needed to adjust the forecast -factors that may modify forecast = decisions to upgrade quality/enter into market/tech or admin changes/financial resources available

1. Forecasting Personnel Needs (Labor Demand)

-firm's future staffing needs reflect demand for its goods, adjusted for changes the firm plans to make in its strategic goals and for changes in its turnover rate and productivity -start by est demand for goods -short term, mana should focus on daily/weekly/seasonal forecasts ex. retailers track daily trends because on mothers day produces more business -seasonal forecasts are critical for retailers for end of year sales -long term, mana will follow industry publications and econ forecasts to look at future demand 1. forecast revenues 2. establish staff size required to support sales volume -consider other factors also (projected turnover/decisions to change goods sold/productivity change/financial resources/decisions to enter or leave businesses)

Diversity counts

-found weakly (+) relation between age/motivation and job involvement -older people = good workers -weak (-) relation between age/trainability -weak (+) relation to age/willingness to change/more trusting -no more likely to have psychological problem/physical health problem than young (more high bp/cholesterol) -raise consciousness on incorrect stereotypes) -provide opportunities for more contracts with older people and info flow between young/old little support for common age stereotypes

On Demand Workers

-freelancers/ind contractors who work when they c an/where they want/when needed - need to create personnel policies for compensation for non-employees and learn to match workers with tasks to do -work in unpredictable/insecure -menial work makes people feel disrespected ex. uber/elance/airbnb

Federal Agency Guidelines

-give recommended procedures for complying with law Uniform Guidelines = for employee selection/record keeping (EEOC/civil service commission/department of labor/DOJ) ex. must validate tests that screen out disproportionate number of women/minorities -periodically issue updated guidelines on positions like sexual harassment -American psychological association has stds for edu/psych testing

Trends shaping HR: Digital and Social Media (Chap 7)

-growing popularity of mobile based interviews (iphone/ipad) -enable interviewee to do interview at their own leisure from where they want -prescreening interviews can occur directly between hiring mana/applicant (cut out HR) ex. Hirevue = do interview anytime/anywhere - candidates record response to employers video/written question -recruiter watches video and rate candidate -uses data analysis to predict best hires

Recruiting the disabled

-huge potential workforce -DOL office of disability employment policy offers several programs -link disabled college grads to employers for internship -all states have local agencies that provide placement services/recruitment and training tools and info for employers hiring disabled -use common sense ex. visual ad will be missed by the blind

HR and Performance Measurement

-improving performance requires measuring what you are doing -use metrics/measures to validate skills they have/skills needed

The Civil Rights Act of 1991

-in 1980's, limited protection of women/minority groups (raised plaintiffs burden of proving discrim) CRA 1991 = roll back EE law to where it was before 1980's, more responsibility on employers

Making the Background check more valuable

-include on application form a statement for applicants to sign explicitly authorizing background/credit check (187) -telephone references = more candid assessments -can get accurate info for dates of employment/eligibility for rehire/job qualifications -persistence/attentiveness to possible red flags (188) -compare application to resume -try to ask open ended questions to get references to talk more -use info that is specific/job related, keep info confidential -ask the references supplied by applicant to suggest other references -other references could be more objective because didn't come directly from applicant

Diversity Counts: Applicant Disability/Employment Interview

-interviewers avoid directly addressing the disability - people make decisions without all the facts - disabled people prefer discussion where employer can address concerns/reach conclusion ex. ask questions like what special tech do you need to do job/what support did you get in past jobs/will you have transport or schedule issues -Under ADA, interviewer must limit questions to whether the applicant has any physical/mental impairments that would interfere with doing jobs essential tasks ex. scars = rated people lower/didn't remember interview (211) Testers = ind who apply for employment they wont accept, to uncover unlawful discrimination hiring practices (have legal standing with courts/EEOC) ex. 211

Avoiding errors that can undermine an interview's usefulness

-interviews, done well, are a good predictor of performance 1. structure the interview -more valid (use situational ques - higher mean validity than job related ques or behavioral) -reliable (same interviewer administering interview consistently) 2. interviews can reveal things, know what to focus on/ask -use questions to help assess how candidate will respond in situations 3. avoid common interview erros

The challenges

-kia improved some under hyundai -kia hurt when credit tightened/consumers cut spending (2006) -kia's strategy = base future growth on increased competencies in all areas as a global maker (prod/sales/marketing/branding) -concentrate on global quality mana -strengthen competitiveness in prod costs/final products -exclude all unnecessary elements from mana through adv systems to groundwork base of stable profit making -invest in new future business with specialized R/D and global production bases UK BAd office (86)

Writing Job descriptions that comply with ADA

-list of job duties crucial to employer's efforts to comply with ADA -Under ADA, ind must have required skills/edu/experience to perform job essential functions Essential functions = basic job duties that an emp must be able to perform (with or without reasonable accommodation) -if position exists to perform that function -# of other emp available to perform function -degree of expertise/skill required to perform the function -whether emp in the position are actually required to perform the function -EEOC will consider employer's judgment about essential functions and written job description before interviewing for a job as evidence of essential functions -other evidence is actual work exp of past/present emp/time spent performing function/consequences of not requiring emp to perform the function -must make reasonable accommodation -modify equipment/devices, job redesign/restructuring, part time/modified work schedule, reassignment to a vacant position, adjust/modify exam/training materials/policies, provide reader/interpretor, making workplace readily accessible to and usable by people with disabilities

Computerized Multimedia Candidate Assessment Tool

-made by developing dimensions international for ford motor (PG 178) ex. Google crowsourcing -through ATS, sends application to similar google emp who comment if they think applicant is suitable for job (178)

Talent Management Process

-mana see this as series of steps 1. decide what positions to fill with job analysis/planning/forecasting 2. build pool of job applicants (internal/external) 3. obtain application forms/initial screening interview 4. use selection tools to id viable candidates 5. decide who to make offer to 6. orient/train/dev emp 7. appraise 8. compensate -better to view steps holistically (steps interactively affect each other/work together) - activities interrelated -can't just focus on the steps, results you obtain are important (step should be focused on achieving some specific result) Talent Mana Process = holistic/integrated and results and goal oriented process of planning/recruiting/selecting/developing/mana/compensating emp ex. of steps 1. what actions should I take to produce emp competencies to achieve co goals 2. treats activities as interrelated (emp with right skills found by tests/train/recruit) 3. use profile of competencies to formulate recruitment plans/other plans 4. coordinate/integrate talent management functions -make sure they're using same profile for select/train/appraise

Workforce demographics and Diversity Trends

-more diverse (more women/minorities/older workers) -Aging workforce = problem bc arent enough young workers to replace baby boomer era workers (come co bring retirees back) - hiring foreign workers to fix this issue (H-1B visa program to recruit skilled foreign workers when no qualified Americans, 181,000 foreigners a year) -shift to nontraditional workers = multiple jobs/part time/temporary/alternative arrangements or ind contractors (10% of US workers, 13 M people) -some employers find millennials/gen Y emp hard to deal with - but they have skills (social media/collab online/comfy with innovation

Predictive Workforce Monitoring

-most employers review their workforce plan every year - sometimes once a yr isn't sufficient -need to pay continuous attention to workforce planning issues (predictive workforce monitoring) ex. Intel Co = assess wf needs x2 a year (current to 2 years in the future) ex. Boeing = considers various factors when predicting talent gaps, part of wf modeling process (age/retirement/econ trends/internal transfer or promotion/anticipated increase or decrease in staffing levels)

2. Forecasting the Supply of Inside Candidates

-most firms start with possible inside candidates - determine which current emp are qualified/trainable for projected openings -can keep "personnel skills inventory and development record form" -for each current employee, list skills/edu/co-sponsered courses taken/career interests/languages/desired assignments/experience -can use computerized version Personnel Replacement Charts = show the present performance/promotability for each position's potential replacement (for firm's top positions) Position Replacement Card = card for each position showing possible replacements with present performance/promotion potential/training -large firms track qualifications by computerizing info -use packaged software systems (skills inventory program) -help mana anticipate staffing/skill shortages, facilitate workforce planning/recruitment/training -include work experience/product knowledge/emp level of familiarity with employer's good/industry experience/formal edu/foreign lingo/relocation limitations/career interests/performance appraisals 1. info entered into system 2. when mana needs position filled, uses key words to describe position's specifications 3. cpu produces list of qualified candidates -employer must secure all employee data -employee has legal rights on who has access to info about them -internet makes it easier for people to access info on others EX PG 132

BP Example

-moved emp from job duties oriented to motivated emp who obtain skills to accomplish broad responsibilities Solution = Skills Matrices - listed types of skills required to do job as expertise and minimum skill level required for proficiency at each level -HR could recruit/train/select/appraise based on set of skills employees need to perform job (Ex. 120)

Validity Generalization

-not cost effective to conduct validity studies for small businesses -must find selection tests that have been shown to be valid in other co *degree to which evidence of a measure's validity obtained in 1 situation can be generalized to another situation without further study factors = existing validation evidence of using test for specific purpose/similarity of subjects with those in your org/similarity of jobs if no adverse impact, no validation required under uniform guidelines (validation is desirable though) Using test to boost profit/cut cost ex. Outback/Key Bank (172) -personality test/virtual assessment of candidate

Improving Online Recruiting Effectiveness

-online effort must be thought out -need relevant info on job opening/make it easier to format resume to post in form required -should place employment info one click away from home page -don't recycle a print ad to the web (141) -effective web ad = attention grabbing heading/provide specific info/should provide way to determine if job is good fit (checklist of requirements) -applicants should be cautious -many job boards don't check the legitimacy of who placed the ad -be careful not to give away personal info

Improving Performance through HRIS: Cpu/online testing (Chap 6)

-online tests replacing paper/pencil ex. Timken (online math test for hourly position applications) -employer have applicants take short web based test before look at resume/interview (makes pool smaller) -ATS include online pre screening tests (ensure the rejection standards are valid/inform applicants quick of status) -online tests are more sophisticated ex. SHL has online adaptive personality test (test adapts questions based on candidate's answers) -improves test validity/reduce cheating

HR and Manager's HR Philosophy

-people's actions are always based in part on the basic assumptions they make about people - every personnel decision reflects this - some of this is pre-ordained (initial philosophy based on experiences/edu/values/assumptions/background) -it will evolve as your accumulate knowledge/experiences ex. Apple (20) -must understand the personnel philosophy driving your actions -philosophy molded by org's top mana (communicated by mana's actions - PG 20) PLAN OF THIS BOOK PG 21-23 HRM is the responsibility of every manager

History of HRM/Personnel

-personnel tasks part of every mana's job till late 1800's -faced labor problems in post industrial rev factories -had welfare office to oversee safety -by 1900= had "hiring offices", training program/factory schools - did hiring/firing/ran payroll/administered benefits -then did more employee selection/training -New union laws in 1930 = personnel helped mana union relation -EE laws in 1960 = personnel mana avoid discrim claims -Globalization in 1970 = need comp edge by engaged employees

Written Honesty Test

-polygraph protection act triggered market for paper/pencil, cpu, online honesty tests -psychological tests designed to predict applicants proneness to dishonesty/counterproductivity -measure attitudes like tolerance of those who steal/admission of theft ex. Phase 2 profile/london house/stanton co -supports validity of paper/pencil honesty tests (studies) ex. honesty test at convenience store/hospital use test to weed out applicants (PG 189 - integrity test)

Trends shaping HR: Digital and Social Media (Chapter 5)

-recruiters use social media/websites to find applicants who may not be actively looking for job - seek passive candidates with LinkedIn (can search linkedin for relevant profiles) - use twitter to announce job openings -use social media to learn about candidates -employers establish online presence, highlighting benefits of working for them -cloud based applications enable employers to integrate recruiting with interview mana/applicant tracking/requisitions mana -integrated with social sites (Linkedin/twitter/facebook) -scans employee social connections for referral suggestions (PG 142)

Why employee selection is important

-reduce applicant pool by using screening tools -aim of emp selection = achieve person job fit (matching knowledge/skills/abilities/other competencies KSACS required for job with applicant) -candidate can be right for job/wrong for org (person-org fit important too) Select right employees is good because: 1. employees with right skills will perform better for you/company 2. it's costly to recruit/hire emp 3. inept hiring has legal consequences (need to be nondiscrim) negligent hiring = hiring emp with criminal records/problems who can use access to commit crimes ex. Ponticas v. KMS = apartment mana assaulted woman in apartment -complex owner negligent for not checking mana's background

Application Guidelines

-request detailed info on prior employer (for reference checking) -in signing application, certifies that false statements are cause for dismissal and that investigation into credit/employ/driving record authorized, medical exam/drug screening may be required -should not exaggerate on app (edu/exp) -if not completed app = reflects poor work habits -most employers need several app forms (depending on job) ex. 155

New HRM strategy

-said low EE was cause/effect of poor performance -needed new strategy, new strategy must support parent co's strategy -developed a EE strategy to increase morale/address high levels of turnover 1. put new HR policies in place to improve EE 2. could change emp behavior (increase performance/improve turnover) 3. could support parent co

Emp Engagement Guide (Chap 4)

-several characteristics seemed to predict likelihood someone would be engaged - adaptability/passion/emotional maturity/(+) disposition/self advocacy/achievement orientation -seek out people with track records of being engaged -past behavior is best predictor of future -look for ex of engagement in other areas of life

Trends in how people work

-shift from manu jobs to service jobs in N US and W Europe - 2/3 of US workforce employed producing services (not products)

Improving performance through HRIS

-should assess recruitment effectiveness using measures/metric like quality of new hires -can analyze data with applicant tracking system (ATS) 1. decide how to measure performance of new hires ex. mana evaluates at end of employees 1st 90 days (1-5 scale) 2. ATS enables employer to track recruitment sources that correlate with superior hires ex. new employees from referrals stay longer/work better -can use ATS to id recruitment sources/candidate traits/hiring practices that work best in each geographical area where co works -can move $ to more effective sources

Recruiting 101

-small businesses should hesitate before hiring exec search firm (expensive) -won't find top mana by placing ads -consider retaining industrial psychologist to assess final candidates -be careful recruiting from competition -check if applicants bound by NDA -check with attorney before asking about patents/antitrust issues -use word of mouth to advertise

.Trends shaping Hr: Digital and social media (chapter 4)

-social media allows line mana to do what Hr used to do, bypassing HR ex. hiring mana can find job titles/duties with linkedin ex. 112

Technology Trends

-social media connections will produce 80% new recruits (line mana bypass HRM) -employers using social media tools to recruit instead of agencies -employers use new mobile applications at clock in to identify workers -websites inject gaming features into training/appraisal/recruiting -cloud computing enables reporting/monitoring goal attainment/provide real time evaluative feedback -data analysis use stat techniques/algorithms/problem solving to id relations between data to solve problems (id ideal candidate trait/how to know when someone about to quit) ((in HRM TALENT ANALYTICS) ex. talent analytics change how employer looks for job candidate (seeing which quality on resume matters - PG 12) -more tech in more jobs (use cpu for automated machines/use info tech to work remotely), use co-working site (office space/wifi/equipment for freelancer)

Interview Content (What types of questions to ask)

-some ask relatively unfocused questions (where do you want to be in 5 years) -don't provide insight on how person will do job Situational Interview = ask candidate what behavior would be in a given situation ex. 204 Behavioral Interview = ask applicant to describe how they reacted to actual situations in the past ex. Vanguard uses STAR technique (ask about situation or task they faced to uncover actions they took and results of their action) ex. Citizen Banking co, call center, ask questions about how they've dealt with angry people (205) - must explain how they'd address the case "client's" problem (uses situation and behavior)

Mandatory Arbitration

-some require applicants to agree to mandatory arbitration should dispute arise to avoid high costs of employment litigation -these clauses are generally enforceable 1. it must be a fair process (signed/dated separate agreement, use simple wording, provide for reconsideration and judicial appeal if there is an error of law) -employer must absorb most of arb process cost -process should be reasonably swift -emp should be eligible to receive the full remedies they would have had if they had access to the courts 2. Mandatory arb clauses turn some candidates off

EO Laws enacted from 1964-1991

-started in 1964 because of civil unrest with minorities/women + changing traditions 5th amendment (1791) = no person deprived life/liberty/prosperity 13th amendment (1865) = outlawed slavery/bars racial discrimination Civil Rights Act of 1866 = all persons right to make/enforce contracts and to benefit from US Laws

Trends shaping HR: Digital and Social Media (Chap 6)

-talent analytics revolutionize emp selection -employers can search through emp data to id patterns/correlations that show types of people that succeed/fail ex. Bon Ton Cosemetic Associates (169)

Internal Recruiting

-teams in house (saves $) -more employers bringing mana recruiting in house, still use exec recruiter too for CEO/President/board member placements/conduct confidential searches -exec search firms diversifying (investigate candidate background/expand to emp development)

How do employers use tests @ work

-test for basic skills (read/write/arithmetic - 41%) -test for job skills (67%) -test of psychological measurement (29%) as work demands more, employers rely more on selection testing -use tests to find good emp/screen out bad Sample Test (174)

Test Takers Ind Rights/Test Security

-test takers have rights to privacy/feedback under the American Psychological Association (guide psychologists but not legally enforceable) Rights to: 1. confidentiality of test results 2. informed consent regarding use of those results 3. only people qualified to interpret results will have access to them 4. to expect test is fair federal privacy act = gives fed emp the right to inspect their personnel files/limits the disclosure of personnel info without emp consent Common law provides protection against disclosing info about them to people outside co (libel/slander) -keep emp info confidential -adopt need to know policy (174)

Temp Employees's Concerns

-those who supervise temps must understand their concerns 1. treated by employers in dehumanizing/discouraging way 2. insecure about employment/pessimistic to future 3. worried about no insurance/pension benefits 4. misled on job assignments and if it would become full time 5. underemployed (those trying to return to full time)

Manager's Roles in Strategic Planning

-top mana devises overall strategic plan - want lower level mana's input because know more about comp/trends/emp capabilities (department mana) ex. HRM can give comp intelligence on competition (incentive plans/emp opinion surveys/customer complaints/pending legislation like labor laws) -also be a master of info on own firm's strengths/weaknesses

Mixed Motives

-under CRA 1991, employer can't avoid liability by proving it would have taken the same action even without discrim motive ex. would have fired them anyways for behavior

Unbalanced Labor Force

-unemployment rate dropping partly because fewer people looking for jobs -most jobs econ added don't require college edu -in some jobs = employment rate low (high tech) -in other jobs = unemployment high -people working jobs below their expertise (why people disengaged at work) -more pressure on employers to get best effort from employees

Using App forms to predict job performance

-use biodata (analysis of app info) to predict performance -app with longer tenure with previous employer = less likely to quit/higher performance predictive biodata = quit without notice given, college grad, traveled growing up Choose Biodata: 1. EE Law limits items chosen (no age/race/gender) 2. Noninvasive items best (GPA, Sales Achieved) -some applicants fake biodata to impress employer

Trends Shaping HR: Science in Talent Mana

-use job board to get tons of recruits -use ATS/screening system to cut #'s down ex. google - uses proprietary candidate database (ghire), 140, produce hand picked candidate -google gets candidates from career website too -can apply/share ex. of skills with google employees, discover what working at google is like -google actively solicits employee referrals (inside referrals = great candidates)

Structured Interviews

-use questionnaires to guide interviews - general purpose of job/job duties, edu/exp/skills required Pros = simple/quick way to collect info, can unearth activities that occur occasionally/emp can vent frustrations that could go unnoticed Cons = distortion (job analysis precedes change in job's pay rate so some emp view it as pay-related and exaggerate/minimize responsibilities) -tendency for people to inflate their job's importance when abilities involved, to impress perceptions of others (puff up job title)

Improving performance through HRIS (Chap 4)

-use talent mana software to coordinate activities ex. includes recruiting/emp performance mana/compensation mana support -ensures all levels of org aligned/working for same goal ex. silkroad software = applicant tracking/onboarding/performance mana/compensations support

Electronic Job Analysis Methods

-use the web to review existing info about a job -analyst uses online systems to send job questionnaires to job experts in remote locations -web facilitates sharing/discussing responses (Skype) -HR department can distribute a standardized job analysis questionnaire to geographically disbursed employees via their company intranet, with instructions to complete the forms and return by particular date -need clear instructions and to test the process 1st -still a chance employees can miss important points/misunderstand ex. US Navy used internet based job analysis -to decrease ambiguities, emp complete structured online job analysis form step by step/duty by duty 1. lists set of work activities (form lists) 2. emp select activities important to their job 3. emp lists actual duties of their job that fit each of those selected work activities ex. work act = getting info/actual duty = watch for new order from vendors Ex. PG 108

How to check candidate's background

-verify applicants former position/salary with former employer by phone -call applicants previous supervisors to discover ind's motivation/technical competencies/ability to work with others -many employers have policies against providing such info -get background reports from credit rating co for info on credit/indebtedness/reputation/character/lifestyle -automated online reference checking can improve results ex. pre hire 360 system (references rate the applicant anonymously) -makes report of info

HR and adding value

-want HRM to add value by boosting profit/performance (HR value proposition) ex. Pepsico (PG 17) - business/financial success + positive impact on society

New approaches to organizing HR

-what HR does/how they do it changing - use tech to institute shared services - central HR unit whose emp shared by all departments to assist line mana - offer service through intranet/call center, specialized support in day-day activities -also has specialized corp HR team (assist top mana in top level issues (personnel in long term strategic plan) -embedded HR teams have HR generalists (relation mana assigned to functional department like sales or production)

When the Law isn't enough

-women perceive a broader range of socio sexual behaviors (men think its benign/flattery) - problem fixed by SH training/policies -employees often won't complain ex. air force - climate of fear/didn't report (41)

Recruiting Women

-women still face headwinds in some male dominant jobs (engineering) -women have kids/fill less mana positions/earn only 70% of man makes for similar job *Most effective strategy is top mana driven* -id gaps in recruitment/retention of women, puts in place comprehensive plan -make it clear this is a place women want to work ex. use co website to highlight women doing nontraditional work ex. emphasize effectiveness in mentoring program moving women up ex. offer workplace flexibility ex. focus portion of recruiting on women's org/websites/career fair at women's college ex. make sure benefits cover fam planning/prenatal care ex. maintain 0 tolerance sexual harassment policy

Matching Projected Labor Supply and Labor Demand

-workforce planning culminates in workforce plan -plan lays out projected wf and skill gaps, staffing plans to fill gaps ex. id positions to be filled/potential int or ext candidates/training, promotions this would entail, resources required for implementing plan (interview expenses/relocation costs) Ex. Valero (PG 134)

Strategy and Workforce Planning

-workforce/employment planning is best understood as an outgrowth of the firm's strategic/business planning ex. plans to enter new businesses/build new plants influence #/type of positions to be filled ex. 4 seasons (internal transfer boosts morale - PG 129) -employment plans built of forecasts (basic assumptions about the future) -3 sets of forecasts = personnel needs (demand), supply of inside candidates, supply of outside candidates - can id supply/demand gaps and develop action plans

Validation Process

1. Analyze the Job -write job description/specification -specify the human traits/skills req for job performance (predictors) -define success on the job (standards of success = criteria) ex. production related criteria (quality/quantity), personnel (absenteeism/length of service/worker performance) 2. Choose the Tests -decide how to test predictors (base choice on experience/previous research/"best guesses" -choose several tests/combine them into test battery (measure an array of possible predictors) -get tests from industrial psychologist/firms publish tests/some tests available to any purchaser, others only to qualified buyers (those with psych degree) -use tests in compliance with EE laws/ethical manner/protects test taker privacy ex. Wonderlic Inc/G Neil Co has tests 3. Administer the Test -administer to emp currently on job (compare test scores to current performance, concurrent validation) ADV = data on performance readily available DISADV = current emp may not be representative of new applicants -administer to applicants before hire (hire applicants using existing techniques - not results of new test, then measure performance with new test later - predictive validation) 4. Relate your test scores/criteria -see if there's a significant relation -det stat relation between scores/performance with correlation analysis (degree of stat relation) Expectancy Chart = presents relationship graphically (put together groups, those scoring highest fifth on test, % in each group) ex. PG 171 5. Cross validate/revalidate -do step 3/4 on another sample of emp -revalidate test periodically -some tests professionally scored (16PF) = lets employer administer it, then employer scans answers over and they send back report -can also score many tests yourself

Designing a Structured situational interview

1. Analyze the Job (write job description) 2. Rate the Job's Main duties - rate on 1-5, based on how important it is to doing the job 3. Create Interview Questions - create situational/behavioral/job related questions -more questions for important duties ex. questions (212) critical incident 4. Create Benchmark Answers - dev ideal answers for good (5), marginal (3), poor (1) 5. Appoint the interview panel/conduct interviews - use panel for these (3-6 members), same people who wrote questions/answers -could include supervisor/incumbent/HR rep on panel -panel reviews job description/questions/benchmark before interview -1 member will ask all questions (consistency) - all members rate answers -at end of interview, someone answers questions the applicant has - web based programs help interviewers design/organize interviews ex. Select Pro = create behavior based selection interview/custom interview guides/automated online interviews

Make Learning Meaningful

1. At the start of training, provide a bird's-eye view of the material to be presented to facilitate learning - show why it's important 2. Use a variety of familiar examples. 3. Organize the information so you can present it logically, and in meaningful units. 4. Use terms and concepts that are already familiar to trainees. 5. Use as many visual aids as possible. 6. Create a perceived training need in trainees' minds. - why they need info/how they can use it on the job

Why HRM is important

1. Avoid personnel mistakes ex. high turnover/hire wrong person/co in court for discrimination/commit unfair labor practices 2. Improve profit/performance - ensure you get results through people (right/motivated people) - results is the bottom line as a manager - need to maintain an efficient/enthusiastic laborforce - important now because tech adv/global comp/economic turmoil (EX. PG 4) 3. You may be an HR Manager - non HR manager appointed to top positions in1/4 of large business - can integrate HR policies with co strategic needs - good experience on the way to higher position 4. HR for Small Businesses - wouldn't have full time HR position - 600,000 new small businesses a year (mostly)

Conducting a Job Analysis

1. Decide how you will use the job -interview emp = good for writing job description -position analysis questionnaire = compare jobs for compensation purposes 2. Review relevant background info on job -to understand jobs context Org Chart = show the organization wide division of work (see where job fits in) Process Chart = provides detailed picture of the workforce (PG 99) -the existing job description can be starting point for revision 3. Select Representative positions -pick a sample of positions to focus on -don't need all 200, just 10 4. Actually analyze the job -greet each job holder/explain job analysis process and participants role in process/interview emp to get agreement on basis job summary/id job's broad areas of responsibility/id specific duties and tasks within each area using methods 5. Verify job analysis info with the worker performing the job and with their immediate supervisor -confirm that the info is factually correct/complete and help to gain their acceptance 6. Develop a job description/specification Job description = lists duties/activities/responsibilities of job + important features (like working cond) Job specification = summarizes the personal qualities/traits/skills/background required for getting the job done

The strategic management process

1. Define the current business - what do we sell/where do we sell/how do we differ from comp 2. Perform external/internal audits - study firms env and internal strengths/weaknesses - know Econ/comp/political trends that could impact co - SWOT chart organizes co strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats - analyze PEST factors (political - Gov regulation, employment law, Econ - unemployment and growth, social - demographics and health consciousness, tech - social media and digitalization) Ex PG 69 - env scan worksheet (70) SWOT chart (71) 3. Formulate a new direction - what do you sell/where/how goods differ from comp Vision statement = general statement of firms intended direction, broad Ex. PepsiCo - performance with purpose (71) Mission statement = summarizes what co's main tasks are today Ex. Ford - quality job one 4. Translate the mission to strategic goals (in each department) 5. Form strategies to achieve strategic goals (how to hit goals) 6. Implement the strategies (strategy execution = translate strategy to action, hiring/firing/adding or closing plants/add or eliminate products) 7. Evaluate performance (assess progress of strategic decisions)

5 Methods to Show adverse impact

1. Disparate Rejection Rates - compare rejection rates for minority/other -4/5th rule = a selection rate less than 80% of the rate of the group with the highest rate is evidence of adverse impact (43) 2. Standard Deviation Rule - measure of dispersion of a set of data from mean (stat measure of variability) - the difference between the # of minority ind we would have expected to hire and whom we actually hire should be less than 2 SD (44) 3. Restricted Policy - demonstrating that the employer's policy intentional/unintentionally excluded members of protected group ex. guards over 6 feet 4. Population Comparisons - compares % of minority and white workers in org with the % of corresponding group in labor market -use workforce analysis to analyze data on firm's use of protected/nonprotected employees in jobs -utilization analysis = compare % of minority employees in a job at company with # of similarly trained minority employees available in the relevant labor market 5. Mcdonnell-Douglas Test - use to show disparate treatment (intentional) Rules to apply test: 1. person belongs to protected class 2. applied/qualified for job 3. rejected, despite qualifications 4. position still open, employer kept looking for applicants - meet all = prima facie -then employer must give legit nondiscriminatory reason for their action and provide evidence -then plaintiff must prove employer's reason is pretext for unlawful discrimination

Selection Standards

1. Educational Requirements - illegal when minority groups less likely to possess edu qualifications and qualifications are not job related 2. Tests -tests unlawful if disproportionately screen out minorities or women and they are not job related -employer must show test results are job related 3. Preference to Relatives - do not give preference to relatives if your current employees are substantially non-minority 4. Height/Weight/Physical Characteristics - req are unlawful unless job related ex. meat packing/strength test (48) - max weight rules don't normally trigger adverse legal rulings -get accommodation if over 100 lbs over ideal weight/physiological cause for disability 5. Arrest Records - don't ask unless job requires security clearance - don't use to disqualify ind immediately because racial/ethnic disparities in prison rates -EEOC/OFCCP said don't use blanket exclusion against ind with criminal records 6. Application Forms - shouldn't contain questions about disabilities/worker's comp history/age/arrest records/US citizenship -collect personal info required for legit reasons after hired 7. Discharge due to Garishment - disproportionate # of minorities suffer (creditor claim some wages) -illegal to fire a minority whose salary garnished (unless business necessity)

EEOC Enforcement Process (50)

1. File Charge - someone files claim with EEOC, filed in writing/under oath -under CRA 1991, claim must be filed within 300 days (with similar state law) or 180 days after incident took place (2 years for EPA) Ledbetter v Goodyear = Title VII pay discrimination must file within 180 days of when they receive discrimination pay - Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act = file claims anytime, as long as still getting discriminatory pay 2. Charge Acceptance - EEOC accepts charge/orally refer to state or local agency -if agency waves jurisdiction or no good solution = EEOC processes it upon expiration of deferral period 3 . Serve Notice - EEOC has 10 days to serve notice to employer - provide concise explanation why actions lawful 4. Investigation/Fact Finding Conference - 120 days to decide if charge true -find weak spots in both party's positions and use to push for settlement 5. Cause/No Cause - no cause = EEOC dismiss charge, issue charging party a notice of right to sue (has 90 days to file suit on own behalf) *can get employment practices liability insurance against discrimination claims* 6. Conciliation - find cause, 30 days to work out agreement -determine what remedy is satisfactory, negotiate settlement 7. Notice to Sue - if 6 not satisfactory, EEOC may bring civil suit in federal district court our issue notice of right to sue to person who filed charge **Guidelines in addressing EEOC Claims (PG 52-53)** - courts may hold you personally liable -retaliation is illegal

Answer these questions for Talent Analytics

1. Human Capital Facts -what are the key indicators of org's overall health ex. JetBlue = emp engagement correlates with financial performance 2. Analytical HR - which units/departments/ind need attention 3. Human Capital Investment Analysis - which actions have greatest impact on my business ex. Cisco = monitored emp satisfaction levels, increases emp retention, saved $ ex. google = id'd factors that lead emp to leave, reduce turnover ex. microsoft = id'd correlations between emp/school they came from = used data to see traits best mana shared ex. conagra = discover relation between demographics/training/performance and their relations with various performance indicators -digital tools require HR to be more scientific/analytical -shift who does HR from HRM to other departments and to line mana like heads of departments (show line mana when turnover issue) data analytics = can make decisions based on measurable/objective review of situation

Outside Sources of Candidates

1. Informal Recruiting/Hidden Job Market -many job postings aren't publicized -get jobs when employer meets right candidate -1/2 of all positions filled informally -get job through word of mouth/online job board/direct approach from employment service/print ad/social media 2. Recruiting via the internet - online job boards/their own co websites/niche job boards -online recruiting getting more sophisticated ex. virtual office tour ex. resume pal (online std job application, submit to participating employers) -post emp testimonials to attract people -employers screen through job boards resume listing Monster = employers integrate streaming video into job posting Hirevue = candidates can create video interviews and send to employers Virtual Job Fairs = can listen to presentations/visit booths/leave resumes and business card/participate in live chats/get HR contact info (lasts 5 hours) Pros = online recruiting generates more responses quicker/for a longer time at less cost than other methods/web based ads richer/more comprehensive in describing jobs than print ads (attract more people) Problems 1. Older people/some minorities less likely to use internet (could exclude them) 2. Internet overload (get too many resumes) -could start with prescreening questionnaire then move people to next phase in hiring from there, post detailed job description so some won't apply

Job description should include (EX. 110-111)

1. Job Identification - on top, date (when job description was approved) -could be space to show who approved/show location of job (division/department) -job title (name of Job), FLSA status id's job as exempt/non exempt -could include the immediate supervisor's title/info on salary or pay scale -could include grade/level of job 2. Job Summary -summarize the essence of the job (include major functions/activities) -shouldn't include cop out clause "Other duties, as assigned" because leaves open the nature of the job -state in the summary that the employee expected to carry out duties effectively/attentively/conscientiously 3. Relationships -shows jobholder's relation with others inside/outside org -reports to/supervises/works with/outside the co 4. Responsibilities/Duties -heart of the job description -list major duties separately + few sentences -defines jobholder's auth limits (ex. approve purchases up to $500, ex. 109 hire/fire/salary up) -determines duties with job analysis + review various sources of std job description info ex. SOC classifies all workers into 1 of 23 major job groups, 96 minor groups, 821 detailed jobs -can also use other popular sources of job description info + google sample job descriptions (monster/ 5. Auth of incumbent 6. Std of performance/Working Conditions lists the stds the co expects the emp to achieve for each of the job description's main duties/responsibilities -"I will be satisfied with your work when..." (ex. 113) -Job description can also list work cond (noise level/hazards/heat) 7. Job Specification

ID job's human requirements by

1. Judgment -educated guesses of HR mana/supervisors -ask "what does it take to do this job well" -review duties, deduce what human traits needed -look on web at human requirements in job descriptions -use common sense -include general good work behaviors (attendance/no unruliness/thorough/self-dev/initiative/integrity/dev others) 2. Statistical Analysis - more defensible approach to base job specifications on -det statistic relation between 1. predictor (human trait) and 2. indicator or criteria of job effectiveness (performance) 5 steps 1. analyze job/decide how to measure job performance 2. select personal traits that you think predict performance 3. test candidates for these traits 4. measure candidates subsequent job performance 5. statistically analyze the relation between human traits (finger dexterity) and job performance aim = det whether the trait predicts performance -bc if trait doesn't predict performance, why use it -bc equal rights laws prohibit using traits that you can't prove distinguish between high/low job performers - most employers rely on judgment

How to conduct an effective interview

1. Know the Job (study job description) 2. Structure the Interview - base questions on actual job duties -use job knowledge/situational/behavioral questions -use same questions on all candidates (more reliability/less bias) -have ideal answers for questions -use interview form 3. Get organized - before interview, review candidate application/resume 4. Establish Rapport - put person at ease - start with noncontroversial question 5. Ask Questions - use questions you wrote ahead of time - don't ask opened ended questions - enc applicant to express thoughts fully - draw out opinions by repeating last comment as question - ask for examples 6. Take brief/unobtrusive notes during interview - jog your memory once interview is complete - jot key points down 7. Close Interview - leave time to answer candidates questions - end interview on (+) note - say if you're interested/tell next step - if you can't reach decision now - say so 8. Review the Interview - review notes/score answers/make decision -when rejecting - say little, to avoid pushback/legal problems

Working with Recruiters

1. Make sure firm can conduct thorough search (can't approach executive talent of former client for 2 years) 2. Meet the ind who will handle your assignment 3. Make sure to ask how much the search firm charges (agreement in writing) 4. Make sure recruiter/you agree on what sort of ind to hire 5. Ask if recruiter has vetted final candidates 6. Never solely rely on any recruiter, do all reference checking 7. Consider using recruiter who has special expertise in your specific industry -in choosing and working with recruiters

Make Skills Transfer Obvious and Easy

1. Maximize similarity between training and work situation 2. Provide adequate practice 3. Label/identify each feature of machine and step in the process 4. Direct trainees attention to important aspects of job 5. Provide heads up info 6. Trainees learn best at their own pace

5 Functions of Management

1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Staffing 4. Leading 5. Controlling

Organizational Activities for Diversity Management Program

1. Provide Strong Leadership - leadership is role model for behaviors required for the change (champion diversity/inclusion) 2. Assess the situation - assess diversity by equal employment hiring/retention metrics/employee attitudes surveys/mana and emp evaluations/focus groups 3. Provide diversity training and education 4. Change culture/management systems - concrete steps Ex. Appraise mana based on less inter group conflicts 5. Evaluate the diversity management system - diversity mana is an ongoing effort

Proving Sexual Harassment

1. Quid Pro Quo - rejecting a supervisor's advances led to tangible employment action (hire/fire/promote/demote/move) - behavior must be pervasive/severe ex. shoulder touch (40) 2. Hostile Env by Supervisors - interfere with work performance/offensive enc -SH law doesn't cover flirting (simple teasing v abusive) ex. 40 3. Hostile Env by coworkers/nonemployees - employer liable if they knew about coworker or should have known ex. clients, women in outfits not job necessity (40)

Uses of Job Analysis Info

1. Recruitment/Selection - Info on what job entails/human requirements help mana decide who to recruit and hire 2. EEO Compliance - validating all major HR practices -to comply with disabilities act, employers must know job's essential job functions 3. Performance Appraisal -compares employee actual performance with their duties/performance stds 4. Compensation -depends on job's required skills/edu level/safety hazards/degree of responsibility 5. Training - description shows specific duties/required skills - showing what training the job requires

How to execute an EE Strategy

1. Set measureable objectives for the program - improve by 10% on survey feedback scores for line mana communication/quality of appraisal feedback/recognition of work done/respect between mana and emp -reduce turnover by 10% 2. Held extensive leadership development program - for mana to improve their skills, tested new kills with 360 assessment (mana's boss/emp/peer evaluation of new skills) 3. New employee recognition program -awards given quarterly -thank you cards 4. improved internal communication -quarterly emp briefings/increased use of performance appraisals/new co intranet -started new emp forum (express opinions/suggestions/concerns) 5. New emp development program -use appraisal process to id training needs -training plans for emp based on kia's needs/emp career goals 6. changes to compensation/other policies -eliminated bonuses/have fixed rate percentage based salary increases -rewrote emp handbook and HR policies/procedures to align with new values

Management Planning Process

1. Setting Objectives 2. Making basic planning forecasts 3. Reviewing alternative courses of action 4. Evaluating which options are best 5. Choosing and implementing a plan

Strategic HRM Tools

1. Strategy Map summarizes how each department's performance contributes to achieving the co's overall strategic goals - help mana/emp visualize and understand role department plays - clarifies emp line of sight (links their efforts with ultimate goals) ex. SW Airlines (PG 76) 2. The HR Scorecard not a scorecard, process for assigning financial/nonfinancial goals or metrics to the HRM-related strategy map chain of activities required to achieve co's strategic aims ex. plan turnaround time/% of on time flights -take strategy map and quantify it -use special software to facilitate (quantify relations between HR activities/resulting emp behavior/resulting firm wide strategic outcomes and performance) -balance hard data (financial measures) with soft data (customer satisfaction) 3. Digital Dashboards presents the manager with desktop graphs/charts, showing computerized picture of how the company is doing on all the metrics from the HR scoreboard process -real time trends for strategy map activities (enables mana to take corrective action)

4 mistakes when cultivating minorities for higher positions

1. They distribute diversity tasks (solution = more centralization) 2. Focus on inputs like mentoring (solution = focus on outcomes too, # of diverse people who are promoted) 3. Focus on fixing the culture (multi year process/cultural change is just 1 element) 4. Staff diversity department with new minorities (need minority and non minority in these roles) Ex. IBM = minority task force/expand to small business (55)

Reinforce the Learning

1. Trainees learn best when the trainers immediately reinforce correct responses, perhaps with a quick "well done." 2. The schedule is important. The learning curve goes down late in the day, so that "full day training is not as effective as half the day or three-fourths of the day." 3. Provide follow up assignments at close of training (reinforce) - have to apply what they've learned 4. Incentive for completion of training

Tools for projecting personnel needs

1. Trend Analysis studying variations in the firm's employment levels over the past few years ex. compute # of employees at end of last 5 years in each subgroup -can provide initial rough estimate of future staffing needs -employment levels don't just depend on passage of time (retirement/productivity and changing skills needs) 2. Ratio Analysis Making forecasts based on the historical ratio between (1) some causal factor (like sales volume) and (2) the # of employees required (# of salespeople) ex. PG 130 -ratio analysis assumes things like productivity remain the same -if productivity increases or decreases, ratio of sales to sales people changes 3. Scatter Plot shows graphically how 2 variables (ex. sales/staffing levels) are related -if they're related = then can estimate personnel needs ex. hospitals/nurses (131) Drawbacks to scatter plot: - relation assumes firms existing activities/skill needs will continue as is -tend to reward mana for adding employees (not based on comp need) -tend to institutionalize existing ways of doing things (even if change) -computerized system/excel spreadsheets help mana translate estimates of projected productivity/sales level into forecast-able personnel requirements - enable mana to build more variables into their personnel projections ex. built stat model with age/tenure/turnover (132)


1. Word of Mouth -can't rely on this when workforce is all mostly one group (white/black) -reduces liklihood that others hear about the job 2. Misleading Info - unlawful to give false/misleading info to members of any group or refuse to advise them of work opportunities 3. Help Wanted Ads - help wanted male or F ads are discriminatory unless BFOQ - same as ads for young males

Recruitment/Selecting Process

1. decide what positions to fill, through workforce/personnel planning and forecasting 2. Build a pool of candidates for these jobs, by recruiting internal/external 3. Have candidates complete application forms/undergo initial screening interviews 4. Use selection tools like tests/background investigations/physical exams 5. Decide who to make an offer to, by having the supervisors/others interview the candidates


1. some are structured checklists -gets inventory of duties/tasks, indicate if they perform task and how much time normally spent on task 2. some are general questions best questions fall between 2 extremes Pro = quick/efficient way to obtain info from large # of employees - less costly to interview hundreds of emp Cons = dev the question/testing it can be time consuming -emp can distort answers Ex. PG 103-104

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)

1994 employers required to reinstate employees returning from military leave to positions comparable to job before leaving

Management Assessment Centers

2-3 day simulation in which 10-12 candidates perform realistic management tasks under the observation of experts who appraise leadership potential ex. Cheesecake Factory (180) -expensive to dev/takes longer than other tests/require mana be assessors/require psychologist (worth it) Typical Simulated Tasks 1. The In Basket = ind gets memos/reports/notes of calls/emails collected in in basket of job they're about to start, must take appropriate action on each item (evaluate candidates effort) 2. Leaderless Group Discussion = give leaderless group a question and tell them to arrive at a group decision (evaluate interpersonal skills/leadership/ind influence) 3. Mana Games = solve realistic problems as members of simulated co 4. Ind Oral Presentation = evaluate communication skills/persuasiveness 5. Testing = any mentioned before 6. Interview = with trainer to assess interests/past performance/motivation -supervisors help choose center participants -line mana act as assessors

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)

2008 prohibits discrimination by health insurers/employees based on people's genetic info -prohibits use of genetic info in employment, prohibits intentional acquisition of genetic info on applicants or employees, strict confidentiality requirements

Employment Agencies

3 Main Types 1/2. Public/Nonprofit Agencies - every state had public/state run employment service agency - supported by DOL with grants/other assistance -applicants for unemployment insurance must register/make themselves available for interview -some not interested in work = applicants with little interest -some employees see local agency as lethargic in filling positions -agency will fill jobs/counselors will visit job site/review employers job requirements/assist employer in writing job description -most states turn this into 1 stop shop (training/employment/career assessment center) ex. Oregon (PG 143) -nonprofit professional/technical societies have units that help members find jobs 3. Private Agencies -important sources of clerical/white collar/mana personnel -charge fees for each applicant they pace (fee paid job = employer pays fee) *Use if PG 144* *To avoid problems PG 144*

Implementing the Affirmative Action Program

AA = taking actions (hiring/promotions/pay) to eliminate the current effects of past discrimination - are court mandated AA and voluntary programs Executive Order 11246 (1965) required federal contractors to take AA (22% US workforce covered) Key aims of AA: 1. Use numerical analysis to determine which (if) Target group is underutilized relative to relevant labor market 2. To eliminate barriers to equal employment - good faith effort strategy (ID and eliminate obstacles to hiring/promoting women and minorities, more minority/female applicant flow) Ex. Place recruiting ads on minority oriented job site (56- websites)

Strategic HRM

functions that department heads make should support comp and corporate strategy -top mana pick co/comp strategy for each business unit

Internal Sources of Candidates

hiring from within is often best source of candidates ADV = know your candidates strengths/weaknesses, may be increase commitment to co, morale/engagement could increase if promotions are rewards for loyalty/competence, require less orientation/training -external hires tend to come in at higher salaries than int promotions -some ext hires excel because of old co they worked at, not skills -firms that hired CEOS inside did better -co with increased challenges hired CEOS externally and di well (IBM/Ford) DISADV = inbreeding (if new perspective required) -process of posting job can be waste of time because already know who they want to hire -rejected inside applicants may become discontented Look outside if: - need skills not available in co -have to embark on tough turnaround -current succession planning or skills inventory system inadequate Look Within if: - have successful succession planning/skills inventory system - have skills you need internally - have unique/strong co culture

Recruiting Minorities

understand barriers that prevent them from applying ex. won't meet basic edu/exp req (so offer remedial training) -can use basic skills training/flexible work options/role model/redesigned job -diversity recruitment specialists (153) -sometimes hard to hire people previously on welfare -applicants could lack basic skills (on time/team work/taking orders) -need good pretraining program


60% turn to job -can be win/win -for student = hone business skills/learn about employer/discover career likes and dislikes -employers can use for useful contributions + evaluate them as possible full time employee -some internships = bad (long unpaid days, menial work, in fashion/media industry)

Candidate Assessment/9 box grid

9 Box Grid = shows potential/performance, grid can simplify task of choosing development candidates, high in both move on, then high in one moderate is other - some employers focus on development of resources on co's mission critical emp (those central to firm's success/survival) - ind assessment should precede dev ex. Schwan (254) 40 people to 10 people, assessment, dev

How Kia Motors increased performance with HR Strategy (increased EE)

(1997) Kia almost bankrupt, $10 B in debt (98) Hyundai bought 51%, started multiyear program to improve performance (now owns 1/3 of kia)

Recruiting Single Parents

-must understand problems they face -make the workplace user friendly (supportive attitude from supervisor) -flex time programs (schedule flexibility)

Common Interview Errors

1. First Impressions (Snap Judgments) - interviewers make snap judgment in 1st few minutes of interview or before interview based on resume -based on test scores/appearance - 1st impression damaging if prior info on applicant is (-) ex. 209 - base hiring decision on prior info (bad ref from past employer), don't care about interview - interviewers can highly influenced by unfavorable info on ind over favorable - impressions more likely to go from favorable to unfavorable than reverse - interviewers search for (-) without even knowing it - most interviews loaded against the applicant (can't overcome bad 1st impression, bad info dominates opinion) - interviewer will size up posture/handshake/smile/aura 2. Not clarifying what job requires -interviewers who don't have accurate picture of what job entails/who is best for job will make decisions based on incorrect impressions or stereotypes of what good applicant is -clarify what you're looking for/why before start interview -more job knowledge = better interviews - less info = harder to tell who would be best fit 3. Candidate- Order (contrast) Error/ Pressure to Hire *The order in which you see applicants affects how you rate them ex. see several bad then one avg (score avg one too high), bc contrast Pressure to Hire = tell mana they behind in recruiting quota, makes contrast error worse (rate more highly) 4. Nonverbal Behavior/Impression Management - need to have high eye contact/high energy - interviewers infer your personality from your interview - level of extra-version linked to getting follow up interviews/job offers - prone to self promotion, related to interviewers perception with job fit - impression mana by praise interviewers/agreed with their opinions (showing they have similar beliefs) - do it because they think it'l influence their rating - some make self promoting comments on accomplishments (promoting ones own skils/abilities to create the impression of competence) - faking/lying always backfires 5. Effect of Personal Characteristics: attractivesness/gender/role - people ascribe high favorable traits/more successful life outcome to attractive people - race can play a role (white interviewer scores white higher) - structured interviews lead to less of race difference - interviewers reactions to minority sterotypes are complex ex. muslims still got job offers but interactions were shorter/more interpersonally (-) than in traditional clothes ex. candidates evidencing disabilities have less chance of (+) decision (HIV+, wheelchair, child care demands) 6. Interviewee Behavior - affects performance/rating ex. interviewee telegraphs right answer "job is stressful, you can handle it, right?" - subtle cues (smile/nod) can telegraph answer -some interviewees talk too much (applicants can't answer questions) -some interviewees let applicants talk too much (can't ask questions) -if interviewer has favorable pre interview impression = act more (+) -some interviewers interrogate/play psychologist/are discriminatory

Techniques for Appraising Performance

1. Graphic Rating Scale Method (PG 279) - simplest/most popular method - scale may list several job dimensions/traits and performance values (bad to good) - rate by circling/checking score - competency based scales are other option - scale might rate how well emp did with respect to achieving specific profit/cost/efficiency goals ex. 0 patent medication errors PG 280 - skills PG 281 - behavior 2. Alternation Ranking Method - rank emp from best to worst on a trait - list all subord to be rated/cross out names of those don't know enough to rank - alternate between high/low till all are ranked 3. Paired Comparison Method - makes the ranking method more precise - for every trait, compare every emp with every othr emp (choose who is better of the pair) Ex. Chart 282 4. Forced Distribution Method - similar to grading on a curve - mana places predetermined % of ratees into performance categories ex. Lending Tree = top 15% (1's), middle 75% (2's), last 10% (3's, who are first to go) ADV = prevents supervisors from rating all/most emp on high - reflects that top emp outperform avg/poor by as much as 100% - increase the risk of discrimination adverse impact (damages morale) - appt a committee to review emp's low rankings - need to differentiate meaningfully between the avg % 5. Critical Incident Method - supervisor keeps a log of (+/-) ex of subordinate's work related behaviors - every 6 months, meet to discuss performance, use incidents as examples - anchors appraisal in reality/improves appraisal outcomes - supervisor thinks about appraisal all year - doesn't produce relative ratings for pay raise purposes (Ex. PG 283) 6. Narrative Forms - all/part of written approval can be narrative (283) - supervisor assesses emp's past performance/required areas of improvement - helps emp understand where performance was good/bad and how to improve 7. Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales - anchors a numerical rating scale with illustrative example of good/poor performance Dev BARs (1) write critical incidents - ask jobholder/supervisor to write illustrations of good/bad performance (2) dev performance dimensions ex. sales skills (3) reallocate incidents - to verify groupings = have another team cluster critical incidents (retain incident if grouped same both times) (4) scale the incidents - rate behavior for each incident (5) develop final instrument - choose 6-7 incidents as behavioral anchors Ex. PG 284 ADV= show what to look for in terms of performance, incidents make it easier to explain rating to appraisee, clustering incidents into dimensions make performance dimensions more ind of each other - similar to BOS, rate how frequently they exhibit behaviors 8. Mixed Standard Scales - like 7 but employer mixes the good/poor behavioral examples when listing them - reduce rating error by making it less obvious what dimension being rated/what performance level it is - rate if higher/lower/equal to each statement 9. Mana by Objectives - multistep co wide goal setting/appraisal program - req mana to set specific/measurable/organizationally relevant goals with each emp, periodically discuss progress towards these goals Steps (1) set the org's goal (est co wide plan/set goal) (2) set departmental goal (department heads/supervisors jointly set goals) (3) discuss departmental goals (discuss with emp and ask them to dev their own ind goals) (4) define expected results (set short term performance target for each emp) (5) conduct performance reviews (compare actual and expected results) (6) provide feedback - use of some formal MBO programs down - some use streamlined version (google - PG 285) 10. Computerized and Web Based Performance Appraisal - enable mana to compile computerized notes on subord during year - merge these with ratings for emp on performance traits - software combines several appraisal tools ex. emp appraiser (286) - software to rate/dev appraisal ex. success factors - web based emp appraisal system (performance review forms/approval processes/51 competencies for jobs/legal scan/built in writing assistant) 11. Electronic Performance monitoring - sys uses cpu network tech to allow mana to monitor their employee's computers - monitor emp's rate/accuracy/time spent working online - can improve productivity (also raise emp stress) - some emp digitally track worker's performance through wearables ex. Tesco - has workers wear armbands (tracks how long to complete task) 12. Conversation Days ex. juniper network (287) - mana/emp convo on areas for improvement/growth, setting stretch goals that align with the emp's career interests - no explicit performance ratings

Purpose of Application Form

1st step in prescreening process provides 4 types of info 1. make judgments on substantive matters (has edu/exp to do job?) 2. draw conclusions on applicant's previous progress/growth (good to know for mana applicants) 3. Conclusion on stability (previous work record) 4. use data to predict who will succeed on job

Labor Relations Specialist

Advise management on all aspects of union-management relations.

How to conduct appraisal interview

Before = review job description/compare performance to standards/review previous appraisals - give emp a week's notice to review their work - interview with lower level emp = less than an hour with mana emp = 1-2 hours Preparation = understanding the problem and emp - watch emp/review productivity data Planning = reach agreement on problem, lay out change plan with steps/measure of success and due dates Coaching (1) talk in terms of objective work data (absences/productivity) (2) don't get personal (compare person to std not to other people) (3) encourage person to talk (listen/ask open ended questions/restate their last point as a question) (4) get agreement (emp knows how to improve - action plan with targets/dates) - subordinate need to not feel threatened/have opportunity to present ideas and influence interview

Diversity Counts: The Problem of Bias

Bias = tendency for ind differences to affect judgments - people who are more conscientious = stricter rating - more agreeable = easier rater - mana more lenient when appraise for pay than development purposes - good relationship = good appraisal experience - demographic traits effect rating ex. women held to stricter standards for promotion - appraisal can tell you a lot about appraiser - solution = use multiple raters, have boss review rating, discuss reasons for appraisal given

Employee resistance

Current employees need to believe the program is fair - use transparent selection procedures (clear what tools/selection procedures used) - communication is key - provide details on qualifications of ALL new hires - justify program by emphasis on redress past discrimination/practical value of diversity

Diversity Management

Diversity = having a workforce composed of 2 or more groups of employees with various racial/ethnic/gender/cultural/national origin/handicap/age/religious background


Establishing goals and standards, dev rules/procedures, dev plans/forecast

Informal Learning

Learn while performing job and interacting with colleagues -employers can facilitate informal learning ex. install whiteboards/tools in cafeteria ex. Sun Microsys - made informal online learning tool ex. Cheesecake Factory - videocafe, emp can share video tips on job

Outside Seminars

Many companies and universities offer Web-based and traditional management development seminars and conferences. examples (255) -specialized groups (SHRM) provide specialized seminars

Strategy/Strategy Based Metrics

Measure the activities that contribute to achieving a co's strategic aims -if HR policies have intended effects =strategic metrics should rise ex. Hotel - guest returns/emp testing/sales (80)

Trends Shaping HR: Digital (Chap 2)

Online = opportunity for illegal online harassment or just personality conflicts -employers should have 0 tolerance for bullying -should put policies restricting who can check out candidates online - because they could see things that could cause discrimination


No biased tests in selection process ex. 172 - IQ test with mid class culture not valid for some minorities

Recruiting Yield Pyramid

PG 136 -ratio of offers made to actual new hires (2 to 1) -ratio of candidates interviewed to offers is (3 to 2) -ratio of candidates invited for interviews to candidates interviewed (4 to 3) -ratio of leads generated to invites to interview (6 to 1)

Adverse Impact Example

PG 45

Policies and Procedures

Provide day to day guidance employees need to do their job consistent with company's plans and goals Policies = broad guidelines on how employee should act (68) Procedures = what to do if specific situation arises - co writes own p/p or adapt ones from existing sources

Ensure Transfer of Learning to Job

Prior to Training = get trainee/supervisor input in designing program, institute training attendance policy, enc emp to participate During Training = use training experience/conditions that resemble work env, goal setting After training = reinforce what was learned by appraise/reward emp for using skills, make sure they have tools they need to use new skills

Basic Types of Interviews

Selection Interview = selection procedure designed to predict future job performance based on applicant's oral responses to oral inquiries can classify interviews by: 1. how structured they are 2. their content (types of questions) 3. how the firm administers it (one on one/committee)


Shows course of action for getting from where you are to goal Planning = goal directed - traditional to view goals from top down (hierarchy of goals on PG 68)

Utility Analysis

Shows the degree to which use of a selection measure improves the quality of individuals selected over what would have happened if the measure had not been used. -sometimes cost of test may exceed the benefits derived from hiring capable emp ex. expensive test -info needed for analysis = validity of selection measure/measure of job performance in dollars/applicants avg test scores/cost to test/# of applicants tested and selected -prudent employers streamline selection process (minimize how long it takes to fill a position) ex. Fed Gov (172)

Centers of Expertise

Specialized HR consulting firms within the company ex. advice in organizational change to all units

Basics of Testing and Selecting Employees

Test = sample of person's behavior -any test has 2 important characteristics

Coaching/Understudy Approach

The trainee works directly with a senior manager or with the person he or she is to replace; the latter is responsible for the trainee's coaching. - understudy relieves executive of certain responsibilities (give trainee chance to learn on the job)

Apprenticeship Training

a process by which people become skilled workers through a combination of classroom instruction/long term on-the-job training, under tutelage of master craftsman -US department of labor's national apprenticeship system promotes programs - registered programs can receive fed/state contracts ex. 244

Profiles/Employee Interviews

can use competency models/profiles to create interview questions ex. PG 126 (traits to question)

Trends shaping HRM

change how HRM done

Role Playing

create a realistic situation and then have the trainees assume the roles of specific persons in that situation - can trigger spirited discussion - dev trainees skills in leadership/delegating/being sensitive to other's feelings ex. PG 256


determine who should be hired/recruiting/selecting/set performance stds/paying people/eval performance/counsel employees/train and dev

Succession Planning

dev workforce plans for the co's top positions, systematically iding/assessing/dev org leadership to enhance performance 1. org projection made (id what co's future key position needs will be, based on co strategies like expansion/contraction) 2. HR/mana review firm's management skills inventory to id mana talent now employed (include edu/exp/appraisals) 3. Make mana replacement charts (summarize potential candidates for each mana slot + emp's developmental needs) 4. Development Stage (provide possible candidates with dev they need to be viable candidates) - dev with international training/cross functional exp/job rotation/external training/global and regional assignments 5. Assess emp/decide who will fill spot

Compensation Manager

develop compensation plans and handle the employee benefits program

Trends Shaping Hr: Science in Talent Management

evidence based HRM = use data/facts/analytics/scientific rigor/critical eval/case studies to support HRM proposals/decisions/conclusions -mana must become more scientific in making business decisions - be objective (or can't trust conclusion) -experimentation (experiment is a test one sets up to ensure they understand the reasons for results obtained) ex. implement new plan (incentive plan) with experiment and control group -see if performance improved because of plan - can predict how changing plan could affect performance overall -make better decisions because must gather facts -successful HR mana are scientific ex. BASF Corp (health program = less stress/high productivity) (83)

Equal Employment opportunity rep/AA coordinator

investigate EEO grievances/watch for violations/compile and submit EEO reports

Appraisal in Practice: Using Multiple Methods

merge several approaches Ex. Chart 279

Total Quality Management and Performance Appraisal

organization wide programs that integrate all functions/processes of the business so all aimed at maximizing customer satisfaction through continual improvements - extensive training, drive out fear so everyone effective, continuous improvement, program of self improvement ex. Toyota (296)

On the Job Training

person learns a job by actually doing it - OTJ training should be everywhere STEPS IN OTJ TRAINING PG 244

Training Specialists

plan, organize, and direct training activities

Human Resource Management

process of acquiring, training, appraising, compensating employees, attend to labor relations, health, safety, fairness concerns

The HR Department

provides specialized assistance/advice in larger firms

Realistic Job Preview

realism can be best screening tool ex. Walmart can explicitly explain/ask about work schedules/preferences -turnover improved -some will turn job down, those who accept = less turnover


responsible for accompanying org's goals by managing org's people

Employee Engagement: A Total Selection Program

selecting candidates whose totality of attributes best fits the employer's total requirements ex. Toyota - want a lot of traits (kaizen/educated/open mined/willing to try things new way/interpersonal skills/quality commitment/eagerness to learn) PG 217

Evaluate the Training Effort

things to measure (1) Participants reactions to the program (77%) (2) what trainees learned from the program (36%) (3) to what extent on the job behavior/results changed because of program (10-15%) - computerization facilitates evaluation ex. bovis lend lease (260) - see with software who's taking courses/how they're doing


right to make decisions/to direct the work of others/to give orders

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