Human Services and Counseling Exit Exam LWC

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Community Standards

Also referred to as "mores." Ultimately become the legal criteria for determining whether practitioners are liable for damages. Reasonable behavior.

Joseph Pratt

Boston physician, formed the first formal not education/task but counseling/therapy group 1905-1923; formed group with issues of tuberculosis


The "unreal" relationship therapy

Experiential Learning

a part of counseling programs that provides students with the opportunity to share their values, life experiences and personal concerns with a peer group.

Rational Suicide

a person has made the decision to end his/her life because of extreme suffering involved with terminal illness.

J. M. Levy

actually Jacob Moreno published paper on group methods under that name, stressed the psychoanalytic/social psychological perspectives of individuals working together

William G. Perry

adolescent/young adult cognitive development


an event or series of events that leads to strain

Carl G. Jung

analytic psychology

Reasonable Person Standard

ask the question what would a professional in your community with 3 years of experience do in this situation

Informal Peer Monitoring

watching out for each other as professionals

John Holland

career - personality approach (RIASEC)

Ann Roe

career fields & levels

John O. Crites

career maturity

Jean Piaget

child cognitive development

Ivan Pavlov

classical conditioning

Leon Festinger

cognitive dissonance

Aaron Beck

cognitive therapy

definition of a group

collection of 2 or more individuals meet in face2face interaction interdependent awareness of belonging to group purpose to achieve mutually agreed-on goals


concerned with right and wrong conduct. Involves and evaluation of actions based on cultural context.

Edward Schein

doctor-patient consultation model


doing good to others and promoting the well being of clients. Also, doing good for society.


has a relationship with ethical behavior. Possible to practice unprofessionally yet not be unethical.

Abraham Maslow

hierarchy of needs

Aspirational ethics

highest standards of thinking and conduct professional counselors seek. Requires more than just meeting the letter of the ethics codes.

Daniel Levinson

mid-life crisis

Lawrence Kohlberg

moral development

Carl R. Rogers


moral therapy

philosophy of treatment that emphasized treating mentally ill people with compassion and understanding, rather than shackling them in chains (before 1900s)


presence of a chronic illness and/or severe psychological depletion.

Purpose of group before 1900s

primarily to distribute information to immigrants, poor, & those mental challenges


process whereby clients project onto their therapists past feelings and attitudes they had toward significant people in their lives. Origin is in childhood


professionals make realistic commitments and keep these promises. Fulfilling one's responsibility of trust in a relationship.


projections by the therapists that distort the way they perceive and react to a client

Codes of Ethics

provide general standards/guidelines


providing a person with the means to die. Person self-administers lethal drug

Four core virtues

prudence, integrity, respectfulness, and benevolence.

Sigmund Freud


Nathan Ackerman

psychoanalytic family therapy

Army Alpha and Beta intelligence test

psychological group test (1909-1919) groups were used to treat fatigued soldier

Albert Ellis

rational emotive behavioral therapy

William Glasser

reality therapy


refraining from actions considered harmful to clients

Principle ethics

set of obligations that focus on moral issues. Focus on acts and choices. Ask the question: What shall I do? Is this situation illegal?

Lev Vygotsky

social developmental theory of learning

Jane Addams

social worker and leader in the settlement house movement; she founded Hull House in 1889 (Forerunner to T-groups) which helped improve the lives of poor immigrants in Chicago, used to help them understand selves & environment. Now is known as group social work

Jay Haley

strategic family therapy

Don Meichenbaum

stress innoculation

Salvador Minuchin

structural family therapy


taking adequate care of ourselves so that we can make good moral decisions.

value imposition

the counselor directly attempting to influence a client to adopt their values, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors

value neutrality

the idea that therapists can and should keep their values out of therapy

Jesse Davis

the principal of Grand Rapids High School in Michigan designed 1st children's group to stress the funtionality of a group as an environment in which students learn life skills, values, & citizenship. 1907


to be fair giving equally to others and to treat others justly.

group work

to reach their mutual goals, which may be intrapersonal, interpersonal, or work related. The goals of the group may include: the accomplishment of tasks related to work, education, personal development, personal and interpersonal problem solving, or remediation of mental and emotional disorders.

E.G. Williamson

trait-factor approach/Minnesota viewpoint


truthfulness. Practitioner's obligation to deal honestly with clients.

Test is defined broadly as

"an objective and standardized measure of a sample of behavior"

Assessment is defined broadly as

"any systematic method of obtaining information from tests and other sources, used to draw inferences about people, objects, or programs"

Measurement is defined as

"the assignment of numbers to attributes of persons according to rule stated explicitly"

The focus of intake interviews should be placed on the following:

(1) determining the person's reason for rehabilitation services, (2) providing the individual with necessary information about the role and function of the agency, (3) developing adequate rapport, (4) initiating the diagnostic process, and (5) informing the consumer of any medical, vocational, or psychological evaluations that must be completed and the purposes of such evaluations.

Origins of the Medical Model: ill humor

(Hippocrates and Galen) 1. Illness was caused by natural causes. (not possession) 2. Health depended on the balance of body fluids. (humors) 3. Imbalance caused abnormal behavior. (very important in today's understanding chemical imbalances).

Reform Movement

(Jean-Baptiste Pussin and Philippe Pinel). 1. Wanted Humane Treatment. 2. Moral Therapy - to restore functioning. 3. Similar reforms were beginning to be practiced in England (William Tuke) and in the US (Dorothea Dix). 4. Benjamin Rush - the father of American Psychiatry. He recommended bloodletting, purging and ice-cold baths.

Medical Evaluation is used to

(a) establish the presence and extent of the disability, (b) provide information on the physical functioning of the consumer, (c) determine the types of activities precluded by the disability, and (d) identify any additional medical evaluation necessary for achieving the first three purposes.

Vocational evaluations provide reliable and valid data to

(a) generate information about the consumer's current vocationally relevant levels of social, educational, psychological and physiological functioning; (b) estimate the consumer's potential for behavior change and skill acquisition; (c) determine the consumer's most effective learning style; (d) identify possible jobs the consumer can perform without additional vocational services; (e) identify education or special training programs that might increase vocational potential; (f) identify potentially feasible jobs for the consumer with further vocational services; and (g) identify the community support services that might augment job retention following successful consumer placement

Psychological assessment results help to determine

(a) the appropriateness of long-term vocational training, (b) the need for adjustment services, and (c) the need to confront the consumer regarding unrealistic vocational choices

Yalom 11 Curative Factors (1971)

-Imparting information -Installation of hope -Universality -Altruism -Corrective reenactment -Development of social interaction techniques -Imitative behaviors -Interpersonal learning -Existential factors -Catharsis -Group cohesion


..... in Freudian Theory, a constellation of personality traits associated with a particular stage of psychosocial development, resulting from either too much or too little gratification at the stage results in fixation.




.....has changed the way we network. 1. More information, faster. (email, listservs, teleconferencing, cell phones, pagers). 2. Improved resources, internet research, blogs, infosites. 3. Electronic records management = sharing info (challenges confidentiality) 4. Client management (goals/progress checks) = maintaining communication. 5. Provide online counseling services. 6. Some agencies use technology to provide services (skype, teleconference).

Axis V: GLOBAL ASSESSMENT OF FUNCTIONING (GAF) a rating scale of client's current level of functioning. Higher score = higher level of functioning.

Listening and Responding the main role of the helping professional 1. active listening 2. response is always purposeful 3. Paraphrase or rephrase 4. ask questions to get more information, create new insight in client 5. appropriate questions (interview/intake, request specific info, to clarify, to elicit examples of specific behavior, OPEN QUESTIONS WORK BETTER!

Reality Principle (EGO)

.....the governing principle of the ego, which involves considerations of social acceptability and practicality.

Pleasure Principle (ID)

.....the governing principle of the id, involving demands for immediate gratification of needs.

The Nervous System made up of neurons (nerve cells that transmit messages). 1. Every neuron has dendrites that receive messages from adjoining neurons. 2. Every neuron has an axon - which can extend several feet.


....maladaptive ways of relating to others and adjusting to external demands. (antisocial, paranoid, narcissistic, borderline personality disorders and pervasive intellectual impairment)

Ego Psychology

....modern psychodynamic approach that focuses more on the conscious striving of the ego than on the hypothesized unconscious functions of the id.


....primitive images or concepts that reside in the collective unconscious.

Defense Mechanisms (EGO)

....the reality-distorting strategies used by the ego to shield the self from awareness from anxiety-provoking materials.


....were places for orphans to live. The first Almshouse was in Mass. 1662. By the 1800's an entire system of almshouses were developed. Franklin developed the first institution in Pennsylvania for Mental Illness but did not look at it from a medical perspective/ or try to treat.

Type A Behavior Pattern: (TABP) characterized by a sense of time urgency, competitiveness and hostility.

The Community Mental Health Movement

1. 1963 congress enacted a nationwide system to offer alternatives to custodial care. 2. DEINSTITUTIONALIZATION 3. Phenothiazines (antipsychotic drugs) reduced the need for indefinite hospital stays, increased independent living. 4. Some MH hospitals were closed as a result.

The Biopsychosocial Approach

1. Abnormal behavior is best understood by taking into account multiple causes representing the biological, psychological and sociocultural domains.

Verbal Messages

1. Actual spoken or written words 2. Cognitive and affective aspect 3. Connotation and denotation


1. Amounted to the massive persecution of women. 2. Church officials believed witches made pacts with the devil, practiced satanic rituals, ate babies, and poisoned crops. 3. In 1484, Pope Innocent VIII decreed that withches be executed. 4. Manual for Witch Hunting "Malleus Maleficarum" (The Witches Hammer). 5. The Water-float Test: damned if you do, damned if you don't.

Learning Models

1. Behaviorism 2. Social Cognitive Theory 3. Humanistic

Trends in the Human Service Field

1. By 2030 the aging population will double 2. Services will address physical, social, mental and emotional decline. 3. Other issues will include; housing, depression, confronting death and dying.

Limits to Confidentiality

1. Client request for release of information 2. Court orders for release of information 3. Danger to self 4. Danger to others

Nonverbal Messages

1. Counts for more than 65% of any communication 2. Communicates thoughts and feelings 3. Can be misinterpreted

Barriers to seeking help

1. Financial/ practical 2. Preconceived notions/stigmas 3. Lack of information about services 4. Fear/ feel threatened 5. Counselor/ helper is a stranger 6. Culture / shame in the family 7. Prior bad experiences 8. Client expectations/ may want to be overly dependent

Community Mental Health Centers Act 1963

1. Grants were made available for staffing and educational facilities. 2. Inpatients, outpatients and emergency services were established. 3. Services for the mental health of children. By 1975, Congress had authorized 609 multi service centers.

The Demonological Model

1. Historically, abnormal behavior was thought to be caused by the inhalation of evil spirits. 2. Treatment: TREPHINATION - drilling the skull to provide an outlet for the spirits. 3. This idea remained until the Enlightenment era.

Stages of Problem Solving ICECAE

1. I - Identify the problem 2. C - Clarify Goals 3. E - Examine alternatives 4. C - Choose the alternative 5. A - Act (move to the course of action/goal) 6. E - Evaluate and re-act (how well did it go, alterations needed?)

Defining a Problem

1. It is difficult to predict what an individual will experience as a problem. 2. The individuals perspective is part of the problem definition. 3. Individuals often lack the resources/skills to solve problems. There are no guarantees that an individual will seek help.

Human Services in Rural Areas

1. Losing population 2. More likely to be elderly population 3. More likely to be members of disadvantaged minority groups 4. Lack of services to Human Service professionals

Common Ethical Dilemmas

1. Multiple role relationships (conflict of interest) 2. Informed Consent 3. Confidentiality and Privileged Communication.

Level of Care

1. Must be the least restrictive environment for the client. 2. Not more treatment is given than is needed.

Friends as Helper

1. Not trained 2. Emotional involvement 3. Biases 4. Confidentiality issues 5. May not have best interests served 6. No ethical responsibility 7. Oversimplified expectations

Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development

1. Oral - first year of life. (sucking and biting is a source of both sexual gratification and nourishment). 2. Anal - second year. (sexual gratification is experienced through contraction and relaxation of the sphincter muscles). 3. Phallic - around 3rd year. (unconscious incestous wishes for the parent of the opposite gender/ rival same-sex parent) Oedipus + Electra complex. 4. Latency - (6 - 12 yrs) (sexual impulses are in a latent state, interests directed towards school and play activities. 5. Genital - (begins at puberty) - sexual gratification through intercourse.

Stages in the Helping Process PECIT

1. P - Preparation (review all available info) 2. C - Client arrives - ice breaking skills 3. E - explore the problem (locate source, assess severity) 4. I - Intervention (set goals) 5. T - Termination (services have been provided, goals are met, client has learned new skills)

4 Principles of the Poor Law in the United States

1. Poor relief was a public responsibility 2. Began to look at residence - assistance was at the public local level. 3. Public Aid was denied to those who had a family. 4. Children were assigned as apprentices, (orphans in employment, so they won't be dependent forever).

Maslow's Hierarchy

1. Psysiologica/ biological needs (food, shelter, water) 2. Safety Needs (protection, security) 3. Social Needs (acceptance, love) 4. Esteem Needs (recognition, independence) 5. Self-Actualization

Ways of Getting Help

1. Referral - self referral or by other professionals 2. Involuntary Placement - adolescents/judicial system (court mandated services) 3. Inadvertant Services - neighborhood watch/redevelopment

Major Defense Mechanisms in Psychodynamic Theory

1. Repression - expulsion from awareness of unacceptable ideas or motives. (a person is unaware of harboring hateful or destructive impulses toward others). 2. Regression - the return of behavior that is typical of earlier stages of development. (eg, suddenly becomes totally dependent on others). 3. Displacement - transferring unacceptable impulses away from their original objects onto safer or less-threatening objects. (slamming the door after an not angry with the door!) 4. Denial - refusal to recognize a threatening impulse or desire. (refusing to acknowledge an addiction, or, a person who nearly chokes someone and acts like it is no big deal). 5. Reaction Formation - behaving in a way that is the opposite of one's true wishes to keep them repressed. (a sexually frustrated person goes on a personal crusade to stamp out pornography). 6. Rationalization - the use of self-justifications to explain away unacceptable behavior. (cancer doesn't run in my family - to justify smoking) 7. Projection - imposing one's own impulses or wishes onto another person. 8. Sublimation - channeling unacceptable impulses into socially constructive pursuits.


1. S - squared (face the client) 2. O - Open 3. L - Lean forward 4. E - eye contact 5. R - relaxed

What four theories emphasize the importance of the social context and clients?

1. Social control theory 2. Behavioral choice theory 3. Social leaning theory 4. Stress and coping theory

Barriers to receiving services

1. Stigma of being labelled with a disorder 2. Income 3. Insurance

The Sociocultural Perspecitive

1. The causes of abnormal behavior may be found in the failures of society rather than the person. 2. Unemployment, poverty, family breakdown, injustice, ignorance and lack of opportunity, gender, social class, ethnicity and lifestyle. 3. Former practices are concerned with labeling and alienation.

Erikson's Stages

1. Trust v mistrust: Virtue = hope (0 - 1 years) 2. Autonomy v Shame and Doubt: virtue = will (2 - 3 years) 3. Initative v guilt: virtue = purpose (4 - 6 years) 4. Industry v inferiority: virtue = competence (7 - 12 years) 5. Identity v role confusion: (who am i?) ( 13 - 19 years) 6. Intimacy v isolation: (20 - 34) 7. Generativity v Stagnation: Virtue = Care ( 35 - 65) 8. Ego Integrity v Despair: Virtue = wisdom (65+)

Criteria for Abnormal Behavior

1. Unusualness 2. Social Deviance 3. Faulty Perceptions or faulty interpretations of reality 4. Significant personal distress 5. Maladaptive or self-defeating behavior 6. Dangerousness

Increase in Human Service Field

1. developed from an increasing number of problems in the world. Transitional Increased dependence on drugs and substance abuse An aging population Isolation and Alienation Rising stress levels

Medieval Times

1. increase in supernatural beliefs as a cause of abnormal behavior. 2. Possession by evil spirits or the devil (Roman Catholic Church) 3. Treatment was exorcism, prayer, incantations, waiving a cross at the victim, beating, flogging, starvation and torture (rack).

Yalom stages (4)

1. orientation 2. conflict 3. cohesion 4. termination


1. relies on the medical model 2. recognizes that causes can be social/psychological as well as biological in nature. 3. Mental state is assessed according to the five axes

ideal length of session

1.5 hours, even if critical issues being discussed (for adults). Longer than this people lose attention span/fatigue group members. Children's groups should be shorter and meet more frequently (1hr)

Decade of Ethics

1980s Code of Ethics drafted & formed then revised in 1989

Theatre of Spontaneity

1st step into psychodrama

ideal group duration

6-16 sessions (shorter for children)

ideal size of group

6-8 members, could be less with elementary aged children (3-4)

The Decision Trees are found in Appendix _____ of the DSM?


Ellis (ABC Model)

A = Activating Event B = Belief C = Consequences A cognitive approach. Interpretation of events determine the emotional state. Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck believe that distorted thinking patterns can lead to maladaptive behavior.

Medical Model

A biological perspective in which abnormal behavior is viewed as symptomatic of underlying illness.

What kind of process is it that helps the clients progress towards mutually approved treament goals?

A collaborative process

What is the definition of Substance Abuse?

A condition in which an individual exhibits one or more of the following behaviors over a 12 month period.

Panic Disorder - Symptoms

A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort, in which four (or more) of the following symptoms developed abruptly and reached a peak within 10 minutes: 1) palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate 2) sweating 3) trembling or shaking 4) sensations of shortness of breath or smothering 5) feeling of choking 6) chest pain or discomfort 7) nausea or abdominal distress 8) feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint 9) derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization (being detached from oneself) 10) fear of losing control or going crazy 11) fear of dying 12) paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations) 13) chills or hot flushes

What are catecholamines

A group of neurotransmitters with similar chemical composition.

Test-retest reliability:

A measure of consistency over time.

Split-half reliability:

A measure of internal consistency.

Johari Window

A model of mutual understanding that encourages disclosure and feedback to increase our own open area and reduce the blind, hidden, and unknown areas.

Parallel forms reliability:

A parallel form correlation indicates consistency of scores of individuals within the same group on two alternate but equivalent forms of the same test taken at the same time.

Agorophobia Diagnosis

A) anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult (or embarrassing) or in which help may not be available in the event of having an unexpected or situationally predisposed Panic Attack or panic-like symptoms. Agoraphobic fears typically involve characteristic clusters of situations that include being outside the home alone; being in a crowd, or standing in a line; being on a bridge; and traveling in a bus, train, or automobile. B) The situations are avoided (e.g., travel is restricted) or else are endured with marked distress or with anxiety about having a Panic Attack or panic-like symptoms, or require the presence of a companion. C) The anxiety or phobic avoidance is not better accounted for by another mental disorder, such as Social Phobia (e.g., avoidance limited to social situations because of fear of embarrassment), Specific Phobia (e.g., avoidance limited to a single situation like elevators), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (e.g., avoidance of dirt in someone with an obsession about contamination), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (e.g., avoidance of stimuli associated with a severe stressor), or Separation Anxiety Disorder (e.g., avoidance of leaving home or relatives).

Attention Defecit and Disruptive Behaviors

ADHD Conduct d/o Oppositional defiant d/o

Psychological Disorder:

Abnormal behavior pattern that involves a disturbance of psychological functioning or behavior.

Diathesis Stress Model

Abnormal behavior problems involve the interaction of a vulnerability or predisposition and stressful life events and experiences. Inherited predisposition (Diathesis) + Environmental stressors (Stress) = Psychological Disorder (development)

Counselor Values

Acceptance - be receptive to the client Tolerance - be patient, not judging Individuality - do not stereotype, accept differences Self-determination - allow client to make up their own mind Confidentiality - assure that information is secure

Which neurotransmitter is probably the most widely distributed neurotransmitter?


collective counseling

Adler (1920) child guidance group in Vienna, group approach to understand child's problem were related to family issues

Rudolph Dreikurs

Adler's student, first to discuss the use of group therapy in private practice; also introduced Adlerian principals to the treatment of children - parent groups


All medical conditions and diseases that may be important to the understanding and treatment of an individuals mental disorder. (Some medical complaints can contribute to mental health decline, depression....)

What occurs when a drug has receptor affinity without efficacy?

Allows the drug to occupy the receptor and block neuro-transmission.

Cronbach's alpha:

An internal consistency statistic calculated from the pairwise correlations between items.

Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD's)

Aspergers Syndrome (does not have the language or cognitive delays associated with autism) Autism Spectrum - is the fastest growing disability in the US. No single cause or cure. Downs Syndrome (IQ of less than 70 to be diagnosed, life expectancy = 49) Klinefelters Syndrome Turner Syndrome Fragile X Syndrome Phenylketutonina (PTK)

Process Evaluation

Assessment of group dynamics

Outcome Evaluation

Assessment of how members are different because of group work

The diagnosis of bipolar disorder would be listed on which axis?

Axis I

The Multiaxial System of Diagnosis

Axis I - Clinical (anything listed in the DSM - excl. Axis II category) Axis II - Personality and Mental Retardation Axis III - Medical Diagnosis (may influence a psychiatric condition) Axis IV - Psychosocial and Environmental considerations Axis V - GAF (Global Assessment of Functioning)

Impairment in daily living skills and need for supervision would be listed on which axis?

Axis IV


B.F. Skinner, Ivan Pavlov, John Watson - focused on studying behavior that was observable. Abnormal behavior is learned maladaptive behaviors. (Pavlov's dogs, Classical Conditioning; Operant conditioning,)

Social Cognitive Theory

Bandura, Rotter, Mischel, Rogers Learning is obtained through observing and immitating. (Modelling)


Bedlam: 18th century. The patients at St. Mary's of Bethlehem Hospital in London were a source of entertainment. The public could buy tickets to watch. The conditions were appalling, patients were chained to the beds, and were forced to lie in their own waste.


Belongs to a profession, is licensed to practice

Panic Disorder - Diagnosis

Both (1) and (2) (1) recurrent unexpected Panic Attacks (2) at least one of the attacks has been followed by 1 month (or more) of one (or more) of the following: (a) persistent concern about having additional attacks (b) worry about the implications of the attack or its consequences (e.g., losing control, having a heart attack, "going crazy") (c) a significant change in behavior related to the attacks ALSO: The Panic Attacks are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism). ALSO: The Panic Attacks are not better accounted for by another mental disorder, such as Social Phobia (e.g., occurring on exposure to feared social situations), Specific Phobia (e.g., on exposure to a specific phobic situation), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (e.g., on exposure to dirt in someone with an obsession about contamination), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (e.g., in response to stimuli associated with a severe stressor), or Separation Anxiety Disorder (e.g., in response to being away from home or close relatives).


Can occur when clients experience a conflict between their view of the "problem" or the "solution" and the counselors.

encounter groups

Carl Rogers personal growth groups emphasizes personal development (1970s) also sensitivity group focuses on individual's awareness of emotions & behavior of others

What group of neurotransmitters have similar chemical compositions?


What are some factors that affect a drugs effects?

Characteristics of the drug. Physiological functioning of the user. Psychological state of the user. Sociocultural environment in which the drug is used.


Classifies, assigns numerals but does not distinguish size, amount (e.g., any categorical variable, such as ethnicity or gender).


Clients have motivation and they also have doubt. Ambivilance was once thought to be a sign of resistance. Ambivilance is a "natural state". When a client shows ambivilance giving advice is the last thing a counselor should do., instead meet them where they are and respect their freedom.

Personality Disorders: Clusters

Cluster A: (odd, eccentric) 1. Paranoid Personality d/o - unusual beliefs, suspicious of others. 2. Schizoid Personality d/o - no interest in personal relationships. 3. Schizotypal Personality d/o - wider range of odd beliefs. Cluster B: (dramatic, emotional, erratic) 1. Antisocial Personality d/o - (psychopath/sociopath) violates the rights of others, breaks society's norms, large proportion are in prisons. Lack of guilt/remorse. Predominately men. 2. Borderline Personality d/o - instability in relationships,alternates between personal identity extremes, fear of abandonment. (all is either great, or awful). Usually women. 3. Histrionic Personality d/o - excessive emotionality, needs to be the center of attention. Usually women. 4. Narcissistic Personality d/o - "self love", lack of empathy for others. Usually men. Cluster C: (anxious, fearful) 1. Avoidant Personality d/o - fear of rejection, unwilling to enter relationships. 2. Dependent Personality d/o - overly submissive, common with victims of abuse, feelings of inadequacy. 3. Obsessive Compulsive Personality d/o - DIFFERENT FROM OCD! orderliness, meticulousness, preoccupied with perfection, difficult to express feelings. Is more common in men.

Jacob Moreno

Coined term "group therapy" in 1931, father of psychodrama


Commitment to fairness

Jane Adams

Community driven services, advocating reform. Hull House

Criterion or predictive validity:

Comparison of the test with another outcome measure.

conflict management orientations

Competing: dominating Accommodating: appeasing Avoiding: neglecting Collaborating: integrating Compromising: sharing

TRAC model quadrants

Contacting: process & catalytic function Acquiring: access & expansion of info and awareness Relating: restructure/rehearsal new behavior Tasking: control, efficiency, achievement

Eliciting change talk

Counselor must learn to elicit change talk because it doesn't always happen. For example: "If you were going to change your heroin use, why would you do it?" "How important would you say changing your smoking is right now?"

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Diagnosis

DSM-IV Criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder A. The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which both of the following have been present: (1) the person experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with an event or events that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or others (2) the person's response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror. Note: In children, this may be expressed instead by disorganized or agitated behavior. B. The traumatic event is persistently reexperienced in one (or more) of the following ways: (1) recurrent and intrusive distressing recollections of the event, including images, thoughts, or perceptions. Note: In young children, repetitive play may occur in which themes or aspects of the trauma are expressed. (2) recurrent distressing dreams of the event. Note: In children, there may be frightening dreams without recognizable content. (3) acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring (includes a sense of reliving the experience, illusions, hallucinations, and dissociative flashback episodes, including those that occur upon awakening or when intoxicated). Note: In young children, trauma-specific reenactment may occur. (4) intense psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event. (5) physiological reactivity on exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event. C. Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and numbing of general responsiveness (not present before the trauma), as indicated by three (or more) of the following: (1) efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations associated with the trauma (2) efforts to avoid activities, places, or people that arouse recollections of the trauma (3) inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma (4) markedly diminished interest or participation in significant activities (5) feeling of detachment or estrangement from others (6) restricted range of affect (e.g., unable to have loving feelings) (7) sense of a foreshortened future (e.g., does not expect to have a career, marriage, children, or a normal life span) D. Persistent symptoms of increased arousal (not present before the trauma), as indicated by two (or more) of the following: (1) difficulty falling or staying asleep (2) irritability or outbursts of anger (3) difficulty concentrating (4) hypervigilance (5) exaggerated startle response E. Duration of the disturbance (symptoms in Criteria B, C, and D) is more than one month. F. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Specify if: Acute: if duration of symptoms is less than 3 months Chronic: if duration of symptoms is 3 months or more Specify if: With Delayed Onset: if onset of symptoms is at least 6 months after the stressor

Tasks of beginning a group

Dealing with apprehension: anxiety Reviewing members' goals and contracts: individual and/or group; restate purpose & have members state goal Specifying more clearly or reiterating group rules (summarizing): rationale behind each rule Setting limits Promoting a positive interchange among members so they will want to continue (Weiner, 1984

What do we call short term treatment centers that are designed to oversee the clients safe withdrawal?

Detoxification Center

Role Conflict

Discrepancy between way a member is supposed to behave and how they actually behave


Do No Harm

What is the difference between efficacy and affinity?

Efficacy is the stimulatory power of the drug on the receptor. Affinity is the drug's ability to attach itself to , or bind with a receptor, or site of action.

Support Self-Efficacy

Elicit and support hope, optimism, possibility of change. Look for strengths in client and bring to forefront. Believe that your client is capable of change. Talk about similar situations that changed their behavior Clients need to believe that their long-term success starts with a single step forward. Education can increase self-efficacy Assist client in enhancing their self-efficacy by allowing them to see baby steps.

Social Learning Theory

Emphasizes that the modeling effects of drug-related attitudes and behaviors are prevalent in teh individual's environment.

Which neurotransmitters are known as naturally occuring morphine like compounds?


Elimination Disorders

Enuresis - failure to control urination after one has reached the expected age for attaining such control Encopresis - lack of control over bowel movements that is not caused by an organic problem in a child at least 4 years old.

Reality Distortion

Environment of group is different than the outside world


Equal intervals on the scale (e.g., Celsius temperature scale).

Stress and Coping Theory

Explains that stressors in the social environment can lead to substance abuse in teh absence of healthier coping skills.

Principals of motivational interviewing

Express Empathy - seeing the world through the clients eyes. Develop Discrepancy - help clients see where they are and where they might want to be. Avoid Argument and Direct Confrontation - convincing clients that they have a problem may cause resistance. Roll with Resistance - there will be times of resistance, be prepared. Support Self-Efficacy - clients belief that change is possible and that they can make those changes even in difficult situations.

Communication Disorders

Expressive Language disorder Phonological disorder Stuttering Mixed receptive/expressive language disorder

Construct validity:

Extent to which the measure actually measures the theoretical construct.

Dr. Benjamin Rush

Father of American Psychiatry began to integrate occupational therapy and regular excercise


First counseling groups in 1905 on tuberculosis

Alcoholics Anonymous

First self-help group, 1930s

Tuckman & Jensen stages (5)

Forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning

What two broad catagories are discussed in your text and slides that counselors might work with clients with chemical dependent issues?

General Community Settings and Specialized Substance Abuse Settings


Graphical representations of group member interaction patterns, shows the star, cluster and isolate members

Tertiary Group

Group that deals the more serious and longstanding individual problems

Secondary Group

Group that tries to reduce the severity of a problem - ex. grief or shyness group

Risky Shift Phenomenon

Group's decision will be less conservative than the average members' individual decision; ex. group of teens wilder than an individual teen

What is the term for the amount of time required to matabolize and excrete 1/2 dose?



Having "mixed" feeling about someone or something; being unable to chose between the two (usually opposing) courses of action. "I want to lose weight but I'm not sure if I want to give up sweets"

Autonomy and what holds control

Having a self-directing freedom; moral independence. It is what happens when clients makes their own choices. The client holds control.

Affirming Statements

Help promote self-efficacy. "That must have been very difficult for you." "That's a good suggestion"

What skews the ways in which people explain human behaviors?

Human beings overestimate the importance of fundamental character traits and underestimate the importance of situations and context when they try to interpret other people's behaviors.

Johari Window Quadrants

I. Open: info known to self & others II. Hidden: info known to self & not others III. Blind: unknown to self & know by others IV. Unknown: unknown to self & others

Freud - Id, Ego, and Superego

Id: the unconscious psychic structure, present at birth, contains primitive instincts and is regulated by the pleasure principle. (Unconscious) Ego: the psychic structure, that corresponds to the concept of the self, governed by the reality principle, and characterized by the ability to tolerate frustration. (Preconscious) Superego: the psychic structure that incorporates the values of the parents and important others and functions as a moral conscience. (Unconscious) --> Freud believed the unconscious is the repository of our basic biological impulses or drives (instincts). They are primarily sexual and aggressive instincts.


Independence and Self Determination


Indication of ordering, but no indication of distances between objects on the scale (e.g., placing first, second, and third).

Three Social Philosophies

Individualism: Hard work = success! Individual is blamed for failure and poverty is a sign of spiritual weakness. Laissez-Faire: "to leave alone" Less government is more desirable. Nothing should be done to help the less fortunate. Social Darwinism: to create a society of the fittest people, nothing should be done to help the less fortunate.

Esalen Institute

Institute established in the 1960s to explore human potential Fritz Perls - Gestalt therapy in group setting

Hill Interaction Matrix

Instrument used to measure screening and selection


Introduced groups into schools in 1907


Irving Janis created the term to emphasize the detrimental power that groups may exert over member to force them to conform (1971)

Managed Care

Is a move to spend less to get the same results. 1. External Reviews (to ensure efficiency of services) 2. Authorize services (must be approved by insurance companies) 3. Approve the quality of services (checks the credentials of the professional and the establishment). Insurance companies influence the "Standards of Practice" by defining the "best practice".

Kurt Lewin

Is credited with the term 'group dynamics' his approach field theory ( interaction btwn individuals & their environment) interested in what motivated individuals. (1940s) help establish basic skills training group which evolved to T-groups (training groups) applied feedback to group work Gestalt psychologists "here & now" group discussions superior to individual instruction for changing people's ideas & behavior

psychotherapy group

It is depth-oriented remedial and rehabilitative for more serious problems. It is supportive, reconstructive, involves depth analysis, is analytical, focuses on the unconsious, emphasis on neurotics and serve emotional problems, and is long term. reconstruct personality or character of members lead by a professional with advanced training.

Spirit of motivational interviewing

It is not a technique. Collaborative, Evocative, Honors Autonomy

general (group) system theory

James Durkin (1980s) examines how circular causality (systemically) as opposed to linear causality (cause &effect) can be used in groups

1965 State of the Union Address

Johnson declared a "war on poverty". Many schemes were introduced; Head Start College Work Study The aim was to provide ways for the poor to improve their own economic conditions.

CMHC Community Mental Health Centers

Kentucky has 15 CMHC's

Dorothea Dix

Launched an investigation into the treatment of the mentally ill. Moral reformer Pushed for national government responsibility 1843 - 1853 studied 9 state hospitals 1854 got the states to accept financial responsibility for the mentally ill

Selling leader

Leader with high task and high relationship behaviors

Telling leader

Leader with high task behaviors and low relationship behaviors

Participating leader

Leader with low task and high relationship behaviors

Delegating leader

Leader with low task and low relationship behaviors

self-help group

Leaderless or nonprofessionally guided groups in which members assist each other with a specific problem, voluntary groups of people who share the same problem (overheating, gambling, drug addiction, etc) - Members meet regularly, often with a therapist present to: - Discuss problems - Share solutions - Give and receive support (ex: Alcoholics Anonymous)

Most important tool as a counselor

ME, MYSELF AND I..I am the most important tool!


MENTAL DISORDERS: syndromes, includes anxiety disorders, mood disorders, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders (anything in the DSM excl. axis II)

US Surgeon General on Mental Health

MH reflects the complex interaction of brain functioning and environmental illness. Treatments exist for most MH disorders including psychotherapy, counseling and psychopharmacologic or drug therapies. (Treatment is most effective when both are combined). 15% of American adults receive some form of help each year, many who need help do not receive it. Mental Health is best understood when we take a broad view and consider the social and cultural contexts in which they occur.

dialectic behavior therapy

Marsha Linehan (1990s) CBT therapy involves skills training in problem-solving techniques, emotional regulation, and interpersonal skills; relatively new treatment for borderline personality disorder and related conditions involving dysregulation and impulsivity


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs = Self Actualization Rogers believed that people hurt one another or become antisocial in their behavior only when they are frustrated in their endeavors to reach their unique potentials > self discovery > self acceptance

Learning Disorders

Mathematics disorder Disorder of written expression Reading Disorders (dyslexia)

The DSM-IV-TR is bades on a ___________ ?

Medical Model


Moreno - technique where you act out situations in group - roles include director (therapist), protagonist (member who's re-enacting), auxiliary egos (members who assist)

What is the difference between intra-muscular injections, inhalation, intra-venus injection & oral ingestion?

Muscular injections is rapid due to the greater blood supply in muscles. Inhalation, drugs move from lungs to bloodstream through capilary walls Intravenous involves putting drug directly into the bloodstream. Oral ingestion, drugs from GI tract travel through veins first to the liver, where they may be metabolized.

E-S-F-P (Extroversion, Sensing, Feeling, Perception) is a possible score summary of a personality type on this well-known personality test based on the works of Jung:

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Does one particular treatment work for everyone?


What ways might counselors have to advocate on behalf of their clients?

Negotiating service systems Helping clients gain access to resources Identifying barriers to clients' well being Developing and carrying out action plans for change Working to influence public policy

open group

New members can join after the group begins, allows for more group stability. Disadvantage is groups members that are added late miss some information or experiences.


Occurs when leader and members insist on sticking to group norms

Samuel Slavson

Originally an engineer, but eventually developed group therapy using play therapy. Founder of American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA)

What is the tendency to movre towards equilibrium?

Our systems striving to maintain homeostasis.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Panic d/o Generalized anxiety d/o Specific phobia Social phobia Agorophobia without panic d/o Obsessive compulsive d/o Acute stress d/o Post-Traumatic Stress d/o

Social Control

People can meet their needs but did so in a way that violates social norms. (Judicial System)

Scheuer Subprofessional Career Act of 1966

Personnel shortage had led to this act. Allowed for poor people and minorities to provide mental health services. Training was mostly in-service. After Kennedy's assassination, Johnson followed the same philosophy.

Paranoid Personality Disorder"

Pervasive suspiciousness/excessive mistrust Tendency to interpret other people's behavior as deliberately threatening or demeaning. Reluctance to confide in others. Overly sensitive to criticism. Anger easily. Hold grudges when they think they have been mistreated. Have few friends/intimate relationships. Hypervigilant. Deny Blame and may launch lawsuits Argumentative. DOES NOT HAVE DELUSIONS - SCHIZOPHRENIA

What are two physiological processes of the drug user?

Pharmacokinetics - body's obsorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of a drug. Pharmacodynamics - the neurological functioning of the user.


Possesses a non-arbitrary zero point (e.g., measures of weight).

Primary Group

Preventative group that tries to ward off problems - ex. family planning group

According to the CRCC Code of Ethics regarding evaluation, assessment, and interpretation:

Prior to assessment, rehabilitation counselors are expected to explain the nature and purposes of assessment in the language and/or at the developmental level of the consumer, unless explicit exception has been agreed upon in advance.

Responsibility for Mental Illness

Prior to the 1500's the church was responsible for the mentally ill, thereafter responsibility went to the government.

Role Differentiation

Process where members adopt different roles within group


Promote good or wellness

proper termination

Proper preparation for ending a group begins in the planning stage. Termination occurs on two levels in groups: at the end of each session, and at the end of a certain number of group sessions

Treating Anxiety Disorders

Psychoanalysis: puts awareness on how clients fears symbolyze their inner conflicts, so the ego can be freed from expending its energy on repression. (little documentation for usefulness). Learning Approaches: Systematic Desensitization: (Joseph Wolpe, 1958). This is a gradual process in which clients learn to handle progressively more disturbing stimuli while remain relaxed. Is based on the assumption that phobias are learned, therefore they can be unlearned. Gradual Exposure: gradually approaching the object/situation they fear.

Interdisciplinary Approach

Psychology: Study of mind and behavior. Looks at the client as an individual. Sociology: Looks at society, culture and how it affects individuals. Assesses a relationship between the two. Anthropology: Looks at how problems are changing and the frequency of problems over time. Pays attention to cultural, physical and social development and variations over time.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - Symptoms

Re-experiencing symptoms include ways in which the person persistently re-experiences the traumatic event. These symptoms may include the following: - Intrusive memories of the traumatic event - Recurrent, distressing dreams about the traumatic event - Acting or feeling as if the traumatic event is reoccurring -Mental and physical discomfort when reminded of the traumatic event (e.g., on the anniversary of the traumatic event) Avoidant symptoms are ways in which the person tries to avoid anything associated with the traumatic event. These symptoms may also include a "numbing" effect, where the person's general response to people and events is deadened. Avoidant symptoms include the following: - Avoiding thoughts or feelings, people or situations (anything that could stir up memories) associated with the traumatic event - Not being able to recall an important aspect of the traumatic event - Reduced interest or participation in significant activities - Feeling disconnected from others - Showing a limited range of emotion - Having a sense of a shortened future (e.g., not expecting to have a normal life span, marriage or career) Symptoms of increased arousal may be similar to symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks. Increased arousal symptoms include the following: - Difficulty concentrating - Exaggerated watchfulness and wariness - Irritability or outbursts of anger - Difficulty falling or staying asleep - Being easily startled

What things impact an individuals drug use physiologically?

Receptors in the brain. Homeostasis, Rebound and Withdrawal, Age, Gender


Refers to an individuals sleep, menstral and hunger cycle

group process

Refers to interaction (verbal & non-verbal) between the group members. Also includes the different roles that people assume in a group. As the group develops more time is spent on process than content.


Resisting behavior by member that slows group progress - often seen as silence or non-participation

Harry Harlow

Rhesus monkey studies with with wire vs. terry cloth mother


Rules governing expected behavior of group members

William Booth

Salvation Army. The first to support ex-con's in society.

Behavioral Choice Theory

Sees substance abuse as less likely to occur when the individual's environment provides reinforcements that serve as alternatives to the reinforcing effects of substance use.

Which neurotransmitter is also referred to as 5-hydroxytriptamine?



Service Providers working together to achieve a common goal


Sharing of leadership between two therapists: needed when there are a lot of group members The goal is to increase observations, knowledge and skills, model effective behaviors works best they have similar philosophy & group style

closed group

Shuts its gates after the start of therapy (or after 1-3 sessions). Often these groups are brief therapy groups. Meet weekly for 6 month or less. Long term closed groups mostly in prisons, etc. promotes cohesiveness

What can often determine an individuals character traits?

Situation and context


Some education, is working in the field, but is not licensed to practice.

clarifying the purpose

Sometimes members unintentionally bring up material that is not appropriate for a beginning session or the overall purpose of the group

Termination Stage

Stage that includes closure of the group and summarization

Forming Stage

Stage that includes discussion of norms and rules

Transition Stage

Stage that includes testing boundaries and power structures, members compete for rank, form alliances, test the leader - also called "storming" stage

Working Stage

Stage where committed members work to achieve goals


Started training groups (T-groups) in 1960s, referred to group cohesiveness as "positive valence"

steps to forming a group

Step 1: Developing a Rationale for the Group Step 2: Deciding on a Theoretical Format Step 3: Weighing Practical Considerations Step 4: Publicizing the Group Step 5: Screening and Pre-training and Step 6: Selecting Group Members Step 7. Selecting a Group Leader

Vertical Intervention

Strategy that works with individuals within the group - also called intrapersonal

Horizontal Intervention

Strategy that works with whole group - also called interpersonal because it focuses on interactions

Which two conditions leads to which when talking about addiction?

Substance abuse can lead to addiction (and not the other way around).

Elizabethan Poor Law

The Act of Relief of the Poor (1601), also known as the Elizabethan Poor Law. It created a national poor law system in England and Wales. To pay for this, taxes were raised to support the system. If an individual's family were unable to care for the individual, then the government would get involved in their care. 1. The impotent poor (people who cannot work) were to be cared for in almshouses, or poor houses. 2. The able bodied poor were sent to work in a "House of Industry" 3. The Idle Poor were sent to a "House of Correction", or prisons. 4. Pauper children would become "apprentices"

Management Principles

The Human Services worker is part of a larger network and may be involved with personnel from other professsions. Welfare to work, community outreach, child care, rehabilitation, housing, legal aid, education, substance abuse, mental health and criminal justice.

General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)

The body's 3-stage response to the states of prolonged or intense stress. 1. Alarm Reaction: heigtened sympathetic activity (fight or flight) 2. Resistance Stage: the body's attempt to withstand the stress 3. Exhaustion Stage: lowered resistence, increased parasympathetic activity

Central Nervous System: (CNS)

The brain and spinal cord (Master Control Unit)

Abnormal Psychology

The branch of psychology that deals with the description, causes and treatment of abnormal behavior patterns.

Who is the "expert" in the client's life?

The client is the expert.

What is lethal dose?

The dose required to kill a particular proportion of the recipients.

What is effective dose?

The dose required to produce a particualr effect in a certain proportion of the population.

Mid 20th Century

The focus of serving those in need emphasized the governments commitment to treating mental health. Kennedy called for a national plan to investigate the causes of mental health problems and to training professionals.

Which organ matabolizes drugs and alcohol?

The liver

Dysthymic Disorder

The main symptom of dysthymia is a low, dark, or sad mood on most days for at least 2 years. In children and adolescents, the mood can be irritable instead of depressed and may last for at least 1 year. In addition, two or more of the following symptoms will be present almost all of the time that the person has dysthymia: Feelings of hopelessness Too little or too much sleep Low energy or fatigue Low self-esteem Poor appetite or overeating Poor concentration

Peripheral Nervous System: (PNS)

The somatic and automatic nervous system

Nathan Ackerman

The theory of psychodynamic family counseling, was concerned with the internal feelings and thoughts of each individual as well as the dynamics between then. Prior to Ackerman, it was considered inappropriate to include family members in analytic treatment sessions. cure dysfunction (1950s)

authoritarian leader

Theory X - leader is the expert, tends to be rigid & conventional in their beliefs, controlling structure: wheel b/c leader centered group emphasis on personality of one giving that person much power & trust (leader-centered) good during crisis or chaos

democratic leader

Theory Y - trust members to develop their own potential & others cooperate, collaborate, & share power w/ members self-awareness & develop the guru within (Rogers) good for openness & establishing trust

What is the term used to describe the desired affect of a drug or the reason it is used?

Therapeutic Effect

GOAL of Abnormal Psychology

To describe, predict and explain behavior.


Training group, often used in business to address relationships between employees


Trigant Burrow (leader) studied how social forces affect behavior, stressing biological & interactive principles of group behavior (phylo) (1930s) beginning of psychoanalytic group therapy


Used groups with children, started American Group Psychotherapy Association in 1942

Johari Window

Used to explain self-disclosure - there are 4 quadrants of information depending on whether it's known/unknown to self and known/unknown to others


Volunteers and Self-Help groups. Not thoroughly trained in the profession


What group therapy tool includes stars, clusters, and isolates?


What is best number of members for an adult group?


What is the best number of members for a kids group (ages 3-9)?


What is the best number of members for a teen group?


What is the most important trait in a group?


What kind of group allows no new members once the group begins?


What kind of group has no planned content and is more for personal growth and support?


What kind of group is restricted to people with a demonstrated need in a themed area, such as parenting skills, addiction group for teens?


What kind of group leader takes control of the group and sets the agenda and rules?


When a member talks about another member outside of group

What is determined by the efficacy and affinity of a drug?

Whether or not the drug will have an effect on the user.


Which kind of group leader assumes little leadership and lacks structure or directiveness?


Which kind of group leader facilitates interaction and guides members to make decisions?


Which quadrant of the Johari Window includes information known to others and self such as gender or what you're wearing?


Which quadrant of the Johari Window includes information known to others but unknown to yourself such as facial expressions?


Which quadrant of the Johari Window includes information unknown to others but known to yourself such as fear of failure, inadequacy?


Which quadrant of the Johari Window includes information unknown to others or self such as family of origin issues?

family preservation

a commitment to provide the resources and supports that can hold together or reunite a family unit, especially to provide stability to the children.

empathy fatigue

a form of stress. themes of loss, grief, traumatic stress. happens when stories mirror their own.

health maintenance organization (HMO)

a healthcare institution or an association of doctors that contracts with its members to collect a fixed sum of money monthly or yearly in exchange for doctor visits, tests, medications, hospital care, and preventive services, as needed.

therapist decay

a long process that leads to burnout

Adjustment Disorder:

a maladaptive reaction to an identified stressor, characterized by impaired functioning or emotional distress that exceeds what would normally be expected.

task-focused case-work

a method of helping a person with a problem by focusing on the immediate priorities of the client and the small steps involved in realizing, or seeking to realize, the ultimate goal.

cooperative learning groups

a method of instruction that has students working together in groups, usually with the goal of completing a specific task. (1990s)


a person in a health plan organization who decides whether a prescribed medical service will be paid for, based on its set of criteria for care.

fee for service

a prearranged amount of money that will be paid to a health care provider each time he or she delivers a specific service to a plan member in accordance with the plan's criteria for that service.


a process of looking at all the potential influences on a client's problem

The intake interview generates

a social-vocational history


a state of physical, emotional, intellectual, & spiritual depletion. Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.

Therapeutic Persons

a willingness on the part of the counselor to practice what he/she preaches.

Contemporary Perspectives on Abnormal Behavior

a) Biological: Wilhelm Gresinger + Emil Kraeplin. Biological defects. Focus on treatment, not punishment. b) Psychological: Martin Charcot. Organic factors alone do not explain all abnormal behavior. (used hypnosis + influenced Freud). c) Freud reasoned that if hypnosis works, then abnormal origins must be psychological.....(outside conscious awareness). Developed the Psychodynamic model. (Personality)

The medical examination provides information

a) clarifying the consumer's general health at present; (b) describing of the extent, stability, and prognosis of the present disability as well as any recommended treatment; (c) assessing present and future implications of the disability and its potential affects on performance of essential job functions; and (d) reporting the presence of any residual medical conditions that could impact the individual during the rehabilitation process

outcome of working stages

achieved goals, combined group vision, learning & sharing of ideas & info among members. humor is helpful in the working stages

facilitative/building role

adds to the functioning of the group in a positive way. initiators in the group

transition period

after the forming & before the norming stage (2nd or 3rd session)


all groups experience it; depends on how leader handle it makes a difference

types of co-leadership

alternated, shared, apprenticed

permanency planning

an attempt to create, in a timely fashion, a plan for a child that will return him or her safely to the family of origin or legally free the child to be adopted.

preparatory empathy

an attempt to put oneself in the shoes of another person, to feel or think of a problem from another perspective, even before encountering a client, to sensitize the worker.


an emotional/physical reaction from the group, one member cries other members cry, the communication of an attitude or emotional state among a number of people

referral statement

an initial verbal or written statement that explains the reasons a client is being sent to or has chosen a specific resource, person, or agency.

intake interview

an interview (form) that solicits relevant information before the delivery of a service begins.

referral file

an updated list of all available resources in a human service area, with notations about the special characteristics or qualifications of each.


angry or frustrated & don't wan to participate, act as barriers. fix: drawing out and/or confront & interpret in a reflective manner

corrective emotional experience

another benefit of the working stage. member takes risk to express strong emotion, group helps member recognize inappropriateness of certain feelings & behavior or avoidance of it.

Face validity:

appraisal of test's content made on the "face" of the test by anyone.


are the chemical substances that transmit messages from one neuron to another

Holistic Care

assisting the whole person requires the Human Service worker to obtain detailed information including; Case history Current level of functioning/ skills/ knowledge Finances Physical Health Education Capability Environment/support system/ family Mental/Emotional health Beliefs/Values

John Bowlby

attachment & bonding

3 basic styles of group leadership (Lewin)

authoritarian, democratic, & laissez-faire

primary tension

awkwardness about being in a strange group

influential power

based on persuasion or manipulation to influence

group leader skills - promoting positive interchange

be enthusiastic drawing out holding the focus on interesting topics shifting the focus when irrelevant/uninteresting cutting off hostile

blocking role

behavior that inhibits either team performance or that of individual members; anti group/outsider


behavior that moves the group away from conflict, discomfort, conflict, or potential growth. leader should not react with resistance & defensiveness

aspects of norming

behaviors & feelings indicate the group is moving toward one another SYMLOG

Donald Super

career - developmental approach (life stage structure, developmental tasks, career patterns, career rainbow)

A.A. Brill

career - ego defense mechanisms (sublimation)

consensual validation

checking one's behavior with others; done by questioning, confronting, & affirming individually or with a group

role collision

conflict between the role and individual plays in the ouside world and the one experienced with the group ex. an active participant

conflict management

conflict can be positive, needs to be direct towards a constructive dialogue. helps overcome resistance, release tension, strengthen relationships

Virginia Satir

conjoint family therapy

integrating conflict

consensus is the idea; get all members to reexamine a situation & identify points of agreement. (ex. mediation -3rd party hears conflict & render decision) increase group commitment disadv: very timely to implement & resistance of members set aside own goals for the group


consider the social, environmental situation. Housing, income, employment......

Michael White

constructivist therapy

7 types of group processes

contagion, conflict , anxiety, consensual validation, universality, family reenactment, instillation of hope

Acetylchloline (ACh)

controls muscle contractions and formation of memories. There are reduced levels of ACh found in patients with Alzheimer Disease.

Mandatory ethics

counselors act within minimal standards acknowledging the basic "must" and "must nots"

objective data

data based on unbiased facts, not affected by personal feelings or prejudice.

Advance directives

decisions a person makes about the end-of-life care

As the GAF score increases, the severity of symptoms..........?


TRAC model

delineates group process & management and types of specialty groups nature of management (x-axis): facilitation to leadership nature of group process (y-axis): task achievement to process enhancement


designed to get potentially productive feedback from a group member. member gave negative feedback to the member; leader tries to persuade member to restate feedback constructively

drawing off

directly invites members to comment or give input; used to encourage participation or go deeper "What your thoughts about that"


dominates the conversation of the group, not allowing others to participate fix: cutting off

suppressing conflict

down play conflict when issues are minor & unimportant and relationship is more important. disadv: doesn't resolve issue & feeling may erupt later leader may be seen as weak or insensitive

advantages of co-leadership

ease of handling difficult situations use of modeling feedback from different perspective helps avoid burnout shared specialized knowledge pragmatics: ability to cover for one another

psychoeducation groups

education is treatment & perceptions may change these groups provide education and skill building for growth and prevention, management, and remediation of problems. structured by central theme/particular population used in schools & community and by social services, mental health agencies, and universities,

Social Control Theory

emphasizes the degree to which "strong bonds with family, school, work, religion, and other aspects of traditional society motivate individuals to engage in responsible behaviors and refrain from substance abuse.


encourages band-aiders & advice-givers, present themselves as helpless & incapable but will not receive feedback

screening of group members

essential to screen to determine if the group is right for the individual at the particular time. prescreening for group: identify needs, expectations, & commitment challenge myths & misconceptions convey information

The Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) is used to......?

evaluate and individual's overall psychological, social and occupational functioning.

Content validity:

evaluation by subject matter experts of test items representativeness of the construct being measured.

Gazda stages (4)

exploratory, transition, action, termination

Vocational assessment involves

exploring a person's strengths, weaknesses, and preferences and discovering how the individual's potential for vocational adjustment can be enhanced.

group leader skills different from individual

facilitating: open up communication protecting: protect member for attack of other members blocking: stop counterproductive behavior

Eric Berne

father of Transactional Analysis (TA) - who put Freud in everyday lingo with Parent ego [Superego], filled with shoulds, oughts, and musts to guide morality. (1960s)

group leader training

focus on intentional modeling identifying critical incidents for members examining event & member reaction deriving meaning & self-understanding from events applying new understanding towards personal change

counseling groups

focus on interpersonal process and problem-solving strategies that stress conscious thoughts, feelings, and behavior. remedial, mild, & situational problems outcome: growth & development, self-awareness leader emphasizes "here & now" and encourages growth, helps set goals & create plan to obtain

Wilfred Bion

focused on group cohesiveness and group dynamics that promoted the progression of a group. broke away from Freud such as family is basic group characterized emotional patterns as work group "W" or basic assumption "BA" anti-work group (1940s)

working stages

focuses on achievement of goals (individual & group) productivity and movement into unified & productive system 40-60% group time willing to try new behaviors & strategies

task facilitation group

focuses on training & consciousness raising help members develop skills to interact effectively w/ others in task-oriented interpersonal settings leader techniques to increase self-awareness as it relates to sensitivity to others improve functioning tasks center around problem-solving & decision making

quiet storming

form of avoidance of conflict, may get stuck if conflict is avoid or dwelled on. then conflict become destructive.

Corey stages (9)

formation, orientation/exploration, transition, working, consolidation/termination, follow-up/evaluation

Gladding stages (9)

forming/orientation, transition (storming/norming), performing/working, mourning/termination

Risk Factors for Childhood Disorders

genetic susceptibility environmental stressors inconsistent/harsh discipline neglect physical/sexual abuse verbal abuse Boys are at a greater risk for developing many childhood disorders, ranging from autism to hyperactivity to elimination disorders and difficulty forming peer relationships/attachments.

Fritz Perls


use of compromise to resolve conflict

giving up a little to avoid conflict. win-win in cooperative behavior & collaborative efforts. good when resources are limited & members are flexible (ex. negotiation) disadv: individuals may inflate wants for larger gain & final outcome may ineffective or less desirable

task processing in norming

goals for members to reach agreement on norms from which the group will operate, also commitment

leaderless group

group for mutual support, usually end creating some leadership style that is comfortable to the group

3 primary contact groups

group guidance: preventive & growth engendering group counseling: preventive, growth, & remedial group psychotherapy: remedial Gazda states group move on continuum

marathon group

help individuals to become more honest, real, genuine w/self George Bach & Fred Stoller (1960s)

Social Care

helping those unable to meet social needs.

holding focus

helps members focus on specific topic or person for a length of time. "Let's conclude our focus on risk-taking before we move on"

heterogeneous vs. homogeneous group

hetero: best for intensive group therapy with focus on personality change homo: best for support & have focused; task groups

relationship in norming

identification here & now experiences: best to help group make progress to deal w/ immediate feelings & interactions hope, cooperation, collaboration, cohesion

William Schutz

illustrated through group work those individuals can take care of their interpersonal needs for inclusion, control, and affection through groups and stressed the use of nonverbal communication such as touching or hugging in groups. (1960s)

use of power to resolve conflict

imposition of one will over another. power is based on status or personality. position power (immature relationships) personal power (mature relationship) individual uses ability to persuade. good to solve problems quickly (limited time) and save relationships & alleviate resentment & revenge

Konraz Lorenz


Impulse Control Disorders: Coded on Axis I

includes..... Pathalogical gambling Kleptomania Intermittend Explosive d/o Pyromania Trichotillomania >>>Schizophrenia is also coded on Axis I because it does have an organic is NOT a personality disorder.

ideal candidate for group

individual who has a specific goal, who has lessen the fears of a group, who are comfortable with their role & surroundings, must be willing to contribute, mature (immature, self-centered, hostile, closed individual are not ideal for group)

culturally encapsuated

individuals who hold cultural stereotypes & hold to them and act based on those

authoritative power

influence based on position

group content

information within and purpose of the group


insight, meaning, & synergy occur with it. leaders should be skilled in divergent in ways of thinking & behaving.

advice giving

instructing other member on what to do in order to avoid dealing with own issues

Psychological assessments yield information regarding consumer's

intelligence, aptitudes, achievement, personality, interests, and adjustment related to vocational functioning.


intervention used to connect one member to one or more other members. connecting persons with one another by pointing out to them what they share in common.

Assessment procedures can include

interviews, standardized tests, inventories, observations, job tryouts, simulated tasks, and medical examinations.

secondary tension

intragroup conflict

Self Sufficiency

is a goal of the human service worker. 1. Provide enough care and support to lead the client to be financially independent. 2. Client empowerment. 3. Permit the client to assume responsibility for themselves. 4. Encourage the client to believe in themself. Hopelessness = Helplessness! Negative believes about the self is difficult to overcome.


is a measure of consistency (Is the test consistent, dependable, and precise?).


is the junction between one neuron and another through which, nerve impulses pass.

The focus of assessment in rehabilitation

is to gather relevant data to assist in making useful recommendations for service planning

opening a group

known as the critical incident in the life of the group general lead, opening statement with purpose, intro exercise...Q&A

Gregory Bateson

known for seeing families in similar ways to machines

limitations of co-leadership

lack of coordinated efforts too leader focused competition between leaders collusion: co-leader form alliance w/ group member to address disliked qualities of the other leader

withdrawal from conflict

leader distance from conflict & postpones interventions. good for further observation to collect data w/o becoming overly involved. help to avoid taking sides disadv: conflict may escalate & ineffective in dealing with crisis

laissez-faire leader

leader does not provide structure or direction for group. group-centered focusing on members & interpersonal processes. slow to establish agenda & set goals used to decrease intimidation, increase like ability usually leads to no accomplishment


leader gives members task like observing or maybe leading - to share responsibility.


leader identifies certain behaviors & categorizes it. based on leader observation (for example, observation of group blaming instead of productive). leader looks for ways to overcome these behaviors

Theory Z leader

leader that encourage members to participate & trust members to meet individual and collective goals thru interaction

Viktor Frankl



make honest promises and not deceive or exploit clients

users of sarcasm

mask of feelings with smart language; help member express anger more directly & get feedback from other members

Role confusion/ambiguity

member does not know what role to perform; this usually happens in a leaderless group

Role transition

member expected to move from one role to another as the group progresses and individual doesn't feel comfortable doing so

reality testing

member has to make a major decision. other members give input to the member

Role incompatibility

member is given a role within the group that s/he does not want or is comfortable with


members begin to compete with others to find their place in the group, involves struggles over power & control, can be overt (e.g., arguing) and covert (e.g., withdrawal), Associated with a lot of fears

Gerald Caplan

mental health consultation model


mental process involved in learning and memory. Irregularities of norepinephrine are linked with mood disorders such as depression.


misuse of support; overly supportive of others to avoid fully expressing own emotional pain

assisting in working stage

modeling by leader, exercises group observing group: fishbowl procedure brainstorming, nominal-group technique (NGT): comes with individual ideas then create system to choose collective idea synectics: excursion - members take a break to engage in fantasy, present ideal situation to group group processing, teach skills

attack on the leader

most direct form of resistance, contribute to subgrouping, could be justified. leader should address immediately & determine underlying variables in a non defensive, open manner

Arnold Lazarus

multimodal therapy


orienting group members on what to expect of the group before it ever meet

subjective data

personal opinions about the client's attitude, situation, and behavior that may or may not be objectively true.

working thru storming

process observer leveling: draw out silent members & bring understanding to overly active members talk thru as a group feedback (informal - verbal or formal - rounds, logs)


project the group's issues on to one person

group exercises

promote a positive atmosphere, used as a catalyst to activate groups, encourage members to take risk, provide learning to move group, help or shift focus, increase risk taking, increase comfortability timing & instruction are everything

beginning a group - structure

promotes group cooperation, decreases anxiety, inclusion, but restrict responsibility & freedom question is what degree of structure members look to lead for structure & answers

Erik Erikson

psychosocial stages of development

Scales of Measurement

quantifiable data or numbers.

problem in the working stages

racial & gender issues: conflict result of this group collusion: self-preservation (ex. agrees with the boss to keep from being fired. fix: devil's advocate procedure

Ego Dystonic

refers to behaviors or feelings that are perceived to be alien to ones self identity

Ego Syntonic

refers to behaviors or feelings that are perceived to be natural parts of the self. (I'm just bad).

primary activities of termination

reflect on their past experiences evaluate what has been learned process memories, acknowledge ambivalent feelings engage in cognitive decision making (Wagenheim & Gemmill, 1994) practice how you want to say "good-bye" you get to have a choice about how you want to say "goodbye"

task processing in storming

regresses during storming, more focus on personal matters


regulation of mood states and sleep. Irregularities are implicated in depression and eating disorders.


regulation of muscle contractions and mental processes involving learning, memory and emotions. Overutilization of dopamine in the brain may be involved in the development of Scizophrenia.

maintenance role

relationship building group behavior. Supportive, and constructive interpersonal relationships, helps balance

Acute is used to describe symptoms that are.....?

relatively short in duration, usually under six months.


restoring someone to a former level of functioning

task processing in working stages

rounds: equal input to express ideas & concerns role-playing: focus on behaviors & consequences ***trust & care vital in role-playing homework: practice outside group setting incorporation: personal awareness & appreciation for the group & accomplishment


rules or expectations of the group; may be unclear, confusing, ambiguous, restrictive. based on input of everyone

Trotzer stages (5)

security, acceptance, responsibility, work, closing

signs of working stage

sense of trust & cohesion, work in the present, take risks self-disclosing, deal with conflict, open & honest communication & feedback w/o fear, accept responsibility for their role

Childhood Anxiety and Depression

separation anxiety childhood depression (girls are twice as likely as boys) suicide in children and adolescents - 3rd most common cause of death in 15 - 24 year olds.

silent members

sign of hostility or shyness, nonassertive reflecting or delay in assessing feelings. fix: drawing out, & acceptance by group

focus groups

small groups of people (representative sample) brought together to talk about issues or candidates. (1990s) Too small to provide estimates of public opinion, but they are useful for testing the appeal of ads, terms, slogans, ect.

Steve DeShazer

solution-focused therapy

personal growth group

sometimes referred to as support groups, aim to help members cope with particular difficulties. developmental issues that arise in transitions less focused on personality of individuals short-term and intensive for personal growth leader technique increase open communication, increase emotional experience and self-awareness

beginning a group - involvement

structured exercises are creative way to do it. discussing info & specific concerns to the group helps

Jack Gibb

studied competitive & cooperative behaviors as contagious in groups; behavior in 1 sparks behavior in others (1960s)


study of group relationships


study of right and wrong


substances secreted by endocrine glands that regulate bodily functions and promote growth and development.


subtle ways or not so use of feelings & behaviors members use to get what they want. angry & unresolved issues of control fix: reframing destructive acts in positive way

promoting norming

supporting, empathizing, facilitating, self-disclosure results of norming: members feel connected & ready to move on to be productive, have guidelines to operate, feel about themselves & the group

linkage technology

the acts involved in referring a client to another agency, worker, or resource.


the client shows evidence of ignoring or not following th clinician by being inattentive, not answering, or sidetracking.


the client starts contesting the accuracy, expertise, or integrity of the clinician.


the client uses blame, excuses, or pessimism to express unwillingness to recognize problems, cooperate, or accept responsibility.

If a condition had an "insidious onset", this means that....?

the condition came on slowly.

Validity can be understood as

the extent to which meaningful and appropriate inferences can be made from the instrument (Does the test measure what it says it measures?).

Irvin Yalom

the first specialists in group work to delineate positive primary group variables based on research he conducted with others on therapy groups. positive variables = 11 curative factors

group dynamics

the forces operating in groups that affect the way members relate to and work with one another. the process through which inputs are translated into outputs, influences individual behavior. Lewin thought that many factors contribute to it


the predominant affect during manic episodes


the process by which members connect with one another psychologically and physically - icebreakers

Endocrine System

the system of ductless glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.

group interaction

the way members relate to one another •consists of nonverbal and verbal behaviors and the attitudes that go with them. •The meaning of nonverbal behaviors cannot be assumed • on a continuum, from extremely nondirective to highly directive track who speaks to whom & how often member speaks, observe silence

informational power

those who know more or "have information" have power

group leader roles

traffic director: make members aware of behaviors that promote or inhibit communication modeler of appropriate behavior: interactional catalyst: promote interaction w/o saying it (ex. may look at member when needs to respond) communicator facilitator: leader reflect feelings & content

Eric Berne

transactional analysis

John Bell

treated family as strangers in group therapy open discussion to solve family problem


two or more members develop a group within a group


use of sophisticated words & thoughts to avoid dealing with personal feelings

cutting off

used to stop members from continuing to ramble & help focus "you seem to be repeating yourself, see if you can make a sentence & let's hear from someone else." making sure that new material is not introduced into the group too late in the session for the group to deal with it adequately


using questions to disguise statements "safety net" leader can ask members to make "I" statements and phrase questions as a statement

types of group exercises

verbal interpersonal activities - introducing oneself to the group and answering questions non-verbal interpersonal - "changing seats"—asking select members or an entire group to change seats Intrapersonal activities: an exercise is done alone at first and then shared and explored with others at a later time verbal intrapersonal - draw a picture & share non-verbal intrapersonal - body relaxation techniques

conflict resolution

views conflict as negative & destructive; focus is to end it

Virginia Satir

was often empathic with the family. She identified five styles of relating with a family. To explore relationships within the family, she used techniques such as family sculpting and taking a family life chronology. (1950s)

beginning a group - group cohesion

we-ness, expressive arts best to help; doesn't fully manifest until norming. universality helps also.

total quality group

work groups in Japan to address quality issues (1950s)

A standard score based on the normal distribution curve with a mean equal to 0 and a standard deviation equal to 1 (M = 0, SD = 1) is a:


member's role

• "a dynamic structure within an individual (based on needs, cognitions, and values), which usually comes to life under the influence of social stimuli or defined positions" (Munich & Astrachan, 1983, p. 20). manifestation based on that individual's expectation of self and others and the interaction one has in particular groups and situations roles do not define overall identity of individual; though, they influence how they act

system terms

• Differentiating: taking care of their needs by themselves • Integrating: doing things with others members constantly deciding to between the two. leader helps members balance between them.

ways to learn group dynamics

• Videotaping • Journaling • Outdoor experiences • Simulation games for team building • Sociometrics • Learning integration

content questions

• What do we have to do? • What do we need to do to accomplish our goals? *warm-up

process questions

• Who am I? • Who am I with you? *warm-up • Who are we together? *action

factors in preplanning a group

• clarifying of purpose: what is the group to accomplish • group setting: an environment that's quiet, comfortable •time & size: how long & how many •membership: heterogeneous or homogeneous •goals: expected or planned outcomes •commitment: voluntary or mandatory •openness: consideration of new ideas & actions •risk taking: willingness to engage new thoughts & behaviors •attitudes: how members & leaders perceive tasks & others

group structure

• refers to both the physical setup of a group as well as the interaction of each group member in relation to the group as a whole physical structure should be practical (circle, chain, wheel, Y, theatre style)

Yalom's negative group variables

•avoiding conflict: silencing those who disagree w/group •abdicating group responsibilities: takes no responsibility & place all on leader •psychic numbing: anesthetizing to contradictions within the group •becoming narcissistic: encouraging cohesiveness w/ hatred

Hastened death

Speeding up the death process by withholding or withdrawing treatment or life support

Rollo May


Murray Bowen

family systems therapy

John B. Watson

father of behaviorism

Frank Parsons

father of guidance

Virtue ethics

focuses on character traits of the counselor and non obligatory ideals which the professional aspires. Am I doing what is best for my client?

Transcultural Intergrative Model for making decisions

focuses on the need to include cultural factors

Social Constructive Model for making decisions

focuses on the social aspects. Interactive. Involves negotiating, consensualizing, and arbitrating.

George Gazda

formed ASGW Assoc. for Specialists in Group Work (division of ACA) (1970s) group leadership influences members/aggressive leaders= group casualitiesdevelpmtal group counseling to teach basic life skills (1980s)


freedom of clients to be self-governing within their social and cultural framework.

Alfred Adler

individual psychology


infractions whether minor or major.

Harry Stack Sullivan

interpersonal theory

Feminist Model for making ethical decisions

involves maximum involvement of clients in stage. Power should be equalized in the therapeutic relationship

B.F. Skinner

operant conditioning


Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) formed group guidance & educational publications increased "guidance hour" in schools to establish friendly relationships, discover needs & abilities, & develop right attitude toward home, school, & community group work recognized as a specialty

Jacob Moreno

WWII produced shortage of counselors in US hence term 'group therapy' & 'group psychotherapy' (1931), father of psychodrama (1920s), found that individuals involved in theatric productions w/o scripts (role-play) had cathartic reaction (curative): "act out feelings" founder, American Society of Group Psychotherapy & Psychodrama (ASGPP) (1940s)


beliefs and attitudes that provide directions for everyday living


beliefs we hold about what constitutes right conduct. Moral principles adopted by groups & indiv to provide rules for right conduct.


is ongoing, preventative activity for mental health workers

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