Humanities Midterm

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A limestone statue (Neolithic) depicting a female form considered either a fertility symbol or an example of feminine beauty of the time.

Venus of willendorf

What does the term Homo sapiens mean?

Wise man or one who knows.

Structure found in Mesopotamia that is a pyramidal temple with outside staircases and a shrine at the top


Which of the following is described as the "King of the gods"?


Which of the following best defines myth?

a story that a culture assumes is true

What best defines the epic element an epithet?

a word or phrase that characterizes a person

Which of the following is the Greek term for "top of the city"?


Which of the following terms translates as the sin of pride?


Which of the following is the Greek term for an open meeting place?


Which of the following terms refers to the portion of an ancient Greek city-state that served as public meeting place, marketplace, and civic center?


Culture that came after the Sumerians, adopted their cuneiform style of writing. Their great king was named Sargon.


What is shamanism?

all of these

Cave located in Spain that was the first cave discovered with prehistoric art. The earliest art was created approximately 36,000 BCE.


A belief that the forces of nature are inhabited by living spirits


The practice of personifying nature: investing plants, animals, and natural phenomenon with human form


Study of human prehistory and history by the excavation of sites and analysis of artifacts and other remains. The word originated with the Greek arkhaiologia meaning the study of ancient things.


The term was coined by Carl Jung and describes a primal pattern emanating from the collective unconscious that is universally important to people in all times and places. Crossing of water is one example from one world to another.


Which of the following Greek terms can be translated as "virtue," and can be interpreted as "reaching one's highest potential"?


The term philosophy literally means

art of wondering

What is likely to be the purpose of Stonehenge?

astronomical chart

Which of the following creatures did the inhabitants of Crete associate with male virility and strength


Paintings found in a cave in France, the oldest known, but are the most advanced in their realism.


Having a social, economic, and political structure with the ability to express itself through images and written language


The major achievement of Greek civilization was what?

creation of the very fabric of Western Civilization

Probably the best know type of megalithic structure constructed as a circle. Stonehenge is an example.


Which of the following terms refers to the category of megalithic structure that includes Stonehenge?


This concept means the values and behaviors shared by a group of people, developed over time, and passed down from one generation to the next.


At the time of the decisive battle of Marathon in 490 BCE, who ruled the Persians?


Which of the following translates the Greek "rule of the people"?


In which of the following regions did an agricultural society LAST develop?


Words or phrases that characterize a person. For example, "Enkidu, the protector of herdsmen," or "Enkidu the son of the mountains."


The time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of equal length (about September 22 and March 20).


Where was evidence of the earliest hominids found


Which of the following is the Greek term for "the good or flourishing life"?


Ancient Greece was a single country consisting of an organized democratic government created by Pericles


BCE is a dating system that means "Before Christ Existed."


Eridu and Uruk were the first urban civilizations with Eridu laying claim to being the first true city.


Hominids are contained in the classification of species grouping of foragers that walk on four legs.


Polytheism is the belief in one, all powerful God who changes over time and manifests in different forms


The Goddess of Victory was known as Pallas Athena


The Greeks invented three types of theater: the Drama, Comedy, and the Saturn play.


The Parthenon was named for Aphrodite.


The Parthenon was not built during the Golden Age of Pericles between 447-432 BCE


The Romans invented the governing concept of democracy


The Seven Sages of Greece were a group of post-Socratic philosophers


The purpose of Egyptian art was primarily aesthetic.


A female figure such as the one found in Catalhoyuk, Turkey, that is believed to symbolize reproduction.

fertility or mother goddess

Any object used in fertility rites to symbolize regeneration. The Venus of Willendorf is an example.

fertility symbol

What was one of the primary sources used in manufacturing stone implements during the Stone Age?

flaked flint

Babylonian king who established one of the first legal codes in the ancient world.


Who is considered responsible for having introduced the principle of talion to Mesopotamian culture?


If the deceased person's heart did not balance with the ostrich feather in the ancient Egyptian "last judgment," the dead person was condemned to nonexistence and to be eaten by Ammit. Which of the following animals is NOT part of this vile "Eater of the Dead"?


The people forced out of their homeland in the Mesopotamian basin about 2000 BCE. They composed the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.


Giant stone at Stonehenge lying about 250 feet to the northeast from the center of the stone circle. The stone marks sunrise at the summer solstice.

heel stone

A form of writing invented by the ancient Egyptians and the term means "writing of the gods.


Who is the author of an extensive Histories and is recognized as the first writer in the Western tradition who devoted himself to historical w


Any member of erect bipedal primate mammals that includes humans, extinct ancestral forms, and in some recent classifications the great apes.


Stone artifacts that indicate the earliest evidence of a culture coming into being about 100,000-120,000 years ago. The term means "one who knows."


Painting in the Chauvet cave in France that contains the world's oldest representational art, and the art is the most realistic. Discovered in 199

horses panel

Term for early Neolithic humans who depended for survival on animals they could kill and plant foods they could find.

hunter gatherers

How does culture manifest itself?

in the laws, customs, ritual behavior, and artistic productions of a group

In ancient Greek architecture, which of the following orders featured scrolled capitals?


Which of the following is not among the Greek pantheon?


Which of the following Greek terms can be translated as "circle"


Which of the following Greek terms can be translated as "double ax"? Question options:


Cave in France discovered in 1940 that contains cave art dated to 15,000 BCE.


An early legal system composed by a Babylonian king

law code of hammurabi

A type of stone architecture appearing late in the Neolithic period, especially in Britain and France. The name means "big stones"


Which of the following terms refers to one of the "big stones" used in the construction of a site such as Stonehenge?


Upright posts made of stones stuck into the ground, a characteristic of constructing megaliths


Middle part of the Stone Age that occurred between the Paleolithic and Neolithic


The region in the world that is today called the Middle East. The Sumerian culture, containing the world's oldest cities, began in this area.


Small stone tool normally made of flint or chert used by humans from about 35,000 to 3,000 years ago. Primarily used in spear and hollow points and as cutting tools.


Who is the legendary ruler of Crete's ancient capital, Knosso


Neolithic cave painting technique that used shading to produce volume and three dimensions on a two dimensional surface


Belief in one all-powerful god. The Hebrew people were the first to hold this belief.


Who among the following is recognized as the original human author of the Hebrew Torah?


A story, though not literal, containing an underlying "truth" that is important to people in all times and places. Normally, the story attempts to explain something such as a phenomenon of nature, creation, and so forth.


A class or category of story with a universal theme.

narrative genre

Cave paintings found at Chauvet that are examples of the artist's conscious quest to represent the actual appearance of the animals.


Period from the last ice age called the New Stone Age that began about 10,000 BCE and ending sometime between 4500 and 2000 BCE.


Beginning about 10,000 BCE in the Fertile Crescent and marked the beginning of the transition from hunter-gatherers to agricultural settlements and early civilization.

neolithic revolution

What does Neolithic mean?

new stone age

A form of human communication where art, ideas, cultural material and knowledge are preserved and transmitted orally from one generation to the next.

oral cultures

Much of the understanding of prehistoric cultures comes from stories that have survived in cultures around the world that developed without writing.

oral cultures

Which of the following ancient structures was known as the "House of the Double Axes"?

palace of minos at knossos

"Old Stone Age" going back to about 2.6 million years BCE and ending when the last ice age was over at about 10,000 BCE.


Cave art in Chauvet Cave illustrating a pride of sixteen lions hunting bison.

panel of the lions

A doctrine that identifies God with the universe or the universe (nature) as a manifestation of God.


On the Athenian Acropolis, which of the following was considered the centerpiece?


The central building of the Greek Acropolis in ancient Athens was known as


Who is the wife of Odysseus?


Type of art technique used by the Neolithic cave artists to create a sense of three dimensional space on a two dimensional surface.

perspectivable drawing

The use of a pictorial symbol for a word or phrase. This technique is the earliest known form of writing dating to Mesopotamia and Egypt prior to 3000 BCE.


Which of the following is the Greek term for city-state?


Which of the following terms refers to a religion that includes many gods and goddesses often associated with natural forces and realms?


In architecture a building system where strong horizontal elements are supported by strong vertical elements with a large space between them. Stonehenge is an example.

post and lintel

Neolithic construction, like at Stonehenge, of posts grouped in pairs with each pair topped by a capstone.

post and lintel

In the ancient Greek theater, what term identifies the elevated platform on which the actors performed?


On the Athenian Acropolis, which of the following served as a monumental entryway to the complex


What color was the Willendorf Venus originally painted?

red ochre

A rite or ceremony habitually practiced by a group, often in religious contexts.


Which of the following leaders guided the Akkadians to conquer virtually all other cities in Mesopotamia and named himself "King of the Four Quarters of the World"?


An individual who can enter a trance state or in dreams travel to the spirit world and influence events.


Which of the following is the son of King David and is also the person who built the magnificent temple in Jerusalem?


Either of the two times in the year when the sun reaches its furthest point north and later its furthest point south of the equator, usually June 21 and December 22.


Which of the following was NOT among the accusations that Socrates faced when he was placed on trial?


Stone piece upon which are carved some of the earliest examples of a law code.

stele of hammurabi

Prehistoric period of human beings composed of the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic eras.

stone age

A prehistoric megalithic monument in England composed of a ring of standing stones that was built about 5000 years ago. One of the major interpretations of the site was that it was a giant astronomical observatory built to mark the summer solstice.


Method by which prehistoric humans first survived as hunter-gatherers, then later by agricultural cultivation of food crops.


Two of the oldest cities in the world are found in this Mesopotamian region, Ur and Uruk. What culture is this?


The point in the northern hemisphere when the sun reaches its highest point north. Summer begins then about June 21.

summer solstice

Primitive or magical ritual where objects or actions are used that symbolically represents the desired result in the world. Prayer is an example.

sympathetic magic

According to Aristotle's Poetics, who undergoes the catharsis (the cleansing, purification, or purgation of the soul)?

the audience

Which of the following armies captured Jerusalem, destroyed its temple, and deported many of the Hebrews?

the babylonians

Which of the following rivers is associated with ancient India?

the indus

Which feature on the Willendorf Venus was NOT carved, but instead a natural indentation in the stone?

the naval

What was a great technological invention in Mesopotamia about 3000 BCE?

the potters wheel

Which of the following rivers is associated with ancient Mesopotamia?

the tigris

Which of the following rivers is associated with ancient China?

the yellow

What are the paintings in Chauvet known especially for?

their naturalism

Which of the following terms refers to a state ruled by a god or by the god's representative?


Which of the following literary pieces was first to detail the Greek pantheon?


Before the objective Greek philosophers events such as natural phenomenon were explained as having supernatural causes created by the gods


In the Republic Plato explored the concept of the ideal state led by a Philosopher King.


Parmenides argued that the true nature of reality was Monism, that is everything being created from one primal substance


Plato wrote the only detailed account of Atlantis from the ancient world


Sumerian cosmology was geocentric.


The Sophists were paid teachers of philosophy


The dating term C.E. refers to the Common Era.


The major contributions of Pythagoras of Samos were mathematics, especially the Pythagorean Theorem


The term Cyclades is taken from the the ancient Greek word Kyklos and means circle


Any Upper Paleolithic statuettes portraying a woman. Generally believed to represent fertility symbols.

venus figurines

The point in the northern hemisphere when the sun reaches its lowest point south. Winter begins then about December 21.

winter solstice

What is the Seated Woman of Catal Hoyuk thought to symbolize?

A figure apparently giving birth that like the Venus of Willendorf the figure is thought to symbolize the Great Goddess as an object of worship.

What is the Invocation to the Muse?

A major characteristic of Epic poetry where the author calls on the muse for inspiration in narrating the tale

What is Platonic Objectivism?

A metaphysical concept where ideas exist independently from the individual and are based on mathematics

The term Stone Age was coined in the 19th century and means what?

A period in time where three different eras overlap in different parts of the world: Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic.

What is myth as defined in the study of mythology?

A story that offers some explanation of phenomena important to human beings such as storms or the origin of humanity.

What is meant by a Great Mother or Great Goddess?

A theory which advocates that for much of human history the feminine divine was as important or even more important than male divinity

What does the branch of philosophy known as metaphysics deal with?

Abstract knowledge such as the first principle of things such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time and space

During the action of the Iliad, who is considered the greatest warrior among the Greeks battling against the Trojans?


Which of the following is the central character in the Iliad, which focuses on his "rage"?


During the Neolithic, or New Stone Age, what major innovations were shaped and created that still exist today?

Agriculture, civilization, domestication of animals, and the creation of cities.

In regard to Stone Age drawings, what does naturalism mean?

An aesthetic where objects from the environment are drawn as realistically as possible.

What are the common dates for the Paleolithic Er

Approximately from the beginning of the Pleistocene Epoch (2.4 million BCE) to the start of the Neolithic Era.

Who specialized in writing comedies and is the playwright for Lysistrata?


During most of the Stone Age how did humans make their living?

As a hunter-gatherer or subsistence culture.

In which of the following nations was the Willendorf Venus discovered?


A permanent village in central Turkey that took shape sometime around 7400 BCE. Many Mother Goddess figures were found here

Chatal hoyuk

In what cave can be found some of the finest examples of prehistoric drawings and paintings that are thousands of years old?

Chauvet in france

Who is the chief craftsperson that assists the Minoan queen in her plan to attract the Minotaur?


What are the three major divisions of Greek history?

Dark Ages, Archaic Period, Classical Period

Which ancient Greek city-state was the home to the Sanctuary of Apollo?


Which of the following is described as "the God of wine and inspiration"?


What are megalithic structures?

Enormous stone structures built primarily in the Neolithic, often in circle like arrangement

Catal Hoyuk in south central Turkey is important for what cultural innovations?

Evolution from a hunter-gatherer society to the domestication of animals and the development of agriculture, innovations needed to create a civilization.

Site where excavation of giant T-shaped monoliths began in 1994. The discovery challenged the traditional Neolithic Revolution narrative as the earliest parts of the site have been dated to 10,000 BCE. Previously, the Neolithic Revolution narrative stated that megalithic sites were impossible to build until much later in history.

Gobekli tepe

In Aristotle's view choosing the middle ground between two extremes is known as what?

Golden mean

Why is Aristotle important for being an influence on the modern scientific method?

He believed that truth could be found in an objective examination of the natural world

Who is the Trojan prince and warrior that killed Patroclus and enraged Achilles during the action of the Iliad?


Who is considered the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey


How is Mesolithic art characterized?

In hunting scenes the hunters are often just stick-like figures, highly stylized, that look more like pictographs, a technique similar to Egyptian hieroglyphs

What are the Cyclades, and what was their importance in ancient Greek culture?

Islands in the Aegean composed of many different Greek city states

Which among the following is not a book of the Torah?


Who instituted the first Athenian democracy in 508 BCE?


Which of the following cave paintings depicts a human figure wearing a birds-head mask?

Lascaux, France

Among the pre-Socratics in the fifth century BCE, who conceived of an atomic theory in which everything is made up of small, indivisible particles and empty space?


What is the Socratic Method?

Method of teaching invented by Socrates where continual questioning is used in order to let an individual discover "truth"

John Anthony West made an argument that challenges the traditional date of when the Sphinx was built. What is this argument?

NOT Horizontal water erosion on the Sphinx and the bedrock from which it was carved provides strong evidence that the Sphinx is thousands of years older than previously thought.

What is the Egyptian trinity?

NOT Osiris the mother, Isis the father, and Horus the son

What ritual did the Egyptian Hall of Truth and Feather of Truth mean to a departed soul?

NOT Osiris weighed the heart of the departed on a set of scales against the Feather of Truth. If the heart was heavier than the feather the soul could pass on to immortality.

What does the word cuneiform describe?

NOT The term was invented in the 19th century and refers to a form of wedge-shaped symbols made in clay tablets.

Why were virtues important to the ancient Greeks?

NOT These were qualities emanating from the realm of perfect forms that would lead people to discover the good life

Which of the following is the name for a Greek vase with two handles?

NOT amphora

What was the main factor that enabled the ancient Egyptians to create a great civilization?

NOT invention of potter's wheel

Who is the playwright for the Oresteia trilogy that includes events after Agamemnon's return from the Trojan War?

NOT Euripides

In ancient Egypt what was the reason for building obelisks?

NOT all of these

Which of the following is NOT included among those illustrated in the metopes on the four sides of the Parthenon?

NOT amazons

Which of the following terms refers to the row of columns that stands on the raised platform of an ancient Greek temple?

NOT caryatids

What was the primary cause of villages transforming into cities, civilization, and finally the invention of writing?

NOT cultivation of grain

What does Paleolithic mean?

Old Stone Age

Following the decisive battle of Marathon in 490 BCE, who ran the 26 miles between Marathon and Athens to deliver word of the Greek victory to the anxious citizens of Athens?


Which of the following is NOT the location of a cave in which ancient paintings have been discovered?

Pitlochry, Scotland

Who is best remembered as the King of Troy during the action of the Iliad?


Who is responsible for one of the most famous of all Greek dictums: "Man is the measure of all things"?


What is rational discourse?

Reasoned counter argument to arrive at the truth of a phenomenon

What is the significance of the Summer and Winter solstices?

Seasonal markers that indicate the sun's highest ascent in the northern hemisphere and lowest ascent in the southern hemisphere.

A person, in native cultures, thought to have special ability to communicate with the spirit world, often through entering the dream realm.


Which of the following was the resident god at Ur?

Sin, the god of the moon

What are some possible interpretations for the function of Stonehenge?

Stonehenge was used as a burial site, a spiritual or religious site, an observatory, a giant astronomical calendar, and more recently as a healing place.

What are the two great epics of Greek literature and what story does each narrate?

The Iliad which narrates the wrath of Achilles and the Trojan War, and the Odyssey which comes after the end of the war and narrates the voyage of Odysseus in his attempt to sail home

What is pantheism?

The belief that nature and god are one and that everything in nature contains living spirit.

From a mythical perspective what are some possible interpretations of the caves found in Europe?

The caves could symbolize entry into the underworld or as a fertility womb symbol.

What are Plato's Forms?

The concept that the perfect form of anything exists not in the world but in ideas of the abstract

When and where did the Mesolithic Age occur?

The era occurred in Europe approximately from about 10,000 BCE to about 5000 BCE.

What are some possible interpretations of the Venus of Willendorf? Choose the best answer

The figurine could represent a fertility symbol or symbolize the Great Mother or Great Goddess that represented the Feminine Divine in the prehistoric world.

Among the following residents of Mesopotamia, which was the only monotheistic group?

The hebrews

In sculpture what is the significance of the Kritios Boy?

The piece represents the transition in Greek sculpture from the late archaic style to the Greek classical period

What is significant about the discovery of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey?

The site is an enormous megalithic complex that is over 12,000 years old. Traditional archaeological narratives state that a hunter-gather society could not have managed such a feat, and is a severe challenge to the traditional Neolithic Revolution narrative.

What is a possible interpretation of the meaning of the Venus of Willendorf?

The statuette could be a fertility symbol as the breasts, large abdomen and sexual organs are prominently displayed.

What is the common narrative for over a hundred years of the Neolithic Revolution?

The transition from a hunter-gatherer society to one of creating permanent settlements due to the discovery of agriculture.

Democritus is known for his concept of atomism. What is this concept

The ultimate nature of matter is composed of an indivisible substance known as the atom

What is the origin of the word archaeology?

The word comes from the Latin archaeologia which means the study of the ancient past.

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