hunanities: King Hezekiah of Judah

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Was king Manasseh a good king

No. Extremely evil

an Assyrian general laid siege for 3 summers against what Israel capital


Hezekiah fortified (fortressed) Jerusalem in the expectation of the Assyrian invasion of Israel T or F


How did the Assyrians break peoples' loyalty to their homelands after over taking them

The Assyrians would relocate their hostages to other lands.

The citiy Jersuelem did not fall as predicted by Isaiah. WHat kept the Assyraians from being able to take over Jerusalem

a plague hits the Assyrian camp and their army is decimated overnight.

What is called the Broad Wall

a wall that encloses the western side of the Temple Mount

Hezekiah concluded that Judah suffered hardhships because of what

abandonment of the lord

What kind of king was Sennacherib, the king of Assyria

blood thirsty

What did king Hezekiah do during his fortification of Jerusalem

encased the western side of the Temple Mount -enlarge the water supply system to the city

WHat cause King Hezekiah to lose a good relationship with God

his pride overpowered and drowned his love for the Lord.

WHat did King Hezekiah do to restore a good relationship with God

instituted a religious reforms stronger than any previous king.

Who built the Broad wall that encloses the western side of the Temple Mount

king Hezekiah because the western side of the TEmple Mount which was part

Who was king Hezekiah's son

king Manasseh

King Ahaz lost national sovereignty , and Judah's prosperity and the influence built up by previous kings which left Judah in what condition

left Judah a vassal of Assyria (Left Judah in subordination of Assyria)

wHat did king Ahaz surrender as a convenient solution to minor invasion

national sovereignty

WHen King Hezekiah took over the throne was it in good condition

no, his father King Ahaz through evil practices and poor leadership lost what previous generation had gained.

King Ahaz did what against God

pagan worship and closed the temple of the Lord

How did he over come his illness

prayed to God and God granted him another 15 years.

WHat was king Hezekiah lifelong ambition and achievement

regain national sovereignty

Who did king Hezekiah marry

the daughter of the prophet Isaiah

Were the people happy about what king Hezekiah had completed and join in the work enthusiastic.


Was King Hezekiah a successful king

yes. no small accomplishments

WHat preparations did KIng Hezekiah make to prepare for war with Assyrians

- had long aqueducts dug through solid rock to provide water to the city and plugged historic wells in the countryside to deprive the attacking armies of water. -well trained and obedient armies

how long did it take to restore temple by King Hezekiah

16 days

What cause God to go against Israel

18 out of 19 kings were judged by God as evil.

How long did King Hezekiah reign

29 years; difficult reign; 715-686 BC; The 14th king after King David

WHat happen to king Sennacherib, the king of Assyrians

After the army was killed by the plague he was soon killed by his children after returning to Assyria

The fall of Israel had great meaning to the people of Judah. WHy?

Although Israel and Judah fought, there was a common heritage and much good feeling between them

What did king Hezekiah knew had to be done in order for Judah to gain independence

Assyria would have to overtake Jerusalem.

After being rescued by God from egypt. The Passover was to be celebrated by the Israelites every year and king Hezekiah encouraged the people to do so. Who requested this to be done.


What threatened King Hezekiah recent independence for his nation

He became deathly ill

Who reopened the temple and restored it. Removed and destroyed the pagan artifacts and reinstated the priest that had been fired by King Ahaz.


Who is King Hezekiah's father

King Ahaz

Who was the most righteous king of Judah

King Hezekiah

It was during whose reign when northern kingdom was destroyed by the Assyrians

King Hezekiah's reign

The people of the fell Israel capital was taken to Assyria T. F


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