Hutchins Midterm

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Choose the sentence in which nearly is used most appropriately. A. We planned to return the video by eight o'clock, but we nearly forgot. B. We nearly planned to return the video by eight o'clock, but we forgot. C. We planned to nearly return the video by eight o'clock, but we forgot. D. We planned to return the video nearly by eight o'clock, but we forgot.


Choose the sentence in which the underlined word is correct. A.) Tom told Jenny and me that he was running away. B.) No one warned Tripp and I that the gate would be locked. C.) The last ones to leave the party were Teresa and her. D. Me and Sam entered the dance late.


Choose the sentence that is written correctly. A. The altos were featured in the choir's last song. B. Penalties will cause delayes in football games. C. Several of the childrens in Mrs. Dixon's class have chicken pox. D. Three major crisis struck the town in only one week.


Choose the sentence that is written correctly. A.) The Pickens hoped to have a picnic outside, but it was too hot. B.) The winner smiled proudly as he stepped forward to except his trophy. C.) The pitcher preformed good, but her team didn't score enough runs. D.) Ask Mona weather she can take her car to the beach this weekend.


Choose the sentence that is written in the active voice. A. After the cooking lesson, the chef will serve lunch. B. Plans are being revised by the steering committee. C. Millions were awed by the daredevil's stunt. D. Three hundred tickets to the charity concert were sold.


Choose the sentence that is written in the active voice. A. He was eating a picnic lunch in the park. B. The children were frightened by the severe thunderstorm. C. There were hundreds of valuable paintings lost in the museum fire. D. The letter is being sent via next-day email.


Choose the word to complete the sentence. A tiny brown bird built nest in our apple tree. A. its B. it's C. her D. their


3. Choose the correct word or words to complete the sentence. __________ has gone to New York for the holidays. A.) Thomas and his family B.) Caroline C.) They D.) Two of my friends


Choose the sentence in which the underlined portion is an error. A.) I will seek legal counsel before making a decision about a new business venture. B.) The movie was all together too long for a six-year-old to enjoy. C.) The book title is an allusion to a famous line form a Shakespearean play. D.) The plane was forced to land in the desert, but help came immediately.


Choose the sentence in which the underlined word is an error. A.) The captains of the debate team are Russell and he. B.) Lisa and them went to San Francisco on a business trip. C.) Gloria herself painted the scenery for the play. D.) Give Lucy and him twenty dollars for the movie.


Choose the sentence in which the underlined word(s) are written correctly. A.) The train's whistle had blown before it reaches the crossing. B.) After they had read the novel, the class took a test. C.) Ramon will drive from Atlanta when he got an interview. D.) After Cynthia jogged for two miles, she had developed leg cramps.


Choose the sentence in which too is used appropriately. A. We couldn't go because we were exhausted from the too hike into the mountains. B. We couldn't go because we were too exhausted from the hike into the mountains. C. We couldn't go too because we were exhausted from the hike into the mountains. D. We couldn't go because we were exhausted from the hike too into the mountains.


Choose the sentence that contains an error. A. Mrs. Reiss invited both of her daughters-in-law to accompany her. B. Despite many searchs, Maria could not find her lost jacket. C. Indexes are very helpful when searching for information. D. Three area high schools participated in the track meet.


Choose the sentence that has an error. A.) Dad says that if I lose another set of car keys, I'm grounded. B.) There's no way that your going to be ready in time. C.) The passionate speech had a spellbinding effect on the listeners. D.) The baby was not quite sure that she was ready to stand and walk alone.


Choose the sentence that is written correctly. A. The returning soldiers were hailed as heros. B. The leaves on our oak tree are beautiful in the fall. C. Both of Maria's brothers have been editor-in-chiefs. D. Gerald had three tooths extracted last Wednesday.


Choose the sentence that is written correctly. A. The mechanic found its wrench under the car. B. When the cat saw the stranger enter the room, it hid under a chair. C. All the men who volunteered should bring his own tools. D. Kendra and Selena left her books in the chemistry lab.


Choose the sentence that is written in the active voice. A. Unfortunately, chocolate candy is loaded with calories. B. Give the admission ticket to the gentleman by the door. C. Mother has been greatly surprised by my improved grades. D. Prescription drug warnings must be taken seriously by consumers.


Choose the sentence that is written in the passive voice. A. Levi was writing a letter to his pen pal. B. The video was apparently damaged during shipment. C. Hang your jacket in the hall closet. D. Hoping for bread crumbs, the ducks swam close to the tourists.


Read the definition. Then choose the sentence in which the underlined word has the meaning given in the definition. Definition: upright; erect A.) The large boat ran around on sand as soon as it entered the strait. B.) The veterans stood straight with their heads held high during the ceremony. C.) I'm going to vote for Gerald because I think his answers are straight. D.) Tristan promised to come straight home as soon as the party ended.


Read the paragraph. Find the sentence that has an incorrect shift in tense. A. On Tuesday, July 20, Harvey will go to Washington D.C. B. He will arrive at 6 p.m. and took a night tour of the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials. C. The following day, Harvey will visit Arlington Cemetery and the Smithsonian Museums. D. After returning home, he will write a report about his trip to our nation's capital.


5. Choose the sentence in which the underlined word is an error. A.) A robin's nest with eggs is in that pecan tree. B.) Both paintings and sculpture are displayed in the museum. C.) Fifty dollars have to be collected by Friday. D.) Several of the pro teams are relocating.


Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Are those my tickets? Yes, those are ____. A.) them B.) it C.) they D.) theirs


Choose the correct word(s) to complete the sentence. If I see this play, I ____ four of Webber's musicals. A.) seen B.) have saw C.) will have seen D.) will see


Choose the sentence in which the underlined word is correct. A. Mrs. Caylor is one boss who puts their employees' welfare first. B. The doe led her fawn through the thick brush. C. Each of the fathers encouraged his children to study. D. Five sea gulls spread its wings and soared over the gulf waters.


Choose the sentence in which their is used correctly. A.) Their were no seats left on the shuttle bus to the Braves game. B.) The twins are furious because their grounded for the weekend. C.) All applying freshman must have their transcripts sent to the admissions office. D.) Mrs. Bankston assured the ladies that she would be in their in time for the program.


Choose the sentence that contains an error. A. Miguel is legally blind without his glasses. B. Dr. Chandler's beliefs will ultimately shape her decision. C. Blue skys really brighten my mood. D. "NFL Prime Time" offers interesting analyses of the games.


Choose the sentence that contains an error. A. Neither Mary nor Lenora remembered to bring her photo identification. B. The big popular tree in our front yard drops its leaves in October. C. Every writer who entered the contest secretly thought that they would win. D. None of the sailors lost their lives when the ship sank.


Choose the sentence that contains an error. A. Rushing to the car, Mary dug in her purse for her keys. B. Sitting quietly by the aisle, the old man observed the other passengers. C. Sarah wore a new ring on her finger that she had received for her birthday. D. Studying for his upcoming entrance tests, Carl hoped to score well.


Choose the sentence that contains an error. A.) Jim treated himself to a sundae for making good grades. B.) Are those new gray tennis shoes his? C.) The mother cat hid it's kittens under the house. D.) We gave our graduation speaker a standing ovation.


Choose the sentence that contains an error. A.) The crew did the work quickly. B.) Has the movie already begun? C.) Jonathan thinked he knew the answer. D.) Did the Braves win the game last night?


Choose the sentence that is written correctly. A. If firemen had arrived a little sooner, they will have saved the flaming building. B. Jenny hit the softball soundly and races to first base. C. When the cyclist reaches Montreal, he will have traveled 400 miles. D. Carbohydrates compose a main class of foods and have included sugars and starches.


Choose the sentence that is written correctly. A. Worried about an coming storm, the rain came before the campers could return to camp. B. Mr. Smith presented a seminar on endangered animals with enthusiasm. C. Looking out the plane's window, we saw the Grand Canyon below. D. After celebrating for hours, Jennifer's birthday party was finally over.


Choose the sentence that is written in the passive voice. A. Martha may be thinking about her ailing aunt. B. Hundreds of fans waited by the dressing room door. C. The criminal was apprehended by the sheriff's department. D. Did you buy that new album at a local store?


Read the paragraph. Find the sentence that has an incorrect shift in tense. A. San Juan, Capistrano is located in California. B. The city is famous for the swallows that inhabit a mission there. C. Each year, around October 23, the swallows left the mission for the winter. D. Amazingly, the birds always return on March 19.


Read the paragraph. Find the sentence that has an incorrect shift in tense. A. Tomeka and I walked home together yesterday. B. To save time, we took the shortcut through Dogwood Park. C. Suddenly, a stray dog comes over the hill and starts chasing us! D. We ran the rest of the way to the safety of my house.


1. Choose the sentence that is written correctly. A.) Some of the widows in the old house was broken. B.) Laura don't live in Phoenix anymore C.) There was a map and a water bottle in the backpack. D.) Neither the grocery store nor the pharmacy give coupons.


2. Choose the sentence in which the underlined word is correct. A.) Spaghetti and meatballs are my favorite food. B.) After the parade and pep rally are a team meeting. C.) Haven't our treasurer already paid the bill? D.) Each of the photographs is autographed.


4. Choose the sentence that contains an error. A.) Here are the answers to the riddles. B.) Either the teachers or the principal makes the decision. C.) Doesn't Dennis have a key to the dressing room? D.) The candidate, as well as his supporters, are in the auditorium.


Choose the sentence in which the underlined word is an error. A. Jim and Matt stayed safely in their tents throughout the storm. B. One of the ladies volunteered her time to help the victims. C. Each of the newborn puppies opened its eyes after several days. D. Martha McDowell and Terece Gillis will bring his laptop computer to the meeting.


Choose the sentence in which the underlined word is an error. A. Surely a search party will come for us soon. B. The mechanic carefully replaced the broken belt with a new one. C. Her voice was so soft that we could barely hear her. D. If completely the rain stops, we can finish our tennis match.


Choose the sentence in which the underlined word is an error. A.) There were cookies and punch in the lobby. B.) Neither Theresa nor Raphael knows when the plane arrives. C.) Samantha and Maria like to walk early in the morning. D.) Several of the boys was late for the concert.


Choose the sentence that contains an error. A. Rachel stopped at the classroom door and looked for Mr. Mancini. B. When Susan tours Italy, she will go to the Vatican. C. Each week, Carrie drives to Montgomery and visits her elderly grandfather. D. When Terrance finishes dinner, he drove to a nearby mall.


Choose the sentence that is written correctly. A. ) The lake was froze, so we decided to skate. B.) Mrs. Patterson sung a solo at the concert. C.) I done all my chores Saturday morning. D.) We asked each member to pay two dollars.


Choose the sentence that is written correctly. A. Three department stores' carry the new designer jeans. B. "See Rock City" was painted on the rooves of several barns. C. Millions of salmons swam upstream to spawn. D. Historically, our presidents have used vetoes sparingly.


Choose the sentence that is written correctly. A.) Both Tim and me will have to save to buy the video game. B.) Are Felecia and her running for the same office? C.) Thomas read Carol and I the new poem. D.) The Banks and they are contributing money to help buy new field lights.


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